Evening walk in the preparatory group. Walks in the preparatory group

Observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring is a whole topic that has been mandatory in kindergartens for a long time. Thematic trips to nature with children to explore the world around us - that's what is so interesting and useful for children. At any age, not necessarily immediately before school. This approach helps to develop, and also awakens curiosity in children. In addition, it undergoes huge changes that occur with the onset of warm weather. The world is literally blooming. All this helps the development of children. Moreover, spring phenomena can lure a child. No coercion or persuasion - the kids themselves will be drawn to obtaining new knowledge from mother nature. Information will be assimilated with the help of illustrative examples, and this, as you know, has a positive effect on development. So what observations can be made on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring? And what plan should be held generalizing lessons on this topic?

Goals and objectives

Of course, each session should have its own goals. And observation on a walk in the spring also pursues certain tasks. So, for example, you should not neglect such activities. After all, for kids, even in preparatory groups, it is important that information arrives in an interesting way for them, game form. And the illustrative examples that nature demonstrates in all its glory in spring are what you need for successful learning.

During walks, children not only have fun. They are still learning the world, analyze what is happening, build logical chains of consequences (spring has come - buds have appeared on trees). All this is very important for child development. Moreover, walking in the fresh air is also beneficial for health.

Also, children learn to discuss what is happening around them. Not just to analyze, but also to express your opinion. It is very important. leaves vivid impressions, which after the kids will be able to express and remember much better than some figurative, abstract explanations of educators.


So, what observations can be made with children during a walk in the preparatory group in spring different ages? To be honest, they are always the same. The main thing is just to interest the kids, to focus their attention on certain moments that happen to the outside world.

For example, the first and most obvious is weather changes. The surrounding world, of course, begins to literally bloom. And the weather becomes warmer, softer, more pleasant. The sun is already warming, the temperature outside is not so low. If you've been taking some winter walks with your kids, it's time to compare the weather in winter and spring. Let the little ones look at what is happening and also describe the changes they were able to make.


The next feature that will have to be explained, and not just shown, is the arrival of birds. Most likely, in spring or winter, you have already discussed the flights that birds make with the onset of cold weather. Observation on a walk (it doesn’t matter whether it is a younger group or another) should have emphasized that there are fewer birds in the cool. Some fly away, while others stay.

And in the spring, not only the weather suffers some changes. Also the birds are flying. Most likely, the flight will not be able to see. But new birds on the trees - easily. Show the children that with the onset of a warm season, the world around them comes to life. Birds are returning home from warm countries. And now they will live here until the new cold weather. If you manage to see storks, tell the children about them. These birds symbolize spring to some extent. And in general, try to talk about all the migratory birds that you meet on a walk.


Is there a pond near the garden? Then senior group(observation on a walk at this age should be extremely informative, but at the same time fascinating) draws attention to changes in the water. In winter, the reservoirs were covered with ice. And now, the world is literally waking up. The weather is getting warmer, the birds are returning from warm countries, and the water is melting.

There are floods and streams. In some cases, it is necessary to explain to children that a lot of snow and ice sometimes give rise to floods. But it doesn't happen that often. And the spring melting of ice is not as dangerous as it seems. Most often it is safe, even useful for nature and the world.


Of course, a walk-observation (the second younger group or the older one is not so important) must necessarily emphasize the main changes in nature in the spring. We must not forget that plants illustrate the biggest differences between the seasons from each other.

Let the children look at how the world and its vegetation change in spring compared to autumn and winter. The grass is turning green, flowers are starting to bloom somewhere, buds are appearing on the trees. All this is very important for children. And as a study of the world around us, and for general development.


Don't forget about spring flowers. Most likely, you just have to tell that in this period, when nature and the outside world wake up from hibernation, flowers begin to bloom. If possible, show the tulips, and don't forget to talk about the first heralds of spring.

About what? About snowdrops! Very often, observation on a walk (the preparatory group is already able to fully assimilate such information) involves searching and telling about the first flowers that appear after winter, with the first warm rays of the sun. Finding them is usually not that difficult. Let the children look at the flowers, remember them. After all, spring is associated precisely with flowers and greenery, with something warm and pleasant. Everything around literally blooms before our eyes. Explain this to the kids.

Animals and insects

Next is to look at the animal world. It would be good if observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring would include a clear example of the awakening of animals from hibernation, as well as their changes. For example, some choose a visit to the zoo as a developmental activity. There you can see that the animals are awakening from hibernation, and also change their winter color to normal, spring.

All this, most likely, will have to be told in words, while the children are walking and exploring the world around them. Also emphasize that all living beings begin to wake up. Even insects. By the way, in especially warm weather, you can see butterflies, ladybugs, as well as various insects, cockroaches, which were absent in winter. All this is extremely interesting for children at any age.

Distinctive features

It will come to an end sooner or later anyway. At such moments, you will have to sum up the information received. It is desirable, by the way, to get out to such research classes as often as possible. Children with great pleasure will study the features of each season on a good example, and even in the fresh air. Practice and observation are always better than bare theory.

Discuss with the children what distinguishing features spring has. In the same way as it was done in autumn and winter. Let the kids sum up the results of the walks themselves. Compare winter and spring. This will help the children understand the peculiarities of the seasons. Very useful information which forms an idea of ​​the surrounding world. And it does not matter in what period the observation-walk was carried out: 2, the younger group or the older one. The result will be the same - gaining knowledge about changes in nature and the world around us with the onset of heat.


Well, now that you and your children have discussed the main changes in nature, it is possible and even necessary to sum up the final lesson. It is desirable that it be fine art. It is this form that helps the development of children to the fullest. Both interesting and useful.

Observation in the preparatory group (and not only at this age, but also in any other) should be summed up with a lesson in fine arts. In any form that the children will only prefer. Most of the time it's drawing.

Prepare all the equipment that may come in handy: paper, pencils, brushes, paints, felt-tip pens, water. And then invite the children to draw spring. What they saw on a walk, or how they imagine the onset of the spring period. You can also offer to depict two pictures - winter and spring. Also very a good option. Then have each child explain how the two seasons differ from each other. And interesting, and useful, and easy. Help if the children have any difficulty explaining.

In the end, you can make an exhibition of drawings. Have the children show their parents what they have learned from observing the kindergarten walk in the spring. After all, it is much easier for some to tell loved ones about the information received. Yes, and boast of success, too, all children love.


Another option for summing up the information received is the compilation of applications on the spring theme. Here it is already better that the teacher himself came up with some specific topic. For example, dedicated to nature or weather. Or give the children complete freedom in this matter - let them use colored paper, as well as glue and plasticine with cardboard, to depict what they saw during the walk. Or, as in the previous case, they will show exactly how they imagine spring. And talk about the information received.

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's work is again held. You can also carry out open lesson on the theme of spring. Let the children not only show their creations, but also tell their parents about how the day went for a walk, what they learned new for themselves, how nature changes in spring.


What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Spring walks for children in kindergarten are very important. Toddlers learn much better when they are doing something interesting, and also see visual examples of everything that happens. Walking is the best form of exploring the world around you.

At the end of each topic, a summary should be made. It is desirable that this is also in some form that is interesting for children. The main thing is to try to talk about the changes in the world around you so that the children are interested in this process. In any case, a walk-observation will be stored in the memory of children for a long time. This will help them develop and form an accurate representation of the world around them. Observations on a walk (the younger group may not be able to fully appreciate the changes taking place in nature, but, undoubtedly, the kids will be interested in everything) - this is what helps children gain the necessary knowledge about environment in an interesting way for them. Under no circumstances should these activities be neglected.

Walk No. 1 "Observation of seasonal changes"


- to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring changes in nature;

- to teach to see changes in the behavior of sparrows with the advent of spring;

- Raise interest in bird watching, respect for them.

Progress of observation

In a ditch with melted water

Sparrow splashes.

At the dark alder I got up,

Watching from behind bare branches.

Like a carefree boy

With his head he wants to dive...

Perky, dashing sparrow -

I'm afraid to scare him.

He forgot hunger and cold,

I forgot how the snow drifted chalk,

He is happy today with a sunny puddle

And drops of stingy warmth!

As soon as the sun warms, the sparrows come to life, gather in noisy flocks.

Note the lively behavior of the sparrow. Have you noticed what changes have occurred in the life of a bird with the advent of spring? (Sparrows rejoice at her, fervently chirp: chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp.) They sit on hedges, branches of trees, shrubs. If a mischievous sparrow finds a small puddle of melt water, he strives to “take a bath”, wash off the winter mud as soon as possible - splash in cold clear water, and then ruffle his feathers and shake himself off.

♦ Let's remember what the sparrow ate in winter? (Grains, crumbs.)

♦ What about summer and autumn? (Peck grains and seeds of plants.)

♦ And in the spring? (Sparrows love to eat midges, mosquitoes, caterpillars, aphids.)

Guys, do you already know that sparrows build nests in spring? Let's look for nests in the territory of the kindergarten. Building a nest is no easy task.

♦ What do sparrows build their nests from? (From feathers, dry blades of grass, pieces of cotton wool.)

♦ Why do sparrows nest? (Eggs hatch in nests.)

Yes, a pair of sparrows build a nest together, and then take turns incubating the eggs. Two weeks later, small chicks appear in the nest.

♦ While the chicks are small, who feeds them? (Parents.)

♦ What do parents feed their babies? (Blackflies, mosquitoes and other insects.)

♦ Sparrows grow quickly, and after ten days their parents begin to teach them all the tricks of sparrow life. Over the summer, one or two new generations appear in the nest. Before the onset of cold weather, they also need to be grown and taught in a bird school.

Labor activity

Clearing a flower bed from last year's grass.

Purpose: to develop a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor games

"Who quickly?".

Purpose: to exercise in running, to develop speed.

Goal: continue to learn to overcome the obstacle course, jump easily, silently.

Individual work

Jumping up from a place.

Goal: develop jumping ability, combine strength with speed.

Walk No. 2 "Observation of the willow"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the willow, pay attention to the fact that in the spring the willow (willow) blooms one of the first.

Progress of observation

Still in the forest foggy, deaf,

But over the river, under the cliff

Dressed in golden fluff

And loosened the willow curls.

Like a cloud has descended

From heaven to little buds

turned green, turned

In live warm lumps.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What varieties of willow do you know? (Willow, willow, vine.)

♦ When will willow bloom? (In early spring.)

♦ What do her inflorescences look like? (The earrings are bright yellow, like chickens.)

♦ Which tree buds faster? (At the willow.)

♦ What do they look like? (For fluffy lumps.)

♦ What holiday do Orthodox Christians celebrate the week before Easter? (Palm Sunday.)

Compare willow and willow. By what signs can they be distinguished?

Labor activity

Help children of the younger group in cleaning the site from last year's garbage.

