Summary of the lesson Topic: “Blossoming spring. Drawing in the senior group of the kindergarten "Kosmeya" step by step with a photo Landscape compositions of pupils with comments on the work

Oksana Avramenko

Program content:

1. educational:

Continue to introduce children to still life using non-traditional drawing techniques;

Enrich the emotional sphere of the child;

To consolidate the ability to mix paints, getting a new color;

Improve drawing techniques in an unconventional way: using a clothespin and a cotton pad;

Strengthen children's knowledge of the seasons.

2. educational:

Cultivate love for nature, create a joyful mood in children;

Learn to see the beauty of nature and the variety of colors, the overall color.

3. developing:

Develop imagination and thinking sense of color and composition.

Materials and equipment: A-4 sheet of paper, gouache, brushes, clothespins, cotton pads, reproductions on the theme "Spring", photographs of flowering trees.

Preliminary work:

Examination of reproductions with flowering trees;

Observation of nature on the site kindergarten;

Reading poems and stories and riddles about spring.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, guess the riddles:

I open my kidneys

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

my name is.

Green-eyed, cheerful,

The girl is a beauty.

Brought to us as a gift

What everyone will love:

Greens - leaves,

We are warm


For everything to bloom.

The birds followed her

Songs to sing all masters.

Guess who she is?

This girl is.

Educator: Correctly. Spring is popularly called spring-red. Nature wakes up from the winter cold, birds fly in, the first greenery and flowers appear. Everything comes alive in spring.

Listen to the poem A. Blok "In the meadow"

The forests are more visible in the distance,

blue skies,

More noticeable and blacker

On the arable land, a strip

Spring is on its way

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, thin

Waves ripple in the stream.

Educator: What is the poem about? What happens to nature?

Children's answers.

Educator: We have an unusual activity today. We will learn how to draw with a cotton pad and paints blooming trees. Let's start with a little warm-up.

Physical education "Trees have grown in the field"

Trees have grown in the field.

It's good to grow free! (Sipping - arms to the sides)

Everyone is trying

Reaching for the sky, for the sun. (Sipping - hands up)

Here is a cheerful wind

The branches immediately swayed, (Children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks

Leaned down to the ground. (Bend forward)

Right-left, back-forward -

So the wind bends the trees. (Tilts right-left, forward-backward.)

He turns them, he turns them.

But when will the rest be? (body rotation)

Educator: Let's start drawing. We take the brushes in our hands and draw the trunk of our tree.

Educator: And now the trunk is ready. Now we will draw flowers with you on our tree. And help us with this. cotton pad and clothespin. We turn the disc so that we get a flower, fix it with a clothespin and create.

Educator: Our work is ready. Did you enjoy working with new technology? And what wonderful work you have done! You worked like good wizards.

At the end of the lesson, the children examine the drawings, choose the most successful ones for the exhibition. The teacher praises the children for interesting and beautiful work.

Drawing with non-traditional techniques opens up a wide scope for children's self-expression and imagination. This time, the guys and I, as a tool for creativity, decided to use a cotton pad and a clothespin ... Here are the flowering trees we got.

Valentina Korneeva

Department of Education of Saransk City District

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 116 combined type"

Abstract of the final drawing lesson in senior group№7

« Gardens are blooming»


teacher of the 1st qualification category

Korneeva V. A

Saransk - 2018

Summary of the final lesson

on drawing

in senior group

on the topic:

« Gardens are blooming»

Program content:

1. Strengthen landscape painting skills

2. Fix the technique and methods of working with watercolor

3. Fix the rules for mixing paints

4. Fix genres in the visual arts


Water in cups, watercolor paints, squirrel brush No. 3, brush stands, white gouache, palette, napkin, A4 sheet, Demonstration material.

Methodological techniques:

artistic word, finger gymnastics, physical education, question-answer conversation, showing drawing looking at illustrations.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time

Educator "All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend you are my friend

let's hold hands together

And a friend (y) smile.

Today, guys, on the way to kindergarten, I saw a magpie.

