Wooden rocking chairs collapsible drawings. The procedure for making a rocking chair from different materials with your own hands

Most will agree that a rocking chair is one of the main attributes of creating a cozy atmosphere. Unfortunately, the prices for this piece of furniture can hardly be called affordable, but there is a solution in the form of upgrading an old chair or armchair that has outlived its time. As in any other business, quality workmanship you should know the necessary subtleties and nuances.

A rocking chair made from an old chair is a solution to several everyday problems at once: firstly, you don’t have to think about recycling old furniture, and secondly, you yourself will create an expensive designer thing. Our subsequent review will be devoted to the analysis of the obligatory theoretical material.

The best option

In almost every home, among the items of daily use, there are those that have long gone out of use. And for sure everyone has an ownerless chair or armchair that was planned to be taken to the country so as not to take up space. The simplest way creating a rocking chair from an old chair consists in installing skids, that technical accessory, due to which the product swings. From this, quite logical questions arise:

  • how to get skids;
  • how to achieve a strong connection of the runners with the chair.

Do not jump to conclusions about the fact that rework is too difficult a task. There would be a desire and the necessary number of tools, and the process will definitely drag out and the result will not keep you waiting.

Users often search:

Solving the skid problem

The main feature of skids and at the same time the main difficulty in their manufacture lies in the smooth curvature of the parts. Given the fact that we are using an old chair or chair made of wood, a metal profile configuration is unlikely to be a suitable option.

Finding wooden blocks of the right thickness and trying to shape them yourself is also not the best thing. optimal solution, since only experts in this process can handle this. Therefore, it is recommended to find wide board and, based on the drawings of future skids, cut out a relief profile.

The main thing is that the thickness of the board should be at least three centimeters. In its absence, two thin profiles can be applied and glued together, which in technical terms make it easier. In fact, everyone chooses for himself the way of working that is closer to him. We will talk about this in the next section.

Skid mounting process

There are two main ways to make your own skids. Let's start with the less labor intensive. When wondering how to make a rocking chair, you need to pay special attention to the manufacture of this particular component. Execution plan.

It is easier to make a rocking chair from an old chair with your own hands if a semicircle of wood is used as a skid. It may not look very aesthetically pleasing, but only a saw and a planer are required from the tools, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing process.

Thematic material:

Of course, do not forget that the surface should become smooth, and the bending lines should be embossed. In this case, perfect Sander which will achieve the desired result.

When considering all available options only one piece of advice can be given: use wood with increased wear resistance.

The process of creating a complete product

When it comes to the question of what kind of fastening to use to connect the legs to the skids, it is worth paying tribute to the spikes. Spikes are considered the most reliable method for solving this technical problem. Next, we describe the principle of operation.

The use of an old, but very popular method will allow you to achieve fastening, which is called "tightly". The main thing is to wait until the glue is completely dry. But, as in any other business, there may be some nuances here, and one of them is the inappropriate thickness of the legs. If it does not allow you to make a groove of the desired width in the leg, it is recommended that you do the following.

Based on the results of the implementation of valuable instructions, the hand-made product is ready for active use.

Preparation for operation

A rocking chair made from a wooden chair can cause discomfort when landing or at the time of getting up from it. This omission may arise due to the fact that in the construction, parts of the front and rear parts in different weight ranges were used. To prevent this inconvenience, it is necessary to achieve a balance of the mechanism.

If the structure leans strongly forward, it is recommended to build transverse strips behind the back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skids. If desired, you can increase the weight indicators on the slats, through the use of decorative objects.

If the product swings in the opposite direction, it is recommended to organize the same counterweight in the front of the chair. You can make an additional shelf for legs. And if this weight does not reach the desired weight indicators, it is possible to build a niche under the shelf, which will become an additional counterweight.

Product processing

When creating a rocking chair, the master, most likely, does not have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place in which he will use it. This is such a versatile piece of furniture that it is ideal for both home and outdoor recreation. suburban area, which implies the impact of different temperature conditions. Operation, therefore, can lead to the early aging of wood and various diseases. To prevent this from happening, the material needs mandatory protection.

