Motivation of personnel behavior in the course of labor activity. Motivation of personnel in the process of work

Motivation is the process of inducing a person to a certain activity with the help of intrapersonal and external factors.

A motive is an internal motivation of a person to act, associated with the satisfaction of certain needs.

Needs can be natural (for food, water, etc.) and social (for recognition, fame); congenital (in communication) and acquired (in learning); primary (in factors that ensure survival) and secondary (in terms of personality development); tangible and intangible.

The incentive motive to satisfy the need can be various reasons - incentives - an incentive to action, an incentive for behavior. Incentives can be internal (attitude, moral obligations) and external (other people's actions, opportunities).

On the basis of internal motivation, people act more calmly, faster, more conscientiously, spend less effort, and better learn tasks and knowledge. The internal drive to act is the result of the interaction of a complex set of needs that gradually change, and in order to motivate, the leader must identify these needs and find a way to satisfy them. There are two ways to achieve the desired behavior: choose a person with a given level of intrinsic motivation or use an external one.

The essence of economic incentives is that people, as a result of fulfilling the requirements imposed on them, receive certain benefits that increase their well-being. They can be direct (monetary income) or indirect, making it easier to get direct (extra free time that allows you to earn money elsewhere).

Non-economic incentives are divided into organizational and moral.

Organizational includes the involvement of employees in the affairs of the organization, which implies that they are given the right to vote in solving a number of social problems.

Moral incentives include the following elements.

1. Creation of conditions under which people would feel professional pride that they can cope with the assigned work better than others, involvement in it, personal responsibility for its results; would feel the value of the results, their importance.

2. Providing opportunities for everyone in his workplace to show his abilities, to express himself in work, in its results, to have evidence that he can do something.

3. Recognition, which may be private or public. The essence of personal recognition is that particularly distinguished employees are mentioned in special reports to the top management of the organization, presented to him.

4. Lofty goals that inspire people to effective and sometimes selfless work.

5. An atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, encouragement of reasonable risk and tolerance for mistakes and failures; respect from management and co-workers.

There is no clear line between economic and non-economic incentives; in practice, they are closely intertwined, condition each other, and sometimes are simply inseparable.

The ratio of motives that influence people's behavior forms its motivational structure, the latter is quite stable, but lends itself to purposeful formation. For each person, it is individual and is determined by many factors: the level of well-being, social status, qualifications, position, values, etc.

To successfully manage people, each manager must imagine what his subordinates want and do not want, what are the main motives for their behavior, in what proportion they are, how they can be influenced and what results can be expected. Proceeding from this, he either changes the motivational structure of their behavior, developing desirable motives and weakening undesirable ones, or directly stimulates their actions.

College of Rational Learning

Coursework on the topic:

"Motivation of behavior in the process labor activity»

in the discipline "Personnel Management"

Completed by: K3M1

Mamedova K.Sh.

Checked: ken. Tagaev A.V.





2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise IP Deranovsky

2.3 Features of building a system of payment and incentives for IP Deranovsky

3.1 Survey of employee satisfaction with the work of FE "Deranovskiy"

3.2 Development of an action plan to improve the motivation of employees of the IP "Deranovskiy"



The formation of a market economy in Russia creates conditions under which the importance of the human factor in production and business increases: the knowledge, experience, skills of employees become the main source of efficiency and competitiveness of business organizations.

Today, the motivation of labor resources is one of the important strategic directions for the development of an enterprise. Motivation is aimed at the most effective use of the abilities of employees in accordance with the goals of the enterprise and society, by creating a creative work team capable of change, development and renewal.

To provide effective work personnel, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of constructive cooperation, in which each member of the team is interested in the fullest realization of their abilities. The creation of such a socio-psychological atmosphere is the most challenging task personnel management. It is solved on the basis of developing a system of motivation, evaluating the results of work, and choosing a management style.

Under the current economic situation in Russia, the topic of this graduation project is relevant, since among the complex of management problems, the problem of improving the management of the company's personnel plays a special role. The task of this area of ​​management is to increase the efficiency of production through the comprehensive development and reasonable use of the creative forces of a person, to increase the level of his qualifications, competence, responsibility, and initiative.

The key place is occupied by the definition of ways to increase productivity, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as to stimulate and motivate employees.

