Pasha Technician: rapper's biography. Pasha Technician (Technique from Kunteynir) - biography of a rap artist What is the name of the former pasha technician

Petersburger jailed for self-defense against a hooligan with a knife

On December 2, the Nevsky Court sentenced Pavel Timofeev to 8 months in a colony-settlement. They came at him with a knife - he answered with a stick. The attacker is dead. Pavel was lucky: the prosecution asked for ten years in prison for him. The story he got into can happen to anyone who tries to protect themselves and loved ones in the event of an attack.

Two birthdays and one death

Pavel Timofeev is 22 years old. A completely ordinary young man, with interests far from crime and the most ordinary biography, spent more than a year in a pre-trial detention center because he was attacked with a knife and he defended himself.

On the night of October 18-19 last year, Pavel celebrated his friend's birthday with his friend's girlfriend and her sister. At about five in the morning, the company went to the Kapriz club in the Nevsky district. At the entrance to the club, a young man (later it turned out - Andrei Zverev) suddenly grabbed one of the sisters from behind with a very indecent gesture. The birthday boy made a remark, in response to which the stranger hit him in the face. The club's security drove the guys out into the street to sort things out. But Zverev was not alone. That night, he also celebrated with friends the birthday of a certain Takhmina Huseynova. Zverev ran into the club where the company was resting, and ran out into the street with help - the brother of the birthday girl Samid Fatullayev (24-year-old Samid came to visit his cousin from Baku about a month ago and looked closely at the St. Petersburg labor market). Pavel and his friend ran away from them. But on the way we met our friend, Stanislav Voronkov, in a car and turned to him for help: we need to pick up the girls who were left at the club (the frightened sisters, meanwhile, were hiding behind the house).

On the porch of the Caprice, they were met by the same international company that was about to leave the club. Pavel's friend went after the hiding girls, Stanislav Voronkov closed the car, and Timofeev himself simply stood in front of the crowd and listened to insulting cries addressed to him. Then Fatullayev suddenly moved towards him with a knife. Pavel picked up a stick lying under his feet. Voronkov, hearing Pavel's cry, fired from his traumatic pistol first into the air and then towards the crowd, but Fatullayev continued to move towards Timofeev. By the way, after the shots, some guys from the company, including Zverev, chose to run away. Samid waved his knife, cutting only the opponent's jacket. In response, he received a stick on the head and fell. Timofeev continued to beat him until a friend took the stick away from him. Having taken the sisters, the young people got into the car and left. At 5:59 am, an ambulance arrived - 24-year-old Samid Fatullayev was lying dead on the lawn. As confirmed by the examination, death occurred from a closed craniocerebral injury.

Came with confession

As Timofeev and Voronkov's lawyer Inessa Frolova said, the guys did not know for several days that Fatullayev had died. Pavel was resting at home after the fight, and Stanislav went out of town to celebrate his birthday. On October 23, having learned that they were being looked for, the young people themselves came with a confession. All charges were dropped from Voronkov. And Pavel Timofeev was awaiting trial. The prosecutor's office did not consider his actions self-defence, qualifying them as "intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, resulting in death by negligence" (Article 111, Part 4 of the Criminal Code). And there were witnesses to confirm this version. Takhmina, the victim's cousin, said at the trial that Samid "calmly" stood on the porch, did not have any knife with him, and Timofeev himself rushed at him and "began to swing the bat." She also said that Voronkov jumped on his brother's head (the examination did not confirm this). Zverev, from whom this deadly showdown began, even told the court that he was so drunk that he did not remember anything, and then he completely ran away and did not see anything.

The judge of the Nevsky Court, Igor Sokhanenko, heeded the testimony of other eyewitnesses who were not interested in the outcome of the cases and came to the conclusion that Pavel beat, of course, intentionally, but, defending himself from encroachments, exceeded the limits of necessary defense. Thus, the judge assessed his actions under another article of the Criminal Code - 114 (“deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm in excess of the limits of necessary defense”), which does not provide for such a severe punishment as under Article 111. And he appointed 8 months of a colony-settlement. But since the young man had already spent more than a year in the detention center during the investigation, this term was credited to him and immediately after the verdict was announced, he was released in the courtroom.

Does the prosecutor advise you to run away?

However, not everything is over for Timofeev. After all, the sister of the victim has the right to appeal the verdict. There were also other questions. For example, what should a person do in such a situation in order to avoid pre-trial detention and the threat of imprisonment for several years, and at the same time not suffer at the hands of the attackers?

In the verdict, the judge wrote that "the attack was not unexpected" and Pavel "should have objectively assessed the danger of the attack." And he, they say, instead picked up a stick and continued to approach the man in whose hands the knife.

