What is the main function of connected speech. "development of coherent speech in preschool children"

Coherent speech of a preschooler is a significant indicator of his speech and general development. If a child in a conversation reveals the meaning well, logically and consistently talking about something, then adults note that he speaks fluently and coherently. At the same time, do not forget to note the mental development of the baby.

It is encouraging that the ability to speak meaningfully and understandably is formed through training. This means that parents and educators can help a preschooler get used to using their native language.

What speech of a preschooler is called connected

The coherence of statements is not a randomly occurring characteristic. This is the result of the development of cognitive processes, the enrichment of vocabulary and the development of grammatical foundations.

The speech of a preschooler acquires coherence if it is filled with semantic content. And meaning appears only when the sentences are constructed using the appropriate words and taking into account the rules of grammar.

The first sentence is followed by the second, the third… Together they reveal the content of the thoughts or intentions of the speaker. A simple chain for an adult. But the preschooler has yet to learn how to clothe the need to speak in understandable verbal forms.

Connected speech is a form of oral speech, consisting of successive logical statements that reveal the content and meaning of a certain thought.

The development of coherent speech in children preschool age– qualitatively new stage. Learning to logically and consistently express their thoughts, a preschooler acquires the main neoplasm in speech development.

Stages of formation of coherent speech in preschool age

The formation of speech - not only coherent, but also situational - in a child is progressing in stages. Peculiarities speech development preschoolers are conditioned by the dominant type of thinking.

AT 3-4 years the child develops visually effective thinking, and his speech practice is firmly tied to specific objects and situations. The younger preschooler already speaks, but in simple phrases using indefinite forms of pronouns and adverbs (that, there).

Coherent speech first appears in communication with adults and peers. An important condition for its formation is the focus on the listener and the desire to speak in such a way that the listener understands.

No matter how small a preschooler is, he is faced with the task of acquiring the skills to clearly state the essence of what excites, interests, worries him. Only in this way can the communicative function of speech be realized.

Signs of connectedness appear due to the filling of the active dictionary, the initial development of oral speech. Skills of arbitrary use of words are formed. Fragmentary statements are replaced by more detailed sentences.

There comes a period when two forms of coherent speech can be distinguished in preschoolers:

  • contextual
  • explanatory.

To 5 years old child begins to make complex sentences, which sound like a set of simple ones. For example, five-year-old Katya enthusiastically describes what she just saw: “The duckling jumped into the water, then he swam, and the mother duck led all the ducklings to the shore.”

At this age, the preschooler describes visual situations well. He uses correct sentence construction and tries to give a complete picture of what he has seen or heard about. At the same time, the preschooler may “lose” the subject or predicate, but his speech is understandable in this context. Therefore, such speech is called connected contextual.

six year old child in accordance with should actively use detailed statements, use language means, such as comparison, epithets. What most children do well. Their conversations are full of invented stories.

Lenya says: “Look, I'm jumping like a bunny. It's my birthday, the forest dwellers came to visit me and brought me a lot of delicious sweet carrots. And I will treat my guests to what they love.

The coherent speech of older preschool children is based on figurative thinking. They present images and describe their characteristics, or recall events and recount details. Older preschoolers use the most complex form of connected speech - explanatory. Characteristic features are the logical union of all parts of the message and the reflection of cause-and-effect relationships.

Dialogue and monologue in connected speech of preschoolers

Language acquisition is realized through two main speech forms: dialogic and monologue.

In the development of the child is primary. Children's vocabulary consists of a small number of words, and sentences have the simplest structure. A preschooler learns to express a request to those with whom he has joint activities, learns to answer questions, ask them and perceive answers.

At first, for many children, even simple conversion seems overwhelming. The adult shows the child an example of how to make a request to a peer, and then encourages him to repeat. To involve a preschooler in a dialogue, an adult asks him questions, asks him to tell about everyday events (where he was, what he saw, etc.). Thanks to the interlocutor's remarks, the little narrator develops a coherent description.

As the child grows older, the dialogues become longer and more logically connected. When talking with a preschooler, an adult asks him about his impressions, about the qualities of objects or phenomena, trains the ability to give detailed answers, to follow the sequence of remarks. This practice is used by senior preschoolers in communication with peers.

It is a more voluminous and lengthy statement than a replica of the dialogue. The monologue is subject to logic, it expresses in detail the thought or opinion of one person. It can take the form of a story about some events. Can describe phenomena or objects. Often sounds like reasoning or persuasion.

The significance of monologue speech for a preschooler lies in the fact that the child learns to adhere to the chosen topic and logically build his statement. In the monologue there is a "coherence of thoughts", which ensures the coherence of speech.

Preschoolers begin to use the monologue as soon as they are addicted to the game. Girls like to educate their dolls, imagining educational moments. Boys can play with the car for a long time and at the same time voice their actions, talk with imaginary fellow travelers, inspectors traffic etc. Such simple monologues contribute to the formation of coherent speech.

Receptions for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers

A growing child has internal motives to better and deeper master his native language. A preschooler is interested in a lot, there is a desire to ask and tell more. There is a need to influence the interlocutor, to express their opinion, to argue.

This means that the relevance of the development of coherent speech of preschoolers is supported by fertile conditions - an adult offers help to the child to learn to speak logically and clearly, to which he meets a lively response.

There are proven methods and techniques that stimulate the development of speech in preschool age. These include:

  • paraphrase
  • stories based on pictures
  • writing fairy tales and stories

Teaching preschoolers to retell

It would seem that retelling is the simplest speech training. You do not need to invent anything, but only remember what the text says and convey it in your own words. But there are not so many words in stock for a preschooler!

Children's literature is written in an accessible language, but necessarily covers vocabulary child. Therefore, in order to convey the content, children, along with known words, need to use new concepts.

It is even more difficult to stick to the course of events that is presented in the plot. A preschooler needs the ability to comprehend what and how is happening to the main characters in order to tell everything coherently.