The result-oriented leader consciously bases his activities in the management of individuals and groups on a thoughtful idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person, which he strives to constantly develop.

The image of a modern manager is determined by ideas about work and the systems of motivation and attitudes of employees to work that follow from them. Changing ideas about the content and nature of work, free time and quality of life place new demands on personnel management. The training and continuous education of staff is becoming increasingly important. The relevance of training managerial personnel at all levels is especially growing.

At the present stage of development of entrepreneurship in Russia, the topic of the course work is relevant and very important, since human resources are the most decisive factor in the success of any business.

Based on the foregoing, this thesis discusses the main theoretical issues of the mechanism of personnel management through motivation, also highlights important aspects of the motivational process and methods of influencing the human resources of an organization.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the influence of the labor motivation system on the behavior of employees (on the example of IP "Deranovskiy"). To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. consider the essence and content of the concept of motivation in the enterprise;

2. to characterize the methods of motivational impact on the labor resources of the organization;

3. assess the financial and economic situation at IP "Deranovskiy"

4. analyze the current system stimulation of labor at IP "Deranovskiy";


1.1 The content of the concept “motivation system”

Motivation is a process that begins with a physiological or psychological lack or need that activates a behavior or creates an urge to achieve a particular goal or reward. Thus, the key to understanding the process of motivation lies in the meaning of the words “needs”, “motivation”, “reward” and in the relationship between them.

The motivation system is a set of material and non-material incentives designed to ensure high-quality and productive work of employees, as well as to attract the most talented specialists to the company and retain them. In other words :

· attract the right employees;

Engage and unleash their potential;

Retain productive employees.

The system of personnel motivation is a rather acute issue for many companies. There is such an expression: the ideal employee does not exist, only his functions are performed. However, this does not happen, because we work with ordinary living people, each of whom is different, with their own beliefs, outlook on life, etc. Therefore, it is not easy to make sure that each of these people does what is required for the company. There is no unequivocal decision on this issue, there are only a number of principles, for example, an individual approach, the connection of labor results with remuneration. In world practice, a number of constituent components have gradually been developed that allow achieving the necessary motivation of personnel.

The motivation system is formed by fixed and variable elements of remuneration, benefits and factors of non-material motivation.

First, we will talk about the permanent part of motivation, in other words, about the salary. It is paid to the employee regardless of the results achieved. Often it is formed on the basis of grades, that is, a certain scale that looks like a rank grid, which exists in state institutions to this day. Each position is compared with some grade, this is done according to several objective criteria, for example, financial responsibility, the total number of subordinates, etc. Grades allow you to create a sense of fair reward. However, it rarely happens that a person will try very hard to get a salary. This is how rewards are used.

Variable rewards can be bonuses, interest, bonuses, etc. Receiving remuneration mainly corresponds to the results of the work of the employee, such a system of staff motivation must be connected in order to expect a good result from the employee. There are several ways to determine variable remuneration. The first method is called "from the master's shoulder." Often it can be found in small companies to encourage a distinguished employee, however, in large companies it is difficult to build a system based on it, thus it is not effective in them. The next way is based on key performance indicators. For positions and departments, commensurate indicators of the effectiveness of their work can be determined (this may be sales volume, the number of new customers, etc.). The indicators are regularly measured and the bonus is calculated mathematically. The system is very simple and clear. Another way is based on competencies, such as teamwork, loyalty. They are measured using a survey of employees, and remuneration is formed on their basis.

For non-material motivation, the following components can be distinguished:

· social politics;

· corporate culture;

· communication;

· competition.

Corporate culture is a set of elements that motivate employees without any monetary payments, creating a favorable climate for work.

The basic elements of corporate culture include:

company mission (general philosophy and policy);

basic goals (company strategy);

Ethical code of the company (relationships with customers, suppliers, employees);

corporate style (color, logo, flag, uniform).

Intangible motivation is usually often neglected. However, this is not prudent, since this system of staff motivation allows both saving the company money and giving the employee something that you cannot get for money.

In general, in the system of motivation, it should reflect the prospects for the development of the enterprise, since motivation implies purposeful behavior and is determined by it.

It is obvious that a well-planned motivational system that is stable at all personal levels is one of the main factors that guarantee the effective operation of an organization.

