Exhibition of orchids blooming garden. Winter Orchid Festival in the Apothecary's Garden

Greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Pharmaceutical Garden"

300 species of tropical trees and plants grow and bloom in the greenhouses of the garden. Among them are age-old palm trees, rare ferns and orchids. There are also annual seasonal festivals. This year, until March 18, the exhibition "Spring Rehearsal" is open - about 10 thousand tulips, snowdrops, lilies of the valley and other flowers blossomed two months ahead of schedule. Both familiar and rare varieties with unusual range and smell grow in the pavilion. For example, black, parrot and peony tulips, flowers with the scent of watermelon, apple and caramel.

At the Tropical Winter Festival. In Search of the Golden City”, which will last until April, show rare bee orchids, shoe orchids with huge lips, hairy orchids. In addition to bright flowers, you can look at predatory and desert plants: amorphophalluses with the smell of rotten meat, insectivorous Venus flytraps and lithops.

The greenhouse complex of the museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"

Three Tsaritsyno greenhouses contain crops that were grown in the era of Catherine II. This is rosemary, and laurel, and pomegranates. The exposition is complemented by modern plants. For example, coffee bushes, hybrid fuchsias and succulents.

In spring, the greenhouse hosts a seasonal flower exhibition. This year there are about 50 varieties of tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. There are also saffrons on display - blue, purple and yellow flowers, from the filamentous stigmas of which an expensive spice is obtained. Multi-flowered, double, multi-colored buds will bloom until March 18.

Stock greenhouse of the Botanical Garden. Tsitsina RAS

© moscowtropics.ru

There are two greenhouses in the Botanical Garden, but now only the old one is working. It contains plants from tropical and subtropical regions: cycads, heathers and Amazonian lilies. Until the end of March, the exhibition "Blossoming Garden" is held in the greenhouse. The pride of the exposition is large-flowered cymbidium orchids with a subtle aroma. The collection contains about 100 natural flower species, forms of European and Asian selection, as well as unique varieties that were bred in the Main Botanical Garden. In addition, the exhibition shows small-flowered dendrochilums, calanthus and celogins.

Florarium in Zaryadye Park

© zaryadyepark.ru

About 30 species of plants are displayed in the small multi-level greenhouse of the park. Among them are pineapple strawberries, beans and kale. Cucumbers, tomatoes, decorative peppers bear fruit. Tobacco and Zanzibar castor beans are in bloom now, from which castor oil is obtained. Balsams, anthurium andre and aglaonema also blossomed.

The specificity of the florarium is that everything is grown here without soil, in the air: nutrients are supplied to the roots in the form of a solution. In agriculture, the technique is used to produce virus-free seed potatoes. You can get to the greenhouse only with a guided tour.

Hi all!

Today I want to talk about "Orchid Exhibition" in Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

You can visit it from May to November.

The cost of visiting the Orchid Exhibition:

But in order to get to the Orchid Exhibition, you also need to pay an entrance ticket to Nikitsky Botanical Garden, since the room in which it passes is located in the very center of the garden.

How to get there:

  • By car. We drive in Nikita village, Nikitsky descent 52. The parking was free.
  • By bus. You can get from Yalta, by bus 29 or 34. Stop right at the entrance to the garden.

With a tour group, you can't get to the exhibition. They don't make time for this.

You should not postpone your visit to the evening, because even though the Botanical Garden is open from 8-00 to 19-00, the orchid exhibition closes earlier. On one of my visits, at 16-00 it was already closed.

I visited the combined Exhibition of orchids and tropical butterflies. The ticket came out 300 rubles. (150 rubles for orchids and 150 rubles for butterflies).

The exhibition was held in a pavilion where only a butterfly exhibition was previously held. The room is small. It is very stuffy and hot inside, as the climate is as close to tropical as possible. On the walls there are signs about varieties of orchids. Orchid pots are also screwed on the walls.

In the center of the pavilion is a pond with goldfish and flower beds.

There is little vegetation. In addition to orchids, there were other flowers. Take Bromeliad for example.

This is not an orchid!

They did not bother with the design of the exposition. Almost all orchids are in plastic pots... For me, the view is not very good. I expected to see something as close to natural conditions as possible. Experienced flower growers invent more original design their collections. Transplanting into glass, coconuts, etc. Here everything is in plastic, as if from a store.

This is probably the only place that they somehow tried to decorate in an original way, covering the pots with coconut fiber.

There were many phalaenopsis. Purple, white, pink, yellow, s various drawings... But I did not notice any rare, unusual colors.

Maybe 10 years ago, orchids were very rare, but now Phalaenopsis are sold in every flower shop and stand in every third house... In the same Ikea or Auchan with a large flower department, you can see 3-5 types of orchids, different colors for FREE! In our Ikea, there are three times more orchids than at this exhibition ... In Ikea, you can look at orchids for free, here you need to pay 150 rubles.

I suspect that most of the orchids have faded, so the rest were moved to the butterfly pavilion and continued to take money for nothing.

Thank you all for your attention! Bye!

The exhibition was a success! Look at the exhibition too!

