Tongue twisters for the development of speech 3 4. Tongue twisters for the development of children's speech card file for the development of speech (middle group) on the topic

- A patter. Basic concepts
- Recommended rules for practicing tongue twisters
- Tongue twisters with the letter R
- Tongue twisters with the letter J
- tongue twister with the letter H
- Patter with the letter Sh
- Tongue twister with the letter W
- From complex tongue twisters
— About modern tongue twisters

A tongue twister is, as a rule, a short phrase or a small text, which is a sentence or a set of sentences built according to the syntactic laws of a certain language, and which contains combinations of sounds that deliberately make it difficult to quickly pronounce words. The form of a tongue twister can be either rhymed (in verse) or non-rhymed.

Tongue twisters, also popularly called tongue twisters (sometimes even frequent tongue twisters) or tongue twisters, appeared in Russia as a small folklore genre for children and adults. Since ancient times, “to speak fluently”, that is, to pronounce the most complex combinations of sounds or long words quickly, clearly and correctly, has been an exciting folk game in which the most skillful, dexterous and skillful speakers competed. Russian tongue twisters are difficult, sometimes it’s even difficult to just pronounce some combinations, and not just pronounce a tongue twister at a fast pace, repeating it several times.

It is these tongue twisters that “you can break your tongue” when saying that are an excellent exercise for developing diction and other vocal skills of public speaking, which you can read about in the lesson on making a speech. And they are widely used not only by parents who want to improve the diction of children, teach them to pronounce sounds correctly mother tongue, but also by professional actors, announcers, TV presenters, politicians to develop speaking skills.

Tongue twisters are considered very effective method training articulation of sounds, getting rid of tongue-tied tongue, speech defects, contribute to the development of correct speech. You should train the pronunciation of tongue twisters in stages: in order to achieve the best effect, the tongue twister is first pronounced clearly and slowly, then, gradually increasing the pace, and correcting diction and articulation.

Often, tongue twisters are classified according to different criteria, usually tongue twisters are complex or difficult, long, special for diction, fast, folk, and so on.

The choice of tongue twisters for the development of speech depends on the individual and the phonetic features of his diction. Pay attention to those sounds and combinations of sounds, the pronunciation of which causes you difficulty. You can choose tongue twisters designed to train the sounds you need.

1) At first, words should be pronounced slowly, syllable by syllable, pronouncing them clearly, following the rhythm of pronunciation, then, as you improve, speed up the pace.

2) Pay special attention to the sharp underlining of the endings in the words, this improves diction, but again, you need to remember the rule: do not make the consonants heavy, but activate them.

3) Gradually try to pronounce tongue twisters in one breath.

4) You can say them silently in front of the mirror and then in a whisper, but the sounds must be clear and audible.

5) Try to pronounce the familiar text in different voices: children's, female, male, sing the words.

7) For your variety, you can say a tongue twister, connect the movement: squat, jump, box, dance, etc.

8) Alternatively, the words of a slow talker can be superimposed on the music of some folk song, for example, “There was a birch in the field” and sing with pleasure.
So, the main rule of good pronunciation: to speak quickly, you must learn to speak slowly.

- Tongue twisters with the letter R

* * *
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass
Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

* * *
Carl stole corals from Clara,
Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

* * *
The raven raven crowed.

* * *
The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

* * *
One, two, three, repeat:
The enemy is not a friend, the legs have no hands ...

* * *
Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.

* * *
Brother sister repeats for three days.
My holiday is coming soon.
Third birthday.
Let's eat jam.

- Tongue twisters with the letter J

* * *
Frightened bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,
Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

* * *
A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle.
Heavy casing on the beetle.

* * *
I met a hedgehog in the thicket:
— How is the weather, hedgehog?
— Fresh!
And went home trembling
Hunching over, hunching over, two hedgehogs.

* * *
The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

* * *
Once upon a time there was a beetle, there was a beetle.

* * *
The crane to the toad is not a groom.

* * *
It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

- tongue twister with the letter H

* * *
Four turtles have four baby turtles.

* * *
The student taught lessons, his cheeks are ink.

* * *
Tea saucers break easily.

* * *
The more often I clean, the cleaner the cup.

* * *
Four imps
Four black, grimy little imps
Drawn in black ink drawing.

- Patter with the letter Sh

* * *
Here's the big one hissing:
-Very stuffy. I'd like a shower.
Need to take a shower
To not be so stuffy.

* * *
On the edge of the hut
The old chatterboxes live.
Every old woman has a basket,
In every basket there is a cat,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

* * *
Yegor walked through the yard
Carry an ax to mend the fence

* * *
Sasha sewed a hat to Sasha,
Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

* * *
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

* * *
Masha sewed for a monkey
Fur coat, hat and pants.

* * *
When I'm in a hurry, I eat noodles.
I'll finish my noodles and hurry up.
I'm in a hurry.
Noodle noodles.
Well, I'll make everyone laugh again.

- Tongue twister with the letter W

* * *
Two puppies, cheek to cheek
Pinch the brush in the corner.

* * *
You don't look for us mom
We are looking for sorrel for cabbage soup.

* * *
The goldfinch was a dandy.

* * *
Tongs and pincers - these are our things.

* * *
Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike.
funny tongue twisters
The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw a crumb under the lid,
The mouse is probably covered -
The mouse forgot about the cat!

* * *
Chickens, geese and turkeys pecked parsley,
We had a bite of swan, ran for water.

* * *
Skinny weak Koschei
Carries a box of vegetables.

* * *
Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Masha yogurt
And Mishutka ate a herring under a fur coat.

* * *
A cunning magpie to catch a hassle,
And forty forty - forty troubles.

* * *
Behind the village, near the country road, a quail sang in the field
Quail flew in, quail quail.

