DIY growing chair dimensions. How to make a plywood chair that grows with your child

Every modern parent cares about the health and comfort of the baby from birth. It is important to provide the child with all the conditions for active growth, recreation and study, surrounding him with functional furnishings, including furniture. One of these elements of the interior is the universal chair "grow-up". This design has external differences from the usual models.

Model Features

The Grow Chair is a unique piece of furniture that bears little resemblance to standard chair models. main feature such designs lies in the functionality.

Growing furniture is able to change the height of the seat. Based on the age and individual characteristics of the child's body, at any time you can easily adjust the position of the backrest.

To create growing children's chairs, high-quality and safe materials are used. The most popular are the designs made of wood.

According to the manufacturers themselves, this furniture grows with the child. To change the position of the chair, you must use the set of fasteners that are available at the base of the model.

The device often provides a footrest, so that the child can experience maximum comfort and convenience while sitting on a chair.

How to choose?

A growing chair for a child involves use in different cases. This furniture is considered a good addition to dining table. Often children use these chairs to perform homework or creativity.

In order for the chair to be really useful for the child, it is necessary to choose the right model. It is important to build on several significant criteria, starting with the choice of material.


Raw materials for the production of this furniture are diverse.

In addition to the tree recognized the best choice, plastic products are relevant. However, if brands consider such designs strong enough, practice shows the opposite.

Plastic is a modern material, it looks beautiful in the interior, but the maximum where it can be used is in additional elements of the chair. More often it is support for the design, which is in models for the smallest (from 6 months).

Plastic does not provide comfort, does not withstand significant mechanical damage, and if located near heating devices, it releases harmful substances into the air.

In addition to the material, it is important to take into account the age of the child and the features of the device. Manufacturers offer buyers models designed for children of different, including school age. The stores offer a wide range of growing chairs for first graders.

Compared to varieties for young children, these options have more extensive functional features.

Due to this, the chair can be used by a first grader and a senior student.

Designs based on two seats are in demand. One of these elements can be used instead of a footrest. The main advantage of these wooden models is their high functionality, as the seats easily adjust to the child's height.

In the process of choosing suitable model experts recommend paying attention to the transformation of the chair.

Various elements are used to fasten the seat. Most often, sawn grooves or bolts are used for these purposes.

The choice is important to make in a trusted store with a good reputation of real buyers. This will allow you to purchase a quality product that will last more than one year.

An important factor is convenience: if the child is uncomfortable, the product will cause negative emotions. It is important to choose a model in such a way that this chair is a favorite piece of furniture in the nursery.

How to do it yourself?

If you don’t like store-bought growing chairs, you can start creating furniture yourself. First you need to decide on the material.

It is best to use wood for the manufacture of a children's chair, as it is durable, reliable and attractive in appearance.

Then you need to prepare a template for work. In the drawings, it is necessary to draw each element of the structure, indicating the parameters. This will greatly simplify the manufacturing process.

After creating the template, you can proceed to the blanks. All prepared elements must be painted. The design of the chair should be chosen taking into account personal preferences and features of the children's room. After staining, all elements are assembled into a single structure.

Chair adjustment

It often happens that after prolonged or not entirely careful use, the chair staggers, the fasteners weaken, the furniture loses its former functionality.

You can solve this problem yourself, without asking for help from the master. All you need to do is tighten the fasteners tightly. First check whether these details really caused the chair to loosen.

Many companies present adjustable models to the attention of buyers. In this case, you can independently change the height of the seat, the position of the backrest and other components of the device. To do this, you need to study the manufacturer's instructions, and then set the desired dimensions.

Please note that many models are supplemented with a special stand for feeding small children. In the future, this element can be removed so that it does not interfere with the child.

A growing chair, a very practical piece of furniture in families where there is Small child. Such a seat is not only practical, but also very useful from an orthopedic point of view, its slope does not allow the seated person to take the wrong position, from which the spine will develop correctly.

In addition, it will not be difficult to make such a chair on your own, you will need a minimum of materials, tools, and skills. Consider the scheme and the list of necessary for such work.

Required Materials

To assemble a beautiful chair, the seat height of which can be changed depending on the height of the child, you need to acquire the following materials:

  • plywood floor, thickness 22mm. This segment will be needed to make the seat;
  • 2 pieces of plywood sheet, 22mm thick;
  • plywood sheet 16mm thick. To make backrests, as well as footrests;
  • paint of any color;
  • nuts, bolts, screws;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brushes;
  • milling cutter;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • wood glue.

