Life after death. Electronic voice phenomenon

Are you familiar with the concept of the Electronic Voice Phenomenon - EVP or EVP (from the English Electronic Voice Phenomenon) or as it is popularly called - White Noise?

It turns out that physical devices are capable of picking up signals sent from the other world.

Most often, these are tape recordings or images that appear on a TV screen operating in a range that is not tuned to television broadcasting channels, sounds on the radio, and phone calls.

Someone considers this nonsense and does not believe in such “miracles”, finding “rational” explanations for what is happening. But given the scale of research, the number of real records and confirmations, it will be difficult to brush aside.

Since there is a lot of material on this topic, so as not to bore readers, I will lay it out in stages, in several parts. Let's start with those who have devoted a lot of time and effort to the phenomenon of electronic voice.

I think this article will be of interest to skeptics, "techies" and those who are looking for instrumental confirmation of otherworldly phenomena.

First contacts with the world of the dead

Back in 1895 Thomas Alva Edison invented the necrograph, an apparatus capable of capturing those waves that are studied by a substance that continues to exist after the death of a person.

He believed that people are not able to communicate with the subtle worlds because their sense organs are not sensitive enough for this.

Edison also entered into an agreement with William Dinwiddie that the one who dies first will surely send another voice message from the other world.

Dinwiddie died in 1920, and Edison told Scientific American that he had communicated with him using his apparatus. But neither the apparatus itself nor its drawings have been preserved.

There is a version that Nikola Tesla he also wrote down “messages from the next world”, but allegedly he was frightened of the results of his discoveries and destroyed them. Therefore, we cannot verify this information.

Interest in PEG increased in the 1930s. at the London concert Wigmore Hall hundreds of spectators observed an unusual phenomenon.

There was a microphone on an empty stage, and loud voices speaking different languages ​​sounded from the speakers. Sound technicians could not explain what happened.

About the same time several Swedish and Norwegian pilots in their reports, they noted that in flight they heard on the radio a speech that came from nowhere, some pilots claimed that dead relatives addressed them this way. European newspapers reported on the mysterious phenomenon.

September 1952 in Milan Catholic priests Gemelli and Ernetti listened to recordings of their songs. Suddenly, a phrase was heard on the tape: “I am always with you and will help you!”

David Wilson, an amateur telegraph operator, received strange voices using Morse code.

In 1956, an experiment was conducted in the United States with the participation of strong mediums from Los Angeles Raymond Bayless and Atilla von Schallay. They recorded many voices of dead people and published their results three years later.

Therefore, since 1959, the phenomenon of the radio of the dead, which until that moment had been ignored and hushed up, had to be taken for granted.

Friedrich Jurgenson and his followers

In 1959, a Swedish documentary filmmaker recorded the voices of songbirds for a new film. But along with the bird singing, voices appeared on the tape, one of which belonged to his dead mother.

She addressed her son and, as in childhood, calling him a diminutive name, spoke about the details and facts regarding their next of kin.

In addition, Jürgenson heard a hoarse male voice on the tape, lecturing in Norwegian about the characteristics and habits of birds living in Sweden.

It is Friedrich Jurgenson who is considered the founder of the PEG study. He devoted several years to the study of such recordings and wrote the books "Radio Communication with the World of the Dead" and "Voices from the Universe."

One of the readers was a Latvian professor Konstantin Raudive, who skeptically called it "the delirium of a madman" and decided to check everything in practice.

In the mid-1960s, in Germany, he continued the experiments of Jurgenson, involving electronic engineers in his work.

They created a special receiver and with its help recorded several thousand mystical voices - including those belonging to famous personalities, for example, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Based on his research, Raudive wrote several books translated into many European languages:

  • “The inaudible becomes audible” (“Breakthrough”),
  • "Do we experience death?" and
  • "The Case of the Budgerigar".

After the publication of books by Friedrich Jurgenson and Konstantin Raudive, the phenomenon of electronic voice attracted a large number of new researchers.

There is a famous case with a British Ph.D. Peter Bender teacher of religious education at the college at the University of Cambridge.

In 1972, publisher Colin Smith invited him to take part in the study of FEG. Bender categorically refused, saying that the dead cannot communicate with the living.

But Smith persuaded him to simply put the tape recorder on record and wait a few minutes - after which he rewound the tape and turned on playback. A shocked Bender heard the voice of his mother, who had died three years earlier.

In February 2001, the American magazine Fate published an article Konstantinos About, how to hear a voice from another world on your own.

  • To do this, you need to have a radio with the ability to record and tune it to an unoccupied frequency - where radio stations do not broadcast.
  • Then you need to turn on the recording, relax and mentally ask someone who has gone to another world to talk to you.
  • Stop the recording after a few minutes and listen to it.