Once I spoke with one of the state prosecutors. I ask: "What can I advise young people - how to act in such a situation in the future?" - Inessa Frolova told TS. - And he told me directly: it is better to run. That is, a person is forced to leave his girlfriends, friends and flee, because he must think about the consequences of his protection, and not about the honor or life of loved ones. In my opinion, if the law did not punish "exceeding the necessary defense", then every criminal would know that he would always be rebuffed. Now we live in a country where it is still necessary to prove that you were attacked and that you were not the first to start.

Sometimes it is shocking that the authorities do not understand the fact that with their interpretations of such incidents they cut the branch on which they sit, - shared the president of the Baltic Bar Association Yuri Novolodsky. - People should be free to decide to defend themselves. After all, they did not choose crime, but misfortune itself came to them. If fellow citizens are afraid to resist the villains, then there will be more victims, and the criminals, knowing about this weakness of the victim, will become even more unbridled.

Pasha Technician is an extremely memorable person. If you look at it for the first time, you might think that this is a freak from the Internet. However, if you read his interview and statements, it becomes obvious that Pasha Technician Ivlev is an open and kind person. His feature is the image of a junkie from a criminal district.

However, Pavel is currently trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and in every possible way warns the younger generation against drug use.

The real name of Pasha Technician is Pavel Ivlev. The biography of the musician is full of hard bumps and deep potholes. The life path of the young talent began on July 4, 1983. Pasha Technician Ivlev was born in Moscow, where he went to school 773. He began to learn about life in the disadvantaged area of ​​Lefortovo. In order to survive among the harsh street laws, Pasha Technician Ivlev enrolled in a kickboxing section and worked out for a long time.

From a young age, he became interested in rap. The first musical impressions were Bad Balance records. After Pasha Technician Ivlev listened to the first cassette, he had a burning desire to record rap. After graduating from the ninth grade, he left school and entered a technical school. It was there that the desire to become a rapper appeared.

Who is the underground behind?

The key moment was getting to know rap music lovers. Maxim Sinitsyn and MC Blev formed the backbone of the future Kunteynir team. Initially, the approach to creativity was extremely frivolous. The guys gathered at the apartment, drank alcohol and simply recorded obscene songs on the recorder. They also participated in freestyle battles in Moscow.

However, later Pasha Technician Ivlev decided to take it more seriously and started working on simple beats. The tracks were distributed via the Internet and gradually the Kunteynir group began to gain popularity.

Kunteynir's records were highly abstract underground hip hop with psychedelic lyrics. Very often it was sometimes bad, sometimes ironic freestyle, taking place under the influence of various substances. Container's first disc "Edward Scissorhands" was released in 2004. Thereafter, it is released annually. In 2005 "To shit", in 2006 "Weight", in 2007 "Blowburger".

It is worth noting that throughout his creative career, Pasha Technician Ivlev used drugs, which he later regretted very much. And now he urges young (and not so) people not to experiment with their bodies, and also not to have problems with the law. Since he was engaged in the sale of prohibited substances, on November 13, 2006 he was detained (supposedly on a tip from one of his acquaintances) in Krasnoyarsk.

The verdict came into force in 2009 - 5 years of strict regime under article 228. Pasha Technician Ivlev left for Karelia to serve his term. In 2013, he is released from prison and the Kunteynir group continues its activities. The rapper decides to celebrate the release by recording the album "5 Years". The next release came out only in 2014 - "Osnova".

In the same 2014, Pasha Technician Ivlev unexpectedly announced himself as a battle MC. He was invited to Versus, where a duel with Brol took place. In addition, he participated in a comic battle with Nikolai Dolzhansky. 2016 was the final point in the biography of the Container group. After the album "The Last Record" and the subsequent tour, the band broke up. Pasha Tekhnik Ivlev began his solo career as a rapper and has several independent releases and features with popular rappers to his credit.

Versus Pasha Technician Brol

As a Battle MC, Pasha Technician Ivlev performed once (on the official site of the Versus Battle, there was also a friendly duel with Dolzhansky and amateur freestyles), but he was remembered there more than many eminent participants. The rival of the underground rapper was Brol - Nikita Demidov. Nikita approached the confrontation responsibly and prepared, if not the strongest, but still a good text. Moreover, by the standards of the Versus Battle of those times, it was a pretty strong message, seasoned with facts.

But Pasha Technician Ivlev came to the event at the maximum relaxation. He never hid the fact that he appeared at the Versus Battle only in order to promote himself, in addition, he was even paid a small fee for this. The atmosphere matched the event. The recording has good camera work, but a disgusting sound. Words are sometimes difficult to make out, and many will say that this is not necessary in relation to Pasha Technician.

