Folk omens for September. Folk signs and rituals for September Signs about whether to get married in September

Folk calendar of September - agrarian folk holidays, rituals, customs, signs. They marked all labor cycles - plowing, sowing, reaping, harvesting, haymaking, threshing, hunting, poutine, etc. This is how folk holidays and signs appeared, generation after generation, which made up the folk calendar. The folk calendar will take September may well serve as a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life with its folk holidays and weekdays.

Russian folk calendar of September: Folk signs in September, proverbs and sayings of September.

September is the first month of autumn. The first autumn month of September was called "leaf fall" in Russia. Other popular names: Leaf guide, Thoughtful, Howler, Fieldfare, Veresen, Zorevnik, Khmuren, Sentemariy, Ruen, Ruin. The name of the month reflects the autumn season: Howler - it's raining, bad weather; Frowning - fading sunlight, gloomy sky; Ruen - the yellow color of autumn; Ryuin - the roar of deer.
In September, autumn cold winds began, but in the middle - the end of September, they were waiting for the onset of a quiet and sunny "Indian summer", when the sun still warms like summer, but the morning cold is already making itself felt.
In September, it is customary to finish field work, and it is no coincidence that it was once the first month of the year: the old year ended, and the year of the new harvest began, and the harvest of root vegetables began. September is the time of Indian summer. It was used to make signs and predict the future weather. And he is no poorer in sayings and signs than others.

September (frown). The month is also called yellow, yellow - according to the color of plants at this time of the year. September - the beginning of autumn, September sang it - the night is long, the water is cold. September is never fruitless. In September, the autumn tit asks for a visit. A lot of cobwebs in the "Indian summer" - to a clear autumn and cold winter. Thunder in September portends a long autumn. The birch turns yellow from the top - spring will be early, and from below - late. The drier and warmer September, the later winter will come.

We really hope that these folk holidays and signs of September will be useful and informative - after all, this is the life of our ancestors. These are the folk signs in September, according to which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived.

09.08.2017 23:06

In September, 31 folk-Christian holidays are celebrated. This list does not include international and professional holidays, only Slavic and Orthodox holidays. There are more holidays than every day.

September is the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar, one of the four Gregorian months with 30 days. September is the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of spring in the southern.

It got its name from the Latin word septem, which means seven, since it was the seventh month of the old Roman year, which began before the reform of Caesar from March.

The Proto-Slavs called the month September from the name of the heather plant, which blooms in the summer-autumn period.
In the modern era, until September 16 according to the Gregorian calendar, the sun stands in the constellation Leo, from September 16 - in the constellation Virgo.

Holidays and signs for September

If on that day the wind was blowing from the south, then they said: “Father south let the wind blow on the oats.” Oats ripen. Beet harvesting begins with Fekla - the beet plant.

The peasants considered the prophet Samuel the patron and intercessor of peasants - peasants before the Lord. Samoilin prays to God for a man. On this day, they asked for good weather for autumn work. It is considered the day of the appearance of winter mushrooms.

If it is clear on Thaddeus, then there will be clear weather for another month. The last apples are harvested on Thaddeus so as not to deplete the tree. Flax was harvested that day. They said: "Baba Vasilisa cares about flax."

On Agathon, the goblin comes out of the forest into the field, runs through the villages and villages, scatters sheaves. On the night of Agathon, the peasants guarded the threshing floor in sheepskin coats inside out, with a poker in their hands, so that not a single goblin would dare to approach the fence.

First frosts. “Lupensky frosts sit down on oats, they are sweetened with lingonberries”, “On luppa oats are beaten with frost”. According to folk signs of peasants, flax blooms for two weeks, sings for four weeks, and flies on the seventh seed - “peel”. Cranberries and lingonberries ripen these days. Flax and oats ripen. They noted: if the lingonberries ripened, then the oats also reached. If there is no matinee on this day, it will not freeze in September. If cranes flew south to Lupa, then wait for early winter. If the cranes fly low, then the winter will be warm, if they fly high, it will be cold.

On Eutychius we watched the weather. This day should be quiet, windless, otherwise the flaxseed will be sprinkled: "Well, if Eutychius is quiet, otherwise you will not keep the flaxseed in the vine." If it rains that day, there will be a dry autumn and a good harvest next year.