Before starting work with wood and assembling the structure itself, the timber can be treated with wood stain. This liquid is able to have an antiseptic effect on different types of wood, and the legs and seats of rocking chairs can take on different shades due to the concentration of substances. And to save the tree from different kind diseases, it is covered with a specialized antifungal agent and anti-insect liquid.

In the end, do not forget about water-repellent preparations, after which the structure is covered with several layers of varnish. Subject to all requirements, the product will be able to serve faithfully for many years.


Whatever option you choose to make a rocking chair from old pieces of furniture, the main thing is perseverance and patience. If you strictly adhere to the chosen concept and follow all the requirements, then a hand-made product will last much longer than a purchased one. And the attention of all guests will always be drawn to your creation, because a thing made by oneself is valued much higher.

By reviewing the videos on this topic, you can form a more competent idea of ​​the planned work. What about design ideas decorating a chair is everyone's business. The main thing to remember is that wood is an environmentally friendly, durable and easy-to-process material. Success!

- a fairly popular piece of furniture found in living rooms, gardens, and terraces. They are made from different materials, have all kinds of designs and differ in designs.

Despite the huge range of materials, models from natural wood. They are elegant and noble, safe and durable.

When choosing materials of manufacture, preference should be given conifers. They are also often made from larch and alder. The advantages of these types of wood include low weight and low density. Due to this, products are easily moved from one place to another, and the low density of the tree does not create problems in the manufacturing process.

Important: coniferous products are obtained in a light gray shade. They fill the premises with a pleasant aroma and have a positive effect on the well-being of users.

The advantages of coniferous wood include:

  • Ease and pliability in processing. Such chairs can be given any shape.
  • light weight. This makes the products light and easy to use.
  • Elasticity and viscosity. This allows you to create original models different forms.

Attention: conifers swell at high humidity. Therefore, furniture items must be treated with antiseptic compounds.

To the benefits larches worth considering:

  • high density;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • resistance to temperature changes and high humidity;
  • attractive appearance.

You can also make a rocking chair from oak, ash or beech. Such furniture will impress with its aesthetic qualities, durability and elite appearance.

Dimensional drawing

To make a practical and easy-to-use rocking chair, you need to consider its design, dimensions, materials of manufacture, type of construction. Next, a drawing is drawn with the designation of all dimensions. For the manufacture of a chair, it is recommended to take an ordinary chair as a basis.. Since he has simple design where all elements are at right angles.

reference: for a rocking chair, it is recommended to make a square seat with dimensions of 50-60 cm. Its thickness can vary between 1 - 1.5 cm. For the rear legs, it is better to use a bar with a section of 4.5 by 4.5 cm. Their height should be within 105 - 110 cm. But the height of the front legs will be 55-60 cm.


To make furniture, you will need the following instruments:

  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • grinder;
  • milling cutter;
  • laser level;
  • screwdrivers;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • clamp.

How to make a wooden rocking chair?

The manufacture of a rocking chair begins with the preparation of all parts. They are cut according to the drawing. After manufacturing all the necessary parts, we proceed to their assembly. You can connect parts in two ways:

  • thorn to thorn;
  • with glue.

It doesn’t matter which option for fastening parts you chose, but all work is carried out with the help of clamps and gaskets. The gasket is placed between the rocking chair and the clamp. After that, the clamp is tightened, and the product is set aside for a day until the adhesive composition is completely solidified.

As for the installation of skids, different options are also used here.

Easy option

Method number one is simple and consists of the following steps:

With skids made of timber

The second option is more labor intensive. A bar made of wood is used here as skids. The work looks like this:

Advice: to make the rocking chair stand out long term operation, wood for skids must be taken of high quality.

