Covers for chairs: the choice of sewing patterns and fabrics, cutting, examples of patterns. Tips for sewing chair covers, useful tips for needlewomen Sew chair covers with your own hands

A universal way to update old and already rather boring chairs will be sewing textile covers. They can change not only appearance chair, but also to bring in home interior new paints.

Add comfort kitchen or dining room, chic - the living room and the mischievous immediacy of the children's room, these tasks will do just fine covers on chairs.

It is also relevant to use the design of chairs for banquets in a cafe and restaurants. Chairs in covers look special solemnly and stylish.

In addition to the decorative function, covers solve the issue protection stool from contamination. In everyday life, incidents often occur that leave characteristic marks on the upholstery. And if there are children or pets in the house, protecting the chair with a cloth is easy. needed. The covers are easy to remove and wash. And if necessary, you can always sew a new one. instead spoiled.

Chair covers and covers

Chair covers differ from each other in their own way appointment, form And texture. Strict and cute, formal and unusual - you can choose covers for any case and chair.

Variety of forms

By shape cases can be divided into three groups:

    1. whole closing the whole whole chair.
      They are the most universal. Suitable for any occasion and interior. They allow you to close the entire chair as a whole, hide all the flaws, if necessary. These covers look holistically and thoroughly. Of the minuses of one-piece covers, one can name the relative complexity tailoring and larger (compared to other types) consumption fabrics;
    1. Back covers And seat. For household purposes good decision I can be separate seat and back covers. Chair seat tends to get dirty more often than the back. Therefore, washing the seat cover is required more often. Particularly well-separated covers are suitable for an informal light environment. For example, for, garden, or children's room;
  1. Back covers. Capes on the backs can be attributed to covers only formally. Their purpose is holiday decor. Such capes are easy to sew (if you do not take crochet capes into account) they will not take a lot of fabric. With the help of capes, you can decorate chairs for the New Year, a children's holiday and for other purposes.

The choice of fabric for covers

The fabric for sewing covers should be selected based on destination chair. And also comply with the general design solution rooms.

Suitable for sewing holiday covers any types of fabrics, even the lightest and most decorative.

Often used curtain types of fabrics due to their attractive appearance and relatively low cost.

To a question choice fabrics for everyday covers need to be approached more thoroughly.

Covers for the kitchen

For sewing covers kitchen chairs are better to choose inexpensive durable fabrics. Perfect fit cotton or a blend of cotton and viscose. The fabric should be easy to smooth, not shed when washed and not form leads at the slightest touch. The coloring may be very different. Beautiful covers that fit under the tablecloth on the table, curtains or potholders look.

Covers for the living room

The mood of the living room is usually more seasoned and strict. For covers in this room, it is better to choose a fabric from the category of furniture. She is strong and presentable looks. You can support the colors or curtains by choosing a similar fabric for chair covers.

Covers for the nursery

Children's room supports the most original ideas. For covers can be used as a smooth cotton fabric, and fleece or even fur. You can also use old jeans by sewing them funny chair covers with pockets.

You might be interested in learning how to make a children's chair with your own hands:

Patterns for chair covers

Pattern for a chair cover directly depends on back shape And seats from being made legs chairs perpendicular to the floor or at an angle.

It is impossible to find a universal pattern for covers that would fit any chair. Therefore for each concrete the chair will have to build an individual pattern.

Construction steps patterns:

  1. Taking measurements off the chair. Measurements are taken accurately, without allowances. It is necessary to take into account the features of the shape of the chair that affect the configuration of the cover;
  2. Schematic drawing of parts cover. Before transferring measurements to a full-scale pattern, it is worth building a schematic drawing of the details on a piece of paper. The drawing indicates not the measurements taken of the chair, but the values ​​​​for sewing the cover;
  3. Construction of a trial pattern. A trial pattern is built on a newspaper or tracing paper already in full size, following a schematic drawing. It is necessary to make a pattern of all the details of the cover, even paired ones;
  4. Pattern fitting on a chair. To check the correctness of the pattern, it must be tried on a chair. This is done with tape. During the fitting, you can see possible flaws in the construction of the pattern;
  5. Refinement and correction of the pattern. If necessary, the pattern is adjusted. It is convenient to do this on a schematic drawing;
  6. Building the final version of the patterns. Taking into account all the identified shortcomings, the final paper pattern is built, with the help of which cutting on the fabric will take place.

Workshop on sewing a chair cover

Sewing a chair cover just looks complicated. Having studied the issue and applying a little patience and work, even beginner seamstress.

Largely success activities determines configuration chair and model complexity cover. It's better to start with a simple chair and cheap fabric.

Consider phased the process of sewing a chair cover with rectangular do-it-yourself back and seat.

