For cooking on induction. How do I buy an induction hob

Harvest a high yield positive emotions and save money - this is the primary goal of a person equipping a kitchen room.

Among our fellow citizens, induction cookers are gaining popularity, thanks to their competitive advantage and distinctive properties from other types of plates.

Principle of operation

How does this type of stove work? The whole process goes like this:

  1. Glass or glass ceramic hob hides under itself a coil consisting of a copper wire.
  2. When electricity pierces the turns of the coil, it creates a high-frequency electromagnetic field, which further produces an induction current.
  3. Dishes with magnetic permeability placed on the hob close the circuit, acting as a kind of conductor.
  4. The electrons in the bottom of the dishes come into active motion, whereby they form thermal energy heating the contents of the container.

How they work - we figured out the induction cookers. What are they in relation to their size?

Tabletop and built-in cookers

In order not to complain about the fact that a huge stove eats up usable space in kitchen area you can buy a table top.

Household appliances that do not take up much space will allow you to cook your favorite dishes with the same speed and efficiency. Compact induction hobs are ideal for small kitchen or cottages.

Manufacturers offer to choose table tiles with one or two burners. Such a device will fully satisfy the household needs of an average person.

This is often a professional kitchen appliances for restaurants, cafes and other establishments where you need to cook a lot. Has high performance. It has, in most cases, four burners with a mass of temperature regulators, timers and other operational advantages.

You can install such a stove at home, if finances allow, because it costs more than a small induction cooker tabletop.

What utensils can be used?

Before buying a new induction cooker, you need to learn about the features of its operation. The choice of pots and pans will now be more scrupulous than for the usual electric and gas stoves.

This is all due to the fact that not every material reacts to an electromagnetic field that sets the electrons in motion in the bottom of the dish.

In many people who want to buy a tile that works on the basis of electromagnetic induction, the question often arises: is it possible to leave old dishes for cooking.

Ceramic pots, aluminum pans and other containers are not suitable for induction hobs. Only metal utensils should be used. Checking which containers are suitable for cooking food is very simple.

You need to take a magnet and try to attach it to the container. If the magnet sticks, the cookware is ideal for use on induction hobs.

The most suitable cookware for induction cookers is made from stainless steel or cast iron. Consider the materials in more detail:

  • Stainless steel.

The material is resistant to corrosion and oxidation. food products cooked in stainless steel containers retain the lion's share of nutrients.

These dishes can be stored in the refrigerator. It will not change the taste and aroma of food.

From the refrigerator, the stainless steel is immediately placed on the induction stove. The only drawback of this material is the content of nickel, which causes an allergic reaction in some people.

  • Enamelware is made from various metal alloys.

Suitable for induction hobs. It is better to buy saucepans with a flat bottom.

  • Cast iron.

Although this material is heavy and brittle, it is often used for cooking on induction cookers.

It is also indispensable for people who prefer healthy eating, because this material does not distort the taste characteristics of food, and also allows you to save the maximum amount of useful elements in cooked food.

How to determine if a particular kitchen utensil is suitable for use on an induction hob?

Another small addition. The sides and lid of kitchen utensils do not have to be made of materials that react to magnetic waves.

Now manufacturers often equip the bottom of ceramic, copper utensils and cooking containers made of other materials with a special ferromagnetic metal lining. Such kitchen utensils Can be used on induction cooktops.

Here are some practical tips to get the most out of induction cookers:

  • Although manufacturers of modern kitchen utensils are increasingly improving their products, making them suitable for use in various conditions and on different heating elements, but old cast iron cookware should not be thrown into a landfill. After acquiring an induction cooker, you can safely get it out of the pantry - it will last for many more years.
  • Special cookware for induction surfaces is ideal for use on other heating elements: gas and electric.
  • Old pots and pans that have been magnetically tested should not be immediately placed on the induction hob. It is necessary to check the condition of the bottom. It may have irregularities and defects from mechanical damage, which can scratch the glass-ceramic surface of a new plate. A bent bottom may not ensure proper contact between the bottom of the pot and the induction surface.


This technology is relatively new, so it has a whole string of advantages. The induction cooker has the following advantages:

Like all electrical appliances, the induction cooker has the following disadvantages:

It's up to you to buy a new stove or use an old electric or gas stove. If your friends are thinking about buying an induction cooker, share the above information with them.

An induction hob is a cooking hob that stays cold until a pan with a magnetic bottom is placed on it. It is absolutely safe and allows you to save on electricity. How the induction cooker is arranged and works, we will consider further.

How does an induction cooker work?

The hob is usually made of glass-ceramic or other dielectric and non-magnetic composite material. Under the surface of the induction cooker are inductors made of metal with good electrical conductivity in the form of a cylinder. They look like this:

When through the inductors begins to pass alternating current high frequency, an alternating (pulsating) magnetic field arises. This field goes beyond the coil, including above the surface of the plate. If a material with magnetic properties (iron) is on the plate, an alternating magnetic field excites a current flow in it. This current, passing through the conductor, experiences resistance to its movement, which heats the object on the stove.

This phenomenon (currents induced by a magnetic field in a material that has fallen into the zone of a magnetic field) is called electromagnetic induction (the effect was discovered by the British scientist Michael Faraday in 1831). Therefore, stoves, the work of which is based on this effect, are called induction.

