How to sing the earth under high dawns. "How to sing this land

This was the name of the solemn event dedicated to the opening of the Year of Ecology in our district, which took place in the RDK on February 9, 2017.

The presenters - RDK methodologist Sergey Karev and Anna Abramova, participant of the folk theater "Romantic" - welcomed the audience - students of the city's schools and secondary specialized educational institutions, teachers. On the screen - shots of the nature of his native Trubchevsk at different times of the year. The operator of the presented videos is Viktor Lukyanov, an employee of the RDK.

The soloist of the RDK L. Ageeva performs the song “I wish you, my land”, where there are such words: “How to sing this land, everything that has been lived has been passed ... with wide steppes, with migratory flocks, with distant cities - young and old." Then the national anthem of Russia is played.

The Deputy Head of the District Administration S.N. Tubol. She stressed that during the year a lot of work has to be done to clean up many natural corners of our region. The first action has already been announced, initiated by the student organization "Fakel" (pedagogical college): it was decided to improve the memorial complex "Partizanskaya Polyana". This action will be attended by the youth of the region, organizations and enterprises, and simply caring people. In the district, work will also be organized to improve the places of recreation for citizens - planting trees, pruning, garbage collection, etc. S.N. Tubol urged to take care of what nature so generously gives us so that future generations can use its gifts. She congratulated everyone on the opening of the Year of Ecology in the region and noted that this event is a kind of start for big and small deeds aimed at protecting nature, so that our Trubchevo region remains a flourishing corner of the Bryansk region.

E. Yu. Pilyutina, Deputy Director of the Bryansk Forest Reserve for Environmental Education and Tourism, noted in her speech that this year is special for the staff of the reserve system. 100 years ago, the country's first Barguzinsky nature reserve was created to restore the then almost extinct Barguzin sable. It is very important that the Bryansk region also has its own nature reserve "Bryansk Forest". This year marks the 30th anniversary of its creation. During the years of the existence of the reserve, its employees have done a lot to restore the animal world. The brown bear returned to the Bryansk region. Throughout the region in the 80s, only 10 bears lived, today there are 13 bears in the reserve alone. The European bison population has been restored. Today there are 40 of these mighty animals in the reserve. Such a rare and endangered animal species as the Russian muskrat has also been restored.

E.Yu. Pilyutina named the name of Igor Shpilenok, the founder of the Bryansk Forest nature reserve, whose activities are very important for the entire Russian nature reserve system. He is currently working on a three-volume book, which will present all the reserves of the country. For four years, Igor visited all the reserves. The second well-known name is Tikhon Igorevich Shpilenok - the eldest son of I.P. Hairpin. Unfortunately, he recently passed away. In his 36 years he has done a lot. He spent the last year of his life in Kamchatka, where he led the Kamchatka protected areas. One of these territories was named after T.I. Hairpin.

As E. Yu. Pilyutina said, nature reserves and national parks need help. Many of them develop volunteer programs. You can go as a volunteer to any region of Russia: to Siberia, the Urals, Kamchatka... All volunteer programs to be implemented this year will be displayed on the Bryansk Forest website.

A necessary link in the upbringing of schoolchildren is the additional ecological and biological education of children. It was for this purpose that it was created on the basis of high school No. 1 Belaya Berezka school forestry. Next year it will celebrate its 40th anniversary. It is led by a teacher of biology, chemistry, teacher additional education, winner of the regional competition of professional skills "I give my heart to children" S. I. Burenkova. Her speech was accompanied by a video sequence, which reflected the history of the creation of the school forestry. As she noted, its origins were people who went through the roads of the war, survived the military hard times. Over the years of the existence of the school forestry, more than 500 people have connected their lives with forestry, environmental and biological specialties.

There are many victories and achievements on the account of young foresters. They became participants in the first All-Russian gathering of school forestries "Forest and Man", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

The performance of the propaganda team of the school forestry was interesting and spectacular. The guys with balloons in their hands read poetry, sang songs about nature, about the Motherland (pictured). They ended their performance with a song containing the following words: “Even small children know: there must be order on the planet.”

The presenters reminded the audience of several dates from the ecological calendar. So, January 11 is the Day of Reserves and National Parks, February 19 is Whale Day, March 1 is World Cat Day, and March 3 is World Wildlife Day.

The well-deserved applause of the audience was awarded to the performances of the folk song and dance ensemble (headed by L. Ageeva), who performed the song "Our State is Good", as well as teachers of secondary school No. 2 (group "Consonance"), students of this school (group "Harmony") , a solo performance by Yulia Kartavchenko with the song "Russia" and Alexander Garbuzov, who performed the song "Protect the beauty of Russia." This is a song from the repertoire of A. Kovalevsky, the words were written by the poet from Belaya Berezka A. Buryachenko. A film about the nature of the Bryansk Forest reserve was also shown. Its author is D. Shpilenok. Nature revealed its little secrets to the audience. Everyone understood how fragile and vulnerable her world was. And it is from a person that his integrity and safety largely depend.