Pasha appeared on stage wearing his traditional gorilla mask and a Stone Island patch. Thus, he deserved reproaches from Demidov for referring to the ultra-right topic, although this was not the case for a long time. However, the Technician supported the enemy's undertaking and threw the ridge into the hall. Pasha actively paced around the stage and gesticulated. At some points (especially between rounds) he danced. Whether he was under the influence of any substances is a question. However, with regard to Ivlev, this question is rather rhetorical. Moreover, in his third round, he unexpectedly announced to the camera that he was covered with salt.

By the way, Pasha Technician Ivlev in his first round tried to give Brol salt (for baths), but when he did not accept the present, he threw it into the auditorium. He also threw a certain object of an intimate nature into the hall, poured beer and water on the audience. It immediately became clear that Pasha did not prepare the text.

He performed with pure freestyle in the spirit of Container tracks. Some schoolchildren made noise for him, but most did not understand such a joke and just started sending him loudly. Pasha did not remain offended and began to insult the hall with various expressions. Interestingly, the text was funny in places, especially if you know a little of the Technician's backstory.
Pasha the Technician performed one of the most memorable actions at the Versus Battle - he took off his pants. So, with jeans lowered below the knees, he stayed on stage for about a minute, after which he got dressed and continued his performance.

Album Statistics goose part 1

After the collapse of Kunteynir, Pasha Technik Ivlev did not stop his creative activity, but continued to release solo albums. So far, Goose Statistics can be considered his most striking release. Technik himself announced his forthcoming release at any opportunity. The album was released on June 20th. For the most part, this is a kind of departure from the underground to a wider space. However, a complete change of perspective did not happen, and elements of Western electronics only appeared in the music. But more on that below.

What surprised Goose's statistics

An album released in two parts (due to the large number of tracks) at the same time is a rare case (and here Pasha Technik Ivlev is ahead of the rest). You should not look for any deep subtext either in the title or in the cover - it's just another funny phrase that once came out of the mouth of Pasha Ivlev in a certain state, and it took root. On the cover of the Goose Statistics album, the very same goose in a typical boy-rapper outfit flaunts - a pulled-down snapback (quite possibly with an inscription like 228), an Adidas sweatshirt, jeans with collars and a goal a la Dimasta. And of course - an open beak - because a real goose cannot be silent, and in the beak is the same Xanax.

Dance music haunts me

Pasha Tekhnik Ivlev, some time before the release, admitted that he was inspired by techno music when writing the Goose Statistics album. "Dance music haunts me," he told Big Russian Boss Show. Indeed, the release differs from Pasha Technik's previous creations. First of all, the sound is changed in the direction of commerce (which the artist never hid). The sound became danceable, dynamic, hard.

The Goose Statistics album is like an introduction to the world of brutal British electronics. It is not surprising that the main hit single (if it can be called a single in the modern sense of the word) “Need Xanax” became a real hit among both rappers and schoolchildren. No wonder - after all, such a sound has become fresh for ears that are used to listening to either standard beats of rap songs, or fashionable, but already boring cloud with its monotonous backing tracks.

Secondly, Pasha Technician Ivlev invited a lot of people to fit, so the atmosphere resembles either a club or a smoky party. Among the many nonames there is a star - rapper LSP on the track "Tiktonik".

It should be said right away that the text and words of Pasha Technique Ivlev do not differ much from the line taken back in the days of the Container. For the most part, these are all the same streams of consciousness, it is more expensive to delve into the meaning of which. For example, on the track “All my friends”, Pasha Technician Ivlev seems to just read an excerpt from a book on the history of the ancient world, then adds lines about garbage, Pharaoh, Ak-47, Bastu

He also mentions his beloved as vizier Pasha Ivlev. All this happens under hard drum and bass beats, which makes you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Goose Statistics album. There is also a collaboration with Vladimir Epifantsev - "Buckwheat". A video was shot for the song "Buckwheat" with the participation of Epifantsev himself, pornographic actresses Lola Taylor and Erica Belucci. By the way, they also wanted to shoot a video for “Need Xanax”, but did not decide what would be in the video sequence.

Tracks such as "This is sex", "Don't be a fool", "All my friends" show the variety of genres that Pasha Technician Ivlev decided to demonstrate. There are backing tracks in the style of drum and bass, and bassline, and garage. For beginners, acquaintance with western dance electronics, Goose's Statistics album can provide this in a playful and entertaining manner.

Album Statistics Goose part 2

The continuation (it is a single whole) of the first part is Goose's Statistics part 2. It contains Pasha's signature sense of humor Technique Ivlev. Tracks such as "Russian Raver", "Tiktonik", "Nipple Mix" are filled with branded jokes and specific irony from the maestro of the domestic underground.