* * *
The parrot said to the parrot:
I'll scare you, parrot, parrot.
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!

* * *
The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship flew aground,
And sailors three weeks
They ate caramel aground.

* * *
Carp once crucian
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
“Color, Karasenok, a fairy tale!”
On the coloring page Karasenka -
Three funny little pigs:
The little carp repainted the piglets into crucians!

At the bee, at the bee
Why is there no bangs?
Answer why:
A bang to a bee is useless!

The ball missed in the attic.
The ball is searched in the chest.
Looking in vain for the ball
Girl and boy.

An avalanche of snow has slipped from half,
She slid down the half of a gently sloping mountain.
Another half of the snow avalanche
Lies on a gentle mountain for the time being.

The starling tailored the centipede
Red leather boots.
The starling will sew properly on time
All forty tailored boots.

It was hot in the Shire yesterday.

Domna does not clean up the house, but at Domna's house everything is upside down.

Prokop weeded dill, weeded and weeded.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

Whether Tolya is Kolya's sidekick,
Either Tolya's sidekick is Kolya.
Kolya Kolya - Tolya's sidekick,
That and Tolya is Kolya's sidekick.

On the tracks of the droshky,
In the droshky cats and fleas,
Cats have spoons
The fleas have boots.

Three rooks drink tea at the doctor's.

Hippo - boots,
Boots - a chipmunk.

Count Poto played loto
Countess Poto learned about
That Count Poto played loto,
But Count Poto did not know that
What did Countess Poto know about
That Count Poto plays lotto.

Who wants to talk
He must speak
Everything is correct and clear
To be clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will speak
So right and clear
To be clear to everyone.

On Thursday the fourth day at four and a quarter, the Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never caught, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller eloquently, but not cleanly reported, yes so he reported about the wet weather that so that the incident would not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where crested laughers laughed with laughter and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: do not smoke, Turk, pipe, buy better a pile of peaks, better buy a pile of peaks, otherwise a scorer from Brandeburg will come - he will bombard him with bombs because some black-nosed half of his yard has dug, dug and undermined with his snout; but in fact the Turk was not in business, and Klara-Kralya was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tarry widow Varvara, these two thieves stole firewood; but it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish rustled in a fight - that’s not up to the scorer thieves, but not up to the tarry widow, and not up to the tarry children; but the angry widow removed the firewood into the shed: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood did not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutters-woodcutters for Varvara, who became emotional, pushed the firewood out across the yard back to the woodyard, where the heron withered, the heron dried up, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the young man the sheep itself, which carries Senya hay in a sleigh, then carries Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled is a lope, Senka is to the side, Sonya is on the forehead, everything is in a snowdrift, and from there only a cone cap knocked down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway; Sonya - Sashka's girlfriend was walking along the highway and sucking dry, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly in a honey cake, but she was not up to the honey cake - Sonya, even with cheesecakes in the sexton's mouth, overreacted, - overreacted: buzzing, like the ground beetle, buzzing, and spinning: it was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, she would go to Lavr, Frol would lie to Lavra, that - a sergeant-major with a sergeant-major, a captain with a captain, a snake had a snake, a hedgehog had a hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest took him away a cane, and soon five guys again ate five and a quarter quarters of a quarter of a quarter of lentils without a wormhole, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with whey curd from curdled milk - everything about that was ringing near the stake of the bell, so much so that even Konstantin - a Salzburg unpromising man from under an armored personnel carrier stated: just as all the bells cannot be chimed, not re-belled, so all tongue twisters cannot be re-speak, not re-speak; but trying is not torture.

Patter "Liguria"

The hedgehog crawled through the brush,
The hedgehog was pierced by a brush.

Sasha and Mishutka have funny jokes.

Stesha was in a hurry, she sewed a shirt, but she hurried - she didn’t finish the sleeve.

Checkers on the table, pine cones.

They spank in single file gander and gander.

The student taught lessons, his cheeks are ink.

Walruses are not afraid of frost, walruses frolic in the cold.

In the end among the ends we will find the end in the end. Found the end among the ends in the end.

At Vari on the boulevard
The mittens are gone.
Varya came back
In the evening from the boulevard
And found in my pocket
Mittens Barbarian.

Not the one, comrades, a comrade who is a comrade with comrades, but the one, comrades, a comrade who is a comrade without comrades.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.

Master "Instragram" with a hundred grams in an instant the orderly overtook.

The little nesting doll lost her earrings, Seryozhka found the earrings on the path.

The ram drums on the drum.

Why is it so important for the development of diction and speech in children to include tongue twisters in speech therapy work? And why do future movie stars learn them at master classes in acting.

Let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Leader voice. What is he?

Have you ever thought about why it happens that some people say stupid things, and everyone listens to them? And people who say smart things are sometimes impossible to listen to. Because a person has an instinct. He wants to hear that speech that sounds clear, clear, with expressive diction. This is the voice of a leader.

The more correctly you speak, the more they listen to you. The more attentive and more - the higher your self-esteem, and the more correctly you begin to speak in the future.

Many specialists, for the development of diction and speech in children, use tongue twisters in their work.

In the wonderful book by E.V. Lapteva “1000 Russian tongue twisters for the development of speech”, I found tongue twisters for both children and adults.

Each of us knows what a tongue twister is. Children are very fond of saying different funny words for adults with sounds that are repeated. From them you can add funny and funny stories - for example, about the Greek, who rode across the river and grabbed the Grek by the hand with cancer. Great joy fills the young poet, because he manages to compose no worse than an adult. Yes, and moms and dads are completely delighted with such an activity.

Tongue twisters for children and adults

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Lyosha is clumsy

Slipped into a puddle.