The scheme of the induction cooker is presented below:

The oscillation frequency of the magnetic field is from 20 to 60 kilohertz. The highest sound that the ear of an ordinary person can distinguish is 16 kilohertz. The efficiency of the induction cooker is very high - from 80% to 90% depending on the model. This means that getting the same dishes as on a conventional stove, you will spend much less energy.

It should be noted that the surface of the stove during operation is heated not from the magnetic field, but only from the object on the stove. If you touch the stove during operation, the surface will be at room temperature. The exception is the area under the pot (frying pan). This zone heats up from the bottom of the cookware. But if you remove the dishes, the heating will immediately stop (there is simply nothing to heat up), and the hob will cool down to a temperature environment in just a few seconds.

Induction cookers are much safer than any others - there is no chance of getting burned by carelessly putting your hand on the stove. It also reduces the likelihood of fire - a rag or paper that has fallen on the hob will never ignite.

Even non-heat-resistant materials will not melt or catch fire when in contact with the stove, also because even at high temperatures, after removing the kitchen utensils from the surface, its temperature drops very quickly. Therefore, a plastic bottle with infant formula or a disposable plate will never burn on the stove.

Each induction oven model has a built-in timer. With it, you can both extremely finely adjust the cooking mode, and simply limit the amount of energy spent on heating dishes. Many models have a “boiling control” function, that is, the temperature sensor determines when the dish has reached a temperature of 100 degrees, the set time allows it to boil, after which the oven turns off.

The digital indicator on the control panel can indicate several parameters:

  • temperature for each burner (optional);
  • consumed power;
  • clock;
  • cooking time for each burner.

In the event of an emergency shutdown of the oven, the indicator will also display relevant information on the sensor so that you are not lost in guessing what happened.

There are models of cooking surfaces, where some of the burners are induction, and some are conventional electric burners. All this is under a common glass-ceramic surface. If there are several induction burners, they can work as one, heating a large pan or a whole baking sheet together, and the temperature is evenly distributed over the bottom of the container.

To clearly see how the induction cooker works, it is proposed in the following video:

Features of the induction cooker

What features are noted with such a plate device, we highlight further:

  • There is no and cannot be any harm from cooking on such stoves - neither in the process of cooking, nor when eating food. This is due to the fact that there is no powerful radiation that affects the physico-chemical composition of food.

It is still not worth approaching the top of the stove during operation - the effect of a rapidly oscillating magnetic field on the human body is not well understood.

  • The manufacturability of the furnace is much higher than that of a conventional electric or gas oven. That is why induction furnaces are still more expensive.
  • One of the main positive aspects when using such a stove is that there is absolutely no smell of burning in your kitchen. On an electric stove, a spiral, a body and a grate are heated (about the same with a gas stove), and dust, oil and food particles get on all the heated parts, which burn and give off the corresponding “aroma”. And on the "induction" there is simply nothing to burn.
  • Such furnaces are equipped with temperature sensors that clearly withstand the specified temperature. temperature regime. Thus, you can program the cooking process literally every minute, which is impossible to achieve on a conventional gas or electric stove.
  • By using energy solely to raise and maintain the temperature of the food, your kitchen maintains a comfortable atmosphere. While cooking, you do not overcome the heat and stuffiness, you do not need to turn on the air conditioner once again.

  • The control of most induction furnaces is touch. A simple set of a few buttons, however, gives you a lot more options than an electric or gas stove.
  • The oven may beeping you. If you set it up in a certain way, it will "call" you when the oil boils in the pan, or the kettle is about to whistle.
  • Almost all induction furnaces are equipped with an additional emergency temperature sensor that monitors the surface temperature. When the temperature reaches, for example, 250 degrees Celsius, automatic shutdown. So you can not be afraid that you left the kettle on the stove - smart electronics will insure you when all the water boils away.
  • Induction ovens are also distinguished by the fact that they maintain the set temperature much more accurately than in gas or electric stoves. This is because due to the absence of temperature interference for the thermoelement of the plate from gas flows or heating elements, its accuracy is much higher.
  • Can be placed directly on the surface while cooking kitchen towels so that splashes of water and oil do not even fall on the hob;
  • Even if food particles fall or spill on the stove during cooking, they will not burn and can be easily removed as they stop heating up.
  • If pots, pans and a kettle are placed on all burners at the same time, then the total power of the stove will be artificially reduced - in order to reduce the load on the electronics in the stove and on the wiring in your house. This is a programmed feature. For example, the total power of the stove is 3 kilowatts. But if you use all the burners, only 2.5 kilowatts will be consumed.

You can learn about the features, pros and cons of the induction cooker from the following video:

It is better to connect the induction cooker with a separate cable from the electrical panel so that there are no problems with the wiring. Grounding is an integral part correct connection induction panel.

Where to install?

A huge plus of the induction burner is that it can be built into almost any place on the surface of the kitchen worktop, as long as there is enough space. However, some points should be taken into account:

  1. It is undesirable that metal pipes, corners or other conductive structures are close to such a furnace - this is not dangerous, but it can adversely affect the operation of the furnace.
  2. There must be enough space for ventilation, as the electronics inside the induction oven require good cooling.
  3. Do not overly compact the location of all kitchen units. An induction oven saves a lot of space, but you should not place it closer than 50 centimeters from a refrigerator, microwave and other electrical appliances. It's not even about the metal walls. Mutual influence of magnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation and high temperature may be unpredictable.

After installation, it is undesirable to leave the glass-ceramic coating without care. It's better for him to buy special agent containing silicone. This will give your stove a sophisticated shine and a well-groomed look.

What cookware to choose for cooking on an induction hob?

