We ennoble the opening of the front door: finishing options. Doorway without a door: do-it-yourself doorway decoration, interesting options Ennoble the doorway of an interior door

Finishing the doorway is carried out with various materials, each of which has a number of features. In this case, it is important to take into account the presence or absence of a door leaf, which will affect the procedure for carrying out work and the method of installation. Due to the variety of finishing materials, you can choose those that harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Finishing doorways without doors is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Standard. In this case, the installation of various materials is performed without changing the design of the opening.
  2. Arched. Completely or partially change the configuration of the opening, and then make the cladding.

The easiest way to finish the passage of a rectangular shape. This is classic version suitable for any home design. Arches require the creation of broken or smoothly merging shapes. They are created mainly in spacious rooms.

As facing material choose the following:

  • plastic;
  • laminate;
  • wood;
  • stone;
  • plaster;
  • moldings;
  • tiles, etc.

plastic or laminate

The most popular is the decoration of the doorway plastic panels. This is due to the high strength of the material, the variety of shapes and colors of the product, the ability to imitate different textures, affordable product prices. Plastic is quite practical, since dust and dirt do not settle on its surface, and it is easy to wash the opening trimmed with plastic. Installation of panels is simple, and it can be done independently.

The laminate has high wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage. It is also protected from ultraviolet radiation, which prevents the material from fading if it is in the path of sunlight. The strength of the material allows you to attach various decorative elements to it, and the surface is easy to clean. The main condition is the selection of laminate to match the interior.

Installation of extensions

Dobors are boards made of MDF or wood of various widths. This indicator varies between 10-20 cm, which allows you to install the product in various doorways. Extras can be simple or adjustable. The first rests against the L-shaped cutout in the door frame, and the second is connected by entering the spike groove. Adjustable extensions allow you to fine-tune the protrusion after taking measurements. The connections make the installation process quick and speed up the foaming process.


Finishing doorways with tiles requires that the surface be as even as possible. Otherwise, the design will have an unattractive appearance. A wide range of products on the market allows you to choose the material for any design of the room, and ease of installation does not require the involvement of specialists for laying tiles.

The material goes well with stone and plaster, which allows it to be used in loft-style living spaces.


In the decoration of the interior passage, natural or artificial stone is increasingly used. It is a stylish decor and allows you to give the room an unusual look. The cost of the material is high, but the design gives respectability to the room. The stone has the following advantages:

  1. spectacular look;
  2. strength;
  3. ease of operation;
  4. compatibility with other materials.

In order not to overload the interior, a stone of medium or small size is used. The edges are specially made uneven.


If you plan to paint or wallpaper on the slopes of the doorway, plaster is used. She prepares the base and levels the wall. You can also use decorative plaster, which creates an unusual relief or pattern. The advantage of this finishing method is that, if desired, it can be repainted while maintaining the same structure.


To make the interior of the room special, the owners remake rectangular interior passages into arched ones. In this case, finishing doorways without doors is best done with drywall, since it is easier to create curved shapes with it. Thanks to the frame, any bend can be made, and the filling material has a smooth, even surface. This allows you to paint the opening or paste it with wallpaper.

Step by step instructions for each type of finish

Installation of all the materials listed above can be done by hand. This will require some tools and basic building skills. Finishing doorways without doors with plastic can be made from ready-made sandwich panels or PVC. The first product is cut in width and height, leveled, fixed with spacers, and then mounted on mounting foam.

For PVC installations you need to create a frame from a profile. For these purposes, you can use aluminum guides for drywall. A frame is made along the perimeter of the passage, then the front finishing of the opening is performed. The plastic is fixed with self-tapping screws, and the corners are closed with special PVC corners, which are attached to the glue.

Extras are set according to the following algorithm:

  • Make accurate measurements of the opening with a square or ruler.
  • Cut boards with a jigsaw or saw. It is advisable to do this with a power tool, using high engine speeds. This will avoid chipping.
  • In places of fasteners, hidden holes are made for the hat of self-tapping screws and guides. It is necessary to hold the drill strictly perpendicular to the floor so that the recesses are even. The holes must match the length of the screws.
  • First, vertical extensions are installed, then horizontal ones. There should be no gaps between boards.
  • Fixation is made on the mounting foam. To prevent bending of the extensions, spacers are installed.
  • After a day, excess foam is removed and platbands are mounted.

So you can ennoble not only the passage without a partition, but also with a door.

To complete the tiling, you need to follow these points:

  1. clean and plaster the walls;
  2. prepare glue or liquid nails;
  3. apply glue with a spatula or comb on the back of the tile, spread it over the surface and remove the excess;
  4. firmly press the material against the wall and press down with force for several seconds.

Finishing with stone is carried out in the same way as with tiles.

For plaster, a cement-sand mortar is used. Cement must be taken grades not lower than M 300. For 1 part of it, 3 parts of sand are taken and mixed with water. You need to achieve the consistency of thick cream. After removing all protruding elements from the wall surface, the plaster is applied with a wide spatula. Evenness is checked by a building level or a rule. The corners are formed with metal corners.

