Scenario of the event “Minute of Glory. Entertaining event for elementary grades "minute of glory"

Scenario of the school competition-festival "Minute of Glory"
Venue: auditorium
Purpose: Determining the winners of the school competition - the festival "Minute of Glory"
(Music sounds. Spectators gather in the hall)
(Leaders come out, fanfares sound) (Slide 1)
Host 1 (Glory):
Good afternoon dear friends!
Presenter 2 (Nastya):
-Good afternoon. We are glad to welcome you to our traditional school competition "Minute of Glory"!
Presenter 1:
-Today, during the entire competition, a charming ________ will be with you

Presenter 1:
Let's greet all the participants of our competition together with a round of applause and wish today all the participants to believe in their strengths and talents.
Host 2:
Maxim Gorky wrote: "Talent is faith in oneself, in one's strength."
Presenter 1:
Today on our stage are really the most talented children of our school, behind the excitement and rehearsal, they are already all winners.

Nastya. I didn’t quite understand, what kind of competition is this “Minute of Glory”, how does it differ from other competitions held at our school?
Lead 2
"Minute of Glory" - a territory where unusual talents shown by the general public. The main condition for participation is talent. Dancers, singers, athletes - everyone can go on stage and prove that it is his number that deserves to receive national recognition!
Presenter 1
-Why is this year's competition held right now, in January?
Lead 2
-And for me, January is a wonderful New Year's holiday, when miracles happen, wishes come true! How great that today the contestants are ready to demonstrate their talents and abilities!
Presenter 1
A competent jury will decide the fate of the contestants.
director of the gymnasium Shesheneva Olga Valerievna,
Deputy Director for educational work Evdokimova Lyudmila Viktorovna,
music teacher Pyadysheva Natalya Alexandrovna,
teacher physical culture Agerov Nikolay Lvovich,

Lead 2
- Welcome to the jury!

Presenter 1
- So, our first nomination is “Vocal singing”, (Slide 2)
where contestants must demonstrate their vocal abilities.

Presenter 1
- I think that every person has some kind of talent! He is like a seed that the Lord God has planted in us. If you take care of him and grow, then the talent will develop. And if you are lazy, then he will die.

Lead 2
- Let's listen to the youngest participant in our competition, who will sing a song for us, which is called "Good song"

Meet! – 1-2 class. (Slide 3)

Lead 2
- Nastya, have you ever wanted to visit the star Olympus or become a model?

Presenter 1
- Of course, I would like to. After all, every girl feels herself a little fashionista and beauty.

Lead 2
- That's great! Just like in the song "I'm a fashionista!" Meet DRAGUNOVA POLINA - 1-3 class!!! (Slide 4)

Presenter 1
- Glory, look New Year has already ended, but the guys still do not want to let him go. How do you think why?

Host 2 - This. Probably, the guys want to receive gifts in January, or they are just funny, mischievous children.

"FUNNY PARTS" - meet grades 1-2

Lead 2
What associations do you have with the New Year?

Presenter 1
Well, this is a beautiful Christmas tree, tangerines, Olivier salad, gifts and, of course, the whole family together at the festive table.

Meet the students of grades 3-2 with the song "New Year lights the Christmas trees."
(Turn on the children's choir "Fidgets" without sound)

Presenter 1
- Nastya, tell the truth, that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen, everything always comes true?

Lead 2
- That's for sure! For example, Santa Claus always fulfills all my desires.

Presenter 1
- I think that our next performer from grades 4-2 will also have all her desires and dreams come true. Meet - Ustinova Valery with the song "Give me a dream." (Slide 5)

Presenter 1
In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. If only it were always like this in life! What are you dreaming of, Slava?
Lead 2
- I dream that each of us will start doing only good deeds and give others the warmth of our hearts and go only the path of goodness! I dream that there will never be a WAR anywhere in the world!

Presenter 1
“A world without war” is the name of the song, which will be performed for us by a student of grades 4-3 Alena Mironova. Meet!!! (Slide 6)

Presenter 1
- Nastya, I really want to grow up and become a theater or film actor.

Lead 2
- Great! You just need to go to your goal, and everything will work out! In the meantime, let's listen to the song "I will become an adult" performed by a student of grades 3-3 Alena Mironova. Meet!!! (Slide 7)

Host 1 (drumroll is heard)
- What is it? It comes to us with the song "Drum" Nemchininova Anastasia, student of grades 2-2 (own presentation)

Lead 2
- Well, what holiday is not complete without funny ditties
"New Year's ditties" will be performed by students in grades 3-2 (Slide 10)


Lead 2
- And now we announce our
second nomination - "Choreography", (Slide 11)
where the contestants must demonstrate their athletic, dance and choreographic abilities.