After making a rocking chair from wood, it must be check for balance. The comfort of using a piece of furniture will depend on this:

  • if, when standing up, the product leans forward strongly, cross bars must be installed on the skids behind the back;
  • if the product tilts back, then the counterweight is installed on the front of the product.


When the product is completely ready, it must be given an aesthetic and noble appearance.

To do this, the chair will need carefully polish, cover with stain and varnish in several layers. This will not only increase the attractiveness of the product, but also extend its life.

After all, many people use a rocking chair outdoors in warm time of the year. And this contributes to the deterioration of wood under the influence of negative factors.

So that the tree does not give in various diseases, before coating with a stain, it must be treat with antifungal agents.

A photo

Selfless work will bring excellent results:

Useful video

How to make skids can be seen in the following video:

Then it's time to assemble the whole chair:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that making a rocking chair out of wood with your own hands is not so difficult as it might seem at first. With the observance of technology, the procurement of all the necessary materials and tools, you can make a piece of furniture of any design and design.

Such a chair will not only be comfortable and cozy for leisure activities, but will also please you with an interesting design solution and high technical specifications. And rhythmic swaying in the product will strengthen nervous system, will help you relax after a hard day at work and relieve tension from your back muscles.

In contact with

Only comfortable and well-made furniture can provide a person with maximum comfort, which is lacking in the conditions of modern life. Often overlooked is such a simple and long-known invention to mankind as a rocking chair, which allows you to take a break from everyday troubles and achieve complete relaxation.

For a not quite familiar piece of furniture, there is always a corner in the room where it will look very cozy and natural. You can get a rocking chair at no extra cost, because with it self-manufacturing it is allowed to use very inexpensive samples of wood.

Features and purpose

The rocking chair was invented at least three centuries ago, which turned out to be enough to experiment with the product in the process of improvement. During this time, many different designs were invented.

A feature of the product are the supporting elements of the oval shape. By swinging on them, it is possible to strengthen the vestibular apparatus, as well as “release” the muscles and achieve complete relaxation. Thanks to these wonderful properties, rocking chairs are often given to the elderly and young mothers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantages of an unusual type of furniture include:

  • comfort of rest in a rocking chair;
  • creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the room;
  • compact device that does not take up much space;
  • versatility of use, allowing it to be used not only at home, but also outdoors (in the garden, on the summer veranda).

Making a rocking chair out of wood with your own hands is not particularly difficult, which can also be considered an advantage. The relative disadvantages of products include the high selling price of branded models.


In everyday practice, the following product options are very popular:

  • rocking glider chair;
  • rocking chair for giving;
  • chair for nursing mothers;
  • rocking chairs with recliner.

Each model deserves to be part of the interior.


Rocking chair modification is an improved model, the prototype of which was invented in the 20th century. Its basis is wooden runners, on which the pendulum swing mechanism is rigidly fixed. At the same time, the chair continuously moves back and forth, which is accompanied by an additional rocking effect. You can stop the process using a special lever, through which the movement is completely blocked (stopped).

For nursing mothers

The devices are equipped with a rocking mechanism, which is optimal for nursing babies. The design provides an anatomical back that follows the contours of the body, as well as a mechanism for changing the angle of inclination, which completely relieves tension from the spinal muscle.

In addition to traditional chairs, models equipped with a rounded pillow are known. They are attached to wooden frame and provide comfort and coziness to mothers. Products can be equipped not only with skids, but also with special spring mechanisms.

With recliner

The devices provide maximum comfort to its user. Their name comes from the English recline, which means "leaned back." The mechanism built into the chair allows you to transform it into a comfortable chaise longue at the touch of a button. With its help, it is possible to ensure complete relaxation of the body in its various positions (lying, reclining and sitting).

frame material

If you want to assemble a rocking chair with your own hands, first of all, you should decide on the material from which the frame is supposed to be made.

When selected, the following options are available:

  • solid wood from pine or tropical wenge;
  • exotic rattan or willow vine;
  • solid beech or oak;
  • bamboo.

