Alushta sanatorium for the treatment of stuttering. Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system in the sanatoriums of the Crimea

The highest quality treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the Crimea is provided by the sanatoriums of the Southern Coast of Crimea, in particular, the sanatoriums of Alushta. The natural conditions of this region are the best suited for people suffering from heart failure. The climate of Alushta is very mild, without sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, which creates beneficial conditions for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The air here is clean and fresh, filled with useful phytoncides of coniferous forests and salt and iodine of the Black Sea. In addition, the proximity of forests and mountains affects the ecological state environment- trees act as filter feeders and absorb harmful carbon dioxide that accumulates in cities, and produce oxygen, which, in turn, penetrates through the lungs into the vessels and blood and saturates them. All these factors have a complex effect on the human body, strengthen the immune system, give life force and cheerfulness.

Methods of treatment of the cardiovascular system in the Crimea

During treatment, use various methods climatotherapy and hardware physiotherapy. This includes halotherapy, aerotherapy, heliotherapy, balneotherapy, speleotherapy, as well as a unique method of dolphin therapy, which is especially effective in treating children. For the treatment of the cardiovascular system, the sanatoriums of the Crimea, and in particular the sanatoriums of the city of Alushta, practice an individual approach to each patient. Highly qualified specialists prescribe a personal course of treatment, which consists of a daily schedule and visits to the necessary procedures.

Sanatorium-resort recovery is an important stage in the treatment of hypertension and the return of the patient to an active full-fledged lifestyle. Sanatorium "Rodina", located on the coast of Yalta, has a specialized medical base for a complete examination of patients with hypertension and subsequent comprehensive treatment.

The main principle is an individual approach to each patient, therefore, programs are prescribed taking into account the age of the disease, the nature and degree of manifestation, previous treatment, age and other factors.

Hypertension (arterial hypertension) - a persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg. pillar.

Sanatorium-resort regimen and exercise therapy in the treatment of hypertension

A complex of medical procedures is carried out against the backdrop of a sanatorium-resort regime. The main components are the mode of rest and sleep; diet food; a gradual increase in physical activity through exercise therapy, health paths, close tourism, mechanotherapy. Physical exercise affect metabolic processes and train the cardiovascular system.

Effective climatotherapy procedures for hypertension are sleeping by the sea (in a climate pavilion or on an open veranda), thalassotherapy at a water temperature of at least 19⁰, air and sun baths at an air temperature of no higher than 25⁰.


With hypertension, the most effective are pearl, coniferous, aromatic baths and circular showers. The complex program includes 8 procedures, which are prescribed every other day, alternating with therapeutic swimming in the pool with sea ​​water. Patients with hyperexcitability nervous system wet wraps or a circular shower are prescribed with a water temperature of 35-37⁰ for pronounced processes and 33-34⁰ for weaker manifestations. One course includes 8-12 procedures.

Important! In 2016, the pool and water department are under restoration, these procedures are temporarily unavailable on the territory of the sanatorium. You can order them in the nearby balnearies.

Physiotherapy for hypertension

The medical department of the sanatorium "Rodina" is the clinical base of the Crimean Medical University. The program of physiotherapy treatment is supervised by Associate Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy Dushkin I.F. Hypertension is often accompanied by metabolic syndrome. Dushkin developed an author's method of treating this disease in a sanatorium. In 2014, it was patented and is now actively used in practice. Patients with hypertension are prescribed the following procedures:

Low frequency magnetotherapy improves blood flow, normalizes (reduces) the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle.

Electrophoresis. Antihypertensive drugs are injected through the patient's skin under the influence of an electric current. The effect of this method is a persistent decrease in pressure to normal.

Infrared laser therapy aimed at expanding the coronary vessels. As a result, the nutrition of the heart muscle is activated and its work improves.

Galvanization. The impact of weak currents on the parts of the brain. Stimulation of the central nervous system enhances its effect on regulatory processes, including the work of blood vessels.

UHF improves metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis.

biofeedback therapy

Doctors of the sanatorium "Rodina" were among the first in the Crimea to use the biofeedback method in the treatment of hypertension. The essence of the method is to “train” the body to independently control its own body. After taking BFB-electroencephalogram, sessions of BFB-EEG training are scheduled. This method allows you to correct violations in the physiological work of the body without medication.

Also, vacationers can choose sessions of non-traditional and traditional medicine: psychological trainings, electrosleep, acupuncture, phyto-, speleo- and aromatherapy.

Regular rest in the sanatoriums of the Crimea with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases will help to make the work of the heart stable and uninterrupted. Indications for visiting cardiology centers are:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypo- and hypertensive diseases;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • consequences of a heart attack, post-infarction syndrome;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • heart surgery.

Features of procedures

Cardiovascular sanatoriums in the Crimea prescribe an individual course of procedures for each patient. Upon arrival at a medical institution, the first thing to do is a meeting with a doctor - a highly specialized specialist who analyzes the medical record and prescribes additional tests. They usually include:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • regular blood pressure measurements.