Setting up a motivation system is a complex process, because the analysis of the practice of companies does not allow us to identify a universal motivator. During this process, depending on the initial diagnosis of the company, one or another method of motivation is involved.

Possible methods of motivation include:

1. Fair monetary reward

For a pay system to work effectively, it needs to meet the following requirements: there must be a clearly defined relationship between reward and effort expended, performance measurement methods must be generally recognized as fair and consistent

That is, financial motivators (bonuses, bonuses, commission schemes) work only when there is a connection between effort and reward, and the value of the reward matches the effort.

2. Empowerment and responsibility

For the correct implementation of this method, employees must be able to control the key processes of performing their duties in the context of an overall transparent structure of activity. This ability is based on obtaining information about the goals and mission of the organization, its history and market; about the goals of the department/unit where the employee works; his job description, informal information about the organization (should correspond to information obtained formally)

3. Awakening interest in work

People as professionals want to have an interesting job and see the result of their efforts. There is no one-size-fits-all measure of interest in a job, just as there is no simple and affordable solution to making work interesting. Surveys, job rotation and turnover, absenteeism rates, appraisal analysis, etc. can serve as indicators.

4. Opportunity for personal growth

Interesting work remains such until a certain point, it needs growth and development, and, accordingly, new knowledge. Employees should be aware of what steps they need to take for career and professional growth, as well as be able to gain new knowledge.

5. Formation of loyalty / loyalty to the organization (Commitment)

By definition, a "commitment" has three components:

Understanding the goals and values ​​of the company;

desire to belong to the organization;

Willingness to contribute to the good of the organization.

Loyalty is transmitted from the leader and the goals he expresses. Managers who have a vision of the desired future of the organization, clearly define the goals and values ​​of the company, are able to lead employees in a given direction and provide them with the resources to complete tasks. Motivation and productivity are higher when specific goals are defined, when goals are challenging but achievable. The participation of employees in setting goals is important as a means of reaching an agreement, as well as feedback.

6.Formation of the spirit of cooperation and corporate culture

The goal in this context will be to create a motivational climate, emphasizing and promoting the norms and values ​​of the company. Working in a team of like-minded people can turn individual efforts into amazing success. Difficult tasks are sometimes only possible for collective performance.

In conclusion, we note that motivational incentives work only in the case of the systematic use of both external and internal motivators, their relationship and taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the staff.

1.2 Methods of motivating staff

Methods of motivating personnel can be very diverse and depend on the elaboration of the motivation system at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

There are the following methods of motivating effective labor behavior:

· material encouragement;

· organizational methods;

moral and psychological.

The most common form (method) of material motivation is an individual bonus. It is advisable to pay it once a year, otherwise it will turn into wages and lose its motivating role. It is advisable to determine in advance the percentage of the bonus at the end of the year and adjust it in accordance with the achievements of the employee. The size of the bonus should, as a rule, be at least 30% of the main salary (according to F. Taylor), while at the lowest level of management the bonus should be 10-30%, on the average 10-40%, at the highest 15-50%.

The effectiveness of bonuses is largely determined by the correct choice of indicators, their differentiation depending on the role and nature of departments, the level of positions, focus on real contribution and final results, the flexibility of criteria for assessing employee achievements.

Satisfaction with material remuneration, its fair level motivates the initiative of people, forms their commitment to the organization, and attracts new employees to it.

Although labor in our country, unlike highly developed countries, is currently considered mainly as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for a normal psychological state. preserving human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others can act as dominant ones. It is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees. A lower level need must be satisfied before the next level need becomes a larger determinant of human behavior.

Of course, no system of material remuneration can fully take into account the nature and complexity of labor, the personal contribution of the employee and the entire scope of work, since many labor functions are not recorded at all in regulations and job descriptions.

Needs are constantly changing, so you can’t expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

As noted, in addition to economic (material) methods of motivation, there are non-economic ones, namely: organizational and moral-psychological ones.

Organizational methods of motivation (motivation) include:

participation in the affairs of the organization (usually social);

the prospect of acquiring new knowledge and skills;

enrichment of the content of labor (providing more interesting work with prospects for job and professional growth).