It is convenient to solve the problem of how to teach a child to retell a text in the following sequence:

  • Read interesting story or a fairy tale.
  • Clarify the child's impressions (like it or not, what characters or events are of interest).
  • Pay attention to new concepts, say them together.
  • Invite the preschooler to tell this tale, story (serve in game form, and not as a task to retell);
  • "Remember how it all started?" - read the first lines. As a rule, the little listener soon interrupts and begins to transmit the content.
  • The adult constantly supports the narrator, encourages him to continue with hints: “What happened next?”, “Where did they go?”, “How was it at this time? ..”, etc.
  • After completing the retelling, praise the child and pay attention to the morality that is necessarily contained in children's stories: whether this or that hero did well.

The proposed order in teaching retelling should be applied when the formation of coherent speech in preschool children is just beginning. Older preschoolers master independent retellings, if you first make a plan of what will be told. For a story according to plan, it is necessary to highlight several key events in the overall storyline.

The development of coherent speech based on pictures

The skill of coherent statements is successfully trained using visual material. These can be single pictures, as well as a series of images that reflect the development of the plot.

The preschooler is asked to say:

  • What is shown in the picture
  • What events happened before
  • How will the situation develop further?

When using pictures, it should be borne in mind that older preschoolers enthusiastically fantasize, use detailed explanations based on images. But the presence of pictures increases the situational nature of speech in younger preschoolers - instead of a description, they can point to the depicted details.

Formation of coherent speech with the help of storytelling

Compositions develop figurativeness, logic, expressiveness of statements. Storytelling refers to any story told by a preschooler.

The more the child has, the easier it is for him to express his impressions and fantasies. The finished story contains a number of key points that preschoolers are guided by in the retelling, and in the stories they compose, they freely build all the plot twists.

Storytelling skills begin to form when a child is asked to describe what he saw on a walk, in the park, on the playground. Preschoolers of middle and older age willingly tell episodes from their lives - where they have been, with whom and how they spent their time.

The development of coherent speech of preschool children occurs not only in specially organized conditions, when the child is asked to retell, describe, invent. Every day, children use contextual and explanatory speech in the game, replenish their vocabulary, which increases their speech level.

The main tasks of speech development: education of sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, formation grammatical structure speech, its coherence in the construction of a detailed statement - are solved at each age stage, however, from group to group, there is a gradual complication of each task. The specific weight of this or that task also changes when moving from group to group.

The development of speech and speech communication of preschoolers in kindergarten carried out in all activities different forms– both in special classes and outside them.



What is connected speech?

Coherent speech is the ability of a child to express his thoughts vividly, consistently, without being distracted by unnecessary details. According to researchers, there are two types of oral connected speech - dialogue and monologue, which have their own characteristics:

Dialogic speech is supported speech, having an interlocutor, it is simpler, it may contain intonations, gestures, pauses, stresses. It is characterized by the use of colloquial vocabulary and phraseology.

Monologue speech is a long, consistent, coherent presentation of thoughts, knowledge by one person, which proceeds for a relatively long time and is not designed for an immediate reaction of the audience. It is characterized by literary vocabulary, detailed statements, completeness and logical completeness.

In dialogue, sentences are monosyllabic, filled with intonations and interjections. In a dialogue, it is important to be able to quickly and accurately formulate your questions and give answers to the interlocutor's questions.

In a monologue-type speech, the child needs to speak figuratively, emotionally, and at the same time, thoughts should be focused without being distracted by details.

Coherent speech can be situational (associated with a specific situation) and contextual (constructed without taking into account a specific situation, relying only on linguistic means).

One of the conditions for the development of speech in a broad sense is the cultural and linguistic environment. The culture of speech of children is inextricably linked with the culture of speech of the educator and everyone around. Speech should be developed not so much by methodological techniques and instructions, but by example and model. One of the main methods of speech development is training, a certain range of speech skills and abilities. The development of speech is also carried out in the classroom for other sections of the kindergarten program. For example, fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education.

The main tasks of speech development: education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, its coherence when constructing a detailed statement - are solved at each age stage, however, from group to group there is a gradual complication of each task. The specific weight of this or that task also changes when moving from group to group.

The development of speech and speech communication of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out in all types of activities, in various forms - both in special classes and outside them.

Exercises related to the performance of movements can be used in the classroom (physical education minutes), for a walk. In the process of outdoor games, during the hours of morning exercises, exercises are carried out in which speech material is combined with the actions of the child. It is in movement that grammatical rules are effectively assimilated, this or that artistic image is transmitted.

The sequence of work on connected speech:

  • education of understanding of coherent speech;
  • education of dialogic coherent speech;
  • education of monologue coherent speech,

Working methods:

  • work on compiling a story - description;
  • work on compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures;
  • work on compiling a story based on one plot picture;
  • work on the retelling;
  • work on your own story.

Formation of coherent speech in preschoolers

The method of developing coherent speech includes not only teaching the child the skills of logical presentation of his own thoughts, but also replenishing his vocabulary.

The main means of developing coherent speech are:

  • conversations;
  • didactic games;
  • theatrical games.

In classes with a child, you can use the tools most suitable for his age and interests, or combine them.


The content of the work on teaching older preschoolers includes teaching children the ability to conduct a conversation, answer questions with detailed answers and monosyllabic ones, be able to listen to the statements of others and tactfully correct mistakes, supplement answers, and make their own remarks. Toddlers also need to be taught the quality of speech, that is, to be friendly, tactful, polite, maintain a pose when talking, look into the face of the interlocutor.

During the day, the teacher needs to find time for short conversations with all the children, for this, the time of the morning admission of children to kindergarten, washing, dressing and walking will go.

To develop the skills of dialogical speech in children, the teacher should use the method of verbal instructions. At the same time, the teacher gives the children a sample request, sometimes invites the child to repeat it in order to check whether he remembered the phrase. It also contributes to the consolidation of forms of polite speech.

To develop the initial forms of speech-interview, the teacher plans and organizes a joint examination of illustrations, favorite books, and children's drawings with children. Small emotional stories of the teacher (what he observed on the bus; how he spent his days off) will help to encourage a conversation on a specific topic, which evoke various similar memories in the memory of children, activate their judgments and assessments.

