Do-it-yourself sofa detailed drawings examples of interiors. Drawings and diagrams of sofas

It's nice to enjoy the warmth and comfort of home, sitting on soft sofa especially if it is made by hand. Although the range of furniture offered by furniture stores is huge, sometimes situations arise in which this attribute needs to be done by yourself.

Which sofa to choose

When there is a desire and opportunity, you can try your hand at making furniture. To begin with, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in detail with the information on how to make a sofa with your own hands, and think through everything to the smallest detail. It is necessary to decide on the design of future furniture, as well as for which room it is needed: for the kitchen or living room, bedroom or nursery. It is important to determine where it will be located - against the wall, window or in the middle of the room.

To develop the necessary skills for making furniture for the first time, you can design an ottoman of a simple shape, without any shelves and drawers. If you have even a little knowledge of the carpentry profession, then you can mount a corner sofa with your own hands, a master class for the manufacture of which is described in this article.


Designing a sofa is laborious and quite hard work, you need to prepare for it in advance. Before starting this process, in which a do-it-yourself sofa will be made, drawings of a future furniture accessory must be developed and designed on paper. It is necessary to think over the dimensions of the product, the thickness of the upholstery, decide what the backrest slope will be, etc. It is also important to take into account the tolerances of the material when cutting it. To make the diagram clear, you first need to figure out what is included in the most ordinary sofa:

  • frame;
  • back;
  • seat;
  • legs;
  • sidewalls, railings or armrests.

The better the drawing is made, the easier it will be to make a sofa. A well-thought-out scheme will help in acquiring the right amount of building material and save your time.

Advantages of self-made sofa

Any person who has at least basic knowledge in this area can design furniture. Before you make a sofa with your own hands, it is recommended to make sure that the advantages of this process are obvious:

  1. A sofa made by hand will cost several times cheaper than buying a new one.
  2. No need to worry about what the ottoman was created from. Creating furniture on their own, the master with special care will choose the main and consumable: high-quality and dried timber, foam rubber, durable upholstery.
  3. The shape and dimensions of the homemade bed are selected taking into account the dimensions of the room for which it will be assembled. Consider various sofas, photos of which are placed in the catalogs of furniture stores, and choose the most suitable option The task is more pleasant than difficult. After all, the assortment various forms and flowers is very large, and you can choose the right sofa for every taste.
  4. The upholstery of a homemade sofa is easy to change on your own, unlike the finished one.

Construction material for making a sofa

Since making a sofa with your own hands is difficult, but quite feasible, you should prepare the material and tools for installation. Indicative list of components for the manufacture of the sofa:

  • Wooden beam with a section of 30 x 30 mm.
  • Chipboard - 16 mm, Chipboard - 3-5 mm. When choosing this material, you need to make sure that you have a certificate, since low-quality products adversely affect human health.
  • Birch plywood 5 and 15 mm.
  • Nails, screws.
  • Certified foam rubber 20 and 40 mm.
  • Sintepon or batting.
  • Foam rubber or any other environmentally friendly material for stuffing sofa cushions.
  • Upholstery fabric.

It is worth approaching the choice of building material for the manufacture of a sofa with all seriousness, special attention should be paid to the quality and environmental friendliness of fabrics. It is recommended to buy everything you need in specialized stores, where certification documentation will be provided.

Required tool

An approximate set of tools that is needed to make a corner sofa with your own hands without the involvement of professionals:

  1. An electric drill with a speed controller.
  2. Power saw or jigsaw.
  3. Furniture stapler.
  4. Knife for cutting material.
  5. Sewing machine.

Making a sofa frame

The basis of any furniture is the frame, the materials for the sofa construction are boards, slats and bars. Their choice depends on the size and features of the future ottoman, as well as the maximum possible load on this product. It is important to correctly design the future design, especially since a corner sofa will be manufactured with my own hands. The level of deflection, deformation and other possible inconveniences depends on the quality of this stage.

With the help of self-tapping screws, boards or slats are assembled into a frame, with the help of bars, the corners of the base are reinforced. A fiberboard sheet is used as the bottom of the sofa. To fix it, several rails are sawn into the base of the sofa, onto which fiberboard is nailed right size. With the help of these manipulations, sagging of the bottom can be avoided.

