How to fill your life with new and vivid impressions. is free! How to quickly recharge with positive emotions

You can, of course, relax at home for two days, lazily plying between the refrigerator, sofa and computer. Watch series, hang out on VKontakte, eat buns, drink wine and drown in the blissful bliss of “doing nothing”, and by Monday morning feel even more tired and lethargic than on Friday ... Or you can go in search of vivid impressions! Such that the eyes light up, the energy is overwhelmed, and your internal speedometer accelerates to 100 kilometers per hour! There is only one question: where to get new impressions?

It is most effective to draw this energy in your own, in your favorite business or in sports. But, if you have not yet found your path or just want to be distracted and entertained, there are alternative, so to speak, disposable sources of colorful emotions and fresh sensations. Figuratively speaking, fast recharging for your internal battery, which is responsible for the level of happiness and vitality. And believe me, much more powerful than another trip to the cinema or to a bar!

1. Flight club. Here they fly at the controls of sports aircraft, ride helicopters, jump from or soar up on. Impressions and adrenaline are enough for a month ahead. Do you think it's very expensive? Just go to the discount coupon site! Scary? Read on how to deal with fear - it's easier than you think!

2. Rock climbing club. Conquer an 8-meter rock in a spacious hall, and then push off from it with your feet and hang on the insurance, enjoying the feeling of unlimited freedom. Special preparation is not needed! Clubs are open to beginners and everyone. You can climb to the very top the first time.

3. Diving club. A unique opportunity to add another dimension to your reality - underwater. And, of course, experience real weightlessness, just like in space. Of course, diving into the sea is more interesting. But you can start with the pool just to try.

4. Equestrian club. Riding a horse is an extraordinary feeling. And when you trot a horse for the first time, emotions overflow. A lot of horseback riding is offered on sites with discount coupons.

5. Shooting range. The pleasure of hitting the target is hard to describe in words. Especially if you shoot not at boring targets, but knock down small figures from the shelves. Rifles, pistols, bows, crossbows, revolvers - and even a little adrenaline with every well-aimed shot.

6. Photo studio. Think of a new image for yourself. Try to transform beyond recognition. Makeup, wigs, clothes and accessories to help you. At the same time, if your image turns out to be really interesting, you can get a photo session for free. There is such a thing as tfp - when a photographer shoots a model for free in order to replenish his portfolio in a bright way.

7. Theater school. Namely, a master class in acting or the art of improvisation. For hours you will be doing absurd things in the company of smiling people. Laugh, play, overcome your fears and communicate, revealing emotions and fantasy! At the same time, acting data and the desire to play on stage are not at all necessary.

8. Dance section. You can just visit public lesson, of which there are a huge number now, if you do not want to do this seriously and for a long time. Choose original directions: Irish dances, step, boogie-woogie, salsa, tango, acrobatic rock and roll.

9. Martial arts club. How to get adrenaline, and at the same time how to cheer up, waking up all the muscles of the body? - Practice martial arts! Even one Muay Thai training or a self-defense master class will give you a lot of adrenaline and invigorating impressions. And they will bring benefits, and give self-confidence. And yes - it's not scary, no one seeks to knock out a beginner's teeth there 🙂

10. Ski resort. You will definitely fall in love with this speed, this wind and these peaks of snow-covered slopes, from which it is so fun to rush down towards freedom!

11. Theater of the absurd. Here you will not see classical plays and ancient elegant costumes... This is a very special dimension with its own laws of the genre, lack of rules and breaking the boundaries of philosophy.

12. Aquapark. Light version for lovers of strictly metered portions of adrenaline. And perhaps the most enjoyable and safest way to experience the feeling of flying.

The need for new experiences is like a drug. Only in a good way. Love life and enjoy it! 🙂

Read more about extreme, sports and creative hobbies in my book " There you will find helpful tips, personal experience, inspiration and colorful pictures. Choose any 2 ways - and I will send them to you as a gift!

Positive emotions are human states that bring positive feelings. Everyone knows what the expectation of success is, the feeling of happiness, satisfaction or trust. Everyone has experienced love at least once in their lives.

