Interethnic and international relations. National relations in the modern world

About 40 thousand years ago, a new biological species appeared on Earth - Homo sapiens, which for thousands of years settled over the entire surface of the earth. All the variety of modern types of people can be explained by different natural factors that influenced people depending on their geographical location(places of settlement on Earth). Scientists involved in the study of large groups of people separately distinguish such concepts as people, nation, nationality.

Concepts: tribe, people, nation, nationality

Scientists identify different ethnic communities (ethnic groups)- historically established stable groups of people that differ from each other in biological characteristics, common territory of residence, language, religion, traditions. Ethnic communities include tribes, peoples, nations. The formation of ethnic groups took place in stages, as people settled around the planet and in the process of developing social relations between them.

In primitive society, people lived in communities - large consanguineous groups. The communities consisted of dozens of families living together to increase their chances of survival. Communities were the first types of ethnos, they were the first stable communities of people.

Each community had its own customs, people in the community remembered their ancestors and revered them. Over time, some communities were forced to unite with each other in order to protect themselves from warlike neighbors. So there were tribes - the predecessors of the ancient peoples.

Tribe- This is a relatively stable group of people living in a common territory, having its own language, traditions, and organization of power. Tribes, in turn, began to unite in tribal unions, from which ancient states subsequently formed.

With the birth of statehood came new stage development of the ethnos, peoples came to replace the tribes. peoples- These are large historically established groups of people with a common territory of residence, common biological and social characteristics. The biological characteristics of different peoples include:

  • Color of the skin;
  • Eye section;
  • Growth;
  • Features of the structure of the body.

However, biological properties are not decisive; social characteristics are much more important, which include:

  • Traditions and customs of peoples. Eastern peoples have strong customs of hospitality, honoring elders, traditionally men are more respected in society than women. Western peoples also honor their traditions, passed down from generation to generation. However, over time, people can forget about their own traditions and adopt the traditions of another people or nation.
  • Features of life. Different peoples of the world have their own way of life, which was formed depending on the area in which people lived. For example, people who lived on the coasts of rivers and seas traditionally began to engage in fishing, their menu began to dominate fish dishes, and among all modes of transport, sea or river vessels have developed.
  • common language of the people. Although the language is hallmark people, different peoples can use the same language. For example, peoples living in Russia (Kazakhs, Tatars, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Buryats and others) can use Russian to communicate with each other.
  • Behavior and manner of communication.
  • National identity- this is a feeling of spiritual unity of a person with his people, self-identification with him.


nation called the totality of peoples living in the territory of a particular country and being its citizens. The nation is more numerous than a single people, the main unifying force for the nation becomes a single political structure country, its economic structure.

Interethnic relations are formed between individual peoples and nations. The development of interethnic relations can take peaceful forms, or it can lead to major military conflicts.

Interethnic relations in the past and today

The histories of peoples are closely intertwined with each other, since diverse ethnic communities did not live apart, they constantly contacted each other, entered into various relationships. Between individual tribes, peoples, nations, relations developed according to two main scenarios:

  1. Along the path of integration - rapprochement, rallying, unification of individual peoples and nationalities.
  2. On the path of disintegration - disunity of peoples, conflicts between diverse tribes, ethnic groups or nations.

Among the processes of rallying representatives of different ethnic groups and national scientists distinguish:

  • Consolidation- the unification of several groups of ethnic groups related to each other into one larger people. Consolidation processes took place in the territories ancient states, in most countries of the world. Tribes or peoples, close to each other in traditions, religious beliefs, language, gradually merged into one.


Example. Numerous East Slavic tribes: Tivertsy, Ulichi, Drevlyans, Volynians, Polochans, Vyatichi and others united into the Old Russian people. These tribes had a similar way of life, religious beliefs (paganism), language, traditions. The process of consolidation was accelerated by close economic ties between individual East Slavic tribes and intertribal marriages.

  • assimilation- the dissolution of one small ethnic group in another, larger people. At the same time, the small ethnic group lost its originality, completely lost its distinctive features, independence. Assimilation could take place peacefully, or it could take the form of the forcible capture of one people by another.

Example 1 Slavs who migrated in ancient times to Greek islands, over time lost their national identity. They adopted the writing and culture of the Greeks, completely dissolved in another nationality - the Greek population.