Purpose: to learn to independently divide into subgroups and work conscientiously.

Outdoor games

"Crows and sparrows", "Be careful".

- exercise in running in a “flock” and in all directions;

- develop orientation in space.

Individual work

Throwing objects at a target.

Purpose: to develop hand strength and eye.

Walk No. 3 "Watching the dog"


- systematize ideas about the life of animals in the spring;

- to teach to find the causes of changes in the life of animals, to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

- develop evidence-based speech;

- to cultivate a sense of responsibility for those who have been tamed.

Progress of observation

My puppy looks a little

On the bulldog and on the dog,

For a diving dog

And on all shepherds at once.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Do you think this puppy is a “boy” or a “girl”?

♦ What name (nickname) suits the puppy?

♦ What is the puppy's mood like?

♦ What do you think your puppy likes to do the most? The dog that was taken into the house recognizes you as the owner.

She will be with you everywhere, ready to endure any hardships for you. After all, a dog is a man's best friend. But we must also remember that it needs to be taken care of, properly fed and maintained. But first of all, you need to love her.

Labor activity

Participation in digging the land.

- to strengthen the ability to work in a team;

- to form industriousness, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

Outdoor games

"Classes", "Keys".

- improve the ability to jump (on one leg), navigate in a limited area;

- to develop an eye, accuracy.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to improve the technique of jumping (exercises with a long rope).

Walk No. 4 "Watching the clouds"

Purpose: to continue to form the consciousness of the unity of earth and sky as the basis for a holistic perception of the world.

Progress of observation

Like the sky from the north

A white swan swam

The swan swam full.

Down threw, poured

On the lake fields

White fluff and feathers.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Look at the sky, what do you see?

♦ What are the clouds today?

♦ Do you think it will rain or snow today?

♦ In which direction are the clouds moving?

Labor activity

Help the kids in the construction of the slide on their site.

Purpose: to learn to work together, to get joy from the work done.

mobile game

"Homeless Bunny"

- exercise in the ability to run without bumping into each other;

- to develop agility and endurance. Individual work

Learning the tongue twister "There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass."

Walk #5 "Watching the Drop"


- to consolidate knowledge about changes in water depending on temperature;

- to teach research activities.

Progress of observation

Spruce warmed up in the sun,

The pine has melted.

It's April in the forest, drops are ringing.

We have spring in the forest

Droplets are knocking on the snow:

"Snowdrop, stop sleeping!"

And coats of squirrels and rabbits

Wet again in the morning.

And slowing down the cunning run,

Walking through the snow into the forest,

Falling into melted snow

The fox is drinking at the hole.

Pearls fall down

"Well, catch us!"

All in holes from light splashes

Under the tree is a fragile crust.

But still March, not April ...

A little sun will set

The ringing drops are silent

And again on the branches of ice.

3. Alexandrova

The teacher asks the children questions, conducts a conversation.

♦ On which side are the icicles longer - on the sunny side or the shady side? (With solar.)

♦ Why? (The sun warms more, and from this they "grow".)

♦ Does the icicle grow or shrink on a frosty day? (Decreases as it collapses from frost and wind.)

♦ And on a sunny day? (Grows.)

♦ On which side do icicles melt faster? (With solar - the sun warms the ice, and it turns into water.)

Let's check. We put one vessel under the icicles on the shady side, the other on the sunny side. Let's see which vessel will drip more water.

And what do you think, where the water from icicles will be cleaner - on the site of the kindergarten or near the roadway? To find out for sure, let's put another vessel under the icicles that are near the road.

Observation is carried out the next day. The teacher asks the children in which vessel there is more water, in which it is cleaner.

Labor activity

Sanding the paths in the kids area.

Purpose: to help children and their caregivers.

Outdoor games

"Fifteen", "Don't get your feet wet", "Wind".

- to consolidate the ability to run in all directions, jump over obstacles;

- learn to listen carefully to the commands of the educator, to overcome obstacles.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to teach self-insurance when performing movements.

Walk No. 6 "Observation of the height of the Sun"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the influence of solar energy on the life of plants, animals and humans.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

What is higher than the forest

More beautiful than the world

Does it burn without fire?

We cry without him

How will it appear -

We hide from him. (The sun.)

The higher the sun, the warmer and longer the day. The snow melts from the heat, the earth heats up and thawed patches appear. Grass starts to grow. What else happens in nature? (Establish and consolidate ideas about ecological connections.) Where does the sun rise, where does the sun set?

Research activities

Touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats more.

Answer which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

What can you use to look at the sun for a long time? (Dark glasses.)

Labor activity

Organization of assistance to the janitor in cleaning the curb around the site.

Purpose: to develop a desire to help elders.

Mobile game "Sun and planets".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the sun.

Individual work

Standing long jump.

Purpose: to develop jumping ability, strength and eye.

Walk number 7 "Watching the melting snow"

Target: learn to establish relationships in nature.

Progress of observation

The snow is no longer the same -

It darkened in the field

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Clouds run faster

The sky got higher

Sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

To draw the attention of children to the fact that in the spring in the mornings an ice crust often forms on the snow - crust. This happens because the sun shines brightly, the snow melts from above, and it is still frosty at night. Melted snow freezes, turning into an ice crust.

Research activities

Consider snow in snowdrifts, melted snow and water from a puddle. Compare the crust formed in the shade with the crust formed in the sun.

Labor activity

Together with the tutor, pruning of broken, dry branches of bushes and trees with pruners, their cleaning.

Purpose: to teach how to use a pruner, remove only broken branches. Mobile game "Wolf and goat".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to move in a circle at the signal of the teacher, to catch up with the evader.

Individual work

Movement development.

- to consolidate the ability to throw the ball with the right and left hand;

- to form dexterity, endurance;

- improve coordination of movements.

Walk No. 8 "Watching migratory birds"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the wagtail.

Progress of observation


Tap dance aunts,

red-throated snowmen,

Goldfinches well done,

Sparrow thieves,

Fly at will

You live in freedom

Bring spring to us soon.

The people call the wagtail "icebreaker" - the date of its arrival coincides with the ice drift. They say that "the wagtail breaks ice with its tail."

The bird is small, gray, with a black "tie"; legs are high, thin; the tail is long, constantly shaking its tail; hence the name. The voice gives both in flight and on the ground. It feeds by collecting small insects on "sugrevs". The wagtail arranges its nests near water bodies.

Wagtail, wagtail -

Striped blouse!

I've been waiting for you all winter

Settle in my garden.

And behind the carved shutter

Make your nest in the spring.

Research activities

Compare a wagtail with a sparrow.

Labor activity

Pruning shrubs, removal of branches to the compost pit.

Purpose: to form a desire to work together.

mobile game

Ecological ball game "I know".

Purpose: to fix the names of objects of nature (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers).

Individual work

Learning phrases.

- form lexicon;

- train memory, diction, intonation.

Walk No. 9 "Observation of plants and shrubs on the site"

Target: reinforce the idea that any tree, shrub is a living being.

Progress of observation

I did not plant poplars,

He himself grew up under the window.

But I'll probably have to

Take care of him -

He made friends.

Yes, what! Weeds!

And you know: weeds

All in a row - mischievous.

Surrounded, surrounded

The light and the sun were blocked,

They squeeze and crush the baby,

He stands, barely breathing.

Topolek I regretted

Managed to remove the weeds

Watered - knocked off her feet.

Is it good, poplar?

Check how the trees overwintered (are there many broken branches).

♦ What other changes have occurred?

♦ What is the condition of the trees on the site?

♦ How are trees affected by air pollution? (The branches die along the edges of the crown.)

Labor activity

Collection of broken branches on the site, cutting and tying branches of trees and shrubs.

Outdoor games

"My Favorite Tree"

Purpose: to develop memory by remembering the characteristic details of a favorite tree in order to draw and talk about it. "Twisted Path".

Purpose: to learn to move in a column behind the leader, repeating his movements.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to practice walking with a side step and running with an overlap.

Walk No. 10 "Watching the Clouds"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

Various animals run across the sky:

Bears, wolves, hares, foxes, pigs.

And if you are rich in fantasy,

Find your portrait there, guys.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What are clouds? What color are they?

♦ What are they made of? (From countless water droplets or ice crystals.)

♦ What are clouds? (Cumulus, thunderstorm, pinnate, stratus.)

Cumulus clouds are called so because they cluster in the sky.

♦ What do cirrus clouds look like?

♦ What are the biggest clouds?

♦ What clouds send us rain?

♦ Why do clouds move across the sky? (The wind drives them.)

Research activities

Determine which clouds are in the sky.

Find a cloud that looks like an object of living, inanimate nature.

Labor activity

Preparing the garden for further work; garbage collection, sweeping paths.

Purpose: to form a desire to work together.

Outdoor games

"Morning in the forest".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to listen to the teacher's commands and correctly execute them, move in all directions in a given space.

Purpose: to fix the name of the birds, the ability to jump on one leg.

Individual work

Math exercise.

Purpose: to fix the count of even and odd numbers.

Walk No. 11 "Observation of the soil"

Target: introduce the soil layer - peat.

Progress of observation

There are many marshes around us, and the marshes are rich in peat. Peat is fertilizer and fuel. It quickly flares up with strong heat. Peat is damp, viscous, dark and heavy in spring when saturated with moisture. It does not pass water well, so if you walk on wet peat, it will stick to your shoes. Therefore, it is undesirable to walk along such paths. Peat is added to beds and under trees as a fertilizer.

Research activities

Compare dry and wet lumps of peat.

Through a magnifying glass, consider what peat consists of (stalks, leaves, plant roots, moss, pieces of earth).

Compare sandy and peaty thawed areas. Answer where the soil dries out faster and why?

Labor activity

Carrying peat to the beds and under the trees.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the beneficial properties of peat.

Outdoor games

"Black and white".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to catch up with those who run away on a signal in a given space.

"Hares and Dogs".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to throw the ball at the target.

Individual work

Game exercises with a skipping rope.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to jump over the rope, rotating it forward and backward.

Walk No. 12 "Insect Watching"


- continue to expand knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance of the fly, its vital manifestations;

- to form realistic ideas about nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, asks questions.

With a trunk, not an elephant.

Not a bird, but flying.

Nobody teaches

And sits on the nose. (Fly.)

♦ What does a fly look like?

♦ How do flies walk on the ceiling? (Flies have sticky, hairy pads on their feet; since the fly is light and the adhesion of the pads to any surface is very high, the fly is able to hold on almost anywhere.)

fly above us

Upside down.

Walking, not afraid

Not afraid to fall.

Flying all day

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop.

♦ Why are flies called harmful insects?

♦ What harm do flies do? (Spread germs.)

♦ How do flies reproduce? (Lay eggs.)

♦ Where do flies lay their eggs? (In manure, garbage.)

♦ What enemies do flies have? (Spiders, dragonflies.)