Drawing preparation

It is necessary to make a diagram, and then a drawing and patterns for each part of the chair. It is necessary to take into account such nuances:

  • inclined elements, the correctness of the angles;
  • accurate measurements of all parts;
  • opposite details - to calculate in a mirror image;
  • on thick paper, you need to make patterns for each element, according to the measurements specified in the GOSTs.

Assembly process

When the preparation is completed, you can begin to assemble your product. The stage of work consists of the following sequence:

  • milling the first part - the footrest, after cutting it out of the pattern. It is necessary to make a margin, approximately 3mm;
  • the rest of the parts are prepared in the same way. They can be stacked on top of each other to provide order;
  • process each with a milling cutter;
  • glue all the parts of the legs together with glue. As a result, a finished rack stand should come out;
  • wait until the glue is completely dry. The duration may be indicated on the packaging;
  • the milling cutter is required to make grooves inside the legs, from above. The size of the grooves should be 1 cm deep, 2.4 cm wide;
  • inside the resulting grooves, drill a through hole. It will serve to strengthen the child's footrest;
  • then you need to cut out the sliders, due to them the stand will be fixed. You will need four identical pieces;
  • the resulting parts are glued to the rails;
  • you need to wait until they dry;
  • a hole for a bolt is made in each slider, with its help it will be possible to adjust the position of the seat;
  • it remains to cut out (in an arbitrarily possible form, with any angles) the following details:
      • back,
      • seats;
  • all parts are processed with sandpaper;
  • after processing, cover them with several layers of paint, and after varnish. Wait for complete drying;
  • the last step remains - assembling all the parts with each other. To do this, you need to use bolts.

The final stage is a test for strength, if it was successful, you can use the chair. This design will allow you to do this for many years, until the child becomes an adult.

The health of the child is the most important concern of every parent. It is made up of many factors: proper nutrition, sound sleep, mental and physical development. The child's spine is subject to changes over the years, so it is important to provide it correct formation and development. The chair "Humpbacked Horse" can help with this.

Its advantages are that it allows the child to sit only straight, and it is almost impossible to keep the back crooked on it. The undoubted advantage of the chair is that it can be adjusted depending on the age and height of the child. Therefore, it is called a "growing" chair. Plus, you can do it yourself at no extra cost.

What materials and tools will be needed

To make the Humpbacked Horse chair with your own hands at home, you will need the following materials:

  • For sitting - a sheet of plywood with a thickness of about 20–22 mm (half of a whole sheet will be enough for work);
  • For racks - plywood with a thickness of at least 22 mm (but expect that each part of the racks must be multiplied by 2, as they are glued together for strength and thickening);
  • For the backrest and footrest - a sheet of plywood with a thickness of approximately 16 mm;
  • For decor - paint, varnish for coating;
  • If you want a soft seat, you will need foam rubber and upholstery fabric (for small children, it is better to use oilcloth material so that you can quickly wash the chair);
  • Metal fittings for fastening (bolts, nuts).

TIP: Instead of plywood, you can also use processed smooth wood, but then the cost of the chair increases several times. In addition, it is more convenient to work with plywood for those people who do not have much experience in self-manufacturing furniture.

Also for the manufacture you will need related things:

  • Thick paper for diagrams;
  • Pen, simple pencil;
  • Tape measure;
  • Brushes or rollers for paint and varnish;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Milling cutter and copy cutter;
  • Glue (special for wood).

Making a project of a growing chair "Humpbacked Horse"

When making a drawing, it is important to observe the measurements and angles of the inclined elements, otherwise, as a result, the furniture will not have an orthopedic effect.

When designing a product, use the GOST 19301.2–94 document. In it you can find the parameters that must be observed in the manufacture of children's furniture, in particular - chairs.

All details should be drawn on cardboard only in real size, so that later it would be convenient to transfer them to plywood. And do not forget that some parts of the chair (side legs) should be in a mirror version.

How to assemble a chair

After preparing the pattern, you can start cutting and assembling the Humpbacked Horse chair with your own hands, the drawings of which can be found on the Internet. Do not hurry. This process can take 2-4 days, or maybe a whole week, but the result will be worth the time spent.