Back and seat assembly

The back of the future sofa should be strong and durable, as it serves not only for beauty, but also so that you can lean on it. This also applies to the seat, because it must withstand a certain weight and, accordingly, carry a considerable load. For the manufacture of the main components of the sofa, boards will also be required. Of these, a box is assembled, equal to the size of the base of the sofa. Metal corners firmly connect all the bearing parts of the seat and backrest. The latter is upholstered with fiberboard sheets on both sides. The outer part of the back is covered or pasted over with foam rubber (then synthetic winterizer or batting) to ensure softness and elasticity, because no one likes to sit on a hard base. The final stage, when a homemade sofa is made, but far from the last in importance, is upholstery. It is performed using decorative fabric, leather or other materials. The upholstery of the back and seat is made using a hardware gun or a furniture stapler. Very often, these works cause some difficulties for home craftsmen. In such cases, specialized organizations come to the rescue, you just need to indicate the required dimensions of the future sofa and consumables.

From below, legs are screwed to the base of the ottoman, which can be made from a wooden beam. For reliable connection, they are fixed on metal corners.

Sofa sides

Now the question of how to make a sofa with your own hands becomes clear, especially since there is very little left of the work - to make sidewalls or armrests. Usually they are made of chipboard or constructed from boards and slats, which are subsequently upholstered with plywood. To give softness, the sidewalls are finished with foam rubber or padding polyester, and finally with upholstery.

Few people know how to make furniture with their own hands, but with a great desire, everyone can do it. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself: to make a unique and original thing that no one else has, let it be a sofa. Simple instruction on installation will help to create the desired furniture attribute quickly, efficiently and without overpayments. homemade sofa will not only impress relatives and friends with its unique appearance, but also amuse the pride of the creator.

For a summer residence, a bath or a kitchen, people often buy furniture in a store. But you can do it yourself and at the same time spend much less than purchasing items in specialized salons. How to make a sofa with your own hands? What materials and tools are needed for this? In order to answer these questions, you must first accurately determine the variant of such a sofa.

A do-it-yourself sofa outperforms a purchased one not only in price, but also in design.

It can be of different configuration, which depends on where it is planned to be installed:

  • simple design in the form of a single block;
  • corner version of two small parts;
  • multi-element sofa, the main details of which allow you to assemble several types of similar furniture.

You can make the first two options yourself: they are simple and require a minimum of material.

The process of making a sofa with your own hands

sofa project.

First you need to select a drawing of the future subject from the relevant literature. Then bind the sofa to the place where it is going to be installed. To do this, measure the length and width of the allotted corner, and if the dimensions on the drawing are slightly different, then they correct them and draw a sketch with the required dimensions on a piece of drawing paper.

Now you need to collect the necessary materials. For these purposes, you can use a bar, the trimmings of which often remain during the construction of various utility rooms in the country. If they are not, then desired material buy in the construction market.

How to make a sofa with your own hands? To do this, you need to purchase:

  • foam rubber - it is sold in furniture stores;
  • for the manufacture of a cover and pillows - a zipper;
  • to cover the surface of an object, they buy tapestry-type material;
  • in the construction market they acquire a mesh and a corner made of metal.

After that, work begins on assembling the base (frame). A bar is used for it. Its dimensions can be 700 x 2100 mm. Small tree trimmings will go to the legs - you will need four of them. This is done in this way:

Sofa frame assembly diagram.

  • in size from a sketch from a bar, frame parts are cut with a hand saw - two long slats (they should be equal to the length of the future sofa) and 2 short ones (in width);
  • less thick material is used for legs and handles - 4 legs and two handles are needed;
  • knock down the frame with nails or use long screws;
  • then the remaining elements (legs and handles) are attached to it;
  • transverse planks are cut from the boards - they will need several pieces, the main thing is that they go inside the frame;
  • they are connected to the base with the help of metal corners and screws, and an armored mesh is installed on the frame, which is fixed to the base with brackets;
  • now parts for the back are cut from squares: two along the length of the sofa and two along the height of the future headboard;
  • assemble it with screws or welding;
  • for the back you will need a sheet of plywood or chipboard, which is reinforced with screws or screws.

Related article: How to assemble a siphon for a washbasin with your own hands?

Base work completed.

Making soft upholstery on the sofa with your own hands

The coating technology includes the following components:

Scheme for the manufacture of a soft seat for a sofa.