Who wants to listen online Pasha Technician Ivlev in the spirit of his old tracks - you are welcome "Do not fuck the brain." The second part of Goose's Statistics is not as hit as the first, but it's great for listening online (for those who liked the songs "Green Elephant", "Vulva", "Homeless in the Mud", "The Song is Short as Life").

Streams of consciousness from Pasha

It is impossible to describe the full impression of the Goose Statistics part 2 album. As they say - it is better to listen online once than to hear. The second part is even more filled with psychedelic backing tracks, mysterious electronic effects, mid-tempo rocking beats. The texts do not present any complete picture. However, under the influence of such hypnotizing music, you can pick out individual phrases even in such tracks as "Cocksuckers", "Coffin", "We are laboring", "My Moscow".

It is interesting that the disc contains feats with Kalmar and Max Sinitsyn, former partners in the Container. In particular, on "James Bond", "Kvoklysh", "Goose Statistics". However, MC Blev did not take part in the recording of the release. Of the other little-known performers on the album, Killed Chorus, Price of Laughter, One One, Unlimited, Low Pulse take part.

Thanks to the release of the album, Pasha Technik Ivlev gained popularity and became a welcome guest on various Internet projects dedicated to hip-hop, or simply interested in a person who was once hiding under a mask. Moreover, unlike his tracks, the Technician gives out interesting and adequate thoughts in an interview, and his manner of narration attracts many to the screens. Among the more lyrical atypical tracks, one can single out "Sea Or Ocean (Version 2)" - such a psychedelic reflection in the spirit of some "Waste Paper".

What can be noted at the end - no matter how strange and smoky the texts on the Goose Statistics album may be, Pasha's honesty and openness Technique Ivlev is truly captivating. He does not build himself into some kind of inaccessible star with fees, wheelbarrows, heifers. This is a simple guy with his weaknesses, who reflects on this harsh world and tries to find something beautiful, even if not without the help of auxiliary substances.

Who is Pasha Technician?

  1. Pasha Technique (Technique) - in the past, a performer of the uncompromising hypostasis of Russian rap music in his cynicism and obscenity, a member of the degradant trio Kunteynir, a ruthless consumer of drug rubbish inside, now he is a prisoner.
    The activities of Pasha Technique (Technique) and the lines about the already mythological article 228 (it’s true that he sometimes appeared in the guise of a caricature fascist - so 282 is also close to him) played a cruel joke with the Technician. they really said that they set it up - but these lines sound very strange, taking into account the actual references (judging by creativity) and his state of mind and body, which was repeatedly demonstrated in various competitions and reviews of Russian folk rap amateur performances.
    Living a riotous lifestyle (Padonak!) and professing (possibly) Sallafi offshoots of Islam, Technique attended football matches, experimented with alcohol, barbiturates, and judging by the lyrics - with non-traditional and types of love - in a word, Technique was looking for inspiration for his postmodern rap lyrics in every area of ​​life. At the same time, I must say, the Technician remained a kind and friendly person, a creative person
    Then the merry carnival suddenly ended. And apparently, during the next control purchase, the drug control authorities were busy with Pasha Technique on the acquisition and storage of a large batch of illegal drug-containing drugs. The announced charity evening for the ransom of the musician Kunteynir from the investigation was not successful - and now it is in places not so remote, and Kunteynir's creative life has been suspended. On April 11, 2009, a very strange event took place in the capital's CAO. For you, such representatives of Moscow hip-hop as: KROVOSTOK, TAHDEM Foundation, Black Economy, Market Relations, kotZILLA (43 Degrees), Good Hash Production, Novokos, 5 Plyukh, Truman, Elbinto - said the flyer of the event. Pasha Tekhnik, one of the members of the team, was recently taken red-handed by law enforcement agencies with a certain amount of narcotic substances due to the setup of one of his friends. Now the task is to make a contribution to law enforcement agencies in order to close the criminal case. That is what this charity evening will be arranged for. All proceeds will go to help Pasha's parents. A little background: The Kunteynir group is capable of scaring any housewife to death. Team members absolutely correspond to the image of dangerous junkies described in Hunter Thompson's books. Their lyrics veer between hallucinatory delirium and baby talk, and in their effect can be compared with successful plays and poems of the insane. Both the themes of these wild songs and the correspondence with the now arrested person left no illusions in the infallibility of the musician. Many assumed that his income was connected more with the distribution of illegal drugs than with royalties from albums released by a small Moscow independent hip-hop label 2-99. The avant-garde (or deep ass, as it seems to anyone) of domestic alternative hip-hop, the Kunteynir team continues its creative activity. She is close and attractive to someone, someone is horrified and nervous tic. Kunteynir is a duo with hardcore porn carts in an intelligent minimalist skin. The work of the Kunteynir group can be called hip-hop with a big stretch, but it is also difficult to attribute it to something else. However, there are many fans of this kind of controversial hip-hop.
  2. x ... th dog
  3. some cock

Technician: A new album will be released in the middle of spring.