I tore and soaked my pants,

He got a big bump on his forehead.

Called Marina Galina for raspberries,

Galina Marina called for viburnum.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.

Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka - to the side,

Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift - bang!

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"You're all rustling, not sleeping."

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"I'll rustle quieter."

Tongue twisters for adults

Despite the fact that there are special tongue twisters and not for children's perception, in adults this species phonetic exercises are not as popular as with children. It's very funny to listen to a grown man trying to say:

I am a vertical.

I can vertikultaputsya, I can vertikultaputsya.

There is a sack on a hill, I'll go up the hill - I'll fix the sack.

Usually, this kind of tongue twister causes a storm positive emotions. And the charge of good mood after reading them is guaranteed for sure.

Tongue twisters are needed not only for entertainment, but also a great way to improve the pronunciation of all sounds. Students of theater universities, people who want to improve their diction, beauty and harmony of speech in general.

Patter as an effective phonetic exercise to improve pronunciation

When correcting violations of the pronunciation side of speech and practicing the correct pronunciation, phonetic exercises are absolutely necessary. And here the tongue twister will be of invaluable help.

Phonetics exercises are indispensable for correcting the pronunciation. For these purposes, tongue twisters are the best fit.

The beans went to the mushrooms, and the mushrooms climbed onto the oaks, and the beans remained on the beans.

Got a bobby of beans.

Bagel, bagel, long loaf and loaf

Babkin's bean blossomed in the rain

There will be a bean in borscht for the grandmother.

The big white ram painfully butted the grandmother's sick ram Borka.*

Hippo - boots,

Boots - a chipmunk.

The woman's beans are like baobabs.

White snow. White chalk.

White sugar is also white.

But the squirrel is not white

Wasn't even white

Vakul shod a woman, and Vakula a woman shod her.

Little chatterer Milk chatted, chatted,

Don't blurt out

The flounder chatted incessantly about white cormorants and large eggplants.

An oak pole stands by a pole,

The ram rested its forehead on it.

Although I do not feel sorry for the ram's forehead,

But his forehead does not bring down a pillar to him.

Grandma Belova

She was running.

white ram

She was a bastard.

Do not hammer, tall, on the bolt with a sledgehammer.

taxable grace.

The blonde gratefully grabbed the pills.

Apples - on an apple tree,

Table - on the scoreboard.

The bull is stupid, the bull's lip is blunt, /t/ /p/

Bull stupid, stupid bull, /t/ /n/

The bull's lip was blunt, /t/ /p/

The bagel in domes flopped into the saucer.

A couple of drums, a couple of drums, a couple of drums beat the storm.

A couple of drums, a couple of drums, a couple of drums beat the beat!

The banker received the banjo by mail.

Here is a bud

And here is the banana.

Here is a can

And here is the python.

Well, here's the concrete.

A loaf is baked in the oven,

And a bud is put into the buttonhole,

A python is crawling on the grass

Milk flows into a can

And there is concrete at the construction site.

Repeat and you match me! /t/, /n/

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf

The baker baked dough early in the morning, /b/ /b’/

Bombardier bombarded Brandenburg.

White sheep beat the drums.

The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The harrow harrowed an unharrowed field.

The harrow harrowed across the harrowed field.

The ram-buyan climbed into the weeds.

Borovok runs, white-winged, white-legged, rummaged through the whole courtyard.

He dug a snout of a boletus - a rib and half a rib.

Do not wear trousers instead of a shirt,

Don't ask for rutabaga instead of watermelon

Always distinguish a number from a letter,

Can you tell the ash tree and the letters? /r/ /r’/

The beaver wandered into the bar.

Cobra - in a bag,

And the sack is in the box.

The bearded barber muttered nonsense.

The banker threw banknotes from a notebook.

The bankrupt, grumbling, scolded the banker wast.

The beaver wandered into the forest.

They took a beaver in the forest.

The robbed beaver wandered to Barvikha to the beaver.

The beaver scolded and shaved the beaver,

And the beavers encouraged the beaver.

Scruffed, shaved and cheered up beaver

Went back to the forest.

In the forest, a beaver and a brother of a beaver

They work without an axe.

The beaver and the brother of the beaver are kind:

Do not cut into logs pine forests.

Brit Klim brother, Brit Ignat brother, brother Ignat bearded.

Be kind, get cobras.

The variety of uniformity is not worse than the uniformity of variety.

Brown peppy beavers prudently take large logs.

The boyar-beaver has no wealth, no good.

Two beaver cubs are better than any good.

Beavers are walking along the log.

Beavers bravely go to the forests,

Beavers are kind to beavers.

The brother sold the hornbeam parquet to his brother.

Grandma bought Marusya beads.

In the market, a grandmother stumbled over a goose ...

All the beads were pecked by a bead by a geese.

Boss fox and boss boss wasp.

The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

Valin felt boots fell into a clearing.

They gave Valenka mittens and felt boots, /r/ /l/

Valerik ate a dumpling,

And Valyushka is a cheesecake.

There is a cart of oats, near the cart - a sheep, /z/ /s/

The cart has a sheep, the cart has a pood of oats, /z/ /s/

A splash is just a swell of water.

Cheer up, Saveliy, move the hay, /th/

Valya on the thaw

wet the boots.

Valenki at Valenki

dry on the mound.

/n/ /n’/

Pressed, pressed, but not squeezed out. /d/ /d’/

I led an ox into the yard, I led an ox by the horns.

And the ox led me into the garden.

The whirlwind raised the whirlwinds of Vitya, / and /

Villa Willy is great.

The platoon commander squealed with a brutal squeal.

Platoon platoon in the factory building.

Barbara made jam

She grumbled and said:

"Cook, jam, cook!"

Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.

An overgrown brute frolicked in the river.


Barbara felt sorry

unsympathetic Vavilu.

On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

Varvara guarded the chickens, and the crow stole.

Bought Valerika and Varenka

Mittens and boots.

The raven raven crowed.

Open, Barbara, the gates,

At the yard on the grass if firewood.

Open, Barbara, the gates,

If not the enemy outside the gate.

And to the enemy and the enemy

From the Varvarin gates - turn.

They lied about Varya, they all lied, /p/ /p’/

The morals of the Moors are barbaric, /r/ /r’/

Open, Uvar, the gate,

Firewood we carry incessantly.

The raven tore the rhubarb in the ditch,

Ran briskly all day.

The cook cooks, cooks

And he says:

"I cook Vera,

Varyu Varya,

I cook for Valera and Barbara!”

Our Filat is never to blame.

In Ufa - cafe "Waffle".

Michael played football

He scored a goal. /l/ /l’/

Fanya visiting Vanya,

Fanya is visiting Vanya.

Was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr.

I'll go to the Lavra, Lavra on Frol Navra.

Friedrich did not lie - Friedrich is right.

Friedrich is wrong - Friedrich lied.

- Freestyle is bad!

Agnia, Inga and Ignat are cabin boys.

Gennady - in the harbor,

And Eugene is in the car.

- Gene, drive the hyena!

Gene - no goog.

Baba Yaga is not helped by magic.

Serpent Gorynych, hunched over,

Perched up the mountain

And with a loud roar

Crashed down.

In the fence - not carnations,

There are carnations in the fence.

Carnations - in the fence,

And the carnations are in the vase.

Our head over your head over your head, over your head.

The eyes of a gazelle stared at her.

I lie down on the corner of the meadow.

At the plow in the meadow of Pelageya.

The scarecrow scared the oriole in the meadowsweet.

Greek rode across the river.

He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river.

He put the Greek hand into the river,

Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.

Clusters of mountain ash burn in the sun,

Ripples from mountain ash in the eyes of the guys.

The galley messenger was burned.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,

Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

The loon flew over the barn,

And in the barn sat another loon.

Like on a hill, on a hill

Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Yegor is also going to them.

Avdey dragged a bag of nails,

Gordey dragged a bag of milk mushrooms.

Avdey Gordey gave nails,

Gordey gave Avdey a mushroom.

At Agrafena and Arina

dahlias grow in the garden.

Grew behind the mountain, behind the hillock,

Pine with sucker.

Hillock under the mountain

On the hill Egor,

Yegor has a stake,

On the stake the bell.

From the mountain - not uphill, uphill - not from the mountain.

To the city - uphill, from the city - from the mountain.

In a thunderstorm, in the mud, from a load of watermelons, the body fell apart, / s / / r /

The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable, /z/ /p/

Hail fell on five ridges.

The grizzly was selling the vulture's mane for a hryvnia.

The rook was angry with the rook in the heat of the moment.

Rook gracefully tasted roasted meat.

Grishka ate a shortbread,

Zhorzhik gnawed nuts,

And Garik is a cracker.

Eremka played the harmonica loudly.

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak,

Yes, I didn’t hammer it.

Woodpecker oak hollowed, hollowed, hollowed out,

Yes, I didn’t gouge and gouge.

Woodpecker chiseled a tree

Grandfather woke up with a knock.

Woodpecker hammering a tree

Day after day the bark is hollowed out.

A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,

Good woodpecker oak love.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune,

Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.

Daria gives Dina melons.

Domna does not clean up the house,

And Domna's house is upside down.

Fedechka eats redechka with vodka,

Eating radish with vodka Fedechka.

And I don't feel sick.

A certified dentist hammers a hollow with a chisel,

And during the day he fools the girls with cheap cologne.

Grandfather Danila shared a melon:

A slice of Dima, a slice of Dina.

The janitor held the door for two days -

The wooden house shook.

The wind rattled the door.

The janitor thought it was a beast.


and de-ideologized.

The amateur announcer did not master the diction.

Boa constrictor Davyd Davidovich Davydov

Pressed, pressed, but not squeezed out. /in/ /in’/

Do not blow your lips on the oak,

Do not blow your lips on the oak.

  1. Do not catch up with Goge Dog

And the dog Gogu can not catch up.

Can not see -

Shares are liquid or illiquid.

One day at the bottom of the Don.

Days are not alone. Alone are not days. One day at the bottom.

Is there an abyss without a bottom?

In our backyard, the weather got wet.

Woodcutters cut oak trees.

Expensive tiaras are given to ladies on their birthdays.

Rhododendrons from the arboretum.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about the Stall, about Varka, about Larina's wife.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,

Two wood splitters sharpened their axes.

Axes are sharp for the time being,

For the time being, the axes are sharp, until the time.

The thrush teased the thrush, mimicked it, but did not tease it,

And the thrush thrush just trained.

The city in Draban is Draban-Drabadan.

There, drabadans are drabadaki in drabadak.

There are drabadan-drabaki drabaki

Drabro are draped in drab drabs.

Drab drabs are draped drabs,

Drab drabadanchiks are draped.

Drabno there, drabnenko and drabadno,

I've been going there for a very long time.

Soon I will go to Drab-Drabadan!

Too bad I don't know how to get there...

The reins made of leather fit into the collar.

Incontinence is contained by the inner core. (AT)

The snake has already stung.

I can't get along with the snake.

I've already become terrified

The snake will eat for dinner

And he will say: (start over)

The snakes already seem in the puddle.

Already in a puddle. /y/

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

Frightened bear cub

Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,

Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

A beetle buzzes over the lampshade.

I met a hedgehog in the thicket.

- How's the weather, hedgehog?