♦ Does a fly have a nose? (Insects do not have a nose to sniff, they can touch, smell and taste thanks to their legs, antennae. Antennae are the most important sense organ. They perceive temperature, humidity and smells.)

♦ What do flies eat? (Proboscis.)

♦ How many eyes does a fly have? (The two kinds of eyes are simple and compound: they can see ahead, behind, and down at the same time.)

♦ Where and how does the fly spend the winter?

Research activities

Observe the flight of flies (length of flight).

Find an area with a large concentration of flies (why there is a large accumulation of flies in this area and how to deal with it).

Labor activity

Planting pea seeds.

- to form the skills of planting peas (spread the seeds into grooves, sprinkle with earth, water);

- develop a positive attitude towards work.

mobile game

"Kick to the target", "Catch up with the ball."

Purpose: to develop eye and accuracy.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to improve the techniques of playing with the ball against the wall.

Walk No. 13 "Observation of the dandelion"


- clarify knowledge about dandelion (pay attention to the beginning of flowering);

- to form the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature;

- to consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants.

Progress of observation

Dandelion grows everywhere: in meadows, fields, forest edges, slopes of ravines, like a symbol of the sun and love of life. A long thick dandelion root clings tightly to the soil. A rosette of bright green leaves spread over the ground. Each dandelion leaf looks in its own direction. The size of the leaves depends on where the flower grows. The more moisture a plant receives from the ground, the brighter and stronger its leaves. There is a groove in the middle of each leaf. He collects drops of dew and rain and sends them to the root of the plant. A flower stem stretches upward from the middle of the plant - an arrow: a thick tube without leaves. At the top of the arrow is a yellow-gold top - a basket filled with small flowers. Each flower is a tube of five fused petals and stamens attached to them. If you sniff a dandelion and bring it too close to your nose, you'll end up with bright yellow pollen. In the afternoon or during rain, the flower basket closes, saving pollen from moisture. But in clear weather, already at six o'clock in the morning you can admire a beautiful flower. After some time, in place of small flowers, grayish-brown oblong fruits-seeds appear.

The dandelion has many nicknames: "poly" (because the juice from the plucked stem resembles milk in color) and "roadside" (because it likes to grow by the road), but the funniest name for this flower is "baldness" (the wind blows - the seeds scatter, and the bare head of the flower remains in place).

But remember, it is better to admire a growing flower, not trying to pick and bring it home: dandelion juice will stain your hands and clothes, and the flowers will not last a day, they will wither.

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up - dress up

In a white dress

light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What does a dandelion look like?

♦ At what time can you admire it?

♦ What are the nicknames for the dandelion?

♦ Why is dandelion classified as a medicinal plant?

Research activities

Determine which medicinal plant transfers its seeds, like a dandelion, on parachutes?

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from debris and dry branches.

Purpose: to teach to see the result of their work.

Outdoor games

"Find your bud."

- learn to distinguish flowers, act on a signal;

- practice running

- develop observation skills.


Purpose: to develop physical activity, to be able to jump in length.

Individual work

Movement development.

- to educate with the help of movements a careful attitude towards nature;

- exercise in jumping over logs, stones, stumps;

- develop strength qualities.

Walk No. 14 "Watching the plantain"

Target: continue to develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants.

Progress of observation

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, offers to answer questions.

♦ What is the popular name for May? (Pollen.)

♦ Where grass has already appeared, and where not? (Where there is a lot of sun, there is grass.)

♦ Where is the shade and damp, the grass has not risen, why?

♦ What happens to the herbs after the May rains? (They turn brighter green.)

♦ Look, there is grass growing along the road with round, convex leaves. What's this? (Plantain.)

♦ Why was it called that?

♦ What is he hiding under the leaves? (Moisture around you for your roots.)

♦ The plantain raised its leaves, why do you think? (The earth under it is damp, you need to let the sun dry it a little.)

♦ Who knows how plantain can help?

Research activities

Through a magnifying glass, examine the plantain leaves and note the distinctive features.

Find similarities and differences between coltsfoot and plantain.

Labor activity

Territory cleaning.

Purpose: to cultivate industriousness.

mobile game

"Recognize and name."

Purpose: to form the ability to recognize and correctly name medicinal herbs.

Individual work

Boom walking.

- exercise in maintaining balance;

- to develop coordination of movements.

Walk №15 "Weather observation"

Target: continue to form generalized ideas about seasonal changes in inanimate nature at the end of spring.

Progress of observation

Well in the spring, the field is clean,

You are decorated with ant-grass.

Yes, all fragrant flowers

Dressed up in May morning.

S. Drozhzhin

The teacher gives the children a task, conducts a conversation.

♦ Look at the landscape pictures, compare them and say what season is shown. (Children are offered pictures depicting early and late spring.)

♦ Explain why people began to dress lighter, why did the snow melt? (Due to rising temperatures, warming.)

♦ What happened to the snow? (He melted.)

♦ What happened to the water from the melting snow? (Snow melts, turning into water, water evaporates from the earth's surface under the influence of sunlight and in the upper atmosphere turns into cumulus clouds.)

♦ How did the sky become? (Bright blue.)

♦ What happened to the soil? (Thawed, warmed up, began to dry out.)

♦ How has the river changed? (Rivers opened up, ice drift began.)

♦ What was the air temperature when it snowed?

♦ At what temperature does it rain?

♦ What is the difference between late spring and early spring? Name these differences. (With the onset of late spring, the sun began to shine dazzlingly, it got warmer. From the spring warmth, the snow melted and ran in streams into the rivers; reservoirs were freed from ice; the soil thawed, grass turned green, flowers appeared; leaves blossomed on the trees; birds chirp loudly, the first thunderstorms rumble. )

Labor activity

Cleaning the site from spring debris.

Target; to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, to teach to help the younger ones.

Outdoor games

“We are droplets”, “Live maze”.

Purpose: to teach to form double rows, to make a wide circle, to train the coherence of collective actions, speed of reactions and ingenuity.

Individual work

Movement development.

- exercise in throwing the ball with the right and left hands in a given direction;

- develop coordination of movements;

- to develop teamwork skills.

Walk No. 16 "Observation of the flower garden"


- expand ideas about the flower garden in the spring;

- to consolidate the ability to care for plants, water them, weed.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Name garden flowers.

♦ Name the wildflowers.

♦ Where do they grow?

♦ What kind of flowers do you like? Why?

♦ Do you have flowers at home? Which?

♦ How do you take care of them?

♦ What should be done before planting flowers?

♦ What are the names of the flowers that we planted in the group for our flower bed?

♦ What should be done to make our plants grow and bloom?

♦ Why is it impossible in our conditions to plant plants on the street now?

♦ Why are some plants called annuals, perennials?

Labor activity

Work in the garden.

- to strengthen the ability to work together;

- to form knowledge about the growth and development of plants.

mobile game

"Whose link is more likely to gather?".

Purpose: to exercise in running.

Individual work

"Do not fall".

Purpose: to exercise in walking on a log.

Walk No. 1 "Observation of the height of the Sun"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the influence of solar energy on the life of plants, animals and humans.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

What is higher than the forest

More beautiful than the world

Does it burn without fire?

We cry without him

How will it appear -

We hide from him. (The sun.)

The higher the sun, the warmer and longer the day. The snow melts from the heat, the earth heats up and thawed patches appear. Grass starts to grow. What else happens in nature? (Establish and consolidate ideas about ecological connections.) Where does the sun rise, where does the sun set?

Touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats more.

Answer which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

What can you use to look at the sun for a long time? (Dark glasses.)

Labor activity

Organization of assistance to the janitor in cleaning the curb around the site.

Target: develop a desire to help elders.

mobile game

"Sun and planets".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the sun.

Individual work

Standing long jump.

Target: develop jumping ability, strength and eye.

Walk No. 2 "Watching the melting snow"

Target: learn to establish relationships in nature.

Progress of observation

The snow is no longer the same -

It darkened in the field

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Clouds run faster

The sky got higher

Sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

To draw the attention of children to the fact that in the spring in the mornings an ice crust often forms on the snow - crust. This happens because the sun shines brightly, the snow melts from above, and it is still frosty at night. Melted snow freezes, turning into an ice crust.

Consider snow in snowdrifts, melted snow and water from a puddle. Compare the crust formed in the shade with the crust formed in the sun.

Labor activity

Together with the tutor, pruning of broken, dry branches of bushes and trees with pruners, their cleaning.

Target: learn how to use a pruner, remove only broken branches.

mobile game

"Wolf and goat".

Target: to consolidate the ability to move in a circle at the signal of the teacher, to catch up with the evader.

Individual work

Movement development.


- to consolidate the ability to throw the ball with the right and left hand;

- to form dexterity, endurance;

- improve coordination of movements.

Walk No. 3 "Watching migratory birds"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the wagtail.

Progress of observation


Tap dance aunts,

red-throated snowmen,

Goldfinches well done,

Sparrow thieves,

Fly at will

You live in freedom

Bring spring to us soon.

The people call the wagtail "icebreaker" - the date of its arrival coincides with the ice drift. They say that "the wagtail breaks ice with its tail."

The bird is small, gray, with a black "tie"; legs are high, thin; the tail is long, constantly shaking its tail; hence the name. The voice gives both in flight and on the ground. It feeds by collecting small insects on "sugrevs". The wagtail arranges its nests near water bodies.

Wagtail, wagtail -

Striped blouse!

I've been waiting for you all winter

Settle in my garden.

And behind the carved shutter

Make your nest in the spring.

Research activities

Compare a wagtail with a sparrow.

Labor activity

Pruning shrubs, removal of branches to the compost pit.

Target: create a desire to work together.

mobile game

Ecological ball game "I know".

Target: fix the names of objects of nature (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers).

Individual work

Learning phrases.


- to form vocabulary;

- train memory, diction, intonation.

Walk No. 4 "Observation of the mountain ash"


- to consolidate knowledge about mountain ash;

- develop the ability to observe, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, conducts a conversation.

green in spring,

Burnt in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals. (Rowan.)

♦ When does rowan blossom? (In May.)

♦ What do her inflorescences look like? (Creamy white flowers.)

♦ Who carries rowan pollen? (Bees.)

♦ Why is the mountain ash called an unpretentious tree? (Does well in the shade and on open places accustomed to frosty winters.)

♦ What animals like rowan berries? (Moose, hedgehogs, squirrels, chipmunks, bullfinches, waxwings.)

♦ Why do birds drop rowan berries on the ground? (They lie under the snow like canned ones, and in the spring they find discarded berries, and a treat is ready.)

♦ What gives mountain ash to people? (Jam, jam, honey are made from berries, dishes are made from wood, beautiful baskets are woven from branches.)

Labor activity

Tree planting.

Target: arouse the desire to plant and grow trees.

mobile game

What grows in your native land?