Moral and psychological methods of motivation include:

creation of conditions conducive to the formation of professional pride, personal responsibility for work (the presence of a certain amount of risk, the opportunity to succeed);

the presence of a challenge, providing opportunities to express oneself in work;

Recognition (personal and public) (valuable gifts, certificates of honor, Board of Honor, etc. For special merits - awarding orders and medals, badges, awarding honorary titles, etc.);

high goals that inspire people to effective work (any task must contain an element of challenge);

An atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

A kind of complex method of motivation is promotion. However, this method is internally limited, since, firstly, the number of high-ranking positions in the organization is limited; secondly, promotion requires increased costs for retraining.

In management practice, as a rule, various methods and their combinations are used simultaneously. For effective management of motivation, it is necessary to use all three groups of methods in enterprise management. Thus, the use of only power and material motivations does not allow mobilizing the creative activity of staff to achieve the goals of the organization. For achievement maximum efficiency spiritual motivation is needed.

The above scheme for classifying stimulation methods is classical. In modern management, other groupings of incentive methods are also used. Enlarged all methods of stimulation can also be grouped into the following four types:

1) Economic incentives of all types (salary in all its varieties, including contract, bonuses, benefits, insurance, interest-free loans, etc.). The success of their impact is determined by the extent to which the team understands the principles of the system, recognizes them as fair, to what extent the inevitability of reward (punishment) and work results is observed, their close connection in time.

2) Goal management. This system is widely used in the United States and provides for the establishment of a chain of goals for an individual or group that contributes to the solution of the main task of the organization (achieving certain quantitative or qualitative levels, improving the skills of personnel, etc.). Achieving each goal automatically means an increase in salary or another form of encouragement.

1) Enrichment of labor - this system is more related to non-economic methods and means providing people with more meaningful, promising work, significant independence in determining the mode of work, the use of resources. In many cases, wage growth is added to this, not to mention social status.

2) The participation system currently exists in various forms: from the wide involvement of the team in decision-making on the most important problems of production and management (Japan) to participation in ownership by acquiring shares in one's own enterprise on favorable terms (USA, England). Motives as internal motives for the activity of individuals should be distinguished from external motives - incentives, that is, the influence of objective conditions that become motives if they become subjectively significant, meet the needs of the subject. A stimulus (lat. stimulus - a pointed stick used to drive animals, a goad) is an impulse, the effect of which is mediated by the human psyche, his views, feelings, interests, aspirations, etc.

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise IP Deranovsky

IP "Deranovsky" was established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of creation is the implementation of market relations and profit based on meeting the needs of citizens, legal entities in manufactured products and goods, work performed and services rendered in the areas determined by the subject of activity.

Society is legal entity from the moment of state registration, has an independent balance sheet, a current account in banking institution, and is also an independent business entity, acts on its own behalf as a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The property of the organization is formed by:

income from own activities;

Targeted contributions and entrance fees, which can be made both in cash and in property;

other receipts not prohibited by law.

The highest body of IP "Deranovskiy" is the meeting of participants. The exclusive competence of the general meeting of participants includes:

· Determining the main activities of IE "Deranovskiy", as well as making a decision on participation in associations and other associations of commercial organizations.

· Approval of annual reports and annual balance sheets.

· Deciding on the distribution of the company's net profit among its participants.

· Approval (adoption) of documents regulating the internal activities of the company.

· Appointment of an audit.

· Deciding on the reorganization and liquidation of the company.

The executive body of the company is the General Director. The General Director may be elected from among the members of the company at the general meeting for a period of 5 years.

CEO IP Deranovsky:

1. determines the main activities of the IP;

2. considers current and future work plans;

3. determines the organizational structure of the company;

4. manages the property of the enterprise within the limits established by the general meeting, this charter and current legislation;

5. approves the staff list of employees of the enterprise;

6. hires and dismisses employees, including his deputies, chief accountant, heads of departments;

7. approves contract prices for products and tariffs for services;

8. organizes accounting and reporting;

9. makes decisions on other issues related to the current activities of the organization.

The main activity is the wholesale and retail sale of spare parts, machines, mechanisms and accessories for grain and forage harvesters of the DON, NIVA, YENISEY families and other agricultural machinery, as well as air conditioners and components for them from various companies. In this area, there are many companies that produce and sell agricultural machinery. The main major competitors are: Yugtekhkomplekt, Bizon, Tekhnokom.