Magpie - white-sided flew through the trees and bushes,

Jumped on the branches

Looking for kindergarten.

Brought a letter in her beak.

(Shows the letter to the children)

Shall we read it?

(opens envelope)

"Dear children from group #_. You write fairy tale characters. In our country there are beautiful gardens. They are bloom every spring. But this year our gardens bewitched by an evil wizard and they stopped blooming. The spell will break and gardens will bloom again if we have drawn trees for our garden.


I want to ask you what time of year it is now and what month (spring, May) Well done boys. Do you know that in May it is especially magnificent bloom fruit trees . What fruit trees do you know? (apple, cherry, pear)

Listen to a poem by Elena Atkina.

From the white apple tree bloom

I can't take my eyes off

Brides of youthful beauty

I see her again.

The poet compares blooming apple trees with the bride. Why? (they are also wearing white)

Alright, let's take a closer look. blooming trees.

look, apple flowers are white. From abundance colors, they are like clouds that have descended from the sky.

Guys, what do we call a picture in which the artist depicts our nature with its forests, fields, rivers, lakes, gardens? (landscape)

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut,

Be sure to picture

It's called... landscape.

Grow in the meadow flowers

Grow in the meadow flowers

Unprecedented beauty. (Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Reaching for the sun flowers.

Stretch with them too. (Sipping - hands up.)

The wind blows sometimes

Only it's not a problem. (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.)

lean over flowers,

The petals drop. (Tilts.)

And then they get up again (straighten up)

And still bloom.

caregiver:- And now I propose to compose (simulate) your spring landscape.

What will definitely be in the picture if it is spring and it is getting warmer every day?

(children choose the sun).

What else can draw if the landscape is a picture of nature?

What a sky (blue, what grass on the lawn (green) What else can we draw blooming gardens(trees, let's remember how to draw trees, draw a trunk and branches, a trunk with a thick line, and branches with a thin one. (How can I do this? (Thin line with the tip of the brush, and thick with the whole pile) We draw green leaves using the priming method. We don’t draw a lot of leaves, we need to leave room for colors, flowers, birds fly, butterflies.

Here is the landscape we have.

Guys let's help fairy tale characters and draw blossoming apple trees

caregiver: - Now I suggest you go to our workshop and paint your landscape.

Well, now let's stretch.

Finger gymnastics: Spring

Go, spring, go, red (children walk on the table with their fingers)

Bring a rye spike, an oat sheaf,

Fragrant apples, golden pears,

Great harvest in our region. (bend one finger at a time, on both hands starting with the little finger)

Let's remember how to sit, hold the brush. How to paint with a brush to get a thin line?

Children: Draw a line with the tip of the brush.

caregiver: - And if you worked with one paint and you needed another, what should be done?

Children: Rinse the brush well.

caregiver: - And in order for your landscapes to turn out beautiful, you need to work carefully, do not smear the paint on a sheet of paper with your hands.

(The guys do the work on the music, the teacher provides assistance in case of difficulties).

caregiver:- Please take your drawings and stand in a circle.

What are we today painted? For whom?

Final part

Guys, we are with you. drew wonderful blooming gardens , and helped our fairy-tale heroes, and now let's get up and look at our drawings.

Completion, evaluation of works.

Related publications:

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Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on drawing

Theme: "Tree in spring"

Purpose: To teach children to convey the image of a spring tree, its structure and proportions.

Tasks: - To consolidate the skills and abilities of drawing with a brush, gouache.

Continue acquaintance with the technique of "blotography" (painting through a straw).

Develop visual perception, thinking through the analysis of the structure and proportions of the tree.

Activate the children's dictionary on the topic: "Nature in the spring" through the definition characteristic features appearance spring trees.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness, respect for nature.

Material and equipment: Tinted paper, brush, gouache: green, brown, yellow flowers, a container with water, coasters, oilcloth, a straw for drinks, an audio cassette with a recording of "The Seasons".

Preliminary work: During the walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the trees different types have significant differences: color, bark, crown shape, trunk shape and other features.

