Therapeutic nutrition for various diseases. With hypertension

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

GOU SPO "Kirov Aviation College"

Abstract on the discipline " Physical Culture»

"Therapeutic nutrition various diseases»

Work completed

3rd year student, gr. M-31

Kropacheva Veronika Alexandrovna

Specialty: 080501 "Management"


Chapter I. Principles of rational nutrition in diseases of the musculoskeletal system…………………………………………………………...4

Chapter II. Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the respiratory system…………....6

Chapter III. Nutrition in diseases of the cardiovascular system .............. 10

Chapter IV. Diet therapy of patients with diseases of the stomach……………….13

Chapter V. Products that activate immune system…………………...16


Bibliographic list……………………………………………………20


People have long understood that it is necessary to avoid excesses in food and drink in order to maintain health. The food of our ancestors was healthier than it is now, and certainly more natural. Preservatives, thickeners, dyes and other chemicals were not used in the cooking process to improve palatability and storage time.

It is much more difficult for a modern person, because it has become almost impossible to choose environmentally friendly, natural products, especially for residents of a metropolis. However, it is vital to think about the quantity and quality of food. One wise man knowingly said that "we dig our own grave with a knife and fork," and this popular saying is absolutely true.

Following the principles of rational nutrition will help the body fight the disease more actively and achieve recovery faster. It will also be a good prevention.

Chapter I. Principles of rational nutrition in diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Our food affects the entire body, the basis of which is the skeletal system. For patients suffering from inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, proper nutrition is especially important.

Principles of rational nutrition in diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

1. Limit salt and sugar intake. It has long been no secret that salt and sugar have a detrimental effect on segments of the musculoskeletal system, so these nutritional supplements should be significantly limited, replacing sugar with honey or fructose to the maximum, and salt with dried seaweed. Honey and fructose are much sweeter than sugar, but at the same time they do not have a negative effect on health in small quantities. For example, honey removes harmful salts and toxins from the body. Salt, people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, need a daily amount of 5-7 g, and in some cases a salt-free diet is needed at all (short courses of 14-21 days).

2. Avoid preservatives. For people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is better to completely abandon canned foods. You can preserve healthy vegetables and fruits by deep freezing in the refrigerator.

3. Eliminate foods that harm the joints. Fatty sausages, smoked meats, sausage cheese, strong meat and fish broths should be excluded from your diet. Preference should be given to dairy and vegetable soups, lean meats and fish, vegetables, legumes, cereals, nuts.

4. Avoid caffeine. It is advisable to replace tea and coffee with freshly squeezed juices, decoctions and infusions of herbs, milk and sour-milk drinks.

5. Cook as much as you can eat at a time. Food should be cooked at one time, because. food loses its nutritional value during storage.

6. Follow the drinking regime. It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is necessary to drink 1-2 hours before meals or the same amount of time after meals, since excessive fluid intake dilutes digestive juices and food is poorly and long digested in the intestines, thereby loading all body systems.

7. Do not interfere with many foods in one meal. Supporters of separate nutrition have successfully proved that combinations of certain products (for example, meat and bread, meat and potatoes, sugar and flour, etc.) have a bad effect on the body. For example, it is not advisable to eat desserts after the main meal - fruits and sweets are eaten as a main course.

8. Experiment smart. You can experiment in nutrition, but it is better to do this under the guidance of your doctor. One suits a separate diet, another - vegetarianism, and the third prefers a raw food diet. We are all different, so you should not blindly follow any systems or standards, but rather try to choose for yourself elements from different nutrition schools that best meet the needs of the body and spiritual preferences. There is no need for extremes in nutrition.

9. Use diets with caution. Diets differ from nutrition systems in that they are temporary and are usually canceled when the condition returns to normal.

10. Eat foods that promote the restoration of cartilage, joint tissue and bones. For example, patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints are recommended to eat jelly, jelly, products containing chitin (crayfish, shrimp, etc.) more often.

Chapter II. Therapeutic nutrition for respiratory diseases

Currently, respiratory diseases are among the most common. Doctors around the world are working on this problem, creating more and more new medicines. However, for a successful recovery, it is not enough just to take medication. You also need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. At the same time, it is a complete and proper diet that not only provides a person with all the necessary substances, but also gives strength to fight diseases.

Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, orvi and influenza):

As a rule, those suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in which inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx is noted, it is difficult and painful to swallow.

Food should not have a traumatic effect on one or another affected organ of the upper respiratory tract, whether it be the tonsils, pharynx, soft palate, etc. It should not be very cold or very hot. Coarse food should be excluded from the diet - black bread, piece of meat, raw vegetables and fruits, crumbly cereals, fried foods. All food is cooked boiled or finely chopped.

Therapeutic nutrition for pneumonia:

You need a complete, high-calorie diet with a high content of free fluid. Frequent and fractional meals are recommended, including meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, fruit and vegetable juices, cranberry juice, fruits and berries, tea with lemon, milk, jelly, etc., while limiting salt and refined carbohydrates.

The diet should consist of foods with an increased amount of vitamins (especially groups B, C, P) and also include foods that have an antifungal effect, such as blueberries, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits.

During the recovery period, the need for abundant drinking disappears, but the protein content in the diet should be increased.

Diet therapy for bronchial asthma:

The main goal of therapeutic nutrition is to reduce the patient's allergic mood, which is facilitated by the so-called hypoallergenic diets.

Of no small importance in bronchial asthma is also a complete and varied diet, which should include a sufficient amount of proteins, mainly animals (meat, fish, milk, lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.). However, it should be remembered that it is protein structures that most often cause allergic reactions that can provoke an attack. Allergens can be fish, crabs, caviar, eggs, sometimes meat.

With regard to fats, restrictions primarily apply to lamb, pork, beef and combined fat. Butter, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil can be used without restrictions both in kind and in dishes. It is necessary to somewhat limit carbohydrates, introducing more easily digestible ones into the diet, that is, you should eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, juices. It is necessary to limit the use of table salt, and when edema appears, which indicates a violation of blood circulation, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid you drink to 1-1.5 liters per day and include foods rich in calcium and potassium in the daily diet, since calcium salts have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action. These products include primarily milk and various lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese, mild cheese, etc. Patients suffering from bronchial asthma, foods containing a large amount of oxalic acid should be excluded from the diet, since the latter contributes to the removal of calcium from the body. Sorrel, spinach, lettuce, cocoa and rutabaga contain large amounts of oxalic acid. It is also necessary to limit the use of products that increase the excitability of the central nervous system: strong tea, coffee, cocoa, rich broths, spicy snacks, spices, marinades, herring, etc.

Therapeutic nutrition for tuberculosis:

Diet therapy is aimed at increasing the body's defenses, stimulating reparative processes, normalizing metabolic disorders, restoring impaired functions and reducing hyperergic reactions.

Medical nutrition should be built taking into account the localization, the nature of the process, the state of the digestive organs, the patient's fatness and lifestyle, concomitant diseases and complications, the functional state of the affected organs.

Due to the increased protein breakdown, it is indicated to include an increased amount of protein in the diet (during an exacerbation - up to 2.5 g and outside the exacerbation of the tuberculosis process - up to 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight), which helps to increase the body's resistance to tuberculosis infection . At least half of the prescribed amount of proteins should be of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, etc.).

Outside of the exacerbation of the tuberculous process, the body should be provided with a normal amount of carbohydrates, and when the process is activated, it is recommended to reduce their content in the diet, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Restriction of carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones (sugar, honey, jam, etc.), is also indicated for disorders of nervous regulation.