And went home trembling

Hunched over, huddled, two hedgehogs.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Already in a puddle.

A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle.

Heavy casing on the beetle.

- I'm a beetle, I'm a beetle, I live here.

I buzz, I circle, I buzz, I buzz.

Already welcomed the hedgehogs

A dozen new pajamas.

old pajamas

Punched by hedgehogs.

Beetle, buzzing over a puddle,

Waiting until dinner!

The bee buzzed, the spider buzzed.

Dudes in yellow pajamas with Peugeot pagers. /P/

It's already midnight...

Above the yellow burning lampshade

Buzzing, circling around the beetle.

I see yarn in orange

Openwork wings.

Circling the pearl circle

And in the liquid of words I terribly hear:

I live at night.

I'm buzzing, I'm buzzing

I circle, I lie

Above the yellow burning lampshade.

I don't spare

I lick the lights

I'll buzz life

I'll burn myself

And I don't grieve

And I don't grieve -

I'm f-zh-zh-zh ... beetle!

Beetle buzzed beetle:


I have been friends with a hedgehog for a long time ... "

The hedgehog is stingy

A hedgehog is visiting.

Hedgehog teaches to run

Teaches to crawl already hedgehogs.

A fat giraffe chewed chewing gum.

Fat toads

chewed together

yellow gum.

The life of a reaper is a hard lot.

The greedy huddled in the stagecoach and complained to the cruel gendarme about the cruelty of life.

The maharaja's rod is terribly heavy.

The fat toad felt sorry for the beetle.

Yet Zhora is also grieving.

The crane would be friends with the toad,

If only the toad wished for this friendship.

The crane to the toad is not a groom.

In Paris, red foals,

There are redheads in Limoges too.

Fat beetle buzzing outside

Liquefying slurry in a puddle.

Removed from Hope

colored clothes,

No clothes Hope

Not beckoning, as before.

We asked the Raja

Why doesn't he wear a burqa.

And imagine that dude

Was amazed by the question.

I am waiting for the clothes of Hope with hope.*

Zyamka stinged suede, Zyamka chewed zhamka in the castle.

The wind is making noise,

Our hedgehog is in a hurry to go home.

And a wolf meets him,

On a hedgehog with teeth - a click.

Hedgehog showed needles

The wolf ran away in fear.

Bunnies trembled

Wolf on the lawn!

The snake hisses and the beetle buzzes.

All the maples turned red

And no one teases:

Since everyone is red anyway,

Who cares?

Ruthless jellyfish stinging,

Have pity on Josephine, please!

Zhenya became friends with Zhanna.

Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.

To live together with friends,

You don't need to hurt your friends.

In a puddle, in the middle of a grove,

Toads have their own living space.

Another resident lives here -

Water beetle swimming.

Plantain on the road

Collected passerby strict.

Chosen by a passerby

Plantain is more expensive.

- Jora, rusted iron castle?

– Rusted iron lock.

The horses in the paddock neighed,

So their horseshoes stinged them.

The gendarme took the crook by the gills.

The conductor is amazed by the landscape.

Toad Zina said, trembling:

"Airships rattle charmingly!"

There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.

The bell is ringing, the bell is calling

And Zoya goes to her class.

Zoya's green bunny is called Bunny-Knowledge.

Zina-Zinuli has a back tooth pain,

Therefore, Zina cannot eat soup.

Zina has a lot of worries,

The bunny has a stomach ache.

Zoya is a bunny hostess.

Sleeping in the basin of Zoya Bunny.

The star serpent rang its teeth: "Z-z-z-z ..."

Prince under the Klyazma

fell into the mud

The enchanted lock is closed to all locks.

A white-toothed, sharp-toothed hare nibbled on a watermelon.

A chilly swell was seen on the lake.

Zinoviev Zakhar went into the store,

Zakhar ordered kozinak and marshmallows.

The snake and the snake wanted to meet.

Meet snakes and the snake failed.

The serpent is in the clouds, and the serpent is on the ground.

It would be necessary for the snake to go down to the snake.

Would you like to know why the little robin burst out early in the thickets of greenery?

I would like to know why, looking at the zenith, The finch rings loudly and cheerfully?

Would you like to know why the snake rustled?

Would you like to know why the earth turns green?

He climbed and climbed the golden hall, climbed into the hole, angry at the ashes of the vine.

Yellow gold doesn't turn green with anger like a villain.

In the earth - a dugout,

On the ground - strawberries.

Bunny Buba has a toothache.

The harness saved the evil ram with bells.

I crammed a lesson about bison and zebra,

Bison, I forgot about the notch in the tooth.

About the zebra the lesson is learned by heart,

But the tooth got sick, and I forgot about the bison.

Rubber Zina bought in a store,

Rubber Zina was brought in a basket.

Rubber Zina fell from the basket,

Rubber Zina got dirty in the dust.

We will wash the rubber Zina in gasoline,

We will wash in gasoline and wag our fingers:

“Look, don’t be a gape, rubber Zina,

And then we will send Zina back to the store.

The dawn is a rose, time after time - the gaze of the azure pink infection.

The inventor invented the golden shrew.

Early in the morning Nazar went to the market.

I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.

Green birch stands in the forest,

Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch.

Frost on a winter morning

Birch trees ring at dawn.

All lakes are mirrors

From green glass.

Goats climb into a vine in a thunderstorm -

goats gnaw at a vine in a thunderstorm.

Don't go like everyone's open

Without a gift you to Rosina,

But making visits to her,

Every time you bring a bouquet.

The big dinosaur was insolent in vain.

Charging is required for exercising and discharging.

Bison with a zebra familiar.

Barely Elizar

Goes-goes to the market.