In older groups, the topics of conversation are the most diverse and more complex. For example: you can invite children to remember their favorite fairy tale, game. The greatest attention is paid to the development of communication skills with adults, the assimilation by children of the rules of speech behavior in public places. In collective conversations, children are invited to complement each other, correct a friend, ask a question to the interlocutor.

Communication with children is very great importance. With its help, you can influence the comprehensive development of the child's speech: correct mistakes, ask questions, give a sample of correct speech, develop the skills of dialogic and monologue speech. In an individual conversation, it is easier for the teacher to focus the child's attention on individual errors in his speech. In the course of the conversation, the educator can better study all aspects of children's speech, identify its shortcomings, determine which exercises for the development of speech are best used, find out his interests, aspirations.

Communication with children can be individual and collective. The whole group or several children participate in a collective conversation. best time for collective conversations is a walk. Morning and evening hours are best suited for individual communication. But whenever a teacher talks to children, the conversation should be useful, interesting and easy to understand.

The role of role-playing game in the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

At preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. The game is not just entertainment, it is the creative, inspired work of the child, this is his life. During the game, the child learns not only the world around him, but also himself, his place in this world.

There are no schemes and correct patterns in the game, nothing fetters the child. Not to teach, and to teach, but to play with them, fantasize, compose, invent - that's what a child needs. The development of thinking, imagination and speech largely depends on the level of development of the game. When playing, the child replaces the missing objects with objects - substitutes, sometimes even imaginary ones. And this is not just a game, this is the formation of a substitution function, with which the child will subsequently meet constantly. In the yoke, he learns to plan and regulate his actions, as well as the actions of his partners in the game.

But in order for the game to become really developing for the baby, it is necessary to learn how to play - at first, just operate with toys, imitate real actions, their logic, their sequence. Then, when the child already knows how to act independently, master the science of role-playing games, play out whole plots, in which the main thing is a reflection of relationships between people. The basis of the plot-role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him. The main component of the role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is the area of ​​activity that is reproduced by children.

The plots of the games are varied. They are conditionally divided into:

  • household (family games, kindergarten),
  • industrial, reflecting the professional work of people (games in the hospital, shop),
  • public (games celebrating the birthday of the city, to the library, flight to the moon).

The plot of the role-playing game is embodied by the child through the role he takes. Role - a means of implementing the plot and the main component of the role-playing game. For a child, a role is his playing position: he identifies himself with some character in the plot and acts in accordance with the ideas about this character. The subordination of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is the most important element of the role-playing game. For preschoolers, a role is a model of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own. The meaning of the game for preschoolers lies in the relationship between the characters. Therefore, the child willingly takes on those roles in which the relationship is clear to him (the teacher takes good care of the children, the captain leads the ship, makes sure that the sailors work well, so that the passengers are comfortable). The child depicts these relationships in the game with the help of speech, facial expressions, gestures.

Two types of speech are known - dialogical and monologue, which are more acceptable when conducting a role-playing game. So the form of the flow of dialogic speech (a conversation between two or more people, posing questions and answers to them) encourages incomplete, monosyllabic answers. Incomplete sentence, exclamation, interjection, bright intonational expressiveness, gesture, facial expressions are the main features of dialogic speech. For dialogic speech, it is especially important to be able to formulate and ask a question, in accordance with what you heard, build an answer, supplement and correct the interlocutor.

Monologue speech is characterized by unfolding, completeness, interconnection of individual parts of the narrative. Monologue, story, explanation require the speaker to pay more attention to the content of the speech and its verbal design; it is very important to maintain liveliness and immediacy of speech.

Role-playing games provide an opportunity to activate the existing vocabulary. In games, the child finds himself in a situation where he is forced to use previously acquired knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. In role-playing games on everyday topics, the household vocabulary is activated, in games on industrial topics - professional vocabulary, in building games - words denoting the qualities and spatial arrangement of objects, as well as the corresponding verbs.

The plot-role-playing game is the very speech situation where purposeful learning of dialogical speech takes place. It is aimed at developing the skills to negotiate during communication, question the interlocutor, engage in someone's conversation, follow the rules of speech etiquette, express sympathy, convince, prove one's point of view.

It can be argued that the role-playing game has a positive effect on the development of coherent speech. During the game, the child speaks aloud with the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc. Thus, children's speech activity develops in a role-playing game.

The role of word games in the development of coherent speech in older preschool children

The greatest effect of work on the development of the speech of a preschooler will be obtained if it is carried out through a variety of games. One of the types of games is a verbal didactic game. Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, since in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances.

They are actively involved in verbal and speech games. In the younger and middle groups, the games are aimed at developing speech, educating the correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, developing the correct orientation in space. And at the senior preschool age, logical thinking actively begins to form in children, and games are selected in order to form mental activity, independence in solving problems: children must quickly find the right answer, accurately and clearly form their thoughts, apply knowledge in accordance with the task.

For the convenience of using word games in the pedagogical process, I use four groups of games proposed by Bondarenko A.K. I will bring brief characteristics each group:

  1. group - games that form the ability to highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena: "Shop", "Guess?", "Radio", "Yes - no", "Whose things?"
  2. group - games used to develop children's ability to compare, compare, notice differences, make correct conclusions: “Looks like - does not look like”, “Who will notice fables more?”
  3. group - games with the help of which the ability to generalize and classify objects is developed according to various criteria: “Who needs what?”, “Name three words”, “Name it in one word”.
  4. group - games for the development of attention, quick wit, quick thinking, endurance, sense of humor: “Broken phone”, “Paints”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Do not name white and black”.

The use of verbal and gaming activities increases the effectiveness of children's speech development, allows them to form a variety of skills that will become the basis for further successful learning. Properly organized and systematically conducted games help the development of coherent speech, significantly replenish vocabulary, make children's speech more literate and expressive.

One of the most effective forms of work on the development of coherent speech istheatrical play.

In the game-dramatization, a dialogic, emotionally rich speech is formed, the child's vocabulary is activated. With the help of dramatization games, children master the elements of communication - facial expressions, posture, intonation, voice modulation. The child learns the richness of his native language, its expressive means, uses intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and their actions, tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

At the initial stage of work on a dramatization game, it is necessary to choose the right work of art. It is very important that it interests children, evokes strong feelings and experiences. And there was an entertainingly developing plot: it should have one or more main characters along with episodic heroes actively participating in ongoing events.