Previously practiced consumption of large amounts of fat is not recommended, as it has a negative effect on the body. Excess fat in the diet contributes to acidotic - acid shift, impedes the activity of the digestive organs, causes diarrhea, fatty infiltration of the liver, depresses the already often reduced secretion of the stomach and appetite. At present, the expediency of some restriction of the amount of fat in the diet during the activation of the tuberculosis process and the normal amount of fat in the remission phase has been substantiated.

Preference should be given to butter and vegetable fats. The latter are the main source of essential fatty acids.

It is forbidden to irritate food (spicy, salty, pickled, pickled foods, mustard, pepper, vinegar, horseradish, cold and hot dishes). The use of slimy soups, weak frozen broths, liquid milk porridges, soft mashed potatoes, milk, weak coffee, tea with milk is recommended.

Chilled jelly, fruit and berry jelly, mashed cottage cheese with milk, cream, soft-boiled egg, liquid semolina milk porridge, cool drink (tomato juice, acidified lemon water, etc.) are recommended.

Chapter III. Nutrition for diseases of the cardiovascular system

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, therapeutic nutrition plays a significant role.

In one case, it is aimed at providing the heart muscle with energy and plastic material, in the other, it can have an anti-inflammatory effect, in the third, it has an anti-allergic effect.

In the diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system, the amount of sodium and fluid intake should be moderately limited, the content of substances that excite the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and internal organs should be very limited.

The purpose of such nutrition is to help improve blood circulation, the functions of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, and normalize metabolism.

1. Bread and flour products . Wheat bread from flour of the 1st and 2nd grades of yesterday's baking or slightly dried, dietary salt-free bread. Not fancy cookies and biscuits.

Exclude fresh bread, pastry and puff pastry products, pancakes, pancakes.

2. Soups 250-400 g per reception . Vegetarian with different cereals, potatoes, vegetables (preferably chopped), dairy, fruit, cold beetroot. Soups are flavored with sour cream, citric acid, herbs.

Exclude legume soups, meat, fish, mushroom broths.

3. Meat. Non-fat beef, veal, meat pork, rabbit, chicken, turkey. After stripping from the tendons, the meat is boiled, and then baked or fried. Dishes from minced or lumpy boiled meat, aspic from boiled meat. Limited: "Doctor's" and "Diet" sausages.

Exclude fatty meats, goose, duck, liver, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, sausages, canned meat.

4. Fish . Non-fatty and medium-fat types, boiled or fried, chunked and minced. Dishes from boiled non-fish products of the sea.

Exclude fatty fish, salted, smoked, canned.

5. Dairy products . Milk (if tolerated), sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes from it with cereals, carrots, fruits. Limited: sour cream and cream (only in dishes), cheese.

Avoid salty and fatty cheeses.

6. Eggs. 2-3 pieces per week - soft-boiled or in the form of protein omelettes.

7. Cereals . Dishes from various cereals cooked with water or milk (porridge, baked puddings, etc.). Boiled pasta.

Exclude beans.

8. Vegetables. Potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers. Boiled, baked, rarely raw. white cabbage and green pea- limited, green onions, dill, parsley are added to dishes.

Exclude salted, pickled, pickled vegetables, spinach, sorrel. Radishes, radishes, onions, mushrooms.

9. Snacks. Fresh vegetable salad (grated carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers), vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vegetable caviar, fruit salads, with seafood. Fish boiled, jellied.

Exclude spicy, fatty and salty snacks, smoked meats, caviar.

10. Fruits, sweet foods, sweets . Soft, ripe fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits, compotes, kissels, mousses, sambuca, jelly, milk kissels and creams, honey, jam, chocolates, limited chocolate.

Exclude fruits with coarse fiber, cream products, ice cream.

11. Sauces and spices. On a vegetable broth, sour cream, milk, tomato, onion from boiled and fried onions, fruit sauces. Bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid.

Exclude sauces on meat, fish and mushroom broth, mustard, pepper, spicy ketchup.

12. Drinks. Weak tea with lemon or milk, weak natural coffee, coffee drinks, vegetable, fruit and berry juices, rosehip and wheat bran decoction. Limited - grape juice.

Exclude strong tea and coffee, cocoa, alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks.

13. Fats. Non-salted butter and ghee, non-salted soft margarine, natural vegetable oil.

Exclude meat and cooking fats.

Chapter IV. Diet therapy of patients with stomach diseases

In the diet therapy of patients with diseases of the stomach, it is necessary to take into account the effect of food products and methods of their culinary processing on the secretory (excretion of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, pepsin) and motor (motor-evacuation) functions of the stomach.

The strong causative agents of gastric secretion include the following foods and dishes:

1) meat and fish broths rich in extractive substances, decoctions of mushrooms and vegetables;

2) all fried foods;

3) meat and fish stewed in own juice;

4) meat, fish, mushroom, tomato sauces;

5) salted or smoked meat and fish products;

6) salted, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits;

7) canned meat, fish and vegetable snacks, especially with tomato sauce;

8) hard-boiled eggs, especially the yolk;

9) Rye bread and products from sweet dough;

10) sour and insufficiently ripe fruits and berries;

11) spicy vegetables, spices and seasonings;

12) fermented milk products with high acidity, skimmed milk and whey;

13) stale or overheated edible fats;

14) coffee, especially black; all drinks containing carbonic acid (kvass, carbonated water, etc.) and alcohol.

Weak causative agents of gastric secretion include the following foods and dishes:

1) mucous soups from cereals;

2) milk soups with pureed cereals;

3) mashed vegetable soups on a weak decoction of vegetables;

4) boiled minced or pureed meat and boiled fish;

5) mashed boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, etc.);

6) soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes and beaten egg whites;

7) whole milk and cream;

8) fresh non-acid mashed cottage cheese, especially unleavened or calcined;

9) liquid milk, semi-viscous, well-boiled, as well as pureed porridges;

10) bread made from wheat flour of the highest and first grade, baked yesterday or dried in the oven;

11) kissels, mousses, jelly from sweet fruits or their juices, puree from sweet, ripe fruits;

12) alkaline mineral waters without carbon dioxide;

13) weak tea, especially with milk;

14) fresh butter and refined vegetable oil in its natural form.

Most quickly digested and leaves the stomach liquid, jelly and puree, as well as mushy food. These types of food have a minimal mechanical effect on the stomach compared to solid food, which is slowly digested and evacuated from the stomach. Dishes prepared by frying or baking with a crust take longer to digest and have a greater mechanical effect than those boiled in water or steamed. A mechanically irritating effect on the stomach is exerted by foods containing a lot of dietary fiber rich in coarse fiber (legumes, wholemeal bread, whole grain cereals, nuts, some vegetables, fruits and berries), as well as rich in connective tissue - meat with fascia and tendons, skin of fish and birds.

The smallest effect on the gastric mucosa is provided by dishes whose temperature is close to that in the stomach - 37 o C. Dishes whose temperature is above 60 - 62 o C can irritate the gastric mucosa and delay the evacuation of food from it. Warm foods and drinks leave the stomach faster than cold foods (below 15 o C). Large amounts of food intake have a negative effect on the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, therefore, in case of acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach, food is given in frequent, fractional portions, distributing the daily weight of the diet into 5-6 doses.