Example 2 At the beginning of the 15th century, the peoples of Bulgaria and Serbia fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Some of them adopted Turkish customs, language, religion. So those who adopted the Turkish culture separated from the main part of the Serbs, they formed a separate ethnic community, which they called the sanjaklia. From the Bulgarians, who assimilated with the Turks, another ethnic community appeared - the Pomaks.

  • Interethnic integration- interaction in a multinational state of the largest ethnic groups, which differ significantly from each other in culture, language, and religious beliefs. Thanks to interethnic integration, there was no merging of different nationalities into one people, but they had some common features in culture and life.

Example. On the territory of British India (from 1858 to 1947), the Iranian people and the Indian people lived together. These peoples did not unite with each other, did not lose their national identity, but over the years of interaction they had some common traditions and similar living conditions.

In addition to the processes of rapprochement of the nationalities of the world, history knows many examples of the disintegration of peoples. The disunity of a single people is based on the desire of a separate ethnic community to gain independence, to break economic, political and cultural ties with the main part of the nation. A striking example of the disintegration of a nation of people is the collapse of Yugoslavia. Having once become a single entity, the inhabitants of Yugoslavia in 1991 decided to separate from each other. So a large state broke up into 6 parts, which became small independent states: Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro.


Important! The processes of integration and disintegration of the peoples of the earth continue today. They occur for a long time, have a huge impact on the fate of all mankind.

Causes of interethnic conflicts

Sometimes irreconcilable contradictions arise between certain nationalities, which lead to interethnic conflicts. Interethnic contradictions can arise both within one state and between different states. Therefore, interethnic conflicts are domestic and international.

Interethnic conflict- this is a confrontation (opposition), competition, rivalry between different nations, which lead to a clash of nations with each other.

The aggravation of relations between nations is facilitated by a number of factors that often become the causes of interethnic conflicts:

  • Competition for natural resources;
  • Differences in religious views;
  • Disputes over the location of borders, territorial disputes;
  • Competition in commerce, politics, education, or sports;
  • National discrimination (restriction or complete deprivation of a nation or an ethnic community of rights and freedoms).


In addition, a common cause of interethnic conflicts is a sense of national pride. national pride- this is a feeling of respect for one's own nation, awareness of one's inextricable connection with it, admiration and love for one's own people, their national traditions, customs, religion, language, history.

The problem of national pride lies in the fact that some nations consider themselves the best, do not respect the feelings of other peoples, and strive to rise above them. The most striking example, when the pride of the nation led to a world tragedy, is the Second World War. Hitler declared that the German people are the representatives of the only purebred and highest nation on Earth - the Aryans. All other nations, according to Hitler, were inferior, subject to partial destruction and enslavement. Jews and Gypsies were especially persecuted and killed by the millions.

Due to national and racial intolerance, the problem of ethnic conflicts arises again and again, as many ethnic conflicts are not resolved for tens, and sometimes hundreds of years.

Ways to overcome interethnic conflicts

Modern politicians identify three main ways to resolve ethnic conflicts:

  1. Recognition of the need to renounce violence and the willingness of different nations to compromise (mutual concessions); Realizing that violence is not an option is now very simple, one has only to think about the consequences of the use of nuclear and other modern species weapons.
  2. Application of sanctions (various kinds of prohibitions from the world community to the aggressor state);
  3. Creation of international unions.

The solution of interethnic conflicts is an important task for each country, since such conflicts pose a serious danger to the well-being of individual states and often the whole world.

Interethnic interaction is carried out at two levels:
- relations between different ethnic groups within the same state;
- relations between different nation-states.
In interethnic relations, ethnic communities realize their interests.
National interests have a dual nature: on the one hand, the need to preserve identity, a unique culture, on the other hand, the enrichment and development of culture in the course of interethnic interaction, the comprehension of universal values.

One of the important problems in the sphere of interethnic relations is the observance of the rights of ethnic minorities. An ethnic (national) minority is a collection of representatives of an ethnic group who live on the territory of a state and are its citizens, but do not belong to the indigenous nationality, are aware of themselves as a national community and strive to preserve the specific features of their culture.

For the successful development of interethnic relations, it is necessary to observe important humanistic principles:
- rejection of violence and coercion;
- recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value, regardless of their nationality;
- readiness for a peaceful settlement of contradictions, the participation of a third party in reaching compromise solutions;
- development of economic and cultural cooperation between ethnic communities.

The main trends in the development of nations

In the modern world, there are two contradictory trends in the development of nations: interethnic differentiation and interethnic integration.