And from the market, and from the market

You can't catch up with Elizar, /ye/

Ate, ate melons, ate ...

Having eaten, they said: “Unripe!

We are unripe melons

And uneaten melons


From body to body there was an overload of watermelons.

In a thunderstorm, in the mud, from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed. /gr/

The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable, / gr /

Sonya Zine

Brought an elderberry in a basket.

Sonya is a stranger

And Zina is a know-it-all.

The girl was carrying a cart

Kid, goat and goat.

The girl slept in the forest

Kid, goat and goat.

In winter, the field is white, frozen and icy.

There is a slanting goat with a goat and a scythe.

Zakhar stored sugar.

He filled the bin with them.

Zakharov's bins

Completely candied.

There is a wasp on the vine, and a goat in the vine.

Lizka's pussy licked Lizka, /l/ /l'/

Shoved sweet tooth

In the sweetness of fat

Since then sweet tooth

Sweets are not sucked.

Crucian, do not climb into the hole.

Stuck in the hole carp.

Overgrowth overgrown overgrowth,

Thickets overgrown with thickets.

The ovary of a rose is tied,

Tied up, loosened up.

Sky knitted veil

Unraveled, unraveled.

The dragonfly chirped with a chirp and headlong asked the screech, / p /

An incident came out of the decree.

There is a cart of oats, near the cart - a sheep, /v/ /v’/

A sheep is on the cart, a pood of oats is on the cart, / in / / in ’/

lost caterpillar,

Powdered powder.

intimidated button,

Tangled confusion.

The Archduke Count invites you to breakfast,

A sumptuous reception for the Archduke tomorrow.

Kuzya Zaitsev is afraid of hares.

On the little finger of the impostor in the circus is an entertaining titmouse.

Cheer up, Saveliy, move the hay, /v/ /v’/

Mikheyka is on the bench weaving sandals for Andreyka.


For the development of diction and speech in children, tongue twisters are an integral part of speech therapy work. However, it is not necessary to be limited only to tongue twisters. Poems, songs, riddles are also excellent helpers in such a difficult task as speech development and diction training.

You may know cool tongue twisters. Please share them in the comments.

I wish you good luck and patience!

Examples of tongue twisters for the development of speech in children.

Tongue twisters for children play a huge role in the development of speech. There are a huge number of children's tongue twisters. For almost every sound, you can find different "word combinations". They help not only to begin to pronounce complex sounds, but also to develop the imagination of the crumbs.

Tongue twisters for children: examples

For R

If your child does not pronounce the letter P or you want him to pronounce it better, then tongue twisters known to you from childhood will come to your aid.

Learning to speak clearly R

On sizzling

  • These are Zh, and Sh, and H, and others like that. Here you can pick up tongue twisters where such characters as a bear cub and a hedgehog meet. It would be nice to add a swift to them. Buzz rhymes are excellent in this case. And earrings on the path, and vetch with blackberries. As you can see, there are plenty to choose from.

Starting with the letter Z
  • The best “animal” assistant in learning the letter H is a turtle with its children (turtles). At the same time, the letter W will be practiced. Another good option is to draw black ones, in the amount of 4 pieces. Do not forget that they are also grimy, which also trains diction well. Worms on hooks, a stream under the bridge, bees with bangs - why not options for a hissing "razvyvashka"?
on the letter H
  • Everyone's favorite Sasha will come to the rescue in mastering Sh. And as walking along the highway, and about sewing a hat. Good sentences with the words "hut", "hooded cuckoo".

Starting with the letter Sh

For other letters

  • Here is Thekla with beets, and a husky with lapdogs, and tents with scarves. The lion cub Leva, Olya and Kolya, Lelya, Valya, Polina, Klava with a treasure are wonderful characters for developing rhymes that will help the baby learn to speak the letter L well.

on the letter L
  • The most famous for pronouncing B are combinations of a ram and drums in one rhyme. Although there are options for the "journey" of sheep in the weeds, for example. You can also remember about the beavers in the forest.

on the letter B
  • A crow that steals while Varvara looks after the chickens. Yes, and a crow with crows is a good option for the development of the letter B.

on the letter B
  • Choose rhymes where there are such words as: “winter”, “Zina”, “know-it-all”, “know-it-all” or “know-it-all”, “basket”, “birch”, “bazaar”, “Nazar” for “Z” Yes you can easily compose tongue twisters. Why not involve the kid in this fun? He will not only enthusiastically accept this idea, but will also repeat with pleasure the rhyme "of his own composition."

Starting with the letter Z
  • To "K" you can add Clara with a clarinet. But the most incomparable option is about a cap that is not sewn in a cap style! After all, there is also about the bell. But this tongue twister is not for the very young. After all, if it doesn’t work out, then he can “get crazy” and stop repeating.

For the letter K

Other children's tongue twisters

  • These can be fun and funny tongue twisters for kids. After all, there are a lot of nursery rhymes that develop diction in kids. They are very interesting, and, most importantly, developing. A huge number of tongue twisters translated from English. These are suitable for older kids. After all, with them you can foreign language pull up.
  • There are very complex tongue twisters, in which there are a lot of words, names, enumerations. For example, there are about Chinese names.

Learning to pronounce Chinese names
  • It is difficult to read, let alone pronounce and even more so remember. But children need to train their memory. In the future, they will thank you for such efforts. There is another rhyme called "What is missing?". It will allow not only to develop an announcer's speech, but also to remember a lot of fruits and vegetables.
  • But how can one not recall such wonderful tongue twisters about the clatter of hooves? And about Mishka, which was washed by Mila?

Tips for the first lessons of the development of correct speech with children?

