How to make an arch instead of a door - options and instructions for the construction of drywall. Drywall arches: design ideas (70 photos) Do-it-yourself arches

]]> ]]> The arch is an effective and very common way to enliven the interior, bring freshness and non-originality into it. A beautiful arch will emphasize the beauty of your home, make it original. A huge variety of forms and extraordinary visual solutions inspire many to the idea of ​​​​making an arch on their own, and here the search for information begins on the topic: how to make an arch with your own hands.
Even such seemingly complex drywall constructions can be done by yourself.

Even such seemingly complex drywall constructions can be done by yourself.

In fact, it is not difficult, the main thing is to come up with what kind of arch you want, prepare everything necessary tools, choose material read how to make an arch with your own hands and get down to business! It is worth noting that the simplest and most reliable option is a drywall arch. It is easy to build even the most intricate curves from this material - it behaves like clay in the hands of a talented sculptor. Drywall does not need serious processing, and if you work with it carefully, you can easily give it the desired shape. You can also make an arch of concrete or brick, but this will require more patience and certain skills from you.

We make arches from drywall

If you already know how to make an arch with your own hands, moreover, you decided to make it right now, then your house will become cozier very soon. Today we will make a drywall arch, telling you step by step about the entire production process.

We start with the purchase of drywall - it is inexpensive, and this is another advantage of it. Everyone can buy drywall, because today this material is not in short supply, therefore, it can be purchased at any hardware store. When choosing drywall for your arch, remember that the thickness of the sheet at different points in the structure will be different.

For example, the lower part is made of sheets with a thickness of 9 millimeters, the side parts must be thicker - at least 12 millimeters. We have indicated the most common ratios, but you can also create your own masterpiece, unlike others.

It is important to take correct measurements.

After the drywall is purchased, you can proceed to the first stage of the production of our arch. And it begins with the preparation of a place for attaching the arch. For these purposes, it is advisable to use a special profile (as a variant of PN 28/27), which is attached with dowels or self-tapping screws to the doorway. We drill end holes, hammer plastic dowels into them for screwing in screws, thereby strengthening this part in the opening.

The dimensions of your arch will depend on the opening that you want to decorate in this way. You can cut out all the drawn elements of this design using a special knife or a jigsaw (the second option is faster and more accurate). Cut out the drawn semicircle. We cut out the second semicircle according to the template - we apply the cut out part to a new sheet and outline the outline. From the remaining material, cut out a strip, the width of which is slightly larger than the width doorway and longer than the opening of the arch itself. To prevent the destruction of the plate, and the cut turned out to be neat, we recommend using a special blade for the jigsaw.

For a beginner, this process can be overwhelming work, but it's worth a try, even if the first attempts are unsuccessful. Now the elements of your arch should be given flexibility - for this we process them with a damp cloth. After such a procedure, it will be easier to attach them to the end arched element and subsequently bend the necessary parts. Next, we apply the finished part to the arch frame and fix it with self-tapping screws (it is better to do fastenings at least every 15 centimeters). We do the same with the second part.

Very important point: When screwing in the screws, make sure that their heads are slightly recessed into the panel. You can also fix the details on the profile on both sides of the arch. Make sure that the distance of the two sides between the profiles matches exactly, otherwise the manufactured arch will look uneven. Having firmly fixed the arched structure, we proceed to the final stage of our work. We carefully process the edges of the structure with a perforated corner, and cover the seams with reinforcing tape and apply putty on them. Then you can do the exterior decoration of the arch - this is a real scope for imagination!

Make your interior arch a harmonious part of the interior

With the help of decor, you can emphasize the style of your home and make the arch a "highlight" of the interior.

Slowly, we have come to the end of work with our arch. But in order for the arch in the apartment to turn out not only beautiful, but really even, you need to know some of the nuances of working with drywall. We will talk about them further.
The subtleties of working with drywall

The material must be given flexibility, for this it can be slightly moistened, then allowed to dry thoroughly. It is necessary to fasten the strip to the profiles located at the end, repeating the bend of the arch. After the drywall dries out (after 10-12 hours), putty the resulting structure, as well as all existing seams and joints. Pay attention that the screws are not touched. After the structure has dried, carefully sand all the elements until the burrs are completely removed and the protrusions are rounded.

