Meditation sea and stone description. What stones to use for meditation

My ideal morning begins with unity with the elements.

I live on the #sea and contemplating the horizon, where the sky and the water surface merge, has become a daily ritual for me, such as brushing my teeth or doing yoga.

Sea Contemplation Meditation

It will help you free yourself from thoughts, “empty your head” and merge with a powerful element. You will be able to feel complete relaxation and filling with pure energy of your entire body and mind.

Meditation will be especially useful for beginners who are just learning the art of meditation, because the sea provides clues for all the senses and does not allow us to be distracted by thoughts: the smell of algae, the touch of the wind, the play of the sun in the waves, the fur coats of the surf, the taste of salty air ... Feelings play a major role in where our thoughts go. Within us is an ocean of feelings, and each drop is a new feeling connected with the rest. To watch this, you can just sit down and notice every feeling that appears on the surface: it floats past us and disappears into the distance.

Sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths in and out, relax and look at the horizon.
If thoughts appear, you fix them, but do not hold them back, a thought appeared, saw it and let it go. Immediately switch your whole consciousness back to the sea. Thoughts, sea, thoughts, sea, so in time you will reach a state that can be called “empty head” or “empty head”.

Contemplating the sea, try to feel with your whole body how powerful this element is, pay attention to the horizon, feel that the sea has no end and edge, listen to the sound of the surf, feel whether the sea is calm, what kind of water is in it, cold or warm. You must be imbued with every cell of your body and consciousness. Feel what is changing in you and your body. You understand that now nothing exists around you, only you and the sea are one. I am sure that in this state you will feel a sense of joy and overflowing with something unusual for you, and I think that this is a filling with the energy that the element of water gives you.

Best regards ॐ

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In addition to crystal therapy, another way to access the energy of the stone is through meditation using gems.

When we meditate, we turn off the conscious area of ​​our brain, which allows us to access the unconscious. To achieve this, you can use gems.

The art of crystal contemplation (and fortune-telling on the magic crystal with the help of mirrors made of obsidian) is widely mentioned in English-language fiction. The knight in the Squire's Tale from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales possesses a mirror that allows those who look into it to see "the approaching shadow of adversity" and also tells who is friend and who is foe. Shakespeare mentions a similar device in "Measure for Measure" and in "Macbeth". The mirror, which gives a completely different vision of the world, plays an important role in Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking-Glass.

In order to engage in gem/crystal meditation (or any other type of meditation), you must set aside free time for it. If you have a bunch of pressing things to do, don't try to pick a time to meditate in between. It is important to set aside time not only for meditation itself, but also for reflection after it. Taking a few minutes to organize your thoughts and sort out your feelings after meditation is a good way to track the impact that different stones can have on you. Set aside time for meditation and a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. A loud TV in the next room or children running around the house will disturb even those who have experience in meditation.

If you have never meditated before, start by sitting in a comfortable position and closing your eyes. Even if you are in the mood to contemplate the magic crystal, start the meditation with your eyes closed. This allows you to move away from the familiar outer world and immerse yourself in your own inner world. Focus on your breath, each breath should be taken from the stomach. Slowly fill your lungs with air, hold your breath, and then exhale slowly. The last thing that should come out is the air from the abdomen. Pause again, and then begin the next breath. When you feel that your energy has calmed down and subsided, you can focus on the gem(s). If you contemplate the magic crystal, slowly open your eyes, but do not try to concentrate your eyes. Allow yourself to absorb energy, thoughts, information and sensations.

Meditation should not be expected to immediately bring you stunning revelations about your life. Most of the information will come to you gradually. And don't be discouraged if it seems to you that nothing is happening. Just let yourself relax and become receptive. If you have to learn anything at this time, you will know. The time spent after meditation is important even if you do not record your impressions in a diary. The time allotted for reflection allows you to organize information. Things may not be obvious during meditation, and you can figure out what's what by sitting quietly after the meditation is over. It may take you a day or two to realize what has changed. Another way to use gemstones in meditation is to surround yourself with them. Arrange them in a circle on the floor, then sit in the center of the circle. The stones must not touch each other and may be spaced at such intervals as you see fit.