The deadline for sowing winter crops: "Bartholomew has come, live for this winter!" The date of collection of the last mushrooms. Time to thresh bread. And there is a belief that those born on this day will have happiness in maturity.

The day is dedicated to the mountain ash - the mountain ash is the birthday girl. Collected mountain ash and viburnum. From that day on, they began to mow oats, and baked oatmeal pancakes: "Natalya carries oatmeal pancake into the barn, and Odriyan carries oatmeal in a pot." A cold matinee on this day portends an early and cold winter. If a birch and oak leaf has not fallen, there will be a harsh winter.

On this day, they begin to collect mountain ash. On this day, bunches of mountain ash are hung on poles under the roof. A large harvest of mountain ash - to frost. Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries. The winter will not be severe for the peasant if there are many berries left on the mountain ash.

Bread is put into stacks, sheaves are hastily removed before the onset of September bad weather. If you do not choose cannabis before Ivan the Lenten (September 11), you will spend the entire post without oil. The autumn fairs have begun. September 10 is also the day of vision and purification. Moses Murin is prayed for deliverance from smoking and drunkenness.

On this day, fasting lasts only a day, but it is usually strictly observed. It is not allowed to eat anything round, cook cabbage soup (from a round cabbage head), dig potatoes and pick apples. Autumn comes from Ivan the Lenten: "Ivan the Lenten has come, he has taken away the red summer." Ivan the Baptist chases a bird across the sea. If the cranes went south that day - early winter. The swan flies towards the snow, and the goose towards the rain. Starlings do not fly away for a long time - by a dry autumn. Flocks of rooks stretch on dark evenings - to good weather. Memorial Day of John the Baptist is a significant turning point both in nature and in peasant worries; The harvesting of pickles for the winter began.

On this day, they prepared hearty (svytnaya) - barley porridge. Until that day, barley stalks had been left standing in the field since August. There was a custom to curl barley stalks with flax and oat stalks, to speak a field for the next harvest.

On this day, root crops are harvested (except for turnips), potatoes, carrots, and beets are dug. Each spine is in its own time. On Kupriyanov day, the cranes are going to go. In the village they believed that those born on September 13 knew the way to the crane - a swamp with cranberries. On September 13, they harvested cranberries, which were called crane berries. Until that day, according to popular belief, it was impossible to go to the swamps.

Once upon a time on this day, according to the old calendar, which fell on September 1, they celebrated the New Year. Wedding day. Last thunderstorms. On this day, they moved to new houses and celebrated housewarming, while always observing the rite of “transferring” the brownie to a new hut, Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet. If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then Indian summer will be warm. The sowing of winter crops was completed. If the day is clear and warm, then the winter will be warm and the autumn dry. A lot of cobwebs - autumn is long and dry. If wild geese flew away on Semyon-day, wait for early winter. If the day of Simeon the Stylite did not fall on Sunday, then in the morning the women in every house were taken for a thorough tidying up. On this day, the housewives took care of all sorts of ways to lime annoying insects: flies and cockroaches.

On this day, from morning until late in the evening, they sorted out and threw out all sorts of junk and rubbish. Potato sacks, thin shoes were washed in the river, and what was no longer for the future - Domna burned on the ridge along with potato tops. It was believed that this is a sure way to acquire well-being and happiness for the whole family for the whole year.

On the Burning Bush, they begin to remove the late bow. The Burning Bush is considered the guardian from fires and lightning. Prayers are ordered to save houses from fire. Pitchforks are celebrated on Vavila - on this day the peasants went around the haylofts and haystacks and poked them with pitchforks - so that the evil spirits hidden in the hay would not harm the cattle in winter.

On this day, they predicted what winter would be like. The average period of yellowing rowan leaf. The leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early - early autumn and early cold winter. Day of Predictions. Kumokha - fever was driven out with birch brooms, the bath was heated. The one born on the day of Kumokhi was hired as a shepherd, because Kumokhi could not touch him. It was believed that he owns conspiracies and has witchcraft power. On this day, they go to healers and fortune-tellers. Guessing fate, future marriage.