Presenter 1
- And it is opened by the choreographic group of 1-2 classes "New Year's dance - DIFFERENT".
Meet!!! (Slide 12)

Modern pop dance "My reflection" - performed by Violetta Frolova - 4-2 grade. (Slide 13)

Lead 2
-Slava, have you ever been to Paris? (No). Would you like to?
Let's see how the meeting in Paris was held with students of 2-2 grades Kalinichenko Artem and Ulbekova Zyaynab. Meet - "Meeting in Paris". (Slide 14)

Presenter 1
- Nastya, guests came to us with “Oriental dance Meet Akmanova Kamil - 1-2 class (Slide 15)

The dance composition "Blue Handkerchief" was prepared by Tatyana Burkhanova, a student of grades 1-2. Meet! (Slide 16)

Choreographic group of grades 1-1 will perform the dance "Winter Patterns" (Own presentation)

A student of grades 1-1 Khvorova Irina will perform the dance "Angel"
and complete this nomination. (Own presentation)

It's great that our members do sports and dance at the same time!
- Breig - dance - 2-1 class

Lead 2
- Meet 4-1 grade student Anastasia Kazminova, who prepared a Sports dance for us. (Slide 17)

Presenter 1
- Nastya, do you like to play sports?
And I go to the sports section "Karate". Let's see the scene "New Year's Karate", which was prepared by the guys in grades 2-1 Degtyarev Nikita and Elistratova Katya. (Slide 18)


Lead 2
So our competition has come to an end.
Our members showed their abilities on this stage. Our jury has a tough choice to make!

Presenter 1:
We will ask all contestants to gather here in the hall.
It's time for the awards ceremony
Host 2:
This life is not easy. If you don't try in time. Only talent will take you far, Unless you are embarrassed about it. Someone can sing Chaliapin Dance like Niko Tsiskaridze Develop your talent boldly, If you want to compare with them!

Presenter 1: 60 seconds of fame is a moment, For the talented, a whole lesson. If you want to succeed, let the fire burn in your soul. Be simpler, stay yourself - Never look at others Only a minute of glory is given to you Stretch it out for years !!!

Host 2:
- And now we give the floor to our jury!

Presenter 1:
- We invite the director of the gymnasium Olga Valerievna Sheshenyova to congratulate the winners.
Director says words of congratulations

Host 2:
This concludes our competition. But the creativity doesn't end there!
Presenter 1:
And we say again: there are no losers here, there are talented children who conquered the school stage, and we hope that our competition will become the first step in your life in conquering the stars and peaks of life! We wish everyone success!
Host 2:
Goodbye, see you again!


"Vocal Performance"

“I am a fashionista” - Dragunova Polina - 1-3 grade
"Good song" -
"Funny ditties" - 1-2 class
“You give me a dream” - Ustinova Valeria - 4-2 class
Musical composition "Little Stars" - Grade 4-2
"New Year's ditties" - the whole 3-2 class
–Nemchininova Anastasia -3-2 class
"The New Year lights up the Christmas trees" - the whole 3-2 grade
"World without war" - Mironova Alena -4-3 class


Modern pop dance "My reflection" - 4-2 class - Frolova Violetta
"Dance with Ribbons" - Polina Kashintseva - Grade 3-1
Modern dance "Unlike" - 1-2 class - Yesenia Mamolina. Galtaeva Victoria. Krasnova Maria, Varibrus Darina.
Russian folk dance - 2-1 class Khvorova Irina
Russian folk dance "In the viburnum grove" - ​​1-3 class - Penkina Julia, Fokina Polina.
Folk dance "The nightingale sang in the grove" - ​​grade 4-2 -Borisova Serafima
Sports dance - 2-3 class - Akimova Adelina
Sports and demonstrative combat number -4-2 class - Romantsevich Veronika


Scene "" -2-2 class -

    Order to hold the event "Minute of Glory"

    Regulations on the event "Minute of Glory"

    Scenario for the event "Minute of Glory"

    Application for participation in the competition

    Material request.






ORDER No. ____

from ___________

About the event

"Moment of glory"


To hold a creative competition "Minute of Glory" among the pupils of the DUOO named after. K. Babin according to the program of the camp and the plan - a grid of all-camp events.

    Responsibility for the organization, provision of conditions and conduct of the competition shall be assigned to the methodologist Ganich L.N., deputy director for the economic part Berezan A.V. and Art. teacher organizer Obuovskaya V.A.

    Methodist Ganich L.N., Art. teacher, organizer Obuovskaya V.A., equipment maintenance operator I.V.

2.1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) Regulations governing the holding of the competition among pupils of the DUOO them. K. Babina.

2.2. write a script for the event and select musical accompaniment

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during the event is assigned to educators and leaders of the detachments. Conduct safety briefings with students.

4. Methodist Ganich L.N., Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4.1. Draw up a schedule of duty officers in the territory during the competition from among the employees of the DUOO.

5. Doctor Petrenko S.I. K. Babina to provide medical support during the event.

6. To impose control over the execution of this order on the methodologist of the DUOO named after. K. Babina Ganich L.N.

This order comes into force from the moment of its signing.

Director of the DUOO named after K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Petrenko S. I.

Kondratiev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L. N.

Belaya A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Yurchenko B.S.

Ilchenko D.V.

Shapovalova E.K.

Melnik I.A.

Zagorkova A.V.

Zhambrovsky V.R.

Khalyavinsky I.V.

Getun B.D

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Kornienko N.V.

Obukhovskaya V.A.