  • At the very beginning, you should not overload the baby with too complex words. It is enough just to meet this or that sound. Only after seeing clear successes, you can change to more interesting and complicated ones. For example, if a kid who is just learning to chat, say the tongue twister “Firewood lies on the grass”, then after some time you can add the words “yard” and “firewood”. So that the baby learns to quickly change sounds in words in one sentence.
  • After all, this is not a simple set of words, but a description of a situation. And in order to remember this or that tongue twister, it is enough to imagine the situation in pictures. Gradually, the baby will begin to associate the “video sequence” presented in the head with the tongue twister corresponding to it.
  • Show by example. You will benefit too. Develop yourself not only speaking skills, but also improve the clarity of pronunciation. It will be a pleasure to listen to you. And the baby will take an example from you. The more the child trains, the less he will be embarrassed to speak. Yes and vocabulary it will constantly increase.

Video: Funny tongue twisters for children. Speech development

And I don't feel sick.

Ay, you lions, didn't you howl at the Neva?

Al lal, white diamond, green emerald. (Lal - ruby)

The scarlet reflection of the Himalayas fell on the fields of Nepal.

Arkhip Osip. Osip is hoarse.

Astra will ask sharply and soberly: is it really in vain that I explode with blades?

Babkin's bean blossomed in the rain, Grandma's bean will be in borscht.

Women are greedy for grandmothers

The Buyan ram climbed into the weeds.

Two hens run naked down the street.

A cat is running across the sky, I will catch up and catch it.

The fox runs along the sixth: "Lick the sand, fox!"

White-lipped cucumbers, well done white-bellies.

White sheep beat the drums.

White snow, white chalk, a white hare are also white, but the squirrel is not white, it was not even white.

The birch bark is full of cloudberries.

A harrow harrowed an unharrowed field.

The bull is stupid, the bull's lip is stupid.


There was a white-winged ram, He turned white-winged all the rams.

I was at Frol's, I lied to Frol about Lavr, I'll go to Lavr, Lavr on Frol Navra.

In Kabardino-Balkaria valocordin from Bulgaria.

In our purchase - Cereals and grits.

In one, Klim, prick a wedge.

Millet is flying in Frosya's field, Frosya takes out the weeds.

In the pond at Polycarp - three crucians, three carps.

In seven sledges, seven Semyonovs with mustaches sat in the sleigh themselves.

Egorka's hunters were walking through the backyards into the dark forest. And each Yegorka On the back of his neck - a gun. And each Yegorka has a hunting dog on his fold ... Come on, children, repeat my Taratorochka!

Vakul shod a woman, and Vakula a woman shod her.

A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.

Your sexton will not re-commit our sexton to become: our sexton will re-commit your sexton, re-report.

They drove a stake into the palisade, Podprikoloshmatili.

The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors ate aground caramel for two weeks.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump! Senya - from the feet, Sanya - to the side, Sonya - to the forehead. All in a snowdrift - clap!

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

There is a hill with sacks near the house, I’ll go out on the hill, I’ll fix the sack.

Wolves prowl - they are looking for food.

The sorcerer worked in a barn with the Magi.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

You can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters.

Pull the tab out from under the stump.

The bell has not been poured out like a bell, it is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell it.

A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way.

Glokaya kuzdra shteko boked bokra and curls bokrenka

The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the lieutenant, but he was silent about the lieutenant.

The galley messenger was burned.

The city of Nerl on the Nerl River.

Rake - row, broom - revenge, oars - carry, skids - crawl.

Count Poto played loto. Countess Poto knew that Count Poto played bingo, but Count Poto did not know that Countess Poto knew that Count Poto played bingo.

Thunderstorm is terrible, terrible thunderstorm.

Drozd, thrush, simple, simple, forged nose, iron tail.

Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. Dry off after shower. Dry neck, dry ears, and do not dirty your ears anymore.

The janitor held the door for two days, wooden house trembled. The wind pulled the door in the house, the janitor thought it was a beast.

Kind beavers go to pine forests.

Got a bobby of beans.

Shot on quails and black grouse

Throw the firewood back to the wood yard.

Woodcutters cut down oak trees.

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, hollowed out, but did not hollow out and did not hollow out.

I'm driving along a pothole, I won't get out of the pothole.

The hedgehog in the bath washed his ears, neck, skin on his belly. And to meet him a wolf, on a hedgehog with teeth - click. The hedgehog showed the needles, the wolf ran away with fear.

Eating pussy soup from a bowl. Full pussy, empty bowl.

Fedka eats radish with vodka, Fedka eats radish with vodka.

Grek rode across the river, sees Grek in the river - cancer. He put the Greek's hand into the river, and the Greek's hand was stabbed!

A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle. Heavy casing on the beetle.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

For half an ear, not half a half.

I forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack. Now Pankrat can't lift a tractor on the tract without a jack.

Hello, father, brother, sister, friend, friend - say a petition bow: sorry, father, mother, grandfather, father, brother, sister, bird, chicken.

And in the mists of estuaries beckoned me?

And you changed burbot for tench for me.

Go to the army, so take the reed.

The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.

Intendant incident.

Their pesticides won't outdo ours in terms of pesticide.

To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.

Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing on a hillock on a hillock.

Karl put the bow on the chest. Clara was stealing an onion from the chest.

Carl stole the corals from Clara and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.

The cook cooked porridge, cooked it and undercooked it.

Klara-kralya was sneaking up to Lara.

Once a jackdaw scaring a pop, I noticed a parrot in the bushes, And then a parrot says: "You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare. But only jackdaws, pop, scaring, Don't you dare scare the parrot!"

Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a short cooker.

Konstantin stated.

The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.

Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral.

The mower Kosyan oblique mows obliquely. The mower Kosyan does not mow the mowing.

Mow, spit, until the dew, down with the dew - and we are home.