In addition to working with the chakras to achieve balance, you may want to try simple elemental harmonization, which will help you find harmony. Choose a gemstone or a stone that best matches this element in color. Such harmonization covers the four main elements traditional for Western culture. There are five elements in Chinese Feng Shui.

Choose one gem for each season of the elements and place them on the floor in the appropriate direction, as you would if you were going to lay out a circle to sit inside. You can use only these four stones, or you can lay out a full circle using either only white or only black stones. (White contains all other colors, and black is the absence of colors). Position yourself inside the circle facing in the direction that corresponds to the current season. If it's the middle of the season, face the midpoint between the two gems.

As with other types of meditation, first focus on breathing and calming your energy. You must think about the east, spring and the elements of air. Allow yourself to feel the energy of this season and feel its element. Let the energy of the stone guide you. Repeat the same for each of the four directions. Spend as much time on each as you see fit. Through this meditation, you connect with mother earth and the entire web of life. Such meditation will allow you to stay in a harmonious state for several days.

If you practice yoga, you may wish to harmonize with the energies of the elements/seasons while doing the exercises at home. Arrange four gems on the sides of your rug and perform specific poses that, from your point of view, correspond to the season or element. For example, for the summer of the south, the pose of a dog bowing its head would be suitable, since the body warms up in it.

You can also try to contemplate the magic crystal while doing yoga exercises to enhance the meditative state. Experiment with different types of meditation or sitting with gems to find the one that works best for you. Meditating, doing yoga exercises, or simply sitting with the gems will help you attune to the energies of each and help you choose the right feng shui gemstones.

Be healthy!

Some tips for using the properties of stones and minerals

- The crystals and stones that you have should always be in sight, do not hide them in dark boxes. Stones, for example, like to be on windowsills, on shelves, on tables, on prayer altars, and so on.
- If you want to take stones on the road, it is best to wrap them with some kind of natural fabric - satin, silk, velveteen, cotton, so as not to damage them.
- Crystals and stones can be worn as jewelry, which helps to maintain mental purity, emotional balance.

Wearing stones as amulets or jewelry is one of the most affordable and most effective ways to use the healing properties of stones.
— In ancient Egypt, in China, in the state of the Incas, stones were worn on individual fingers in order to connect different energy flows and affect the vital activity of the body.
- The dancers wore dark red stones, in particular rubies, on their navels in order to increase the sexual interest of the audience.
- The stones placed on the third eye helped the ascetics in contact with God.
- The necklace of stones that we wear on the chest can stimulate the heart chakra, cause love and sympathy.
- Stones that are suspended in the earlobe activate reflex points, thereby affecting the parts of the body associated with them.
- When wearing stones, their energy interacts with the human biofield, strengthens it, dissipates emotional and mental stress. But not always precious stones can be worn in direct contact with the skin, especially in those parts of the body where there are foci of the disease.
- Crystals and stones that are given with love become "crystals of love" that are charged with the power of healing. Before giving a crystal, attach it to your heart and wish your loved one harmony, goodness and happiness.
- Crystals and stones can be placed in ointments and massage oils, this will improve the effect of the massage.
- Crystals and stones in the treatment perceive the vibrations of the sick. After each use of the stones, they must be cleaned. Cleaning of crystals from all accumulated vibrations should be carried out if you bought them or decided to give them. In this case, cleaning will help the crystal to accept a new owner more easily. The most effective way is to immerse the crystal in sea water for at least 3 hours. It is best to carry out this procedure for 36 hours.
- If a person is very sick, weak-willed or unable to take an active part in healing, this causes the stones to deplete their vitality, and must be cleansed and recharged with energy before reuse. Exhausted stones lose their radiation, become dull and cloudy.
- Another of the easiest ways to clean stones is to use the regenerating properties of water and the sun. Stones and crystals must be washed under running water, and then placed in the sun for at least 30 minutes, then wiped with a clean white cotton cloth. It is better if the stones are washed in the sea, lake, stream. In this case, after immersing the stone in water, you need to hold it, not letting it fall to the bottom, without looking at it, take it out and immerse it in water again. Finally, the stone is removed from the water after 10-15 minutes.
- For a thorough cleaning and recharging of stones, a druse of pure quartz and 4 single quartz crystals are used, from which a cross is laid out around the druse. Stones can be left on the druze for as long as you like, but not less than 3 hours.
- Treatment with stones requires constant concentration. One must develop third eye vision in order to sense the aura, the chakra system, and the vibrations of the finer energies. You need to be able to feel the moment when the patient is not able to receive the energy of higher frequencies into his aura.