Iskra E.A

Chaly D.O.




about the event "Minute of Glory"

About the competition "Minute of Glory"

1. General Provisions
1.1. The competition is a traditional all-camp event within the framework of the Spiritual and Moral Development and Education program.

1.2. The organizer of the competition "Minute of Glory" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is the administration of the DUOO.

1.3. This Regulation determines the procedure for conducting, conditions, organization mechanism, functions of the jury of the competition, the procedure for the participation of pupils in the competition.
The competition is a traditional event.

2. Purpose of the competition
2.1. stimulation and development of creative activity,

2.2. creating a situation of success,

2.3.individually-oriented approach to pupils,
2.4. identification of talents among the pupils of the camp and providing them with comprehensive support, promoting them creative development,

2.5. Orientation of young people to artistic and aesthetic values,

2.6. Creation of conditions for self-determination of adolescents.

3. Tasks of the competition
3.1. Creation of conditions for the development of creative abilities, conditions for self-expression, self-esteem, self-realization of children.
3.2. Education of aesthetic and ethical standards.
3.3. Development of social activity of pupils, involvement of children in active participation in the life of the camp, strengthening ties between units.
3.4. Creation of conditions for successful socialization of children by means of inclusion in personally and socially significant activities.
3.5. Formation of competencies: communicative, general cultural, social.

4. Participants of the competition
4.1. All pupils of the DUOO them. K. Babina and camp staff who wish to show their creative abilities, have a doctor's permit and have been instructed in safety.
4.2. Groups and individual performers from groups in any genre can take part in the competition.

5. Nominations
- "Artistic word";
- "Theatrical creativity";
- "Vocal and choral performance";
- "Choreography";
- "Instrumental performance";
- "Variety miniature";
- "Original genre" (pantomime, circus, etc.).

6. Evaluation criteria
6.1. The jury of the contest evaluates the numbers of the contestants in the nominations according to the following criteria:
- skill;
- originality;
- entertainment (for nominations of vocal, instrumental and choreographic performance);
- the level of organization of a performance or number (for vocal-choir, instrumental and choreographic nominations, theatrical creativity).
- compliance of the repertoire with the psychophysical and age characteristics of the performers.
6.2. The duration of the performance of the participants of the competition is not more than 5 minutes.
6.3. Functions of the jury members:
- filling out evaluation sheets;
- preparation of final protocols;
- determination of the winners of the competition;
- Determination of diploma winners in nominations.
6.4. Functions of the organizing committee:
- coordination of activities for the organization and conduct of the Competition;
- collection of applications, organization and supervision of the work of the jury;

7. Terms and procedure for holding the Contest
7.1. The competition is held in one round.
7.2. Round I is held in the assembly hall.

7.3. Closing and rewarding of the participants of the competition will take place in the assembly hall.
7.4. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted 3 days before the competition.

8. Rewarding
8.1. All pupils who took part in the Competition receive certificates of participation.
8.2. According to the results of the competition, diplomas are awarded to laureates of I, II, III degrees (separately for each age group).
8.3 The Jury of the Competition reserves the right to award encouraging diplomas in any nomination.
8.4 The awarding of the Contest winners takes place at the closing of the Contest.

9. Financing
9.1 The expenses associated with the organization, holding, awarding of the participants of the Contest are borne by the administration of the DUOO.

10. Location:

10.1. The event is held on the territory of the DUOO named after. K. Babina in the assembly hall.



Event progress

Before the start of the competition sound

modern, popular melodies.

Presenter 1: Hello dear friends! We welcome everyone in this room! One of the greats said: If there is nothing on the calendar, but the soul is restless, then you need to come up with a small holiday, celebrate it, otherwise it will be completely sad. Therefore, today you will witness an extraordinary concert - "Show - Talents" for the most talented.

And so we begin.

Host 2: Hello dear guests!

Thank you for coming

On a holiday, in our camp.

Let me show you everything

Introduce everyone.

Presenter 1: We will get a charge of vivacity, show off our talents and cheer for those who decide to take part in a great show. Today we will try to reveal the talents.

And since this is a competition, ……., let's introduce you to our high and respected jury, in the East they would be called wise men, in other countries they would simply be called gurus, but for us they are connoisseurs of your talent. Welcome!

Jury presentation

Host 2: The jury is represented and the participants of our holiday are waiting in line behind the scenes and in the hall, waiting for their moment of glory. Let's give them a big round of applause and support.

Presenter 1: They have worked hard for this competition. And we are ready to shine on our stage today. -. After all, if the stars are lit -

Does that mean anyone needs it?

So, it is necessary

To every evening

Above the rooftops

Did any of the stars light up?

Stars are a symbol of success

Symbol of talent, joy, laughter,

And people, like stars, also burn!

No wonder today is such a meteor shower.

Host 2: Of course it is necessary - we will see such a meteor shower today on our stage.

Presenter 1:- And the first to open our fireworks of talents song

Number - song

Host 2: Head with feet in harmony

Who will not be happy

And a half smile

A young dancer.

Flexibility of the camp and mind,


This is a pass to anywhere

For great things

Lead 1. We hear songs here and there

You meet us Hollywood

This dance is familiar to everyone

We will sing a song about him.