Chapter V. Products that activate the immune system

1. Green tea.

Studies have shown that green tea (rich in antioxidants) reduces the risk of most types of cancer. "The herbal supplements in tea support the growth and development of gut bacteria," says Bowerman. "They inhibit the growth of bad bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella) while leaving the good bacteria untouched."

Why is it so important? “Up to 70% of the immune system is located in digestive tract Susan Bowerman, Associate Director of the Center for Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles, says. "Four cups a day will keep the immune system at peak performance."

2. Chile pepper.

"Chile pepper stimulates metabolism, acts as a natural anticoagulant and helps release endorphins," says Gunnar Petersen, certified fitness and conditioning specialist. Plus, chili peppers are a great way to add zest to a meal without the fear of adding extra calories or fat.

Chile peppers are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the blood and fights infections, as well as capsaicin, which suppresses neuropeptides (elements that cause inflammation).
A recent study published in the journal Cancer Research found that chili peppers have anti-prostate cancer properties. All this can be achieved by eating half a red pepper (or one teaspoon of dried pepper) daily.

3. Ginger.

Contrary to popular belief that ginger, a savory seasoning for Asian dishes, is the root, but it is the basis that contains life-giving elements that improve our health. The main element is a substance that intensively fights cancer.

Studies have shown that this substance is especially effective in the fight against colon cancer. Ginger can be added in slices or chopped to fish or chicken. The more ginger the better.

4. Blueberries.

"This berry can help prevent many diseases, from cancer to heart disease," says Ryan Endrews, Head of Human Nutrition Research, Toronto, Canada.

One serving (100 g) contains more antioxidants than any other fruit. Sprinkle with lemon juice and mix with strawberries - and the dish is ready. It will satisfy hunger, and will be a prevention from many diseases.

5. Cinnamon.

It is added to sweet desserts and Indian cuisine. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants that inhibit blood clotting and bacterial growth (including those that cause bad breath).

"Studies have shown that cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the likelihood of type 2 diabetes," says nutritionist Nancy Clark, author of The Nancy Clark Sports Nutrition Guide. “Cinnamon also helps lower bad cholesterol levels. Try adding half a teaspoon to yogurt or porridge daily.”

6. Sweet potatoes (yam).

It is often confused with yams. This tuber is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Also, this tuber fights the negative effects of passive smoking and is the prevention of diabetes, sweet potato contains glutathione, an antioxidant that improves metabolic processes and the general condition of the immune system.
It protects against diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, liver disease, cystic fibrosis, HIV, cancer, heart attack and stroke. "One sweet potato a day is a good alternative to traditional prevention methods," says Clarke.

7. Tomato.

“I think that tomatoes are an effective helper in the fight against herpes,” says Petersen. Lycopene, found in tomatoes, helps protect against degenerative diseases. “Cooked tomatoes and tomato paste work best,” says Petersen. Take half a tomato or 350-550 grams of tomato juice per day.

It contains a large amount of potassium, manganese and antioxidants. This fruit helps maintain the correct pH level of the body, which makes it difficult for pathogenic trace elements to enter the body.

Also, the fiber in figs reduces insulin and blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. It is better to choose dark-colored figs (these fruits contain more nutrients) and eat separately from other foods or add to a dry mix. Figs are a quick and easy way to boost your immune system. You should eat at least 4 pieces of figs per week.

9. Mushrooms (shiitake, ram mushroom).

Very tasty, especially with brown rice or quinoa. Mushrooms contain a large amount of the antioxidant ergothioneine, which protects cells from abnormal growth and development. "In short, they reduce the risk of cancer," says Bowerman, who advises eating a half cup of mushrooms once or twice a week.

10. Pomegranate.

The juice from this fruit with many seeds reduces the risk of developing many types of cancer due to the content of a polyphenol called ellagitannin (which gives the juice its unique color).
"Drink a glass of juice a day," Bowerman recommends.


In the treatment of various diseases, an important role is given to proper nutrition of patients. It is with food that people get most of all the nutrients they need: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

It should also be taken into account that the treatment of one disease often leads to various complications, dysfunction of other organs. As a rule, the attending physicians who observe the patient prescribe to the patient, along with medical preparations, an appropriate diet.

Therapeutic nutrition not only helps to normalize a number of processes in the body, but also enhances the effect of treatment, reduces side effects from a number of drugs, improves metabolic processes and helps the body cope with the disease.

Of course, clinical nutrition is not the only way to fight the disease, but, most often, will be a necessary component for the treatment of the disease.

Thus, it is necessary to pay great attention to therapeutic nutrition. It is known that a properly composed, balanced diet, rich in all necessary substances, is the basis of treatment in general.

Bibliographic list

  4. Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia of folk medicine. Ed. 8th, rev. and additional - M .: "Martin", 2004. - 416 p.

Entire treatises have been written about the fundamental difference in the perception of the same things by men and women. However, the difference in diets has hitherto been practically not discussed. But in vain, because representatives of both sexes are distinguished not only by primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but also by the hormonal system and genetics. As a result, women suffer from some diseases, and men - others.

Food for men

Scientists have conducted more than a dozen studies in the field of male nutrition. As a result, they were able to establish that a competent approach to the choice of products allows men after 30 years to maintain good health, good spirits and strength. And also protect yourself from some of the diseases that they are most often exposed to. Among them: prostate cancer, hypertension, heart attacks and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Food for muscle gain

A beautiful, muscular body is the dream of many people. They spend days on end in gyms and fitness centers, constantly working on themselves and trying to finally make all their dreams come true. However, as paradoxical as it sounds, a miracle does not happen. Muscle mass not only does not increase, but also decreases. The reasons for such phenomena, which most often lie in an improperly selected diet, are described in their publications by scientists, nutritionists and trainers of world renown.

food for growth

The problem of small stature makes life difficult for many people. Proof of this is not only the reports of psychologists, but also hundreds of new questions to specialists left on forums and websites on medicine and sports. People of all ages are interested in whether it is possible to “deceive” nature and increase their actual height by at least a couple of centimeters.

Energy Products

Do you experience an irresistible feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and loss of energy by lunchtime or even worse - immediately after waking up? You clearly lack energy. In order to get it, it is not at all necessary to drink a certain cup of coffee or resort to the help of energy drinks. It is much wiser to review your diet and remove from it foods that steal vitality and vigor, and add those that give them.

Food to improve metabolism

Many of us first encounter the concept of metabolism only when they have an urgent need to quickly and easily lose weight. Certainly, this makes sense. But, did you know that not only the rate of weight loss depends on metabolism, but also the quality of our life.

Food to lower cholesterol

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle is growing steadily every year. Increasingly, people are thinking about the benefits of regular physical activity and the quality of their diet. An integral part of it is the consumption of special products that can normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Antibiotic food

The history of antibiotics dates back to the 1920s, when penicillin was first discovered by Alexander Fleming. It was with his appearance that for some reason they forgot about natural antibiotics. And they began to remember literally a few decades ago, only when the public began to vigorously discuss the harmful effects of such medicines on the human body. And look for ways to replace them. As it turns out, they don't have to go far.