Products made of solid oak or beech are characterized by increased strength and a special structure of wood. Designers of modern furniture samples prefer them, because it is possible to assemble comfortable elite models from carved blanks.

Additional Information. Bamboo chairs have a specific light color and a pronounced structure, thanks to which, during their manufacture, it is possible to preserve the original properties of the material.

Willow and rattan products are in great demand, due to the flexibility of these somewhat similar tree species (their ability to take any shape). However, they are not able to withstand significant loads and are only suitable for the manufacture of chairs for people of average build.

Seat and back

Different models of rocking chairs differ in the form and arrangement of their main components, represented by the seat and back. According to their structure, the elements are divided into the following types:

  • rigid (they are based on materials that allow the use of orthopedic slats);
  • soft, equipped with small mattresses (if desired, they can be easily unfastened or untied);
  • models made in the form of soft cases thrown over a rigid frame.

They can be made according to the known principle upholstered furniture, in which all elements are completely non-removable.

Manufacturing options

The easiest way is to make a rocking chair with your own hands from plywood, and to increase the strength of the structure, it is advisable to choose its three-layer modification.

Work on the manufacture of the product should begin with the development of a sketch, which can be guided in the process of its assembly. Sometimes it is enough to draw a diagram of a plywood rocking chair, according to which templates are then cut out using a jigsaw. To ensure the assembly process, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • electric drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • templates for individual frame elements;
  • set of hardware.

For the protective treatment of the surfaces of the workpieces, special impregnations and water-repellent varnishes will be required.

The procedure for making a plywood product looks like this:

  1. According to the template, a complete set of S-shaped blanks and jumpers is cut using a jigsaw.
  2. Their sharp edges are cleaned with sandpaper.
  3. With the help of the hardware included in the kit, they are articulated into a prefabricated structure.

Another manufacturing option involves the use of woven cane blanks for this, pre-cut to size. To give them the desired bent shape, you can use a thick and strong fishing line, through which the joints are securely connected in the contact areas. Products from bent blanks are convenient in that no special tools are required for their assembly (only a sharply honed knife is enough).

There is another option that involves the manufacture of a rocking chair (dice made of wood or chipboard). The chair is assembled from two 15 mm thick boomerang-shaped sidewalls and a whole set of transverse rails (14 pieces).

Before assembly, it is necessary to prepare a drawing of a rocking chair made of wood with your own hands, on which the contours of the sidewall of the chair are indicated. Then, according to the rocking chair template, the required number of blanks about 60 cm long and 6 cm thick are cut out of wood with their own hands. All that remains is to clean them with sandpaper.

Note! Small blocks 5 cm long are prepared as fastening supports.

The supports cut to size are glued to the walls of the sidewalls, and then additionally fixed to the self-tapping screws. The resulting blanks with the help of hardware are attached to the guides already cut out according to the stencil. The result should be a product that is the frame of a future rocking chair.

To give the chair a more prestigious look, the sides are treated with two layers of stain, and all existing ends are covered with varnish or glossy paint.

Care rules

Care of rocking chairs various modifications comes down to the following mandatory procedures:

  • when using the product with soft covers, it is necessary to remove dust or dirt from them in a timely manner, using a household vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth;
  • if heavily soiled with the same rag soaked in an aqueous soapy solution, you should try to remove the stains, and then let the wet places dry completely;
  • chairs wicker from willow are not recommended to be left in open sunlight (it is advisable to choose shaded and protected from precipitation places for their placement).

Important! When caring for rocking chairs, do not use chemical abrasive cleaners that can ruin the appearance of the furniture.

Removable covers made of various fabrics (suede) are recommended to be washed in soapy water, after which they should be thoroughly rinsed and dried in the open air. Expensive leather upholstery, in addition to regular wiping with a damp cloth, should preferably be covered at least once a year with a layer of glycerin or stearin ointment.