Why did nature reward humanity with a gift - the ability to experience positive emotions? They make you feel happy and energetic. It is these states that help people achieve their goals, as well as make life happier and improve relationships with others.

How to evoke positive emotions if you have Use the tips below.

Tune in immediately after waking up to the positive. Say to yourself, “Today is a beautiful day. I radiate a smile, goodwill and happiness.”

If you feel that the blues suddenly began to find, close your eyes and imagine how one of your dreams came true.

When you feel anger, disappointment and other negative emotions, read a positive book, watch a comedy, turn on merry song.

Remember that negative thoughts come to mind more easily and it is difficult to get rid of them. Therefore, as soon as they begin to overcome you, immediately switch to happy memories.

Use positive statements - affirmations. They can be easily found in the books of such writers as: N. Pravdina, L. Hay, etc. There are a lot of affirmations on the websites of the following topics: esotericism, psychology, etc. You can invent them yourself. For example, “Luck is always with me”, “Fortune always helps me”, “Success for me” and others.

If you have to communicate with unpleasant people during the day, try to fill yourself with a feeling of understanding and warmth before talking with them. You will gradually change the attitude towards those who are unsympathetic to you.

Always avoid talking to negative people. Seek to talk to leaders who are wealthy. They always have positive emotions and thoughts.

Even if you have an unpleasant life situation, go to the mirror, smile through your strength. Say to yourself: “Everything changes only in better side". And remember that there is a way out of every problem, and you will find it.

Stop watching news, horror movies, thrillers, crime. They fill you with negative thoughts. You will remember the situations you saw for a long time and lure similar problems and troubles into your life.

Positive emotions create yoga classes, qigong. Practice meditation, chant mantras, study feng shui. Oriental arts were originally created to invoke inner peace and surround a person with abundance, goodness and joy.

Program yourself before bed good vacation. This will help the practice of relaxation. First concentrate on the toes of the right foot, relax them, then the foot, lower leg, thigh, etc. Alternately move your attention along the legs, arms. Then relax your body, neck, head. As a result, you will no longer feel your body, you will feel lightness and freedom. At these moments, imagine something pleasant and gradually fall asleep. All night long, the subconscious mind will work to fulfill your desires. And in the morning you will wake up with a good mood.

So what are emotions? Positive and negative. The former simplify life, create successful situations and help to avoid many problems and disagreements. Negative emotions are the path to depression and blues. They complicate life with scandals, despondency. And when a person is under their influence, the world seems gray and hateful. Change your inner feelings with the help of the methods described above, and your life will become bright, and good luck will always accompany you. Every day will delight with new events and pleasant changes.

Incredible Facts

"We are what we constantly do. Excellence is not one action, it is a habit." (Aristotle)

Scientists say that with willpower, it takes about 30 days for a person to form a new habit. Creating something new and going beyond the comfort zone - this is already 80 percent success.

It is very important for this to make small, but necessary changes every day for at least a month.

"How can you eat an elephant? A little bit every day." The same philosophy applies to making changes in your life. Trying to bite off more than you can swallow will inevitably lead to problems with the digestive tract.

However, small, targeted bites can help you create simple productive habits and are an amazing way to make positive changes and enjoy your life.

When you start small, you don't need much motivation to do so. The simple act of “starting” will give you momentum, and the spiral of change will soon begin.

Below are 30 tasks to be completed within 30 days. If you approach the question responsibly, then you will see that each of them has the potential to help you introduce a new habit into your life.

Yes, there are overlaps between some tips. And no, you shouldn't try to do everything at once. Take 2-5 and work on them wholeheartedly for the next 30 days. Once you've developed these new healthy habits, start working on a few more.

1. Use words that are associated with happiness in your speech.

As a rule, when you ask someone "how are you?", the answer you hear is "fine", "I'm fine", etc. Try the next time you are asked such a question, answer: "fabulous!".

This will certainly make the person smile and ask you what is causing these feelings. You say that you are healthy, your family is healthy, you live in a free country. There is no reason not to be happy.

The difference is simply in the choice of words. People who answer this way are not better than others, they are just much happier. Test it out for yourself for the next 30 days by practicing something like this.