If aspen leaves lie face up - to a cold winter, inside out to the top - the winter will be warm, and if this way and that, then the winter will be moderate. If, after Mikhailovsky frosts, frost grows on the trees, we must wait for big snows in winter. On this day, secular gatherings were held, at which family matters were decided. After the meeting - reconciliation, mutual treats were offered, turning into a festival. You can’t work for Mikhail - God will punish.

From that day onions were massively harvested. Onions are harvested from the fields, stored for the winter. the abundance of husks on the bulbs portends a cold winter.

Among the people - the Lesser Pure. This is the time for collecting onions and working in the apiary. Autumn solstice. If the weather is good on this day, then autumn will be good. In the agricultural calendar, this day was called "autumn" and was celebrated as a harvest festival.

The Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Blessed Virgin, are considered helpers and benefactors of women in childbirth and the childless. This day was celebrated as Mother's Day. They congratulated young mothers with babies, baked pies, cooked porridge. On this day, it was customary to give polarki to loved ones.

Mass collection of mountain ash. On this day, mountain ash was harvested for the future, for compotes and making kvass. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. They decorate windows for the winter with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

It starts to rain and sleet. On the day of Theodora, onions were harvested, beehives with bees were taken to the oomshannik. Theodora was considered the patroness of winter crops. On this day, we went to the field to look at winter crops. Strong and dense shoots promised a good harvest next year. By Theodorin's day, beer was usually brewed. With Fedora, cabbage evenings began, for which girls and women gathered. The women chopped cabbage, told jokes and stories. Such gatherings were called skits - hence the name of playful parties with parody numbers. Cabbage dishes were prepared on the cabbages.

This day was very important for the hunters. If on this day you kill at least a hare, then luck and happiness will accompany in all endeavors. From this day on, the life of animals freezes, autumn comes into its own. According to legend, snakes from this day move from fields to forests.

With Cornelius, the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes. Good owners removed the last root crops from the gardens (except for turnips), because from that time regular frosts began on the soil.

The Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, as this holiday is officially called. Exaltation throughout Russia was considered a "cabbage day". Exaltation is a fasting holiday. Three days before the Exaltation, cabbage was harvested from all gardens. On Vozdvizhenie it is impossible to start important and significant affairs - everything will go to dust. The “Indian summer” was ending and the real autumn was coming. You can not go to the forest on this day.

On this day, the slaughter of geese, fattened over the summer, began in peasant households. There were goose fights. The goose raises its paw - to a cold, stands on one leg - to frost, rinses in the water - to warmth, hides its nose under the wing - to early winter. From this day on, wild geese fly to warm seas. By the cry of the geese and the flight, they judged the onset of imminent cold weather. Geese fly high to Vozdvizhenye - to a high flood, low - to a small one. If migratory geese often landed on the ground, if starlings were not in a hurry to fly away, then autumn was expected to be dry and warm. Gardeners were digging up the last turnips in the fields.

On this day they caught birds, guessed by the bird's bone what kind of winter it would be: with its hardness, fatty slough, the capercaillie and duck bones gave the answer. We continued to harvest cabbage in the winter. Thunder on this day - to an evil snowless winter.

Name days of many women. In Russia, all women on this day were congratulated on the holiday. Name days were usually celebrated for three days in honor of maternal Wisdom and female Virtues. On this day, it was supposed to be sure to weep for yourself, for your relatives and friends. After weeping and complaining, special birthday cakes and pretzels were baked with a bright soul. If the cranes fly that day, then there will be frost on Pokrov, if not, then it will come later.

A complete list of signs for each day can be read by clicking on the name of the holiday.