You already know how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands, but how to make it perfectly even? In order to give it a mirror proportionality, it is necessary to take care of creating optimal conditions even before starting work: prepare the necessary tools, take care of good lighting. For safety reasons, use gloves and goggles. Professionals who install interior arches always take care of the comfortable conditions of their work, perhaps this (and considerable work experience) is the secret of their success. So become a real professional for your home, create a stunning arch with your own hands. Now your house will have a wonderful source of pride, which you can not only surprise your friends, but also admire every day.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor

How to make an arch with your own hands

With the beginning of the era of renovations, homeowners took a different look at their home. Everyone is pretty fed up with the dark corridors with many battened down doors, like in the good old communal apartments. Increasingly, people are abandoning door frames and canvases that separate rooms, more and more often, when repairing, we leave open openings, which makes it possible to visually enlarge the interior space, highlight separate zones.

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Few people are satisfied with strict rectangular shapes (although, of course, there are lovers of straight lines), as a rule, the opening takes on the rounded outlines of arches of a wide variety of configurations. When an arch is made with your own hands, you need to pay close attention to the technological aspects of installation.

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Despite the fact that the arch can be made based on plastering technologies, in most cases drywall is used here. It should be noted that this popular material is revealed in all its glory when arranging arches.

To say that the accuracy and reliability of installation drywall construction arches is the defining moment to achieve the desired result - it means nothing to say. Correcting a crooked arch with subsequent putty can be very difficult. Drywall workers perform this element in different ways, there are several technically correct options, but not everyone manages to avoid common mistakes, which seriously affect the subsequent finishing. There are several problems, here are the main ones:
1.) The outer corners of the arch are "not parallel" (if I may say so about non-straight lines).
2.) A clear radius is not obtained.
3.) Cracks appear at the junction of drywall to the main wall.

The first issue is solved by high-quality preparation of a “bare opening”, when it is plastered before starting work, achieving parallelism and sheerness of all lines, working out angles strictly at 90 degrees.

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This allows you to prepare two absolutely identical sheets with the desired cutout on the workbench, and then simply fix them in the design position. Some masters first fix rectangular sheets of drywall in place, and then, after carefully marking, cut out the given radii and tie the structure with a metal frame.

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Problems with radii usually arise when sheathing the lower part of the arch. Sometimes a UD profile cut with a grinder is incorrectly screwed along the edge of the sheet, the main thing here is that the metal does not protrude. Sometimes it is not possible to bend a strip of gypsum with high quality, especially at small radii. Even if the treatment with a spiked roller and subsequent moistening does not give a result (drywall breaks), then parallel cuts 4-5 cm wide can be made on the back side of the dry strip.

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Arched (or “restoration”) 6 mm drywall, unfortunately, is too expensive, and its quality has been a little lame lately, but there are more than enough wall trimmings during repairs.

Cracks near the arch are a real scourge, especially if the decoration is dominated by painting. Cracking on the plane of the wall is very common when the gypsum board adjoins the mineral base end-to-end.

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Therefore, many installers (if possible) dismantle the plaster near the opening and attach the sheets to the wall (100-150 mm), while using Perlfix glue, plus fix this place with dowels “through the body”. If the small thickness of the plaster does not allow such a maneuver to be performed, and the docking takes place in one plane, then the problem area is glued to the base with glue for drywall (“bloopers” from the inside).

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The second delicate point is the adjoining of a narrow hemming strip to the slopes of the opening, it is also better to use glue here, we apply it immediately before screwing the drywall.

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When the arch is mounted and thoroughly dried (if you moistened the gypsum), you can set the perforated corners. For this, there are special arched specimens made of plastic or aluminum. Among the painters there are ardent adherents of one of the two options, but they are both suitable. The main thing is that the perforated corner on the arch and on the right vertical corner of the opening should be of the same type, then there will be no questions about the correspondence (or rather, discrepancy) of the shape of the rib.

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The most important task is to correctly set the perforated corner, while not “breaking” the radius. It is very convenient to use a drywall template for these purposes, it can be made separately, or you can use the counterpart that remains after cutting the radius. It is better to fix the perforated corner with a stapler, many painters use carnations / self-tapping screws, which are removed as they are puttied.

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After installing the perforated corners, it follows with a dense nylon mesh-serpyanka (it is sold in meter rolls) to reinforce problem areas - the junction of the GKL to the mineral base. It will not be superfluous to continuously glue a curved, and even more so a notched plasterboard strip. Please note that the mesh must be embedded in a pre-applied layer of putty, and not just covered.