  • two mattresses are cut from the purchased foam rubber, the dimensions of which should be equal to the dimensions of the sofa;
  • they are sheathed with material, the resulting two covers are connected with a snake;
  • tapes are made from the same tapestry, with the help of which the mattress is fixed on the base, these connecting elements contain Velcro, and they are nailed to the frame at one end, and at opposite points with the other;
  • then 3 pillows are made of foam rubber in the same way and covered with covers with snakes;
  • they are strengthened on the back with tapestry tapes.

On this, the production of this option can be considered complete.

Making a sofa from ready-made shields

If a person has no experience working with wood or metal, you can try the method below to make this household item from a material that is usually thrown away. These are old doors. Their doors can make a great sofa. Together with them you will need the following details:

Foam rubber will be needed for upholstery of the sofa and pillows.

  • foam rubber - you need to buy it in the store;
  • covering fabric (tapestry);
  • remnants of a wooden beam or hemp;
  • metal staples that are purchased on the construction market.

The basis of this design option and the back are 2 sashes from old door from a tree that has served its time. Its surface must be durable, otherwise the idea will not work. The door is cleaned of dirt and the old paint is scraped off. Then the surface of the future base and back is carefully polished with emery. If there are cracks or indentations on it, then they must be repaired with a priming paste for wood. The door leaves are sanded again and then covered with several layers of paint. The color of the coating is selected according to the design of the room where the sofa is supposed to be installed.

Related article: DIY round balcony

If possible, then in the construction market or in a specialized store they buy veneer and glue and finish the surfaces using a heated iron. In this case, the finished design will look more presentable.

Scheme of assembling a sofa from shields: 1 - sidewall; 2 - additional pillow; 3 - pillow-back; 4 - retractable mattress; 5 - support bar; 6 - stool-stand; 7 - base box.

One of the door leaves is installed on the stumps or the remains of the timber with the help of construction nails. and the second part is attached with metal brackets at the right angle - the base is ready. Now we need to make a mattress. It is cut out according to the size of the resulting frame and sheathed with material (tapestry). If it is not possible to purchase a new fabric, you can get by with coarse calico or matting, and cover it with material with the desired color on top.

The next step is the manufacture of foam rubber pillows, which was described above.

The made mattress is laid on the base, and pillows are placed on the back. All this is strengthened with tapes and nails. Such a sofa can be installed in the country or in the bath. It will fit well into the interior of the kitchen in country house or verandas at their summer cottage.

Making a corner sofa

If a person does similar design for the first time, then you need to choose the simplest option. They bind it to the room and draw a sketch with all sizes. For simplicity, you can refuse spiked joints and the use of expensive materials in the process of creating a structure. To connect individual parts, it is best to use screws. All wooden parts must be sanded before assembly. First, with the help of a jigsaw, all the details of the structure are cut out of chipboard. Start the assembly from the left side of the sofa corner:

  • armrests are assembled from separate parts, they are connected with screws;
  • the frame of the left side is made of bars with a section of 5 x 6 cm and reinforced with transverse rails;
  • a chipboard sheet (thickness 14-18 mm) is attached to the base, and then plywood must be attached to the back frame with screws.

Everyone knows that upholstered furniture is necessary in every home. But there are people who cannot choose a quality option for themselves from the store and decide to start making their own. The most basic step to this work is that you yourself will accurately make a model of the size that your living space allows.

Many people wonder what is a modular sofa? It is not difficult to answer, because this is a standard corner sofa known to all of us in its various representations. It would seem that it would be very difficult to assemble it on your own. But do not despair, even a beginner can cope with the task, the main thing is to have a desire.

It is possible to create an original design

It is worth noting that a self-made sofa immediately eliminates such shortcomings as:

  • wrong size;
  • irregular building forms;
  • inharmonious to the interior color design and decoration.

You can create semi-circular sofas or with an acute angle, it all depends on your imagination. It is important that in the end you will get the original model, which will be no worse than the store version, but at the same time it will cost several times cheaper.

Preparation for work

Before you start work and prepare all the necessary material, you need to prepare detailed drawings and diagrams. This stage will help to avoid mistakes in the work, in addition, you can correctly purchase all the necessary materials, avoiding unnecessary costs. Dimensions can be taken on the Internet, but later change them to suit your room.