Signs, proverbs and sayings of September

  • We began to collect wild rose - autumn has come.
  • Ledum repels clothes moth.
  • Thick warm fogs warn about the beginning of the mushroom season.
  • If an owl often hoots on a rainy night, the weather will be good tomorrow.
  • Frogs jump ashore and croak during the day, and fish jump out of the water - it will rain.
  • The leech lies quietly at the bottom - to good, clear weather.
  • With a north wind, the fish bite badly, another thing is the south or southwest wind.
  • Cirrus clouds are harbingers of close flights of bird flocks.
  • Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
  • September will wait - to the delight of the peasant.
  • September is the evening of the year.
  • August cooks, September - serves to the table.
  • In September, hold on tight to your caftan.
  • In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
  • In September, if the web spreads over the plants - to heat.
  • In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
  • In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter.
  • Summer ends in September and autumn begins.
  • In September, it is not the hut that warms the peasant, but the chain (threshing bread).
  • In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
  • In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
  • Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.
  • A lot of acorns on oak in September - for a fierce winter.
  • A lot of nettennik in Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
  • The breezes rushed from midnight, ah yes September!
  • September is never fruitless.
  • September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
  • September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
  • September reddened the swamps - oats are threshed with frost.
  • September drove the birds on the road.
  • September is cold, but full.
  • The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year, which was sung by many literary classics and depicted on the canvases of their paintings in a wide variety of colors by great artists. This time of the year has absorbed the experience of many generations in the form of numerous signs associated with both a separate calendar date and the season as a whole.

So, for example, there is a belief that a warm autumn leads to a cold and long winter. If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, then there will be a lot of rain in the fall, if there is little, then, on the contrary, the autumn will be dry. Autumn frost is a sign of good sunny, dry and warm weather.

A large number of autumn signs are covered by the folk calendar, where our ancestors from time immemorial recorded their observations regarding natural patterns and their connections with certain events.

September is the first autumn month, which establishes after the new natural conditions - its own rules. In the people it is often called gloomy or verasny. There is also a saying: "September is cold, but full," which fully reflects the popular idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis month.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have associated September primarily with fire both in the field and in the hut. From the general weather signs of September, the following can be distinguished. If thunder rumbles in September, then autumn will be warm. High, slowly, the cranes fly in the sky and cooing - autumn will be good.

The September folk calendar is extremely rich in a variety of ancient signs.

September 1- Andrey Stratil-teplyak. On this day, oats ripen, and the horses smell the onset of autumn.

September 3- according to the folk calendar, the Day of Baba Vasilisa. On this day, in order not to deplete the fruit tree, the last apples are harvested. Baba Vasilisa takes care of the flax.

4 September- Agathon the goosefoot. From time immemorial, people believed that on the night of Agathon the goblin, the goblin comes out of the forest, runs around the villages and villages, goes wild and scatters knitted sheaves on the threshing floors. Therefore, on this day, he is guarded with a poker in his hands, wearing a sheepskin coat inside out.

September 5- Loop-lingonberry. The first frosts occur on Lupa. People say that frost hits oats on Lupa.

6 September- Eutyches. If it rains on Eutychius, the autumn will be dry and the harvest next year will be good.

8 September- Natalya the fescue. This day is primarily associated with the beginning of oat mowing.

9th of September- Pimen the Great. If there are a lot of berries on the mountain ash on this day, then the winter will be mild.

11 September- According to the folk calendar, they celebrate the Day of Ivan the Baptist. On this day, a strict fast is observed, which is why it is also called "Ivan the Lent". Ivan the Forerunner forbids eating everything round (watermelons, apples, potatoes, etc.), cooking cabbage soup, chopping cabbage, cutting poppies, he also does not approve of songs and dances. If the fog quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun on Ivan the Lenten in the morning, it means that the good weather will last for a long time.

12-th of September- Sweater. On this day, the custom has long been preserved to weave barley stalks with oat and flax stalks - this is how the field was spoken for a new harvest.

October 1- Evmen and Arina. If on this day the cranes fly away, then there will be frost on Pokrov. To bring back the cranes and save the good weather, they shout after them "Road wheel".

2 October- Trofimov's day according to the folk calendar. It is often said that happiness does not pass by on Trofim: wherever Trofim goes, happiness follows him merrily. From that day on, the girls look after their suitors. From October 2 to October 10, the people celebrated bee nine. At this time, honey must be on the table. On Trofim, deciduous mushrooms are harvested.

October 3- Astafya. If a north wind blows on Astafya in the evening, expect a cold, if it is south, it will be warm, if it is west, the month will be wet, and if east, the weather will be clear. On this day, it is warm and a web is flying - a sign of a good, long autumn and a slow onset of cold weather.

October 5- Leaf fall. If by this day all the leaves have not fallen from the birches, the snow will be late.

October 7th- Fyokla-zarevnitsa. The last day of picking mushrooms. On Thekla, young girls usually wondered about their betrothed, asked the brownie about him.