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Now you can begin to broach the zones near the punched corners. It is best to use a strong putty designed for sealing plasterboard joints, for example, Fugenfüller from Knauf. Perforated corners usually move the plane away from the base by 2.5-5 mm, so it is convenient to level the mass between them with a spatula with a hard cloth or a small rule.
arch alignment

Many painters for such purposes cut from a conventional aluminum trapezoid short rules. After the base layer has dried, we cover the entire structure with a finishing putty.

Some difficulties arise when grouting a curved surface. An ordinary flat block will not work, so it is worth making a rounded or elastic abrasive holder, for example, from a piece of dense rubber. You need to skin mainly with longitudinal movements, to the state of "under the wallpaper." Do not forget to prime all putty surfaces.

The finishing of the arches is made according to various technologies, starting from facing with wild stone and decorative plaster, ending with wallpaper for painting. If there is a desire to get a smooth painted surface, then it is better to first paste over the arch with fiberglass using PVA. The same applies to thin-layer plasters. If we talk about wallpapering and painting directly, then these technologies in relation to arches do not differ much from the work on slopes, which we have already discussed in one of the previous articles.

Finally, I would also like to note that the opening, due to the high traffic, is subject to mechanical damage, therefore, quite often its outer corners, including arched ones, are covered with protective patches - stripes, corners, dense polyurethanes.

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Do-it-yourself arch for beginners

The ability of drywall panels to bend easily has become the reason for the emergence of fashionable interior design using curved surfaces. In some rooms connected to each other by a door, doorway always remains open, that is, the door is not used.

In this case, the best option the use of space becomes getting rid of the door and decorating the opening with an arch. Often, when starting repairs, homeowners believe that such a reconstruction will cost too much, but they don’t know how to make an arch with their own hands without resorting to the services of craftsmen, although the technology for such work is not too complicated.

Any person with minimal home repair experience can cope with such work as making a drywall arch. First of all, it must be borne in mind that in order to decorate the doorway with an arch, it must be at least two meters high. Otherwise, the arch will only worsen appearance premises. You should know that the greater the height of the arched opening, the more attractive it looks.

If the height of the opening is insufficient, then before you make an arch with your own hands, you will have to increase it by hollowing out the upper part. Now you should decide on the design of the arch. Arched structures are divided into two classes - classic arches that look like half a circle, and arches that are half an ellipse. The first option is used to design high openings, and the second class is more suitable for doorways having a significant width.

Before you make a drywall arch, you should prepare necessary materials and tools.

The main necessary materials for work:

  1. drywall 10-12 mm thick
  2. metal profile PN 28/27
  3. self-tapping screws for metal
  4. dowels for fixing the profile

The main tools needed for the job:

The process of creating a drywall arch

Work begins with cutting a blank for a future arch. Having determined its shape and dimensions, we mark drywall with any convenient way. Having marked the trim line, cut out the outline with a hacksaw.

If there is a jigsaw in the home workshop, then this process will be much more convenient and faster. Using the finished blank as a template, cut out another one identical to the first. Then we prepare a strip of drywall for the end of the arch. In order to give it the necessary shape, lightly moisten the front side of the strip and gently bend it.

Now, with the help of dowels, we attach profiles to the door opening, not forgetting that it should be positioned in such a way that the plane of the arch coincides with the plane of the wall. We are preparing a profile designed for the end part of the arch. So that the profile can be bent, after 3-5 cm we cut grooves in two of its walls. Then we bend it according to the template and attach it to the side profile.

It remains to cut off the extra corners at the side parts of the profile and attach the drywall blanks to their places with self-tapping screws. We can assume that the task of how to make a drywall arch with your own hands has been solved. It remains only to putty the seams, previously pasted over with reinforcing tape.

An easy way to increase the space of a small apartment and house is to clean. It is not always possible to move or dismantle walls, and the event is quite costly and time-consuming. opening with removed door it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, so it needs to be redesigned in some way.

The most popular way to do this is to decorate the arch. Even with the help of this element, it is possible to divide a long corridor into separate zones: this eliminates the simplified geometry.

Such an architectural element can be arranged in any part of the home - in, or in the living room. It will add individuality and originality to the house, make it different from standard apartments.

Craft with my own hands the arch is quite real.

This will require certain tools, materials and detailed description process.


  • pencil, tape measure,;
  • metal scissors;
  • bucket;
  • sharp knife;
  • trowel;
  • respirator, gloves and goggles.

You can build it wherever you like, in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home. But in order for such an element to fit perfectly into the design, you need doorway not less than 2.5 meters. It will look great in any interior, but is most suitable as kitchen door alternatives or for long corridor.

most of the arches significantly reduce the doorway, which in some cases is a significant disadvantage. You can check in advance exactly how the selected type of arch will fit into the existing doorway. To do this, a blank is cut out of cardboard or paper, which is attached above the door.