Autumn exhibition and sale of orchids will be held at the Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev in Moscow from September 29 to October 07 2018. Let this be our “Russian Orchids Week”, or “Orchid Week in Moscow”. The organizer is your favorite Orchid Planet.

At the address st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15 (10 minutes from the Krasnopresnenskaya, Barrikadnaya or 1905 Goda metro stations, to choose from).

This time we will be in two large, spacious halls of the museum. Lectures and master classes will be held in separate classrooms. The audience will be informed immediately before the events.
vEntrance to the exhibition with museum tickets. The museum's opening hours and prices can be found on their website http://www.gbmt.ru/ru/index.php. Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat - the museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00. Thu - from 12.00 to 21.00. Sun - from 11.00 to 18.00. Monday is a day off.

At the exhibition during all the days of its work there will be sale of specific and hybrid orchids, the most different, for every taste. There will also be the sale of care products, substrates, drugs for treatment and more. For you, we invite the best sellers from huge selection orchids (and phalaenopsis including J).

We have divided the entire Orchid Week into themed days. Each day there will be lectures and/or master classes on the topic of the day. Exact timetable we will give lectures / master classes later, as we finally agree with the lecturers.

What will happen at Orchid Week:
September 29 and 30- Phalaenopsis Day. On the first day there will be a lecture about novelty phalaenopsis. Our favorite fragrant wax flower hybrids. Giant hybrids.
On the second day, our partner, Jmp Flowers, will tell you about the production of phalaenopsis on a plant scale and reveal the secrets of growing from seedling to flowering. You will see how phalaenopsis from the factory gets to the windowsill. It will be interesting! You can ask the manufacturers themselves about the care of these phalaenopsis.
October 01- a day off at the museum, we are closed L
October 02- Miniature Orchid Day. Let's do a couple of lectures. We will do the second lecture in the question-answer mode, we will experiment. I will tell you the details in a separate post. All about our favorite miniatures, florariums, substrates, lighting, etc. J
October 03- Russian Orchid Day. We will talk about our orchids, more about Cypripedium, the lady's slipper. They grow in gardens, so let's talk about cultivation.
October 04- Plant Protection Day. It's all about preparations for the treatment of orchids, methods of getting rid of pests, etc. On this day, the museum is open from 12 noon to 21 pm. Do you know what that means? The fact that you have time to get from work to our evening lecture on orchid pest control! Wow topic :)
October 05- The day on which our main sponsor - the company for the production of substrates for orchids EffectBio - will tell about their substrates. There will be a master class, we will transplant something and talk about bark and seramis. And there will be a presentation of a new substrate from EffectBio - this is something special! There will also be a sale.
October 06- Shoe Day is all about growing Paphiopedilum. Special guests from the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden will tell us about the cultivation of these whims. We are preparing such a surprise for you, we can’t wait to tell you! The second lecture will be about growing our favorite Phragmipediums at home. We'll also talk about kovac.
October 07- the last day of our Orchid Week. On a beautiful Sunday morning, we will gather for round table, where we will discuss the problems of growing precious orchids. We will try to gather specialists in these orchids at the same table, and make sure that they do not bite each other. We will not put glasses of water on the table. And, although .. Let's see. Remember that on Sunday the museum opens at 11.00 and the exhibition closes at 16.30

On the eve of the New Year, Muscovites are waiting for an incredible exhibition - the Orchid Festival 2018, which will traditionally take place in the Aptekarsky Ogorod. This year the festival will be jubilee, because it will be held for 10 times already. Along with the orchid exhibition, guests can enjoy a variety of carnivorous plants and succulents.

This festival is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and interesting events that take place in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Aptekarsky Ogorod". Despite the fact that orchid buds bloom for a relatively long time, they also bloom for quite a long time. That is why the exhibition traditionally lasts several months.

This year at the festival you can see dozens of different varieties, among which there will be both familiar and very rare ones. In total, the collection of the botanical garden includes more than a thousand varieties, moreover, it is constantly updated.

The exhibition will feature white, brown, purple, speckled and black flowers. The exposition will include the smallest and most expensive flowers, including bee orchids, tiger orchids, slipper orchids and hairy flowers.

It is worth noting that some specimens that can be seen at the festival have practically disappeared from wildlife and are therefore considered very rare.

Experts also note the aroma of plants that will fill the Pharmaceutical Garden. Orchids don't just smell like flowers, they also smell like cookies, cheese, dust, chocolate, perfume, fruit, or cinnamon.

The exact date of the exhibition on this moment no, but it is known that it will take place at the end of December 2018. The ticket price will be from 200 to 300 rubles.

Predatory plants and succulents in the Pharmaceutical Garden in 2017

At last year's exhibition, in addition to orchids, visitors could see the real "Garden of Carnivorous Plants" and an incredible collection of succulents. The exposition of "predators" was presented in the form of a tropical swamp with a unique microclimate and a waterfall.

Visitors were able to see a huge collection of carnivorous plants that can catch and digest not only insects, but also amphibians, as well as small rodents. They included the famous flycatcher, several representatives of the sundew species, the South American heliamphora and the rarest Australian cephalotus.

The collection of succulents of the Pharmaceutical Garden is considered one of the oldest and richest in Russia. It includes over 3 thousand copies, including the largest collection of cacti "Queen of the Night".