Activity progress

Educator: - Tell me, guys, what time of year is it? (children's answers)

How is spring different from other seasons? (children's answers - the snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter, the leaves on the trees are beginning to bloom.)

Guys, I suggest you play the game. D / game "What is spring"

Spring is when ... the sun shines brightly

Spring is when ... gardens bloom and flowers bloom

Spring is when... birds chirp

Spring is when warm rain pours and streams run

Educator: Every day we go for a walk and watch it on

Our area. And what we observe, a riddle will tell you.

Riddle: “In the spring it amuses,

It's cold in summer

Feeds in autumn

It warms in winter ”(Tree)

Different trees and shrubs grow on our site, what can you tell us about them, about their structure, how they differ from each other. (Children's answers - trees and shrubs are still standing without leaves. A tree consists of a trunk and branches: a shrub does not have a single powerful trunk, but several branches that come out of the ground).

Educator: Guys, we will learn to draw different trees so that everyone can immediately recognize them. But first, let's see how they differ. Listen to the riddle:

Riddle: “The sisters are standing in the field

bleached dresses,

Hats are green

What tree is referred to in this riddle (children's answer is birch)

(The teacher attaches birch images to the magnetic board)

Why do they say about these trees “white-trunked” or “white pillars” (children's answers)

By what other signs can you recognize a birch? How are the branches of a birch? What are birch leaves like? (children's answers)

Riddle: “I got out of the crumbs - barrels,

Roots started up and grew,

I became tall and powerful

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels -

Nothing that the fruit of my chalk "

What kind of tree grows from such a seed. (The teacher shows the children an acorn) (children's answers). Of course it's oak.

(The teacher attaches an image of an oak to a magnetic board)

Why do they say about the oak "mighty tree?" What kind of leaves does it have? What trunk? (children's answers)

As you can see, each tree has its own characteristics. One branch is lowered down, the other is looking up. Birch bark is white and smooth, while oak bark is thick and wrinkled. All these differences should be displayed in the figure.

How the trunk of a tree changes when viewed from the bottom up (the trunk tapers towards the top).

What can you say about branches? (answers: branches depart from the trunk: thicker and longer at the bottom, and thinner and shorter at the top)

What color will the spring leaves be (green)

Educator: Green is the color of nature. In summer, most plants, from grass to tree leaves, are green.

What color is the trunk? (brown)

And now I suggest you do a little warm-up.

Physical education is being held.

It was quiet in the forest, the trees were dozing (raise your hands up, rise on your toes)

Here the wind blew - and they groaned (movements of the hands from side to side.)

Ruthlessly the wind broke them at times (arms outstretched, leaning to the right, left, forward)

The guys sat down under the tree in a crowd (squat)

We waited for the bad weather to subside (get up, raise your hands up, shake them)

And again, as before, there is silence ... (sat down on the carpet)

Thank you for the sun and happiness! (pronounce words)

Educator: Invite children to the table

Today we will draw in a very interesting technique, it is called "blotography"

Why do you think it was called that (answers: draw with blots)

We will also use a straw for drinks.

First, I will explain to you the order of the work, then we will practice blowing through a straw and work on a draft, then you will draw on your own, and at the end of the lesson we will make an exhibition of works.

Stages of drawing.

1. Take a sheet of tinted paper and draw a brown tree trunk with a thin brush. Brown specks are bushes on the horizon.

2. Put paint drops on small branches and blow - these are small branches.

3. Put a spot of yellow paint on the sheet (this is the sun) and inflate it to make rays. Blow on green paint - it's grass.

4. When the brown paint is dry, paint the leaves with the tip of the brush.

Practical part

Children sit at tables. gouache, brushes, water, tinted paper on the tables. Sounds music "Seasons".

1. Workout

Take a square piece of paper. Type paint on the brush, apply a blot. Take a straw and blow through it on the blots, being careful not to touch the sheet of paper with the straw.

2. Independent activity of children

The teacher makes all individual instructions in a whisper.

Faith makes the tree more branchy

Pasha, when the brown paint dries, after that he begins to paint the foliage.