Food to quench your thirst

Every person experiences the strongest feeling of thirst at some point. It can appear not only in summer, but also in winter, especially if it is preceded by intense physical activity. As a rule, in order to get rid of it, it is enough to drink a glass of water. It will allow you to replenish the lost fluid in the body, the lack of which causes similar sensations. But what if it is not at hand?

food for headaches

What is aching or throbbing headache probably everyone knows. According to recently published statistics, about 70 million people suffer from chronic headache. At the same time, some try to get rid of it with the help of medicines, others just survive, and still others try to find the right ways to prevent it and alleviate it in everyday life, for example, with the help of ordinary foods.

food for the voice

Do you know that a beautiful voice given to you by nature requires care and attention? Moreover, they are not only in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the throat and vocal cords, but also in providing proper nutrition, especially if you practice singing or often proclaim speeches in front of a huge audience. Well-known physiologists and nutritionists write about how it should be.

Food to calm the nerves

The state of the nervous system is directly affected by substances that enter the human body along with food. After carefully studying them, scientists presented a list of vitamins, trace elements and organic compounds, the use of which will calm nervous system in the safest and most natural way.

Food for PMS

Russian sociologists claim that almost 90% of women aged 13 to 50 encounter the concept of PMS in one way or another. At the same time, 10% of them have especially pronounced symptoms. But, the most surprising thing is that most of them do not fight this condition in any way, mistakenly considering it to be natural. But doctors say that many of the symptoms of PMS can be easily eliminated by simply adjusting your diet.

food for conception

Children are flowers of life. This is our joy and weakness. We love them immensely and dream of them endlessly. But we can't always conceive. The most interesting thing is that the reasons for this often lie not so much in the health problems that women or men have, but in their diet. Moreover, in this case, to fulfill the cherished dream, you need very little: remove some products from it, replacing them with others.

Food during pregnancy

The health of the unborn child directly depends on the quality and quantity eaten during pregnancy. With this in mind, many expectant mothers are trying to make drastic changes in their lifestyle and nutrition. And everything would be fine, only in the pursuit of perfection they often go to extremes. Leading pediatricians and nutritionists tell in their publications about how to avoid fatal mistakes, maintain excellent health and make an invaluable contribution to the health of the baby simply by adjusting your diet.

Food for nursing mothers

It's no secret that everything eaten by a nursing mother enters the child's body. He can react violently to some products, for example, with a rash or intestinal colic, and neutrally to others. But all of them, one way or another, affect its growth and development. That is why many pediatricians advise reviewing your diet during the feeding period, especially if it was previously far from correct. And remove harmful or low-quality products from it, replacing them with useful and safe ones.

Food for children

They say parenting is the hardest job in the world. And it's hard to disagree with that. After all, a number of problems suddenly fall on their shoulders, each of which seems worse than the previous ones. The success of their solution often depends on the experience and knowledge in the field of medicine, nutrition, pedagogy, ethics and other sciences, and the result directly affects the future of the baby. In order to somehow facilitate this hard work, we have collected the recommendations of well-known practitioners in baby nutrition.

Food during puberty

Both adolescents and their parents are interested in nutrition during puberty. Most often this is explained by the desire of the former to get rid of the problems with the figure that may arise during this period, and the desire of the latter to sincerely help their children to survive it painlessly.

Food to improve memory

Absolutely everyone knows that human memory, no matter how wonderful it is, deteriorates over time. And absolutely everyone also knows that this happens for various reasons, most often physiological. However, not everyone is ready to put up with this state of affairs. This article is a kind of review of the most effective, from the point of view of the world's leading nutritionists and physiologists, ways to improve memory.

Diuretics (diuretics)

A good diuretic can not only save you from edema, but also reduce pressure and get rid of excess weight without harming the body. And you don't have to go far for it. The most effective and widely demanded diuretic products are most often already waiting in the wings in our kitchen. It's just that not everyone knows about them.

colon cleansing food

They say that a clean intestine is the key to strong immunity. And also a guarantee of health, excellent health, youth, beauty and good mood! That is why scientists have devoted more than one scientific publication to the methods of its purification, describing the causes and consequences of such a phenomenon. Meanwhile, nutritionists assure that, in fact, you can perform colon cleansing on your own. All you need to do is introduce the right foods into your diet.

It is possible to increase efficiency, improve memory and concentration, as well as become more quick-witted and attentive even during periods of great mental stress. To do this, it is enough to introduce into your diet a complex of special products that are responsible for the functioning of the brain. Interestingly, they will also help improve sleep, get rid of irritability, stress and significantly improve the quality of your life.

It's hard to believe, but heavy physical activity is not a reason to abandon the good old fats and carbohydrates in favor of protein foods. On the contrary, this is a reason to seriously reconsider your diet, diversifying it as much as possible. And add healthy and healthy foods to it. Those that will not only be able to give strength and energy, but will also allow you to do more and, as a result, reach sports heights faster.

Food to improve vision

Recently, ophthalmologists around the world have been sounding the alarm: more and more people different ages face vision problems. Moreover, eye diseases are “getting younger”, affecting even small citizens. The question arises - can nutrition affect eye health and improve it?

food to boost immunity

For our immunity, winter is a difficult test of reliability. After all, a lack of sun, a sharp cold snap, and overdrying of the air inside heated rooms create favorable conditions for the growth of viruses and bacteria that cause seasonal diseases. They endlessly "attack" our body and weaken the immune system. As a result, at some point she can’t cope and the person gets sick. But this could have been avoided by simply adding special foods to your diet.

Food for weight loss

Some are sure that weight loss is impossible without a strict diet. Others are convinced that only a small restriction in food is enough to achieve the desired results and forms. However, our article is written specifically for the third. Those who do not accept any infringement of their own rights and freedoms, and, even more so, no prohibitions in nutrition, but at the same time always want to remain the most slender, fittest and most attractive.

food for weight gain

At a time when the majority of the population the globe looking for effective ways to deal with excess weight, yet there are people who dream of gaining it. And there may be several reasons for this. For example, the excessive thinness of women, which prevents them from getting pregnant, or the too small weight of men, which they want to increase in order to become more stately and beautiful. And sometimes banal diseases, which are frequent companions of an exhausted and weakened body.

Aphrodisiac products for women

The existence of special foods that can make the sexual life of both sexes brighter and richer has been known since time immemorial. This knowledge was carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation. Despite the fact that earlier they were available only to a few - the nobility and priests, in our time, almost everyone can get acquainted with their list.

Aphrodisiac products for men

Scientists say that almost all men aged 16 to 60 are prone to problems with libido. A number of factors can contribute to this, including diseases and Negative influence environment. However, in any case, do not despair. All you need to do is change your diet. Perhaps the body does not receive the necessary substances that maintain libido at the proper level.

Food that lowers blood pressure

The key role of products is to ensure the entry into the body of such substances that would help it function properly, including reducing pressure, if necessary, or, conversely, increasing it. Recently, many scientists have been developing a special menu for hypertensive patients.

HEALING NUTRITION ( diet food) is used to treat various diseases or prevent their exacerbation. It is used in hospitals, sanatoriums, sanatoriums - dispensaries at industrial enterprises, as well as for outpatient treatment and at home. Diet canteens and dietary shops are open to the public; the food industry produces various diet foods(cm.).

Properly organized medical nutrition contributes to a faster and more beneficial effect of medicines, while improper nutrition can interfere with their healing effect and even be harmful.

It is possible to carry out medical nutrition only on the advice of a doctor and under his supervision., since a self-established permanent diet can lead to various disorders in the body.

People suffering from diseases of the stomach, liver, etc., need to organize therapeutic nutrition at home, especially when, for one reason or another, they cannot eat in a dietary canteen.

Medical nutrition should be varied and satisfy the tastes of the patient, if they do not contradict the requirements of the diet. However, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the patient tolerates food restrictions as easily as possible.