If you managed to record a voice from another world, then at the first listening it will sound very slurred. But as you play the recording over and over again, you will feel how the voice on it becomes clearer each time.

In 2005, a film dedicated to FEG was released in the USA - mystical thriller "White Noise"(this term refers to the natural sounds of television or radio).

According to the plot, the hero's wife dies, and he communicates with her, listening to the recordings of her voice. The film was so successful at the box office that two years later a sequel, White Noise 2: The Shining, was released.

Starting from 1971, after the publication of the second book by Konstantin Raudive, the scientific world of the whole world began to widely explore the radio of the dead.

In 1973, inventors from the USA George Meek and William O'Neill began work on a special device that would make it possible to establish contact with the ghostly world.

The device, called Spirik, consisted of several generators simulating 13 voices, as well as a receiving system.

The inventors claim that with the help of Spirik they were able to establish contact with a recently deceased scientist from NASA and record as many as 20 hours of conversation.

Two years later, the first separate community was founded in Germany, whose activities were completely aimed at studying the voices from the other world.

German electronics specialist Hans Otto Koenig designed his own device for recording the voices of the dead.

In 1983, the engineer was invited to speak live on Radio Luxembourg to demonstrate the operation of the device to a million-strong audience of listeners. Koenig, commenting on his actions, began to install the equipment.

To stir up the interest of the listeners, the presenter asked if he could talk with the deceased person of his choice.

In response, Koenig's device sounded:
We hear your voice. Speak up.

This phrase was broadcast. The shocked presenter declared that he swears on the life of his children: any tricks are excluded, he, like everyone else, clearly heard the mystical voice.

He also belongs to the merit in obtaining the first "otherworldly" images.

In 2003 in St. Petersburg was scientific organization established called RAIT - the Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (that is, the study of contacts with dead people through technical devices).

Included scientists have identified several patterns of such communication using computers.

  • Initially, contacts were unilateral: Sudden messages came to living people from the dead. Typically, such messages were found in previously deleted and newly restored text files.

    This suggests an analogy with recordings of electronic voices, which are formed from background noise. That is, the deleted documents represent a kind of textual white noise and, as it were, provide material for their conversion into messages from people from another world.

  • On July 29, 2008, RAIT researchers and Vadim Svitnev announced the implementation bilateral contacts using a computer and a technical device connected to it, which generates a sound wave with the help of a constant change in Internet radio frequencies.

    Scientists broadcast their questions through a microphone and, against the background of a mixture of fragments of transmissions and ether noise, received answers from the other world.

According to RAIT researchers, such registered contacts already number in the thousands.

And these facts once again confirm the opinion that life does not end with the death of our physical bodies, but exists in some other reality.

From this you can see that the phenomenon of electronic voices is not just an invention of enthusiastic amateurs. And in the next article we will consider in more detail what this phenomenon is and how it can manifest itself.

Electronic voice phenomenon (eng. Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP) - a spontaneous or deliberately caused manifestation on recording and transmitting equipment of voices from unknown intelligent sources, usually identifying themselves with dead people. Often the name "White Noise" appears.

For a long time, the existence of the EHF was either ignored by official science, or was reduced to documenting the results. The first scientist to foresee this phenomenon was the famous inventor Thomas Edison. In the 1920s, he worked on a device that would allow a person to establish contact with dead people: “If our personality survives death, then it will be strictly logical and scientific to assume that it retains memory, intelligence, other abilities and knowledge acquired on this Earth. Therefore... if we can develop an instrument so sensitive that it can be affected by a person who has survived after death, such an instrument, if available, should record something.