Guys, we're done in 5 minutes.

All drawings are posted on the board.

educator: What a miracle - the forest grew in our group.

Natasha - what tree did you draw

Polina, Lisa, what kind of trees did you draw?

Educator: They are all different, but we need them so much

Guys, why do we need trees?

Trees are very important to us. Therefore, it is necessary to protect every branch, every sprout. Without a forest, life on Earth would simply be impossible.

"And in the rain and in the heat

This friend will help

So green and good -

Will stretch out dozens of hands to us

and thousands of hands. »

Part 1

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 6 of Novy Oskol, Belgorod Region"

Synopsis of GCD

in the senior group "Colors of Spring"

Prepared and hosted:

Educator MBDOU "CRR - d / s No. 6"

Vertyaeva E.V.

Novy Oskol


Integration: socialization, communication, Physical Culture, art, work, music.
Target. Exercise children in drawing flowering spring trees and shrubs with gouache, wax crayon.

To improve the skill in drawing flowers on trees and shrubs - with a poke from crumpled paper.

To develop in children emotional responsiveness to spring manifestations of nature, to evoke associations with their own experience of perceiving them.

To teach the vision of the artistic image, unity, content and language of landscape painting (mood expressed by means of color), a drawing that conveys the nature of objects, trees and bushes.

To enrich the speech of children with emotionally colored vocabulary, aesthetic terms.

Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Integration: music, art, communication, reading fiction, cognition, socialization.

Preliminary work: Observation of natural spring phenomena. Reading fiction about spring, looking at illustrations about spring

Conversations on familiarization with others: "Spring is red." Carrying out folk games with children.
Material. Album sheet, gouache, wax crayons, brush, crumpled paper poke, parcel, padlock box, melodious music on record, napkins.
- Guys, today a parcel came to our kindergarten for the senior group. Are you an older group? In this parcel was this lock. Now I will give you a riddle and if you guess it, you will find out who sent it to you.
I open the buds into green leaves,

I dress the trees, I water the crops,

Movement is full, they call me (Spring).
That's right, it's spring. Our land is beautiful in all seasons, and every season is beautiful in its own way.

Children read poems about spring.

Mother spring is coming

Open up the gate.

March came first

The white snow has gone.

And then April

He opened the window and the door.

And how May came -

Invite the sun in the tower!

The Green Noise is coming,

Green Noise, spring noise!

Playfully divergent

Suddenly the wind is riding:

Shakes alder bushes,

Raise flower dust

Like a cloud, everything is green

Both air and water.

The Green Noise is coming,

Green Noise, spring noise!

Like drenched in milk

There are cherry orchards,

Quietly making noise

Warmed by the warm sun

The cheerful ones are making noise

Pine forests.

And next to the new greenery

Babbling a new song

And the pale-leaved linden,

And a white birch

With a green braid!

A small reed makes noise,

Noisy high maple ...

They make new noise

In a new way, spring.

The Green Noise is coming,

Green Noise, spring noise!
- Look, here is another letter for you.

Dear guys, you know that the month of May, people affectionately call minik, herbalist, pollen, multi-colored. May dresses our land in a colorful outfit. Apple trees become like pink and white clouds, and lilac bushes are fragrant with a lush purple dress.

But this year, due to the evil tricks of winter, its assistants of insidious winds and severe frosts, I still cannot try on elegant dresses in May

blooming gardens and shrubs!

Help me, please, to become blooming and beautiful!
-Children, let's help spring and draw flowering trees and shrubs. Sit down at the tables. Look, you have gouache, wax crayons on your table.

You still have crumpled paper pokes on the table. You remember that with a poke we painted flowers on trees. Let's draw a blooming apple tree and lilac, please the spring.

Don't forget to draw the background. And now we will stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

Our scarlet flowers

open the petals,

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers

Close the petals

Sleeping quietly

They shake their heads.
Children draw flowering trees.

Individual work.
- Children, you all coped with the task. Painted beautiful flowering trees and shrubs. Spring will be bright and beautiful. We will collect all your works and send the parcel to spring.