The use of drywall is the solution for an arched opening. First, a rigid aluminum profile frame is made around the perimeter of the passage. UW and CW guides are used. Then drywall is cut and fixed with special screws. At the end of the installation of the material in the opening, all joints are sealed with sickle tape or covered with putty. The surface is primed.

Design solutions

When decorating a doorway front door different design solutions. You can change the shape, combine finishing materials, complement existing ones with various decorative elements. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the performer or customer.

Sections of the article:

In progress repair work in an apartment or a private house, it often becomes necessary to replace many coatings and systems. This includes windows and doors. After the installation of the front door is completed, an inaccurate opening remains with potholes in the partitions and a damaged coating. The finishing of these surfaces is carried out precisely in order to hide such working imperfections at the installation site of the front door. For such lining from the inside, a wide variety of materials are used, which you can see in the photo in this article. Moreover, today the market building materials each consumer can choose for himself exactly what is needed and suitable for the interior of the hallway.

Finishing materials

Well-executed finishing of the front door will add aesthetics, accuracy and completeness to the room. Today, many people are concerned about how to finish the front door with the highest quality. Which material, texture or color to choose?

The main task is to achieve such a result that would allow the front door from the side of the dwelling to fit as harmoniously and naturally as possible into the implemented design idea of ​​the hallway.

Before proceeding with the choice of material for finishing near the front door space, it is necessary to take into account a number of general requirements or wishes. For example, in a situation where the doors from the rooms lead to the hallway, it makes sense to make the front door a little different from the rest. After all, the front door is the main one.

If the hallway is not too spacious, or even cramped, you can consider the option of mirroring the front door. This option will not only create the illusion of increasing space, but also from an aesthetic point of view it will look very impressive. True, such a solution is not recommended to be implemented if there are small children in the home.

Also an important point when choosing the type of finishing of the front door is the need to carry out the insulation of the structure. Insulation is best laid with inside, because otherwise the material will not last too long. First of all, this rule applies to general staircases and private houses.

Most often, wood is used as a material for finishing the inside of the front door, genuine leather or its substitutes, plastic panels, MDF. In addition, you can use self-adhesive film or paint.

In addition, we must not forget about the decoration of the doorway. Given the fact that residential premises are usually characterized by stability and constancy of internal temperatures, the front door can be lined with siding, plaster, decorative stone or clapboard.

Insulation and finishing of the door leaf

The first step is to prepare a heater, for example, foam. As a rule, the inner part of a metal door is equipped with stiffeners, forming a kind of cell. According to the size of these sections, it is necessary to cut out pieces of foam, the thickness of which will be about 30-40 mm.

The next step is to use a foam gun. It is necessary to apply a contour along the perimeter of each section, and two additional strips of the composition inside the recess. After that, the prepared piece of foam is glued. Identical operations should be performed with all cells in the door. It is important not to forget and leave a place for installing a door lock.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a place for finishing the inner surface of the door. For this purpose, a mounting plate is used. A sheet of plywood and self-tapping screws are installed in her pocket, with the help of which fastening to the door will take place. The bar needs to be fixed with three parties, except for the top. This is where the outer upholstery will begin.

It should be emphasized that the plywood used must have moisture resistant properties. In addition, as it is installed, it is recommended to cover it with glossy paint in advance. Now you should take a sheet of plywood together and carefully, so as not to damage the foam, push it inside the installed mounting plate.

After that, it is necessary to smear the top of the plywood with prepared glue and install another part of the mounting plate on it. There is no need to fix it with screws.

On the resulting surface, you can stuff a layer of leatherette or another finish option.

Finishing the door portal

To minimize heat loss through doorway should be as responsible as possible to approach its sealing. main role in achieving this result, the finishing of the slopes of the front door plays, which are to be faced after the end of the main installation work.

There are several basic options for finishing the front door jambs. Among the main ones, plastering, the use of MDF panels, the installation of gypsum boards with subsequent painting, and the installation of a laminate should be highlighted. The first step is to level the slopes with plaster mortar or using drywall sheets. The first option is more labor intensive. For plastering slopes, it will be necessary to prepare a cement-sand mixture, and also use special paint corners for better leveling.

The space between the corners must be filled with mortar and gently smooth the surface with a spatula. After the plaster has dried, you can continue finishing the slopes with any material. In addition to the described method, it is possible to use slabs for cladding GKL. They must be pre-cut into pieces of the required size. To fix the GKL plates, a frame or frameless method is used. In the second case, an adhesive mixture is used. Let's take a closer look at some finishes.

Making the opening with plastic panels

Finishing the front door from the inside with plastic panels is especially popular among consumers. This is due to the affordable price and ease of installation of these structures. As a result of the implementation of such a technical solution, homeowners receive an impeccably even and outstanding coating that will add aesthetics to any interior.
The main advantages of plastic are simplicity and ease of installation, ease of maintenance, moisture resistance, resistance to different temperatures. In addition, plastic panels for door trim do not fade in the sun. Also, an important advantage of this solution is the absence of the need for preliminary preparatory work before installing the panels. The surface on which the panel will be laid does not need to be leveled.