The temperature of the food taken is of great importance: the most favorable temperature for hot dishes is about 60 ° C, for cold dishes - about 10 ° heat. Hotter and colder food, as a rule, is not allowed in clinical nutrition.

Techniques of culinary processing of products in clinical nutrition in some cases have their own characteristics.

For example, with certain diseases of the heart, kidneys, inflammatory processes, food should be prepared without salt. So that unsalted food does not cause disgust, the dishes are given a sour or sweet taste by adding sugar, honey, vinegar, citric acid, various fruits and berries; boiled and then fried onions are also added to some dishes.

Often, mashed food is required for medicinal purposes; boiled vegetables are rubbed through a sieve or turned through a meat grinder with a fine grate, the potatoes are kneaded. For the preparation of pureed cereals or puddings, it is recommended to pre-grind the cereal in a coffee mill.

For patients with gastritis with insufficient acidity of gastric juice, cutlets are not rolled in breadcrumbs, therefore, after frying, they do not have a rough crust.

For some patients (for example, with diseases of the stomach and intestines, infectious diseases, etc.), it is necessary to cook steamed dishes so that they do not have a crust and in order to reduce the content of extractive substances in food (which are strong causative agents of the separation of gastric juice); meat and fish dishes for the same purpose boiled in water.

For steaming, in the absence of a special saucepan (see article), you can use a regular saucepan; sieves are inserted into it upside down, water is poured below the bottom of the sieve, a mold with cooked food is placed on the sieve, the pan is covered with a lid and put on the stove.

It is very important that the products that make up the dish are taken in strict proportions, therefore, when cooking, you should use scales, graduated circles, measured spoons, cups, etc.

In case of liver damage in diabetes, products should be processed in the same way as with diet number 5, eggs should be replaced with cottage cheese. It is recommended to eat at least 4 times a day.

With obesity, therapeutic nutrition is based on the principle of sharp caloric restriction due to carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent, due to fats. Calorie content is set by the doctor depending on the degree of obesity.

It is advisable to include in the diet a sufficient amount of animal protein products that increase oxidative processes in the body: lean meat, chicken, lean fish, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt. Limit the use of eggs, especially yolks (no more than 1 pc. per day). Eliminate meat and fish broths and gravies from the diet.

Vegetarian soups are recommended. Significantly limit such carbohydrate foods as bread and bread products, flour products, pasta, potatoes, sweet varieties of berries and fruits, sugar, honey, jam and sweets. Sugar is replaced by xylitol (see article Obesity).

An important role is played by vegetables that contain less digestible carbohydrates, but have a large volume, as they contain a lot of fiber and contribute to satiety. Of cereals, it is better to use buckwheat or pearl barley for making crumbly cereals.

The amount of fat should not be greatly reduced, it is better to use vegetable and butter (lard should be excluded). Also limit the amount of liquid and salt.

With toxicosis of pregnancy, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the nature of the disease. You should eat little by little, 5-6 times a day, and it is recommended to eat the first breakfast in bed before getting up.

It is better to eat liquid and solid food separately, with an interval of at least half an hour. Fasting days are useful: cottage cheese (500-600 g of cottage cheese and 100 g of sour cream per day), compote days (1.5-2 liters of compote per day) as directed by a doctor.

Lit .: Pokrovsky A. A., Conversations about nutrition, [Moscow], 1964;
Marshak M.S., Nutrition and health, Moscow, 1967

Health Nutrition Guide >>>

The handbook provides information on the main nutrients, the energy value of food, the diet of a healthy and sick person, the importance of individual foods, rational and especially therapeutic nutrition. Particular attention is paid to diet therapy for various diseases and the characteristics of diets, the organization of clinical nutrition, as well as the technology of preparing dietary dishes.

Characteristics of the main therapeutic diets >>>

This section presents the characteristics of the most common diets No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 (diet No. 12, which is practically not used, is not included). Many diets (No. 1, 4, 5, 7, etc.) have several options, indicated by letters that are added to the number of the main diet (for example, No. 7a, 76, 7c, 7d), or in separate words (No. 15 hyposodium).

The book of G. N. Uzhegov “Healing Nutrition” is an indispensable assistant for those who want to maintain health until old age, maintaining it with the help of simple methods and folk recipes. The author briefly and in an accessible form talks about the most effective diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, kidney diseases, problems of the elderly, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, skin and oncological diseases. Attention! The information contained in this book is not a substitute for medical advice. It is necessary to consult a specialist before applying any of the recommended actions.

A series: Treasury of folk medicine

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by the LitRes company.

Therapeutic nutrition for certain diseases

Diet for peptic ulcer

As M.A. Nosal notes, most types of stomach ulcers do not require drugs, and if they have to be resorted to, they give only temporary relief, which should not be enjoyed. On the contrary, for ulcer patients, a diet for the stomach and careful protection of the patient from emotional experiences are what a lifeline for a drowning man. Here only rest is needed - both for the nerves and for the stomach, and those remedies and medicinal herbs that we will discuss below are only an addition to the diet, replenishing in it the components necessary for the nerves and for the stomach.

1. In diseases of the stomach, you should avoid eating fresh milk, since milk, during fermentation, releases gases that burst the walls of the stomach and increase pain. In addition, milk is a pronounced allergic product, and scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that peptic ulcer disease is a pronounced allergic disease and is caused by food allergens. But if a food allergy is the cause, then the peptic ulcer will flare up again and again until the allergen food is eliminated from the diet.

2. Sour milk, kefir, curdled milk are useful (for dinner, you should always take 1-2 glasses of curdled milk without sour cream with a small amount of rolls or bread).

3. It is necessary to give the patient fresh, well-squeezed cottage cheese, mixed with cream and rubbed through a sieve.

4. From sweets for ulcers, honey is best. It inhibits the secretion of gastric juice, calms the nerves and replaces sugar. If honey causes heartburn, then you need to chew 5 grains of oats (grains chew until there is no chaff left in the mouth, which should be spit out).

5. It is undesirable for ulcer patients to eat flour products with the addition of yeast. The less yeast, the better for the patient.

6. Coffee is a "stomach grinder." Its use is very undesirable for a patient with peptic ulcer.

7. In case of duodenal ulcer, when nighttime “hungry” pains torment, you need to drink honey (1 teaspoon of honey per 200 ml of boiled water) or sugar (2 teaspoons of sugar per glass of boiled water) at night.

8. A fiber-rich diet is associated with a reduced risk of gastric and duodenal ulcers compared to a diet low in fiber.

Sea buckthorn fruits in the form of juice, water infusion, alcohol tincture or oil should be taken orally. Grind and grind fresh cabbage in an enamel bowl, squeeze out the juice. Take 1 glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 40 days. Cabbage juice is very useful and effective in the treatment of gastric ulcer, especially if it has recently appeared.

Professor Cheney (USA) successfully treats peptic ulcer with the following composition:

Cabbage juice from 1/2 head of medium size 4 sprigs of celery, 2 carrots, 3 cups of chopped chaga, 50 g of yarrow, 50 g of pine buds, 50 g of wild rose, 5 g of wormwood - all pour 3.5 liters of cold water. Boil for two hours on low heat under the lid. Put the pan in a warm place for a day. After a day, strain, add 200 ml of aloe juice, 250 ml of cognac, 400 g of honey and leave for four days, stirring daily.