Number - song

Lead 2: A person from birth must

Know that he can always do everything

If you just try

Much can be achieved!

Presenter 1: We were amused many times by a live dance.

How much daring, enthusiasm,

How much joy in the eyes!

Come out bolder, friend!

Dancers, join the circle!

Have fun getting down to business

To make everything ring!

Number - dance

Lead 2: The conversation is cheerful, light up, let it ring louder and stronger.

Let the holiday continue with the song, with it it will be more fun for all of us.

Let the childhood play enough, Laugh, ride,

Let him rise in height, Let childhood take place!

Number - song

Presenter 1: The talents of our participants today are wonderful world creativity. The world of creativity is amazing in that it has no boundaries, just as there are no boundaries for our universe, dotted with many stars. How many? Millions! Many millions. And in our camp today new lights lit up from the performances of our guys on the show "Minute of Glory" Thank you guys for your talent!

Presenter 1: But what is talent? How does it manifest itself, how to detect it and how to develop it?

Host 2: Talent is what a person loves to do most of all, what a person will never stop doing, what he returns to again and again, what he enjoys.

Presenter 1: What talent do you have?

Host 2: I love to sing and dance and for my hobby I spare no time and effort.

Do you want me to show you how I sing with the children of my squad? After all, this is my dream to perform on the "Babinskaya" stage.

Presenter 1: Of course, meet another star on our stage

Number - song

Host 2: Here comes another dream my. I know that not many children managed to get to our camp this year and fulfill their dream.

Presenter 1: Childhood and dreams are always together. Do not separate them. Children are full of fiery energy. And energy is desire. Ahead of aspiration, a dream flies. Today we will fulfill many dreams of every child in our camp and waiting behind the scenes for their finest hour, their moment of glory.

Host 2: And now the fight is

Let's just say naughty

But be aware, kids.

This is a peaceful fight!

So, we meet with thunderous applause for the next participant in our program. You can hear about his talent from every corner of the discotheque. They are admired by kids and surprised by adults. On the stage……………

Number - dance

Presenter 1:

Ballet, break dance and belly dance,

Very different, but so similar

Attributes are unimportant - only talent,

And immediately the rhythm - and beckons, and disturbs!

Presenter 1: On the stage a group of guys with a dance

Number - dance

Host 2: Maxim Gorky wrote:

“Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength…”

Presenter 1:

The children who will now take this stage are already very self-confident. You have no idea how many competitions they have won.

Meet on our stage duet ________ with the song _____

Number - song

Host 2: I hear the quiet flapping of a wing...

As the night is light, as the day swept away ...

And smooth lines a moment, a wave ...

Oh how she dances...

Presenter 1: I saw the rehearsals of the next participant and was delighted with her plasticity and musicality. Meet our next contestant _______________

Number - dance

Host 2: Do you like dancing?

Presenter 1: I love! Especially those danced by foreigners.

Host 2: Look! Adidas sneakers!

Here to dance in them now!

Presenter 1: Yes, wait, calm down, tune in to announce the artists.

And on the stage at this hour girls (boys) will dance for you.

Number - dance

Host 2: Faces change, more and more new stars flash, familiar songs sound. And now performers who already have a lot of fans and fans will take the stage.

Presenter 1: Of course, how can such a talent not be noticed. Our next member knows so much poetry that it's hard to imagine. Meet on our stage _______

Number - art verse

Host 2: It seems to me that we are conducting our concert incorrectly.

Presenter 1: Why so?

Host 2: That's why. For example, when they sing on stage, how do you announce?

Presenter 1: Very simply, I say: sings for you ...

Host 2: That's right, I say. If they sing, then it is necessary to announce by singing: (sings) now-as, for you-as he will sing ...

Presenter 1: Ha! And if acrobats performed, how would you imagine them - somersault over your head?

Host 2: No, I can't do somersaults over my head.

Presenter 1: Well, how then, to be?

Lead 2: Let's leave everything as it is, especially since the time of our performance with you is limited. There, behind the scenes, the participants are worried. Let's not keep them waiting. After all, when we announce them, we do it with an open mind and admiration. Please announce the next participant of our holiday.

Presenter 1: On the stage ________________

Number - song

Presenter 2: Unrest crosses all boundaries. The jury evaluates the contestants and the situation is heating up. After all, everyone wants to give a diploma of the best of the best. But alas, there is a lot of effort and a super class diploma is one. So I would like to wish the children who tremble and worry behind the scenes of good luck and show their multifaceted talent in a particular genre as brightly as possible.

Presenter 1: I am glad to invite a person to this stage - a fable. Since he reads fables, Krylov himself can envy.

Host 2: Meet on our stage _____

Number - fable

Presenter 1: Now on this stage I want to invite performers who managed to win the hearts of many in our school.

Host 2:(Interrupting) And what are they going to do now?

Presenter 1: Of course, to sing mischievous, happy song. Meet the smallest participants on our stage with the song _______________

Number - song

Host 2:

This life is not easy.
If you don't try in time.
Only talent will take you far
Unless he's embarrassed.
Someone can sing Chaliapin
Dance like Niko Tsiskaridze
Develop your talent boldly,
If you want to compare with them!