2. Try something new every day

Variety is a vital spice. You can see or do something a million times, but the first time is always the same. As a result, "first time" experiences often leave vivid emotions in our minds that illuminate our lives.

Make an effort on yourself and try something new every day for the next 30 days. It might be perfect the new kind activities or just some minor experience, like talking to a stranger.

Once you get off the ground, many of these new experiences will open doors to new life opportunities.

Self-improvement methods

3. Do one selfless act daily

In life, it usually happens like this - you get what you put in. When you positively impact someone else's life, positive changes will also occur in your own life.

Do something that makes other people feel happier and helps them suffer less. It will be a very rewarding experience. Something you'll remember forever. Obviously, in this case, the scope of your activities is unlimited.

4. Learn and practice a new skill daily

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life. To be self-confident, you need to master the basic set of skills, and be able to manage them very well, but it’s better to be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have been taught in school, a jack of all trades will be much more prepared for life than a person with a highly specialized occupation. Plus, learning new skills is always fun.

Work on yourself

5. Teach someone something new

Inner happiness and zeal comes from using these "gifts" on a regular basis. What do people usually thank you for? What are they asking you to help them with? The talents and hobbies of most people can help another person in one way or another.

Perhaps you are good at painting, teaching mathematics, or maybe you are a good cook? For the next 30 days, try to dedicate some time each day to sharing your talent and experience with others.

6. Spend one hour a day on your hobby.

Do what interests you. It could be anything. For some, it is a hobby, others find refuge in faith, others attend social clubs or take an active part in the city council.

In each case the psychological result is the same. A person does what he strongly believes in. Such interaction helps to feel happy, and life takes on meaning.

7. Be friendly with everyone, even those who are rude to you.

Being friendly with someone you don't like doesn't mean you're not sincere. This suggests that you are mature enough to control your emotions. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you, not because they are nice, but because you have a light inside.

Do this for 30 days and you will not notice how the rudeness around you will dissolve.

Personal development

8. At any time in your life, try to focus on the positive.

Real winners in life cultivate optimism. They know how to create their own happiness and manage it. Whatever the situation successful man will always find a reason for optimism, because he knows that failure is an opportunity to grow and learn a new lesson from life.

People who think optimistically see the world as a place filled with endless possibilities, especially in difficult times. Try to spend the next 30 days seeing the bright side of things.

9. Learn to admit defeat and learn from difficult situations

It is important to remember that everything we go through are life lessons. This is part of the experience. Never forget to learn a lesson, especially when things don't go smoothly.

If you didn't get the job you wanted, or the relationship isn't going the way you envisioned it, it means the best is yet to come. It is important to learn the lesson, because this is the first step towards a new, better.

Try in the next 30 days to remember and analyze all the life lessons that you have received from life.

To make life better

10. Look back at your life and enjoy it here and now

Life happens to us every second. Ask yourself: how much time in your life are you actually living and not existing? Most likely, you, like most people, will answer this question: "not enough."

The key is to focus a little less on "do" and a little more on "be". Remember, the only thing you have is the present moment. Life is now. Spend the next 30 days truly living and you won't be able to get back on track.

11. Get rid of one thing daily for 30 days

There is so much clutter in our lives (in the office, in the car, in the house), and we are so used to it that we no longer notice how it affects us.

If you free the surrounding space from clutter, then the inner clutter will also disappear. Every day find in your environment something unnecessary and throw it away. It's very simple. This may be difficult at first, some resistance will inevitably accompany you.

However, after a while you will learn to get rid of unnecessary things and your mind will thank you for your efforts.

12. Create something new

Creation is a process that inspires like nothing else. When you invent something new with your own hands, you are filled with an indescribable sense of integrity. Nothing can replace it.

The only catch here is that you have to be sincerely interested in it. If you create financial plans for clients during the day, and at the same time hate them, then this type of activity does not count.

But if you have something that you love and can create something related to your passion, then life will shine with new colors. If you have never created anything just for the sake of creating it, be sure to try it.