Sinitsyn: Most likely, we will be published on CAO Records (a label founded by members of the popular rap group Centr. - Note. ed.)

  • - No kidding?

Technician: Yes, quite seriously. Well, not exactly like that, but it will be on Ptakha's label, on Good Stuff. Well, do we need to go somewhere? And with Ptah we recently recorded a collaboration.

Sinitsyn: Yes, a close friend from prison asked me to record with Ptah, we met with him and decided at the same time that we would release an album with him.

Technician: We have almost everything ready, there are 16 songs. And now we still want to shoot a clip, but so that it would be normal, and not on a mobile phone, as before.

  • - Are you going to a new level?

Sinitsyn: Yes, we will still have everything, do not think! I understand what you're getting at - here, they say, is an album on TsAO Records, that's all. They just offered us normal conditions, that's all. So we would still have to pay our money in order to release the album, but we don’t have money now. I have a family, Pasha also has his own problems, you understand?

Technician: Yes, and after five albums were released practically for free, I don’t see the point in charging the same scheme now. Everything will still be online though. But this is not the main thing - it is necessary to give concerts, and for this topic, Ptakha also uncovered us that everything will be fine. And if it's about the album, then it's the same everything, the same Kunteynir.

  • - It just really surprised me - so many years have passed, so much has happened in your life, and you listen to new things, and as if nothing has changed.

Technician: And nothing much has changed for us, only small problems arose with the music. Once upon a time, we ourselves made minuses for ourselves, but now we are somehow too lazy. A good beatmaker is hard to find today. In general, I don’t like many Russians, but we somehow scored on this disc. The music has become less dirty, it sounds somehow better, but otherwise there are few changes - but this disc should not be listened to smartly, but in an appropriate condition. To put it mildly, drunk - smoke, for example, in the car. If you listen to him like that, then this, of course, is not it.

Sinitsyn: Although we tried to touch on some more global topics: space, the inner world, all this will be heard.

  • - There is such a widespread opinion that any rap shakes on a smoke.

Technician: Yes, I don’t see anything wrong with that - your consciousness has expanded, the bass shakes you, you already pay attention to the little things, the music no longer seems to you in the background. If you listen to smoky Rapper A, this is generally space, emotions just tear me apart. And some don’t have it - don’t smoke there, it’s still clear that it’s a dummy.

  • - And what inspired you besides the obvious?

Technician: Yes, to be honest, I hardly listen to rap at all. Grindcore and powerviolence are much closer to me, in fact, than Russian rap - the aesthetics are more interesting there, and the performances are more fun. And in foreign rap, the music is much more entertaining: Psymoon, Flying Lotus - these are cool. Ours - only if in a frenzy. The same Rapper A, MC Anyuta, Bentley, Gorka. But there is something strange about them too. It seems to me that someone is manipulating them - well, they can’t be so crazy in the village that they record seventeen albums and shoot clips. And all the umnyak I have long gone.

The old videos of Kunteynir were made literally on the knee - now the musicians want to shoot everything with the help of professionals. This is the very first clip of both the group and the important Moscow underground rap label 2-99 Records that released them.

  • - Well, why do you need to shoot clips?

Technician: Get attention. I was also invited to the second season of the Versus battle - I still don’t know who to stand against, but I agreed, no problem, just to appear once again. I don't care if someone says we're not under anymore. We have existed since 2002, and it doesn't matter who we are with and what we do. Well, let's even take a fit with Slovetsky - well, we didn’t go crazy after that, right? We still remain on our wave. We write features with someone not because we are friends, but just to hook new people, you see? Someone just listens to us for fun, for a smoke, although there are those who say: "... guys, I grew up listening to your songs." I don't know, it's hard for me to hear. On what could they grow there, ...? Sometimes I hear bands that copy us outright. And yet it's not the same, it's not how they do it. It's not that I think we're great. Not! We are shnyag! But we just started doing it. And now they picked it up as some kind of stylistics, they try to sing something nasally into cheap microphones, but they can’t move further than that. Any concert will show what they are capable of.

  • - What do you think is a good performance? Successful provocation? You used to say that a good concert is if you managed to infuriate everyone who gathered. Do you still think so?