We carry out measurements

For sewing a chair cover with a rectangular back and seat need to measure:

  • Distance from the top of the back to the floor;
  • back height;
  • seat depth;
  • The width of the chair (in our example, the width of the back and seat are the same);
  • Leg height.

We build a drawing

Before proceeding to full-scale cutting, recommended make a schematic drawing.

In our case model there will be only three details: a long rectangle that will cover the back, seat and floor distance in front and behind, as well as two rectangle side parts from the floor to the seat.

Width the main rectangle will be equal to the width of the chair with an increase in 2 cm from each side.

The length of the rectangle consists of the height of the back from the floor, from the top of the chair to the seat, the depth of the seat and the height of the legs. Worth a raise 1.5 cm from each side.

Transferring the pattern to fabric

Since the chair model we are considering does not imply difficult patterns, you can skip the stage of building a drawing on paper and trying on a paper pattern on a chair. You can cut the details of the cover straightaway on fabric using data from schemes.

Attention! when transferring the pattern to the fabric, it is worth considering the position of the shared thread. It is desirable to cut all the details according to the share.

You can draw on fabric with chalk, soap or a simple pencil. It is convenient to use a ruler, since all sides of the patterns straight.

Cover tailoring

When the details of the future cover are cut out, you can proceed to tailoring. The sequence of operations:

  1. pave side seams backs;
  2. tuck And stitch side and bottom sections of the back of the cover;
  3. Sew on the sides seat covers;
  4. tuck And stitch side and bottom sections of the side and front parts of the cover;
  5. Finish the inside seams and slices on the overlock (Overlock - special sewing machine for overcasting sections of the product).

Advice! If you do not have an overlocker, you can process the sections with a zigzag or overlock stitch by hand. The sewn cover is turned inside out, the seams are ironed.

Our case, sewn do it yourself, ready!

The following guidelines may be helpful when sewing chair covers:

  • For sewing one cover is required 1-2 meters fabrics;
  • To do cut more rational, you need to cut several covers at once, for the entire dining group;
  • Having sewn a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber into the seat, it will turn out soft case;
  • The more details in the pattern of the cover, the less fabric is required for tailoring;
  • To create the original color of the cover, the fabric for sewing it can be combined;
  • To cover did not slip from the chair, from the inside, laces are sewn, which are tied to the legs of the chair;
  • It is not necessary to sew covers from new fabrics, even old jeans, sweaters or coats will do.

Advice! For those who are not confident in their abilities, it is recommended to first sweep the cover by hand. And only after trying on the sour cream model, proceed to sewing on a typewriter.

Sewing chair covers with your own hands is fashionable again. This not only prolongs the furniture from unnecessary cleaning, prolongs the life of the new one and allows you to postpone until better times the difficult and possibly expensive restoration of the old one. By sheathing, the furniture fits into the interior without great expense, and by changing the covers, you can change its accents according to the circumstances: a festival, a visit of an important guest, just according to the mood, according to the season, etc.

Style selection

A cover for a chair with a back does the following. features:

  • Saving - protects from damage, hides flaws. Pos. 1 and 2 in Fig;
  • Accenting - fits furniture into the interior, at the same time complementing and / or completing the concept of its design, pos 3-6;
  • Fake, pos. 7 and 8 - takes on a leading role in the appearance of the interior, most often together with a tablecloth. This allows you to hide design flaws or obscure decisions that are inappropriate in the circumstances;
  • Decorative, pos. 9-11 - mainly at the festivities. In this case, universal covers (see below) make it possible to organize an extensive feast with “different-sized” chairs.

It is quite possible to sew chair covers that combine several of these functions, but then you should also be guided by functional purpose cover:

  1. Casual and accent - made from durable, hygienic, easy to wash, cleanable and ironable fabrics, see below.
  2. Fake - since they are not used daily, the requirements for durability and abrasion of the fabric are reduced, but instead, splendor and luxury are required, otherwise it is impossible to visually drag the main accent of the interior onto a table with chairs.
  3. Decorative - the main thing here is the possibility of eye-catching decoration at low cost, the cheapness of the fabric, its minimum throughput for fat and liquids and maximum washability if the covers are reusable, for example. rolling. It is clear what the covers can turn into after a wedding or an anniversary, and the furniture under them, if they get wet well.

About capes

Covers for kitchen chairs are often made in the form of simple protective capes, see fig. on right. Make them conceptually accentuated with bows, decorative buttons (see at the end), a skirt sweeping the floor, etc. accessories in this case is irrational. However, the kitchen also needs style with accents; especially if they are hosting guests. In this case, knitting will help out: knitted furniture covers are an unconditional sign of good taste, skill and prosperity of the owners. Meanwhile, chair covers can be knitted very simply, crocheted from fragments without a pattern and the ability to knit at all, see next. video:

Video: do-it-yourself knitted capes for chairs

Where what cover

Let us turn again to fig. at the beginning, with illustrations for cover styles. Chair covers for the kitchen are, by definition, saving; their accents - what will turn out. Building a coherent design style for a cramped and cluttered kitchen is oh so difficult. If the original concept or its material expression is wrong, then there is little to fix with chair accents. Therefore, among the decor elements of kitchen chair covers, short pleated skirts are sufficient (anything can turn out on the floor), on the seam between which and the cover itself a braid of organza or tulle is sewn. This solution leaves enough room for varying the appearance of the kitchen by choosing the color of the fabric, pos. 1 and 2.