When the metal profiles are firmly fixed on the wall surface, proceed to the installation of sheets.

It will be more convenient to use electric with torque. If the thickness of the material is 12.5 mm, self-tapping screws 3.5 x35 will be required, and for sheets of 9.5 mm, smaller screws will suffice.

In the same way, the reverse side of the arched frame is finished with drywall.

When screwing the screws with a screwdriver, you should make sure that their caps are in the same plane with the surface of the material. If they are wrapped deeper, then the resulting recesses will need to be covered up.

For reliable fixation on the frame of drywall parts, self-tapping screws must be placed at least every 15 cm.

Further, to enhance the rigidity of the structure, it is necessary to fix a curved metal profile along the edge of the arch. To do this, a segment of a metal profile is cut out according to the dimensions of the arc. Are used . Since the edges of the material are sharp, it is better to protect your hands with thick gloves.

How to bend a metal profile?

Only then will the arch appear before us in all its completeness. What is required? All joints and edges of drywall should be covered with fiberglass mesh or paper tape. Several layers are then applied.

Modern repairs require large investments both to pay for materials and to directly perform tasks. No wonder so many people try to save money by doing various processes independently, from this only wins. For example, an arch in an apartment with your own hands will cost much less, and the realization that all this has been done by you will warm your soul.

Creating various architectural and design solutions, you not only create unique design elements, but also work with the ergonomics of the room itself. It is known that rounded corners are better perceived and add a visual component of coziness to any room. That is why this method was used in various ancient buildings. Rectangular plots today are simply an attempt to implement more economical solutions, since mass construction does not favor individual solutions.

What are the arches?

Before the arch in the apartment, it is worthwhile to figure out what, in general, such a solution is. As a rule, an arch is called any opening that does not have a door. This, of course, goes against the opinion of many users, for whom such a solution contains only a semicircular ending. In fact, there are not so few types of arches:

If you decide to create a really cozy and high-quality design in the apartment, then you will most likely have to make an arch. The price for such work ranges from 2000 to 4000 rubles. It cannot be called too high, since various modern materials allow you to make such processes very quickly and. However, you can save money by doing everything yourself, of course, if you have the knowledge and abilities for such work.

How to make an arch in your apartment?

How to make an arch? First you need to decide on the type of construction so that it exactly matches the chosen design of the entire apartment. After that, it is worth starting the choice of materials.

One of the best components for creating such a design would be a drywall sheet. It is very easy to process and you do not need any special devices to create a curved section. It will be possible to limit yourself to a hacksaw, and better - a jigsaw. Of course, there are other materials, but working with them requires a special approach and takes longer and is more difficult.

In order for all the work to be done correctly, you first need to mark all areas. Determine the radius of the rounding, the beginning of the curved section and the points where it will pass.

Then, along the predicted contour, a profile for mounting a drywall sheet is attached. Please note that when measuring, it is necessary to take into account not only the shape, but also the thickness of the material to be mounted, so as not to get sections protruding from the wall later.

When the installation of the profile is completed, and, therefore, the frame is ready on both sides of the opening, it is necessary to cut out the necessary sections from the plasterboard sheet, which will create the arched transition. Finished pieces of material are fixed on the frame, and the general view of the structure will already be approximately visible.

The final phase of the rough assembly will be the fastening of the arcuate section between the arched transitions. The same drywall will act as the material. By the way, if the bend is very steep and there is a possibility that the sheet will crack, soak it in water, then its flexibility will increase.

Having fixed this site, we can consider all the work almost completed. It remains only to fix the forming corners and seal all the seams, and then carry out finishing those materials that are best suited for the design of your room.

All such work is possible, or you can invite specialists for these purposes - this decision must be made by you personally, because there is no particular difficulty in such work, but it cannot be called very simple either.

Video on how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands

In addition, even small deviations from the desired dimensions can cause various distortions, so if you are making an arch in an apartment for the first time, be prepared for the fact that the process may have to be repeated until a quality result is achieved.

If this method is difficult for you, you can make an arch of bricks, aerated concrete blocks, and even apply PVC film as in stretch ceilings. Use any technology that is more convenient or available to you in order to make the most attractive design in your apartment.

How to make an arch in a doorway - the choice of material

To create an arched structure, you can use any materials: brick, stone, wood, metal and plastic. The former are heavy and the latter are costly. The most popular and acceptable option is to install a drywall arch. It is a lightweight, environmentally friendly and practical building material.