The induction oven simply will not turn on and will not start the heating process if the item of kitchen utensils placed on it:

  • is not a current conductor;
  • is too good a conductor;
  • less than 12 centimeters (approximately 5 inches) in diameter;
  • has a temperature above a certain maximum (usually 100 degrees Celsius).

The complex of magnetic field and temperature sensors is responsible for the above conditions. Electronics even knows how to regulate the power, which is distributed depending on the size of the dishes. As a result, you again save electricity.

It should be understood that any materials containing ferromagnets can be heated on an induction cooker, even if the materials themselves are not magnetic. For example, stainless steel or cast iron do not have pronounced magnetic properties, but they still contain iron - the material that gave the property its name "ferromagnet". Therefore, both stainless steel and cast iron are perfectly heated under the influence of eddy currents of an induction furnace.

On specialized dishes for induction heating, they put a special sign - several vertical loops and the inscription « Induction».

They are usually made from "white" cast iron.

The bottom of the vessel for heating by magnetic fields must be iron-containing - cast iron, steel or stainless steel. The thickness of the bottom must be at least 2 millimeters thick. Expensive and high-quality products have a bottom about a centimeter thick and some kind of innovative non-stick coating (for example, titanium-ceramic).

For containers with a too small bottom (turks, stewpans), there are special iron circle coasters that heat up perfectly on an induction oven and transfer heat to small containers.

Ordinary enameled iron containers are also quite suitable, although if the bottom is thin and concave, they can make unpleasant sounds. But due to the very rapid heating of the container, you will not have to endure these sounds for long.

In general, the main sign of suitability for an increase in temperature from fluctuations in the magnetic field is this: if the magnet is attracted to the dishes, such dishes are good; if they are not attracted, they are not good.

Some non-specialized types of cookware may heat unevenly. For example, the center of the pan may be hot, and the temperature near the walls will be fifty degrees lower. The only way to fix this is to replace the dishes.

Another disadvantage of conventional dishes is a damaged or loose bottom. A frying pan covered from below with a layer of soot after a gas oven, when used on an induction burner, begins to emit unpleasant odors, sounds and even smokes, because now the temperature is rising not from the outside, but from the inside. In addition, a deformed bottom may scratch the surface of the plate.

Naturally, kitchen utensils made of glass, ceramics, plastic, and other materials that do not contain metals are not suitable for induction ovens. Also not suitable are copper, aluminum and other kitchen utensils made of materials that conduct well. electricity. The fact is that for rapid heating by magnetic fields, it is required that the conductor be poor. Then the eddy currents, experiencing great resistance, cause the dishes to heat up, and from elevated temperature resistance increases even more.

What can not be done with an induction oven?

In order not to independently cause malfunctions in the operation of such a hob, it is worth considering the following restrictions:

  • Those who have a built-in pacemaker should not work with the induction cooker, as the magnetic field may adversely affect the implant. At a distance of half a meter from the stove, the field is almost indistinguishable, but it's better not to risk it.
  • Do not allow credit cards, documents and other objects to come into contact with the magnetic field of the induction cooker. The same applies to mobile cards, mobile phones and other electronic devices.
  • Can not use aluminum foil– it heats up too much under the influence of inductive currents and can cause a fire. The same applies to foil packaging - chocolate bars, sweets, milk bags, and other similar items, including decorative foil ribbons for gifts, balloons, and so on.

Why does not it work?

If the induction cooker does not work at all, you can find the cause of the breakdown as follows:

  1. Check the power cord. Most often, it breaks at the body of the stove or at the outlet. If, when the cord is moved, the contact appears, then disappears - the problem is localized, it is necessary to repair the cord.
  2. Try removing the plug and inserting it into another outlet - perhaps this is the issue.
  3. Make sure the stove power button on the back of the stove is pushed in (near the power cord entry). Sometimes children or pets manage to press it and unplug the oven from the mains.

If everything is fine outside, you will have to open the countertop. First, just inspect the filling of the plate visually - is it imperceptible to see if there are any obviously unusual places. Here we check:

  • fuse;
  • terminals and wire connections (you can tighten the screws more tightly, just for prevention);
  • diode bridge;
  • power transistor;
  • power transformer.

After that, it remains to check the controller chip and the transistors through which the controller signals go. If checking all of the above elements did not reveal the cause of the problem, you will have to contact a specialized workshop.

In order not to have an unnecessary headache with the repair of expensive equipment, install an overvoltage protection device in advance and connect the equipment through it.

Video: Induction cooker vs gas and electric

In the following video, in a practical way, which type of stove is better:

Induction hobs and surfaces are almost ideal cooking appliances. They are safe, economical, beautiful, comfortable, compact, and adjustable over a wide range. Food cooks and heats up very quickly. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the installation, operation and maintenance.

In contact with

Should I buy an induction cooktop?? Maybe it is harmful and even dangerous? And the kids are at home! How will electromagnetic radiation affect them? When will it show up and how? To be honest, just six months ago, I didn’t even know what induction cooker. Somehow I never thought about it. The situation was changed in an instant by His Majesty the case. You know how it is. Everything was just fine and suddenly... After the pan fell on the good old Siemens stove with a glass-ceramic surface and the last crack appeared in the last crack, I had to think about replacing the entire device. It was then that newfangled induction hobs came into my field of vision. I decided to buy such a contraption and test for myself all the wonderful properties that are attributed to them. Six months have passed since then. It's time to draw conclusions.

What and for whom is this article written?