Then a set of procedures is prescribed. Depending on the diagnosis, this may be:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Apparatus physiotherapy (electrophototherapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.).
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Singlet oxygen therapy.
  5. Massotherapy.
  6. Bischofite, coniferous, mud, sodium chloride baths.
  7. Underwater shower-massage.
  8. Medical therapy.

It is recommended to take a course of 2-3 weeks in a cardiological sanatorium. This will allow you to perform medical procedures in a leisurely schedule and leave time for excursions around the Crimea. By purchasing, evaluate the cultural program offered by the medical resort institution: we are sure that concerts, competitions, film screenings will make your vacation doubly pleasant.

In any cardiovascular sanatorium, located in the Crimea, you will be offered diet therapy. It will consist in a balanced diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables at any time of the year. By the way, most cardio diseases, problems with the respiratory system work year-round, so you can plan a vacation even for the winter. It would be optimal for patients with serious cardiovascular diseases to come to Crimea in early autumn or late spring: it is during these months that the weather is at its best without heat or frost.

The best resorts

The most famous sanatoriums of Crimea with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are as follows:

  • "Lower Oreanda" (Yalta).
  • "Alushta" (Alushta).
  • OLC "Northern" (Yevpatoria).
  • "Ai-Danil" (Gurzuf).
  • "Russia" (Yalta).
  • "Kyiv" (Alushta).
  • "Crimea" (Partenit).
  • "Karasan" (Cliff).
  • "Golden Ear" (Alushta).
  • "Ai-Petri" (Miskhor).
  • Named after Kirov (Yalta).
  • "Pearl" (Gaspra).

The climatic resorts of the southern coast of Crimea have been successfully improving the condition of patients with chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels for a long time. Sanatoriums of a cardiological profile work all year round, the ticket can be issued from January to December. The price of kursovki in the Crimean sanatorium with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the low season will be cheaper.

Sanatorium health complex"Ai-Danil" refers to multidisciplinary institutions, where, in addition to conditions for recreation and general health improvement, specialized programs are offered for sanatorium treatment patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiological sanatorium "Ai-Danil" - give health to your heart

By its location, our health resort compares favorably with many sanatorium-type institutions. The complex is located in Big Yalta, at the foot of the Ayu-Dag mountain, not far from Nikitsky botanical garden and the natural reserve "Cape Martyan". The hotel and medical-diagnostic infrastructure is represented by high quality services, functional equipment and modern approaches. Crimean cardiological sanatoriums with treatment are a great opportunity to improve your health and relax your body and soul in unique natural conditions peninsulas.

During the year, the Ai-Danil sanatorium accepts patients with such chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system as:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • varicose disease, chronic thrombophlebitis;
  • initial stages of arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • angina pectoris (grades I–III);
  • conditions after myocarditis, heart attack and stroke;
  • moderate manifestations of atherosclerosis, etc.

Qualified medical staff, if necessary, will help to draw up an individual program of additional examinations and therapeutic measures

Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the Crimea

In the division of functional diagnostics, patients with chronic disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems can be performed:

  • study of the function of external respiration (spirography);
  • oscillography of peripheral vessels;
  • REG (rheoencephalography);
  • duplex scanning of veins and arteries;
  • functional tests.

Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels often requires dynamic monitoring of laboratory parameters. Sanatorium "Ai-Danil" has a representative laboratory base, where, if necessary, you can perform various general clinical and biochemical tests. Modern analyzers allow high-quality and prompt diagnostics of:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • biochemical composition of blood;
  • functional state of the liver;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney samples;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatological diseases;
  • thyroid function, etc.

The sanatorium uses protocols for the rehabilitation and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in children. Special game programs for an exciting and interesting medical holiday for the child. In addition to the laboratory and the diagnostic department, we have a swimming pool with sea water, children's sports grounds with a complex of therapeutic simulators located in the park area.

Rest in Crimea on the seashore 2018 - Ai-Danil sanatorium near the sea in Yalta

Crimea is a magnificent resort, the healing possibilities of which were appreciated back in the century before last. Here the rulers improved their health - and this says a lot. There are no kings in Russia now, but there is a Crimean peninsula - its generous nature continues to help people stay healthy. In particular, cardiovascular diseases are also treated here. Crimean sanatoriums enable thousands of citizens to once again feel the joy of life and movement.

Wings of "Albatross" against diseases

  • Address: Chelyuskintsev street, 129, Sevastopol.
  • Phone: Tel: +7-978-825-94-34.
  • Official website:

Often diseases of the circulatory system are treated in combination with other problems. It is even more convenient - along with the main disease, you can also treat related ones for an additional fee. Those vacationers who have not yet run their heart too much will come to the rescue.