Arrangement of the opening with a stone

The use of stone as finishing material will not only add aesthetics to the hallway, but can make its appearance simply chic. Often, with this type of lining, artificial plates of small thickness are used. It is best to give preference to a stone no more than 4 mm thick.

For fixing stone slabs special composition. The use of a self-adhesive base will protect the material from kinks and cracks. The most popular solution for such a finish is to use a solid piece of stone. Such a cladding will look aesthetically pleasing, elegant, visually resembling a monolithic piece of stone. Such a door finish will look really beautiful with the corresponding decoration of the door portal.

Other options

It should be noted that not all consumers can afford finishing the space near the front door with decorative stone. This is a rather expensive material, so MDF panels or laminate can be used as an alternative. They are not worse than monolithic stone slabs, but they have a number of specific differences. The advantage of these materials is their availability and ease of use.

Laminate is more practical option regarding MDF panels. This material is relatively inexpensive, beautiful and outwardly neat. Both laminate and MDF have a long service life, moisture resistance, and are also resistant to cleaners and disinfectants. To slightly improve the aesthetic characteristics of the inside of the front door, you can make a natural veneer over the MDF. This will add prestige and elegance to the appearance of the entire structure.

In a small hallway of an ordinary-sized apartment, the front door looks great, in the decoration of the space near which natural wood elements are used. And if the cladding pattern is combined with the ornament of the furniture installed in the hallway, then the interior of the room will become as harmonious as possible. A more expensive option is wood veneer.

Recently, a combination is increasingly used for decoration. different materials. With this combination, it is important to pay attention to their compatibility, quality and reliable installation. To carry out the work, you will need certain tools and materials. First of all, these are polystyrene (polyurethane foam), mounting foam, a sheet of plywood about 9 mm thick, a knife for cutting polystyrene, waterproof construction glue and a special mounting plate with self-tapping screws and a press washer.

Finishing slopes is a mandatory step in installing or replacing a door. After all, even the most luxurious front door will look unpresentable if the opening around it is left in its original form after the builders. The final decoration of the front door can be done without problems on your own, but for this you will need to properly plan your actions, as well as choose suitable material and, of course, fix it correctly. Let's consider all these stages in more detail.

Planning. What should be taken into account?

Before starting work, you need to decide on the following factors:

  • the budget for the improvement of the opening;
  • material most suitable for decoration;
  • slope design method.

You will also need to take measurements to correctly calculate the amount of materials and stock up on the necessary tools.

Front door - the face of the owners

Types of materials

Today the market is replete with a variety of finishing materials. Most often used for slopes:

  • Plastic. Such a sheathing will look good only if the door itself is lined with plastic, otherwise the slopes will stand out strongly from the rest of the structure. A wide range of colors of these panels allows you to choose an option for almost any interior. They look especially good in houses decorated in modern style. But plastic also has a drawback - low strength.
  • Drywall. This well-known material has a number of advantages - it does not require the construction of a frame, reliably insulates all joints, serving as an additional insulation, and is easily decorated by painting or wallpapering. It looks best on wide slopes.
  • Natural wood panels. Wood never goes out of style and goes well with almost any style of decoration, and processing with special compounds can give it any desired shade. However, the downside of this finish is the high price.
  • MDF. This material looks very aesthetically pleasing, in addition, it is durable and has high wear resistance. Can serve as an alternative to wood panels.

MDF panels - practical facing material

Another economical option for ennobling the opening is plastering. This method is easy to implement, durable and most importantly - affordable price. This finish is suitable for simple interiors and can be done both from the inside and from the outside of the opening. After the plaster has dried, it is easy to give it desired color, simply painted in a tone similar to the wall covering.

Ways to finish slopes

In addition to the differences in the materials used, there are also different ways of attaching them and decorating the slopes, namely:

  • fixing the finishing panels with an adhesive solution;
  • leveling with mortar and subsequent plastering;
  • frame sheathing with selected materials.
Attaching the cladding to the profile

The choice of a particular method depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. As already mentioned, plaster is one of the most acceptable options. It is reliable, because such a slope will not bend, in addition, it provides good sound insulation. True, in terms of decoration, it is inferior to panels, but this problem can be solved by applying textured plaster or by attaching others on top of the adhesive solution decorative materials, thus combining two ways of finishing.

In some cases, if after installation door block significant voids appeared, it is more expedient to do without filling them with a solution. In this case, the finishing panels are mounted on a frame made of metal or wooden slats. This allows you to save on the solution and gives quite a decent result. An additional plus of this design is the ability to install lights or switches on the slope. Also, inside such a slope, you can put a cable from a telephone, wired Internet or other similar communications.

Plastering the opening

Required Tools

For accurate and high-quality plastering work, you will need the following tools:

  • drill with a nozzle for mixing the solution;
  • wide and medium spatulas;
  • sandpaper;
  • masking tape and film;
  • rule for leveling slopes;
  • beacon profiles;
  • masonry mesh (if the slopes have significant irregularities);
  • level and plumb;
  • bucket or other suitable container for the solution.

Plastering tools

From the materials you will need: cement mortar, primer and putty, as well as, if desired, paint for finishing. If you plan to decorate the front door with decorative panels, then you should stock up on:

  • fixing dowels;
  • small self-tapping screws for fixing the panels;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • durable clerical knife;
  • hammer;
  • measuring instruments (ruler, tape measure, etc.).