Presenter 1:

60 seconds of glory moment
For the talented a whole lesson.
If you want to be successful
Let the fire burn in your soul.
Be simpler, stay yourself -
Never look at others.

Only a moment of glory is given to you

Host 2: We continue our concert. For some participants, the moments of glory took place, for the rest everything is still ahead.

Presenter 1: On our stage, the next contestant with a great number ___

Number - song

Host 2: Every child is talented. But not everyone finds the courage to show their talent to their classmates, friends and, of course, to a strict, and I hope, fair jury.

Presenter 1: The next couple showed courage, a competition came to us and now they will receive their minute of fame.

Presenter 2: Meet the duet _________ with the song _________

Number - song

Presenter 1: Have you ever dreamed of being a star?

Host 2: Of course, yes, I still dream.

Presenter 1: But the team that will now take the stage is no longer dreaming, they are already “stars”. They are already winners of many professional holidays and festivals. Their moment of fame and star lit up a long time ago and, unfortunately, not in our camp, but we are glad that they are on our stage today as guests of the competition.

Host 2: We meet, the team _______________ with the song _____________

Number - song

Presenter 1: This is where ours ended. concert program. You have not forgotten that it was not just a concert, but a competition.

Host 2: While the jury is summing up the final results, we will sing our favorite songs

Songs with the audience

squad and camp songs

Presenter 1:

This is the end of the program

We think that it was not in vain.

And "Minute of Glory" as you know,

It will always take place here.

Lead 2: And now on the stage to the thunderous applause of the audience, I invite all the participants of the "Minute of Glory"

Presenter1: They are all beautiful, happy, and most importantly, talented.

Host 2: To your standing ovation, I invite the jury to sum up the results and award.

Presenter 1: Who won, who will receive thunderous applause and warm smiles of the audience today, envious glances of rivals, diplomas and gifts ?!

Host 2: Our competent jury is invited to present certificates and diplomas

Exit jury presentation of diplomas and gifts

Presenter 1: We are happy for the winners. And those who did not get a prize today - do not be upset, you brought us many pleasant minutes.

Host 2:

So our holiday is over.

And let me say.

You performed great

All of you rating only "5"!

Host 2: We wish you continued creative success. We believe that the creative spirit, stage excitement, inner fire of perfection will always be in you.

Together: See you soon, dear friends!!!



to participate in the competition "Minute of Glory"

I have read and agree with the Regulations on the Competition (a).



August 2017

I ask you to issue the following materials for registration of the event ____________:

Released L.N. Ganich Methodist

Accepted by the educator (counselor)


Scenario "Minute of Glory"

0.Background music, slide "minute of glory" parents come 8.15.

1.Background music, slide with the song "minute of glory" children enter

K.V. Hello, dear guests. The most ambitious project is on air

to demonstrate the talents of children of the 631st gymnasium "Minute of Glory".

Paul . Dear friends, this long-awaited day has come when we begin our

extraordinary New Year's Eve concert.

K.V. Our concert is unusual in that there will be no jury, because

ALL of our members are THE BEST nominees for "Minutes

K.V. Pasha, the New Year is coming soon, but there is no snow at all. What is this New Year?

Paul . Kristina Viktorovna, there will be snow for you. Here is Nare (1) sing a song about him

Everything will be fine in the new year!

2. Minus Nare. Snow is falling.

K.V. Thanks a lot, Nare! Now we are all waiting for the snow!

There are many talented girls and boys in our class, they are all interested in something.

Try to guess what our next member is into.

Daughter, a does not cry;

You will put to sleep -

Will sleep

Day, and two, even five.(guess doll)

who is not just fond of dolls, adajesama them creates. Welcome to the stage

Dashenka Zolotarev (2).


Well done, Dasha! Thank you very much.

Screensaver "Minutes of Glory"

Paul. Miracles always happen on New Year's Eve. And on our holiday

a miracle will happen right now. KaryukinMisha (3)!

Everyone knows that there where is Misha, Tami Pasha, where is Pasha, there and Misha. And in general Misha

without Pasha, like breakfast without porridge! PashaKaryukin (4),prosimtebyana scene!

Thanks, Pasha!

K.V. Guys Pasha and Misha wants to share their achievements in sports with us!

4.Presentation "Kariukinhandball"

K.V. In winter, all children and adults love to ride on skiing, on sleds, of course

skating. We have students in the class who are engaged in figure skating and

now we'll see the skill Anya Lebedenko (5). (Video)

5. Anya Lebedenko videos

Paul. Yeah… I wanted would iyatak Anya, will you teach me how to ride?

Screensaver "minute of glory"

Paul. Yes, rich our friendly class with talents. Maksim Berstein (6),

for example, she reads poetry very well. Meet!

Thanks, Maxim.

K.V. The next participant in our program is very talented. He studies in

art school and draws wonderfully, and imagine, Pasha, right now,

is he draw whatever you want!

Paul. Can not be…

Tsintskaladze (7) !