Having chosen a work for a dramatization game, the teacher reads it to the children several times, examines illustrations with them, and talks about what they have read.

The very process of preparing for a theatrical game solves many problems for the development of coherent speech:

1) systematic performance of game exercises aimed at the development of facial expressions and pantomime, due to which movements acquire greater confidence. Children begin to switch more easily from one movement to another, to understand the subtleties of gestures, facial expressions and movements of another child;

2) the introduction of games and exercises for the development of breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation;

3) the transition to the dramatization of poems, jokes, nursery rhymes: children memorize texts in advance, then act them out using different kinds theater (finger theater or tabletop);

4) move to more complex view activities - dramatization of stories and fairy tales, where different masks or costume elements and types of theaters are used - table, finger, b-ba-bo, children can act out the text as actors.

Scientists have long noticed that speech and - manual actions are very closely related.

Recently, many books and manuals have been written about fine motor skills. And it is no coincidence.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the formation of a child's oral speech begins when the movement of the fingers reaches sufficient accuracy. In other words, the formation of speech takes place under the influence of impulses coming from the hands. This is important for timely speech development, and - especially - in cases where this development is impaired. In addition, it has been proven that both the thought and the child's eye move at the same speed as the hand. This means that systematic exercises for training finger movements are a powerful means of increasing the efficiency of the brain. Research results show that the level of speech development in children is always in direct proportion to the degree of development of fine finger movements. The imperfection of fine motor coordination of the hands and fingers makes it difficult to master writing and a number of other educational and labor skills. Psychologists say that exercises for the fingers develop mental activity, memory and attention of the child.

The verses accompanying the exercises are the basis on which the sense of rhythm is formed and improved. They learn to listen to rhyme, stress, divide words into syllables. A sense of rhythm is also important when learning to write (to develop an even handwriting), to memorize verses, and to prevent writing disorders (omission of vowels).


The development of coherent speech in children is not a spontaneous process. It requires purposeful adult action. Our task is to help the child grow up as an educated person, with competent speech.

List of used literature

  1. Alekseeva M.M., Ushakova O.S. The relationship of the tasks of speech development of children in the classroom // Education of mental activity in children of preschool age. - M, 2008. - pp. 27-43.
  2. Arushanova A.G. On the problem of determining the level of speech development of a preschooler // in Sat. scientific articles: Problems of speech development of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren/Answer. ed. A.M. Shakhnarovich. - M.: Institute of National Problems of Education MORF, 2008. - p. 4-16.
  3. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for preschool children. - M.: Education, 2010. - 213 p.
  4. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A guide for the kindergarten teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 160 p.
  5. Gerbova V. V. Classes on the development of speech in the senior preschool group of children
  6. .Gerbova V.V. Compilation of descriptive stories // Preschool education. - 2011. - N 9. - p. 28-34.
  7. Dyachenko O. The main directions of work on the program "Development" for children of the senior group / O. Dyachenko, N. Varentsova // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 9. - S. 10-13.
  8. Ladyzhenskaya T.A. The system of work on the development of coherent oral speech of students. - M.: Pedagogy, 1974. - 256s.
  9. Tiheeva E.I. The development of children's speech. / Ed. F. Sokhin. - M.: Education, 2011. - 159 p.
  10. Uruntaeva G.A. Workshop on the psychology of a preschooler / G. A. Uruntaeva. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 368 p.
  11. Ushakova O.S. The development of speech of preschoolers / O. S. Ushakova. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2008. - 240 p.

Coherent speech is a detailed presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively, intonationally expressive.

Coherent speech is inseparable from the world of thoughts: the coherence of speech is the coherence of thoughts. Coherent speech reflects the child's ability to comprehend the perceived and correctly express it. By the way a child builds his statements, one can judge not only his speech development, but also the development of thinking, perception, memory, and imagination.

The coherent speech of a child is the result of his speech development, and it is based on the enrichment and activation of his vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, and the education of its sound culture.

There are two main types of speech: dialogic and monologue.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, asking questions and answering them. The features of the dialogue are an incomplete sentence, bright intonational expressiveness, gestures and facial expressions. For dialogue, the ability to formulate and ask a question is important, in accordance with the question of the interlocutor, to build an answer, to supplement and correct the interlocutor.

The monologue is characterized by the development, completeness, clarity, interconnection of individual parts of the narrative. Explanation, retelling, story require the speaker to pay more attention to the content of speech and its verbal design. In addition, the arbitrariness of the monologue is important, i.e. the ability to selectively use linguistic means, to choose words, phrases and syntactic constructions that most fully and accurately convey the speaker's thought.

Children 3 years old available simple form dialogue: answers to questions. The colloquial speech of three-year-old children is the basis for the formation of a monologue in middle age.

Children of 4 years old can begin to be taught to retell and compose short stories from pictures, toys, because. their vocabulary by this age reaches 2.5 thousand words. But children's stories still copy the pattern of an adult.

In children of 5-6 years old, the monologue reaches enough high level. The child can consistently retell the text, compose plot and descriptive stories on the proposed topic. However, children still need a previous teacher model, as they, for the most part, still lack the ability to express their feelings in a monologue. emotional attitude to the described objects and phenomena.

With younger children the teacher develops dialogue skills:

Teaches to listen and understand the speech of an adult;

Teaches to speak in the presence of other children, to listen and understand their speech;

teaches you to perform an action according to a verbal instruction (bring something, show something or someone in a group or in a picture);

Teaches to answer the questions of the educator;

Repeat after the teacher the words and songs of the characters in fairy tales;

Repeat after the teacher small poetic texts.

In general, the teacher prepares children for learning the monologue.

In middle and older age (4-7 years) children are taught the main types of monologue: retelling and storytelling. Storytelling is taught in stages, from simple to complex, starting with a simple retelling of a short text and ending with the highest forms of independent creative storytelling.

Retelling training.