In general, in this article I would not like to somehow emphasize the description of a particular model. Over time, it will still be discontinued, if not already discontinued. Yet six months have passed :).

I'm going to talk about what induction hob what are the principles of its work, what is it good for, and what are its weaknesses.

Most likely, the article will be useful for those who, like me, have never thought about replacing their good old stove. But situations are different. Someone will drop something heavy on the glass ceramics. Someone will buy a new headset and will need an embedded device. Someone's stove will burn out corny.

It is at this moment that a person usually begins to look for a replacement on the Internet and suddenly comes across a previously unfamiliar combination " induction hob" or " panel". Maybe you have never come across such stoves. Maybe you heard opinions from friends, but didn’t pay much attention to them. Just because your old stove did its job quite well. Why do you need extra information. And suddenly you Face to face, you face a choice: which panel to buy?

This "suddenly" happened to me in a store where I went to look for a new stove instead of a broken one. At first I did not suspect anything and just walked between the rows, examining the exhibited samples.

They were very different. From the simplest three-burner electric stove "Lysva" (I wonder who guessed to give it such a "sounding" name) to ... Here I had my first acquaintance with induction cookers. I never imagined that an ordinary-looking hob, and even built into the surface kitchen table(that is, without an oven) can cost about sixty thousand rubles.

To my ironic question, "what was stuffed there," the seller "without batting a glance" replied that it was, they say, a premium class induction hob. Further, at my request, he explained what an "induction panel" is and how it differs from a heating element.

I confess that all his arguments at first had no effect. So what, which is faster? We have nowhere to hurry. So what if you spend less energy? Well, there will be a bill for a hundred rubles a month cheaper. So what?

What exactly did the seller tell me?

How is an induction hob different from a regular hob?

Do you have small children? - asked the seller.

Yes, I have a 5-year-old son - I answered.

Has he ever burned himself on a hot stove?

I remembered: about a year ago, my baby really got burned on the stove. He just passed by and grabbed the surface with his hand. The stove was already off, but the place where the pot stood was still very hot.

Yes, it was - I had to admit.

If you had an induction hob, this wouldn't happen. She doesn't heat up.

From that moment on, we began a "scientific" conversation. I really wondered how it could be: with the stove turned on and working "to its fullest," the surface remains cold, and only the pan itself heats up.

It turned out that the same principle is used to heat dishes in an induction cooker as in an electrical transformer. Do you know how a transformer works? Let me tell you quickly just in case.

Surely you know that a transformer is such a heavy thing. There are 4 wires coming out of it. One pair is plugged into an ordinary outlet, the voltage in which, as you know, is 220 volts. On the other pair of wires, the voltage, oddly enough, is 12 volts. Or 9. Or even 4.5.

We will not go into details of the rest of the electrical circuit of the power adapter, but it turns out that through it you can plug a mobile phone into an outlet for recharging, which requires only, say, 3.6 volts.

How does such a significant decrease in voltage occur? Let's look at the picture:

We supply 220 volts from the socket (U1) to one pair of contacts. As a result, a magnetic field is formed in the metal core of the transformer. In the other winding of the transformer, which is not directly connected to the first one, oddly enough, an electric current with voltage also arises ... but this already depends on the number of turns of wire around the core.

Thus, due to the ratio of the number of turns in the primary and secondary windings, the desired output voltage is achieved.

In an induction cooker, the primary winding (roughly speaking, a coil of wire) is located under the glass-ceramic surface. A very high frequency current of 50-60 kilohertz flows through the coil. The so-called eddy currents create around the coil, so to speak, a cloud of electromagnetic radiation.

The bottom of the pan, which we put on the surface of the stove, falls into this "cloud". In it, under the action of an electromagnetic field, processes begin that lead to heating. In fact, the bottom of the pan becomes the second winding of the transformer.

The most surprising thing is that the glass-ceramic surface of the stove itself remains cold. Of course, it heats up from the heated bottom of the pot or pan, but this heating is nothing compared to the fiery "pancake" of the usual "Lysva" stove or red, even scary to look at, glass ceramics.

In other words, if you turn on the burner of the induction panel, but do not put anything on it, it will simply turn off after a few seconds under the action of automation, without heating up a single degree.

If you put your hand on the surface of an induction cooker, you will feel absolutely nothing, even if you turn on the corresponding burner to the maximum.

But if you put the right pan on such a stove (we’ll talk about which dishes are suitable for induction panels a little later), then its bottom will literally immediately begin to noticeably heat up. Literally a few seconds and you will no longer be able to hold on to the bottom of the dish - it's hot!

What is there to say. Look at how quickly cold water boils on an induction hob.

How does an induction cooker work. Video

A 2-liter pot was filled with water at a temperature of +14 degrees. Then she was put on the stove. In the background, I deliberately placed the clock. Usually they are not there, of course. They were needed in the frame to show that the video was not edited. No gimmick - all for real. And why should I cheat? I don't sell cooking surfaces :). I'm just doing an experiment.

Then the stove was turned on to the maximum. In ordinary life, we never do this, but even I myself was interested to know how long it would take these two liters to boil. Almost immediately after switching on, air bubbles appeared at the bottom of the pan, and the water that was at the bottom of the outside almost immediately evaporated (remember, a suspicious hiss was heard at first).

The induction panel worked at maximum speed. Soon the built-in fan turned on - apparently, the induction coil was significantly heated. Then you saw everything yourself. I have to admit, at the very end, when I had to turn off the stove, I hesitated a bit, so some of the water spilled onto the surface.