Interethnic differentiation - the separation of various nations and ethnic groups, the desire of nations for self-development, political and economic independence, the preservation and development of national culture and national identity. The manifestations of this trend are of a different nature: on the one hand, attention to the internal needs of the nation, the disclosure of its potential, on the other hand, self-isolation, various forms of political and cultural nationalism, national extremism.

Interethnic integration is a process of rapprochement and unification of peoples, expansion of ties between ethnic groups, internationalization of public life, mutual influence and mutual enrichment of national cultures.

Ways of peaceful interaction of ethnic groups

In ethnic terms, modern human society is a complex structure formed by many different types of national communities. Almost all states of the modern world are multinational. This necessitates the regulation of ethno-political processes and the prevention of national conflicts.

There are several ways of peaceful coexistence and cooperation of ethnic communities.
1. ethnic mixing- spontaneous integration of representatives of different ethnic groups into a single national community, carried out over many generations. An example of the formation of a nation based on ethnic mixing is the modern peoples of Latin America.
2. Assimilation- the absorption of one people by another, the dissolution of one ethnic community into another.
3. Humanistic approach to the coexistence of different ethnic groups within the same public education presupposes the observance of the interests, rights and freedoms of every people. This variant of peaceful inter-ethnic interaction is possible within the framework of a multinational state, in which the principles of cultural pluralism are implemented, the creation of cultural-national autonomies is envisaged, and the radical separatism of national minorities is overcome.

Russia is a multinational state

National Policy Concept Russian Federation

The state national policy in the Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the “Concept of the National Policy of the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1996 No. 909 “On Approval of the Concept of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation”.

In 1997 and 2000, by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Concept of the National Policy of the Russian Federation was refined by new Decrees. In subsequent years, a number of documents came out that determined the activities of the state in the field of national policy, interethnic relations and national security of Russia (see Notes).

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 No. 683 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation” defines the state security strategy for the coming years.

The main principles of the state national policy in Russia:
- equality of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, regardless of his race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, membership in social groups and public associations;
- prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation;
- preservation of the historical integrity of the Russian Federation;
- equality of rights of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal government bodies;
- guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation;
- the right of every citizen to determine and indicate his national identity without any coercion;
- assistance to the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation;
- timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts;
- prohibition of activities aimed at undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national and religious discord, hatred or enmity;
- protecting the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation abroad, supporting compatriots living in foreign countries in the preservation and development of their native language, culture and national traditions, in strengthening their ties with the Motherland in accordance with international law.

ethnic communities

Along with classes, estates and other groups social structure Societies are also historically formed communities, called ethnic. Ethnic groups are large groups of people who have a common culture, language, consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny. Among ethnic communities, there are genus, tribes, nationalities and nations .


Historically, the formation of ethnic communities can be counted from the moment of the collapse of the primitive human herd. Initially arises genus- A group of people who are related by blood. Members of the genus were aware of their relationship and had a common generic name. The genus included several or many families.

The appearance of the clan was facilitated by the emergence of a primitive community, the economic basis of which was communal property. Joint management of the economy on the basis of communal property, the natural-equal distribution of things, primarily food, joint life and entertainment contributed to the formation of such a community as a clan. We can say that the genus acts as the very first production, social and ethnic group of people, united into one whole by a joint labor activity, consanguineous origin, common language, common religious and mythological beliefs, customs and features of life.


Several genera could be united in tribe. The basis of the unity of the tribe is blood and family ties; in addition, the tribe lives in a certain territory, its members have a common language or dialect, their own customs and cult, joint economic activity, the beginnings of an internal organization (tribal council).

The appearance of the tribe driven primarily by the need conservation and protection of the habitat(territories of residence, places of hunting and fishing) from encroachment by other human associations. A more numerous composition of the population greatly facilitated the task of resettlement and arrangement of life in new territories. Of no small importance was also the protection against the degeneration of the genus, which threatened it because of sexual relations between consanguineous Homo sapiens.


Nationality is a type of ethnic community that arises during the period of decomposition of the tribal organization and is no longer based on consanguinity, but on territorial unity.

Nationalities are formed on the basis of a mixture of tribes and tribal unions and are characterized by an increase in the importance of territorial ties, the formation of a common language based on tribal dialects. Nationality is also characterized by the presence of economic ties, elements of a common culture, a common collective name. With the development of commodity-money relations, peoples are turning into a nation, although some of them, due to their small number and insufficient development, could not become national entities.