October 8- Sergius the cabbage. On this day, they begin to chop cabbage. If the first snow fell on Sergius, then winter would take hold on St. Michael's Day (November 21).

October 9- According to the folk calendar, John the Evangelist. If it rains with snow on John, then in January it will rain three times, if it is warm and sunny, then June will be cold and rainy.

October 11- Vsevolod. On this day, according to popular beliefs, young people brought honey cake to the witch so that she would not accidentally upset their wedding.

October 13- Gregory. On this day, people stuffed their mattresses with new straw. If snow falls on Gregory, then winter will not come soon.

October 14- Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. If the wind blows from the east on Pokrov, the winter will be frosty. If the first snow falls on Pokrov, the young will be happy. Assumption sows the field, and the Pokrov collects the fruits. Gather the last fruit. The north wind on Pokrov promises a cold winter, the south - warm, west - snowy. It is not for nothing that the people say: what is the Cover, such will be the winter.

October 15- Cyprian and Justina. It was believed that on this day people are protected from evil forces, and you can not be afraid of anything.

October 16— Dionysius. On Dionysius, people spoke their court from evil spirits and autumn fevers.

17 October- according to the folk calendar, Erofeev's day. Our ancestors believed that it was on this day at night that goblin roam the forests, screaming, laughing and clapping their hands, and by morning, when the first roosters sing, they fall asleep in their lair. Therefore, on Yerofeyev's day, people do not go to the forest and do not move far from home.

October 18- Charity. On this day, women sat down at the looms and weaved their first canvas.

October 19- Foma. Our ancestors believed that a crust of bread on this day would always help the sick.

22 of October- Jacob. Prepare firewood for the winter. There was a belief that Yakov sends a white chicken to the ground on this day, while away the day.

October 23- Evlampy. On Eulampius, the horns of the month indicate in which direction the winds will blow. If the horn points to the north wind - there will be an early winter, if it points to the south, then there will be slush until the Kazan (November 4).

the 25th of October. On this night, they tell the stars about the weather and the future harvest. If clouds have gathered in the northwest, expect rain. If the stars shine brightly - to frost, if there are none at all - to snowfall. Nebulae in the stars - to a good harvest.

October 26- Carp. On this day, they took a steam bath in the bath - they drove the disease out of the body. Healing drugs were insisted.

27th October- Day of Praskovya-trepalnitsy. Flax is being ruffled on Praskovya the trepalnitsa. If there is dirt on Praskovya, it won't be long before winter.

29th of October- Longin Sotnik - a healer of eye diseases. On this day, winter clothes were taken out into the morning frost to cleanse them of evil forces.


November is the last autumn month, the gates of winter and the twilight of the year. According to folk signs, it is called leaf fall, chest, semi-winter, jelly. November nights are especially dark until the first snow. If there is a lot of snow in November, there will be bread next year. Mosquitoes in late autumn are a sign of a warm winter. If the leaves fall slowly, it means that frosts will not settle soon. If, on the contrary, the leaf fall passes quickly, an early and cold winter should be expected.

November 2- Sadok. On this day, they ask Zadok to deliver from vain death and terrible diseases.

November 4- Kazan, a holiday in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Kazanskaya is not advised to go on long journeys. If it rains on Kazanskaya, then winter will follow. Whoever marries on this day will be happy.

November 5- Jacob. On this day, the peasants “fed” the land so that next year it would bring them a rich harvest.

November 8- according to the folk calendar, Dmitriev's day. On Dmitriev's Day, a wake for the dead has long been celebrated. It is believed among the people that winter waits until Dmitriev's Saturday, and then harnesses its horses. If there is snow on this day, it means that spring will be late.

November 9- Nestor the Chronicler. If on that day someone in the family was sick, then all the work was done in silence.

10th of November- Day of Praskovya the flax. On this day, flax is usually crumpled and brought to the church. On Praskovya, young girls pray for good handsome suitors.

11th of November- Abraham the Shepherd and Nastasya the Sheep. It started up among the people that from this day on, sheep should be sheared.

the 13th of November- Yurova. Festival of hunters and fishermen. It has long been believed that if they go to Yurovaya in flocks, there will be hunger and disease.