You also need to purchase: yourself cladding panels; corners for closing joints; adhesive composition; wood slats or metal rails (if the materials will be attached to the frame).

Slope decoration: all methods of decoration and sequence of work

You can proceed to decorating and finishing the door slopes after the front door frame and it itself are installed, and all the cracks formed are insulated. Next, the chipped parts of the old coating and dust are removed, after which it is the turn of preparing the opening for the installation of the finishing material.

Opening preparation

Door surface must be protected

Whatever format you choose, preparatory work will be similar. To begin with, the surface of the door leaf must be protected from scratches and dirt by covering it with a film fixed masking tape. Then protruding fragments (if any) are hemmed off, which can make it difficult to mount the frame, glue panels or plaster. Then the walls are cleaned of dust and covered with a primer. If the surface of the walls is not porous, it is better to use a deep penetration primer mixture.

Also on this stage with mounting option decorative coating on the frame it is worth laying communications cables or installing lighting, if they are planned. In this case, the wires are laid inside after the installation of the frame.

Finishing slopes with plaster

Ennobling the doorway of the front door with plaster begins with the fastening of beacon profiles. With their help, it will be easier to control the alignment of the surface. The beacons themselves are also attached to a mortar, preferably plaster, or to self-tapping screws, and the correctness of their placement is checked by a level and, if necessary, adjusted so that they are all in the same plane. After the mortar has hardened under them, you can proceed to filling the slopes with a cement-sand mixture.

To prepare the mixture, you will need to combine cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3, thoroughly mixing with a drill with special nozzle. The consistency of the resulting solution should resemble a homogeneous curd mass. If the slopes are too uneven, it is worth using masonry mesh for better grip.

The distribution of the solution with a wooden rule

Then, with a special spatula, the solution is applied to the slopes, evenly distributed and leveled by the rule along the beacons. After drying, which usually takes about a day, you can proceed to puttying, and then finishing painting the surface.

Fixing the slopes of the facing material with mortar

In this case, glue or sand-cement mortar selected materials are attached (MDF, wood, etc.). Gypsum-based glue is considered the most suitable for these purposes.

Installation of one of the most popular coatings - plasterboard panels, is carried out in the following sequence:

  • All parts of the door slopes are measured.
  • In accordance with the obtained dimensions, the necessary fragments are cut out from the finishing material.
  • The details are fixed on the surface of the opening with glue, by applying it to the sheets of material in several slides and then pressing them to the slopes. It is better to start installation from the ceiling part.
  • The panels are additionally fixed with dowels, the holes for which are drilled with a drill or puncher.

Fixing the material with mounting foam
  • The corners of the slopes are reinforced with metal perforated corners attached to the putty mixture.
  • All joints are evenly covered with putty and, after drying, are carefully cleaned.
  • Priming, finishing putty and subsequent grinding with fine-grained sandpaper is carried out.

Fixing with self-tapping screws

Further, the resulting surface can be painted or wallpapered. Fastening plastic or other materials that have decorative properties without additional finishing, limited to mounting panels on glue and fixing with self-tapping screws. After that, if desired, you can fix the platbands with liquid nails.

Mounting decorative panels on the frame

Before installing the bases for fixing the material, the wall surface must be treated with a primer to prevent it from shedding in the future. Then, bars of the required size or metal guides are sawn off for the frame, similar to those used to create wall and ceiling structures made of drywall. Slopes, if there are significant flaws, must be pre-aligned for a better fit of the foundations.

Installation of frame elements is carried out using dowels and screws of the required length. At the same time, two rails are installed parallel to each other along the perimeter of the door structure and, for additional strength, stiffeners are fixed between them. Without fail, they must be present at the corners of the structure. Next, cables are laid, if necessary, and decorative panels are fastened.

MDF slopes with built-in lighting

It should be noted that the fastening of various materials has its own characteristics. For example, drywall needs mandatory reinforcement with perforated corners and gluing joints with construction tape, and when MDF installation and similar materials, it is worth using small screws or nails that will not spoil the appearance of the structure.

Photo of doorways with different finishes

All of the above finishing methods have their pros and cons, and if you try, you can choose a decent option for any budget and interior. You can either purchase a ready-made structure and mount it, or do all the work yourself. And for inspiration, we bring to your attention a few ideas showing how to ennoble the doorway of the front door under different kinds interior design.

Such slopes made of natural wood perfectly complement the interior in a classic style.

An interesting option is the finish of artificial stone.

Thanks to the variety of colors and the ability to imitate various materials, plastic panels are still relevant.

Plastering is a practical and inexpensive way to decorate slopes not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

When ennobling the opening of the entrance or interior door take into account the peculiarities of its design. The presence or absence of a sash affects the choice of material. There are many finish options doorway, but when implementing the design idea, it is necessary to take into account the harmonious combination with the interior of the entire room.

To choose the right solution for a doorway, first consider its shape. The front door is traditionally associated with a rectangle. Interior rooms in the absence of a sash are given curly configurations.