In each age group, teaching retelling has its own characteristics, but there are also general methodological techniques:

Preparation for the perception of the text;

Primary reading of the text by the teacher;

Conversation on issues (questions ranging from reproductive to search and problem);

Drawing up a plan of retelling;

Re-reading the text by the teacher;


The plan can be oral, pictorial, pictorial-verbal and symbolic.

In the younger group preparing for learning to retell. Tasks of the teacher at this stage:

To teach children to perceive a familiar text read or told by the teacher;

Lead to text playback, but do not reproduce.

Methodology for teaching the retelling of 3-year-old children:

  1. reproduction by the educator of fairy tales well known to children, built on the repetition of actions (“Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, miniature stories by L.N. Tolstoy).
  2. remembering by children the sequence of appearance of fairy-tale characters and their actions with the help of visualization: table or puppet theater, flannelgraph.
  3. repetition by the child after the teacher of each sentence from the text or 1-2 words from the sentence.

AT middle group when teaching retelling, more complex tasks are solved:

To teach children to perceive not only a well-known, but also read text for the first time;

To teach children to convey the conversation of the characters;

Learn to retell the text sequentially;

To teach to listen to the retellings of other children and to notice in them a discrepancy with the text.

The methodology for teaching children to retell 5-6 years old is as follows:

  1. introductory conversation, setting up the perception of the work, reading poetry, looking at illustrations on the topic;
  2. expressive reading of the text by the educator without setting for memorization, which can disrupt the holistic perception of the work of art;
  3. a conversation on the content and form of the text, and the questions of the teacher should be well thought out and aimed not only at understanding the content of the text and the sequence of events, but also at understanding the character traits of the characters, the attitude of children towards them. There should be questions about how the author describes this or that event, with what he compares it, what words and expressions he uses. You can ask children search (where? where?) and problematic (how? why? why?) questions that require answers in complex sentences.
  4. drawing up a plan of retelling (in senior group educator along with the children, and in preparatory group children);
  5. re-reading the text by the teacher with the installation of memorization;
  6. retelling of the text by children;
  7. assessment of children's retelling (given by the teacher together with the children, in the preparatory group - children).

A short text is retold in full, long and complex children are retold in a chain.

In the preparatory group, more complex forms of retelling are introduced:

From several texts, children choose one, as they wish;

Children come up with a continuation to an unfinished story by analogy;

Dramatization of a literary work by children.

Learning to tell a story from a painting and from a series of paintings.

In the younger group preparation for storytelling in the picture is carried out, because a coherent presentation of the three-year-old cannot yet compose, this:

Examining the painting;

Answers to the teacher's reproductive questions in the picture (who and what is drawn? what are the characters doing? what are they?).

For viewing, pictures are used that depict individual objects (toys, household items, pets) and simple plots that are close to the personal experience of children (children's games, children on a walk, children at home, etc.). It is important to create an emotional mood for viewing the picture. Songs, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, sayings familiar to children will help in this. You can use game techniques:

Show a picture of any toy;

associate viewing a picture with viewing a favorite toy;

Introduce the guest to the picture.

In the middle group it becomes possible to teach children to tell a story from a picture, because at this age, speech improves, mental activity increases.

Methodology for teaching a story based on a picture of 4-year-old children:

1. preparation for the emotional perception of the picture (poems, sayings, riddles on the topic, the presence of fairy-tale characters, all types of theaters, etc.)

2. viewing the picture as a whole;

3. questions to the teacher's picture;

4. a sample story based on the picture of the educator;

5. children's stories.

The teacher helps the children to tell supporting questions, suggests words, phrases.

At the end of the year, if the children have learned to tell a story from a picture according to a model and from questions, a story plan is introduced.

In the senior and preparatory group there is an opportunity for self-compilation of stories from pictures. The sample story is no longer given for exact reproduction. Literary samples are used.

It becomes possible to use a series of plot pictures to compose stories with a plot, a climax, a denouement. For example: “The Hare and the Snowman”, “The Bear Cub for a Walk”, “Stories in Pictures” by Radlov.

At an older and preparatory age, we teach children to see not only what is depicted in the foreground, but also the background of the picture, its main background, elements of the landscape and natural phenomena, the state of the weather, that is, we teach to see not only the main, but also the details.

Also with the storyline. We teach children to see not only what is depicted at the moment, but also what preceded and subsequent events.

The teacher asks questions that seem to outline storyline beyond the content of the picture.

It is very important to combine the task of developing coherent speech with other speech tasks: enriching and clarifying the dictionary, forming the grammatical structure of speech and its intonational expressiveness.

Methodology for teaching a story based on a picture for 5-6 years old :

1. preparation for the emotional perception of the picture;

2. lexical and grammatical exercises on the topic of the lesson;

3. viewing the picture as a whole;

questions of the teacher on the content of the picture;

5. drawing up a story plan by the teacher together with the children;

6. a story based on a picture of a strong child, as a model;

7. stories of 4-5 children;

8. Evaluation of each story by children with the teacher's comments.

In the preparatory group for school, children are ready to learn storytelling from a landscape painting. In such classes, lexical and grammatical exercises for the selection of definitions, comparisons, the use of words in a figurative sense, synonyms and antonyms are of particular importance. It is important to teach children to come up with sentences on a given topic and pronounce them with different intonations.

Compilation of descriptive stories and comparative descriptions.

In the younger group, preparation for teaching the story-description is carried out:

Consideration of toys (selection of toys is of great importance - it is better to consider toys of the same name, but different in appearance, this ensures the activation of the children's vocabulary);

Carefully thought-out questions of the educator, answering which children pay attention to the appearance of the toy, its components, the material from which it is made, playing actions with it; the teacher helps the children answer questions;

The use of folklore elements, poems, songs, jokes about this toy, short stories or fairy tales about it;

The teacher's story about the toy.

Thus, the children themselves do not talk about the toy, but are preparing to compose a descriptive story at an older age.

In the middle group, children are already ready for independent compiling short descriptive stories about toys.