Katyusha, with what materials did you draw flowering trees?

Children's answers.

What kind of spring is it?

Children's answers.

Guys, butterflies flew to flowering trees. Come out from the tables, let's rejoice in the arrival of spring together.

Children repeat movements and words to melodic music.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched

Once - she washed herself with dew,

Two - gracefully circled,

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four - flew away!

Well done, today we not only helped spring, but also gave joy to ourselves and others when we depicted a lush, blooming spring.

Spring colors awaken all life, fill everything around with light and warmth.
part 1

Abstract open lesson drawing "Apple trees are blooming" ( preparatory group)

Ladik Tatiana

Program tasks :

1. Fixing : depict on a sheet of paper several objects connected by one content.

2. Fixing : correctly position the trees on the sheet.

3. Fixing : choose rightpaint color by mixing it.

Technical challenges :

1. Strengthen the ability to properly hold the brush and use it.

2. Fixing : paint trees of different sizes and arrange them on the sheet.

Educational tasks :

1. Raise interest in spring painting, in its colors.

2. Develop independence, the ability to listen to the teacher.

Materials and equipment :

1. Album sheet A4, tinted.

2. Gouache paint.

3. Brushes.

4. A jar of water.

5. Palette.

Course progress.

caregiver : Guys, let's stand in a circle and hold hands.

Today on ouractivity guests came to us let's say hello to them.

Children : Hello!

The teacher invites the children to sit on the rug.

caregiver : Tell me guys, what time of year do we have now?

The kids are in charge : Spring!

caregiver : That's right, spring!

When spring comes, everything around wakes up and comes to life. Spring has finally managed to defeat winter, and it is confidently coming into its own. It is now the middle of spring. What is the name of the second spring month?

Children : April!

caregiver : Correctly!

What signs of spring do you know?(children's answers)

caregiver : We recentlypainted flowers , which are the very first to wake up in the spring. Let's remember what they are called?

Children : snowdrops.

caregiver : Correctly. Not only the earth comes to life, but also the trees. Buds appear on trees. Guys, what comes out of the kidneys?(leaves)

And some treesbloom . What are these trees?

Children : list : lilac, bird cherry, fruit trees.

Knock on the door. (educatoropens door and spring enters with a twigapple trees in hand ).

caregiver : Spring came to visit us and she did not come to us empty-handed. Look at the branch in her handsapple trees with swollen buds from which leaves will then appear.

Guys, whatcolors leaves on trees?

The kids are in charge : Green.

caregiver : Correctly green.

And on the branch that spring brought, are there leaves?

The kids are in charge : Not.

caregiver : Oh, whatcolors flowers on an apple tree ?

Children : White and pink.

caregiver : Correctly!

caregiver : And let's draw trees with blossoming leaves andflowers and give our drawings to spring

The children agree.

caregiver : Guys, let's have a rest and play.


In the field we went with you

(Step in place)

Andflowers were found .


Bent over for one

(Lean forward)

And then for the second

(Lean forward)

Third fast we plucked

(Lean forward)

And they ran with a bouquet.

(Running in place) .

caregiver : Let's go with you to our tables and proceed todrawing . We willpaint Apple orchard . What willdraw first ?

Children : trees.

caregiver : Correctly. The trunks of the brown treescolors . Let's take brushes with you and dip them in water, and then in brown paint and draw the trunk of our tree. We press the bone below and lead upward. Trees that are close, draw a large trunk, and those that are far away, a small one.What color apple trees bloom ? Pink and white. Take a palette and mix red paint and white paint, you get pink paint. Take green paint and, sticking the tip of the brush, draw leaves. Before we get started, let's do finger exercises with you. Prepared fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

The sun rises -

The flower is blooming !

The sun is setting -

flower go to bed .

During the process of work, I explain incomprehensible moments. passiveI help children draw .

caregiver : Guys, let's lay out our work on the table and show the spring

caregiver : spring really liked your drawings. He says thank you.

caregiver : And now let's say goodbye to spring.

The children say goodbye.