A nation is the historically highest form of an ethno-social community of people, characterized by unity, territory, economic life, historical path, language, culture, ethnicity, self-consciousness. The unity of the territory should be understood as the compactness of the population of the nation.

Representatives of the nation speak and write the same language, understandable (despite the dialects) to all members of the nation. Each nation has its own folklore, customs, traditions, mentality (special stereotypes of mind set), national way of life, etc., i.e. own culture. The unity of the nation is also facilitated by the common historical path traveled by each nation.

In the modern world, there are from 2500 to 5000 ethnic groups, but only a few hundred of them are nations. The modern Russian Federation includes more than 100 ethnic groups, including about 30 nations.

The issue of ethnic groups is also related to such concepts as nationality, people, ethnographic group, diaspora.

Nationality is the belonging of a person to a particular ethnic group.

People is the population of a certain state.

Ethnographic group- this is a community of people who speak the same language with a particular nation, but have some features in everyday life, traditions, and customs.

Diaspora- this is a large group of one or another ethnic group living outside their country of origin.

Interethnic relations

Interethnic (interethnic) relations- relations between ethnic groups (peoples), covering all spheres of public life.

Levels of interethnic relations:

  • interaction of peoples in different areas public life;
  • interpersonal relations of people of different ethnicity .

Ways of peaceful cooperation

  • Ethnic mixing: different ethnic groups spontaneously mix among themselves over many generations and as a result form one nation. This usually happens through interethnic marriages.
  • Ethnic absorption (assimilation): is the almost complete dissolution of one people (sometimes several peoples) in another. History knows peaceful and military forms of assimilation.
  • Creation of a multinational state (cultural pluralism), in which the rights and freedoms of each nationality and nation are respected. In such cases, several languages ​​​​are state (in Belgium - French, Danish and German, in Switzerland - German, French and Italian) .

Trends in the development of nations

Interethnic integration is the process of gradual unification of various ethnic groups, peoples, nations through the spheres of public life. Forms of integration: economic and political unions (European Union), transnational corporations, international cultural centers, interpenetration of religions, cultures, values.

Interethnic differentiation is the process of separation, separation, confrontation of various ethnic groups, peoples, nations. Forms of differentiation: self-isolation, protectionism in the economy, nationalism in various forms in politics and culture, religious fanaticism, extremism.

Forms of interethnic relations

  • Ethnic mixing - mixing of different ethnic groups and the emergence of a new ethnic group (Latin America).
  • Assimilation - (in ethnography) the merging of one people with another with the loss of one of them of their language, culture, national identity. A distinction is made between natural assimilation arising from the contact of ethnically heterogeneous groups of the population, mixed marriages, etc., and forced assimilation, which is characteristic of countries where nationalities are unequal.
  • Acculturation - mutual assimilation and adaptation of various cultures of peoples and individual phenomena of these cultures, in most cases with the dominance of the culture of the people, in public relations more highly developed.
  • Multiculturalism is a policy aimed at the development and preservation of cultural differences in a single country and in the world as a whole, and the theory or ideology justifying such a policy.
  • Nationalism is the ideology, politics, psychology and social practice of separating and opposing one nation to another, promoting the national exclusivity of a separate nation. Types of nationalism: ethnic; state-state; domestic.
  • Chauvinism is a political and ideological system of views and actions that justifies the exclusivity of a particular nation, opposing its interests to the interests of other nations and peoples, instilling in the minds of people hostility, and often hatred for other peoples, which incites enmity between people of different nationalities and religions, national extremism; extreme, aggressive form of nationalism.
  • Discrimination is a derogation (actually or legally) of the rights of any group of citizens based on their nationality, race, gender, religion, etc.
  • Segregation is a policy of forced separation of a population group on a racial or ethnic basis, one of the forms of racial discrimination.
  • Apartheid - an extreme form of racial discrimination, means the deprivation of certain groups of the population, depending on their race, of political, socio-economic and civil rights, up to territorial isolation.
  • Genocide - deliberate and systematic destruction individual groups population on racial, national or religious grounds, as well as the deliberate creation of living conditions designed for the complete or partial physical destruction of these groups.
  • Separatism - the desire for separation, isolation; movement for the separation of part of the state and the creation of a new state entity (Sikhs, Basques, Tamils) or for granting autonomy to part of the country .