Methodology for teaching a story-description of 4-year-old children:

1. looking at a toy;

2. questions of the educator regarding appearance(color, shape, size), qualities of a toy, actions with it;

3. a sample of the teacher's story;

4. the story of a strong child on the basic issues of the educator;

5. stories of 4-5 children on the basic issues of the educator;

In the second half of the year, a story plan is introduced - a description compiled by the teacher.

Now the training method looks like this:

1. looking at a toy;

2. questions of the educator;

3. preparation by the educator of a plan for a story about a toy;

4. a sample of the teacher's story according to the plan;

5. stories of children according to the plan and supporting questions;

6. assessment of children's stories by the educator.

As part of the lesson, other types of work can be distinguished

1.1 The concept, forms and functions of connected speech

Connected speech is understood as a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that provides communication and mutual understanding. Connectivity, Rubinstein believed, is “the adequacy of the speech formulation of the speaker’s or writer’s thought from the point of view of its intelligibility for the listener or reader” . Therefore, the main characteristic of coherent speech is its intelligibility for the interlocutor.

Coherent speech is a speech that reflects all the essential aspects of its subject content. Speech can be incoherent for two reasons: either because these connections are not realized and not represented in the speaker's thoughts, or these connections are not properly identified in his speech.

In the methodology, the term "coherent speech" is used in several meanings: 1) the process, the activity of the speaker; 2) product, result of this activity, text, statement; 3) the name of the section of work on the development of speech. The terms “statement”, “text” are used as synonyms. An utterance is both a speech activity and the result of this activity: a certain speech product, greater than a sentence. Its core is the meaning (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov and others). Connected speech is a single semantic and structural whole, including interconnected and thematically united, complete segments.

The main function of connected speech is communicative. It is carried out in two main forms - dialogue and monologue. Each of these forms has its own characteristics that determine the nature of the methodology for their formation.

In linguistic and psychological literature, dialogical and monologue speech are considered in terms of their opposition. They differ in their communicative orientation, linguistic and psychological nature.

Dialogic speech is a particularly vivid manifestation of the communicative function of language. Scientists call dialogue the primary natural form of linguistic communication, the classical form of verbal communication. Main Feature dialogue is the alternation of the speaking of one interlocutor with listening and subsequent speaking of the other. It is important that in a dialogue the interlocutors always know what is being discussed, and do not need to expand their thoughts and statements. Oral dialogic speech takes place in a specific situation and is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Hence the language design of the dialogue. Speech in it may be incomplete, abbreviated, sometimes fragmentary. Dialogue is characterized by: colloquial vocabulary and phraseology; brevity, reticence, abruptness; simple and complex non-union sentences; short-term reflection. The coherence of the dialogue is provided by two interlocutors. Dialogic speech is characterized by involuntary, reactive. It is very important to note that the use of patterns and clichés, speech stereotypes, stable communication formulas, habitual, often used and, as it were, attached to certain everyday situations and topics of conversation (L.P. Yakubinsky) is typical for dialogue. Speech clichés facilitate dialogue.

Monologue speech is a coherent, logically consistent statement that flows for a relatively long time, not designed for an immediate reaction from the audience. It has an incomparably more complex structure, expresses the thought of one person, which is unknown to the listeners. Therefore, the statement contains a more complete formulation of information, it is more detailed. In a monologue, internal preparation is necessary, a longer preliminary consideration of the statement, concentration of thought on the main thing. Non-speech means (gestures, facial expressions, intonation), the ability to speak emotionally, vividly, expressively are also important here, but they occupy a subordinate place. The monologue is characterized by: literary vocabulary - expansion of the statement, completeness, logical completeness; syntactic formality (an extended system of connecting elements); the coherence of the monologue is provided by one speaker.

These two forms of speech also differ in motives. Monologue speech is stimulated by internal motives, and its content and language means are chosen by the speaker himself. Dialogic speech is stimulated not only by internal, but also by external motives (the situation in which the dialogue takes place, the interlocutor's remarks).

Consequently, monologue speech is more complex, arbitrary, more organized view speech and therefore requires special speech education.

Despite significant differences, dialogue and monologue are interconnected with each other. In the process of communication, monologue speech is organically woven into dialogic speech, and a monologue can acquire dialogic properties. Often communication takes the form of a dialogue with monologue inserts, when, along with short remarks, more detailed statements are used, consisting of several sentences and containing various information (message, addition or clarification of what was said). L.P. Yakubinsky, one of the first researchers of dialogue in our country, noted that the extreme cases of dialogue and monologue are interconnected by a number of intermediate forms. One of the latter is a conversation, which differs from a simple conversation with a slower rate of exchange of remarks, a larger volume of them, as well as deliberation, arbitrariness of speech. Such a conversation is called the difference from a spontaneous (unprepared) conversation a prepared dialogue.

The relationship between dialogic and monologic speech is especially important to take into account in the methodology of teaching children mother tongue. Obviously, the skills and abilities of dialogic speech are the basis for mastering a monologue. In the course of teaching dialogic speech, the prerequisites are created for mastering the narrative, description. This is also helped by the coherence of the dialogue: the sequence of remarks, due to the topic of the conversation, the logical and semantic connection of individual statements with each other. In early childhood, the formation of dialogical speech precedes the formation of monologue, and in the future, work on the development of these two forms of speech proceeds in parallel.

A number of scientists believe that although the mastery of elementary dialogic speech is primary in relation to monologue and prepares for it, the quality of dialogic speech in its mature expanded form largely depends on the possession of monologue speech. Thus, the teaching of elementary dialogical speech should lead to the mastery of a connected monologue statement, and because the latter could be included as early as possible in an extended dialogue and enrich the conversation, giving it a natural, coherent character.

Coherent speech can be situational and contextual. Situational speech is associated with a specific visual situation and does not fully reflect the content of thought in speech forms. It is understandable only when taking into account the situation that is being described. The speaker makes extensive use of gestures, facial expressions, and demonstrative pronouns. In contextual speech, unlike situational speech, its content is clear from the context itself. The complexity of contextual speech lies in the fact that it requires constructing an utterance without taking into account a specific situation, relying only on linguistic means.