A country house is a place where you can have a good time and relax. Many use personal plots as a vegetable garden. After hard work, you always want to relax and feel the satisfaction of the work done. Comfortable rest can provide only high-quality and comfortable furniture. An excellent option is a rocking chair, made of inexpensive but durable material. You can make such furniture yourself. The main thing is to know the exact dimensions and be able to work with the material.

What material to choose

Many craftsmen make similar furniture from wood or plywood. In the first case, oak, larch or needles are used. These tree species are distinguished by reliability and durability. Rocking chair made of plywood is beautiful and original. Such furniture, if properly processed, can last more than one year. It is worth noting that plywood is lightweight and flexible. It is much easier to work with it than with wood.

Rocking chairs can have various designs

In any case, the material must undergo additional processing. Each part must be coated with a protective compound. This will allow you to use the finished design on fresh air and don't worry about its safety. Atmospheric precipitation will not harm her.

Masters do not recommend covering the finished structure with foam rubber or fabric. In this case, the life of the rocking chair is significantly reduced. In addition, the fabric gradually fades, and the furniture quickly loses its attractiveness. If desired, you can lay a blanket on the rocking chair or put a special pillow.

Benefits of plywood products

Plywood is cheap and reliable material. It bends and cuts easily. Plywood is often used to make cabinet furniture. This material has many advantages, including:

  1. Low cost and availability.
  2. Ease of processing and finishing.
  3. Flexibility.
  4. Ease of cutting.
  5. Durability and reliability.

Rocking chair: drawings

Before you start making furniture, you need to draw up a drawing. Here you should indicate not only the shape of the future product, but also the approximate dimensions. First of all, you need to consider who will use the rocking chair and what design is best suited.

It can be a classic rocking chair on radius skids. It will take a little time to make. If desired, you can make a sunbed with a heating element or a rocking bench for several people.

When drawing up a drawing, you can give free rein to your imagination. However, do not forget that the design must be stable. Therefore, when drawing up drawings, it is necessary to take into account the center of gravity of the rider and the center of support of the structure. If this cannot be done, then the radius of the circle should be equal to the height of the user minus 5 cm. If the rocking is too sharp, then a pillow can be placed on the seat of the rocking chair.

What is required for assembly

  1. Frazier.
  2. Screws and other hardware.
  3. Joiner's glue.
  4. Electric jigsaw.

Drawing Transfer

For the manufacture of rocking chairs, use the drawings. If it is not possible to create them yourself, then you can use ready-made options. First you need to work out all the drawings on graph paper. In this case, the scale of individual parts of the rocking chair should be 1:1. You need to draw the details exactly. Otherwise, the design may be unstable. The blanks must be transferred to plywood sheets. Arrange the parts on the material tightly to each other. This will save some plywood for decorative items.

Advice. For support, side members and uprights, it is best to use material that is 15 mm thick or more. But for the slats of the seat and back, plywood 1 cm thick is suitable.

Parts processing

When all the details are transferred to the plywood sheet, you need to carefully cut them out. To do this, you can use a jigsaw and a milling cutter. Until the parts are assembled into one design, they should be processed. It is best to cover the material with a primer, and then with a weatherproof paint. This is to protect the finished structure from moisture and rapid destruction. After coating with special compounds, the parts of the rocking chair should dry out.

Construction assembly

After all the parts have dried, you can begin to assemble the rocking chair. This one takes a little time. If desired, such furniture can be made during the day. The whole assembly process comes down to the following steps:

  • Connection of seat and back slats. This is where the build begins. Planks are usually glued to the base with a special carpentry cream. This should result in a curved shape.
  • Twisting the rest of the details. They can be connected with hardware. Self-tapping screws must match the thickness of the material so that their tips do not protrude from the back of the structure.

Advice. Separate parts of the rocking chair should be fastened with spike-like hardware. If such connections are not available, then you can take ordinary self-tapping screws in combination with carpentry glue.

  • Use of special plugs. To hide the screws, you should use "hats" for cabinet furniture. The plugs must match in color. You can buy them at any specialized store.