This design has several advantages:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • simplicity.

Its installation is not accompanied by large-scale work with increased noise and high consumption. building material. It would not be superfluous to note the affordable cost of all building elements used in the installation of drywall arches and a huge assortment in every hardware store.

How to make an arch in a doorway - preparing the doorway

Having chosen the type of arch to be installed, you can proceed to the preparation of the opening. First you need to get rid of the installed structure, instead of which you want to build an arch. Remove the door and dismantle the door frame. For this purpose, you can use scrap and grinder. If the dimensions of the opening do not satisfy you, correct the situation. You can cut out part of the wall, or you can build a smaller structure by reducing the distance in the opening. The surface must be free of chips, dust and pieces of concrete. To protect against fungus and mold, treat the wall with antiseptic impregnation.

How to make an arch in a doorway - frame installation

The main frame of the arch is made from the guide profile. Pre-prepared strips must be attached parallel to each other on both sides and to the top of the opening. Drill holes in the ceilings with which you will fix the profile with dowels. Please note that you need to install the main frame with a retreat deep into the opening. The retreat should be equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet and putty. Surface way door arch will have one plane with overlaps.

To make the arcuate part of the frame, you will have to perform a “simple” manipulation: cut the side shelves of the profile and bend to the state of the arc. The cuts are made with a grinder or scissors at a distance of 50 millimeters from each other. We attach the resulting arcs with self-tapping screws to the main guides. Do-it-yourself drywall arch must be strong enough. To do this, you need to install stiffeners from the carrier profile.

How to make an arch in a doorway - an arched fragment of an arch

Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the arc. Take a knife and cut out a piece of drywall that matches the dimensions. Now, to bend drywall, you can use 2 methods:

  • Wet it. Suitable for creating a slight bend.
  • We make cuts every 10 centimeters. Use a building level so that the cuts come out strictly perpendicular to the side edge.

Drywall must be turned upside down. Gently give it the desired shape. Be careful and drywall will quickly take shape. Start fixing from the top of the arch with self-tapping screws. Step by step, a drywall sheet will take on the intended shape.

How to make an arch in a doorway - decoration

The formed and puttied arch needs additional design:

  • Painting. The inside is painted with light paint.
  • Wallpapering over the arch. This is a simple and affordable way.
  • Polyurethane stucco finish. Skills will not be superfluous, but everything is quite simple, because all the elements are assembled and glued in stages. The assembly starts from the top of the arch. The side elements are adjusted to the required height.
  • Gypsum stucco decoration. The method is similar to the previous one, however, doing the work yourself, you risk making poor-quality seams and ruining the look.
  • Decorative stone masonry. This work is best left to professionals.

Arched doorways give the design of the house a peculiar architectural charm. Arches are designed to visually increase the space of the room. Do the work with your own hands or turn to specialists - everyone decides for himself.

A graceful arch is an element of architecture that can make any interior elegant and unique. A correctly chosen arch design will allow it to become a dominant point in the interior and gather the entire space of the apartment into a single whole. This article will tell you how to make a drywall arch without the help of professional builders and extra investments.


Arched openings appeared in the East. Gradually, the habit of replacing doorways with decorative arches migrated to Europe. This method of designing interior passages solves not only the issue of increasing the space of the premises due to the absence of doors in them, but also decorates it, giving the home elegance and style, refreshes boring interior bringing an original touch to it.

Having decided to make an arch on your own, you should pay attention to drywall, since this type of material is the easiest to install (after all, serious knowledge and experience are required to form an arched opening from gypsum or plaster), it is available on the market and inexpensive.

The main advantages of drywall arches are:

  • low weight of the material (arches can be installed both on load-bearing walls and on not very strong partitions, without fear for the reliability of the structure);
  • quick and easy installation;
  • quality of the material - soft, but durable material allows you to experiment when creating unique style space and cut out any bizarre design shape;
  • masking property. Plasterboard structures in the form of arches allow you to hide technical knots and communications in the room;
  • the ability to separate the functional parts of one room;
  • functionality (drywall openings can have niches for books or recesses for houseplants).


The classic drywall arch is a structure installed between adjacent rooms and supported on the sides by columns. Bypassing the usual drywall option, you can create an original asymmetrical shape that emphasizes the modernity of the interior.