6. Eric comes out by phonogram 6. Orange sky, then do it quieter in

dialogue time and louder when drawing

Paul. Eric, draw - a summer landscape, a female portrait, a vase with flowers, vase

with fruit, well yet for example, a dog, fabulous men on the bridge, hello

can you?, and one dog, you know whether you draw birds, want see

Pinocchio's reflection in the input, and chicken, chicken can you? New Year's


K.V. Thanks Eric, You made us very happy! Today Erik painted by order pasha,

I think he not refuse you too guys. We carefully transfer all the drawings to mom

Erika. Thank you.

Screensaver "minute of glory"

Once, at the lesson of the world around us, we read the question “What is the name of

a man playing the trumpet." Guys, do you remember how you answered? (Chimney sweep). And

then one disciple opened our eyes, and said, what he called a trumpeter, because

Paul. On your minute of glory is invited Diana Kutyeva (9). In execution

Diana, we will see an incendiary dance - cha - cha!

7.phonogram Diana Kuteva

Thanks, Diana!

K.V. And now we will get to know creativity Milana Huseynova (10) .

8.presentationMilan Huseynova

Many thanks, Milan !

Pasha. And now we we invite you guest SoneRostami (11).

9. video Sonya Rostami

Thanks Sonya, we learned a lot from you!

Pasha. Kristina Viktorovna, why me do if on me thugs attack?

K.V. Pasha, we are in the class guys who know what to do in such situations

they will even show you how to defend yourself! Egor, Dima, Nika (12) for going out boys for going out Nicki

Pasha. Yeah... with I'm not afraid of such classmates!

K.V. Yes, Pasha such classmates do not you'll be lost!

Screensaver "minute of glory"

Pasha, I think you a little tired, do you have today such a responsible day, I

offer you lie down to rest, and Ulyana ( 13 ) play you a lullaby

the song of the composer Maykoparai will quietly tell a rhyme of his own


Pasha. Thank you Ulyana, I had a very good rest ( yawning and stretching) .

K.V. well what well, great, now we let's go again on the ice rink.Own

skill will show Pavel Ivanov (14).

12. PashaIvanovvideo (1 minute!)

Nice, well done!

Pasha . For a long time not sang we songs. Maybe someone - will anyone else sing for us today?

K.V. Necessarily pasha, which same a holiday without a beautiful sincere song.

We invite you on the scene Daniel Cheremisinov (15 ).

13. minusDaniela "Snow"

Svetlana Zhuravleva

(Solemn music sounds; children enter the hall and sit on chairs)

Fanfare sounds, the host enters the hall.

Vedas. Hello dear friends! I welcome everyone in this room (Runs into Petrushka Hall)

Parsley. Hello, long time no see! Have you been waiting, I suppose, but offended?

Leading. How to say to you? Not that very ... Well, if you come - say hello, you see - the audience!

Parsley. I don't see any donut!

Leading. Yes, not a donut, but the audience. Say hello to them!

Parsley. That's what they would have said right away. Hello viewers! Do you want to fight with me?

Leading. Parsley, what are you talking about?

Parsley. What did I say? Hello viewers, do you want to compete with me?

Leading. But I heard something else. Sorry. What to compete in?

Parsley. Well, for example, who will scream louder (shouting). Or who opens his mouth wider. (opens mouth)

Leading. You know, Petrushka, I'll tell you in advance

We do not need such competition.

Good afternoon, big friendly family of our kindergarten.

Today we have gathered with you to get a charge of vivacity, show off your talents and cheer for those who decided to take part in a great show. « Moment of glory» .

Our contest will be judged by a strict but fair and benevolent jury in composition: ___


We start our contest.

At the happiest hour

The best moment of glory,

It will be for each of you!


Give me right

Two minutes of glory!

I show off my talent

Like a diamond

In nomination "Original Genre"

The youngest members of our competition, "From a kind, fabulous country" will show us fairy tale: "Turnip" theatre studio "Merry Gnomes" (second junior)

Interview host:

Thanks to the participants, but you don’t leave, but tell me, what is the name of your teacher? Well done!


You have been given talents by the Lord.

You multiply them, do not bury them in the ground.

How to do it, only you yourself know,

But your way must be honest.

In nomination "Artistic Words", let's listen to expressive reading, Margarita Batakova; "Childhood summer, sonorous akin" (preparatory group)

Interview host:

Margarita, please tell me, were you very worried before the performance? You are so good good luck to you!


If you have the skill

And all the guests love to sing

So don't be afraid, don't be shy

Don't bend, don't break

Sing merrily to us all

Bring joy to everyone!

In nomination "Song" meet the duet of Schindrigin Adrian, Fominichiva Lena girls will perform a song for us; "Mommy you are the best in the world"


Interview host:

Thanks to the participants for their presentation, I ask you to answer my question:

Can you see what's going on outside? (window)


Large square and small, turns,

Remember to! Movement is not easy.

So far it hasn't worked out, even though we're trying very hard.

Please don't be strict with us!

In nomination "Dancing" we have two groups participating, meet the first members of the duet Didenko Artem and Kondratova Margarita (middle "BUT").

Interview host:

I ask you not to leave, tell me, what dance have you performed for us now?



Just a moment of patience!

Another announcement!

Artists will perform in front of you

We clap, we clap

They are close!