The healing properties of stones during massage. Stone massage
Stones are often used during massage. To do this, you will need a polished and faceted stone that has one rounded side, it is better if it is a stone of a sufficiently large size. It is even recommended to make one to order.
Before touching the stone to the human body, you should warm the stone in your hands. At first, work slowly, do not press the stone on the body, increase the pressure gradually, while trying not to hurt the patient. Gradually, the stone will become hot, and your movements will become faster. Thanks to this, the energy of the stone will penetrate into the patient, helping him to relax. It is useful for such a massage to use some kind of oil.
The final result of the massage depends not only on the energy of the stone, but also on the energy emanating from you, as well as on the energy of the patient. Therefore, the patient must be properly relaxed. Your movements should be slow and confident, and your energy should be directed through your hands into the crystal. Think that the stone helps to relieve tension and establish harmony of mind, body and soul. As a result of the massage, the patient relaxes, energized, and both you and the patient gain a feeling of purity and peace.

Using Stones in Meditation
Meditation is the penetration into oneself in order to calm down, relieve stress. With the help of meditation, a person can understand the causes of his condition, which, in turn, will help to establish harmony in the soul. When this harmony is achieved, a person will be able to take a fresh look at the world, at the people around him and at himself.
Stones have long been used in meditation. The purpose of their use is to help with immersion in a meditative state and deepen it. In turn, it is the meditative state that helps to fully feel the energy that the stone possesses and absorb it into oneself. Thus, meditation is a deeper stage of communication with the crystal.
What is the best stone to choose for meditation? First of all, this is, of course, the stone of your birth, since it is he who can give you strong energy. But quartz minerals (crystalline quartz, amethyst, rutile quartz, smoky quartz, citrine, etc.) can also be used, and obsidian and amber have also recently been used. Only the stone with which you feel calm, protected, and most suitable for meditation.
In addition, the choice of stone may be determined by the type of meditation. Some people need to switch off completely in order to get to the depths of their consciousness. For others, it’s enough just to get rid of stress and relax. Therefore, stones with great energy and strength, such as stones containing copper, are suitable for active forms of meditation.
It is not necessary to constantly work with only one crystal, you can change it as you have received the beneficial effects of its energy, and also if you need a different type of energy for other purposes.
Now that you have chosen a stone, let's start the meditation. Sit quietly and comfortably so that nothing disturbs you. Place the crystal in front of you so that it is at eye level. It would be nice if the rays of the sun fell on the stone, as they enhance the energy entering your consciousness. Now concentrate on the stone, feel how its energy slowly flows into you. You will feel that the crystal calms your mind, body, soul, gives you a new sense of life and even eternity. When you feel this, your consciousness will connect with the soul and go into a meditative state. A way to quickly dive into a meditative state. Take the stone in your hands and place it on your open palms. Put your hands on your knees. Concentrate on the crystal and its energy. You will now be able to feel the warmth of the crystal, its energy flowing through you and calming you, but this will happen much faster now, and the energy in this case will intensify and penetrate deeper than in the previous example. This will bring you into a deeper meditative state. Sitting with a mineral in your hands, look at it, feel its presence with your whole body, and then its energy and color will completely absorb you.
It should be remembered that energy cannot instantly penetrate you, it is important that it reaches the very depths of your soul. So spend as much time as you need to meditate. Only then will you be able to break through the stress and nervous tension that are holding you back, and your consciousness will reach the highest point of relaxation. And the crystal will help you with this.
Achieving the state of meditation is not so easy, it requires strength, patience and time. But the result will exceed all your expectations, as it resembles the soaring of the soul and is very calming.
The stones can teach you how to meditate more deeply and successfully, as the subtle energy of the crystals allows you to connect with the subtle energies of consciousness.
It is difficult to predict how this or that crystal will affect a person during meditation, but one thing is clear: any stone contributes to spiritual growth.