On September 15, 1952, two Catholic priests, Father Gemelli (President of the Pontifical Academy) and Father Ernetti (scientist, physicist and philosopher), recorded Gregorian chants. The wire on the tape recorder was constantly torn and, having lost his temper, Gemelli looked up and asked his father to help. To the amazement of both, a voice was recorded on the tape recorder: “Of course, I will help you. I am always with you". They repeated the experiment, and this time a very clear and cheerful voice said, "But Zucchini, it's obvious, don't you know it's me?" Gemelli was shocked, no one knew the nickname that his father teased him with as a child.
Both participants in these events paid a visit to Pope Pius XII in Rome, and Father Gemelli recounted his experience. To which the pope replied: “Dear Father Gemelli, you really don’t need to worry about this. The existence of voices is a strictly scientific fact and has nothing to do with spiritualism. The tape recorder is absolutely objective. It receives and records only sound waves, no matter where they come from. This experiment could possibly become a cornerstone for future scientific research that will strengthen people's belief in life after death." These words reassured Gemelli, but he asked that the experiment not be made public until the last years of his life, and the results were published only in 1990.
The electronic voice phenomenon was officially discovered by the Swedish art historian and film director Friedrich Jurgenson in the summer of 1959, when he traveled to the suburbs of Stockholm to record birdsong. Returning to the studio, Jurgenson listened to the tape and was numb: in addition to the bird voices, a man’s voice was clearly audible, speaking in Norwegian about “the features of bird singing at night.”
At first, Jurgenson thought that his portable tape recorder had accidentally picked up and recorded a transmission from one of the neighboring radio stations. He made inquiries and found out that at that time none of the radio stations in Sweden and Norway broadcast a similar program.
Then Jurgenson returned to the same place, but with friends. The results were stunning: when listening to new recordings, voices were heard - messages from unknown people, and facts were mentioned that only Jurgenson knew about. For example, a female voice on the tape called him "dear Friedel", as only his mother addressed him in early childhood.
Over the next four years, Jurgenson recorded hundreds of paranormal voices. He played his notes at an international press conference, and in 1964 he published the book "Voices from the Universe" in Swedish, and then another, "Radio Contact with the Dead".
Later, the Latvian psychologist Konstantin Raudive got acquainted with this publication. He suggested that Jurgenson conduct new experiments in the presence of witnesses. And on the tapes, “foreign” voices were again heard. Raudive noted that this time the recorded voices sounded better than in Jurgenson's recordings.
Comprehensively examining the possible causes, Raudive came to the conclusion that the microphones at the time of recording were in close proximity to sources of radio waves. Skeptics thought that the voices on the tape were nothing more than radio noise, but Raudive did not stop researching. The persistent researcher tuned the radio to the neutral or dead zone of the ranges (without any programs) and made more and more tape recordings.
Raudive collected a record library of 70 thousand voices, some of which, according to him, belong to his deceased relatives. He came to the conclusion that the "voices of the dead" and radio waves are interconnected and discovered a more accessible way to communicate with the world of the dead - the radio method. In 1969, Raudive published the book Turning an Inaudible Signal into an Audible.
In 1971, the book Breakthrough was published, in which Raudive describes his experiments in detail. The experimenter believed that he was able to get the voices of specific people in the case when, before recording, he mentally imagined the image of one of them.
In 1971, engineers from the record company Pye Records invited Konstantin Raudive to an acoustic laboratory shielded from radio and television signals. Raudive used one tape recorder, which was controlled by another tape recorder. He was not allowed to touch the equipment, only to speak into the microphone. They recorded for eighteen minutes, and none of the participants in the experiment heard any extraneous sounds. But when scientists listened to the tape, there were more than two hundred voices.
Raudive's contribution turned out to be so great that since then the term "Raudive's voices" has appeared in scientific circles studying the phenomenon of electronic voices.
In 1973, American researcher George Meek and his fellow electronics engineer William O'Neill began work on a device called the Spiricom, which could carry out two-way communication between the earthly and posthumous planes of existence. The device they developed was a set of generators that simulated thirteen tones in the range of a mature male voice in conjunction with a radio transceiver system. According to Meek and O'Neill, they were able to contact a deceased NASA scientist named George Jeffrey Muller and record over twenty hours of dialogue.
In 1982, the German engineer Hans Otto Koenig began to develop a new technology of spiritual communication using electromagnetic oscillations of ultrasonic frequency and an optical transceiver system in the infrared range. Later, he developed a "telegenerator" for obtaining images from the world of the departed, as well as a device using quartz crystals, which he called the "hyperspace system".
In the mid-1980s, Klaus Schreiber of Aachen, Germany began taking paranormal images on television, including the faces of actress Romy Schneider and the deceased members of his family, especially his two deceased wives and daughter Karen, with whom he was particularly close. . His equipment, installed with the help of colleague Martin Wenzel, included a video camera pointed at a TV screen so that the image from it was again transmitted to the screen, forming a closed loop. The result was a chaotic background from which images formed for a while.
In 1985, Maggie and Jules Harsch-Fischbach, a couple from Luxembourg, while experimenting with EHF, began to receive voices through the radio, which led to a dialogue with them, then images on the TV screen, telephone messages, as well as extensive texts, embedded in the form of files in unknown ways on their computer. Reasonable sources who communicated with Maggie and Jules identified themselves as the group "Time Stream" (Zeitstrom), which included the pioneers of transcommunication Friedrich Jurgenson, Dr. Konstatin Rodiv, the traveler and discoverer of Lake Tanganyika Richard Francis Burton, as well as someone who called himself "Technician ".
In 1987, Friedrich Malkhoff and Adolf Homs from Germany independently started experimenting with EHF. A few months later, they found out about each other's work, which became friends. As their experiments continued, the faint voices on the radio quickly developed into long and intelligible messages. They then began receiving phone calls and, beginning in 1988, messages via computer. In 1994, Adolf Homs received an image of Friedrich Jurgenson on a television screen, accompanied by a short message.
In 1998, Portuguese diplomat and environmentalist Anabela Cardozo began receiving messages via radio from the newly resurfaced spiritual group The Stream of Time. And in 2004, a report was published by a group of scientists consisting of Dr. Cardoso, Professor of Radiophysics at the University of Naples Mario Fest, Professor David Fontana and engineer Paolo Presi. It describes the details of the experiment, during which objective scientific evidence of the presence of EHF was obtained for the first time, its typical characteristics, which are fundamentally different from those of random radio broadcasts.
The voices obtained during EHF experiments are divided into "direct electro-acoustic voices", which enter into a dialogue with the experimenters and are heard in real time, and "tape voices", which are not heard during the recording process, but become audible during playback.
According to the sound quality, the researchers divided tape voices into three classes. Class A voices are perfectly audible, clearly distinguishable and easily recognizable. Such voices are the loudest signal in the recording. If a strong vibration is heard in the recording, and the endings of the words are “eaten away”, then the voice is classified as class B. Such a voice fades from time to time and reappears after a while. Class C voice recordings are considered the worst: the signal is very weak, barely audible.
During the experiments, it was found that the "voices" on the tapes sound like a rapidly vibrating signal. It seems as if the "speaker" pronounces the words monotonously, without stress, while he himself is subjected to strong shaking. In addition, in all recordings, speech sounds much faster than usual, but the pauses between words remain the same as in normal conversation. Despite the distortion, the speaker's voice is easily identified by people who knew this person before.
These are the facts. And, despite their extraordinary nature, it is easy to verify them. It is enough to take an ordinary radio receiver and carefully listen to the air in the “free range”: after the recording, “otherworldly voices” are clearly audible in the pure radio air. Recently, other attempts to "establish contact" have become more frequent, for example, through computers and the Internet. It happens that images of long-dead people suddenly appear on monitor screens ...