In most cases, situational speech has the character of a conversation, and contextual speech has the character of a monologue. But, as D.B. Elkonin emphasizes, it is wrong to identify dialogic speech with situational, and contextual speech with monologue. And monologue speech can be situational.

Important in connection with the discussion of the essence of connected speech is the understanding of the concept of "colloquial speech". Preschool children master, first of all, the colloquial style of speech, which is characteristic mainly of dialogic speech. The monologic speech of the colloquial style is rare, it is closer to the book-literary style.

In pedagogical literature, the special role of coherent monologue speech is more often emphasized, but mastering the dialogic form of communication is no less important, since in a broad sense “Dialogical relations ... are almost a universal phenomenon that permeates all human speech and all relationships and manifestations of human life” (M.M. Bakhtin).

The development of both forms of coherent speech plays a leading role in the process of speech development of the child and occupies a central place in the overall system of work on the development of speech in kindergarten. Teaching coherent speech can be considered both as a goal and as a means of practical language acquisition. Mastering different aspects of speech is necessary condition development of coherent speech, and at the same time, the development of coherent speech contributes to the independent use of individual words and syntactic constructions. Connected speech incorporates all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language, its sound structure, vocabulary, grammatical structure.

Coherent speech performs the most important social function: it helps the child to establish connections with people around him, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the development of his personality.

Teaching coherent speech also has an impact on aesthetic education: retelling literary works, independent children's compositions develop the figurativeness and expressiveness of speech, enrich the artistic and speech experience of children.

Depending on the function, four types of monologues are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning and contamination (mixed texts). At preschool age, predominantly contaminated statements are observed, in which elements of all types can be used with a predominance of one of them. The educator should know well the features of each type of text: their purpose, structure, language means, typical for them, as well as typical interphrase connections.

Description is a characteristic of an object in statics. The description highlights a general thesis that names the object, then comes the characteristic of essential and secondary features, qualities, actions. The description ends with a final phrase expressing an evaluative attitude towards the subject.

Narration is a coherent story about some events. Its basis is a story that unfolds over time. The narration serves to tell about developing actions and states (narration about facts, events, about state and mood, about experiences).

Reasoning is a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence. The reasoning contains an explanation of a fact, a certain point of view is argued, causal relationships and relationships are revealed.

Retelling is a meaningful reproduction of a literary text in oral speech. This is a complex activity in which the child's thinking, memory and imagination are actively involved. To master the retelling, a number of skills are needed, which children are taught specifically: listen to the work, understand its main content, memorize the sequence of presentation, speech turns of the author's text, meaningfully and coherently convey the text.

The retelling of works of art has a positive effect on the coherence of children's speech. Children follow the model of literary speech, imitate it. Texts contain figurative descriptions that arouse the interest of children, form the ability to describe objects and phenomena, improve all aspects of speech, and sharpen interest in the language.

A story is an independent detailed presentation by a child of a certain content.

The problem of the development of coherent speech of preschool children was of great importance in the works of domestic and foreign teachers.

1. 2 The problem of the development of coherent speech in the works of teachers

Attention to the problem of the development of coherent speech of preschool children can be found in the works of the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Komensky (1592-1672), who proposed using artistic stories, fables, fairy tales about animals as a means of developing coherent speech in working with children. The development of coherent speech, in his opinion, begins with a clear correct naming of objects: you need to teach the things themselves, and not the words that designate them.

The works of the Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) are close to the works of J.A. Komensky in terms of the content of education and methodological recommendations. In teaching coherent speech, he established the following sequence: knowledge of the appearance of objects, its hallmarks based on perception, selection of a number of words to characterize an object, classification of words and objects, compilation and distribution of sentences, explanation of the meanings of words, compilation of coherent texts. The exercises developed by Pestalozzi simultaneously developed cognitive abilities.

Continuation of progressive pedagogical ideas was the system of teaching the native language, developed by the outstanding Russian teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. In the initial teaching of children to their native language, K.D. Ushinsky saw three goals. The first is to develop the gift of speech, that is, the ability to express one's thoughts. For this, the visibility of learning, reliance on specific images perceived by the child (natural phenomena, paintings) is important. The second goal is to teach the child to dress his thoughts in the best form. Ideal examples of this form are works of art, both folk and author's. KD Ushinsky clearly defined the requirements for the selection of works for children: positive ideas, artistry, accessibility of content. He was the first to develop a system of children's reading. The great teacher included in the reading circle of children folk tales, riddles, jokes, proverbs, works of Russian writers and their own. The third goal is the practical assimilation of grammar, which precedes the study of it as a science. A variety of exercises can serve this purpose - inventing sentences with a given word, selecting words in the right form, and more. All three goals must be achieved simultaneously.

KD Ushinsky made a great contribution to the methodology for the development of coherent speech in preschool children. In the modern practice of kindergartens, exercises, stories written by him, and folk tales in his processing are widely used.

Elizaveta Nikolaevna Vodovozova (1844-1923), a well-known children's writer and teacher in those years, was a direct student and follower of KD Ushinsky. Following her teacher, E.N. Vodovozova believed that education should be based on folk speech, folk art. She considered the development of coherent speech and thinking in close connection with the accumulation of sensory experience. In her work “Mental development of children from the first appearance of consciousness to the age of 8”, E.N. Vodovozova outlined a program for the development of native coherent speech in children and a methodology for using Russian folklore. Here she detailed her views on the fairy tale, proposed a series of fairy tales accessible to preschoolers. In her opinion, a fairy tale should be based on children's experience, develop children's imagination, enrich speech with folk phrases and expressions. Recommendations on the selection of fairy tales were valuable. She offered to tell many fairy tales to children in special treatment, in abbreviated form.

The activities of Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva (1867-1944), a well-known public figure in the field of preschool education, had a huge impact on the content and methods of work on the development of coherent speech in children. E.I. Tikheeva considered the development of coherent speech, teaching the native language in connection with the development of the personality. “The ability of articulate speech is one of the most significant and characteristic manifestations of the human personality. Developing speech contributes to the development of the personality as a whole, and any of the aspects of personality development contributes to the development of the language. Hence, in her opinion, the systematic teaching of coherent speech should underlie the entire system of education in kindergarten. She developed and presented types of children's storytelling: stories by title, by the beginning of the story, by pictures, from experience, and others.