13. Don't tell a single lie for 30 days

For all their seeming innocence, the white lies that ooze out of us are more dangerous than they seem. But you can get rid of it. Stop deceiving yourself and others, speak from the heart, only the truth.

14. Get up 30 minutes earlier every morning

Try waking up half an hour earlier and you won't be running around the house like crazy, afraid of being late. This feeling is familiar to every second of us. This half hour will help you avoid speeding tickets, being late for work, and other unnecessary headaches.

Do this for at least a month, and then analyze how it affected your life.

Self-improvement of the individual

15. Get rid of three bad habits in 30 days

Are you eating too much fast food? Are you spending too much time on video games? Or maybe you like to argue on any occasion? Every person knows his own bad habits. Choose 3 of them and stop doing them for a month. If you hold out, you won't want to go back to them.

16. Watch less than 30 minutes of TV a day.

Entertain yourself with real emotions. Great memories are the product of interesting life experiences. Therefore, turn off the TV, computer, and go for impressions in real life.

Interact with the world, appreciate nature, pay attention to the simple pleasures life offers, just watch it unfold.

How to get better

17. Set one long-term goal and work towards it for an hour every day.

Break your goal into small pieces and focus on working on each piece daily. It is important that the pieces are small but consistent. The hardest thing about this is taking the first step.

For the next 30 days, make regular time for your dream. Start with a small dream and turn it into reality.

18. Read one chapter of a good book daily.

With the endless flow of information on the Internet, often full of simple and shallow text snippets, people are spending more and more time reading online. However, the web will never replace the wisdom that some of the classics are full of, carrying deep insights to the world for generations.

Books open doors to your mind and your life. Find a list of good books and start reading today.

19. Watch or read something every morning that inspires you.

Sometimes all we need is a pep talk. For the next 30 days, before eating breakfast or before leaving the house, watch a motivational video or read a story or blog that inspires you.

self improvement

20. Do something daily that makes you laugh.

Watch a funny video, read your favorite comic, or find a good joke online. Good, sincere laughter stimulates the brain and energizes a person. Best time for that, it's the middle of the day.

21. Forget alcohol and other stimulants for 30 days.

If you use alcohol and other stimulants with enviable regularity, then try to get rid of them for at least 30 days. You will feel better. There are many other natural ways to get energy. For instance:

- turn on the light, darkness provokes laziness.

- go out into the fresh air more often, it sharpens all the senses.

- call a close friend: talking with the person you care about is what it takes to boost your mood.

- reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, fruits such as raspberries, apples, oranges and grapefruits will saturate you with energy very quickly, eat less bread, dairy products and meat.

- Chew mint gum or drink mint tea to help you feel fresher.

- drink a glass very much cold water, this will wake you up.

- be organized, you will save a lot of energy if everything is in its place.

- practice altruism.

- Exercise and stretch regularly in the morning.

- drink more water, dehydration can reduce blood volume, which inevitably leads to fatigue.

- wear bright clothes. This trick has to do with the mood you project for those around you and the reciprocating mood they project on you.

22. Exercise for at least half an hour every day for a month

Your health is the quality of your life. Don't let him get away. Eat right, exercise, and get an annual medical checkup.

23. Purposefully put yourself in uncomfortable situations and face your fears daily.

Taking small, continuous steps in uncomfortable territory will help us get around the biggest barrier to positive change: fear.

Sometimes we are afraid that we will fail. Sometimes we subconsciously fear luck because we are afraid to deal with the mandatory professional growth that success requires.

In order to cheer yourself up and get positive emotions, sometimes it is enough to do something pleasant for yourself or other people. And it is not necessary to spend a lot of effort and time on it. Even a simple smile to a stranger can improve mood and give a positive attitude. Here are a few tips that can help you get positive emotions quite easily.

1. Bouquet of fresh flowers

A bouquet of fresh flowers can decorate your desktop at home, bookcase or window sill in the bedroom. Inhaling a pleasant aroma and admiring beauty flower bouquet easily improve mood, relieve stress, give positive emotions, allow you to feel the light inside yourself. This is a very affordable and enjoyable way to recharge with positive energy. Even just going to the flower shop or garden with flowering plants can bring a lot of pleasant sensations.