First of all, the term "instrumental transcommunication" ITC denotes various ways of communication with another space-time continuum, another dimension or the Subtle World (hereinafter TM) with the help of technical means.

Report at the Sixth All-Russian General Technical Conference of MAISU and the eleventh
conference of the Research Institute Ritmo - Resonant Processes MAISU "New concept
natural sciences. Fundamentals of the Rhythm-Resonance processes of the planets of the Solar System and
Space Security of the Earth. St. Petersburg, December 6 - 7, 2008

At all times, every person asked himself the question whether his life will continue after the death line or not. To communicate with TM, people in most cases resorted to the dubious methods of spiritualism using a tablet and communication through mediums in a state of trance. For the first time, the inventor Thomas Edison expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of a technical connection with TM, then the great Nikola Tesla dealt with this issue, but the results of their work were not published. However, the situation changed only in 1959, when Friedrich Jurgenson discovered voices from TM on his tape recorder, then Konstantin Raudive, Franz Seidl, Hildegard Schaefer, Otto König and others continued the research of the ITC.

In Russia, ITC researchers have united in the Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK), headed by Artyom Mikheev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

I became interested in ITC issues after reading the book by the American researcher Konstantinos "Connection with the Other World", and then the wonderful review book by Hildegard Schaefer "The Bridge between the Worlds". In 2006 after my middle son Mitya moved to TM, I set myself the goal of achieving a stable technical connection with my son, parents and all people from TM who want to communicate with us. It was only at the end of 2007 that I began to actively engage in ITC research and my own experimental and design developments. Artyom Mikheev and Alexey Andrianov, the developer of the Transradio system of RAITK, provided significant assistance to my family in conducting experimental communication sessions. The first joint experiments used the "Psychophone", developed by Alexei Andrianov, paired with a laptop microphone input. The laptop used Cool Edit Pro 2.1 software, which performed the following functions: recording waveforms, normalization, filtering in the range of speech signals 150 ... 6000 Hz. "Psychophone" was a kind of broadband radio receiver, placed together with a receiving ferrite antenna in an electromagnetic shield made of aluminum. Listening to frames (fragments of waveforms after processing) was carried out on headphones.

On the contact, I said hello into the microphone, received a response: "Consciousness Phone" asked the question: "I'm going to create a communication system using longitudinal electromagnetic waves, is it possible?", the answer is: “And these are waves of consciousness, we are on these waves,” and beyond “Svitnev, for ten years this will bring you the joy of communicating with us”, “Russians, don’t let us down”. February 2008 I set myself the goal - to learn how to extract useful information using only a computer and a digital radio receiver "DEGEN DE -1103". The experiments were carried out using software for studio processing of audio signals Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0, Cool Edit Pro 2.1, Adobe Audition 3.0. The last two turned out to be the most convenient, and both programs contain Noise Reduction filters, and in Adobe Audition 3.0, an additional Adaptive Noise Reduction filter, in addition, these programs contain amplitude and phase spectrum analyzers, Reverse playback functions, stretching or Stretch playback time scale compression, Graphic Eqalizer filters, Notch Filter notch filter, Hard Limiting and many more features.