Take 1 tablespoon three times daily before meals. Sometimes one 0.5-liter bottle is enough for a cure. In the treatment of peptic ulcer, this remedy is one of the most recognized. The tool can also be used to treat gastritis, biliary dyskinesia.

Pour two teaspoons of dandelion roots with a glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Slightly heated brine sauerkraut take 1/2 cup daily.

Onion juice drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Infuse 1 tablespoon of tansy flower baskets for 4 hours in 500 ml of boiled water in a closed vessel. Strain. Take 1/3 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Juice of potato tubers. Drink fresh juice 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals, 1/2-1/3 cup.

Boil a few peeled, well-washed potatoes in unsalted water until tender. Drink a decoction for peptic ulcer, 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Take a small tall saucepan and a liter jar with a wide neck. Put a piece of asbestos of any thickness on the bottom of the pan, put on it a jar filled to the top with dried St. John's wort, add Provencal oil to it so that it covers the top layer of grass. Take another pot. Fill both pots with water and boil.

Keep the main pot with the medicine in a state of boiling water in an additional pot until up to 150 ml of water boils away in the first one. After that, add this amount from an additional saucepan. After 6 hours, the medicine is ready. Strain and keep in a dark, cool place. Take 2 tablespoons half an hour before meals.

One of the simplest and most reliable remedies for peptic ulcer disease is the following: wash the three-year-old agave, cut the needles, and pass through a meat grinder. Then squeeze through a three-layer gauze 250 ml. Add 250 g of honey and 250 ml of alcohol. Mix and put for a day in a warm place. After a day, beat the composition like butter for an hour. Take the resulting mixture 1 tablespoon three times a day.

1 kg of May flower honey, 250 g of dry glucose, 1 kg of walnuts, 50 g of valerian root, 50 g of birch buds, 3 chopped nutmegs - all insist 2 weeks in two liters of cognac in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals for stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers.

JUICE OF CENEAL. Add 0.5 liters of vodka (or 250 ml of alcohol) per liter of fresh juice. Infuse for a day and drink 1 teaspoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

INfusion of Eucalyptus. 20 g of leaves per cup of boiling water. Strain. Take 50-60 ml 4-5 times a day.

Keep the tincture of 50 g of birch buds per 0.5 l of vodka in a warm place for 10 days. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

2 tablespoons of grass cudweed marsh insist in 400 ml of boiling water for 1 hour. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Prepare composition:

Licorice root - 10 g

Orange peels - 6 g

Water - 100 ml

Evaporate over low heat until 1/2 of the original volume is obtained. Add 60 g of honey. Take the dose during the day in three divided doses. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Nutrition for chronic and ulcerative colitis

In the treatment of colitis of any etiology, diet is a decisive factor. If you take even "the most healing herbs in the world", but do not adhere to the correct therapeutic diet, the treatment will be ineffective.

From the diet for all types of colitis, bran should be excluded in the first place, even in bread, as they irritate the intestinal mucosa. You can not eat very hot and very cold food, drink large amounts of liquids. It is undesirable to eat raw vegetables. You should not eat foods that contain cellulose, so the skin and peel from fruits must be peeled off. It is necessary to avoid fried foods, spices, coffee, everything that irritates the intestinal mucosa. The diet should contain all grains (with the exception of wheat), light and low-fat meats (chicken, lamb), all types of vegetables (without seeds, boiled), yogurt, puddings, kefir and yogurt, half-stale bread.

Fiber has a good effect on the course of the disease. Fats in food should be present in a minimum amount.

Laxatives from medical procedures should be excluded. If necessary, 1-2 times a week, you can do an enema.

Many researchers studying the causes of ulcerative colitis (Crohn's disease) have come to the conclusion that people who develop Crohn's disease eat large amounts of refined sugar and consume little raw vegetables and fruits. Therefore, this imbalance must be eliminated already at the beginning of treatment. In patients with ulcerative colitis, there is almost always a reduced content of vitamins E, K B 12, D, as well as trace elements such as copper, zinc, magnesium, etc. mcg per day). The most important task of treating this disease is to supply the body with enough calories and vitamins.

More recently, the so-called “fish oil” effect has been discovered. In one trial, 87 patients received supplements of 20 ml of fish oil or olive oil daily for a year. Treatment with fish oil has shown significant improvement in the condition of patients with a tendency to complete recovery (unlike corticosteroids).

Cabbage juice has a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting recovery.

In order to help regulate bowel function, patients with ulcerative colitis should be prescribed oat bran at night. Bran, enveloping toxic substances that irritate the mucous membrane, contribute to a faster recovery. Fresh milk should be completely excluded from the patient's diet.(food allergen).

Brew in a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of centaury, chamomile and sage. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. With the improvement of the general condition, the intervals between doses of the drug should be lengthened.

Prepare collection:

Black elderberry flowers - 3 parts

Grass knotweed - 4 parts

Herb fumes officinalis - 4 parts

European hoof leaf - 4 parts

Flax seed - 2 parts

Peppermint leaf - 2 parts

Chamomile flowers - 5 parts

Great celandine herb - 3 parts

Grind everything, mix. Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water. The next day, drink the infusion in three divided doses 30 minutes before meals. The composition has a good effect in the treatment of colitis, enterocolitis, dyskinesia.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers. Pour a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take warm 1/2 cup three times a day.

Brew 2 teaspoons of blueberries in a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, sweeten. Take 1/3 cup 5-6 times a day.

5 g of flower baskets of tansy insist 2 hours in 300 ml of boiling water, strain. Take with colitis and enteritis 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

White cabbage juice should be taken half an hour before meals 4 times a day. Start with 1/2 cup per dose and increase gradually to 1 cup per dose, drinking (if well tolerated) over 3-4 weeks.

Infusion of fresh watermelon peels. For 100 g of fresh chopped peels, take 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Take 1/2 cup 5 times a day. You can take watermelon peel powder 1 g (at the tip of a knife) 4-5 times a day.

Brew 10 g of dry herb St. John's wort in 200 ml of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon every 4 hours after meals.

Boil 4 g of alder cones in 200 ml of water for 2 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Infusion of mint leaves. Take 2 tablespoons of leaves for 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, strain, drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

Before going to bed, do 2 enemas daily: the first - cleansing - from three glasses of pure water, and the second - immediately after emptying the intestines - from 1 glass of rice water with the addition of 30 g of lactose (milk sugar). This composition should remain in the intestines all night. Lactose promotes the passage of gases - this is a sign that the remedy is working. After 5-7 days of treatment, despite the fact that all the symptoms of colitis will disappear, you still need to continue doing enemas and dieting for another week. Then stop the enema, but drink lactose 30 g twice a day for 10 days.

It is good if it is possible to take warm sitz baths at the same time.. If the colitis is very neglected, then every two months, despite the improvement in the condition, lactose enemas should be done within 7 days.

1 tablespoon of dry plantain leaves insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.

2 teaspoons of blackberry leaves and 1 teaspoon of reed flower baskets of marigolds (calendula) leave for 2 hours in a glass of boiling water, strain. Take 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

To cleanse the intestines and facilitate its work, you need to make enemas from hot water with the addition of 1-2 tablespoons of glycerin, or lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar 6% per 2.5 liters of water. Enemas should be done: three days in a row, three times in a day, three times in two days, and so on, until there is only once a week.