1 2 3

Then, in the hardware store, you should purchase the following materials for work:

  • plywood bars, chipboard;
  • furniture legs and lifting mechanisms;
  • foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, pillow filler;
  • upholstery for furniture;
  • jigsaw, drill, screwdriver;
  • construction stapler with staples;
  • screws and nails;
  • wood glue and PVA glue.

In order for a do-it-yourself modular sofa to turn out no worse than the store version, you need to cut out beautiful armrests. If you do not have experience in carpentry, then you should order a cutting from a professional who, according to the drawings, will make perfectly even models.

Sofa frame assembly

First you need to assemble the armrests. It would seem that the smallest details, but they require close attention during assembly. Since they should turn out perfectly even and symmetrical, you must clearly follow the instructions. Experts put a special bar between the sides of the armrest, which controls their size. All parts are connected using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

Next, you should assemble the frame of the sofa. You need to start with two bars of the same distance and thickness and connect them to each other with longitudinal bars. You need to connect it qualitatively and firmly, so that in the future the sofa does not loosen up and you do not have to repeat the procedure. Next, you should attach to the base of the board on which the back of the product will be held.

Fabrication of the frame Closing the oriented strand board

For additional strengthening, you can use wood glue.

After the actions taken, the resulting structure is upholstered with plywood sheets, forming a uniform box in which personal items or bedding can subsequently be stored. As soon as the frame is ready, immediately screw the legs to the product, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do it later.

Assembly of the rest of the parts

The backrest for the sofa is also assembled separately from the frame, in full accordance with the drawings.

The back is connected almost at the end

The retractable part is assembled, but at the moment it remains aside, since it has not yet been sheathed with material and a soft layer. Everything is fastened to self-tapping screws, and then interconnected in the following order:

  • back to frame;
  • armrests;
  • retractable part.

Sheathing and decoration

How to make a sofa soft and comfortable? This is much easier than assembling the frame and installing each element together. Decorating, as the final stage, brings more positive emotions, as the result actually becomes visible. At the same time, this stage is very important, because the appearance of new hand-made furniture will depend on how carefully you finish the work.

It is better to start with the armrests, since it is they that have to be aligned and given exquisite curves. The foam pads do an excellent job of making the armrests very comfortable and soft. We cover the seat with the same foam rubber. It should be carefully fixed with glue, otherwise she will walk while using the sofa for its intended purpose. When all the soft parts are wrapped with foam rubber, you can start covering the furniture with fabric upholstery.

The original design of the armrests of the sofa

The fabric should be chosen one that can serve you for a long time, without unexpected damage. Also, be sure to consider how often you will need to clean your sofa. If there are small children or animals in the house, you should upholster the furniture with breathable fabric, which makes it easy to get rid of dirt. Well, do not forget about the interior of the room for which the furniture is made. The upholstery must match it in order to create additional comfort.

The sofa is the heart of the home. It serves as an element of interior decor, helps to relax after a hard day's work. A sofa is not just a piece of furniture. It will certainly become the visiting card of the house and the center of attention of your guests.

In this article, you will learn how to make a sofa with your own hands no worse, and maybe better than those sold in furniture stores. You will see what elements the sofa consists of and what materials are most often used in the process of its manufacture.

Do not forget that homemade furniture saves the lion's share family budget. If you decide, for example, to make a sofa yourself, its cost will be two or even five times lower than the market price!

However, it depends on the selected materials and the particular design. A folding sofa will cost more, but if this is your first product, opt for the project described in this article - it is perfect for those who set out to learn how to make upholstered furniture.

Make a sofa with your own hands - and you will see by your own example that there is nothing complicated in this!

So let's get started.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

- electric jigsaw. If you don’t have a jigsaw, it doesn’t matter: use a hacksaw for wood, especially since it will also come in handy in the process of sawing bars;
- pneumatic furniture stapler. If you intend to make only one product, use a mechanical stapler - it will be cheaper;
- screwdriver;
- grinder or planer for grinding sharp corners of the frame;
- a staple remover or a sharp screwdriver;
- sharp knife for cutting foam rubber;
- scissors;
- sewing machine for stitching sofa upholstery elements;
- roulette.