Technician: No, of course, it was once! Then - yes, I wanted to stand out, such petty hooliganism. We are performing now as it is, we do not invent anything special. Previously, there were a lot of people, left-wing people were pulled onto the stage, sometimes they didn’t even read anything, but now we still perform tracks. We became more serious, looked, thought, decided that there is a reason, as long as it brings at least some results, to do it normally. I know that we will not have millions of dollars, no matter who takes us, even Ptah.

  • - That is, you don’t think that you will be like Guf - with a personal massage therapist in business class to fly to a concert?

Technician: I would like that. Of course, when we are everywhere - on the Internet, on television, on radio - then it is possible. For now, it's unlikely. Although sometimes I see people in T-shirts with our logo, it's nice.

Photo: Alexandra Rozhkova

  • - Previously, Russian underground hip-hop looked much angrier from the outside, everyone fought with each other, there were some groups, principled positions. And now everyone is friends - didn’t these changes bother you?

Technician: Now the level is different, this is a business, what is there to ramsit? Even some "Versus" is just a show, then everyone shakes hands with each other. Diss - this is generally the lot of children who are trying to leave at someone's expense. I would not break off even with Timati to sign up, but why not? It seems to me that everyone just has a biased attitude towards this person.

  • - Because of the prison, you fell out of your life for four years. What is your last memory of Kunteynir before this one?

Technician: Yes, we then, too, to be honest, already a few ... scored on rap. Another way of life was completely crazy. We wrote all this on a prank. Not that they purposefully gathered and recorded. We met, smoked, listened to music, oops, some topic came up, we don’t need a studio, so they made a track on the spot, they came up with a text on the go. Here's even Blev (one of Kunteynir's MCs. - Note. ed.) - now he doesn’t want to hang out with us, he believes that he has grown up, has become allegedly solid. Although if you saw him, you would understand that this is not so, to put it mildly. Maybe he realized that we were joking over him - but we did it out of kindness, kindly. Puke was my neighbor opposite, I smoked him, forced him - well, at least you mumbled something, .... Yes, and then it was generally different - we were invited to all sorts of graffiti parties, we played for free, if money was offered, then we laughed and refused. Now, after I was closed, we have some kind of second wind, people have learned more about us. I don't know if it's because of the prison or what. When I was there, they told me that yes, they say, everyone knows and is waiting - but it was strange for me to hear it. But now, when I got out, I sometimes ... [surprise] from the fact that they recognize me in the subway. I don't need it ... [at all]. We are not stars. And here are some stories - just recently we were driving from the club after our concert, some spice bastards surrounded the wheelbarrow, I thought that everyone had arrived, now the wheelbarrow was turned over. And if it rises somehow, I don't even know what it will be.

  • - Surprising unexpected popularity that is?

Technician: Not without it. And I understand that some of our old fans will not come to our concert just because they don’t like the audience: some stoned youngsters around football, heifers who will suck you for gunpowder in the toilet - this is wild to me myself. But what can I say, even at the "Krovostok" the contingent is somehow more pleasant, I meet more acquaintances there. It amazes me even more that we are so often taken seriously - we read about salt, and everyone thinks that we are sitting on it. Even though we're just making fun of it. Or with the right topic - well, before, a long time ago, it was somehow still nothing, like a provocation, but now I don’t know to read about it seriously ... Well, it’s like blaming a blue eye for a thug. All normal people already understand what is happening in the country. But recently, when we played in St. Petersburg, it’s generally fucking what it was - we sing, and the guys in the hall ziguet us. I look at them and think: well, maybe they are still joking? It's just that if not, then it's ... [horror] some. We weren't like that. Young people have gone now - aggressive margandos all the time. We understand that Kunteynir is not music for serious guys. Although Epifantsev, they say, is quoting us.

Example of Kunteynir saying on the right topic

  • - How do you assess what happened to the world around you in the four years you were in prison?

Technician: The Internet has reached a new level. Well, before everyone smoked a normal drape, but now there is only one legal girl everywhere. The quality has changed in general. At first I thought that maybe I just didn’t restore all the connections - many were closed, who were normal - but in terms of staff, now some incredible ... [nonsense] is happening. The boys are all either involved in sports, or go crazy for this shnyaga - here you don’t even know what is better, in fact. I haven't eaten anything in a long time. Euphoria is just a little, and everything else is monstrous visuals, you just fight with yourself. It's not me who has become different, it's the staff that has changed. I don’t know who it is designed for - for people who then jump out the window? Fierce ... [nonsense]! Even I, ... my ..., a man who has seen a lot, do not understand what is generally then in the head of these young people, how can they like it?

  • Let's change the subject, perhaps. Doesn't it surprise you that today you are considered almost a postmodernist from rhythmic poetry? Did you initially attach any serious importance to what you do, to the very idea of ​​Kunteynir?