Interethnic conflicts(in the narrow sense) occur between states, or within a confederation, which is a number of politically independent countries inhabited by different ethnic groups.

Interethnic conflict(in a broad sense)- this is any competition (rivalry) between groups, from confrontation for the possession of limited resources to social competition, in all cases where the opposing side is defined in terms of the ethnicity of its members.

Causes of interethnic conflicts :

  • economic reasons - the struggle of ethnic groups for the possession of property, material resources (land, subsoil);
  • social reasons - the requirements of civil equality, equality before the law, in education, in wages, equality in employment, especially for prestigious places in government;
  • cultural and linguistic reasons - the requirements for the preservation or revival, development of the native language, which unites the ethnic group into a single whole.
  • The historical past of the relationship of peoples.
  • Ethno-demographic reasons - a rapid change in the ratio of the number of peoples in contact due to migration and differences in the level of natural population growth.
  • Confessional differences.

Types of ethnic conflicts :

  • conflicts of stereotypes (ethnic groups do not clearly understand the reasons for the contradictions, but in relation to the opponent they create a negative image of an “undesirable neighbor”, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict);
  • conflict of ideas: putting forward certain claims, substantiating the “historical right” to statehood, to territory (Estonia, Lithuania, Tatarstan, at one time the idea of ​​the Ural Republic);
  • conflict of actions: rallies, demonstrations, pickets, institutional decision-making, open clashes .

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts

  • Recognition of interethnic problems and their solution by methods of national policy.
  • Awareness by all people of the unacceptability of violence, mastering the culture of interethnic relations, which requires the unconditional realization of the rights and freedoms of people of any nationality, respect for their identity, their national identity, language, customs, excluding the slightest manifestation of national distrust, hostility.
  • The use of economic levers to normalize the ethno-political situation.
  • Creation of cultural infrastructure in regions with a mixed national composition of the population - national societies and centers, schools with a national-cultural component for teaching children mother tongue and in the traditions of national culture.
  • Organization of effective international commissions, councils, and other structures for the peaceful resolution of national disputes.
  • Conflict prevention is the sum of efforts aimed at preventing events leading to conflicts.
  • Application of a wide range of sanctions. Armed intervention is permissible only in one case: if during the conflict, which has taken the form of armed clashes, massive violations of human rights take place .

1. Volleyball. Per. with him. Under total Ed. M. Fidler. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1972

2 . Zheleznyak Yu.D. 120 volleyball lessons. - M: Physical culture and sport, 1965

3. Mondozolevsky G.G. Player generosity. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1984

4 . Fundamentals of volleyball./Comp. O. Chekhov. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1979

5. Pravdin V.A. and others. Volleyball is a game for everyone - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1966

6. Sports games; Proc. for students ped. in-t on spec. No. 2114 “Phys. education” / V.D. Kovalev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988

7. Furmanov A.G., Boldyrev D.M. Volleyball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983


There are a lot of problems in the world from aggressive nationalism. Often it takes the form of religious intolerance (fundamentalism). This applies more to Muslims (for example, Palestinian Arabs, Iran, Algeria, etc.), but also occurs among other religions. It often goes hand in hand with terrorism. And it's usually the innocent people who suffer.

People have long lived on the planet, grouped into certain national communities, which are called ethnic groups. In ancient times, these were clans, tribes or unions of tribes. Then the nationalities. And with the development of industrial society - the nation. On the the globe many thousands of nations, nationalities, tribes. They have: their own language (or dialect), culture, historical features, traditions, religions, etc. Nations, unlike less developed communities, are also connected with a single written culture (including through means mass media- Mass media), close economic relations, transport communication system and many others. etc. Some tribes number less than a thousand people, while other nations are tens or even hundreds of millions. But each nationality is unique and has the right to respect for its own characteristics. Usually, peoples do not live in isolation, but are in close contact with each other. It happens that some nationalities seem to dissolve (assimilate) into others. Some, in the most unfavorable conditions, retain their characteristics. There are also processes of mutual rapprochement.

Ethnic relations are a complex concept. In different places, certain indicators may come to the fore: whether religion, language, customs, etc. National relations lie in how these differences coexist; whether there is enmity, hatred, confrontation, or, on the contrary, peace, harmony, mutual understanding; whether they look at a person, first of all, from the position: who is he by nationality, or, on the contrary, is this the last thing; how they treat interethnic marriages, etc.