November 14- according to the folk calendar, the Day of Kuzma and Demyan (Kuzminki). Our ancestors associated this day with the beginning of winter and the onset of the first frosts. Kuzma and Demyan are usually served chicken on the table. If the leaves from the trees did not fall cleanly on Kuzma and Demyan, this is a sure sign of the coming harsh winter and dry, hot summer.

November 16- George. A cloth was woven from linen for George. It was believed that it could make a girl a princess.

November 17— Nikandr. On this day, coal and fire should not be given from the house, otherwise there will be no heat in winter.

November 18th- Galaction. On this day, girls' gatherings were arranged, they prayed for their suitors.

November 19- Paul the Confessor. If it snows on this day, then the whole winter promises to be snowy - the winter is warm, the harvest will be good.

November 21- Michaelmas day. There is an expression among the people "Mikhailovsky frosts", reflecting the essence of this day. Winter forges frosts from Mikhail. If frost appeared on Mikhailov's Day, heavy snowfalls should be expected. If on this day in the morning fog is a sure sign of the coming thaw.

November 22- Matryonin's day. Our ancestors claimed that from Matryona winter rises to its feet, and severe frosts come. From Sergius (October 8) winter begins, and from Matryona it is fixed.

November 24- Fedor Studit. From Studit it became cold and angry. Fedor Studit freezes horses.

November 25- according to the folk calendar, Ivan the Merciful. If it rains on the Merciful, wait for a thaw.

November 27– Philip. If frost appears on Philip's trees, there will be a harvest for oats.

November 28- according to the folk calendar, the Day of Guria - the healer of the tooth. On Guria, slush and mud, snow and rain are all mixed up. According to old beliefs, Gury rides a piebald. If on this day the snow falls in a thick cover, it will lie until the flood.

29th of November- according to the folk calendar Matvey. Thaws often occur on Matvey. On this day, it is believed that the earth will die.

November 30th- Gregory. This day is the index of winter: as it is, such will be the winter. If the ice is dark in color, next year there will be a good harvest.

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Since ancient times, people have memorized what is happening around. They singled out the signs of fate, which they called. Thanks to this, they planned their activities and built their lives. Today we have the opportunity to use the accumulated knowledge to learn about the events of the future.

Folk omens for September

If you carefully look at the clues of nature, you can find out what the weather will be like soon and a lot of other interesting information:

  1. If the rowan harvest is rich, then it will rain heavily in the fall and vice versa.
  2. A large harvest of mushrooms portends a warm winter without snow.
  3. Annoying flies indicate that the winter will be long.
  4. At the beginning of autumn, you see large and tall anthills, which means that it is worth waiting for winter with severe frosts and snow.
  5. A lot of cobwebs remain on the plants, which means that warm weather will remain for a long time.
  6. A large number of acorns is a sign of September, which portends a harsh winter, and even before Christmas it is worth waiting for snow.
  7. To see how cranes fly high and “talk” means that autumn will be warm.
  8. Frequent thunder in September - autumn will be long and warm.
  9. If the weather remains dry and warm for a long time in autumn, then winter will be late.
  10. To see how a bird hohlitsya means that the winter will be cold. This will also be evidenced by the birds that began to fly south together.
  11. When migrating, birds soar high in the sky, which means that there will be a lot of snow in winter, and vice versa.
  12. If the leaves on the birches begin to turn yellow from below, then spring will be late.
  13. If the cherry leaves began to fall off late, then the winter will be wet and warm. This is also evidenced by the thin fur in animals.
September signs of weather

There are superstitions that allow, thanks to good attention, without the help of a weather forecast, to find out what will happen tomorrow:

  1. We noticed that during rainy weather, spiders do not stop weaving a web, which means that the rain will end soon.
  2. In the night sky, the stars are blinking, which means that soon the wind will intensify and bad weather will set in.
  3. During the night rain, the cry of an owl is heard, which means that the weather will be fine in the morning.
  4. If you see fish jumping out of the water and frogs croaking during the day, it means that it will rain soon.
  5. To see how the crows look in different directions means that there will be no wind during the day. If one bird sits close to a tree, it is worth waiting for windy weather.