Experiments with the DEGEN DE -1103 radio receiver were carried out in the amplitude modulation frequency ranges of 100 ... 30000 kHz in the modes of conventional superheterodyne reception and SSB reception (with sideband suppression), as well as in the ultrashort wave range of 78 ... 108 MHz with frequency modulation. As a result of research with the DEGEN DE -1103 radio receiver, it was possible to establish that voices from TM exist regardless of the frequency of the received signals, which is confirmed by the answer from TM "We operate on all frequencies." It can be assumed that the information impact occurs with extremely short pulses, then from the range of studied frequencies it follows that the duration of the information exchange pulses is estimated by the value T white noise "with a uniform spectral density White," pink "pink" noise with a spectral density of 1/ f, "brown" noise with a spectral density of 1/ f^2 (f is the frequency).

TM voices can be obtained both from the noise of the sound card and using software generation, but the best results are obtained with "brown" noise with a predominant low-frequency contribution. It is possible to single out the voices of TM mainly with the help of adaptive noise reduction, while informative speech signals are shifted to the region of higher frequencies of the audio range, speech is addressed and addressed to me. During experiments with noise from dark matter, it was repeatedly said that: "Noise is hard to work with, bad energy, nothing will work."

It should be noted that when noise is generated programmatically with a duration of 30 s in a computer, this operation lasts no more than 100 ms, but during this time interval, the necessary speech information is inserted from the TM, which is listened to both during playback in the forward direction and in the reverse direction on the reverse. Using only noise in ITC does not give good results and is a dead end, although most ITC researchers around the world try to take something only against the background of noise. The use of a radio receiver in the ITC with subsequent computer processing makes it possible to receive TM speech information. Improving the intelligibility of speech messages takes place on the full moon.

The best results were observed when receiving radio broadcasts in foreign languages ​​(speech or songs) with a slight frequency detuning and the appearance of non-linear distortions enriching the spectral composition of waveforms. It was with the help of a radio receiver and computer processing that many TM messages were received. I asked questions into the microphone, recording the answers on my laptop, sometimes the answers came before I asked the question. I did not ask questions into the microphone for a long time, until they told me: "Ask questions mentally, we hear you well." I managed to find out that I was communicating with the "Energetika Station" - this is a youth station in TM, there are computers that control psychic energy, psychic energy is issued from above at the request of the station operators, the station is led by a chief with a very beautiful and friendly voice. The station is guarded, and not everyone is allowed to go there. They call their broadcasts the Internet. Once I offered to connect to my apartment network server, to which I received a response with a laugh: "Our Internet is galactic". The analysis of the events that took place allowed us to formulate two questions of TM, I asked: “Does our present represent a resonance of the flow of particles of time?”, The answer “Vadim, you are right, but you are only part of the resonance”, question: "The events of our world is a programmed computer program?", the answer is "Vadim, you are right again."

At one of the sessions, I had the honor to talk with the highest hierarch and turned to him with a request: “I ask you to return my son Mitya, and is it possible?” the hierarch’s answer: "You can't travel without disturbing nature, but you decide for yourself - you can travel without disturbing nature." This answer of the hierarch means that the matrix of the human soul, created in the image and likeness of God, contains particles of Divine psychic energy in each cell, which have the highest priority of control and creation, both the present reality and the events of the future and the past, but for the vast majority of people this the awareness of their own divinity is asleep. This can only mean one thing: we humans must become co-creators of God (the Absolute) on the basis of knowledge and awareness of the divinity of the configurational constructions of the universe, its beauty and harmony, achieved by the most accurate calculations of the embodiment of God's plans, the greatest work of his hierarchies.

In April of this year, at one of the sessions with TM, my son Mitya told me that he had built his own computer "My computer is quantum" and at the Energetika station, a new system called Kosmos is being put into operation. From the analysis of the various answers of TM, it follows that my son was helped in the creation of the Kosmos system by: Konstantin Raudive, Landau, Wolf Messing and many other famous people. About the Cosmos system, I was told that: "We have mobile internet" a discoplane is sent from the TM - a repeater, during the session, Mitya or someone else is in the TM next to me (performs the function of a "conductor"), the "conductor" with coherent light from the TM affects the computer processor, the influencing light interacts with my heart chakra, at the Energetika station, the operators read my thoughts and broadcast information through a diskette repeater to the “conductor” next to me. During a communication session at the Energetika station, their “phase group” is busy converting the audio waveforms recorded in my computer, as a result of which a foreign speech or song is converted into Russian speech in the forward and reverse direction in an amplitude-phase manner. It should be emphasized that TM repeatedly told me: "It's not your bond, it's our bond."