A significant influence on the methodology for the development of coherent speech was made by the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head. Department of Preschool Pedagogy, MPGI im. V.I. Lenina Evgenia Alexandrovna Flerina (1889-1952). Of great interest are the thoughts of E.A. Flerina about teaching children dialogic speech. Without reducing the role of the monologue, she pointed out that life is permeated with dialogic interactions between the teacher and children, children with each other. Based on long-term research and pedagogical experience, E.A. Flerina emphasized the role of a relaxed atmosphere in communication, the need for special conversations with children, and proposed her own classification and methodology of conversations.

The problem of the development of coherent speech of preschool children was dealt with by Olga Ivanovna Solovieva. Leading long years The Central Scientific and Methodological Office for Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education Olga Ivanovna did a lot to improve the work of kindergartens in the development of speech, and later, in 1956, she prepared the first tutorial according to the methodology for preschool pedagogical schools, which highlights the development of all aspects of speech, including the development of coherent speech of preschoolers.

A.P. Usova, L.A. Penevskaya, A.M. Borodich, R.I. Zhukovskaya, V.I. Loginova, F.A. Sokhin, a student of S.L. , a deep connoisseur of children's speech, a linguist and psychologist.

Maria Mitrofanovna Konina (1913-1991) - a direct student of E.A. Flerina, for almost 40 years taught a course in methods of speech development at the Moscow State pedagogical institute them. V.I. Lenin. MM. Konina continued to develop her teacher's ideas in the field of artistic reading and storytelling to children. This problem was the main one in her research. She deepened approaches to the use of fiction as a means of mental, speech, moral and aesthetic education.

The problem of speech development of children was also studied in the sector of preschool education of the Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR under the leadership of Lyamina Galina Mikhailovna. Psychological and pedagogical research became the basis for the development of speech standards for children of different age groups. Psychological and pedagogical studies of children's speech are carried out in three directions (according to the classification of F.A. Sokhin):

1) structural - the questions of the formation of different structural levels of the language system are studied: phonetic, lexical and grammatical;

2) functional - the problem of the formation of language skills in the communicative function is studied;

3) cognitive - the problem of forming an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech is being studied.

The second direction is represented by studies of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of coherent speech, which is considered as a phenomenon that incorporates all the achievements of the mental and speech development of children.

Research in the field of coherent speech in the 60-70s was largely determined by the ideas of E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina. They specified the classification of children's stories, teaching methods different types storytelling in age groups (N.A. Orlanova, O.I. Konenko, E.P. Korotkova, N.F. Vinogradova).

Approaches to the study and development of coherent speech were influenced by research in the field of text linguistics. In studies carried out under the guidance of F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova (G.A. Kudrina, L.V. Voroshnina, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, N.G. Smolnikova, E.A. Smirnova, L. G. Shadrin), the focus is on the search for clearer criteria for assessing the coherence of speech. The main indicator is the ability to structurally build a text and use various ways connections between phrases and parts.

List of documents and materials. 1. Application. 2. Attestation sheet. 3. Attestation card. 4. Characteristic. 5. Experimental - methodical work "The method of modeling fairy tales as a means of developing children's speech." 6. Summaries of classes. 7. Diagnostics. eight. forward planning. 9. Questionnaire for parents. 10. Reviews of parents about the work of the educator. eleven. ...

All these elements are related to each other functionally and genetically, but they are not formed simultaneously. 1.4 The relationship of Russian folk traditions with the national self-consciousness of older preschool children In the encyclopedic dictionary, national self-consciousness is considered as a set of views, opinions and attitudes that express the content, level and features of ideas ...

Connected speech is understood as a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that provides communication and mutual understanding. Connectivity, S. L. Rubinshtein believed, is “the adequacy of the speech formulation of the speaker’s or writer’s thought from the point of view of its intelligibility for the listener or reader” (FOOTNOTE: Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. - M., 1989. - P. 468 ). Therefore, the main characteristic of coherent speech is its intelligibility for the interlocutor.

Coherent speech is a speech that reflects all the essential aspects of its subject content. Speech can be incoherent for two reasons: either because these connections are not realized and not represented in the speaker's thoughts, or these connections are not properly identified in his speech.

In the methodology, the term "coherent speech" is used in several meanings: 1) the process, the activity of the speaker; 2) product, result of this activity, text, statement; 3) the name of the section of work on the development of speech. The terms “statement”, “text” are used as synonyms. An utterance is both a speech activity and the result of this activity: a certain speech product, greater than a sentence. Its core is the meaning (T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, M. R. Lvov and others). Connected speech is a single semantic and structural whole, including interconnected and thematically united, complete segments.

The main function of connected speech is communicative. It is carried out in two main forms - dialogue and monologue. Each of these forms has its own characteristics that determine the nature of the methodology for their formation.

In linguistic and psychological literature, dialogical and monologue speech are considered in terms of their opposition. They differ in their communicative orientation, linguistic and psychological nature.

Dialogic speech is a particularly vivid manifestation of the communicative function of language. Scientists call dialogue the primary natural form of linguistic communication, the classical form of verbal communication. The main feature of the dialogue is the alternation of the speaking of one interlocutor with listening and subsequent speaking of the other. It is important that in a dialogue the interlocutors always know what is being discussed, and do not need to expand their thoughts and statements. Oral dialogic speech takes place in a specific situation and is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. Hence the language design of the dialogue. Speech in it may be incomplete, abbreviated, sometimes fragmentary. Dialogue is characterized by: colloquial vocabulary and phraseology; brevity, reticence, abruptness; simple and complex non-union sentences; short-term reflection. The coherence of the dialogue is provided by two interlocutors. Dialogic speech is characterized by involuntary, reactive. It is very important to note that the use of patterns and clichés, speech stereotypes, stable communication formulas, habitual, often used and, as it were, attached to certain everyday situations and topics of conversation (L.P. Yakubinsky) is typical for dialogue. Speech clichés facilitate dialogue.