Decor of chairs in the living room, pos. 3-6, is possible and even necessary already more sophisticated, because in this place, the accentuating role of everyday covers is at least equivalent to the saving one. Therefore, firstly, the requirements for the fabric for covers are changing, see below. Secondly, it is undesirable to make the cover skirt sweeping; a gap of at least 2-3 cm is required between it and the floor, pos. 6.

The skirts of fake covers, on the contrary, should sweep across the floor and be carried out mainly with a flounce. This is what draws the visual perception of the appearance of the interior to chairs with a table, and the fabric looks richer here is already a secondary factor, pos 7 and 8.

For festive covers, the main thing is an elegant and catchy patch decor, pos. 9-11, so the cut of the cover (see below) does not matter in this case. Moreover, for chairs for a holiday, they often use non-embroidered so-called. semi-covers, when a chair is simply wrapped with a piece of fabric, with a decorative knot and drapery with folds. For more information on decorating chairs for a holiday, see the master class below.

Video: decorating chairs for a holiday

Fabric choice

Woolen, wool blend and viscose fabrics are unsuitable for chair covers; especially for everyday cases. main reason- wool allergenicity. If there is at least one person in the house with a tendency to allergies, wool covers will soon turn a potential allergy sufferer into a clinical one. In addition, wool warms well, which is not necessary for covers, but it is very poorly cleaned and washed. For the same reasons, velvet, velor and dug velvet are undesirable for furniture covers.

Note: velvet, velour, and dug velvet are collectively referred to simply as velvet or velor. A more accurate division is as follows - the pile of velvet is long, up to 1.5-2 cm. In velor, the pile is shorter, up to 2-3 mm. Dug velvet - velor, the villi of which are collected, as it were, in beds.

Fabrics suitable for sewing chair covers:

  • Cotton, or simply cotton - linen, satin, twill, canvas, jeans, cotton gabardine.
  • Linen - linen, canvas.
  • Silk - crepe satin, silk gabardine, satin, brocade.
  • Synthetic dress and furniture so-called. biflex, i.e. stretching equally along and across the lobar thread.
  • Synthetic furniture - flock, microfiber, with certain restrictions, see below


Cotton fabrics are inexpensive, absolutely hypoallergenic, durable, and wash well. The main disadvantages are that they instantly get wet, and the paint on them fades from washing and in the light; the method of coloring cotton once and for all has not yet been invented. Therefore, in an interior designed to keep the tone for years, cotton furniture covers are unsuitable. Cotton linen, satin and twill can be put on children's chair covers if their seats and backs are waterproof and easy to clean, or if the covers have soft liners, see below. For accent covers in the living room, cotton gabardine is well suited. Jeans and cotton canvas will be appropriate in country and rustic interiors, but in the latter case it is better to replace them with linen.


The main advantage of linen fabrics is their extraordinary durability and self-cleaning ability. In the old days, peasants wore linen trousers for 10 years, with the then exhausting labor and unsanitary conditions. Unfortunately, linen is poorly dyed, washed and ironed. The texture of linen fabrics is rough. Ancient Egyptian craftswomen were able to draw threads No. 200 (!), out of linen yarn, but now this art has been completely lost. Linen chair covers will fit well into rustic clone interiors and are suitable for country furniture. Then once a year in the spring it is enough to stretch them and hang them fluttering in the wind for half a day, most of the folds will disperse.


Crepe satin is one of the best materials for chair covers. Little dirty, little wet, easy to wash and clean. Across the base stretches only slightly worse than along. Silk gabardine stretches almost evenly along and across, it also has all the other qualities of crepe-satin, but is somewhat more expensive. The satin is resistant and suitable for skirts accenting covers in flounced and festive, because. holds wrinkles well. But the satin seat and back of the cover will have to be cleaned frequently. Brocade material is mainly used for fake covers, its heaviness enhances the accents of the cover. It doesn’t matter if it’s cleaned, it can’t be ironed and can’t be washed, because. contains metal threads in weaving. The disadvantage of all silk fabrics, except for brocade, is that they are too slippery; from fidgeting on a chair, the cover will slip.