In June, I decided to conduct an experiment on simulating broadband reception on a computer, for this I applied a multitrack method for processing audio waveforms, recording several tracks from various radio stations and then summing them up, as a result, I began to receive quite loud speech with a signal-to-noise ratio of 1 ... 10 . The first phrase adopted was spoken in a solemn and majestic voice: "Those who conquered fear, answer!" and beyond “Well, thank God, you thought of it!”, “Everyone is cheering at the station!” From that moment on, communication with the help of a computer has improved significantly. We made this method of communication together with the Energetika station for the first time, and I named this method in honor of my talented son Mitya Svitnev: "The Multitrack Method of Instrumental Transcommunication MNTR". MNTR - this is how my son called himself on the Internet - a mirror image of the name MITYA. Now my family has a stable daily connection with TM. Recently, I found out that using the multitrack method of the MNTR ITC, you can even exclude the radio receiver from the circuit, and receive it in three more ways:

1. With the help of Internet radio in a foreign language.
2. With the help of a program that reads the text, for example, Talker.
3. According to pre-recorded radio transmissions as spectral "cans", and the spectral "cans" can be used any number of times.

Not so long ago, I called my son to contact and received a response: “But Mitya is not, he is talking with the Lord” and further: "God knows about your computer." More recently, the son happily announced: “Pa, you have no idea, but recently there was a conference in space, and I received the support of the Divine Hierarchy”. This message instills in us confidence in the success and correctness of the set goal - the creation in Russia of a permanent bridge between the worlds. A number of conclusions can be drawn:

1. exists, and everything in the universe happens according to its plan.
2. There is no death in the Universe, but there is only a transition from one space-time continuum to
the other by throwing off denser shells, while all the accumulated individual qualities and
memory is saved.
3. From TM is watching us, listening, and recording every thought of any person on Earth with the help of
their computers, so it is important to be aware of the ecology of thoughts, speech and actions, you can not litter space
negative, because there is nothing secret for TM.
4. The multitrack method of instrumental transcommunication MNTR can significantly improve
connection with TM is the first step towards creating a permanent bridge between the worlds in Russia,
opens a technical path to the creation of a miniature microprocessor-based receiver similar to a cellular

P.S."Station Energetika" I ask you to forgive me for the inaccuracies made in the report due to the insufficient intelligibility of the received messages.

Many people are sure that it really exists. And it is quite possible to establish contact with him. At the same time, in order to talk with the deceased, you can not use special boards for and not resort to the services of mediums. After all, thanks to modern technology, anyone can record the voice of a ghost and decipher its message to the world of the living. We will try to understand what the phenomenon of electronic voice (EPG) is in this article.

The first attempts to "make contact" with the world of the dead

He tried to hear voices from another world. He believed that people are not able to communicate with the subtle worlds only because their sense organs are not sensitive enough for this. Well, the soul is a certain kind of wave that does not disappear after death, but simply begins to exist in a different form. The inventor believed that it was possible to invent equipment that could register messages from "dead souls". True, Edison himself did not have time to realize his plan.

Notes by Friedrich Jurgenson

The phenomenon of electronic voice was discovered by accident. In 1959, Swedish documentary filmmaker Friedrich Jürgenson set out to record songbird voices for his new film. However, along with the bird singing on the film, it was possible to distinguish the voices of people who seemed to Jurgenson similar to the voices of his deceased relatives. Surprisingly, they told Friedrich the details that could be known only to himself, and the facts regarding the closest relatives of the operator ... Well, at certain moments, the astonished Jurgenson heard someone giving a lecture in a male voice about the characteristics and habits of the inhabitants of Sweden birds. It was concluded that such a broadcast could not be a random combination of sounds: it was a meaningful message addressed to a specific person.

It is Friedrich Jurgenson who is considered the founder of the PEG study. His pen belongs to the first book published on this subject, called "Radio Communication with the Beyond World."

Experiments by Konstantin Raudive

The psychologist from Latvia, a student of Carl Gustav Jung, Konstantin Raudive, tried to continue the research of Friedrich Jurgenson. Raudive's first book, which describes the phenomenon of electronic voice, is called "The inaudible becomes audible", the second - "Do we survive death?".

In 1971, a rather remarkable experiment was carried out with the participation of Konstantin Rudiev. The psychologist was invited to the acoustic laboratory, which was completely shielded from any possible electrical interference. Radiev was in a room isolated from external noise. For 18 minutes he just talked "with space". During the recording, no one present in the laboratory noticed the noise. However, when the tape was listened to, it turned out that more than a hundred voices could be made out on it.