The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab: "Rob the gravel with the rake, crab."

Buy a kippah

Hen chestra-variegated, duck from the toe is flat.

The elector co-promented the landsknecht.

The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry.

Goats climb into a vine in a thunderstorm - goats gnaw at a vine in a thunderstorm.

Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

Three birds are flying, through three empty huts.

Deftly maneuvering in laryngology, the laryngologist easily cured laryngitis.

Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, did not blurt out.

Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

You are welcome to our hut: I will crumble pies and ask you to eat.

On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.

Firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the firewood yard does not fit! We'll probably move the wood from your yard back to the wood yard.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, firewood along the yard, firewood across the yard, the yard will not hold firewood, firewood must be thrown out.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, one firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

There is a honey cake on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake.

On the shallows we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged burbot for tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love, And beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

With a bang at the guru's inauguration passed.

Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped, Baikal did not grow shallow.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Our daughter is well-spoken, her speech is clear.

Our sexton should not be re-named.

It is no wonder for a half-brother to say about Polycarp.

A cow does not eat a box of crusts, a box of hay is dear to her.

He doesn’t want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.

The exhibitionist has small biceps.


Senya wears hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.

Cucumbers - well done green-white-lips

There is no ring near the well.

Near the pit, three needles are sluggish: I will stand on the needles, I will get the needles.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. Mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

Wasp on bare feet and without a belt.

Osip is hoarse, and Arkhip is hoarse.

From the clatter of hooves dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.

Open, Uvar, the gate, there is firewood on the grass by the yard.

Peter baked cookies in the oven, and baked all the pastries.

Under the fence, in the shade

Filed a rake crab crab: hay, rake crab rob

The train rushes grinding: w, h, w, w, w, w, w, w

A worm crawls along a sixth, take a sip, a worm, a sand!

Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered Lily, saw Lydia.

Half a quarter of a quarter of peas, no wormhole.

Equal-equal to all strive!

I went to weed the fields in the field.

Challenger Precedent.

Prov Egorka brought a pile of firewood to the yard.

Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. And under Prokop, dill boils, and without Prokop, dill boils.

Employees of the enterprise privatized, privatized but not privatized.

Once - a dewdrop-bead, and again - a bead, the beads sparkled on the grass-antennae.

One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

The frame turns pink early, the frame is happy - the sun is warming.

The farrier got up early, forged steel, forged, forged steel, but did not reforge.

He reported, but did not report, he reported, but he reported.

He reported, but under-reported, began to report - he reported.

Rhododendrons from the arboretum.

The net caught on a knot.

Sasha is perfection itself, and she is also improving herself!

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

The pig was blunt, dug the whole yard, dug half a snout, did not dig to the hole.

The pig was dumb, white-faced, dug the whole yard, dug half a snout, did not dig to the hole.

The pig was dumb, thick-nosed the yard with its snout, dug everything, dug, dug, dug everywhere, dug, dug.

The falcon sat on a bare trunk.

The mouse sat in a corner, ate a bagel piece.

For seven days I tried for forty, I was in a hurry, I sewed rawhide boots for myself.

Those seven red-hot arrows, monster.

Senka is lucky, take the woman on a sled: the sled is lope, Senka is in the forehead.

Lilac tooth picker.

The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor: "The magpie strives to become the most creaky!"

Skok, magpie, hop, magpie, blind from the eye, crooked from the side.

The quick talker spoke quickly, That you can’t speak all tongue twisters, you don’t speak quickly, But having flustered, he said quickly - that you will speak all tongue twisters, you will speak quickly. And tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan.

They took off Nadezhda's colored clothes, Without clothes, Hope does not beckon as before.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies on the grass.

Forty forty For their own forty shirts Forty shirts Do not quarrel, scribble. Forty shirts Oversized on time - Immediately quarreled, Immediately quarreled, Immediately quarreled Forty forty!

Tables are white-oak smooth-planed.

The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese.

Tatem's ducklings have been stolen.

The river flows, the stove bakes.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's shawls

A turner in a shorty shortened a rattayka.

To interpret plainly, but to no avail to interpret.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Don't smoke a Turk's pipe, don't peck the cock's grits.

The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

The tree has needles.

In our backyard, the weather got wet.

Our guest took the cane.

A wasp does not have antennae, but antennae.

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

A quail and a quail have five quails.

Sasha's porridge has whey from yogurt.

Sasha has cones and checkers in his pocket.

The turtle turtle has a turtle shirt on a turtle back made of bone plates.

Already in a puddle.

My duck, my drake, don't fly across the river, don't peck at the sand, don't blunt your sock!

Ducks in pipes - cockroaches in drums

Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

A fluorographist fluorographed a fluorographist.

I praise halva.

A cunning magpie to catch a hassle, and forty forty - forty troubles.

Crested laughers laughed with laughter: "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Hood rides uphill, Hood rides downhill; thin thin: you are thin, I am thin; sit thin on thin; drive thinly, with an iron rod.

The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.

He appreciates the flail mower along the mower.

Chickens ask for millet, Frosya brings out millet for chickens on a tray, All Frosya's braids are in millet.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.

Quadruple yarn is not something to re-quadruple.

A quarter of a quarter of a pea, without a wormhole.

Four black, grimy little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink.

Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.

Six mice rustle in the reeds.

There were three priests, three Prokopya priests, three Prokopievich, talking about the priest, about Prokopya the priest, about Prokopievich.

Tongs and pincers - these are our things.

I'm dragging the pike, dragging, I won't miss the pike.

Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!

I am a vertical. I can vertikultaputsya, I can vertikultaputsya.

I wandered alone by the hill, collecting tongue twisters.

Jasper in suede is mossy.