Just don’t think that I crumble into beads with delight and try in every possible way to put it on a pedestal new technology and lower traditional slabs to the level of the plinth. Not at all. It's just a fact - if you need to boil water very urgently, then "induction" will cope with this faster.

In ordinary life, we never use this explosive warm-up mode. Normal power is 4-7 units out of ten, depending on the situation. However, my wife quite definitely states that the initial heat up time is faster on the new stove.

What else is good induction hob

Another pleasant discovery that was made when using the device is that the food that "escaped" from the pan does not stick to the surface. How about on a regular stove? If the milk "ran away", then you must either immediately wash it or then you will have to scrape the stove with a special scraper.

I remember from my own experience. If you do not immediately clean the surface properly, then over time, nasty circles form from the remnants of burnt food.

For half a year of using the induction panel, something “ran away” from us repeatedly. But the surface still looks like it's brand new. This happens because the surface itself does not heat up. I already wrote that if you turn on the stove and put your hand on the burner, you will feel absolutely nothing. No heating. And the heat that comes from the heated dishes is not enough to form a burnt crust on the glass-ceramic surface.

My wife was a bit wary at first. And when she found out that the old dishes might not work with the new stove, she was completely sad. But literally in a couple of days, decadent moods were replaced by enthusiasm. To this day, she considers the induction hob more good choice despite its significant cost.

An additional plus of induction is that it is more economical in terms of electricity consumption. I didn’t check it myself, but I read on the Internet that the efficiency of stoves with heating elements- about 60%. In the induction panel - 90 - 95%. There is some difference, right? Even if it is not as significant as it is written on the Internet, all the same, even a small regular energy saving over the years is knocked out in significant amounts that remain in the family.

I think that over time, the stove will fully pay for itself and begin to give "profit".

What cookware is needed for an induction cooker

I must say right away: the problem with dishes is purely illusory. It's just that fear has big eyes. You can easily use an induction hob without buying new cookware, even if none of your pans work directly with induction.

You can easily determine how your dishes are suitable for a future purchase.

Everything is very simple. Take an ordinary magnet and try to lean it against all the pots and pans that you have in the kitchen. Those pots that do not respond to the magnet will not work with the induction hob.

It will look like this: you put a pot of water and turn on the stove. For the first few seconds, everything will be as usual, but then the indicator light of the corresponding burner will flash and the stove will turn off, as if you just turned on the stove, but did not put anything on it.

Many people say that ordinary enameled saucepans can be safely thrown away, but dishes with a thick metal bottom are what you need.

All this is prejudice. Here's a good old enamel pot that works great with an induction hob:

At the same time, the Zepter dishes I have with a thick metal bottom categorically refuse to serve. The induction panel simply "does not see" it. Or rather, "does not feel." My wife discovered this and came to tell me that "there is something strange with our stove." I approached and for a long time could not understand why the Zepter pan with such a thick bottom, made of stainless steel, stubbornly "is not determined" by the induction cooker.

Then he brought a magnet - and for sure! The bottom of Zepter cookware is not magnetic. That was the number! Having rummaged through the Internet, I found out that the new dishes of this company have already been adapted. I have a 15 year old set. At that time, they didn’t even know what an induction hob was.

I had to get a tile from the mezzanine and cook on it. But a new question arose: what to do next? Can't you use tiles all the time?

The most successful way out of this situation is to buy an adapter for an induction cooker. This is such a metal pan that you put on the surface of the stove, and already put a pan on it, which by itself cannot work with induction. When you turn on the stove, the adapter heats up and transfers heat to the pan.

Of course, all this looks a little strange, but it is much cheaper to buy an adapter than to change the entire Zepter cookware set.

Many people are not aware of the existence of adapters. They throw away or give away excellent cookware to friends just because it does not work with the induction hob. The adapter costs from 1000 to 2000 rubles. It is much easier to buy it and use the good old and such familiar dishes than to lament and scold your husband for what it is worth because he brought home this "induction nonsense".

In a word, you don't have to worry about dishes. The main thing is to buy one or two adapters with the stove and "keep on living".

What is dangerous induction hob

The time has come for the tar. Still, you must know what to prepare for if you are going to deal with induction.

The thing is that such a plate creates around itself a rather strong electromagnetic field, read radiation. Some people, as soon as they hear the word "radiation", immediately begin to itch :). I remember that in the store one customer immediately refused to buy an induction panel, she only heard about strong electromagnetic fields.

It would be interesting to offer her, for that matter, to refuse to use the microwave, TV, mobile phone ... After all, all these and many others Appliances also radiate, and how!

The induction hob is indeed a source of a powerful electromagnetic field. You can't argue with that. But it disappears at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the coil. Let's think logically. If the field were stronger and extended for a meter or more, then, logically, all the metal objects around would also have to heat up. For example, pans on adjacent burners, metal knives and forks, the refrigerator wall - all this would be warm. But that's not what happens.

If you are not going to put your head on the burner and keep it there until the dish is completely cooked, then there is no particular danger for you.

However, doctors warn against the use of the induction panel for those people who use pacemakers. Probably, these are very sensitive devices and even a slight fluctuation of the electromagnetic background will be sensitive for them.

As for the rest...

In our kitchen, an induction hob appeared about six months ago. In appearance, it is no different from a conventional hob.

This is a flat device that mounts directly into the countertop surface. kitchen set. Right under it, you can, oddly enough, make a drawer for all kitchen utensils.