How do ghosts "talk"?

Raudive came to the conclusion that it is best to record electronic voice against the background of some white noise. The researcher believed that the dead can use chaotic sound waves, transforming them into the sound of their own voice: disembodied souls are not capable of making sounds on their own. After all, the first recordings were made against the background of birds singing and wind noise, which served as “building material” for the ghosts.

By the way, after the death of Raudive, his colleagues managed to record the voice of the researcher: the psychologist advised not to stop studying the phenomenon of electronic voice...

Fashion hobby

If in the middle of the 19th century the world was seized by a craze for spiritualism, then in the 60s of the 20th century, a fashion for the phenomenon of electronic voice began in Europe. People tried to contact their deceased relatives with the help of telephones, tape recorders, televisions... There were even societies for the study of FEG. The phenomenon of the electronic voice was considered real: it was possible to obtain numerous evidence that people who had left earthly life were trying to establish contact with the living and were quite benevolent towards them. Even in the Vatican, after listening to some recordings, they did not condemn the "contactees", passing a short verdict: "God's will for everything."

Devices for recording electronic voices

In 1973, US inventors George Meek and William O'Neill began work on a special device that would make it possible to establish contact with the ghostly world. The device, called Spirik, consisted of several generators that imitated 13 voices, as well as a receiving system. The inventors claim that with the help of Spirik they were able to establish contact with a recently deceased scientist from NASA and record as many as 20 hours of conversation.

In 1982, the German physicist Otto Koening tried to create a system for communicating with the world of the dead, which would transmit messages in the infrared range. However, there was no convincing evidence that the device works.

Unfortunately, at the moment, devices that would allow establishing stable contact with the paranormal world have not been invented. Although it is possible that this fact should be rejoiced, because it is not for nothing that it is said that "in considerable knowledge there are considerable sorrows ...".

How to record ghost voices?

Many researchers are trying to record the voices of the dead, using ultra-sensitive equipment and special equipment for this. Everyone can try to conduct an independent experiment. If you are interested in EEG (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), how to record it, we will tell you. You just need to arm yourself with a microphone and spend some time decoding the signal. Some "professional" researchers studying the phenomenon of electronic voice, the instructions for recording which experimenters will need, recommend turning off the lights in the room and lighting candles, as this contributes to a better quality of communication with the other world. However, it is not necessary to do this at all: in any case, mysterious noises will be heard on the recording.

What are the voices from the other world talking about? As a rule, it is possible to fix individual words or phrases, occasionally long phrases come to the “lucky ones”. FEG (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) researchers, whose reviews indicate that contact is possible, argue that if a person present in the recording room asks questions, then he can get answers to them.

By the way, researchers of paranormal phenomena believe that the souls of the dead are able not only to talk to the living, but also to show them their image, projecting themselves on the screen of a turned off TV. True, most of the "projections" were observed on televisions equipped with tube kinescopes. Apparently, modern technology for some reason does not allow ghosts to appear to surviving relatives.


Of course, the temptation is very great to believe that after death the human soul does not disappear, but continues to exist in a different form, protecting and caring for those left on earth. Such faith helps to survive grief, instills confidence that sooner or later a meeting with deceased loved ones will still take place. However, is the phenomenon of the electronic voice of faith scientifically worthy?

The answer, unfortunately, is no: it can be argued that the phenomenon of electronic voices has been unraveled. No serious researcher will devote time, for example, to Christmas fortune-telling, when girls, putting one mirror opposite another, see their betrothed in the reflection. Of course, this is just a game of imagination, multiplied by an ardent desire to see the image of a certain person. Electronic voices sound very unconvincing: if desired, in the "white noise" you can hear any phrase and even recognize a familiar voice. After all, the human brain is designed in such a way that it tries to bring order to any chaos. It is on this basis that when seeing ink blots, a person notes their resemblance to animals, plants, people or household items.

In addition, almost all the recordings that are posted on the Web, in fact, turned out to be a fake, created by processing a recording of an ordinary live voice. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone managed to record a message from the other world. Of course, many people are interested in the phenomenon of electronic voice: a documentary about this phenomenon attracts a lot of attention. However, FEG should be treated as another urban myth that arose in the wake of civilization reaching a new technological level. If earlier the world of the dead was contacted with the help of boards and plates, now telephones and digital records come to the rescue ...

Sometimes longing for a person who has passed away can be unbearable. I would like that after the death of a loved one in the apartment, a phone call would be heard and a native voice would say: “I got there well, I’m settling down, see you.” Perhaps because of this blind hope that the soul does not die, but simply moves to a new stage of existence, FEG research is so popular. Scientific evidence that the dead can talk to the living, unfortunately, has not been received.