It is very useful to fast one day a week. But for this you need to choose the most suitable day, depending on the location of your zodiac sign:

ARIES - Tuesday

TAURUS - Friday

GEMINI - Wednesday

RAK - Monday

LEO - Sunday

VIRGO - Wednesday

LIBRA - Friday

SCORPIO - Tuesday


CAPRICORN - Saturday


PISCES - Thursday

In the evening, before the day of fasting, you need to do a cleansing enema. The healing effect of fasting enhances the intake of raw vegetables, fruits, berries (vegetable days).

Well relieves pain in the intestines the following collection:

St. John's wort - 100 g

Repeshok - 100 g

Peppermint - 400 g

Mix all. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup three to four times a day. If we add 150 g of any dry tea to the above-mentioned collection, then we will get an excellent remedy for cleansing the kidneys and pancreas.

With intestinal fissures, traditional medicine recommends sugar enemas (a tablespoon of sugar per 500 ml of water). They also help cleanse the intestines.

Nutrition for gallstone disease

Many scientists believe that the main reason for the formation of gallstones is the consumption of high amounts of refined carbohydrates and fats in the diet, as well as a small amount of fiber consumed.

Such food leads to a decrease in the synthesis of bile acids by the liver and, accordingly, to a low concentration in the gallbladder. A diet rich in fiber is extremely important in the prevention and treatment of gallstone disease. Especially useful are oat bran, vegetables, fruits. Research has shown that Vegetarians rarely develop gallstones. Other factors are also important for the formation of gallstones, in particular animal proteins. Animal proteins from dairy products, such as casein, promote the formation of stones, while plant-based proteins prevent their formation.

Highly important point contributing to the formation of stones is obesity. Obesity is the cause of increased cholesterol secretion into bile as a result of an overall increased cholesterol synthesis. Thus, obesity always provokes the formation of stones, and, therefore, it must be combated by any available means.

The naturopathic treatment for gallstones recommends the use of nutritional recipes rich in choline, methionine, inositol, etc. They can be used to improve liver function and to increase the solubility of bile.

In 1948, the book of the American researcher Dr. Brener, "Fundamentals of Food Allergy", was published, in which he proposed to use the so-called "exclusion diets" to prevent attacks of gallstone disease. The products of such a diet include soybeans, rice, beef, rye, peaches, cherries, apricots, beets, spinach. Conversely, he considered foods that stimulate the development of seizures (in order of weakening their action) eggs, pork, onions, poultry, milk, coffee, citrus fruits, corn, beans and nuts. The addition of Eggs to food caused bouts of gallstone disease in 93% of patients.

Dr. Breneman believes that the consumption of allergens causes swelling of the biliary tract, which leads to a violation of the flow of bile from the gallbladder and eventually to the formation of stones. In the diet of patients with gallstone disease great importance have the following factors:

1. The use of alkaline salts, mineral waters to facilitate the evacuation of bile from the gallbladder and its dilution (Carlsbad salt, burnt magnesia, Essentuki-20 and other mineral waters).

2. Compliance with a diet with restriction of products containing cholesterol, fats and animal proteins.

3. Regulation of meals; patients should be advised to eat moderately, regularly, and often, as eating is a natural means of facilitating the outflow of bile.

Nutrition for Botkin's disease

There is no specific treatment for Botkin's disease, therefore, a diet is of decisive importance in therapy, the purpose of which is to increase the metabolic and antitoxic function of the liver. The patient's food should consist of easily digestible foods., mainly from carbohydrates, fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, cereals, flour soups, mashed potatoes, sweet compotes, jelly. Sour cream, cream, butter can be included in the diet, since there is no need to completely deprive the patient of protein foods. But these products should be given to the patient in small quantities.

The patient should eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions, so as not to load the liver and divert bile from it, since food is one of the best choleretic agents. Food should be rich in all vitamins, including vitamin K. Liquid can be given to the patient at will, without restriction. In all cases of Botkin's disease, it is useful to give the patient a raw liver.

Cool baths with the addition of vinegar or soda are used to reduce itching. You can wipe the body with a cloth moistened with 3% vinegar or 3% solution of menthol alcohol.

With Botkin's disease and all hepatitis, traditional medicine recommends the following medicinal plants and fees:

Medicinal plants such as lingonberries (berries, twigs), raspberries (leaves, flowers, fruits), garlic and linden flowers are simply necessary for hepatitis. Garlic is taken twice a day, 1 clove, from the flowers of linden, raspberries and lingonberries, tea is brewed, which is drunk 2-3 times a day for a long time.

BARBERIS COMMON. Barberry preparations as a choleretic agent are used for liver inflammation, biliary tract obstruction, cholelithiasis, and exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis. Alcohol tincture barberry leaves on 40% alcohol is prepared in a ratio of 1:5. Insist 14 days in a cool, dark place, strain. Take 30-40 drops 2 times a day. There is a drugstore.

The collection proposed by Bulgarian herbalists is effective:

barberry leaf

birch leaf

juniper berries

wormwood grass

Yarrow herb

Everything is taken equally. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, insisted for 45 minutes, filtered. Take 1 glass of infusion 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

SANDY ICMORTAL. Tea from immortelle flowers: 40 g of flowers are poured into 1 liter of water, brought to a boil, insisted for 1 hour. Take 1 glass 2-3 times a day. The same tea has an excellent effect on jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver and diseases of the biliary tract.

For hepatitis and cholecystitis, a collection is prepared:

immortelle flowers

Yarrow herb

wormwood grass

fennel fruit

Mint leaves

Everything is taken equally. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool 45 minutes, filter. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

TANNY ORDINARY (wild mountain ash). In chronic hepatitis, jaundice and cirrhosis of the liver, they drink an infusion of tansy flowers. 1 teaspoon of flowers is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. Take 1/2 cup three times a day before meals. After every 10 days of treatment, a 5-day break is taken. The course of treatment is three months. This method of treatment is used both independently and after medical treatment.

Prepare the collection: tansy flowers, yarrow grass, St. Take the whole thing equally. Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup three times daily before meals.

VOLODUSHKA GOLDEN. In diseases of the liver (cholecystitis, hepatitis, angiocholitis), an infusion of herbs or a decoction of the roots is prescribed. Infusion:

Pour 5 g of grass with 1 cup of boiling water, insist until cool. Strain. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day before meals. Decoction of roots: pour 10 g of crushed roots with 1 glass of water and boil over low heat until half of the original volume is evaporated. Cool, strain. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day before meals.

Mix 1 kg of honey, 200 ml of olive oil, 4 lemons. Pass all 4 lemons through a meat grinder. Pour in honey and olive oil. Store the composition in the refrigerator in a sealed container. Stir before use. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. During the year, conduct 3 courses of treatment. The composition has a good effect in hepatitis and cholecystitis.

In inflammatory diseases of the liver, it is useful to take 200 ml of the mixture good milk and beer (1:2) three times a day before meals.

Nutrition for hepatitis and other liver diseases

The most important organ of the human body responsible for metabolic processes is the liver. Liver cells neutralize all toxic substances and harmful chemicals that enter the body with food. Therefore, in case of liver diseases, all the efforts of the doctor and the patient should be aimed at helping the cells in their work.

The fastest method of cleansing from toxins is curative fasting.. Fasting is defined as abstaining from all food and drink except water for a specified period of time. This is the most ancient method of detoxification for any poisoning.