Almost all thin furniture fabrics and clothing stretch fabrics - lycra, spandex - are woven with biflex. In terms of the combination of qualities, they are suitable for any furniture covers, they are very resistant, easy to wash and clean, and do not get wet well. Spandex stretches in any direction almost like rubber, it is used to make universal rental covers that can be put on any chair, see the video:

Video: using universal covers for different chairs

However, in the interior of a seasoned style, only covers made of furniture supplexes will be appropriate. The reason is the same why Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus will not be allowed to sing at La Scala, even if they bought the hall a year in advance: slacks are made from lycra and spandex, etc. provocatively tight-fitting pants.

Flock and microfiber

What these furniture fabrics have in common is that they draw dirt into the pile and therefore keep their appearance for a long time without cleaning. Flock holds dirt weaker and withstands several cleanings; it cannot be erased. Microfiber retains its appearance for up to 5 years, but it is not subject to cleaning and washing at all. From flock and microfiber sew the so-called. eurocovers for office chairs of types Bizplastico, Domilfo, etc., see next. video:

Video: the use of eurocovers for chairs

Note: from flock and microfiber, you can sew an inexpensive cover for a chair “under the fur”. But, firstly, it is unlikely that he will last more than 3 years in the kitchen and 5 in the living room. Secondly, a guest can see the same "Mexican jerboa" in some office or, excuse me, in a prostitute's lair, and draw a conclusion about the reputation of the owners.

Measurements and cutting

The measurement scheme for a chair for constructing a cover pattern for it is given in pos. 1 rice; on pos. 2-4 - names of parts of the cover. The letter designations of sizes are standard (typical), you can find them on the patterns of covers, see below.

A cover for one chair needs 2-3 m of fabric, so cutting it, in order to save material, is carried out almost exclusively by direct share, i.e. the threads of the warp of the fabric should pass along from the apron through the seat and back into the yarn, red arrows in pos. 2. But then, if cotton, linen or heavy natural furniture fabrics are used, for example. jacquard, shared on the rituals (side wings of the cover) will be horizontal hanging (blue arrow), and dips form under the seat, which is clearly visible in pos. 2.

Biflex fabrics are free from this drawback, therefore, in the patterns of covers from them, the apron with rituals is reduced into a single skirt. In this case, it is possible to apply an uneconomical, but giving spectacular folds, diagonal cutting, pos. 3. In covers made of natural fabrics, a smoothly sagging skirt is sewn separately. If the cover is made of crepe satin, silk gabardine, satin, brocade and other silk fabrics, the skirt can be tailored and sewn with a frill, pos. 3. A shuttlecock made of biflex furniture fabrics will not be so spectacular, but it will not really work out of lycra and spandex.

Note: in fact, ideal in all respects and almost eternal material for a chair cover is a synthetic canvas - dacron, mylar. The only downside is the insane price.

About soft cases

Covers for hard chairs are often sewn with a soft insert. The ideal pocket material for him is linen. The pocket is sewn with an armhole without a fastener, in which a fold is made inside, as in a pillowcase. It is better to cut the insert itself from furniture foam rubber with a density of 35-45 (grades 35-45) or synthetic felt. The synthetic winterizer and holofiber under the weight of the person sitting soon become caked and cannot be washed.

Pattern examples

All patterns below can be modified according to the results of measurements of your chairs, see above. The simplest chair cover is one-piece. It can be saving and accenting; The height of the skirt can be changed arbitrarily. A pattern for ties and a bow is given on the left in fig. How to finalize it under a tie with an elastic band is shown on the right: the yarn is cut wedge-shaped expanding downwards by 10 cm in both directions, and a drawstring for elastic is sewn from the inside. Allowances for the hem turn - 2 cm, please note that they are not on the pattern! The disadvantage of this cutting is a large waste of fabric, covers are needed for all chairs.

Pattern for the next. rice. - a cover for a kitchen chair. You may not have noticed, but the dimensions of kitchen chairs are smaller than living rooms, as far as ergonomics allow. Modification for an elastic band - according to the same principle as in the previous one. case, see right in fig.

Seats and backs are far from all chairs with right angles. The pattern of cutting and sewing (from the inside) a cover for the seat of a kitchen chair with rounded corners is given on the left to the next. rice. The double crochet back is sewn to the flap at the top.

On the right in fig. - a scheme for constructing a cover pattern for a “very round”, for example, Viennese, seating chair and instructions for sewing it. However, from modern fabrics, a chair cover with a round seat and back can be cut right on site and sewn easier, see next. video lesson.

Video: a simple do-it-yourself chair cover

Here in fig. - patterns of accent covers for standard chairs in the living room, with a semi-flounced (left) and a classic one with an apron and rituals, on the right:

If a throwing skirt is undesirable, then its height (the corresponding dimensions are highlighted in color) is reduced by 2-10 cm. In this case, cutting will be more economical, because. patterns for pairs of chairs can be placed on one cut mirrored horizontally.