Technician A: Then maybe yes. Then there were albums where the music was so difficult. And now ... [why] all this is necessary. If we consider all our albums, then I would hardly classify some of them as rap, although this is not an abstract, I don’t even know at all. I call all this shit rap - classic Kunteynir, dirty rap that does not oblige you to anything. Let's see, in general, in a couple of years, maybe we will abandon all this. But I personally just want to get money from this. Well, adequately, not some unrealistic, you know? I think we deserve it already...

  • What was the first thing you did when you were released?

Technician: Oh, well, there were a lot of thoughts about this. In the meantime, it was defrosting, time passed, and I went to work - I am now in the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmacy industry. Just don’t think, there’s not any barbitura, but toothpaste. I have been working since I was 16 years old. It’s just that I somehow lived sometimes at the expense of other topics, yes, it was. Well, now I want rap to give something. If rap won't bring, then I don't need it at all. And for the soul - I don’t know, I don’t need it. But I will not swear. We just don't take it that seriously.

Now Kunteynir's performances look like this - slight negligence and indispensable masks on their faces have remained in place, but the songs are performed smoothly, which was not the case for the group before

  • - Tell me about the prison.

Technician A: Yes, it's a waste of time. The place itself is sad. Who knows, he knows what Karelia is. It's pointless to even talk about it. I ended up at a more or less normal time, now, I heard, everything is starting to deteriorate there again. I got there - and did not think that someone would recognize me there. And yet they found out. Thank God that at the end already, closer to release - I didn’t want everyone to know that I was a rapper. Although for the most part, of course, everyone was on the drum. The main contingent there are all sorts of bluebloods, peasants on the first mover. I sat on a strict one, as a rule, murderers are imprisoned there. And a murder in Karelia is a drunken empty man, for nothing. And children still - who were taken for spice, for salt, for such things.

  • - That is, without special camp orders?

Technician: No, there are still people who know the ways of this life. There, they simply don’t allow garbage to do anything - the zone is red like .... It is both demonstrative and experimental, where all innovations are tested. There, at one time, they tried to do this - so that in the dining room at each table there would be ... [a homosexual] sitting, well, that is, which is generally unacceptable. This is to break the rules. Everything is calculated on the fact that the first-timers are illiterate, they can endure - but if then you are thrown somewhere else, and they find out about it there, they may not understand it at all. In short, I'll tell you that they break anyone. Approaches are looking for. But first of all, it's just… [terrible] how boring. Regime camp - rise at six in the morning, hang up at ten in the evening. Any attempt to break something will cost more.

  • - In a corrective sense, does it work somehow?

Technician: No, where is it! It's one thing if some freaks, robbers, pedophiles are imprisoned, and another thing if you've been accused of a kropal. And there were situations when a person was taken with someone, he was simply present at the fight, for example, and then he goes to the zone with a trailer. And about drugs - I think that in our country the attitude towards them is simply wrong. Well, to those for which they took me, for example. You look at civilized countries, Holland - there the state even controls prostitution. And we keep all this garbage. The only thing I understood from there was that bunching… [very bad]. It always ends badly. This is an easy way to make money - first he helped one, then another, then everyone calls you, asks, and then op, and one fine day you have a bunch of shit in your house, and then they come to you for a meeting, and there is already a little man not one, and all, arrived.

The golden meme of domestic underground rap is the famous freestyle of Technician, who reads along with Dunya and Noise MS

  • - Does your status as a cult underground rapper bother you?

Technician: Listen, well, I'll say this - my girlfriend does not listen to Kunteynir. Yes, and it’s good, in fact, if a girl would have perked with this, then it would have made me think. It's not that coat, you see? And my parents, of course, saw - but what can I say, they tell me that it is ... [horror]. But I can’t argue, but I hear some old things and understand that there is a lot of superfluous stuff. There are some simply Lokhov tracks - but if it could be taken and edited like that ... I don’t even have the old minuses left. It was and it was.

  • "Why are you even involved in all this then?"

Technician: I started listening to rap at school, but it was completely under - everything is on cassettes, rarities, then no one really knew anything. Rap was then Bad Balance, Sheff decided what they would listen to. And now everything is decided by the Internet - the group has just appeared, and the dudes are already rowing unrealistically. Here, for example, The Suitcase. They are from Petrozavodsk, but I was in Karelia, and I received a parcel from a certain Valentine. Then I threw on the types, they say, who is this - and they tell me that this is Dirty Louis, The Chemodan group. And I think - who is this such and such, ..., what does he need? And he, it turns out, has already become a star while I was sitting.

Sinitsyn: Previously, the rapper was in pipes and a cap, skewed under the American style. We were among the first who jumped off this topic. Now everything is completely on New Balance, in Thor Steinar, Stone Island. Well, if you think about it, then what kind of rappers are we? Imagine us together with OU74 - their fans will tell us that we are not dressed like that, and our flow is not like that. And we're not talking about that at all.