It is possible to fast partially by taking fresh fruit juices, but often patients may still need additional support in the form of potent vitamin and mineral preparations. These drugs are often sold as tablets in pharmacies (choline, methionine) and are essential substances for the liver. The dose of each of them should be equal to 1 gram. In addition to choline and methionine, the intake of vitamin C 1 g three times a day and fiber is of great importance. The best sources of fiber are oatmeal, thistle milk extract, etc.

A healthy lifestyle and a well-chosen diet contribute to detoxification, as a result, digestion and absorption of food improves. The diet should be rich in nutritious fibers and plant foods, refined sugar and fats should be present in it in a minimum amount. Consumption of saturated fats, sugar, alcohol, drugs and other substances that are toxic to the liver is highly undesirable.

The diet of a liver patient should be based on vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, in order to really contribute to the healing of the body.

For normal functioning The liver needs substances such as betaine, folic acid, choline, methionine. These substances are called lipotropic. A large number of lipotropic substances are found in beets, carrots, dandelions, cabbage, as well as in some medicinal herbs and plants (turmeric, cinnamon, licorice, etc.).

Cirrhosis of the liver is included in a special group of liver diseases. Cirrhosis is the final stage of any liver disease. With cirrhosis of the liver, it is recommended to take with food (or in the form of infusions and decoctions) the following herbs and plants:

5-6 crushed leaves of horseradish, together with the root, insist on 500 ml of vodka for 7 days, filter and take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. Traditional medicine recommends it remedy also for lung cancer.

Prepare collection:

Rose hips cinnamon - 20 g

Nettle leaves - 10 g

Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes and strain. Take 1 glass twice a day.

INfusion OF WILLOW BARK. Boil 60 g of dry and chopped willow bark in one liter of water for 15–20 minutes. Insist, wrapped, day, strain. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

Boil corn stigmas and young leaves from the ears of corn for 10-15 minutes, then drink this infusion 2 cups throughout the day.

Drink daily a glass of juice from red beet and radish equally (if red beet juice is tolerated in such an amount).

Drink birch sap 200 ml per day.

Not only in cirrhosis of the liver, but also in diseases of the kidneys or stomach, it is recommended to do a wet wrap: moisten a sheet before going to bed in water at room temperature, squeeze it out and turn around from the armpits to the knees, but not higher and not lower. Then go to bed, cover yourself with a very warm blanket, and lie like that for an hour and a half, calmly and, if possible, without talking. Then wipe the body, put on dry clothes and go to bed.

Do this twice a week, and it will have a very beneficial effect on the liver, digestive organs and protect against colds. This method of treatment has an even greater effect if the sheet is moistened with dew, especially dew of forest or meadow flowers (Vanga's recipe).

With cirrhosis, it is useful to spend fasting days: 2 kg of cucumbers in five doses one day a week; 1.5 kg of watermelon in five doses one day a week.

Regularly include honey, grapefruits, porridge or juice from the pulp of pumpkin, oatmeal, a decoction of carrots with tops, a decoction of viburnum leaves and berries, as well as asparagus, eggplant, beets, sea kale in the diet.

Carrot juice, tomato juice, as well as a mixture of carrot and spinach juices in a ratio of 10:6 and a mixture of carrot, beetroot and cucumber juices (10:3:3).

Cover dandelion flowers with sugar, make 3-4 layers in this way, put under pressure for 1-2 weeks. Eat in place of jam.

Limit to a minimum products from white flour, potatoes (liver cirrhosis can sometimes occur from overloading the liver with starch).

With cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol is excluded from the diet, even in small doses.

Dug out in April and November, cut the roots of the medicinal dandelion thinner, dry and lightly fry until light brown, grind. Brew one teaspoon per glass of boiling water and drink instead of coffee.

CABBAGE GARDEN. Drink cabbage juice 1-2 times a day, 100 ml. Ordinary cabbage juice is very easy to obtain after rubbing the cabbage head on a grater and pressing the resulting mass.

MILK THISTLE. Boil 30 g of powdered seeds in 500 ml of water until half the water remains. Drink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

ASPARAGUS PHARMACY. 3 teaspoons of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, strain. Drink 500 ml every 4 hours.

THORNHOUSE STEMLESS. It is used for cirrhosis of the liver, accompanied by ascites. Prepare an alcohol extract (1:10). Drink 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Also, thorn is taken in the form of a hot infusion. The infusion is prepared as follows: 15 g of crushed raw materials (root) are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, filtered. This is the dose for two days.

CLEAVERS. Apply with cirrhosis of the liver, accompanied by ascites. Pour 4 teaspoons of bedstraw with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink within one day.

FRAGENT LARGE. Apply with cirrhosis of the liver, accompanied by ascites. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

Nutrition for diseases of the gallbladder

The main cause of inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder is malnutrition. Currently, in the diet of every person, an increasing place is occupied by such products as sugar, animal fats. At the same time, the number of foods rich in vegetable fibers has decreased significantly. In the good old days, our ancestors paid great attention to nutrition. Black bread made from wholemeal flour, vegetables, fruits were constantly present on the table. Therefore, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract were much less common than now.

In addition, human physical activity has now declined sharply, and hypokinesia(reduced motor activity) very negatively affects the processes of bile evacuation from the gallbladder and biliary tract, thereby contributing to the development of chronic inflammatory processes in them.

The release of bile from the gallbladder occurs only after eating. Frequent meals (4-5 times a day) at strictly fixed hours normalize the evacuation of bile from the gallbladder, do not allow it to stagnate. This prevents the formation of stones, prevents microorganisms that have entered the gallbladder from multiplying and causing inflammation.

For the normal functioning of the gallbladder, it is very important that the food contains proteins of animal and vegetable origin in the optimal ratio. A source of complete animal protein can be lean meats, poultry, cottage cheese, eggs, and dairy products. Egg yolks have a pronounced choleretic effect. Therefore, patients with chronic gastritis can include 3-4 eggs per week in the diet - in the form of an omelette or soft-boiled. However, in the presence of stones in the gallbladder or during an exacerbation of cholecystitis, it is recommended to eat eggs only in the form of steam protein omelettes, so as not to increase pain.

Vegetable protein is part of vegetables and fruits, berries, bread and other flour products. Patients with chronic cholecystitis can only eat sweet berries and fruits. It is strictly forbidden to eat beans, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms. The diet should contain carrots, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, vegetable fiber which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, which plays an important role in the formation of stones.

The choleretic effect of vegetables increases significantly if you fill them with vegetable oil. Olive, sunflower and corn oils have pronounced choleretic properties. It is only necessary to use these properties correctly. Vegetable oil it is undesirable to expose to heat, otherwise it loses its healing properties. It should only be added to ready meals. From animal fats, butter, a little sour cream and cream are allowed. It is necessary to completely exclude refractory fats from the diet: pork, lamb, goose, duck. Patients with cholecystitis are recommended no more than 50–70 g of sugar per day, including sugar added to meals.

Proper culinary processing of food also helps to avoid aggravation.. Recommended dishes, mostly steamed or boiled. It is permissible to eat baked dishes, but fried ones are not allowed, because with this method of processing, substances are formed that irritate the mucous membrane of the liver, stomach and intestines. Outside the period of exacerbation, meat, for example, can be lightly fried, after boiling it. When preparing meals, do not oversalt them. The daily salt intake should not exceed 10-15 g. In order not to cause a spasm of the biliary tract and an attack of pain, you should not drink cold or hot drinks. All food should be only warm.

End of introductory segment.

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The following excerpt from the book Therapeutic nutrition for various diseases (G. N. Uzhegov, 2015) provided by our book partner -