Ethnic groups are large groups of people distinguished on the basis of a common culture, language, and awareness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

Social communities distinguished by ethnicity are diverse. First of all, these are tribes, nationalities and nations.

A nation is a historically established stable form of a community of people formed in the process of forming a community of their culture, spiritual life, language, national psychology and consciousness, economic and political ties, and territory.

Nations are the most developed ethnic formations that have arisen on the basis of a linguistic, territorial, cultural, economic, socio-psychological community. They are most characteristic of the modern world, in which there are at least two thousand different ethnic groups.

An important factor is the national identity of the individual, which defines the nation as a community and a person as a member of this community.

Thanks to national self-consciousness, a person keenly feels the interests of his native people.

There are two aspects of national interest:

1. it is necessary to preserve its peculiarity, uniqueness in the flow of human history, the uniqueness of its culture, resolutely oppose the physical disappearance of the people, and ensure a sufficient level of economic development.

2. The interests of the nation are not to fence off from other nations and peoples.

The nature of national relations is determined by two interrelated trends: towards differentiation and towards integration.

Each nation strives for self-development, for the preservation of national identity, language and culture. These aspirations are realized in the process of their differentiation, which can take the form of a struggle for national self-determination and the creation of an independent national state.

On the other hand, the self-development of nations in the conditions of the modern world is impossible without their close interaction, cooperation, exchange of cultural values, overcoming alienation, maintaining mutually beneficial contacts. The trend towards integration is intensifying due to the need to solve the global problems facing humanity, with the success of the scientific and technological revolution. It must be borne in mind that these trends are interrelated: the diversity of national cultures does not lead to their isolation, and the convergence of nations does not mean the disappearance of differences between them.

Interethnic relations are a particularly delicate matter. Violation or infringement of national interests, discrimination of individual nations give rise to extremely complex problems and conflicts.

In the modern world, there are interethnic conflicts caused by various reasons:

1) territorial disputes;

2) historical tensions in relations between peoples;

3) the policy of discrimination pursued by the ruling nation against small nations and peoples;

4) attempts by national political elites to use national feelings for their own popularity;

5) the desire of peoples to leave the multinational state and to create their own statehood.

It should be borne in mind that the international community, when resolving ethnic conflicts, proceeds from the priority of state integrity, the inviolability of existing borders, the inadmissibility of separatism and the violence associated with it.

When solving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:

1) renunciation of violence and coercion;

2) search for consent based on the consensus of all participants;

3) recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;

4) readiness for a peaceful settlement of disputed problems.

In the second half of the 20th century, political map more than a hundred new states appeared in the world. And this process continues. It is not surprising that national relations in the world are among the most important and in some areas the most restless, causing wars, revolutions, etc. And along with them, of course, the ideology (justification) of these relations - nationalism - plays a huge role. It can be defined as the universal praise of one's people, country, religion, etc. Nations that do not have their own state sometimes strive to create one, and, on the contrary, the ruling peoples strive to suppress such desires.

Experience has shown that attempts to give each or the leading nations a state structure are very often unsuccessful. This, in a certain period, can lead to splits, discontent from other provinces, lowering the rights of the non-indigenous population in national-state formations. All this was clearly manifested in the republics of the USSR, which split precisely along the national union republics. Then individual republics faced national problems within themselves. Many Russians, for example, in Moldavia, the Crimea, the Baltic states, in one form or another, are now opposed to the dominant nations. And in the eastern republics, they are sometimes subjected to harassment. As a result, millions of refugees appeared, people who abandoned everything they had and were left with nothing. In some places there were even wars: in Georgia (Abkhazia, South Ossetia), in Moldova, in Karabakh, Tajikistan. The problem of refugees and migrants is also very painful.

Today there is an intense search for ways out of numerous ethnic crises. The advanced part of the world community has realized and recognized the value of a humanistic approach to ethnic problems. Its essence is:

1. in a voluntary search for consent (consensus), in the rejection of national violence in all its forms and forms.

2. in the consistent development of democracy, legal principles in the life of society, in the recognition of the rights of the individual over the rights of the state and nation. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual, regardless of nationality.