Knit a scarf or make something with your own hands for loved ones, compose a poem for a friend, treat colleagues with sweets, help an elderly person cross the street or give balloons to children - such little things will easily cheer up people around, and this will make your soul warmer. Try to do at least one good deed every day. And it doesn't matter what scale it will be. The main thing is that it brings benefit and joy to people.

3. Jumping exercises

Daily exercise has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical abilities of a person. But even if you do them regularly, there comes a moment of fatigue when the energy recedes. In such cases, you can try to do simple jumping exercises. They will help to quickly raise the tone and mood.


  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body;
  • On the count of times in a jump, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, simultaneously straighten both arms to the sides;
  • Then connect the legs and arms above the head in a jump, making a clap;
  • On the count of three, return to the starting position.

For the best effect, repeat the exercise about ten times. Jumping with a regular rope is no less useful. This is a great workout for the heart, weight control and energy for the whole day.

4. Morning baths

Evening and night baths can reduce stress after a hard day's work. But morning baths are also useful: they give a feeling of cheerfulness and energy for the whole day. It is enough to take morning baths two to three times a week for 15-30 minutes using sea salt or fragrant essential oil. When the body is immersed in water and enjoys its warmth, a person relaxes well, forgets about problems for a while and breaks away from reality a little. Such procedures not only awaken pleasant ones, but are also beneficial to health in general.

5. Acupuncture

So many people, taking regular acupuncture sessions, note that over time their mood improves. They also note that they become more calm, balanced, self-confident and think more positively. This is a very good antidepressant, which is recommended by many sociologists and psychologists. But it is extremely important to choose a highly qualified specialist who has the necessary documents for acupuncture.

6. Create lists

Lists are useful in many areas of life. For example, for planning work and home affairs, important meetings, books to read, shopping. Creating such lists helps to better organize activities, increasing self-discipline. When things are under control, a person is more balanced, he is less worried about negative emotions,. Lists help to unite life fragments into one whole, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological health.

Some people can relieve tension with tactile sensations. To do this, you can use special anti-stress balls sold in any souvenir or sports store, or use a balloon filled with something loose, such as rice or semolina. The tactile sensations from squeezing such a ball or ball with fingers give people the opportunity to get rid of negative energy. Such exercises are recommended by psychologists to their clients to relieve stress in difficult situations.

8. Music collection

It has been scientifically proven that the right music improves mood, reduces anxiety and has a positive effect on overall well-being. You can listen to your favorite tunes from your collection both at work for a creative boost, and at home for relaxation. Music, especially classical music, gives you the necessary energy and helps you enjoy life.

9. Positive messages and letters

Many people keep in their bookmarks the letters that came to them in the e-mail, filled with kind words or just positive meaning. They are good to read in difficult times to cheer up. These can be letters from children or from parents, letters of sincere gratitude from colleagues or from school teacher, which reports on the progress of the child. Many Scientific research on this topic showed the effectiveness of this method: most people noticeably increase their working capacity and mood.

10. Charity

Genuine charity work, however small, such as giving out chocolates or toys, improves someone's life a little. The joy of these people has a very beneficial effect on those involved in charity.

11. Different socks

Some psychologists, in order to get positive emotions, advise putting different socks on your feet. You don't need to tell anyone about this. Such a small funny secret helps to have fun at any moment: you just need to remember it. And if someone from others notices this, then they will undoubtedly have fun too. This can reduce stress due to a busy schedule.

12. Photographing beauty

Most sociologists argue that actions that improve mood often have to do with awareness and contemplation of beauty. Many photographers confess that they feel very happy when they photograph something beautiful, happy and sincere.

Often we get lost in business or relationships and forget about ourselves. But we deserve leading role in your own life. Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to something that makes you happy and inspires you. Dinner with friends at a restaurant, a new hairstyle, a trip to the premiere at the theater… Even another episode of your favorite series! The main thing is that you like what you do. If you spent a couple of hours with no apparent benefit, but with pleasure, they cannot be considered wasted.