Stages of work:

  • Transfer the first part of the leg to plywood. Remember to leave a margin of about 5 mm to avoid cutting errors. With the help of a copy cutter, process the part to the ideal;
  • If everything turned out well, cut out 3 more parts of the leg. Fold them all in a pile, and then process all the details at once with a copy cutter, focusing on the top, already processed;
  • After that, using wood glue, glue two legs together. The result should be a pair of mirror racks. Leave them to dry completely;
  • On the inner surface of the legs with a router, make grooves 2.4 cm wide and 1 cm deep;
  • In the center of the grooves, it is necessary to make holes through and through for the footrest and seat;
  • Cut out 4 sliders with which the stands will be fixed. Make grooves in the center of each, then the slats will be glued into them (they also need to be made);
  • Glue the sliders and slats, leave to dry completely;
  • In the slider, cut a hole for the bolt. It will help to fix the position in the finished chair;
  • Cut out the details for the back, legs and seat. They may be various shapes: both with straight and rounded corners;
  • Treat all the details with sandpaper, then paint and varnish, wait for it to dry;
  • Assemble the chair using the bolts. Check the reliability of the design. "Humpbacked Horse" is ready for operation.

I want the best for the kids. Nowadays, you can buy everything, if you have finances.

But there is such furniture that you will not find anything complicated, but this is not in the store. And today we will make a highchair for growth with our own hands, especially since we will do it conscientiously, firmly and efficiently.

After all, it's good when your child has his own chair, and the chair is not simple, it can be adjusted to the height of your child. The child grows and the chair will always be in size.

I saw something similar on the website of Belarusian furniture.

To make a chair we need:

Chipboard sheet;

16mm thick plywood sheet;

self-tapping screws;


Electric jigsaw;

Paint, varnish, brushes;

Paper, simple pencil;


The progress of work on the manufacture of a children's chair for growth

To make a children's chair with our own hands, we need a drawing. Taking a sheet of paper and a pencil, I drew a sketch and then a full-fledged drawing. For those who want to make just such a children's chair for growth, the easiest way is for you to use my drawing and measurements, this is already a proven option.

Children's chair drawings

We put our template on a chipboard sheet for further cutting.

Using an electric jigsaw, we cut out the elements. If you have such an opportunity, then you can give it to the chipboard sawing workshop, for this you only need dimensions.

If desired, you can chamfer with a milling cutter, making the edges of the parts rounded.

Since this product for a child must be biased towards safety, therefore, we carefully grind all the details of the chair so that there are no chips, splinters, etc. First, all the flaws must be puttied. We paint all the components of the chair acrylic paint(it will be more beautiful if the paint is at least two colors, the more, the merrier). Let's leave our future chair for a while, let the paint dry well. Then top with a colorless varnish. And let it dry again. Our advice, before applying the next coat of paint or varnish, make sure that the coating is completely dry.

Using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we assemble our children's chair, having previously drilled holes for self-tapping screws.

That's all, the children's chair is ready, it seems to me, without undue modesty, it turned out well. Adjustable seat and footrest adjusts easily to your child's height. The children are happy, and I myself am pleased that I managed to make it with my own hands.

I wonder why our industry has not started producing such high chairs, because there are many advantages: simple design, minimum material, practical.

Growing chairs are a type of children's orthopedic furniture, in which the height is adjustable, the position of the back and legs changes. At correct setting it is almost impossible to sit on such a chair incorrectly or keep your back crooked. The chairs are made of wood or plastic. Orthopedic doctors advise choosing popular models that are certified and safe, both in terms of material and structure.

The Stokke brand is made in Norway. In addition to chairs under this brand, they produce the entire range of furniture for children, as well as. As for growing chairs, consumers, in addition to high quality, will be interested in their bright appearance.

There are models for boys, for girls, for every taste, only 15 color solutions. The main material is natural beech, varnished. Since the Norwegian company has been producing its furniture for a long time, from natural materials and guarantees quality, the cost of the chair is correspondingly high.

Kid Fix

Kid-Fix is ​​a domestic manufacturer. He specializes in chairs that are suitable for six-month-old babies and can perform their functions right up to the first grade of school. The frame is designed in such a way that it can easily withstand a weight of more than 100 kg.

There are fewer color options than Norwegian competitors, only 8. Production material - birch. The material is also natural and safe, the company has sufficient experience, product quality is excellent.

The Little Humpbacked Horse

Chairs Russian-made Horse-Gorbunok are made of natural wood (walnut, birch and other species), and the coating is made of German lacquer. The material is safe for childhood, fastenings are reliable, and transformation mechanisms are diverse. The manufacturer gives its products a 10-year warranty.

The buyer will be surprised by the colors. There are monochromatic models, as well as two-color ones, for example, white-pink, white-blue, or white-orange.

On the official website of the company you can evaluate the full range of products.