Signs about whether to get married in September

Previously, not one wedding was planned without taking into account various superstitions, since every woman dreamed that her marriage would be happy and long. Some signs have come down to us that will help you find out whether it is possible to successfully marry in September.

September, the first month of autumn, was called differently in Russia: “frown”, “spring”, “rain bell”. There was another name - "leaf fall", since in September the leaf on the tree does not hold at all. In September, winter was determined: a lot of acorns on oak - for a warm winter, a snowy Christmas and a fertile summer next year. If not all the leaves fall cleanly, then the winter will be cold. They predicted the weather for autumn: cranes fly high and call to each other - for a good autumn. Thunder in September - to a warm autumn. "The jackdaws of warmth shouted - Indian autumn is bright." September 22 is the day of the autumnal equinox, when day equals night.

This is how an old park looks today in the village of Morozovo, Dmitrovsky district

Knowledge Day, September 1 - the beginning of a new school year.
This day used to mark the end of the harvest. Fun, with ceremonies in which there were elements of paganism. They carried a straw doll around the village, dressed it in a red sundress and decorated it with beads.
Dezhen (jelly made from oatmeal) was eaten by the owner and the workers at the same table.
On the day of Fekla, the beet growers began to harvest carrots and beets. "The beetroot girl is a slave to the girls."
If the wind blows from the south, then the oats will be good.

Commemorative date "Day of the end of World War II (1945)". On September 2, 1945, the Japanese surrender was signed.
The holiday "Day of the Russian Guard" was established in 2000 by decree of Vladimir Putin.
Day of memory of the prophet Samuel ("heard by God"), the men of the intercessor. "Samuel prays to God for a peasant."
In Russia, it was a holiday when women gave gifts to their fathers and husbands, a festive table was laid. With mushrooms and potatoes.

Started harvesting flax.
A clear day promises four weeks of good weather.

It was believed among the people that on this day the goblin runs around the villages, has fun, scatters sheaves in different directions. You can drive him away if you put on a sheepskin coat inside out and grab a poker with you.
A sunny day promises good weather until the end of the month.

The cranberries are ripe.
Morning frosts are starting. "Lupov frost freezes the nose."
If the cranes fly south, then the winter will be early.

Rain for a dry autumn and a fruitful next year.

Those born on this day will be lucky in maturity.
"Mushrooms mushrooms, and threshing behind."
"Saint Titus grows the last mushroom."
Mushrooms were cooked that day, served on the table.
A lot of mushrooms in autumn - long winter cold.

The day has become three hours shorter (from the summer solstice). “Peter and Paul reduced for an hour, Elijah the Prophet dragged two, and Adrian and Natalya dragged three.”
The first sheaf of oats with songs was brought into the hut, placed under the image.
Kissel is cooked from oats, pancakes are baked. Dejen (jelly from oatmeal) in Russia on this day was treated to workers.
The horses were fed a lot of oats. “They don’t carry horses, they carry oats.”
Rowan and viburnum are harvested.
Cold morning for early and cold winter.
A lot of mountain ash - for a frosty winter.
The leaves from the birch and oak have not fallen off until this day - by the harsh winter.

Rowan is harvested, jam is made from it. Clusters are hung under the roof of houses.

On this day, it is better not to marry, the groom does not need to come to the house of the bride's parents, since this does not bode well.
Sheaves were taken out of the fields, stacked in stacks.
In Russia, on this day, the harvest was glorified. The autumn fairs have begun.

The Church celebrates the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
The strict fast of John the Lenten, when it was considered a sin to drink wine and have fun.
They commemorate soldiers who died in battle.
Many customs are associated with this day: do not pick up knives, axes and other sharp objects resembling a sword. Therefore, bread was cut the day before, so as not to break it with your hands. They did not eat foods that have a round shape (cabbage, apples, potatoes, etc.), reminiscent of the severed head of John the Baptist. It was believed that red food (watermelons) resembled blood. The peasants were afraid to violate these customs, so that John the Baptist himself would not punish them.
On this day, they went to church and asked John the Baptist to save them from a headache.
The young "Indian summer" was ending.
On this day, medicinal roots are collected.
"John the Baptist chases the birds away."
“The swan flies towards the snow, and the goose towards the rain.”
Cranes fly this day - early snow will fall.