That's all. Do-it-yourself plywood rocking chair is ready. If desired, decorative elements can be made from the remains of plywood. It's not obligatory.

Finished structure balancing

Beginning masters are unlikely to get the perfect rocking chair. In some cases, additional balancing of the structure is required. If the chair does not swing well, then it is necessary to make the rear overhang heavier. To do this, you can connect the tips of the rear branches with a beam made in a U-shape. In this case, the bar should have a recess facing down. This is where the cargo can be placed. If the lever arm is long enough, then there is no need to increase its weight.

If the rocking chair can fall back, then you need to weight the front of the structure. To do this, you can make a step from plywood. You can also attach a load to the finished bar.

Where to install

A rocking chair is furniture that is designed for relaxation. So, it should be located in the appropriate zone. It can be a terrace, a porch, an arbor and so on. The main thing is that the structure is always under the roof.

The rocking chair must not be allowed to get wet. If desired, you can sit in the open air. However, after resting, the structure should be removed under a canopy or in the house.

A rocking chair is the perfect piece of furniture for relaxing. Similar designs like not only children, but also adults. You can create a rocking chair with your own hands. It just takes a little dexterity. If desired, not only a chair, but also a rocking chair can be made from plywood. It takes a few tools to make. In addition, the material is relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at any hardware store. Even a beginner can work with plywood. This material has many advantages. However, do not forget that plywood is afraid of moisture.

Do-it-yourself plywood rocking chair: video

Rocking chair: photo

Everyone associates a rocking chair with comfort and coziness, and you immediately want to sit in it by the fireplace in country house with a cup of hot coffee. This is a very beautiful and original interior element that fits into almost any style. In addition, swinging on a chair is good for health. So you can relax, relieve stress, gain strength, calmly read your favorite book, listen to music or just take a nap. You can make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood, consider examples with photos, drawings and the progress of work using several technologies.

Features of wood structures

Most often, furniture is made of wood, so the rocking chair is no exception. Why do many people choose this particular material:

What makes this chair attractive?

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood according to the drawings is shown in the video with instructions and work progress.

Types of armchairs

There are many different models of chairs, all of them can differ in their functionality, dimensions, style, materials and the presence of additional gadgets. We always choose furniture based on our preferences and habits, and the rocking chair is no exception.

Consider several options for the design of rocking chairs:

Work technology

To figure out how to make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood according to drawings and the right size you need to buy everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Paint brush for filling fastener holes.
  • Hammer.
  • Straight corner with a ruler.
  • Disc grinding machine.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Electric jigsaw for cutting blanks.
  • Clamp.

1 way

To create a rocking chair, you can use an ordinary chair by shortening its legs and attaching this structure to the skids. To make the appearance attractive, the chair can be braided with leather or plastic ribbons. If desired, you can also sew a rocking chair cover yourself.

To make the structure more interesting in shape, sidewalls can be cut out of plywood according to a pre-calculated pattern. The edges of the plywood should be well finished.

plywood edges

Then we connect the two resulting parts to each other using three bars (30 * 50 * 600 mm).

To lay out the upper part, we use thin boards and plywood planks (10 * 50 * 600 mm).

In some cases, the length can be increased so that the slats protrude beyond the edges of the sidewalls. After assembling the chair, it can be varnished or painted.

2 way

We begin the process of creating a rocking chair with a drawing. For a quality result, a sketch is required. In addition, we can save ourselves from strong errors in the calculation of the amount of material.

Work technique:

3 way

We will assemble a rocking chair according to the drawing, using high-quality types of wood. As a basis, we use the usual wooden chair. All parts will be mounted at right angles, so you do not need to cut out many additional elements.

Now you can create a rocking chair yourself and please your household. The main thing to remember is that the product can be scratched, and the material will quickly age and lose its appearance. Therefore, always treat the chair with varnish so that it pleases you with its beauty for a long time and creates comfort in the house.