According to the shape of the vault, arched structures are classified into the following main types:

  • Roman. The most common type of arch. Its semicircular arch will be appropriate in any interior;
  • square or portal. They make out wide openings;
  • trapezoidal. Also often used in the design of wide openings;
  • ellipsoid. This view is similar to the classic version, but with a large radius of curvature at the corners;

  • gothic. It has an ovoid vault with a pointed apex;
  • Turkish. quirky design in oriental style;
  • British. This species have strict forms. Emphasizes the sophistication of any room;
  • Thai or semi-arc. Asymmetric vault: on the one hand, it is a classical arch, on the other, an arch in the form of a portal.

Modern designers, using the excellent property of the material, produce completely original solutions. Interior arches are complemented by original lights and LED lamps. These elements often play not only a decorative role, but also create additional local lighting in the apartment.

In addition to lamps, there is another design technique that adds to the usual arched opening beneficial features: design of shelves and niches both inside the structure and with it outside parties. This idea helps to create additional coziness, because small shelves can perfectly accommodate souvenirs and family photos.

For various rooms

Plasterboard arches in modern interior- Not unusual. This architectural element allows you to abandon the usual doors, while creating a finished look of the doorway.

IN small apartments often not enough space for open doors. For this reason, instead of a door, a beautiful and concise arch is mounted in the opening. Such arches act as a kind of border between adjacent rooms, where there used to be a door, and actually expand the free space.

Choice in favor interior arch do and when it is planned redevelopment of the apartment. So, for example, the exit from the kitchen to the balcony or from the living room to the kitchen can be arranged in the form of an elegant arched opening. At the same time, it is possible to choose the shape of the opening you like (standard semicircle, trapezoid or other asymmetric shape).

When it comes to expanding the space, it would be useful to think about replacing the doors with an arched opening in the hallway and in the corridor. These rooms serve more to connect rooms than to comfortable life in them, so here you should not think about saving space when you refuse doors.

Often, in order to maintain the overall style in the apartment, all doorways are designed in the form of arches of the same type. This is not always true, and sometimes it will even overload the interior. But a couple of arched openings of the same shape of the upper part, one of which is complemented by an interestingly carved drywall configuration on the wall, is a very stylish approach.

How to choose?

Previously, only palaces and houses of wealthy people were decorated with arches, but today this element can be found in any average apartment and even in a modern frame house(the wooden arch is cut down at the time of the manufacture of the frame of the house itself).

When choosing an arch, you need to focus on its functional component. Arches are active and passive. Passive ones are often found in residential buildings and perform the function of a simple transition, connecting two rooms. Their shapes are simple: ovals, portals or standard rectangles and trapezoids. Active arches involve more complex forms and often include additional decorative elements (shelves, lamps).

If a decision is made to replace the worn metal door on an arch with a rounded top, experts recommend choosing a ready-made model, since in this case there is a question about the reliability of the structure.


In order to make a classic arch with your own hands, you need to understand its structure, understand the subtleties of the construction technology of this design.

Curved arcs form the so-called arch vault. It can have a uniform coating or consist of various parts with gaps between them. You can revive the smooth-hemmed version of the arch vault using a decorative relief, architraves on the edges of the arch.

The top of the arch is called highest point her vault. It serves as a structural element. Often the top is also an aesthetic fragment (for example, in oriental vaults). The tops of the wings go down, their ends rest on the supporting structures - beds, which can also be decorated decoratively.

The span of the arched vault is the width of the arc formed by the wings. The height of this arc from the center of the span to the top is called the arrow of the arch. The arched vault usually rests on pilaster semi-columns or goes inside the walls, resting on the spatulas (in this case, this vault is called hanging). The portal is formed by a structure located below the pilasters and blades.

The top, the vault of the arch and the portal are the main visible components of the structure. They are called arched transom. Usually, the fragmul is drawn up in a single concept. The golden section of the arch structure is determined by the ratio F = (A + B) / B if B≥A. This ratio in architecture is observed when A = 1/3 B. The arch will have the correct golden ratio, if its height is approximately three times the width of the arch opening, otherwise you can get the effect of reducing the height of the room and spoil the overall interior.

Detailed calculations and assembly are described in the following sections. But apart from installation work, it is also worth paying attention to finishing works: how to arrange and the better to sheathe the arch to give it a beautiful look.

As decorating materials for decorating the arch can be used:

  • plastic, molding - budget and simple options;
  • polyurethane - a flexible material used to form stucco moldings of gables, ceilings, cornices;
  • decorative rock- artificial or natural natural mineral. Most often used in the design of arches in load-bearing walls or monolithic structures.