On the underside there is a fan to cool the coils:

induction hob- a fairly powerful consumer of energy, therefore, to connect it, it is worth using a separate cable route from the electric meter with its own machine. If you plug the panel into the same outlet as the refrigerator and microwave, then the wiring may not withstand while the appliances are operating at the same time. At best, it will blow the fuse in the shield. At worst, you will have to chisel the wall and look for a place, electrical wiring fires and short circuits.

It is desirable that the edges of the hole in the countertop be lined with foil:

The cost of an induction hob is, of course, higher than that of a stove with heating elements of a similar class. The minimum price that I saw in the store was 28,000 rubles. (everything tends to get cheaper over time). But, taking into account the efficiency of the device, you will very soon - literally in a year and a half - return the cost of the "overpayment" by saving electricity.

It's like co. First we buy an expensive light bulb, and then we save on energy bills for many years.


induction hob Siemens seemed like a good decision to us. For all the time of use, there were no complaints about it. Even my wife, who is a skeptic about all sorts of technical innovations, even appreciated the convenience of operation and, most importantly, maintenance of the device. Remember, I wrote that "escaped" food does not burn. Then it is easily erased from the surface with a regular cloth.

Despite the seeming high cost, the induction hob is an excellent choice. We recommend!

    3 egg scrambled eggs on an induction hob

    3 eggs, salt to taste

    Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil in the frying mode for 1 minute, 140 degrees, beat in the eggs, salt and cook with the lid closed in the same mode for another 3 minutes. Cooking scrambled eggs on an induction hob for 4 minutes, and on a regular hob for 12 minutes. Save 8 minutes.

    Borscht in a 3 liter saucepan

    Pork - 300g, carrots - 1 pc., onions 1 pc., beets - 2 pcs., spices and salt to taste, garlic - 2 cloves, tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons, sugar 2 tablespoons, vinegar 2 tablespoons, potatoes 3-4 pcs.

    Grate on a coarse grater, carrots and beets, cut the onion into squares. Fry in vegetable oil in the "frying" mode 140 degrees, 10-12 minutes. Wash the meat, cut into small pieces, lower into a 3-liter pot with water. Set the mode "frying" temperature 120 degrees time 60 minutes. 30 min. Until ready, add to the meat broth: fried vegetables, potatoes, spices, salt, sugar, tomato paste and chopped garlic. Borsch on a regular stove is cooked for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Borscht on an induction cooker 1 hour 10 minutes. Save 30 minutes.

    Steamed vegetables

    Cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots.

    Cut all vegetables. Pour water into the pan, set the double boiler, put the vegetables. Close the lid and steam. Steaming vegetables on a regular stove for 40 minutes, and on an induction stove for 25 minutes. Save 15 minutes.

    Pickle 3 liters

    Chicken leg 1 pc., Golden rice ¼ cup, potatoes 3-4 pcs., onion 1 pc., carrots 1 pc., carrots 1 pc., pickled cucumbers 3-4 pcs., salt, spices.

    Salted cucumbers grate on a coarse grater, pour 0.5 water, simmer in the “frying” mode (temperature 160 degrees) for 20 minutes. Peel and cut carrots and onions. Pour a little oil into the pan, add chopped vegetables. Put the pan on the stove and fry in the “frying” mode (temperature 120 degrees) until golden brown. Pour water into the pan, lower the ham and cook in automatic “soup” mode. Peel and dice potatoes, and 30 minutes before the end of work, add fried vegetables, washed rice, stewed cucumbers, salt, spices and herbs.

    Beef Goulash

    Beef 700g., 1 carrot, 1 onion, tomato paste, spices, flour 2 tablespoons, salt to taste.

    Peel and cut onions and carrots. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and fry the vegetables in the “frying” mode (temperature 160 degrees) until golden brown. Fry the tomato paste for 5-6 minutes in the same mode. Cut the beef into cubes, fry in the “frying” mode (temperature 150 degrees) for 10-15 minutes, add the fried vegetables and tomato paste, simmer in the “stewing” mode 300w for 40-50 minutes. 5-10 minutes before readiness, salt, add flour diluted in ½ cup of water, stir to form a thick gravy. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    lazy cabbage rolls

    Homemade minced meat 700g, fresh cabbage 1kg, carrots 1pc, onion 1pc, rice ½ cup, herbs, spices, salt to taste.

    Fry the minced meat in a frying pan in vegetable oil in the “frying” mode (temperature 150 degrees) for 15-18 minutes. Separately, fry the chopped onions and carrots in the “frying” mode (temperature 150 degrees) until golden brown. Rinse rice. Shred the cabbage. Put the fried minced meat, vegetables, rice and chopped cabbage in layers in a saucepan. Pour 1 glass of water, salt, pepper, add chopped herbs. Cook in the “frying” mode (temperature 120 degrees) for 35-45 minutes.

    Rice porridge

    Rice ½ cup, water 2 cups, salt and sugar to taste, milk ½ cup.

    Rinse the rice, put it in a saucepan, salt, add sugar and pour cold water. Set the “extinguishing” mode to 300w. Cook for 18-25 minutes, stirring constantly. 5 minutes before the rice is ready, pour cold milk. Boil. Add butter to the finished porridge.

    Buckwheat porridge

    Buckwheat 1 cup, water 500 ml, salt and sugar to taste.

    Rinse the groats, put them in a saucepan, salt, add sugar, pour cold water. Press the “porridge” button, turn off after 30 minutes. Add butter to the finished dish.