Scenario of the opening ceremony of the Year of Ecology in Russia

"How to sing this land...".

Before the start of the event, a photo exhibition and an exhibition of drawings are organized reflecting the environmental activities on the municipal territory and the beauty of the native land.


    Screen shots of nature native land. A video of natural sights is superimposed on the background music.

    The image of Mother Russia enters the stage, to the words sounding from behind the scenes, superimposed on the beginning of the song “How to sing this land”.

The image of Mother Russia sings the song “How to sing this land”, against its background, frames of the animal and plant world are shown.

    At the end of the song, the lights go out.

    Disturbing music sounds.

    On stage, a dance group with a dance composition reflecting Negative influence man to nature.

    On the screen Negative consequences human actions on nature (garbage, landfills, discharge into rivers, illegal logging, etc.).

    At the end of the composition, general light is given.

    The background music of the presenters sounds.

    On the screen is a general splash screen "Year of Ecology - 2017".

Hello, dear participants of the opening ceremony of the Year of Ecology.

Good afternoon, all who are full of desires and deeds for the good of their native land.

The traditional appeal of state power in 2017 is addressed to the nature of a great country.

The Year of Ecology was proclaimed by presidential decree and directed to the society for the implementation of a set of measures to protect environment.

There is a large number of events ahead, which will involve the most active participants in the public life of our region.

The cultural achievements of mankind have conquered the expanses of the earth, the ocean, the sky, conquering the endless possibilities of space.

This year gives us a unique opportunity to take stock of the competition with nature, to analyze successes, to work on mistakes.

Behind the great achievements of man there are serious problems, the main of which are environmental problems.

How responsible we are for the future of the planet, our native country, our villages, villages and cities should be figured out together.

The environmental crisis has affected all countries and peoples who will inevitably have to take action in the name of saving our beautiful planet.

The Year of Ecology is an important step to show the whole world that the peoples of Russia are ready to compromise with nature, to live in harmony with it, without disturbing the course of progress.

We bring to your attention a special report that reveals the ecological potential of our region, sights and wealth created by nature itself.

A special report about the unique properties of the local nature is shown.

Official part

The president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, by his decree, outlined the most important direction, announced 2017 as the Year of Ecology.

Russia, its people, have always been strong in business by their unity, and only together can we achieve the results that a great power expects from us.

The anthem of the Russian Federation is performed (instrumental)

We are proud that nature has provided us with enormous wealth, the unique beauty of forests, rivers, endless meadows.

The efforts of each of us to preserve all this splendor will be futile without the support of state power and local leadership.

Dear friends, you are welcomed by the head of the municipal district ...

And the chairman of the council of deputies of the municipal district ...

The leaders, under the solemn musical background, go to the microphone.

Leaders speech.

award ceremony

In our area, there have always been and will be people who are concerned about environmental problems. Thanks to their perseverance and literacy, many protected places remain pristine.

We are announcing an award ceremony for the best ecologists of the region of all generations, representatives of environmental organizations, public organizations and youth movements. So the reward is...

(The text of the letters of thanks is read out by the hosts, the awarded pass for the award to the musical solemn background.)

Concert program

The thematic concert program includes numbers about love for the Fatherland and native nature.

In folk art, in song art, there have always been many interesting works, which sing of the beauty of nature, the brightest are enclosed in songs, poems and music.

We invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of universal love for your father's house, for the unique colors of birch paradise.

Concert program numbers


The Year of Ecology has a simple but important goal - to draw public attention to the problems environmental safety country. By decision of the district administration and the Council of Deputies of the district, an organizing committee was created to hold the Year of Ecology on the territory of our municipality.

A comprehensive action plan for 2017 has been developed and approved, which combines two main areas, this is the development of the reserve system of the region and the ecology of the region as a whole.

We hope that the contribution of every resident of the beautiful and ancient land, will be useful for a common and very necessary cause.

Our event dedicated to the opening of the Year of Ecology in Russia has come to an end. We say goodbye to you until we meet again.

How to sing this land
Under high dawns
With the song of the white north
With the sky of the south azure,
With what is written in the heart
And never fade away?
Over the gray Kuriles
A new day is dawning.
Light and joy to you
Peace and prosperity
True good friends
Sunny days in fate.
I wish you, my land,
I wish you, my land,
high sky clear
And I wish you happiness.
How to sing this land
Everything that has been lived through
Everything for weekdays and holidays
Called Motherland
With wide steppes
With migratory flocks
With cities far away
Young and old?
Light and joy to you
Peace and prosperity
True good friends
Sunny days in fate.
I wish you, my land,
I wish you, my land,
high sky clear
And I wish you happiness.
All dreams and anxieties
I accept all hopes
Because with all my heart
I love this land.
Where my trail will dissipate,
What will become of me
This is where it will settle
It will remain in something.
Light and joy to you
Peace and prosperity
True good friends
Sunny days in fate.
I wish you, my land,
I wish you, my land,
high sky clear
And I wish you happiness.
I wish you my land
I wish you, my land,
high sky clear
And I wish you happiness.