2. Materials:
- bars with a section of 40-50 mm;
- plywood or any other available, durable and, if possible, lightweight sheet material;
- furniture foam rubber, 50 mm thick. Foam rubber, like many other materials, you can purchase in a specialized online store "everything for furniture";
- synthetic winterizer or batting for additional softness of the frame and the product as a whole;
- furniture fabric;
- joiner's glue;
- strong thread for stitching upholstery details;
- self-tapping screws or furniture screws (when using the latter, you will need an electric drill);
- a marker or pencil.

Let's get to work.

1. Frame
The basis of our sofa is the frame. It can be of any shape and size, but this article describes the simplest project, which can be made by a person who is inexperienced in production. upholstered furniture.

The frame is based on wooden bars and slats with a section of 40-50 mm or any other size that ensures the strength of the finished product.

Additional rigidity to the frame is given by sheet materials with which it is sheathed - plywood, OSB, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. Inside the frame is hollow, which makes it relatively light.

At home, the sofa frame is assembled with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Holes for screws can be pre-drilled with a drill, and the screws themselves can be lubricated with wood glue when drilling.

Also, glue is often used at the junction wooden parts before they are connected with self-tapping screws. In this case, they are pressed against each other with clamps for a while.

In addition, when assembling the frame, it is convenient to use all kinds of angular and curvilinear metal fasteners.

The length of our sofa will be 3 meters. It is quite spacious and consists of two equal parts- 1.5 m each. In the photo below you see one of them - the left side of the sofa.

2. Frame and mattress
The frame of the future mattress - the base of our sofa - is made of board. For greater comfort, a binding of furniture belts is arranged.

It is not difficult to make it: first, the belts are fixed with a stapler horizontally, then the binding should be done and the belts should be fixed perpendicularly - vertically.

The photo shows what we should get in the end. These are the two components of the mattress.

3. Back
In the photo below - the frame of the back of our sofa, sheathed with plywood. Please note that the frame itself is made of wooden blocks, and metal connectors are used to fasten the parts.

The back is hollow and light, it is convenient to work with it. The shape in this case is as simple as possible - rectangular in profile. Without much effort, you can make it sloping by increasing the width at the base and reducing the width of the frame at the top.

4. Side pieces
By analogy with the back, we also make the side parts of the frame. It should be noted that the protruding bars that are visible in the photo in the future will serve as a basis for foam rubber. But more on that later.

5. Pasting with foam mats
After assembling the frame, we proceed to mount the foam rubber.

With pieces of foam rubber of the required size and shape, we paste over the top and front of the back, as well as the inner surfaces of the side elements. We lay the foam on the mattress over the binding.

The adhesive can be applied with a wide brush or used as an aerosol. Immediately after applying a layer of glue, we press the foam rubber to the surface and leave it for a while (usually no more than half an hour) until it sets.

6. Sintepon (batting)
In order to hide irregularities, smooth out sharp transitions and add volume, the back, side parts and, if desired, the mattress is wrapped with padding polyester or batting.

Before proceeding to this stage, it is necessary to sand all the sharp corners of the frame so that the upholstery does not rub off and lasts as long as possible. This operation is carried out using a grinder, planer or just coarse sandpaper.

7. Fabric upholstery.
Covers are usually sewn according to ready-made patterns and patterns. If there are none, you can make them yourself by applying and trying on fabric to each of the elements of the sofa, whether it be a back or a pillow. Some of them can be sewn with zippers for easy cleaning and washing.

Covers can be cut strictly in shape, or they can be picked up and grabbed with a stapler in those places where the design allows.

In extreme cases, tailoring of covers can be entrusted to specialists from the studio. Their design is very simple and inexpensive.

Sofa, corner, and even more so folding - the design is much more complex than the bed. The fact is that it combines the features of frame and upholstered furniture. In addition, a sofa, unlike the same bed, is not a utilitarian item. It is designed for a comfortable pleasant pastime and, moreover, should decorate the interior. And these features - additional convenience and elegance, require much more skill.

A sofa of any shape is a complex project. Its production begins with the development of a drawing. And the estimated size is far from the only factor that will have to be taken into account. The smallest list includes the following:

  • dimensions of the sofa - common and all its parts;
  • back angle;
  • transformation mechanism, if a folding sofa is supposed;
  • drawer pull-out mechanism or storage compartment arrangement;
  • thickness and rigidity - seat, backs, armrests, pillows;
  • leg height.

In addition, it is necessary to at least approximately calculate the total load on the sofa - its own weight, the weight of all users and the dynamic load, and, accordingly, strengthen the frame elements properly.