Technology classical style allows you to ennoble the passage between rooms without affecting its shape. A traditional rectangle, with or without a sash, is lined with platbands. For finishing wide slopes, extensions are used. As platbands, you can glue a decorative corner. The stained-glass windows above the doorway, made of multi-colored glass inserts, look beautiful.


The arched shape is considered the most popular way to decorate an opening without a sash. Its advantage lies in smoothing sharp corners. Smooth transitions of the upper part of the door structure allow you to beat the imagination. In low rooms, the arch visually makes the ceiling higher, and in high rooms - lower. The effect is achieved due to the size of the structure. The more the arch expands, the lower the ceiling appears.

The wood frame of the arched doorway between the rooms looks rich. In the budget option, you can use plastic or MDF. Arches usually separate the hall from the kitchen or hallway, and are also used when combining an insulated loggia with a living room.


Not a very popular form for decorating a passage in a partition, especially in a small apartment. Sharp corners will make the room uncomfortable. The trapezoid fits a wide doorway in a large apartment, and the best option cladding - materials of light and warm colors. In a house with low ceilings, it is undesirable to make a narrow upper part of the trapezoid. A small jumper will visually lower the ceiling, reduce the room and give the interior a heavy look.

Asymmetrical shape

For achievement modern interior, the design of the room is often associated with the idea of ​​arranging an asymmetric opening on the interior partition. Hardware stores offer ready-made kits. When implementing your idea, a bizarre shape is created with a galvanized profile, and sheathed with drywall on top.

Asymmetric configuration involves the formation of smooth transitions in different parts designs. Avoid sharp corners. Finishing is usually done by painting or wallpapering.

Curtain decoration

Free passage between rooms without a sash is decorated with a screen or curtains. This is the most affordable way decorations. Curtains made of fabric look cozy. Filament curtains create an unusual interior. In the "eco" style, the room is decorated with bamboo curtains.

Materials for finishing the doorway


Gradually losing popularity, plaster is used as budget option when you need to arrange a doorway for painting or wallpapering. The disadvantage of the method is the complexity of the work and a large amount of dirt. If the technology is violated, the formation of cracks and even shedding is possible. In stores, plaster is sold in the form of a mixture. The composition is different. The method of preparation and application to the wall depends on the type of plaster.

AT in general terms finishing work consists of the following steps:

  • Mix the solution in the container. The amount of one batch is calculated for half an hour of work.
  • The solution is thrown onto the surface of the wall, distributing it with a rule and a spatula.

  • When applying a thick layer of plaster, beacons are used. Guides will help to perfectly level the surface.
  • So that a thick layer of plaster does not crack, after applying 1 cm of mortar thickness, a reinforcing mesh is laid.

Decorative plaster can be painted. If this rough finish, then the surface is covered with textured putty.


Finish the doorway with drywall in two cases:

  • when changing dimensions or shape;
  • if you just need to sheathe the opening instead of plaster for subsequent finishing.

To create figured openings, a galvanized profile is used. First, a metal structure of the required shape is assembled, and then it is sheathed with plasterboard.

Drywall can be used to correct large irregularities without changing the shape of the opening. The slopes are sewn up with sheets, and the corners are aligned with a profile.

After installation, the GKL surface is primed. Seams, protruding caps of the self-tapping screw and other defects are sealed with glue with a sickle lining. After the surface has dried, a layer of starting putty is applied. If it is intended not to wallpaper the opening, but to paint, another layer of finishing putty is applied. After drying, the surface is rubbed with a sanding net.

MDF panels

The advantage of finishing the MDF doorway is that there is no need to additionally prepare the surface by applying plaster or plasterboard sheathing. Wide selection colors allows you to choose the material even under the old metal door. When sheathing is done door slope MDF panels, take into account the total thickness of the cladding. It should not interfere with the opening of the sash.

Installation is carried out on the frame. The structure is assembled from a metal profile or wooden slats. Attached to the wall with dowels and screws. Sheathing starts from the top crossbar, then goes to the side slopes. The joints at the corners are sealed with a decorative strip matched to the color of the panels.


door trim slope pvc plastic panels similar MDF sheathing. However, the disadvantage of the material is its brittleness. The sheathed frame creates cells with voids between the slats. Near the door, someone will definitely press the slope with their hand and the lining will break through.

PVC panels are best glued with liquid nails. The color is selected with imitation of natural materials, most often wood. Nice classic white. Glue the panels on a perfectly flat surface, pre-finished with plaster or drywall. Before installation, the back of the plastic is rubbed with sandpaper. The roughness will provide better adhesion to the adhesive. The joints at the inner and outer corners are hidden by corners.


To beautifully finish the door slope with a laminate with your own hands, you need to choose the right material. The color of the panels is selected so that it matches the shades of the doors, floor covering and even skirting boards. The slope, which stands out in contrasting colors, looks tasteless.

Fix the laminate in three ways:

  1. On a perfectly flat surface, the panels are glued with liquid nails. The process is identical to the installation of plastic. Slopes are first plastered or sheathed with plasterboard. Laminate begin to glue on the top crossbar, then go to the sides.
  2. Mounting on the frame allows you to lay thermal insulation in the cells. Simultaneously with the finishing, the opening is insulated.
  3. Gluing with mounting foam is similar to using liquid nails. The difference is that there is no need for a perfectly flat base. The foam itself will even out the flaws when it swells.