    Steamed fish cakes

    Cod 1kg., egg 1pc., green onion, onion (medium) 1pc., salt to taste, ground black pepper.

    Prepare minced meat from cod fillet, pass fish and onion through a meat grinder, add chopped egg green onion, salt, pepper and mix. Form cutlets. Put a pan on the stove, pour cold water, set the steamer so that it does not touch the water, put the formed cutlets, close the lid and press the “steam” button.

    Stewed meatballs

    Minced beef 500g, onion 1 pc., tomato paste 1 tablespoon, garlic 2 cloves, egg 1 pc., salt and spices to taste.

    Add finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, egg, salt and spices to minced beef. Mix well. Put a frying pan on the stove and pour some vegetable oil. Form meatballs and fry in the “frying” mode (temperature 160 degrees) on both sides. Then reduce the temperature to 120 degrees. Pour water mixed with tomato paste into the pan (1 tablespoon of tomato paste per 0.5 l of water), salt, pepper, simmer in the same mode for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    Steamed stuffed chicken breast

    Chicken breast 2 pieces, salt and pepper to taste.
    Filling products:
    Bacon 3 pieces, tomato 2 pieces, spinach 100g, mozzarella 60g, dill 2-3 sprigs.

    Finely chop the bacon, put it in a frying pan and lightly fry in the “frying” mode at a temperature of 120 degrees. Add finely chopped tomatoes. Cut spinach, cheese and dill, put to the filling, mix. With a knife, make a longitudinal incision in the breast and open the “pocket”. Lay out the filling. Tie the breast with silicone thread so that the filling does not fall out. Salt, pepper. Pour water into the pan, set the double boiler, lay out the breasts. Set the steam mode, close the lid. Cut the finished breasts into portions.

    Salmon for a couple

    Salmon 3 stacks, salt and pepper to taste.

    Salt, pepper the steaks, pour water into the pan, set the steamer, put the fish, close the lid and set the “steam” mode.

    Quick breakfast.

    4 boiled potatoes, 50g bacon, 2-3 eggs, herbs, vegetable oil, salt to taste.

    Put the pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil. Cut boiled potatoes and bacon, set the “frying” mode, the timer is 5-7 minutes, then beat in the eggs, salt and cook in the “frying” mode at a temperature of 120 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    Cooking pasta

    Durum macaroni, salt to taste.

    Pour cold water into the pan, set the “frying” mode. As soon as the water boils, set the temperature to 120 degrees in the same mode for 13 minutes. Rinse cooked pasta and add butter.

    Roast pork in tomato sauce

    Pork 500g, onion 2 pcs, tomato sauce 250g, salt, pepper and spices to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

    Cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a small amount of oil in the “frying” mode (at a temperature of 120 degrees) for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then lower the temperature to 90 degrees and cook for another 20 minutes. Then add onion rings to the meat, salt, pepper and add seasonings, cook for another 10 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Add the tomato sauce and, with constant stirring, cook the meat for another 10 minutes at the same temperature.

    Shchi from fresh cabbage

    Fresh cabbage 400g, beef 300g, 3-4 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 fresh tomatoes, herbs, salt to taste.

    Chop onions, carrots and tomatoes and fry in the “frying” mode for 10-15 minutes. Peel cabbage and potatoes and cut into cubes. Rinse the meat well, transfer to a saucepan, pour cold water, cover with a lid. Set the soup mode to 1 hour 30 minutes. After 15-25 minutes, remove the foam. 30 minutes before readiness, add all the sautéed vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, salt, spices and herbs to the broth.

    Eggplant salad with tomatoes and garlic

    Eggplant 300 gr., tomatoes 300 gr., onion 2 pcs., garlic 3-4 cloves, salt, herbs, pepper to taste.

    Cut the eggplant and fry in the "frying" mode at t-120, 15 minutes. Cut the tomatoes and onions in the same way, grate the garlic, add to the eggplant, salt, pepper and cook in the same "frying" mode t-120 for another 15-20 minutes, gradually stirring.
    Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

    Marinated cod

    Cod 700 gr., 3 carrots, 2 onions, pepper, salt to taste, tomato paste 3-4 tablespoons, sugar 1 tablespoon, vinegar 1.5 tablespoons, flour.

    Fish fillet cut into pieces, salt. Roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil in the "frying" mode at t-120 until golden brown.
    For the marinade: Cut the onion into half rings, peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Slightly fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil in the "frying" mode t-120. Constantly stirring. Add tomato paste, pour 100 ml of sugar. water and simmer with the lid closed, in the same mode for 5-10 minutes. Put the fried fish in a saucepan, layer stewed vegetables in tomato sauce. Then again a layer of fish and a layer of vegetables. Add water, salt, add spices. Stew in the “frying” mode at t-120 degrees.
    The fish is served chilled.

    chicken chops

    Chicken breast fillet 3pcs, egg 2pcs, garlic 1-2 cloves, salt and pepper to taste, spices for chicken, breadcrumbs.

    Cut the fillet lengthwise. Roll with a silicone roller (or beat off), finely chop the garlic. Salt the fillet, pepper, rub with garlic. Beat eggs (a little). We pass the fillet in breadcrumbs, then dip it in an egg, then again in breadcrumbs and put it on a hot frying pan. Cooking in the "frying" mode timer 10-20 minutes. t-120, turn over and cook in the same mode.