The following participants in the nomination "Dance", meet the ensemble

"Girls"(middle group)

Interview host:

Tell me, were you very afraid to perform?

Parsley Well, are you tired?

Parsley, I suggest you rest, well, kids, get up and create a circle

1.(middle and 2 junior) dance "4 steps"

2. (preparatory and senior) dance "We are the children of Russia"


When our guys grow up, they will soon go to school, then they will finish school, and everyone will become someone - who is an artist, who is a sculptor, who is a scientist, and who is an artist. After all, everyone has the ability to be creative.

In nomination "Are you weak?", we have many participants, these guys will present their work, which they made with their own hands.

1. Participant Evdokimova Dasha (circle "Colored palms", (non-traditional drawing)

2. Participant Anastasia Cherkasova "Tales from plasticine" (sculpting)

3. Participant Komova Olya "White birch" (Ecology)

4. Participant Nesterova Natasha "Magic Paper" (application)


We have our talents:

Both singers and musicians!

Magical sounds of music

Everyone admires them

And just listen to music

We really, really like it!

In nomination "Playing musical instruments", meet the ensemble

"Funny boys" (senior group)

Interview host:

Tell me, what is your favorite musical instrument?


To be so athletic

Strong, agile and active

Need to play sports

Never relax!

In nomination "Most Flexible" meet Evdokimova Dasha.

Interview host:

How long have you been preparing for this number?

Every child is talented. But not everyone finds the courage to show their talent to their friends, parents and, of course, to a strict, and I hope, fair jury. While our jury is counting the results. Petrushka will play with you.

Parsley. And now the game. Have fun, kids! And she is called "Give me a word".

Gray wolf in dense forest

Met a redhead...

Children. Fox!

Parsley. The goldfinch sings all day long

In a window cage.

The third year went to him, he is afraid ....

Children. Cats!

Parsley. I lost my sock

Dragged him….

Children. Puppy!

Parsley. Michael played football

And scored on the goal...

Children. Goal!

Parsley. Well done you clowns

Solve all the riddles!

I suggest you play another child's game, do you like to travel? Then we will go to the Zoo.

Zoo game.

Raise your hands up.

Cross over.

Spread your fingers.

Make surprised eyes.

Look at each other and say what animal do you see in front of you (Elk)

Raise your arms to the sides.

Grab your ears and stick them out.

Shake your head.

Stomp your feet.

These are monkeys playing for a walk!

We got up together.

Stretched out the right hand.

Without removing your hand, bury your nose in it.

Left hand behind the back, palm up.

Turn right. to the left… no, still to the right….

Take right hand for the neighbor's left hand.

These elephants go to physical education!

A Word to Reward Our Wonderful Talents provided:


This is where the program came to an end.

We think you were interested.

BUT « Moment of glory» , as is known,

It will be held everywhere.


Someone was blowing bubbles very cool ...

Someone sang and jumped... Someone danced...

But MINUTE OF FAME everyone received!

And the audience did not forget the parade of talents ...

The song sounds "Hymn minutes of glory» all participants leave competition.

Private educational institution, secondary school "Crystal", Syzran, Samara region

Competition program "Minute of Glory"

Developed by the GPA educator

Ligezina S.A.

Competition program "Minute of Glory".

Program progress.

The music is playing and the host is in.

Leading: Hello dear guests. I am glad to welcome all of you to our competition. Our today's event is called "Minute of Glory". Today we will sing, play and have fun. I announce the start of the game.

Children form two teams that sit opposite each other. (Each team comes up with a name).

Leading: "Our first competition is called" Guess the proverb.

Competition "Guess the proverb."

Strong friendship ... (and you can’t cut it with an ax);

Do you want to eat kalachi ... (do not sit on the stove);

Without patience ... (no learning);

Friend is known in trouble);

Look for a friend, but ... (if you find - take care);

He took hold of the tug, don’t say ... (that it’s not a dozen);

The thing is ... (afraid of the master);

There is safety in numbers);

An awl in a bag ... (you can’t hide it).

Leading:“Well done, well done, you quickly completed the task, then I announce the next competition - the Riddles competition.

Mystery competition.

There are many thin stalks on the path near the stumps.

Each thin stem holds a scarlet light.

We rake the stems, collect the lights. (Strawberry).

White bells, white polka dots on a green leg. (Lily of the valley).

I walked along the path along the meadow, I saw the sun on a blade of grass.

But not at all hot, the sun's white rays. (Chamomile).

He stood in the forest, no one took him.

In a fashionable red hat, not good for anything. (Amanita).

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, adults and children know, -

They grow on a stump in the forest, like freckles on a nose. (Honey mushrooms).

What a forest beast, stood up like a column under a pine tree.

And stands among the grass - the ears are larger than the head. (Hare).

Paws are soft, and there are scratches in the paws. (Cat).

Walks long, mouth with fangs, legs seem like pillars,

How huge is the mountain, did you find out who it is? (Elephant).

Leading:“Now sit back, because the next competition for your ingenuity and ingenuity awaits you.”

Competition for ingenuity.

    When we look at the number 3 and say 15? (When looking at the clock at 3 p.m.).