Spanish experience

Spain has long been famous for, among other things, the art of decoration. Spanish decorators decorated the Louvre and Versailles, that means something. Therefore, below we give Spanish variants of patterns for chair covers. You don't need to know Spanish to understand them. Firstly, for those who at least once sewed something, everything is clear there anyway. Secondly, the inscriptions on the patterns and the explanations for them are not the original of Don Quixote, any online translator can easily cope with them. So, for starters - a cape pattern for a kitchen chair with a rounded back in Spanish:

The third option is a cover for Viennese or rattan round chair on the patio, on the veranda or, in our opinion, to the cottage:

And, finally, a pattern of a decorative cover with a flounce for a wedding; without heart applications - for any festive:

A little about jewelry

Bows, ribbons, flowers, and other holiday decor are a different topic. But as for the chairs, it is necessary to mention the decorative buttons to decorate their covers: they should be larger than usual and not cut into the body of the seated person.

To turn regular chair into an original piece of decor, it is not necessary to restore it. DIY chair covers are a great option with which you can avoid a lot of hassle. As you know, chairs serve a long life, but their appearance sometimes leaves much to be desired. Knowing how to sew beautiful covers, you can quickly ennoble the interior of your home, and in addition save money.

Before you start figuring out how to sew chair covers with your own hands, you should take your measurements correctly. Everything is sewn quite simply, if you follow the instructions clearly. Measurements start from the height of the chair. Not necessarily the cape will be to the floor, you can adjust its length yourself. Next, you need to measure the length and width of the back of the chair, the same is done with the seat.

How to take measurements from a chair

How to start making patterns?

The pattern of the cover is done in just a few minutes. There are a lot of photos and videos on the Internet, as well as step by step recommendations for carrying out work. The standard chair cover consists of three parts:

  • back - bends in half and goes around the chair, if desired, you can insert foam rubber or synthetic winterizer between the fabric;
  • seat - a synthetic winterizer must be placed under it;
  • ruffle - made of any length, to hide the legs of the chair.

Pattern for a cover by size

Patterns of covers for chairs can be pre-made from graph paper. This will allow you to roughly imagine the future version of the cape and will not let you spoil the material if you do not have experience yet. Covers for chairs are made quite quickly and the finished version can be seen in a few hours.

Work process

Knowing how to sew a chair cover, you can not only decorate the house, but also please your loved ones. original gift. You can also decorate the room in this way in an original way for any event, because chairs with a back are almost always an integral part of the interior.

1. Taking measurements

Patterns of covers should be with a small allowance, for the necessary folds. If you decide to use a synthetic winterizer, then on the basis of the patterns you need to cut it out as well, just make it a little smaller so that it does not interfere with the sewing process. Sewing chair covers at home with your own hands is quite affordable way change the environment of your home.

Further, the patterns of the chair are well smoothed out to avoid irregularities in the sewing process. How to make a soft lining? Everything is very simple! The patterns are folded face to face, then a synthetic winterizer is applied to the wrong side and carefully stitched. Sewing chair covers should start with hand ties, for convenience when working with sewing machine. Sew all the details first with your hands, and then try on what you are making a cape on, and this can be: a computer chair, high chair Or a high chair cover.

The remaining side will have to be sewn on the front side, but this seam will not be too visible on the product, because it will be closed with a high chair detail. A do-it-yourself chair cover pattern will come in handy for a long time, so do not immediately throw it away. Chair covers are in great demand among holiday organizers, and some housewives even open their own small business in which they offer to make such beauty.

The lower ruffle is sewn from below to the seat. A chair cover with such a cape looks more aristocratic and therefore it is better not to make it too short. Moreover, it can better hide the unsightly parts of the stool. You can also decorate it with a ruler of lace or put small bows around the edges. This option will be a wonderful gift for a children's room, little princesses will especially appreciate such a masterpiece. Knowing how to sew a chair cover with your own hands, you can constantly change the interior of your home.

2. Start with percale. You need to straighten the percale from the center to the periphery, pinning the pins every 5-8 cm. 3. Having tightly fitted the entire chair, cut off the excess fabric, leaving about 2.5 cm of seam allowance along the edges and on the seat. 4. If there is a hole between the seat and back, slip the percale in there and make a fold.
5. If the front line of the seat of the chair is convex, make recesses at the corners. 6. Pin the darts and check how correct they are. Sew them on the main fabric. 7. To make a skirt pattern, measure the front and sides of the seat. Cut and join pieces of percale to desired length and width.
8. If the back of the chair is too thick, you will need a special insert that connects the front and back panels of the back. 9. Lay another strip over the back of the chair. Finally, cut and fold the back panel equal to the length of the skirt.

Other types of capes

Don't stop there. You can also decorate a stool, if only there was a desire. Those women who know how to use a sewing machine should definitely use their skills. If you have experience in knitting, then you can easily make hand-knitted covers for chairs. It may take a little longer, but the result will be just amazing.