Target: Pin tree names.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: exercise in throwing the ball.

Walk No. 5 "Observation of plants and shrubs on the site"

Target: to consolidate the idea that any tree, shrub is a living being.

Progress of observation

I did not plant poplars,

He himself grew up under the window.

But I'll probably have to

Take care of him -

He made friends.

Yes, what! Weeds!

And you know: weeds

All in a row - mischievous.

Surrounded, surrounded

The light and the sun were blocked,

They squeeze and crush the baby,

He stands, barely breathing.

Topolek I regretted

Managed to remove the weeds

Watered - knocked off her feet.

Is it good, poplar?

Check how the trees overwintered (are there many broken branches).

♦ What other changes have occurred?

♦ What is the condition of the trees on the site?

♦ How are trees affected by air pollution? (The branches die along the edges of the crown.)

Labor activity

Collection of broken branches on the site, cutting and tying branches of trees and shrubs.

Outdoor games

"My Favorite Tree"

Target: develop memory by remembering the characteristic details of your favorite tree in order to draw and talk about it.

"Twisted Path".

Target: learn to move in a column behind the leader, repeating his movements.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to practice walking with a side step and running with an overlap.

Walk No. 6 "Watching the stones"

Target: to acquaint with a variety of stones and their properties.

Progress of observation

On the kindergarten site, hide the "magic box" with various stones.

Mark the location of the stones on the map. After finding the box, read and discuss the poem "Diamond Mountain".

Wet pants and socks

Got a mosquito.

But I won't leave the river

Probably until morning.

I just came here

I have been coming for seven years.

And suddenly I found pebbles,

That radiate light!

One - like mother's eyes -

Transparent blue;

Like a vine

Green is different.

And the third is brighter than the sun,

What if it's a diamond?

I'll take it to the museum

The teacher in class.

V. Kudryavtseva

The teacher talks with the children about the stones from the box, offers to answer questions.

♦ How many of you found stones?

♦ Where did it take place?

♦ What were they like?

♦ Is it possible to find stones on the territory of our kindergarten?

Research activities

Find stones on the kindergarten site: gray color, round shape, big and small.

Labor activity

Collective work on cleaning the territory.

Target: to consolidate the ability to concentrate on certain objects, to combine strength and speed.

Outdoor games

"Who quickly?".

Target: to consolidate the ability to move on a signal on toes, with high knees, gallop.


Target: to consolidate the ability to move in pairs.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to improve the skills of rolling a hoop in an arbitrary direction.

Walk number 7 "Watching the clouds"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

Various animals run across the sky:

Bears, wolves, hares, foxes, pigs.

And if you are rich in fantasy,

Find your portrait there, guys.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What are clouds? What color are they?

♦ What are they made of? (From countless water droplets or ice crystals.)

♦ What are clouds? (Cumulus, thunderstorm, pinnate, stratus.)

Cumulus clouds are called so because they cluster in the sky.

♦ What do cirrus clouds look like?

♦ What are the biggest clouds?

♦ What clouds send us rain?

♦ Why do clouds move across the sky? (The wind drives them.)

Research activities

Determine which clouds are in the sky.

Find a cloud that looks like an object of living, inanimate nature.

Labor activity

Preparing the garden for further work; garbage collection, sweeping paths.

Target: to form a desire to work together.

Outdoor games

"Morning in the forest".

Target: to consolidate the ability to listen to the commands of the educator and correctly execute them, move in all directions in a given space.

Target: fix the name of the birds, the ability to jump on one leg.

Individual work

Math exercise.

Target: fix the count of even and odd numbers.

Walk No. 8 "Watching the wind"

Target: refine the idea of ​​the wind.

Progress of observation

Wind, wind, you are mighty

You drive flocks of clouds.

You excite the blue sea

Everywhere you blow in the open.

A. Pushkin

The teacher invites the children to watch how the branches of the trees sway, ask questions.

♦ What is the wind like?

♦ Why is the wind blowing?

The air in the atmosphere heats up in different ways: warm air, lighter, rises, and cold, heavier, creeps down. There is air movement. The strength of the wind depends on the temperature difference between cold and warm air. The faster the air masses move, the stronger the wind.

♦ Name the strongest winds. (Hurricanes, typhoons, snowstorms, snowstorms.)

A light wind is called a breeze. People who observe the strength and direction of the wind are called meteorologists, weather forecasters.

♦ Can you see traces of the wind?

Research activities

Determine the direction of the wind with a compass.

Determine the strength of the wind using a weather vane.

Labor activity

Target: to consolidate the ability to work together, to complete tasks with joint efforts.

Outdoor games

"Who quickly?".

Target: exercise in running, develop speed.

Target: continue to teach to overcome the obstacle course, jump easily, silently.

Individual work

Throwing the ball to each other from below.

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Walk number 9 "Observation of the reservoir"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the properties of ice.

Progress of observation

Spring wins every day cold winter. The first victory of spring is a field one. There are thawed patches, coltsfoot flowers, dark snow. The second victory of spring is the river one. Snow flows in a stream into the ravines and under the ice into the river. The water rises in the rivers and breaks the ice. And huge ice floes rushed downstream, bumping into each other. When the ice breaks and rivers overflow, the air temperature drops sharply. And in stagnant reservoirs, ice lasts longer, since the water does not flow, does not move. Only gradually runs under the ice and fills it from above. The ice does not break, but gradually melts.

Research activities

Measure the thickness of the ice using an ice meter (continue monitoring the melting of ice in the pond on subsequent walks).

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from debris and snow.

Target: develop a desire to help adults.

Outdoor games

"Wolf in the ditch", "From bump to bump".


- to teach to act on the signal of the educator;

- to cultivate strong-willed effort and endurance;

- to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs moving forward.

Individual work

Long jump.

Target: teach long jump.

Walk No. 10 "Observation of the soil"

Target: introduce the soil layer - peat.

Progress of observation

There are many marshes around us, and the marshes are rich in peat. Peat is fertilizer and fuel. It quickly flares up with strong heat. Peat is damp, viscous, dark and heavy in spring when saturated with moisture. It does not pass water well, so if you walk on wet peat, it will stick to your shoes. Therefore, it is undesirable to walk along such paths. Peat is added to beds and under trees as a fertilizer.

Research activities

Compare dry and wet lumps of peat.

Through a magnifying glass, consider what peat consists of (stalks, leaves, plant roots, moss, pieces of earth).

Compare sandy and peaty thawed areas. Answer where the soil dries out faster and why?

Labor activity

Carrying peat to the beds and under the trees.

Target: consolidate knowledge about the beneficial properties of peat.

Outdoor games

"Black and white".

Target: to consolidate the ability to catch up with those who run away on a signal in a given space.

"Hares and Dogs".

Target: to consolidate the ability to throw the ball at the target.

Individual work

Game exercises with a skipping rope.

Target: to consolidate the ability to jump over the rope, rotating it forward, backward.

Walk No. 11 "Watching insects"


- continue to expand knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance of the fly, its vital manifestations;

- to form realistic ideas about nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, asks questions.

With a trunk, not an elephant.

Not a bird, but flying.

Nobody teaches

And sits on the nose. (Fly.)

♦ What does a fly look like?

♦ How do flies walk on the ceiling? (Flies have sticky, hairy pads on their feet; since the fly is light and the adhesion of the pads to any surface is very high, the fly is able to hold on almost anywhere.)

fly above us

Upside down.

Walking, not afraid

Not afraid to fall.

Flying all day

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop.

♦ Why are flies called harmful insects?

♦ What harm do flies do? (Spread germs.)

♦ How do flies reproduce? (Lay eggs.)

♦ Where do flies lay their eggs? (In manure, garbage.)

♦ What enemies do flies have? (Spiders, dragonflies.)

♦ Does a fly have a nose? (Insects do not have a nose to sniff, they can touch, smell and taste thanks to their legs, antennae. Antennae are the most important sense organ. They perceive temperature, humidity and smells.)

♦ What do flies eat? (Proboscis.)

♦ How many eyes does a fly have? (The two kinds of eyes are simple and compound: they can see ahead, behind, and down at the same time.)

♦ Where and how does the fly spend the winter?

Research activities

Observe the flight of flies (length of flight).

Find an area with a large concentration of flies (why there is a large accumulation of flies in this area and how to deal with it).

Labor activity

Planting pea seeds.


- to form the skills of planting peas (spread the seeds into grooves, sprinkle with earth, water);

- develop a positive attitude towards work.

mobile game

"Kick to the target", "Catch up with the ball."

Target: develop eye and accuracy.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve the techniques of playing with the ball against the wall.

Ekaterina Guzenko
Observations on a walk for every day for the preparatory group

September, preparatory group

plant observation mi:

1st week: Inspection of the flower garden on the site. Note which plants bloom well in the flower garden, which are already fading, are there any seeds? Learn to determine the degree of maturity of seeds. Tell that the seeds are harvested only mature.

2nd week: Walk around the garden, note what changes have occurred. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the area. Ask who cares about it.

3rd week: Dandelion watching. Consider its flowers and seeds. Explain why dandelion seeds have this shape. To consolidate knowledge about plant reproduction.

4th week: Ask the children if rain is good for plants? Let the kids down

to establish a relationship between plant growth and the required amount of moisture.

1st week: Sky observation. Tell that the sky is the air that surrounds our earth. People, animals and plants breathe air. Air can be heard if it is released from a balloon and seen if a lump of earth is lowered into water - bubbles will go.

2nd week: To acquaint children with a thermometer, a device that measures the temperature of the air. Tell how it's done. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.

3rd week: Measure the height of the sun using a conventional measure. Remember where the sun was at the time of the last observation. Form elementary search activity.

4th week: Continue to observe the shortening of the day and the height of the sun. Use a constant reference point for the reference point.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Bumblebee watching. To tell that in autumn the entire population of the bumblebee family dies out, only young bumblebees remain, which, having overwintered, will create new nests in the spring. Bumblebee nests are in the ground.

2nd week: Birdwatching. They left their nests in search of food, fly, united in flocks, and feed themselves. Cultivate care for birds. Teach them not to spare food for them, not to drive them out of the garden.

3rd week: Butterfly watching. They catch the last warmth of the sun, soon lay their larvae, which will turn into caterpillars in the spring. Note the beauty and diversity of these insects.

4th week: Swift watching. They huddle in flocks, preparing to fly away. A conversation about why birds fly away for the winter, and when they return, they hatch chicks.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Observation of the work of adults in the garden. Ask who has dachas, what work is being done on them now? To cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them.

2nd week: Agree on the content of the work for the next days (dig up dahlias, collect seeds, transplant asters, marigolds for a corner of nature).

3rd week: Watching people's clothes. In the morning they put on jackets or windbreakers. What is it connected with? Establish the relationship between natural phenomena and people's life (it got colder - people put on warm clothes).