Buy not things, but emotions

American scientists have proven that the brain experiences happiness from experiences, and not from the fact of owning some object. You think you're excited about your new phone, but you're actually looking forward to installing apps and taking selfies with your loved one. Exciting expectations and positive experiences are more important than material values. Go to concerts, master classes or quests in a fun company. Dresses and gadgets can deteriorate, go out of fashion or get bored, but the impressions will remain forever.

listen to desires

Often the desire to have what you want is confused with selfishness. Since childhood, many of us have been instilled with the idea that wanting something for yourself is ugly. Desires are opposed to a sense of duty and duty. The psyche leads along the path of compromises and fears, and you again find yourself in an unloved job, in unacceptable circumstances or surrounded by unpleasant people. So you run the risk of falling into a state of neurosis. To get out of the vicious circle, you need to start wanting again. But for a long time refusing what we want, we forget how it is done. Remember what you loved to do before: play badminton, draw, sing, a cappella ... Return to these activities. The next step is to say out loud five sentences every morning that begin with, "I want to...". For example: “get a second degree”, “buy red shoes”, “go on vacation to the sea”, “have a baby”. By practicing constantly, you will understand what is really important to you. And stop thinking that your dreams are unnecessary or wrong, otherwise you will doom yourself to failure in advance. Be confident in your choice and rejoice in every small victory! Even if things get out of control, there is always room for improvement.

"Pump" the feeling of joy

It so happened that our consciousness tends to notice the negative and dangerous more often than something good. It's all about evolution. This pattern makes us see reality in dim colors, even if objectively everything is in order. Life coach Ekaterina Krasnoshchekova offers a technique for “pumping” a great mood and luck. During the week, at every opportunity, exclaim: “Here is luck!”, “What happiness!” Soon you will see that changes have begun in your life: more light and positive has appeared in it. Coincidence? Not at all! Learn to trust fate and rejoice in any outcome of events. You will achieve an even greater effect by noting the positive aspects even in unpleasant situations. Husband stuck in the office? Great, you'll have time to do a manicure before he comes. Did the bus leave from under your nose? Not scary! Breathe a little longer fresh air. And keep a smile on your face will help you bitter chocolate, spicy food and perfume with notes of vanilla.

Get rid of excess

Old, unfashionable or unused things litter the apartment in particular and life in general. There is literally no room for anything new. The same goes for negative memories. If you often think that everything important, happy and meaningful has already happened once, you need to urgently change your attitude to the situation. Accept it as a fact: dreary thoughts, from which it becomes hard on the soul, are intangible. Most likely, no one cares about them except you. Try to come to an agreement with your memory, because it is given to us for self-development, and not in order to return to the past again and again. The more unusual impressions you get, the less you will reflect. Old habits should also be reviewed. Think about whether you really need to check email and social networks in the morning. Maybe you just did it every day for the last years? By getting rid of the unnecessary, you can do what is really interesting.

Make spontaneous decisions

According to statistics, an intuitive choice often affects the fate of a person. Sometimes we are simply programmed for negative scenarios: you understand that everything is going wrong, but you continue to act out of habit. The matrix of memory about stereotyped experienced situations governs actions. “But doing the same thing, it is illogical to expect different results,” explains psychotherapist Zoya Bogdanova. - Spontaneity is nothing more than acceptance of yourself and your desires. Don't think long: a non-standard solution can turn your life in a different direction.

go in for sports

We do not suggest dropping 10 kg. Such a goal is not directly related to emotions. It's not about winning, it's about participating. It is the process that comes to the fore, so get the most out of it, advises psychologist Ksenia Ulyanova, founder of Happy Academy. It's no secret: during sports, the body produces "hormones of joy" (dopamine, serotonin), which increase mood for at least four hours. The main thing is to choose the physical activity that you like. Bicycling, dancing, or maybe even “unfeminine” boxing. Just do it because you want to, not because you have to. Maybe your muscles will get stronger from pumping iron in the gym, but if already on the second approach you start cursing everything around, it is unlikely that the training will benefit the nervous system. And we are for the perfection of not only external forms, but also internal content!