There are the following types of covers that you can sew with your own hands:

  • tightly seated;
  • freely seated;
  • cape.

Tight-fitting chair cover Loose-fitting chair cover Chair covers

Each is good in its own way. For example, it is very convenient to feed children in tight-fitting ones, because they do not ride, and the baby will sit without moving. Loose-fitting ones are sewn in order to be easy to wash. Capes help to quickly decorate a room, because they do not take much time to create. Step-by-step actions will help to achieve the most beautiful result.

For best result we sew covers that match the wallpaper or curtains. This will help achieve maximum harmony. For decoration, you can use bows, lace, buttons and so on. Some sew pockets on capes in order to throw small accessories somewhere. This option is great for the kitchen. It is not necessary to do everything according to a template, you can use your imagination, and then you will like your work even more.

Why is it better to sew rather than buy?

The main argument should be that independent work will significantly save money. But this is not the only reason why many women take up work. Thus, you can open up in a new area, show your abilities and surprise relatives and friends. Concentrating on sewing will help get rid of bad thoughts and get out of depression.

Sometimes it is not possible to choose the perfect covers for your interior, since the choice in the store is not always so large. On your own, you can make exactly such an interior that was thought out in your head. Yes and handmade as you know, are now very much appreciated, and perhaps one of your friends will want to contact you for a quick course on sewing and home decorating.

Recently, it has become fashionable to do things with your own hands and covers are no exception. After all, just by covering your chairs you can give them new life, in general, this applies to the entire interior of the room.

There can be a very large number of reasons for such a transformation. For example, the upholstery on the chairs began to wear out and scuffs are clearly visible, and this spoils the overall picture of the room. Or maybe the general color scheme of the room has changed or the original color of this furniture is simply tired.

Making chair covers with your own hands is much cheaper than changing the original upholstery or even buying new ones.

Another benefit of making your own covers is the uniqueness of the style. Indeed, in the store you can simply not find a suitable design or color, or maybe the quality of work.

Before you make such a product yourself, you can peep some points on the Internet. There are a large number of photos of chair covers. Thanks to this, you can improve your own idea for the design of covers, transform an existing one, or even create a new one.


There are quite a few options for cases, but among them there are several main ones.

Seat cover - this cover will protect the original upholstery from dirt and prevent rapid wear. A half-cover is a product that does not completely cover the chair.

Another option is separate covers for the back and seat. The back cover is great for the holidays, unlike the other options, this one is the easiest to sew.

And finally one-piece cases, which cover the entire surface of the chair, hiding absolutely all defects. But in terms of tailoring, a rather complex product that requires the most materials and time to manufacture.


Before you sew a chair cover with your own hands, you need to take the appropriate measurements and cut out the materials.

To begin with, we will make the necessary measurements, this is done so that the product ultimately sits well on the chair. We measure the width and height of the back and seat, in addition, we make the estimated length of the entire cover.

Pay attention to the expansion of the legs and back of the chair, if you do not take this point into account, then the cover may simply be small and will have to be redone.

Now you need to transfer all the measurements to the preliminary drawing. For ease of execution, the pattern can be made in one piece, but more materials will be required. On the other hand, the pattern separately will require more time for sewing the details of the cover.

Full size chair cover pattern - very important point, this process is best done on some newspaper or tracing paper. After that, we check it on the chair itself. If everything fits together, you can start working with the fabric itself.

Choosing a fabric is quite simple, you need to focus on whether a given color and type of fabric itself will suit the interior of the room. Another parameter is the ease of washing covers.

However, you should not buy expensive fabrics, because with constant washing it will quickly deteriorate, and a feature in self-tailoring is saving money.


For tailoring, we need the following set of tools. Chalk, rubber, accessories, needles and pins, centimeter, pattern blank, scissors, threads and, of course, the fabric itself.

So, let's start sewing a cover for a chair with a back with our own hands. After taking measurements, we proceed to the pattern, which consists of 3 parts. We are talking about rectangles that cover the sides and back.

Now you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric itself using chalk and carefully cut out the necessary parts, do not forget about the shared thread.

We proceed to the connection of the side elements, and then move on to the lower cut of the back, specifically to its back. We twist and make a line. After that, it is worth proceeding to the side parts, they need to be sewn to the seat.

Finally, you need to tuck the sections of the side elements of the cover and flash them. As a decoration, you can add some decorative element to the case.

That, in fact, is all that is required, sewing covers is not such a difficult task, but it requires attention and accuracy. This approach to business will provide a quality product that will last for a year. Whether it's a cover for the entire chair or just the seat.

DIY photo of chair covers

Beautiful chair covers create a cozy atmosphere of sincerity and warmth in the house. And if they are still sewn by the hostess herself, then such an interior detail also becomes a source of pride, evidence of housekeeping and creativity to the choice of housing style. Covers can be sewn from different fabrics, we will definitely dwell on the criteria for selection and expediency different options. Including consider how to use patchwork residues for such products. Original covers for chairs with a back and armchairs can be sewn with your own hands according to simple patterns for different designs of chairs, armchairs and stools.