4th week: A conversation about professions. People of what professions can be found in kindergarten. What are their responsibilities. Do children know about And. manager, methodologist, other educators?

1st week: Excursion to the school. Consider dressy children. Tell them that they have a holiday today. Remind that in a year, the guys will also become schoolchildren.

2nd week: Tell the children that they will keep a weather calendar. Say what to look for: sun, precipitation, wind, etc. note the weather for the day. Develop observation.

3rd week: Check out the garden in the area. To teach to determine which vegetables have already ripened according to certain signs (tops dry, vegetables change color), to bring children to the conclusion that most plants have finished their growth. Remember what they were like in the summer.

4th week: Admire the beauty of autumn foliage on the trees. Note that birches, lindens begin to turn yellow, aspens turn red. Trees begin to change their color from the top, this is because they are the least protected from cold and wind.

October, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Fall observation. The wind blew a little and the leaves swirled around the branches, and then slowly fell to the ground. Offer to think and explain the reason for the fall of the leaves. Develop the ability to establish cause and effect relationships.

2nd week: Observation of ripened seeds, berries of viburnum, lilac, birch, ash. Explain that these seeds are necessary for winter feeding of birds. Teach children to identify and name seeds. Cultivate love for nature.

3rd week: Observation of plants in the area. Almost no flowers are visible, the grass has withered, because it has become cold. To teach children to look for and find the causes of the observed phenomena themselves.

4th week: Collect mature fruit seeds (nasturtiums, marigolds, dahlias, petunias). Ask if the children can tell by the appearance of the seeds which plant they belong to.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Wind observation. Wind is the movement of air, it should be noted that cold winds began to blow more often. Find out what other signs of autumn the children know. Agree that the brightest signs of autumn will be included in the calendar. Systematize ideas about the sequence of seasonal changes in autumn.

2nd week: Fog observation. These are chilled water droplets hanging in the air. continue to form ideas about the bright phenomena of nature.

3rd week: Rain watching. It rains often. Learn to determine the nature of the rain: lingering, shallow, drizzling, cold, boring. Mud, puddles on the ground. Frost sets in and the puddles are covered with ice. To form an understanding of the relationship between the increase in cold and the change of seasons.

4th week: Sun watching. It is lower above the horizon, so it began to get dark earlier. Compare the length of the day in summer and autumn.

Animal watching:

1st week: Ant watching. They are not visible, they hid in the depths of the anthill and closed the entrance to it. They will be warm there.

2nd week: Ask where the insects have gone. Show. That they hid under the foliage, in the ground. To bring children to an understanding of the dependence of seasonal changes in wildlife on solar heat and light.

3rd week: Horse observation. Consider her appearance: strong, beautiful, attached to a person. In autumn, pets are transferred to warm room, why? Cultivate love for animals.

4th week: Birdwatching. Can you still see migratory birds or have they all gone to warmer climes? To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds and the reasons why they fly away.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Supervision of the work of the gardener. They rake dry leaves to the trees for the winter, cover the bushes. Ask why this is being done. What can happen to the garden if the trees freeze.

2nd week: Supervision of the electrical machine. A conversation about the types of work it is used in.

3rd week: Fire truck surveillance. Why is she red? Remember the rules fire safety and a fire department telephone number. To tell about fire alarm in kindergarten.

4th week: Watching a carpenter at work. Come to him in the van

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Rain watching. Pick up epithets for the autumn rain. A conversation about how the guys feel when it rains, why?

2nd week: Excursion to the school. Walk around the school grounds, show the stadium. Ask about where the children go in for physical education.

3rd week: Watching the fall foliage. Consider the riot of colors. Please note that the foliage of different trees has a different color.

4th week: Excursion to the bus stop. Establish rules of conduct in public places. Repeat which side you need to bypass the bus, why? Pedestrian surveillance.

November, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Consider birch, aspen. Learn to draw conclusions about early flowering trees. Aspen, alder, birch have already prepared their buds for spring. And now they are in winter dormancy. To systematize the knowledge of children about the plant world.

2nd week: Observation of coniferous trees. Compare spruce and pine. Pine needles are bluish-green, each needle is pointed, sits in bunches of 2-3 needles, surrounded by scales. The spruce needles are dark green, the needles are short.

3rd week: Observation of plants in the flower bed. They all withered, the leaves crumbled, the seeds too. Tell that in the spring the seeds that have fallen into the soil will germinate and new flowers will appear.

4th week: Tree watching. They all shed their leaves. Talk about the fact that by winter the trees “fall asleep”: the sap flow stops, therefore, the leaves dry up and fall off.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Sky observation. In November, it is almost always overcast, gloomy, it often rains, it is cold. These are all signs of autumn. Bring children to the generalization of the accumulated ideas.

2nd week: Sun watching. Pay attention to how long the shadow is at noon in sunny weather. The path of the sun is getting shorter. The days are getting shorter, it gets dark early. Continue to form initial ideas about the movement of the sun.

3rd week: Continue to learn to determine the temperature of the air with a thermometer. Draw the attention of children to lowering the temperature. Form elementary search activity. Learn to draw conclusions, develop mental activity.

4th week: Fog observation. Invite the children to enter the fog strip. Let it feel damp. Why is there so much water now? The earth is oversaturated with moisture, the weather changes all the time: either snow, or rain, or the sun peeps out. Develop observation.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Nuthatch observation. They have already flown from the forest to the city. Consider their gray color and black head. Suggest why they are called that. Cultivate a love for birds.

2nd week: Birdwatching. They came from the forest in search of food. Consider their coloration. Tell that they got their name because of their singing: "Xin - blue."

3rd week: Watching dogs. Why are dogs called "man's friends"? ask who has dogs, what are their nicknames? Encourage children to comment on the habits of their pets.

4th week: Cat watching. Consider the animals of the cat family. What do cats eat and what are their habits? Ask the children to remember and recite poems about cats.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Watching public transport. Remember the rules of behavior on the bus, the rules traffic. Consolidate knowledge about public transport.

2nd week: Supervision of the work of the educator and nanny. What other professions are needed in kindergarten. What are the features of each of them?

3rd week: Supervision of the work of plumbers. They check the readiness of pipes for the heating season. Invite the children to think about where it comes from in the pipes hot water and what is it for?

4th week: Watching people's clothes. Closer to winter, both adults and children put on warm clothes. Ask what it is about. Fix the names of winter clothes.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Soil observation. Ask the children what happened to her? She froze. Puddles and dirt on the roads are also hard. It's getting colder. Cultivate a love for nature at any time of the year.

2nd week: Walk to the reservoir. You can still see a lot of ducks there. They are the last to leave and are among the first to return in the spring. Recall the story of Mamin-Sibiryak "The Gray Neck". Cultivate an active love for nature.

3rd week: Note that the puddles are covered with ice, it is thin and appears black. Draw conclusions that November is the last autumn month winter is coming soon. Introduce the proverb: "In November, winter fights with autumn." Learn to understand the meaning of proverbs.

4th week: Go around the territory of the kindergarten. Note the changes that have taken place in the surrounding landscape. How has everything changed since summer? Game for the development of attention "Find the differences."

December, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Tree watching. Remember what happened to them: they sank into peace, not died. Tell that trees have frost protection. All summer they lay a special tissue under the skin of the trunk - cork.

2nd week: Tree watching. The cork layer does not let air or water out of the tree. The older the tree, the thicker the cork layer, so older trees tolerate cold more easily.

3rd week: Grass watching. Shovel the snow and see what happened to the grass. She withered, became dry, but her roots are alive, and in the spring she will again delight us with her greenery.

4th week: Observation of trees and shrubs. To fix the main signs of similarities and differences between shrubs and trees. Invite the children to give some examples of trees and shrubs.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Sun observation. Continue to mark with the children the path of the sun, its height at noon. Tell the children that in December the sun is a rare guest, the breed is cloudy, because December is the darkest month of the year. Continue to acquaint children with some patterns in nature.

2nd week: Snowfall observation. Note that low clouds appear, everything around gets dark and snow begins to fall: it seems that fluff is falling from the sky in a continuous stream. To form an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

3rd week: Observation of a snowstorm (standing in cover). Listen to the howling of the wind, see how the wind carries snow, sweeping large snowdrifts, but in December their height is still small. After a snowstorm, offer to measure the height of snowdrifts. Develop curiosity, interest in nature.

4th week: Introduce children to the protective properties of senega. Note that gardeners rake it to the roots of trees, to flower beds with perennial flowers. Snow keeps you warm.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Observation of birds in the kindergarten area near the feeder. Most of all here are large birds: noisy magpies, ravens. All this crow relatives. Note that in the city they are much bolder, they behave noisily at the feeder.

2nd week: While feeding the birds, observe their habits. Ask questions. What birds come to the feeder? What do birds eat? Which birds like which food? Cultivate observation.

3rd week: Tell that aquatic plants died and the river became empty. Some algae begin to rot, there is less and less air. The fish are out of breath. Fresh air enters through the hole.

4th week: To form a generalized idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature based on the identification of characteristic and essential features.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Supervision of the work of the janitors. They clean the road from snow, break off the ice. Ask the children why this is being done. What kind of work do janitors do at other times of the year.

2nd week: Helicopter surveillance. There is a helipad not far from the kindergarten, so you can often see helicopters. Ask how helicopters differ from airplanes.

3rd week: Ice observation. Determine its properties (smooth, transparent, cold). Conversation about the rules of behavior on the ice. Why is thin ice dangerous? Solve riddles related to winter.

4th week: Transport surveillance. Ask what kind of agricultural transport do children know? Tell them that in winter the farm is preparing equipment for sowing.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Determine with the children the weather of today. Remember what the weather was like yesterday. To teach to compare, to notice changes, to teach to plan what they will do on the site depending on the weather.

2nd week: Watching footprints in the freshly fallen snow. Guess whose footprints they are. Is it possible to find out in which direction the person was walking? Who is called a tracker? Examine the bird tracks near the feeder.

3rd week: Walk in the park after bad weather. Admire the beauty of the park in the snow. Note how the outlines of trees and shrubs have changed. Read Yesenin's poem "Birch". Cultivate love for nature.

4th week: During a walk to the reservoir, pay attention that the water is already completely bound by a layer of ice. Children skate on ice. Tell that there is little air under the ice and the fish swims on the surface.

January, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: On a walk, dig a deep snowdrift where grass grew. Show the children small plants with leaves pressed to the ground, weak, small. Snow protects against hypothermia.

2nd week: Observation of buds on trees. Show how tightly closed they are in winter. They cork and do not let cold air through. All gaps in the kidney scales are filled with a sticky substance.

3rd week: Watching trees under the weight of snow. The branches are tilted down, some are broken. Offer to think about how we can help the trees.