Sanatorium "Albatros" combines several institutions - a health complex, a children's camp, a hotel, which gives wide opportunities to relax here with the whole family. In addition to cardiovascular ailments, it helps those who have difficulties with the nerves and the musculoskeletal system.

Here they offer climatotherapy, mud therapy, functional diagnostics, massage, physiotherapy. The local special program for combating excess weight will also bring considerable benefit to the cores. Additional benefit can be obtained by relaxing on the equipped beach of the institution and doing feasible sports on its sites.

The accommodation here is really chic - in 1- and 2-bed "standards", "junior suites" and "suites". Its own restaurant provides vacationers with good nutrition, and the tour desk does not allow their brains to be lazy, showing the most famous ones.

Foros luxury of the sanatorium "Yuzhny" in Crimea

  • Address: Foros-1, Foros village, Yalta.
  • Phone: +7-3654-25-20-22, +7-978-954-39-31.
  • Official website:

In addition to the kings, on the peninsula were treated and general secretaries The Central Committee of the CPSU, in their places of rest, sanatoriums of the Crimea with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are also found. located in their favorite region - near. His profile is diseases of the heart, respiratory organs. Vacationers are accommodated in rooms of the categories "standard", "junior suite" and "suite", in family cottages with private facilities. Children under 5 years old are admitted free of charge. In addition to accommodation and basic treatment, the payment for accommodation includes:

  • use of an equipped private beach;
  • three meals a day;
  • services, billiard room;
  • film screenings, concerts.

The medical base is very rich. Here they can carry out diagnostics on the spot, as well as provide hydrotherapy, mud therapy, magnetic and ultrasound therapy, and massage. The only negative point is that the prices here are not the lowest, but excellent accommodation conditions and quality treatment are worth it.

Mountain "Falcon": we treat cardiovascular diseases

  • Address: Primorskaya street, 23, Sudak.
  • Phone: +7-365-66-318-52.
  • Official site:

Separate good resorts Crimea with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are departmental. So, it refers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to heart ailments, non-tuberculous respiratory problems are treated here. The complex is located at the foot of the mountain, where it rises. It has its own beach and protected area. Guests are accommodated in bedroom buildings in rooms with private facilities, as well as in wooden cottages. They can relax both comfortably and meaningfully, they have a dance floor, a library, a cinema and concert hall and animation at their service.

The Sudak region is also interesting in terms of the excursion program. Trips around the neighborhood can diversify your leisure time and broaden your horizons. The medical facilities are also excellent. To restore the health of vacationers here apply:

  • therapeutic baths;
  • laser therapy;
  • electro- and magnetic therapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises.

The restaurant of the sanatorium can provide both regular and dietary meals of several types according to the doctor's prescription. Reviews of tourists who have rested in Sudak note the excellent quality of service at Sokol.

Dnepr: treatment and not only for you

  • Address: Alupkinskoe highway, 13, Gaspra settlement, Yalta.
  • Phone: +7-3654-24-73-75.
  • Official website:

Sanatorium "Dnepr" is located not just anywhere, but in the former estate of the royal family. The territory surrounding it is a monument of garden and park art ( beautiful photos leave no room for doubt). Accommodation of guests is carried out in rooms with amenities (including superior comfort),
designed to accommodate from 1 to 3 people.

The medical base of the institution is one of the best and most modern on the peninsula. In addition to the heart, they also treat the respiratory tract. For vacationers:

  • 10 types of therapeutic baths;
  • physiotherapy;
  • mud treatment;
  • phytotherapy;
  • and even such a rarity as intravenous UV therapy.

Hearts will not have to worry about the steep descent to the beach - you can get there by elevator. Meals in the dining room are carried out taking into account medical indications, you can even get a vegetarian diet. "Dnepr" provides vacationers with an excellent cultural program. It even has its own historical museum. Employees also organize recreational activities for children, performances by artists and film screenings, there is a library.

"Mellas" - Crimean sanatorium for everyone

  • Address: Gagarin street, 15, Sanatornoye village, Yalta.
  • Phone: +7-499-707-75-20.
  • Official site:

It is located not far from, in a village with the eloquent name Sanatornoye. Its territory was once the estate of the counts Perovsky, but now rest here is available to everyone. Everyone will be able to choose the conditions for their means - here are the rooms of several categories of comfort. The increased one implies the presence of several rooms and a kitchenette, but simpler options will also please with convenience.

"Mellas" is an institution of a wide profile, here they treat the heart, metabolic problems, respiratory organs. For arrivals:

  • healing showers and baths;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Saka mud;
  • mineral water;
  • massage.

A rich educational program (excursions, film screenings, concerts, entertainment programs) does not let guests get bored. There are also two beaches, sports grounds, a gym.

Unfortunately, many people today are concerned about cardiovascular disease. Sanatoriums of the Crimea are doing a lot to ensure that this attack receded.

09.02.2017 Crimea-Mania