The drawing includes projections of all the working units of the sofa, so it is impossible to do without the ability to draw or knowledge of the relevant computer programs.

You can use the ready-made scheme on the pages of sites. The working drawing should take into account all the above factors and include three projections of each module. At the same time, it is not recommended to change the dimensions of the sofa or its parts: the design is designed for a certain load, if the dimensions are changed without taking into account the redistribution of the load, it will lose both strength and reliability.

The only change that can be introduced here is the color and texture of the upholstery. Even using a different material for filling is not always desirable, as the design is developed for the seat and cushions with a certain stiffness.

If there is no experience in creating furniture, but there are skills in working with wood and soft materials, then it is recommended to order a drawing according to individual sizes, and carry out the project on your own. It is much easier to assemble working units and parts according to a ready-made scheme.

Below you will find drawings and diagrams with dimensions that will tell you how to do it yourself, for example, for the kitchen or living room.

Drawings and diagrams of corner sofas

East style
with armrests

with shelves
With an American cot

Materials and tools

After the drawing has been developed, and the determination to make furniture with your own hands has not faded away, you can proceed to the selection of material.

Coniferous wooden beam - 30 * 50 or 50 * 50, depending on the size of the structure;

  • Chipboard - always laminated, plywood - birch is best, fiberboard for the bottom of the boxes;
  • legs for a sofa - at least 9 pieces;
  • transformation or lifting mechanism - purchased in a store, taking into account the load calculated according to the project. If drawers are supposed, roller mechanisms will also be needed;
  • foam rubber, foam rubber crumb, holofiber, synthetic winterizer or some other soft filler. It is recommended to add non-woven material to the list, like agrotextile, which is used to lay foam rubber: in this way, abrasion of the material is prevented;
  • threads, upholstery fabric:
  • fastening - screws, nails, self-tapping screws and so on;
  • various adhesives for different materials you will need different adhesives.

Wooden beams are treated with antiseptics before use. Plywood and chipboard do not need preparation.

Details can be cut out independently from sheet material, and you can order cutting. Most hardware stores offer this service. At the same time, the sheets will not only be cut faster and better, since the professional tool is more powerful by default, but they will also process the edge.

The list of tools includes both mechanical and electrical mechanisms for making "from scratch" or do-it-yourself corner sofa upholstery:

  • electric drill and screwdriver;
  • hand saw or wood saw, miter box, clamp;
  • sewing machine for and processing the edges of the fabric;
  • upholstery stapler.

Often we have old sofas, which are a pity to throw away, but it is unpleasant to look at them. Then knowledge on how to sheathe a corner sofa with your own hands will help you. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this, and the sofa turns out as good as new.

The following video will tell you how to drag a corner sofa with your own hands:

How to make a corner sofa with your own hands

The general assembly scheme is as follows:

  • assembled from fiberboard and foam rubber, if soft upholstery is expected. The parts mirror each other, they are not the same;
  • mount the frame of the left side;
  • assemble the frame of the right side. The corner module, depending on the model, is part of one of the parts;
  • upholstered sofa with selected fabric.

Making furniture with your own hands always takes much more time than in a workshop or workshop. This is due to the manufacture of parts of non-standard sizes, and with the conditions of fastening. Each of the knots, assembled with glue, requires drying under pressure - in a clamp, and this takes at least a day. However, it is this feature that provides greater strength of such products.

You can also use the following video when you decide to make a corner sofa with your own hands. it contains 3 options for a homemade frame:


The transformation of a frame product into a soft one is carried out at the very last stage. The first step is to make armrests, otherwise, the sidewalls of the model. Typical dimensions for them: height - 55 cm, length - 90 cm, width - 20 cm. The height is given without legs, that is, only the sidewall itself. Dimensions may be different, but it is important that they exactly match the parameters indicated in the drawing.