4th week: Offer to find dry flowers in the flower garden. The plants are not visible at all, the flower bed is covered with snow. To consolidate the knowledge that snow protects plants from freezing.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Offer to observe the path of the sun, the shadow from the pillars at noon. Note that the days are longer and the weather is colder. Severe frosts have begun. Say folk proverbs: "The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand"

2nd week: Snow watching. Ask the children what can be said about the snow, what is it like (fluffy, plump, shaggy? It often changes its color: sometimes blue, sometimes lilac, sometimes yellowish, depending on the lighting.

3rd week: On a frosty day, snow does not form. In front of the children, pour water over it and you can sculpt it. Empirically show children the gradual transformation of snow and ice into water, and then into steam, followed by its condensation.

4th week: Pay attention to clean frosty air. Let the children walk in the snow, listen to how it fastens under their feet. Clarify that this happens only in very severe frost.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Invite the children to make a holiday for the birds. Hang "gifts" for birds on a tree. Offer to think about what gift they will give to each bird. Watch the birds while feeding. Read Yesenin's poem "Winter sings, calls out ...".

2nd week: Ask where insects hibernate. Bring a piece of bark, a stump to the group, put it under a piece of paper. Watch how the insects crawl out in the heat. To teach to draw conclusions, conclusions: insects live in the bark of trees, in winter they hibernate.

3rd week: During a walk to the reservoir, pay attention to the fact that there are many holes in the ice on the river. Remember that this is a hole. To tell that in severe frosts the fish sinks deeper, many fish fall asleep, their body is covered with mucus like a fur coat.

4th week: A conversation about what animals can be found within the city. Talk about the fact that some animals (wolves, tigers, foxes, deer) can go to villages in search of food. To ask, what is the danger of meeting with a wild hungry animal?

Watching people at work:

1st week: Offer to remember what games children and adults play in winter. What winter sports do the guys know? Let the children think about why these games are associated with winter and whether they can be played at other times of the year.

2nd week: Supervision of the snowplow. Consider its structure. With special blades, it rakes the snow away from the road. Snow must be transported outside the city on trucks. Why?

3rd week: Supervision of the work of snow blowers. They clean the snow off the roofs. What can cause excessive accumulation of snow on the roof? What safety precautions must be observed during this work?

4th week: Watching people's clothes. Invite children to name winter clothes. What should it be sewn and tied from, why? Encourage children to correctly name a particular item of clothing.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Observation of the winter landscape. He is very handsome. Pay attention to the large snowdrifts, shining in the sun during the day, by the light of torches in the evening. Read Pushkin's poem "Frost and Sun ..."

2nd week: Snow observation. Continue to accumulate children's ideas about the properties of snow when the air temperature rises or falls. The plasticity and viscosity of snow depend on its moisture content.

3rd week: Consider patterns on windows with children. They are whimsical, brightly colored by the January sun. The frost is getting stronger, very cold. January is the root of winter.

4th week: On a sunny frosty day, consider the lacy plexus of branches in the sky, illuminated by the oblique rays of the sun. Long bluish shadows stretched out from the trees on the snow. And, if frost hits during the thaw, then the branches will be covered with an ice crust.

February, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Tree watching. Pay attention to how the branches of the trees fell under the weight of the snow. Admire how bizarre the bushes drowned in snowdrifts are. Cultivate love for nature.

2nd week: Remind that in winter people can help the trees, for example by shaking the snow off the branches. Explain that in warm weather the snow becomes heavy, sticky. When frost returns, it freezes to the bark and the branches break from the weight.

3rd week: Consider the buds on the trees, compare them in shape, location. Explain that the buds contain a supply of nutrients for future leaves. Examine the lateral apical buds of the maple. Learn to find similarities and differences.

4th week: Examine the trees, fix their structure. What part of trees and other plants we do not see, but it exists, without it the plant cannot develop (root? How can we take care of the trees?

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Wind observation. To teach children to determine the strength of the wind by the weather vane, by other signs (by tree branches). Let the wind whistle and howl. Raise interest in inanimate nature.

2nd week: Observation of blizzards, snowstorms. When whirlwinds of snow are transferred from place to place, they fly along the ground - this is a blowing snow. To say that in the old days February was called "lute" - from the word fierce, cold. Ask why? Learn to draw conclusions and inferences.

3rd week: Sky observation. It turns bright blue, very beautiful when you look at it through the branches. After observation, show the children the picture of I. Grabar "February Blue". Cultivate love for nature.

4th week: Sun observation. Note that the sun's rays are already warm, spring is beginning to be felt. At the end of February there is a turning point from winter to spring. The thaw is replaced by cloudy weather with winds. Develop observation.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Birdwatching. There are more of them. In the forest, the trees are covered with ice, all cracks and holes are closed. Birds cannot reach insects from under the icy bark.

2nd week: Watching pigeons and sparrows. At the feeder, pigeons behave more aggressively, drive the sparrows away from the feed. From the cold, the birds fluffed their feathers, sit on the branches, ruffled.

3rd week: Talk about pets. What domestic animals can be seen in the city, which - in the countryside? Why can't some pets be kept in urban areas?

4th week: Watching stray dogs. The conversation is that they are very dangerous, especially in winter, when there is practically nowhere to get food, it's cold. They can attack a person. Offer to think about where stray dogs come from.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Go to the kitchen, look at stoves, barrels for cooking. Why kindergarten needs large stoves, large pots. Talk about the fact that the cooks come at 5 o'clock in the morning to prepare breakfast.

2nd week: Garbage truck surveillance. He comes to Kindergarten several times a week and takes out the trash. Containers are always clean. A conversation about how to keep cleanliness in the kindergarten and what is its importance.

3rd week: Watching the soldiers. They serve in the army, go in a clear formation. Consider them uniform. The conversation is that the boys, when they grow up, will also go to serve in the army. Repeat types of troops.

4th week: Transport surveillance. Remember that our city is located on the seashore. Offer to think about what transport you can get to our city.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Excursion to the skating rink. Bring your skates and go for a ride. Conversation about the rules of safety on the ice. Is it possible to ride in prohibited places, why? Review names of winter sports.

2nd week: Icicle watching. They hang from the roofs of houses and pose a considerable threat, why? What needs to be done so that icicles do not threaten human life?

3rd week: Snow watching. Rainfall talk. What types of precipitation do children know (snow, rain, hail? What time of the year does it snow, rain? Learn to see the dependence of precipitation on the season and air temperature.

4th week: Frost observation. Consider snow-white fluffy tree branches, imagine that you are in a fairy forest. Name fairy tales that take place in winter.

March, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Find out that heat is needed for the development of the kidneys. To bring children to a generalization of the accumulated ideas about plants, to an understanding of the dependence of seasonal changes in wildlife on sunlight and heat.

2nd week: Dig up snow, last year's foliage and find green grass. Under the snow and leaves, she is warm and cozy. They protect plants from freezing.

3rd week: observation of the first grass. Ask where you can see her. It grows near labor heating. To consolidate the concepts of the dependence of plants on heat and light.

4th week: Observation of buds on trees. They swell, will soon blossom to consider in comparison the buds of birch, poplar, lilac and other trees. Clarify their structure, develop observation.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Sun watching. It is very bright, but we still faintly feel the warmth of its rays, although the day is gradually increasing. Develop observation.

2nd week: Icicle observation. Ask the children why icicles appeared? Substitute a bucket daily, measuring the amount of water dripping from the roof. Every day it becomes more and more. March is popularly called a drip.

3rd week: Snow observation. Note how it has changed: it has become loose, dark, spongy, dirty. An ice crust formed on its surface - crust, and under it - loose snow. Why is the snow like this? Expand your understanding of inanimate nature.

4th week: Watching the sunset during an evening walk. Note that the sunset is very beautiful. Ask the children where the sun sets. To cultivate an aesthetic real perception of nature, the ability to see beauty in natural phenomena.

Animal Watching:

1st week: Watching horses. You can often see them in the city, they ride children. Recall the trip to the stud farm and the living conditions of the horses. Ask what they are fed in the cold season.

2nd week: Invite the children to dig up the ground and find insects in it. They are still frozen, but with the onset of heat, they will thaw and wake up. Ask what insects the guys know.

3rd week: Birdwatching. They chirp cheerfully in the sun, rejoicing in the warmth. Fix the names of non-migratory birds.

4th week: Insect observation. In some places, the ground has already thawed and you can see insect larvae that were laid in autumn, young insects emerge from them in spring.

Watching people at work:

1st week: Supervision of the snowplow. Ask how long it will take to remove all the snow by hand. It's good that people came up with such a machine.

2nd week: Tell that everyone in the villages is preparing for spring sowing (they clean the grain and check it for germination, set up seeders, finish repairing tractors). Continue to acquaint children with the work of adults in the transformation of nature.

3rd week: Supervision of the work of the gardener. Started in the garden spring work: cut branches, remove last year's foliage. Continue to acquaint people with the work in the garden, to cultivate intolerance to damage to plants.

4th week: Say folk omens spring: melts early - does not melt for a long time; early spring worthless; late spring will not deceive; the snow soon melts, and the water runs in unison - towards a wet summer. Learn to understand the meaning of folk signs and proverbs.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Observation of thawed patches. Ask what is thawed patch, where does it appear? To bring children to the formation of elementary concepts, to show the dependence of all living things on sunlight and heat.

2nd week: To tell that in March, rabbits appear at the hare, they are called "nastovichki", from the word "nast". Ask what the children know about the life of little bunnies.

3rd week: Weather observation. The sun is much Greyer, the rapid melting of snow has begun. To form a generalized idea of ​​the course of spring and changes in inanimate nature under the influence of solar heat.

4th week: Observation will take spring: frequent thaws begin, thawed patches, icicles appear, snow melts, rivers open, ice drift begins.

April, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Observation of swollen kidneys. Willow buds are well swollen, they can be put in water. Compare willow and maple buds. Suggest thinking which trees will have leaves first, why?

2nd week: Dandelion observation. Ask where they can be seen (where it is warm, the sun warms, why? Consider a flower, its color, shape. Choose definition words for the word “dandelion”.

3rd week: Surveillance coltsfoot. This is a wild plant. Ask if the children know about it useful properties, tell. Let them touch the leaves of the plant and ask them to think about why it is called that.

4th week: Tree watching. Are there leaves on the trees? Which tree had leaves first? Delicate little leaves resemble haze or a light transparent dress. Find definitions for the word "leaves".

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Continue watching the sun. It rises higher and higher. To form the initial concepts of the movement of the sun. Systematize ideas about spring changes in nature, depending on the increase in heat.

2nd week: Wind observation. Note that winds blowing from south to north are warm. Offer to play with the wind using turntables. Create a joyful emotional mood.

3rd week: Watching streams. Ask where they came from, listen to the murmur of water, admire its brilliance in the sun, launch boats. Develop the ability to perceive beauty in nature.