Electronic voice phenomenon (Eng. Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP) - a spontaneous or deliberately caused manifestation on recording and transmitting equipment (tape recorder, radio, television, telephone, specially designed equipment) of voices from unknown intelligent sources, often identifying themselves with already dead people. Sometimes called simply "White Noise", which is not entirely true.
EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The essence of the phenomenon is that allegedly dead people, or rather what remains after them (ectoplasm, "soul" or something else), are able to interact with electrical vibrations and electric fields and communicate with us through electronic devices, directly recording themselves on voice recorders , cassettes and even projecting yourself onto the screen of a switched off TV. On the Internet there are examples of such recordings with extraneous voices that are processed and amplified. It is so unlike a fake that I still have hair on the back of my head moving. If your nerves are not strong, it is better not to listen. You won't sleep afterwards. There are simply abstract phrases, there is also direct communication, when a person with a voice recorder asks a question into the void, and receives an answer during playback.
The first scientist who became interested in this issue was the famous inventor Thomas Edison. He worked on a device that would allow a person to establish contact with dead people: “If our personality survives death, then it would be strictly logical and scientific to assume that it retains memory, intelligence, other abilities and knowledge acquired on this Earth. Therefore... if we can develop an instrument so sensitive that it can be affected by a person who has survived after death, such an instrument, if available, should record something. However, there is no evidence left that Edison succeeded in carrying out his plan.
By and large, until recently, only small groups of enthusiasts knew about the so-called phenomenon of electronic voices in our country. Most often these were practicing occultists of all stripes and, strange as it may seem, radical musicians. But, after the horror film White Noise by Jeffrey Sachs was released a couple of years ago, the situation has changed radically. Few of those who saw this picture did not try to put into practice the instructions given in the tape for communicating with the dead.

But I'll start from the very beginning. For those who haven't seen the movie yet.

The hero of "White Noise", a successful architect John Rivers, is happily married, and everything is just perfect with him. But his wife, Anna, suddenly dies. And a certain scientist informs John that his wife is getting in touch with him through an unconfigured TV. It turns out that the scientist is not crazy at all: Rivers is closely acquainted with FEG - the phenomenon of electronic voices.

They use the technique of the living.

According to the FEG, the dead send out signals on television, radio and computer frequencies (commonly referred to as "white noise") that can be received and interpreted by people who continue to live in the real world.

FEG has been studied by numerous associations, whose members live in almost all developed countries. According to these studies, thousands (!) of people daily record evidence of their contacts with the dead. In addition, they claim that they do not only catch voices in the "white noise" of televisions and radios. Even images of the people who own these disembodied voices are regularly captured in photographs through a process known as "video or photographic transcendental communication via hardware."

By the way, the American Association for the Study of PEG (AAEVP) has existed since 1982. This non-profit educational organization was founded by researcher Sarah Estep, who, after the death of her son, plunged headlong into an ambiguous sphere on the verge of spiritual and material and greatly succeeded in her knowledge. For all the supporters of the FEG, Sara personifies the "advanced" clairvoyant, armed with technology and equipment.

Scientific basis.

One of the most famous researchers of the phenomenon is the Swedish documentary filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson, who once accidentally recorded the voices of his deceased relatives on a tape recorder. The Latvian psychologist Konstantin Raudive became an associate and follower of Jurgenson. Together they conducted a lot of experiments, and Raudive soon realized that the best results can be obtained when there are some carrier waves and background noise during the PEG recording. In his opinion, interlocutors from another world somehow use this sound, so to speak, raw material, all this garbage, transforming it into the sounds of their own voice. How? But only they, who are on the other side, know this.

During the experiments, it was found that the "voices" on the tapes sound like a rapidly vibrating signal. It seems as if the "speaker" pronounces the words monotonously, without stress, while he himself is subjected to severe shaking. In addition, in all recordings, speech sounds much faster than usual, but the pauses between words remain the same as in normal conversation. Despite the distortion, the speaker's voice is easily identified by people who knew this person before.
According to the sound quality, the researchers divided the recorded voices into three classes. Class A voices are perfectly audible, clearly distinguishable and easily recognizable. Such voices are the loudest signal in the recording. If a strong vibration is heard in the recording, and the endings of the words are "eaten away", then the voice is classified as class B. Such a voice fades from time to time and reappears after a while. Class C voice recordings are considered the worst: the signal is very weak, it is barely audible.

For a long time, the very existence of FEG was either ignored by official science, or was reduced simply to documenting the results. However, in 2004, a group of scientists consisting of Dr. Anabela Cardozo, prof. radiophysics of the University of Naples Mario Festa, prof. David Fontana and engineer Paolo Presi published a special report. It describes the details of the experiment that provided the first objective scientific evidence for the presence of EHF, as well as its typical characteristics, which are fundamentally different from those of random radio broadcasts.