Facing made of high-quality laminate will last up to 20 years.

Decorative rock

AT modern apartments fashionable decoration of the doorway with a decorative stone that does not differ in appearance from natural material. Facing is best done with small elements with a weak relief. The design of doorways with a decorative stone with a deep texture inside the room creates the effect of a bulky structure.

A variety of material allows you to embody bold design ideas. On the entrance door slope, imitation of brickwork looks good. Fans of the classics are offered elements with the texture of clinker tiles. To finish the corners of doorways, there are special corner plates that eliminate the need to cut stone.

To get a beautiful door slope you need Smooth surface. Elements are glued with liquid nails. The formed seams are covered with grout.


The elements used to frame the doorway made of polyurethane have completely replaced the gypsum moldings. Lightweight and durable material sticks well, does not break when dropped, and is resistant to moisture. The resulting seams are covered with putty, and after they dry, they are rubbed with sandpaper. Polyurethane stucco is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.


To finish the doorway with extensions, they buy a kit. It consists of wooden or MDF planks. When assembled, a product is obtained that hides the slopes protruding beyond the door frame. The end result is a complete structure.

There are three types of extensions on the door slope:

  • simple;
  • with an edge at the end;
  • telescopic.

The first option is a plank with a raw edge. Tape-edged extensions allow you to hide the uneven edge in case of installation flaws. Telescopic boards are equipped with mounting grooves.


Finishing the door slope with tiles is justified if the material is in harmony with the design of the walls. The option is optimal for a bathroom or kitchen. Tiles are produced in various shapes, which allows you to veneer not only rectangular areas, but also arches. For styling ceramic tiles you need a flat hard surface. Installation takes place on the adhesive composition. The joints are covered with decorative grout.


Decoration of the doorway plaster molding is rare. The material is quite brittle and heavy. In case of poor fastening, the falling element will break, and can also injure a person. To get a beautiful design of the doorway, there should be a lot of gypsum, and one style should be observed. This can only be achieved in a large spacious room with high ceilings.


The simplest and old way- This is to glue the wallpaper on the slope. Moreover, pasting is often subjected to itself door leaf. Wallpapers are selected high-quality, resistant to abrasion and dampness. If you are finishing with photo wallpaper, the opening can be designed in the form of a living corner. To hide the doors from view, the slopes and canvases are pasted over with the wallpaper that was used for the walls. For contrasting highlighting, the sash is partially pasted over with patterns. Acceptable geometric figures or fragments of a picture.

Doors and objects adjacent to them are considered the hallmark of the house. It is not worth saving on the design of this site, because it first of all catches the eye of guests.

When carrying out repairs in the house, very often the owners are faced with the need to update many products and systems. First of all, this applies to entrance and interior doors.

For some things, only a replacement is suitable, while for others, it is possible to give new life. They can be restored to their former appearance, if you have the desire and skills to work with various tools for this. Finishing old or defective surfaces will hide the flaws of the door and update the interior.

How to decorate a door?

The entrance to the apartment is the hallmark of housing, so it is very important to install a solid and beautiful front door. It is on her that the guests who come to the house first of all pay attention. It is necessary to ennoble not only the surface of the canvas, but also the frame and fittings. To do this, there are several ways that can quickly and efficiently update the product.


This is the most economical option for decorating a door structure. AT modern world it is not difficult to find a suitable tone, because there are many different shades produced by many well-known companies. In addition, it is possible to obtain the perfect color by mixing the coloring composition with the color scheme, observing certain proportions.

For painting door structures acrylic water-based, oil and nitro paints are best suited. Acrylic paints are made on water based, and therefore dry easily and do not have a specific smell. They are absolutely safe for health and have a persistent bright color. But nitro paint has a pungent odor, so it is suitable for painting outdoor structures.

Oil paints are used less frequently than the previous ones, as they do not have such high performance, but they can quite cope with painting wooden and metal canvases.

It is necessary to apply the coloring composition using a special roller in several layers. Before applying the next layer, be sure to wait for the previous one to dry. You can also make a drawing on the surface of the door with paint using templates and brushes. This method is suitable for processing the door both outside and inside the apartment.


This method is suitable for people who do not want to wait for the canvas to dry. The adhesive film is well used in many areas and helps to decorate almost any product in a short time. It consists of a colored film, an adhesive surface and a protective paper that must be removed before pasting.

Before gluing the door with “self-adhesive”, it is imperative to prepare the surface. It must be cleaned so that no protrusions remain on it. Various cracks and chips are better to putty. And already before pasting, dirt is removed from the structure and degreased.

Wood paneling and MDF

Suitable for hand-made design of doorways. Most often, thin wooden planks are used for this method, which are attached to the canvas with glue. Subsequently, the tree must be processed. And so that it retains its appearance for a long time and does not deteriorate after some time, it must be treated with a moisture-repellent composition.