4th week: Offer to look at the stones. Most of them have sharp edges. Ask how stones are formed (by breaking rocks). Show a pebble, ask why it has smooth edges (is it honed by sea waves?

Animal Watching:

1st week: Birdwatching. Recall that on March 22 there were Magpies - the arrival of birds. Ask if the guys saw any of the migratory birds? Tell that the rooks are the first to arrive, who collect insect larvae and worms in the fields.

2nd week: Insect observation. Birds have begun their arrival, which means insects have appeared. Ask where they spent the winter. Name famous insects.

3rd week: Watching homeless animals. Consider their appearance (hungry, skinned). Ask where homeless animals come from, who is to blame? What can be done to avoid such animals?

4th week: Observation of bees and bumblebees. Ask why they are needed in nature? They pollinate plants, without pollination there are no fruits. How dangerous are the bites of these insects, how to protect yourself from them?

Watching people at work:

1st week: Watching people's clothes. Why wear lighter clothing? Develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. Name the items of winter and demi-season clothing.

2nd week: Supervision of the work of public services. They cut down dry or broken branches, for this they use an electrical machine. Talk about the fact that before you cut down a tree, you need permission from the green farm.

3rd week: Tell that in the fields they prepare the land for sowing, sow barley, millet oats, feed winter bread. Ask what crops are planted in April.

4th week: In the flower bed, remove last year's foliage, dig up the ground. Pay attention that the ground is black, wet, this is due to melted snow.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Familiarize yourself with folk tales. Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July. April is a tricky month. How do children understand these proverbs and signs?

2nd week: Weather observation. Remember what the weather was like in the first weeks of spring, what it is now.

3rd week: Review the spring months and signs of spring. Which of these signs can already be observed, and which are not yet visible?

4th week: View the calendar of nature, mark the number sunny days, precipitation. Please note that compared to winter, the number of sunny days has increased.

May, preparatory group

Plant observation:

1st week: Watching flowers in a flower bed. Admire the flowering of tulips, daffodils, primroses, etc. Consider a variety of colors. To say that breeders specifically breed new varieties of flowers.

2nd week: Admire the blooming bird cherry, its white fluffy flowers. Inhale the aroma. To say a sign: the bird cherry blossomed - the cold came. Read Yesenin's poem "Bird cherry".

3rd week: Birch blossom observation. Her leaves are still very small and blooming earrings decorate her very much. Some earrings are green, others are larger, brownish. Pollen is visible from them under the tree.

4th week: Bloom watching fruit trees. Try to name the trees. Offer to think about why tree trunks are whitewashed.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Sun observation. Ask when it warms more: morning, afternoon or evening? This can be checked by touching metal objects. Which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

2nd week: Watch how nature changes before a thunderstorm. The sky is darkening, clouds are hanging low. Thunder. Read Tyutchev's poem "Spring Thunderstorm".

3rd week: Draw the attention of the children to how it became light. In winter, when the children came to kindergarten and went home, it was dark. Note the relationship between daylight hours and seasons.

4th week: Wind observation note that the breeze is blowing warm, light. Offer to make airplanes and let them fly into the wind. Use airplanes to determine the direction of the wind.

Animal Watching:

1st week: To tell that in May the water in the reservoirs has already warmed up enough and the sleepiest fish wake up: catfish, crucians. Ask where these fish are found. What else river fish do you guys know?

2nd week: To say that with the advent of the first juicy grass, animals began to be taken to pastures. Cows, horses can enjoy delicious food. What other animals are taken out to pasture?

3rd week: Consider swifts. They fly in flocks high in the sky, catching insects. Ask what bird swifts look like. Are these birds migratory?

4th week: Pay attention to the large number of bees in the garden. Ask what attracts them here? Explain that the number of fruits depends on the number of insects.

Watching people at work:

1st week: In the flower bed, plant seedlings of flowers and vegetables that the children themselves have grown. Offer to observe the plantings and care for them throughout their growth and fruiting.

2nd week: Ask who works in the fields? Name the agricultural occupations. Cultivate respect for working people.

3rd week: admire blooming garden. Ask the children if M. Prishvin correctly called April - the spring of water, and May - the spring of flowers. To say a proverb: May decorates the forest - summer is waiting for a visit.

4th week: Observation of clothing people often walk in short-sleeved dresses, T-shirts. Why? Ask to name the items of clothing that are worn in the summer.

Excursions, observation of the surroundings:

1st week: Even though it is already May, there are still frosts at this time. Say folk signs and sayings: “Ay-ay, the month of May: both warm and cold!”, “May, May, but don’t take off your fur coat!”, “May is cold - the year of grain-bearing!”.

2nd week: Tell that bird cherry is useful. If you put branches of bird cherry in the room, then harmful insects will fly away. The bark of the bird cherry is poisonous. Medicines are made from fruits and leaves.

3rd week: Air temperature monitoring. Continue to learn to determine the temperature of the air with a thermometer. Note that at the end of May the air temperature is much higher than at the beginning.

4th week: Alumni monitoring. They go elegant, with bouquets of flowers. Say that the children will also go to school in the fall. What interesting things await them there?

Walk No. 1 "Observation of the dandelion"


- clarify knowledge about dandelion (pay attention to the beginning of flowering);

- to form the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature;

- to consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants.

Progress of observation

Dandelion grows everywhere: in meadows, fields, forest edges, slopes of ravines, like a symbol of the sun and love of life. A long thick dandelion root clings tightly to the soil. A rosette of bright green leaves spread over the ground. Each dandelion leaf looks in its own direction. The size of the leaves depends on where the flower grows. The more moisture a plant receives from the ground, the brighter and stronger its leaves. There is a groove in the middle of each leaf. He collects drops of dew and rain and sends them to the root of the plant. A flower stem stretches upward from the middle of the plant - an arrow: a thick tube without leaves. At the top of the arrow is a yellow-gold top - a basket filled with small flowers. Each flower is a tube of five fused petals and stamens attached to them. If you sniff a dandelion and bring it too close to your nose, you'll end up with bright yellow pollen. In the afternoon or during rain, the flower basket closes, saving pollen from moisture. But in clear weather, already at six o'clock in the morning you can admire a beautiful flower. After some time, in place of small flowers, grayish-brown oblong fruits-seeds appear.

The dandelion has many nicknames: "poly" (because the juice from the plucked stem resembles milk in color) and "roadside" (because it likes to grow by the road), but the funniest name for this flower is "baldness" (the wind blows - the seeds scatter, and the bare head of the flower remains in place).

But remember, it is better to admire a growing flower, not trying to pick and bring it home: dandelion juice will stain your hands and clothes, and the flowers will not last a day, they will wither.

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up - dress up

In a white dress

light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What does a dandelion look like?

♦ At what time can you admire it?

♦ What are the nicknames for the dandelion?

♦ Why is dandelion classified as a medicinal plant?

Determine which medicinal plant transfers its seeds, like a dandelion, on parachutes?

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from debris and dry branches.

Target: Learn to see the fruits of your labor.

Outdoor games

"Find your bud."


- learn to distinguish flowers, act on a signal;

- practice running

- develop observation skills.


Target: develop motor activity, be able to jump in length.

Individual work

Movement development.


- to educate with the help of movements a careful attitude towards nature;

- exercise in jumping over logs, stones, stumps;

- develop strength qualities.

Walk No. 2 "Watching the plantain"

Target: continue to develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants.

Progress of observation

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, offers to answer questions.

♦ What is the popular name for May? (Pollen.)

♦ Where grass has already appeared, and where not? (Where there is a lot of sun, there is grass.)

♦ Where is the shade and damp, the grass has not risen, why?

♦ What happens to the herbs after the May rains? (They turn brighter green.)

♦ Look, there is grass growing along the road with round, convex leaves. What's this? (Plantain.)

♦ Why was it called that?

♦ What is he hiding under the leaves? (Moisture around you for your roots.)

♦ The plantain raised its leaves, why do you think? (The earth under it is damp, you need to let the sun dry it a little.)

♦ Who knows how plantain can help?

Research activities

Through a magnifying glass, examine the plantain leaves and note the distinctive features.

Find similarities and differences between coltsfoot and plantain.

Labor activity

Territory cleaning.

Target: cultivate industriousness.

mobile game

"Recognize and name."

Target: to form the ability to recognize and correctly name medicinal herbs.

Individual work

Boom walking.


- exercise in maintaining balance;

- to develop coordination of movements.

Walk #3 Insect Watching


- clarify the content of the concept of "insects";

- to teach to compare them according to essential common features.

Progress of observation

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams flow:

friendly little dots

They build their own house on a hillock.

The teacher makes riddles for the children, conducts a conversation, offers to answer questions.

Flying - singing

Sits - bites.

Who will kill him

Shed his blood. (Mosquito.)

On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter descended

Golden eyes.

Who is this? (Dragonfly.)

On a large colored carpet

Sela squadron -

It will open, it will close

Painted wings. (Butterflies.)

♦ What is one word called riddles? (Insects.)

♦ What other insects do you know? (A caterpillar.)

Only an insect has a body consisting of two or three parts and three pairs of legs. In an adult insect, the body consists of three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. On the head - a pair of antennae that serve for touch and smell. Most insects have one pair of compound eyes made up of many tiny ocelli. All insects have three pairs of jointed legs attached to the chest. The legs of insects perform various functions. They may have a small pocket for collecting pollen.

♦ What insects pollinate flowers? (Bees.)

♦ What changes occur in the life of insects in spring? (In the spring, larvae develop from eggs, which lead an independent life: they actively feed, grow and develop.)

♦ Where do insects live? (In the garden, on a tree, near ponds.)

♦ How to protect yourself from insects?

♦ What do insects eat?

♦ How do they move?

♦ How do insects escape from enemies? (They have a frightening color, a sharp sting, and release a caustic odorous liquid.)

♦ What insects are beneficial? (Bees, silkworm, ants.)

♦ What changes occur in the life of insects in autumn? (They hide in secluded places and fall asleep for the winter.)

♦ How do beneficial insects save gardens and forests from insect pests?

♦ Do mosquitoes have ears? (The ears of male mosquitoes are in the mustache, not like those of humans, but with the help of this hearing organ, the male mosquito finds its mate by sound.)

♦ Why are mosquitoes called harmful insects? (They are carriers of dangerous diseases.)

Research activities

Find a ladybug and determine its name.

Find the ant's trail.

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from debris and snow.

Target: develop a desire to help adults.

Outdoor games

"The Flight of the Bees".


- learn to run all over the site, not stand against the wall;

- climb into an empty seat, yielding to each other;

- get off to the end without jumping off;

- develop dexterity, attentiveness.

"Mice in the pantry."


- train in crawling without touching the arc and rope;

- learn to act on the signal of the educator.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve running technique (naturalness, lightness, vigorous repulsion).