As for plastic, everything is simple here. Ready-made profiles can be bought in the store, choose desired color or paint it yourself and put it on glue without much difficulty.

It is quite difficult to make polyurethane decor on your own, so they often resort to buying ready-made decorative elements. Stone cladding is an expensive but sophisticated option. Most often, slate or shell rock is used. Acrylic artificial stone effect tiles are lighter and can even be used for drywall partitions. As for the texture, here, depending on the interior of the room and personal preferences, raw surfaces and polished mirror tiles can be used.

How to calculate?

When the task is to make an arch on your own, after the shape and size are chosen, the master needs to first calculate the future product in order to determine the exact dimensions of the parts to be mounted. Do not be afraid, since the calculations of this design are based on simple school formulas. When carrying out calculations, it is recommended to draw in parallel a sketch of the future product on graph paper, after which the project is scaled to the specified dimensions of the product. As stencils, you can use thick cardboard or a fiberboard profile sheet. By applying a template to the surface of the construction of a curved vault, it is possible to more realistically assess the accuracy of previously performed calculations and, if necessary, correct it in time.

This article will consider an approximate calculation of a standard round arch for a straight doorway.

The main 3 parameters that should be known to the master are the width of the opening, the height of the future arch and the depth of the wall. There are two main calculation methods: empirical and mathematical. The master himself decides which of them will be more convenient for him. The calculation and drawing of the circumference of the arch must be carried out on paper on a scale that is 30% smaller than the real one.

With an empirical calculation, you must first measure the door opening and transfer it to a sheet of paper. Carry out the axis of symmetry of the doorway. After that, they take a compass, put its leg on the axis point and make several different circles. Choose the most suitable, and the rest are removed with an elastic band.

When mathematically calculating the radius of the arch, the Pythagorean theorem is used:

R= L2 + (R2 – H2)

R= L2 + (R - H) 2

Transforming the formula, we get the following form:

R2 = L2 + R2 - 2HR + H2

Subtracting R you get:

L2 + H2 - 2HR = 0

After the subsequent conversion, we get:

Radius R as a result:

R = (L2 + H2) / 2H

Where R is the radius of the circle, L is half the chord of the arc (the size of this chord is equal to the length of the arch clearance). H is the lift height.

Due to the fact that the arch being made will include many fragments (for the purpose of their formation, a board with given dimensions should be taken), it is necessary to first calculate the dimensions of an element made from a board with selected dimensions. The calculation is carried out from the reverse. It is necessary to calculate the maximum length of the part that will be made from the existing board with a certain width, taking into account the already known radius. Using the previous formulas, where all the relationships are already known, you need to derive the following equality:

After the calculation is fully made, and the project is drawn, it will be possible to visually imagine what the structure will look like. If necessary, you can re-measure the parameters of the opening and easily correct the calculations, modify the drawing until its appearance completely suits the master.

How to cut?

When the project is ready, start scaling the product on drywall. Keeping the proportions of the product, draw the layout of the arch in the given parameters. Cut out a piece of drywall right size. To do this, a special knife is drawn along the drawn line and the extra pieces of drywall are broken off by hand.

It is necessary to prepare two identical sheets. One of them is placed on flat surface draw a line through the center. A mark is made 2-3 cm above the bottom of the sheet and a bolt or self-tapping screw is screwed. A rope is put on the bolt, the free part of which is pulled into a loop and a pencil is inserted into it. This system (similar to a compass) will allow you to draw a straight line of bending the radius of the arch. Having determined the desired radius, pull the cord and draw a bend line with a pencil.

After that, on the second sheet of drywall, the markings are repeated in the same way. In order to avoid unnecessary actions, you can cut out the workpiece of the product on one sheet, put it on another sheet and circle the contour of the product with a pencil. Thus, two identical blanks will be obtained. It is best to cut products using special scissors for metal, carefully cutting off everything unnecessary.


In order to install a drywall arch in a doorway, you will need:

  • drywall arch blanks;
  • metal profiles;
  • dowel;
  • self-tapping screws of two types: 3.5 × 25 mm; 4.2×13 mm;
  • scissors for metal;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;

  • roller with needles;
  • construction tape measure or level;
  • simple pencil;
  • gypsum putty;
  • sanding skin;
  • wall corners;
  • primer;
  • sheathing material (optional).

Before you put the frame of the structure, you should prepare the doorway. First you need to remove the door frame and break the opening up and to the sides to increase the space for the arch. The surfaces of the resulting opening are carefully cleaned, smoothing out coarse irregularities, removing dust and dirt.