    Stuffed vegetables

    3-4 eggplants, 1-2 zucchini, 3-4 bell peppers, 400 gr minced meat, 1 tomato, 1 onion, 1 egg, salt, pepper, garlic 1-2 cloves , tomato paste, greens.

    AT chopped meat add chopped tomato; onion (diced), finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper and egg. Mix. Cut the eggplant and zucchini in half lengthwise, remove the core. With bell pepper cut off the top, remove the seeds. Fill vegetables with stuffing. Combine eggplant and zucchini together (so that you get a whole vegetable). Put vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water, add tomato paste, salt, pepper. Cook in the "quenching" mode for 40-50 minutes.
    Sprinkle ready-made dishes with herbs.

    Pumpkin fritters with apples

    Pumpkin pulp 300 gr., apples 2 pcs., egg 2 pcs., kefir 1.5 tbsp., egg white 2 pcs., flour 1-1.5 tbsp., baking powder 1/2 tsp, sugar 4- 5 tablespoons, pinch of salt, vegetable oil for frying.

    Grate pumpkin pulp on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Mix eggs with kefir, add flour with baking powder. The dough should turn out like liquid sour cream. Let the test stand for 30 minutes. Then beat 2 squirrels with a pinch of salt into a strong foam and add to the dough. Remove cores from apples and cut into thin slices. Put the dough with a spoon into a preheated pan with vegetable oil, form into pancakes. Cook in the "frying" mode t-120. As soon as they start to brown on the bottom, put apple slices on them and lightly press them into the dough. Flip pancakes immediately and cook until done.

    Homemade cutlets

    Minced meat (pork + beef) 500 gr., onion 1 pc., garlic 2 cloves, loaf 3-4 pieces, egg 1 pc., salt, spices to taste.

    Add chopped onion, crushed garlic, a roll soaked in milk, an egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Put the frying pan on the tile, pour a little vegetable oil, shape and lay out the cutlets. Cook in the "frying" mode t-120, 10-15 minutes. on the one hand, turn over, cover with a lid and cook for another 10-15 minutes, at the same temperature.

    Wheat porridge with milk

    Millet 125g, water 350ml, milk 150ml, salt and sugar to taste.

    Rinse the grits, pour into a saucepan, salt, add sugar, pour water. Without closing the lid, put on the stove, set the “porridge” mode, after 7 minutes close the lid and cook in the same mode for another 7 minutes. Pour milk, cook until tender for another 17-20 minutes, then turn off. Add butter to the finished porridge.

    fried pork in breadcrumbs

    Pork 500g., Breadcrumbs, lemon juice 1-2 tablespoons, garlic 2-3 cloves, egg 2 pcs., salt, pepper and seasonings to taste.

    Cut the pork into portions, roll with a silicone roller so that the piece is thin. Salt, pepper, rub with finely chopped garlic and seasoning and drizzle with lemon juice. Dip both sides with egg and breadcrumbs. Fry in “frying mode” at a temperature of 120 degrees, on both sides, until cooked.

Tip #1: do not rush to write off the dishes in the house

If you have become the happy owner of an induction cooker, then do not rush to follow the advice of the consultant manager who sold it to you and throw away the old dishes. The store, of course, is interested in imposing on you the maximum amount of high-quality dishes at the same time as the stove. And you are not in a hurry.

Take a magnet and attach it to the bottom of all the pots and pans you have at home. If the magnet sticks, then your favorite utensils can also be used on an induction hob. In fact, it turns out that the magnet sticks to both enameled and stainless steel items. Therefore, "grandmother's" cast irons, stewpans and bowls will faithfully serve you for many more years.

If the magnet does not rest on the bottom and disappears, then you will have to put the inappropriate kitchen utensils on the far shelf. And only now, armed with an ordinary magnet, go to the store to choose suitable (usually expensive) dishes.

Tip #2: purchase a special "transition" disk for your favorite dishes.

You always don’t want to part with your favorite dishes, a copper cezve, for example, which is not suitable for cooking under induction conditions. A solution has also been found for this situation. On sale there are special discs for induction cookers. A round thick pancake, for example, made of steel, is heated for induction surface and heats any object standing on it, be it a cezve or a ceramic pot. True, the cooking process will then take a little more time than on the “correct” dishes. But you wanted to continue to use any dishes available in the house? So the goal has been reached!

Tip #3: Reduce the chance of streaks with a disposable wipe.

The touch display for adjusting the "strength of fire" has about 10 temperature settings. But if you are still worried that the food would not “run away” and flow in a trickle along the facade of the new kitchen set, then lay it between the glass-ceramic hob and the pan paper napkin or paper towel. Everything that accidentally leaks out will immediately be absorbed into the paper!

Tip #4: use a silicone drip tray to collect the escaping liquid.

If you think that the disposable napkin from tip #3 is not enough to absorb the leaking liquid, then place the saucepan in a thin silicone mold. In this case, all the foam and water will remain inside the silicone tray. It is clear that the boiling rate will slow down somewhat, but only for ten seconds. But new kitchen furniture will be 100% safe and sound!

Tip #5: do not tear the pan off the surface when frying pancakes.

Many people complain that it is impossible to cook pancakes on induction cookers, as they automatically turn off as soon as you remove the pan from the surface. What turns off in the absence of proper containers for heating is the true truth. Tip: When pouring the pancake mixture into the pan, tilt it without lifting it from the glass-ceramic surface. That is, try to describe a circle on the stove with the edge of the pan. Then the smart electric stove will constantly feel contact with it and will stop turning off.