Friends, I want to introduce you to K.'s letter, in which she describes her experience of meditation with stones. At the end of my comments

Passed with my amethyst . It is amazing! I have had it for many years, more than 10 for sure.

This is one of the first stones I bought. I loved it, often wore it, sometimes took it with me during meditations and I thought I knew this stone "up and down". But it turned out that no!

have always been huge doubts, about the comments: "oh, I did a meditation and the stone opened up to me from a new side!". Healthy skepticism in me said "I don't believe"! These are all reviews of particularly impressionable girls who "believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy." But doing meditation I really rediscovered it))

Without making any effort and to be honest, not particularly believing that something would change (after all, more than 10 years together!) I did it. What was my surprise when right in front of my eyes the stone changed. Tell me who before meditation - I would say that they are blatantly lying. And then the stone began to play, I had never seen such overflows in it, pieces of the rainbow played on the edges and in the depths. At first I thought it was reflecting something. But no! A couple of days have passed, and this rainbow shine remains! The stone is lying in the far corner, on the cosmetic table, under diode lighting (dim, only a few LED lights work, evening chandelier mode, bluish light) sparkles!

On the day after the meditation of acquaintance, I carried the ring with me until the evening, then I put it on the table and got ready to go to wash. I made out the bed, and leaving the room, I noticed something strange with peripheral vision. I turned in this direction to see what attracted attention, and this sparkles my amethyst! I didn't think he could do that. Of course, the pebble always sparkled and shimmered, especially on the street and in sunny weather. But to do this: with all the faces, the entire surface and with different colors... Like a small star on my cosmetic table, I did not immediately realize that this was my ring)) And the "sparkle" is not the only change. He seems to have gotten deeper. Those. in my perception, he had some kind of depth, three-dimensionality or something ...

It's very nice to look inside. As if you are looking into a kaleidoscope, as in childhood. The edges are reflected, crushed, sparkling, and with every movement the picture of the "kaleidoscope" changes, as if thousands of worlds have no edge.

And I also began to feel the ring as something softer and more tender)) For me, it's so amazing. Usually I still feel coolness and "hardness" from metal. And even the thought did not arise that it could be otherwise. And then suddenly the feeling that I didn’t put on a ring, but tied a silk ribbon. At first, silk is cool, but very gentle, and then it becomes so warm and cozy. And the cat likes it very much))

I almost constantly wore the ring for a couple of days (except for the time of small cleanings) and took it off only if I had to do something "harmful" with my hands (wash, wash the floors). So several times I caught myself feeling that the ring was still on me. I'm going to fix it - but there's nothing on my finger... It's so unusual and even a little scary. It seems that I am also one of the suggestible and impressionable young ladies. Do tooth fairies exist?

On such a wave of success with amethyst, I decided to "get acquainted" with a rosary made of green onyx and a rose quartz pendant. I have probably had a rosary for 5-7 years, I don’t remember exactly. For its intended purpose, they were not often used, somehow it did not work out. Only in the last couple of years I began to communicate with them more often. I have had a pendant for two years. The first year I dragged it almost constantly, now sometimes I change it for some other decoration. Mostly to clean it, but sometimes I put on gold earrings, and a silver pendant, I have to take it off. True, if a sweater or a turtleneck with a high collar, then I can leave a pendant with rose quartz under it, and put something else made of gold on top "for show".

But it's not about that. I did meditations to get acquainted with these stones and ... nothing special. Rose quartz may have become a little "cleaner" (if I may say so) in color. Yes, and the onyx "brightened", as if the veins / stripes became more milky in color. But even then I doubt whether this is imagining to me ... There is no particular warmth, or any other changes in the sensation.

Why is that? Am I doing something wrong? Do all stones respond equally to the owner? Can any of them "be silent"? Does that mean they don't like me? And in general, does this state of affairs mean something important or not to pay attention? She did everything the same way, she cleaned the stones, why is there such a difference?

Of course, not all stones respond the same way, this is normal! Some suit you better, some less, and some fit, but just now there is no contact with them. I think that you did the meditation with onyx and rose quartz just on the wave of research enthusiasm, and not because these stones attracted you - unlike amethyst And therefore there was a different effect.