Must comply step by step instructions installation, then the design of the arch will be securely installed and fixed in the opening. First, metal profile guides are attached with dowels in the upper part of the opening. Similar guides are also installed along the walls of the opening (to the level where the curved parts of the arch end).

After that, a product in the form of an arc is formed from a metal profile. Along the edges of the profile, equidistant cuts are made with special metal scissors and the product is bent, focusing on ready-made drywall templates. Similarly, two such curved profiles are formed for each of the sides.

You need to install a curved profile like this: attach the profile vertically to the guides with dowels, and attach it to drywall with self-tapping screws. In order to assemble the frame more reliably, several pieces of the profile are inserted between the arcs inside the arch.

How to bend?

The next step in the installation of the arch is to fix the arcuate part inside the structure. To do this, take a sheet of drywall. Carefully cut the strip according to the width inner space arches, longer than its inner surface. When measuring the length, it will not be superfluous to leave a margin of about 10-15 cm.

You can bend drywall using ordinary water. To do this, moisten lower part drywall strips and pierce it with roller needles. Next, you need to bend and attach this element inside the arch. This is done with adhesive tape and left for a while to dry. Homemade arch frame is ready.

How to putty?

After the arch frame is assembled, all the elements are securely fixed, and the inside is completely dry, you can start processing and external design designs.

To begin with, the entire surface of the arch is sanded with special paper, all irregularities are eliminated, dust from sandpaper is removed. The surface of the arch must be smooth. The seams remaining from the installation must be sealed with putty. Before filling the joints, you need to install the prepared corner profiles (they give the corners of the arch rigidity and protection against deformation).

These corners can be mounted on top of the putty, but then another layer of putty must be applied on top, aligning all the joints. After the putty dries, smooth the surface again with sandpaper. They remove dust and prime the entire outer space of the arch. When the soil dries, the final putty of the structure is carried out and the irregularities are sanded.

How to paint?

When all dirty job completed, you should proceed to the decorative finish.

When choosing a design, you should take into account the general concept of the interior and its style. The fastest and cheapest method of finishing is painting the structure. water-based paint. This finish is very practical, because in case of contamination of the wall, it can be wiped with a damp cloth, in addition, the arch will be very resistant to scratches. This type of finish is also good because, if desired, the arch can be quickly repainted by yourself.

Options in the interior

Arched vaults occupy a special place among architectural details when decorating a room. Smooth lines will bring a mood of comfort to any room and emphasize the refined style. If a choice is made in favor of complementing the interior with an arch, it is necessary to choose such a design so that the vaulted structure fits organically into the space of the room and serves as a certain highlight in the interior.

Arches look great in rooms with semicircular window openings. Vaulted structures will favorably complement the interior, in which there are doors with a semicircular top. Arched openings are used not only in living rooms and hallways. The kitchen space is also decorated with arches. Here they will serve not only as an element of decor, but also fulfill their functional role (storage systems, niches in the form of arches).

The design of the arch, decorated with glass shelves, looks authentic in itself. If the area of ​​​​the room allows, weightless glass shelves can be replaced with massive ones made of stone or wood, plywood. They serve as a great place for souvenirs and photographs.

The light framing of the inner and outer parts of the arch looks interesting. Where there is not enough light, this will be especially helpful. This applies to most corridors and hallways. Designers recommend using non-standard forms of lamps for this to give the room an additional sophistication. When designing arched openings with light elements, you should not limit yourself, focusing on the material of the arch, because the backlight will look advantageous both with a plasterboard arch and with a wooden structure.

The most harmonious is the arch, which has absolute symmetry or smooth smooth lines in the case of the initial choice of an asymmetrical shape. Such an arch will suit any interior. If there is a choice of the shape of the arch to the interior in the Art Nouveau style, you should take a closer look at the curved arcs. In the classic design of the interior, such an arch is not suitable. But here this element with a lot of decor from plaster decorations in the form of columns and intricate curls will look appropriate.

An acre in the form of an ellipse or a wide portal has a strict but noble appearance. It is easy to perform, does not require frequent alterations and is appropriate in any space.

However, the arch in the interior of a modern room is a rather controversial element. Some evaluate the arched vault as relics of past centuries. Others praise this elegant detail, hoping that it will never go out of style.

And since they don’t argue about tastes, then you shouldn’t immediately refuse this design unambiguously. Even in modern world designers, the arch is not a tasteless outdated fragment of the home, if it is combined with the overall style of the space. The arch has long been a classic. And only its unsuccessful application can spoil the classics.