In addition to high chairs, this company produces transforming beds, desks for growing children and a huge number of accessories. All furniture has a variety of adjustments, which allows you to use it for more than one year.


Kotokota chairs are produced in 6 colors. The furniture is ergonomic, changes and transforms according to age. The main production material is birch. Coating - German varnish of excellent quality. Chairs are safe for health and can be used from an early age.


Each manufacturer produces a large number of accessories for their furniture:

  • Stokke - baby seat with the ability to lie down, seat cushion, plastic tray and seat belts;
  • Kid-Fix - highchair cushion and seat belts, as well as a table;
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse - a large number of accessories, including a pocket for toys, a table with limiters;
  • Kotokota - from additions only limiters and a table.

Some are sold as a set with growing chairs, others are purchased separately. The cost varies depending on the brand, material of manufacture. All accessories are also certified and meet safety requirements.


High-quality orthopedic furniture cannot be cheap, since natural wood is expensive in itself:

  • Stokke - 12,000 rubles for the chair itself, the cost of accessories is from 2500 to 6000;
  • Kid-Fix - the price of a high chair is from 5500 rubles. Pillow for him - 750 rubles. Table with safety straps - 490;
  • "Humpbacked Horse" - 6000 the price of a chair. A pocket costs 1,000. A table with a limiter - 1,500 rubles. A knee chair can be purchased for 5990 rubles, and a growing table-desk for 6090 rubles;
  • Kotokota - 6200 and accessories - a table with a limiter 1800 rubles.

Despite the high cost, many parents purchase growing chairs, taking care of the child's posture.

How to choose

When choosing a growing chair, take your baby with you to the store. So you can try on the chair and make sure that the little one fits comfortably. Be sure to ask the seller to show a certificate of safety and quality, check the environmental friendliness of the materials from which the furniture is made.

Ideally, the highchair should please the baby and fit the interior of the children's room. If there is no suitable color, it is better to take the classic black or white.

Orthopedic chair good quality should not have a slippery base and have a transformation mechanism, so that with the age of the child until graduation, the furniture can be adjusted to the growing body. Also, parents should check the strength of the mechanisms and their quality so as not to be disappointed in the future.

How to DIY

You can make a growing humpbacked horse chair with your own hands. First of all, you need drawings. If the design is incorrectly calculated, then orthopedic furniture will not work. Plywood is suitable for a home folding chair, since natural wood requires the use of highly specialized tools.

After carefully studying the instructions and all the schemes, the master will need:

  • Plywood for racks - 22 mm;
  • Plywood for the seat, footrests can be thinner - 16 mm;
  • Hexagon bolts are only 4. 2 are 0.6x7 cm in size and 2 are 0.6x5 cm in size;
  • Countersunk nuts measuring 1x2 cm and 1x1.2 cm;
  • You will also need materials for decoration - stain, varnish, primer, paint;
  • If you wish, you can upholster the chair with leatherette or oilcloth.

In addition to the main ones, you will need related materials: a pencil, drawing paper, a jigsaw, wood glue, a milling machine and cutters for it, sandpaper and brushes.

Assembly steps:

  1. A pattern is created, the legs of the chair are cut out of plywood;
  2. In total, we cut out 2 pairs of legs with a margin;
  3. With the help of a cutter, we bring all the legs to the optimal size;
  4. With inside the legs are cut with a cutter: depth - 1 cm, and width - 2.4 cm;
  5. In the middle of the recess, holes are made for the seat and footrest;
  6. Then a slider is made, which is responsible for securing the footrest in the desired position;
  7. A groove is constructed in the center of the slider, into which a rail is glued;
  8. The slider and rail need to be glued and dried;
  9. In the slider, you need to make 2 bolts, they are responsible for the selected position;
  10. The back and footrest are designed, they can be of any shape, both oval and square;
  11. Be sure to make a transverse crossbar that fixes the legs from below;
  12. As a result, we clean everything with sandpaper, then apply paint and varnish;
  13. We collect the rest of the parts after drying.

The master must necessarily supply his work with armrests, since the child will not fall like that. Parts must be removable in order to get rid of them at the right time. It will not be difficult for an experienced furniture maker to make such a chair with his own hands, and the result of the work will delight for a long time.

A growing chair will serve the little one for a long time, keeping a straight back and creating a comfortable environment for children to study. Orthopedists consider such furniture the only the right choice. A real, high-quality chair is expensive, but if available necessary materials and the correct drawing, you can do it yourself. Main use safe material, and when painting, avoid toxic compounds and use a special varnish.