In addition to wood, MDF lining can be used to decorate the structure. They are also attached with adhesive. Thanks to the diversity color solutions material can update the door in any style. In addition, such ennoblement looks very impressive.


For this method, it is possible to use veneer, plastic, laminate and PVC. Apply these materials only when exposed to warm air. At the same time, you need to work very quickly in order to do everything smoothly and efficiently.


The least common solution for upgrading door structures. But in this way you can achieve a luxurious and attractive look. If you apply upholstery to an old worn door, you can hide all its defects. In addition, this option helps to insulate the canvas.

Slopes and doorways can be lined with plaster, tiles, mosaics, upholstery, plastic and wood paneling. But the thickness of the cladding should be sufficient for the free opening and closing of the canvas. Framing the box will allow you to get a new design.

How can you decorate the doors beautifully?

To update an old door, you can use many methods and materials. For example, it can be sheathed with PVC panels, plastic, iron sheet, MDF, wood, laminate, clapboard, drywall, linoleum, eurolining and chipboard. You can paste over the box with veneer, and update the canvas itself with decorative stone, leather or leatherette, and even carpet.

All these types of finishes allow you to choose the most suitable material that will suit both the price and performance:

  • door decoration MDF or PVC panels suitable for input wood and metal products. The main advantage of these materials is the low price and ease of installation work, so you can update the design in a short time. MDF and PVC panels are good because they are quite durable, safe and easy to clean. Panels can be covered with natural veneer, lamination layer or plastic.

  • Significantly easy to update the door drywall, plastic or metal. Sheets of drywall, chipboard and lining are most suitable for sheathing the slopes of the doorway. Of course, the most available material in this case, it is plastic, and the most expensive is natural stone.

Euro lining and PVC lining are available in a wide range of colors and can have any design, which allows you to exclude finishing. But these materials are extremely unstable to mechanical stress, which cannot be hidden with your own hands.

  • The most expensive, but at the same time the most spectacular material is leather or leatherette, which is also called dermatin. Faux leather can have different characteristics and appearance. For example, it can be smooth, porous and structured, and its wide range of colors allows you to decorate almost any interior. But with such materials you need to be extremely careful and you need to know how to properly upholster the door with them.

  • Increasingly, door trim began to be used siding, as it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. Siding is practical, durable, fire resistant and easy to maintain. The installation of siding is carried out in the same way as the installation of lining.
  • More recently, for the design of the apartment began to be used clinker tiles, which mimics brickwork. To lay it, it is imperative to level the surface near it and moisten the doorway with water to hold the cement together.

  • Finishing laminate used when you want to achieve the appearance of a natural array of wood, but this is not possible. This material can imitate solid oak, pine, cedar and other tree species. It is easy to work with, but it is best to resort to it only for decorating the inside of the door, as it delaminates under the influence of moisture.
  • Save money and achieve extraordinary results decoupage technique. They resort to it when they want to decorate the design and individualize the apartment. For decoupage, materials such as fabric, newspapers, photographs, appliqués and napkins can be suitable.

Upholstery of metal doors

Facing an iron door can be done in two ways: cheap materials (leatherette, leatherette) and expensive decorative panels:

  • For product restoration with dermatin or vinyl leather you only need to use glue. To do this, the edges of the structure are lubricated with an adhesive and foam strips are attached to them. Excess parts can be cut with a special knife. Then the end of the upper part of the door is smeared with glue and the upholstery is glued starting from the top. During operation, be sure to smooth the canvas to avoid the formation of wrinkles.

  • To upholster an iron door with decorative panels First you need to measure it. It is important to know the exact dimensions of the canvas and the width of the inner corners, which will subsequently be covered with sheet foam and wooden beam. Then, on the upper and lower parts of the structure, it is necessary to make a mark on the attached bar. Using a drill, 16 holes for fasteners are made in the canvas, the diameter of which should be identical to the diameter of the self-tapping screws. The bars are fixed on the canvas, after which holes are drilled for attaching a decorative panel.

In the end finishing works make holes in the panel for peephole, locks and handles. Inside, we sheathe the metal door with polystyrene foam, and we fix the MDF panels on top.

How to finish the front door from the inside?

The door structure from the side of the apartment can be designed in different ways. The best option is painting, for which you do not have to remove the canvas from the hinges. Surfaces adjacent to the product must be covered with newspapers so as not to stain during staining. All fittings are removed or sealed with tape. The surface of the door is preliminarily sanded, and then treated with a protective impregnation that will protect the wood from moisture. And after complete drying, the structure is covered with a paint and varnish agent in 2-3 layers.

To decorate the veneer, you will have to prepare an iron and a paper sheet. Repair of the canvas begins with removing it from the hinges and taking measurements. Veneer strips are superimposed on the surface of the product so that the pattern matches. It is advisable to number each piece so that there is no confusion in the future.

It is better to glue the veneer from the top, gradually moving down. To do this, remove the protective paper from it and glue it to the canvas. To get rid of the resulting bubbles and folds, a sheet of paper is placed on top of the veneered strips and ironed.

These methods of lining the inside of the product are performed without difficulty. The main thing is to take measurements correctly and do everything carefully.

How to sheathe a street door from the outside?