    What is heavier than 1kg. Cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

    One boy walked, found a nickel. Two will go, how many will they find?

    born twice, die once? (Chicken).

    What can't you pick up from the floor by the tail? (ball of thread).

    What grows upside down? (Icicle).

    There are 3 apples in the basket. How to divide them among three boys so that one apple remains in the basket? (one apple must be given along with the basket).

    You can jump off it on the go, but you can't jump into it on the go. What it is? (Airplane).

    What kind of fabric can you not sew a shirt from? (From the railway).

    What pronouns spoil the road? (PIT).

    Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (Yes, if you freeze it).

    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (1, 2 - e will not be on an empty stomach).

    Why do ducks swim? (From the shore).

    What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin).

Competition "Visiting a fairy tale"

“The clock began to strike midnight. She jumped up and flew away like a bird. ”(Cinderella).

I am a great friend of Cheburashka. (Crocodile Gena).

- "A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind his back, he himself, without knowing it, carries her home."

(Masha and the bears).

Doll with blue hair, Pinocchio's teacher. (Malvina).

- “A girl appeared in a cup of a flower. And that girl was a little more than a fingernail ”(Thumbelina).

I am the best friend in the world. (Carlson).

- “It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path” (Kolobok).

- “And the crane pecks everything for itself, but pecks until it has eaten everything.” (Fox and crane).

At the age of 6 he cooked porridge for himself,

left his parents to live in a village with a talking cat. (Uncle Fedor).

Oh, you, Petya simplicity, blundered a little, did not obey the cat, looked out the window.

(Cockerel-golden comb).

There is no river or pond. Where to drink water? Very tasty water in the hoof hole. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

He uttered a word - the stove rolled. Straight from the village to the king and princess.

And for what, I don’t know, lucky lazy. (By magic).

Leading: "Now let's move a little. I invite the participants of both teams for the next competition.”

Competition "Who is the first".

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare four cardboard boxes on which the children will stand. Two teams take part in the competition. They need to get to their destination as quickly as possible. On the way back, pick up the cardboard and run, then give it to the next team member.

Competition "Musical chair". 5 chairs are placed. One more children (Three people from each team).

Children walk around the chairs to the music. The music is over - the children occupy the empty chairs. Those who do not have enough chairs are out of the game. One chair is removed, the game continues.

Competition "Hit the target."

The competition requires two buckets and several balls. Who will hit the target more accurately? You can call two participants from each team.

Competition "Merry winders".

For the competition, a rope is needed, which is tied to sticks on both sides. Two participants from each team are invited. On a signal, the children begin to wind the rope around the sticks. Whoever reaches the middle first wins.

Competition "Don't Drop the Ball"

A balloon is placed on the trays. With this tray, you need to run to the mark and return back. The task of the players is not to drop the ball.

Competition "Pin up Pinocchio's nose".

Pinocchio's face without a nose is drawn on a large sheet. The nose is made of plasticine separately. The contestant is blindfolded, and he must attach Pinocchio's nose. The one who pins the nose more accurately wins.

Competition "Artists".

Two people from each team participate. They are invited to draw something with a brush, taking it in their hands, which are wearing boxing gloves. (An option to take her in the teeth).

Competition "Finish the poem."

Chattering white-sided, and I call her ... (magpie)

A gray wolf in a dense forest met a red ... (fox).

Hey, don't stand too close - I'm a tiger cub, but ... (not a pussy).

The watchmaker, screwing up his eyes, repairs the watch for ... (us).

The hostess left the bunny in the rain left ... (bunny).

Where did the sparrow eat? In the zoo at ... (animals).

Everyone here in the forest is a talent and a singer and ... (musician).

The phone rings again from him in his ears ... (rings).

The kitten did not want to wash, he ran away from ... (trough).

Weave a cunning trail, trying to jump through the snowdrifts ... (hare).

And now the brushes, brushes, crackled like ... (rattles).

At a holiday on the street in the hands of the children, balloons are burning ... (balloons).

Why don't you get up, Petya? What are you songs not ... (sing).

He is with a bell in his hand in a blue-red cap. He is a fun toy, and his name is ... (Petrushka).

All day long the goldfinch sings in a cage on the window. The third year went to him, and he is afraid ... (cats).

And Aibolit runs to the hippos, and slaps them on ... (bellies).

The couch potato red cat lay down for himself ... (stomach).

Rain cheerful, we are friends with you! It’s good for us to run barefoot through ... (puddles).

You will read this fairy tale, quietly, quietly, quietly ... They lived - there was a gray hedgehog and his ... (hedgehog).

The gray hedgehog was very quiet and the hedgehog too, And their child was very quiet ... (hedgehog).

There is a big fight in the river, two quarreled ... (cancer).

I have been treating the doll since morning, today I am ... (nurse).

Hey chick, where is your home? He is with his mother under ... (wing).

Leading: “Teams, line up! Our competitive program ends, and we must determine the best. Let's sum up the meeting.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading: "For services, for the shown sports and creativity, for the cohesion of teams, for a cheerful mood, the team is awarded ... "

Leading:“Well, that's it, our competition has come to an end. I think that all participants did not regret the time spent here.

All the best! Until we meet again!