Walk №4 "Weather observation"

Target: continue to form generalized ideas about seasonal changes in inanimate nature at the end of spring.

Progress of observation

Well in the spring, the field is clean,

You are decorated with ant-grass.

Yes, all fragrant flowers

Dressed up in May morning.

S. Drozhzhin

The teacher gives the children a task, conducts a conversation.

♦ Look at the landscape pictures, compare them and say what season is shown. (Children are offered pictures depicting early and late spring.)

♦ Explain why people began to dress lighter, why did the snow melt? (Due to rising temperatures, warming.)

♦ What happened to the snow? (He melted.)

♦ What happened to the water from the melting snow? (Snow melts, turning into water, water evaporates from the earth's surface under the influence of sunlight and in the upper atmosphere turns into cumulus clouds.)

♦ How did the sky become? (Bright blue.)

♦ What happened to the soil? (Thawed, warmed up, began to dry out.)

♦ How has the river changed? (Rivers opened up, ice drift began.)

♦ What was the air temperature when it snowed?

♦ At what temperature does it rain?

♦ What is the difference between late spring and early spring? Name these differences. (With the onset of late spring, the sun began to shine dazzlingly, it got warmer. From the spring warmth, the snow melted and ran in streams into the rivers; reservoirs were freed from ice; the soil thawed, grass turned green, flowers appeared; leaves blossomed on the trees; birds chirp loudly, the first thunderstorms rumble. )

Labor activity

Cleaning the site from spring debris.

Target: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, to teach to help the younger ones.

Outdoor games

“We are droplets”, “Live maze”.

Target: learn to form double rows, make a wide circle, train the coherence of collective actions, speed of reactions and ingenuity.

Individual work

Movement development.


- exercise in throwing the ball with the right and left hands in a given direction;

- develop coordination of movements;

- to develop teamwork skills.

Walk number 5 "Observation of the flower garden"


- expand ideas about the flower garden in the spring;

- to consolidate the ability to care for plants, water them, weed.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Name garden flowers.

♦ Name the wildflowers.

♦ Where do they grow?

♦ What kind of flowers do you like? Why?

♦ Do you have flowers at home? Which?

♦ How do you take care of them?

♦ What should be done before planting flowers?

♦ What are the names of the flowers that we planted in the group for our flower bed?

♦ What should be done to make our plants grow and bloom?

♦ Why is it impossible in our conditions to plant plants on the street now?

♦ Why are some plants called annuals, perennials?

Labor activity

Work in the garden.


- to strengthen the ability to work together;

- to form knowledge about the growth and development of plants.

mobile game

"Whose link is more likely to gather?".

Target: practice running.

Individual work

"Do not fall".

Target: practice walking on a log.

Walk No. 6 "Watching the bike"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the bike.

Progress of observation

Clarify that bicycles are for children and adults. What is the difference? (The size and number of wheels.)

The teacher invites the children to consider the bike, asks questions.

♦ What are the parts of a bicycle?

♦ What are the sizes of bicycles?

♦ Who are they for?

♦ Is it hard to ride a bike?

♦ Do I need to know the rules of the road to ride a bike?

♦ What is the difference between a bicycle and a car?

♦ How many people can ride a bike at the same time?

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.

Target: to form a desire to work together.

mobile game"Don't get caught."

Target: to consolidate the ability to run, deftly dodge, jump.

Individual work

Throwing objects at a target.

Target: develop hand strength, eye, the ability to concentrate on an object.

Walk No. 7 "Observation of an anthill on an ecological path"


- to consolidate knowledge about ants;

- Raising interest in research work.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

He is a real worker

Very, very hardworking.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

He builds a house from needles. (Ant.)

♦ What benefits do ants bring to people and the forest? (Destroy harmful insects.)

♦ Which forest dweller likes to eat ants and their larvae? (Bear, woodpecker.)

The ant princess rules the anthill. In her youth, she had small wings, and she loved to frolic and fly. But, having become the mother of a large family, the ant gnaws off its wings, and since then lives in an anthill. She lays eggs, which later hatch into larvae. The worker ants take care of the younger generation - they feed and care for the larvae. The ants-soldiers, these fearless defenders of the fortress, guard the ant tower. Ants are predators, destroying many insects.

♦ And where do our ants live? (The anthill is in the top layer of soil, under the asphalt.)

Let's see how ants work. They crawl along paths that have gnawed through the asphalt.

Research activities

Fill one path with sand and see what the ants will do; the second - with granulated sugar, to see how the ants will collect it.

Answer, who is the strongest on earth?

Labor activity

Clearing the site of old leaves.

Target: continue to teach to work in pairs.

mobile game

"Living Maze"


- learn to make a wide circle;

- to train the coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.

Individual work

"Jump and jump."

Target: develop the ability to jump on the left and right foot.

Walk No. 8 "Observation of the dandelion"


- learn to compare dandelion at the beginning and end of flowering, to know the changes that have occurred with the flower;

- to develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants, the rules for their collection, use.

Progress of observation

Why are there so many dandelions? They are unpretentious. In a golden yellow basket, several hundred seeds are formed. Each seed is equipped with a fluffy white tuft on a long stem - a parachute. Until the seed is ripe, the parachute does not open. Ripe fruits straighten white fluffs with an umbrella, and the dandelion becomes like a fluffy white ball. As soon as the wind blows or touches a fluffy flower, the ball breaks up into hundreds of parachutes, and brave parachutist seeds fly in all directions. And bare flower heads remain in place. Dandelion seeds germinate easily, so there are a lot of them around. In gardens, dandelion is considered a weed and they try to uproot it, which is not always possible.

The heat breathed into the blade of grass

And blew up the balloon.

Wind with one spirit

The ball fluttered around the world.

He was yellow, he became white,

Only the wind blows

He will boldly fly up to the clouds -

He is a flying flower.

The teacher talks to the children and asks questions.

♦ What changes occur during the flowering of a dandelion? (First, a green bud appears, which opens into a yellow flower, then white fluffs appear in place of the petals - umbrellas, with the help of which the wind spreads the seeds of the flower.)

♦ Why is dandelion considered a medicinal plant? (The raw material is the roots. A decoction of dandelion roots is used as a bitter to stimulate the appetite and improve digestion.)

♦ What are the procurement rules medicinal plants? (They cannot be torn in the city. The roots are dug up only after the seeds have ripened and shed, it is advisable to leave them in the ground for plant renewal, not all roots are pulled out.)

♦ When does the flower basket close? Why in wet weather and in the afternoon?

Research activities

Determine the age of the dandelion.

Examine the rosette of a flower through a magnifying glass.

Labor activity

Cleaning in the pharmacy garden.

Target: understand the importance of this type of labor for the growth and development of plants.

Outdoor games

"Swan geese".


- to teach to act on the signal of the educator;

- to cultivate friendships in the game.

"Jump rope".

Target: fix the names of plants.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve the skills of rolling the hoop in an arbitrary direction.

Walk #9 Rainbow Watching

Target: continue to form an idea of ​​the rainbow as part of inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

What a miracle - beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way

Neither enter nor enter them. (Rainbow.)

When it rains and the sun shines, a rainbow can appear in the sky. It is visible when the rays of the sun pass through the raindrops. The larger the raindrops, the brighter the rainbow. There are seven colors in the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. They are always in the same order.

The sun ordered - stop! —

The Seven Colored Bridge is steep.

The cloud hid the light of the sun -

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips.

The teacher gives the children a task, asks questions.

Draw a rainbow on the pavement with colored crayons.

♦ When will the rainbow disappear?

♦ When can she appear?

♦ What is this phenomenon - a rainbow?

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.

Target: Assist the janitor.

mobile game

"We are funny guys."


- learn to listen carefully to the command of the educator;

- develop attention, monitor the correct execution of tasks.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: reinforce the ability to move backwards.

Walk No. 10 "Butterfly Watching"


- expand knowledge about the butterfly, its origin, structure, reproduction and benefits;

— promote the development of environmental thinking;

- to cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Not a bird, but with wings.

Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly.)

Colorful-winged beautiful butterflies flutter merrily over the green meadow: yellow lemongrass, and dark red urticaria, and pigeons, and cabbage whites, and iridescents, and mother-of-pearl. IN Ancient Rome people believed that butterflies came from flowers detached from plants. The butterfly has two pairs of wings covered with small scales, which is why they are called Lepidoptera. The body of a butterfly is covered with scales and hairs. They have short antennae and large eyes. When she drinks drops of nectar from flowers, the proboscis unfolds, and then spirals again. Flying from flower to flower, the butterfly collects nectar and pollinates them. In summer, the female lays eggs in the soil. After a while, larvae - caterpillars - appear from them. Then the caterpillars shed their skin and pupate, and adult butterflies appear, which are called moths. Butterflies of the silkworm, feeding on the leaves of the mulberry tree, give people the finest threads from which silk is obtained.

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.

Target: to form labor skills, the desire to independently restore cleanliness and order.

Outdoor games"The Bear and the Bees".

Target: exercise in climbing, running at the signal of the teacher.

"Butterflies, frogs and herons".

Target: learn to run, freely imitating the movements of animals.

Individual work

"Kill the bumps."

Target: teach precision and accuracy.

Walk No. 11 "Watching the Thunderstorm"


- introduce the concept of "thunderstorm";

- to form real ideas about the phenomenon of nature;

- enrich vocabulary;

- develop observation skills.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

Darkened sky -

covered with clouds,

Like a chariot

Rolled in the sky.

The ants have fled

Thunder rumbles, scares

The rain pours down in streams,

Lightning flashes.

Hiding under the roof

Sparrows know-it-alls.

What happened to nature

Children, can you guess? (Thunderstorm.)

♦ What is dark and cloudy?

♦ What thunders and scares?

♦ What other phenomena of nature are still spoken about? (About rain, lightning.)

♦ Who was scared by the storm? (Ants, sparrows.)

♦ What do you think a thunderstorm is?

When the weather is bad, electricity builds up inside the cloud. Lightning is a giant electrical spark. Lightning heats up the surrounding air. Hot air collides with colder air and thunder is heard. Lightning during a thunderstorm is very dangerous. Very often it hits tall, lonely objects, it can smash a tree to pieces and start a fire. You can't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm.

Research activities

Compare ordinary rain and thunderstorm, name the similarities and differences.

Labor activity

1st subgroup - clearing the site with a rake; 2nd subgroup - garbage removal.


- learn to work in small groups;

- to cultivate the desire to work, friendship in the team.

Outdoor games


Target: to learn to listen carefully to the shepherd and quickly “fly away” from the wolf, to clearly pronounce the words of the geese.

"Find your tree."

Target: learn to name and remember your tree, be attentive and fast.

Individual work

"From tree to tree".

Target: exercise in jumping on two and on one leg.