This is the basic idea of ​​the modern civilized approach. At the international level, documents have been adopted that ensure the equality of all nations, both titular and national communities. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen adopted (UN); Convention on Ensuring the Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities. (adopted by the CIS countries on October 21, 1994)

Meanwhile, there is an opinion that Belarus is a mono-ethnic republic, since 83.2% of its population are Belarusians. However, it should be noted that this opinion is somewhat erroneous. Yes, we do not have discrimination, open state anti-Semitism, genocide, armed conflicts on ethnic grounds. And yet, in the Republic of Belarus as of October 1, 2001. 93 public organizations and 19 national communities are registered and operate.

1. Belarusian national revival and development;

2. transfer to the rank of state policy of attention to the problems of national communities;

3. growing attention to the Belarusian diaspora, especially in the near abroad;

The basis for the formation of national policy in the Republic of Belarus was the creation of its legal framework. The decisive among the legislative and legal acts are:

the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus;

Having gained independence, the Republic of Belarus, among the fundamental principles, determined its attitude towards the peoples traditionally living on its territory. Articles 14-17, 50 and 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus enshrine the equal rights of citizens belonging to different nationalities.

The law "On Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus" laid the foundations for national accord in the new historical conditions. He granted citizenship to all who permanently resided on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, without any discriminatory restrictions.

In our country, more than 20 legislative acts have been adopted and are in force, in separate applications of which the rights and freedoms of persons belonging to national communities are enshrined.

It should also be noted that the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus has a special article on responsibility for inciting ethnic hatred.

In July 1997 the "Instruction on the procedure for determining the nationality of citizens of the Republic of Belarus" was adopted. In this document, in accordance with the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the determination of the nationality of citizens is their personal and free choice.

In recent years, a lot of work has been done in the Republic of Belarus to implement the rights of ethnic communities. In 1994 The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus created the Republican Center of National Cultures, which currently unites dozens of national cultural and educational associations. Amateur national groups work at the center, religious holidays of a number of confessions and national communities are celebrated, some Sunday schools, foreign language courses.

A Polish school in Grodno, a small Jewish school in Pinsk, Jewish classes at secondary schools in Minsk and Gomel, and Sunday schools of a number of national communities are already operating in Belarus.

In 2000 The State Committee organized and supported the preparation of the first in the country study guide"Tatar studies. History, religion and culture of Belarusian Tatars".

One of the important results of the work of national-cultural associations has been the holding since 1996. in the city of Grodno Republican festivals of national cultures, which received wide international resonance.

Thus, it is very gratifying that the leadership of our republic has clearly stated its determination to firmly implement the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all the articles of this most important document.

Ethnic groups are large groups of people distinguished on the basis of a common culture, language, and consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.
Social communities distinguished by ethnicity are diverse. First of all, these are tribes, nationalities and nations.
Nations are the most developed ethnic formations that have arisen on the basis of a linguistic, territorial, cultural, economic, socio-psychological community. They are most characteristic of the modern world, in which there are at least two thousand different ethnic groups.
The nature of national relations is determined by two interrelated trends: towards differentiation and towards integration.
Each nation strives for self-development, for the preservation of national identity, language and culture. These aspirations are realized in the process of their differentiation, which can take the form of a struggle for national self-determination and the creation of an independent national state.
On the other hand, the self-development of nations in the conditions of the modern world is impossible without their close interaction, cooperation, exchange of cultural values, overcoming alienation, maintaining mutually beneficial contacts. The trend towards integration is intensifying due to the need to solve the global problems facing humanity, with the success of the scientific and technological revolution. It must be borne in mind that these trends are interrelated: the diversity of national cultures does not lead to their isolation, and the convergence of nations does not mean the disappearance of differences between them.
Interethnic relations are a particularly delicate matter. Violation or infringement of national interests, discrimination of individual nations give rise to extremely complex problems and conflicts.
In the modern world, including in Russia, there are interethnic conflicts caused by various reasons:
1) territorial disputes;
2) historical tensions in relations between peoples;
3) the policy of discrimination pursued by the ruling nation against small nations and peoples;
4) attempts by national political elites to use national feelings for their own popularity;
5) the desire of peoples to leave the multinational state and to create their own statehood.
It should be borne in mind that the international community, when resolving ethnic conflicts, proceeds from the priority of state integrity, the inviolability of existing borders, the inadmissibility of separatism and the violence associated with it.
When solving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:
1) renunciation of violence and coercion;
2) search for consent based on the consensus of all participants;
3) recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;
4) readiness for a peaceful settlement of disputed problems.