  1. The base is cut out of chipboard according to the dimensions of the sidewall, top and bottom - along the length, wooden bars are fastened with screws in increments of 20 cm. A hole for fasteners is drilled with a diameter of 3 mm, a screw or self-tapping screw is screwed in the direction from the chipboard to the bar.
  2. The top and bottom of the armrest are also cut out of chipboard in size and fixed to wooden slats. Then vertical support bars are installed and fixed - 3 pcs, in the upper and lower parts of the sidewall. Fastening to the end of the beam with two self-tapping screws. Get the likeness of a box with one sidewall, top, bottom and open front wall with vertical elements.
  3. The remaining parts of the “box” are cut out of fiberboard and fixed with nails in increments of 10–15 cm. Fasteners can be duplicated with glue.
  4. FROM inside sidewalls, where the seat will be located, a chipboard overlay is fixed.
  5. All sides, except for the back and the part where the overlay is placed, are pasted over with foam rubber 2 cm thick.

The second armrest is also made, taking into account the fact that it is a mirror image.

For the production of the main part of the sofa - the left in this case, more effort will be needed.

  1. The side part of the seat and back frame is cut out of the chipboard. The latter has a complex shape, as it takes into account the angle of the backrest. Both elements are fastened with a piece of plywood, but in such a way that the back of the seam between them remains uncovered.
  2. Two of the same parts are cut out in mirror image for the second part of the frame and fastened in the same way. You can cut the entire sidewall, but in this case, material consumption increases significantly.
  3. A vertical bar is screwed to both sides with screws - it covers that part of the seam that was left free. Then to each sidewall at the end - be sure to use 2 self-tapping screws, fix three transverse beams on the back of the future product.
  4. The front bar connecting the upper corners of the "seat" is temporarily screwed on with one screw and without glue.
  5. The rear wall is reinforced with two vertical support bars. Vertical elements and a beam connecting the inclined parts of the two sidewalls are pulled together with slats.
  6. Assemble the frame for the inclined part of the back - the support frame and 2 vertical slats. The fragment is inserted at an angle, and therefore, in order for it to closely adjoin the parts of the already assembled structure, the shape of the longitudinal bars is corrected.
  7. The vertical bars of the inclined part and the bars of the rear straight part are pulled together with slats.
  8. Assemble the seat frame. On 2, longer elements, the lining is fixed - the fastening screws are at different heights, and then the frame is assembled and reinforced with 3, at least, transverse bars.
  9. The frame should fit snugly into the already assembled frame. To do this, loosen the temporary fastening on the front beam, insert the frame, and then tighten the screws.
  10. The seat is made and tried on from plywood 8 mm thick. If the upholstery fabric is dense - synthetic leather, for example, then ventilation holes are made in plywood every 30 cm. The seat is installed only after pasting with foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and upholstery with fabric.
  11. An appropriate fiberboard fragment is fixed to the side of the backrest. Then the entire “seat” and “back” are pasted over with foam rubber in 2 layers: first with a thickness of 4 cm, and then with 2 cm.
  12. For the lower part of the seat, a drawer is assembled - a part made of chipboard, reinforced with bars. It is installed later, after upholstery.
  13. The frame of the back of the back is reinforced with angular slopes. If the sofa will be placed in the center of the room, then the back part is covered with chipboard.

The assembly of the left part, including the corner module, is more difficult. As a rule, it is equipped with a linen box and, in addition, may have the most different shape depending on the type of sofa. The left side is assembled according to the same scheme: first, the sidewalls are cut out - the lower and upper parts are made of chipboard, fastened with plywood and wooden beam. All blanks are mounted on a frame made of timber, reinforced with vertical bars according to the drawing - it is necessary in the corners. If the design provides for an external corner, here the parts are assembled on metal corners.

If the left side is lifting, or a storage box is assembled under it, then in this part of the sofa there is also a chipboard bottom. It is recommended to cover all internal parts of a box or storage box with wear-resistant fabric.

The order of assembly is different: here they are first assembled lower part, and then make a frame under the back. The lifting mechanism, if provided, is mounted according to the instructions, depending on its type. The assembled frame is pasted over with foam rubber - first with a sheet 4 cm thick, it can be in fragments, and then with a whole piece of foam rubber 2 cm thick.

The next step is to cut the fabric and upholstery of the sofa with fabric.