To finish the door from the outside, it is important to take into account the features of all possible materials. It is important to ensure their strength and durability so that their properties do not change under the influence of the external environment. Moreover, it must be understood that not every material can be used to process the outer or inner part of the structure.

To manually update a box located from the street, you can use:

  • Steel sheets. Their structure can be smooth or embossed with an imitation of an interesting pattern. Good steel sheets will protect the room from drafts, but they must have a polymer or cork backing.
  • Viniplast. It can be fiberboard or PVC. This material is not resistant to sunlight, and therefore it is mandatory to cover it with a special varnish with an ultraviolet filter.

  • Marine plywood looks like natural wood. After installation, it is covered with stain and frost-resistant varnish. If you need to change the old plywood, then this process will not take much time and effort.
  • Leatherette is a material that is equally well suited for interior and exterior decoration. Mounting it is quite simple, besides, it has various design. And its soft structure is able to hide sharp corners.
  • Artificial stone is available in thin panels that are fixed to the outside of the door with building resin. The structure, lined with stone, looks very impressive.

To reconstruct the street side of the door, it is necessary to use a heater - isolon. The thickness of the isolon can be any - it all depends on personal preferences. And for fixing the insulation, staples, sealant or nails are suitable. After that, the canvas itself needs to be decorated.

How to decorate the door with your own hands?

You can clad the door yourself different ways. The most common is wallpapering. For this method, any type of wallpaper is suitable, from paper to liquid. Before processing with this material, it is necessary to prepare the canvas: remove the paint, putty all the imperfections and sand it. With a wallpaper sheet, you can close the entire canvas or only the paneled part by cutting out parts that are suitable in size.

A fabric can act as a decor, which, due to its structure, will make the product unique. But it is necessary to choose a fabric, taking into account the degree of its shrinkage. Multiple fabric sheets can be used different design.Patchwork technique quite popular among designers: the fabric can be covered with the entire canvas or only the central part. Facing the product can be done with unusual carnations, beautiful laces, baguette frames.

An unusual finishing method is mirror acrylic. With the help of mirrors, you can visually enlarge the space and improve the illumination. Since it is not always possible to cut out the desired part from the mirror yourself, you can purchase a ready-made panel with amalgam. The easiest option is figured acrylic mirrors. They can be combined into one whole and close the entire canvas or placed in the center, leaving the rest of the space free.

Attach acrylic mirrors to a pre-cleaned surface. On the back of the mirror sheet and on the door itself, you need to apply a primer, and only then fix the panels using glue. You can resort to mounting suction cups, which will seriously speed up the process.

How to make cash for the entrance doors yourself?

Cashing is an element of decor that completes the design of the entire building. Its purpose is to hide irregularities after the installation of the input structure. With its help, noise insulation is improved and thermal conductivity is reduced.

Cashing should be in the same style as the house, so when choosing it, you need to consider some rules:

  • it must be combined with the walls of the building;
  • its performance should be highest level so that despite atmospheric influences, its appearance remains unchanged;
  • the dimensions of the platbands should be such that they do not get lost against the rest of the background;
  • internal cashing may be flat or rounded, and sometimes threaded.

For inter-door space it is better to purchase wooden architraves. But they can be replaced with plastic or metal elements. To prevent structural shrinkage, wooden house install a shackle. The scythe can be made in four ways: into a mortgage bar, into a shim monolith, into a spike with a ready-made slope, and into a deck.

In order not to pick up the platbands yourself, you can buy a ready-made kit, consisting of a canvas, a box, cashing, additional, loops and handles. This set will make your job a lot easier.


Regardless of the type of construction, doors have standard sizes that were established by GOST:

  • The height of a standard opening varies from 2.07 m to 2.37 m. The exact parameters are set taking into account the height of the ceiling and the width of the door.
  • The width of the standard design is 90 cm, but this figure may vary depending on the individual parameters of the canvas.
  • But the thickness of the doorway can be anything - no standards are set for it. The thickness of the box is selected taking into account other indicators.
  • Not always the dimensions of the doorway meet the standards. In a cottage or a private house, they can be anything, but within 2 by 2.4 m. It is better not to expand the opening more than these indicators, otherwise it will be very difficult to find the right door.

Having shown imagination and taking a little free time, you can create a work of art. Many decorating ideas old door amaze with their originality:

  • For example, to create an atmosphere of a bohemian celebration, you can use rivets and various beads, which very often lie idle in a box with little things.
  • Holes that form unusual patterns can decorate products.
  • Quite unusually, you can decorate the door frame with buckwheat. This process will take a lot of time, but it will allow you to decorate the room.
  • In addition to the door itself, you can decorate the space around it. To do this, you can use bows, artificial flowers, ribbons and laces.

  • Unusual sensations will allow you to experience the design, decorated with wreaths, bouquets, glass inserts and other original things. From the side of the entrance to the canvas, you can glue a large horseshoe or an impromptu nest.
  • A door with painted butterflies, flowers, trees or clouds will look gentle enough. It is not necessary to draw every detail, you can make a drawing in the form of an abstraction.
  • Near the doorway, you can also draw patterns that smoothly flow onto the canvas itself.