The main requirements for fabric for covers are wear resistance, high-quality dyeing, reasonable price, and pleasant texture. Hypoallergenic fabric may be an individual requirement. Consider the pros and cons of choosing different fabrics for furniture covers:

  • cotton: from the pros - affordable price, durability, hypoallergenicity, perfectly washable; of the minuses - quickly burn out, instantly get wet;
  • linen: pluses - excellent durability, durability; cons - due to the specific structure, they are suitable, mainly for the rustic style and Provence, they are problematic to wash and iron;
  • gabardine and crepe-satin: the most acceptable option, due to the density and elasticity; practical to use, easy to clean and wash;
  • elastic fabrics such as lycra - a good option, do not get wet, wear-resistant, easy to clean.

The color of fabrics for sewing chair covers is usually selected taking into account the general colors premises.


We will call the pattern elements for covers and seat covers according to generally accepted terminology - see the figure below.


As when sewing any thing, they begin by taking measurements, so when sewing chair covers, they first measure the object of work. If this is a chair, then you need to measure:

  • chair height;
  • seat length;
  • the width of the top of the back;
  • leg height;
  • the width between the legs;
  • back bottom width.

As an example of measurements - see photo.


You can sew covers for chairs or a computer chair different type. It can be laconic seat covers or chic capes decorated with flounces and bows.

The needlewoman can use ready-made ideas or show your imagination by coming up with an unusual option.

Ready patterns

The simplest solution is a one-piece option.

The left pattern includes ties and a bow. The right one is finished with a tightening elastic band. For her, you need to sew a drawstring. Please note when cutting that you need to take into account the allowance for the collar - 2 cm (it is not on the pattern).

We sew a leather cover for a chair: video MK

Straight back kitchen chair

Differs from a sitting chair in the sizes. The solution with a drawstring and an elastic band is similar.

Kitchen chair with rounded back

The left option is how to sew a chair cover with a back that has rounded corners.

Such a back is sewn at the top to the valve.

The right option is for the Viennese chair.

Cover for a chair with a back in the form of a case

Model with a small frill. - on the left. The length of the skirt can be reduced so that it does not touch the floor.

On the right is a classic laconic version of the case.

How to sew an elegant chair cover: video tutorial

How to sew original covers for chairs with your own hands according to Spanish patterns

Despite the lack of Russian explanations on the drawings, it is quite possible to deal with the details of cutting.

Rounded back

Cape with bows

Viennese chair with rounded seats

Decorative cover for a special occasion

Decorations for covers and capes

In addition to bows and frills, such products can be decorated with decorative buttons.

Buttons should be large enough and flat, otherwise they will create discomfort when sitting.

For the manufacture of such buttons, plastic rings for curtains can be used as blanks. Rings should ideally be one-piece or, in extreme cases, have an oblique cut. How to sew such a button - see the instructions in the photo.

If you think that sewing covers for chairs with a back with your own hands according to the given patterns is a rather problematic task, but you want to somehow decorate the interior, then we suggest you sew simple-shaped seats. And to make them funny and cute, we advise you to make them in the patchwork style.

Seats on chairs: video MK

Seat - cover in patchwork style

For work you will need:

  • multi-colored pieces of fabric;
  • batting for laying;
  • a piece of plain fabric for the bottom lining;
  • threads;
  • tailor's chalk;
  • scissors, pins, ruler, sewing machine.

Step by step sewing instructions

We cut strips 6 cm wide, their length can be from 10 to 20 cm (depending on the actual length of the flap).

Sort them by color.

We mix and collect in a common pile.

We cut out a square of the desired size from the batting. Cut out the bottom piece from the lining fabric. On this part, when cutting, add 6 cm around the perimeter. These 6cm will come in handy for finishing the edge.

We sew multi-colored stripes into a long ribbon.

We smooth out all the allowances on one side.

Trimming the uneven edges of the tape.

We turn the finished tape into a roll.

We lay out the lining fabric, batting on it and then lay out the tape, forming a patchwork.

We start from the corner, laying out the tape diagonally. We cut off the excess. Attach the next strip and cut to size.

We sew these two stripes, smooth them.

We repeat the operation for the 2nd, 3rd strip, etc.

All stripes are sewn in the same way - see photo.

When you have sewn all the stripes, you will get a multi-colored patchwork square.

At the next stage, we lay out all the elements of the seat: the bottom is made of a plain fabric, then the batting, and the patchwork on top. We level, iron, fix with pins.

On the front side we bend the provided allowance, iron it.

In the corners, we cut off the excess fabric, fix it with pins, so that it is more convenient to sew. We carry out a seam around the perimeter.