  1. Measure the parameters of all parts that will be covered with matter. When cutting, allowances for seams and an allowance for softness and splendor of the seat are taken into account - about 1 cm.
  2. Before upholstery, each element of the sofa is wrapped with synthetic winterizer. When fabric and foam rubber come into contact, the latter wears out noticeably faster. The synthetic winterizer will prevent wear of the foam rubber and add splendor to the seats and back.
  1. On the armrests, instead of synthetic winterizer, foam rubber is covered with agrotextile, spunbond and others nonwovens. Agrotextile is stretched over foam rubber and lined with staples. Then a cover is put on the part, straightened and fixed with staples.
  2. In the same way, they upholster backs, seats, tsarga, and so on, taking into account that there is a larger layer of foam rubber, and a layer of synthetic winterizer is also placed.
  3. For the back of the sofa, 3 or more pillows are made. The inner cover is sewn from a non-woven fabric - the same spunbond, foam rubber crumb with a layer of synthetic winterizer, holofiber and more are used as a filler. The outer cover is made from upholstery fabric.

For kitchen

The corner sofa for the kitchen has its own characteristics. In most cases, it is not folding, although there are such options. The space under the seat is almost always used as a storage compartment with a hinged lid. Angular kitchen sofa always stands on its feet, since in the kitchen on the floor dirt appears much faster and it should not be allowed to accumulate under the furniture.

  1. The main bearing parts are the sidewalls. They require at least 7, or even more, and each is cut from a single sheet of plywood with a thickness of at least 8–10 mm. You need two sidewalls for the right and left sides of the sofa and at least three for the side module.
  2. According to the drawing, the frame is assembled for each part separately. In fact, the sidewalls are fastened with a beam with a section of 40 * 40 mm, forming a frame for the seat, a lower support and an upper one, at the front corner of the back.
  3. Then the details of the storage sections are fixed. They are cut from chipboard and reinforced at the corners with bars. The bottom is also cut out of chipboard or plywood, since not light objects will be stored here.
  4. The corner module is assembled from three sidewalls, taking into account its shape - rectangular or rounded.
  5. You can do otherwise: assemble a seat with a right angle and a smoothly curved back and the same backrest from three chipboard fragments on a frame made of timber. Details, except for the back, are cut out of plywood. All such a structure, pasted over with foam rubber and upholstered in fabric, is fixed to the sidewalls of the left and right parts.
  6. Another specific detail is folding seats. They are cut to size from plywood no less than 10 mm thick, mounted on a frame made of timber with a section of 25 * 25 mm, pasted over with foam rubber and upholstered with fabric. To the seats of the sofa, the parts are fixed to the piano hinges.
  7. The kitchen sofa is quite hard, so they use one layer of foam rubber on the seat and backrest with a thickness of 40-50 mm. Before upholstery, the foam rubber is covered with non-woven material.
  8. For finishing, choose well-washable materials that do not absorb dirt and grease - furniture upholstery, synthetic leather. Covers for backs and seats are cut out with an allowance for seams and seat softness - no more than 1 cm. The fabric is stretched over the part and fixed with staples, first in the corners, and then along the entire length on the back of the product.

Below you will find a video that will help you make a simple but comfortable sofa for the kitchen:

from pallets

Pallet or pallets - wooden box decent sizes 1 * 1.2 m and a very small height - 12 cm. As a rule, the distance between the bottom boards reaches the width of the board itself or so. Less common are options with a solid bottom.

Making a sofa from pallets comes down to assembling structural elements - pallets, into a single whole of the required shape, and decorating it.

  1. Part of the design work is done before assembly. Even if you want to keep an authentic look, the boards need to be sanded - with a grinder or just sandpaper, and then open the product with a transparent matte varnish.

In addition, pallets can be painted, stained, “aged” or varnished with colored varnishes.

  1. The seat of the sofa consists of several pallets stacked on top of each other. The backrest is made from a vertically standing pallet. The corner is formed by the simplest L-shaped docking. Fastening - self-tapping screws, screws.
  2. The top of the seat is sewn up with a sheet of plywood or chipboard. You can do otherwise: cut out a part from plywood, paste over with foam rubber and cover it with padding polyester and fabric. Thus, a soft removable seat is obtained. You can use the most ordinary mattress and pillows in covers made of dense, well-washed fabric.
  3. Solid sheets of chipboard can be placed between pallets and shelves can be formed.

This option looks great in summer cottages and open verandas, but it will also be useful in modern urban interiors, decorated in loft, industry, avant-garde styles.

Photo of a corner sofa made of pallets with your own hands

To make such a piece of furniture is not at all an easy task, especially when it comes to a self-made corner sofa on a metal frame, made by oneself. But if House master mastered this design, now he can do any furniture for the apartment.

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