  • - What are you talking about?

Technician: The main thing for us is to try to write in such a way that the text is both banter and the words are not beaten, and that sometimes it even sounds somehow stupid, but all together to bring out some kind of emotion. To cut the ear. So that you listen and think what kind of ... [nonsense] they are talking about? And then like this, oops, yes ... [wow] imagine, and here they are ... how sensibly turned down. But in fact, there is no point and never was. You seemed easy.

Pasha Technik, whose biography is unknown to a wide audience, is one of the most controversial performers of the Russian hip-hop scene.

The themes of his songs are mainly related to drug use, casual sex and other episodes of a marginal lifestyle. The texts are difficult to read and full of profanity. In this regard, the views on the work of the Technician are extremely polar: some consider him a genius, others consider him a mentally unhealthy person.

Biography of Pasha Technique

Pavel was born on July 4, 1983 in Moscow. His childhood passed on the streets of one of the dangerous districts of the capital - Lefortovo. The real name of Technique is Ivlev. Given the provocative nature of his image, the performer hid it for a long time. The technician studied at the school for nine years. He showed no particular interest in studies. After graduation, he enters the school, where he gets acquainted with rap. He listens to recordings of foreign performers on cassettes. He begins to get involved in the hip-hop subculture and meets the future members of the Container group. The biography of Pasha Technique left a mark on his work. He spent his youth on the streets, addicted to drugs and extreme subcultures.

The beginning of the creative path

In 2000, the Technician with his friends Maxim Sinitsyn and a rapper under the pseudonym Blev begin recording the first songs. The audio quality was extremely poor. The lyrics contained a lot of swearing and were often invented right during the recording of the tracks. However, this style found its listeners. The acute social theme of the songs of the "Container" group appealed to the post-Soviet youth, who were in search of cultural self-realization.

The process of recording songs was usually preceded by drinking bouts, due to which the most psychedelic meaning of the lyrics was achieved. The biography of Pasha Technique was from the very beginning of his career associated with the so-called battle rap.

He took part in verbal fights on the streets of Lefortovo.

Widely known in narrow circles

Over time, the hobby for hip-hop became the main one for the Technician. The quality of the group's audio material is noticeably improved. Pavel himself begins to make beats and sell them to other performers. However, the subject and style of presentation of the material has not changed. Abstract texts teetered on the edge between banter and absolute incoherence. This distinctive style set the group apart from the rest, and the guys quickly became famous on the underground scene.

The biography of Pasha Technique is full of difficulties and ambiguities. But the most serious test came for the performer in 2008. He was arrested for possession and distribution of drugs. According to rumors, OBNON officers found methamphetamine in the rapper. Ivlev is imprisoned for five years in a strict regime colony. Information appeared in the media about the intent to raid the apartment of the Technician. Allegedly, this was the reaction of the authorities to the creativity promoting drugs.

Further activities

After being released from prison, a new chapter began in the biography of Pasha Technic. He continued to engage in rap, and the theme of his songs remained the same. The fact of serving time in prison complemented the image of a nonconformist.

Technik releases a new album and regularly tours Russia and neighboring countries. Records feats with underground performers Vitya SD, Raskolnikov, Purulent and others. In 2014, he was invited to take part in the most popular rap battle in Russia - Versus.

Technique's rival was rapper Brol, who thoroughly prepared for the fight and wrote a text for three rounds, full of witty insults and exposés of his opponent. However, the battle was remembered not by the texts of the participants, but by the behavior of the Technician. Pavel remained true to his image - he went on stage and began to read an abstract incoherent text full of obscenities and insults to all those present. The performer threw various objects into the crowd and took off his pants. However, the well-known phrase of the Technique "who is behind the underground" was greeted by those present with an approving roar.

After the battle

After the release of the battle between Brol and Pasha Technique, the biography and photo of the extravagant performer became of interest to a wide audience. A heated discussion broke out on the Internet about the work of the rapper. Some considered such behavior unacceptable, others appreciated Pavel's banter and mockery. After a while, another battle took place.

This time, Technique's rival was an Internet freak and a participant in the Dom 2 project.

Notorious for his offensive remarks about other rappers, famous personalities and even his listeners, the Technician often gets into trouble. In 2016, he was persecuted by supporters of the rapper Zhigan, whom Ivlev touched in one of his videos. In winter, a conflict broke out in Voronezh, when members of the "Flock" group and active supporters of a healthy lifestyle attacked Technician. The biography of rapper Pasha Technique is an example of the life path of a nonconformist of the twenty-first century.