It turns out a neat edge finish.

The final step in the manufacture of a patchwork-style seat cover is quilting. We make it along the connecting seams of the ribbons.

The original bedding is ready!

In the same style, you can sew a cover for the back of a chair.

The principle of operation remains the same. We sew a multi-colored ribbon from the flaps, which we use to form the canvas. For the cover we sew a rectangle from the tape the right sizes, which is then folded in half and sew the side seams. At the end, we process the edge with a decorative facing.

In a similar technique, you can sew a cover not only for a chair, but also for a computer chair. This work is more laborious, requires good skills in sewing. But the result is worth it. See what a miracle can be sewn from pieces of fabric.

Upholstered patchwork seat for chair or stool


We determine the size of the product. We select multi-colored shreds.

We draw a pattern of the desired diameter and divide it into sectors. According to the pattern of a separate sector, we cut the required number of elements.

We lay them out on a horizontal surface, arranging them by color.

We first sew two elements.

Then we sew pairs, getting two semicircles.

Then we make the last seam and get a sewn patchwork circle.

Using it as a template, we cut out a similar detail from the padding polyester.

Stepping back on both sides from the connecting seams of 3-4 mm, we perform a contour line along the faces. side.

On out. to the side, these seams look like this - see photo.

Cut out a solid round piece for the bottom lining.

We cut out four ribbons to fix the soft seat on the chair.

We bend the short edges of the ribbons inward, fold the fabric in half and sew.

The step by step process is shown in the photo.

We cut a strip of fabric along a length equal to the circumference of our seat plus allowances for the seams. The width of this strip should be equal to the height of the product plus allowances for seams. We attach ties to this strip. We sew a strip between the upper (patchwork) and lower elements.

At the same time, we leave a small area unsewn, making a gap in the seam. Turn out the seat.

We fill it with filler. Sew the gap by hand with a hidden seam.

Next, let's start making a decorative button. Cut out a circle of small diameter from a suitable fabric. We sew the finished button on the leg. For beginners, the whole technology is shown step by step in the photo of the master class.

We sew a button in the center of the seat, stitching through the entire thickness of the product. Sew a small button on the bottom side. The second button is needed to prevent tearing of the fabric when the threads are pulled.

The soft seat is ready!

Similarly, you can sew a cover for a round stool. It can be decorated with a frill around the perimeter.

Cover for square stool

The corners on the stool are rounded.

Dimensions: 33cm by 33cm.

For work you need to prepare:

  • denim fabric;
  • lining fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer to create volume;
  • contrasting fabric for connection and trim;
  • rubber band is thin.


We cut out nine squares 10cm by 10cm from the main fabric and padding polyester.

We stitch them. We connect with a contrasting fabric, sewing it on the overlay.

On the inside, the stitch is better visible.

For the sidewall, cut out a strip of denim. Below we carry out a drawstring with an elastic band.

We insert the elastic into the drawstring.

At the end of the article, given that a series of winter holidays will come very soon, we suggest you sew New Year's covers for chairs.

Patchwork chair cover: video master class

Chair covers for Christmas holidays

We will need:

  • material, felt, red;
  • artificial fur white color or some white felt;
  • threads, sewing machine;
  • glue gun;
  • centimeter.


The first step is to measure the back of the chair. We make two measurements along its highest and widest part. The rectangular cover should be 10 cm shorter than the height of the back. Then we calculate the size of the cap. In height, the top of the cap should reach the middle of the back of the chair.

We draw a pattern, immediately adding 1 cm for allowances. Let's cut it out. Cut out two pieces from the fabric. We fold them with their front sides to each other, sew along the line shown in the photo with a dotted line.

Trim seam allowances at the corners. If this is not done, they will stick out on the front side of the product.

We turn the cover inside out, sweep the edge and iron it over the faces. side. In this case, the iron should be heated to medium temperature.

In order for the cap to fold beautifully along the inflection line, we pass a horizontal line under the triangle. The line should be performed by persons. side.

Their white felt or faux fur make decoration. Cut a strip along the length of the lower circumference of the cover, taking into account seam allowances. The width of the edging should be 5-7cm.

We grind the side seam along the out. Art. We turn out the edging. We put it on a cover as shown in the photo.

Align both bottom edges, sew through both materials. We also sew the upper edge of the white strip, preventing turning away.

Now let's do the pom-pom. Cut strips of white felt. Their dimensions are 1 cm by 15 cm. You can adjust the size as desired by adjusting the size of the fullness of the pompom.

We tie a bunch of stripes in the center with a thread, tightly tighten and fasten with a knot.

With a glue gun we fix the pompoms on the top of the cap, let it dry. With absence glue gun pom-poms can be simply neatly sewn on.

Everything, covers are ready!

We decorate chairs for the New Year: video MK

Selection of patterns