Barley stalks with oat and flax curled, a cornfield for the harvest was spoken.
It is customary on this day to set tables, treat guests

Cranes gather in the swamps on this day.
Potatoes and other root crops are dug up.
Kupriyan takes people out of the swamp.
From that day on, they began to collect cranberries.

This day is considered lucky. Wedding weeks have begun.
The beginning of the old "Indian summer".
From that day on, the sowing of winter crops in the fields was completed.
Rites were arranged for the "funeral of flies", cockroaches and other insects that were found in the house. They said: "Eat a fly, and the last one will eat itself."
The girls spun in the evening and wondered: the thread lies straight - you will be lucky with your husband, unevenly - the spouse will be bad.
Warm day to warm autumn (and vice versa).
Dirty Marfa - rainy autumn.

Cattle were not driven out of the barn in the morning, so that there would be no trouble.
Mammoth Ovcharnik is the patron saint of goats and sheep.
Guys on this day in Russia arranged comic fights and games.

On this day, worn-out bast shoes and other old things were hung on fence stakes, they were considered a talisman. In the evening they were filmed and burned in a fire. Potato tops and peelings were thrown into the fire. This promised prosperity for the whole year.

Burning Bush protects from fire and lightning.
Onions are dug out of the ground.
On this day, the men pierced haystacks with pitchforks in order to drive away the evil spirit Kumokha.

The girls are guessing at the grooms in the evening.
On this day, it is customary to take a steam bath in order to drive away all diseases.
The women of Kumokha were afraid, so they did not rinse the linen on the river.
On this day good shepherds are born. A man who was born on September 18 is afraid of evil spirits.
The rowan leaves turned yellow - the winter will be early and cold. A lot of berries on the mountain ash - by a rainy autumn.

We tried not to work that day, so that God would not punish.
In Russia, brotherhoods were arranged on this day, at which they discussed business over food.
Michael took the ground with a freeze.
A leaf from an aspen falls face up - to a cold winter, inside out - to a warm one.

On this day in Russia, the Lukov holiday was celebrated.
The girls braided the bow into braids.
A lot of husks on the bulbs - for a frosty winter.

Harvest festival, which was sometimes celebrated all week. We went to visit, the tables were set.
The women went to the water and whispered a request: “Our Most Pure Theotokos, deliver me from maety, take away the strains from the soul, illuminate my life.”
Relatives were invited to visit.
If the weather is good, then the whole autumn will be fine.

autumnal equinox
Congratulations to the new mothers.
In Russia, earlier on Podneseniev Day, they sat down at the table with their neighbors, invited them with the words: “We ask you for our bread and salt!”. Be sure to bake a round cake.
The sun was honored that day.
World Car Free Day.

From that day on, "the sun dies."
They hung rowan under the roof. Be sure to leave some of the berries for the birds.
A lot of mountain ash - for a damp autumn.

End of the old. It often rains.
"Autumn rides a piebald mare": about unstable weather.
"Reverend Theodore - Amen to every business."
Cabbage evenings began, when cabbage was fermented for two weeks. During the day, cabbage rolls and pies with cabbage were put on the table. The cabbage soup was cooked.

Serpentine day, when snakes go into the forests, hide in the ground.

In Russia, this day was called not the day of St. Cornelius, but Cornelius, associating with the harvesting of root crops.
“From this day on, the root in the earth does not grow, but shivers.”
It usually rains.

Lent holiday. “Whoever fasts on Exaltation, seven sins will be forgiven.”
Important things are not started so that they do not turn out to be unsuccessful.
Cabbage was chopped, skits were arranged.
They pray to God about the harvest (for the next year).
Often there are frosts.

"Geese on the tail drag the winter."
Geese fly high - a high spring flood is expected.
Shearing sheep.

The peasants tried to find out about the winter by the state of the bird's bone. It was believed that the more fat - the stronger the frost will be.
Thunder - to a snowless winter.
Warm and dry weather leads to a late mild winter.

Girls', women's day.
The women on this day were sure to cry in the morning. Grieve over your fate. After that, it was possible to proceed with economic affairs with a clear conscience.
This day is often clear and warm.
Cranes fly south - it will be frosty on Pokrov.

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