The organizational structure is aimed primarily at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the organization, the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them. It implements various requirements for improving management systems, which are expressed in various management principles.

IP Deranovsky has four main departments: accounting, personnel department, supply and sales department. There is also a warehouse and a security service.

Each of the departments performs strictly defined functions. The accounting department keeps records and controls all business operations of the enterprise, as well as analysis and planning of financial and economic activities.

The personnel department is engaged in the selection and placement of personnel, training and retraining of employees of IP Deranovsky. Conducts activities to motivate, adapt and organize work.

The sales department specializes in finding and expanding the customer base by phone or via the Internet, identifying customer needs; provides information on new developments, assists the client in choosing a product; informs the client about technical specifications and the quality of the products sold; advises, if necessary, clients by phone.

The supply department deals with the supply of materials, the analysis of suppliers and markets for raw materials.

At the enterprise under consideration, the number of employees is 38 people in the amount of 19 positions.

2.2 Economic activity of IP Deranovsky

Currently, the country's food industry is developing dynamically, many small, medium and large enterprises are being created, and, consequently, the market for the organization's products is growing. IP Deranovsky is negotiating the sale of packaging products for the food industry in the range.

Table 2.1 shows that at this enterprise, IP Deranovsky, the main share in the sources of asset formation is occupied by borrowed capital, and its share increases every year, and its own, respectively, decreases. (Table 2.1)

Table 2.1 - Analysis of the dynamics and structure of sources of capital IE IE Deranovsky

In the process of subsequent analysis, the dynamics and structure of equity and debt capital will be studied in more detail, the reasons for the change in their individual components will be clarified, and an assessment of these changes for the reporting period will be given.

The data in Table 2.2 show changes in the size and structure of equity capital: the amount and share of retained earnings have increased significantly, with a decrease in the share of authorized capital. The total amount of equity for the reporting year increased compared to 2009 by 100 thousand rubles, or by 97%, and compared to 2008 by 90%. This increase was due to the capitalization of profit by 100 thousand rubles. (table 2.2)

Table 2.2 - Dynamics of the equity capital structure of IP Deranovsky

The composition and structure of borrowed funds have a great influence on the financial condition of the enterprise, i.e. ratio of long-term and short-term financial liabilities.

From table 2.3 it follows that in 2009 the amount of borrowed funds increased by 30,046 thousand rubles, or by 202.89% compared to 2008, or by 38,383 thousand rubles. (593.06%) compared to 2007

Table 2.3 - Dynamics of the structure of debt capital of IP Deranovsky

Source of borrowed funds Amount, thousand rubles. Capital structure, interest
2007 2008 change 2009 change 2007 2008 2009
Long-term loans 829 -829 0 12,81 0,00 0,00
Short term loans 0 0 0,00 0,00 0,00
Creditor. debt 5 643 14 809 9 166 44 846 30 037 87,19 100,00 99,98
suppliers 4 678 9 719 5 041 30 459 20 740 72,28 65,63 67,91
to the staff of the organization 49 141 92 638 497 0,76 0,95 1,42
to state extrabudgetary funds 42 75 33 158 83 0,65 0,51 0,35
on taxes 32 106 74 227 121 0,49 0,72 0,51
other loans 842 4 768 3 926 13 364 8596 13,01 32,20 29,79
Other current liabilities 9 9 0,00 0,00 0,02
Total 6 472 14 809 8 337 44 855 30 046 100 100 100

Significant changes also took place in the structure: the share of long-term loans sharply decreased in 2008 by 829 thousand rubles. or by 12.81 percentage points, but accounts payable increased sharply, in the structure of which the largest share is debt to suppliers (in 2009, 67.91 percentage points).

Thus, the analysis of the structure of own and borrowed funds is necessary to assess the rationality of the formation of sources of financing for the activities of the enterprise and its market stability. This is very important when determining a promising option for organizing finance and developing a financial strategy.

Also, the financial condition of the enterprise and its stability largely depend on what property the enterprise has, in what assets the capital is invested and what income they bring.

Information about the placement of capital at the disposal of the enterprise is contained in the asset balance. Each type of allocated capital corresponds to a certain balance sheet item.

In the process of analyzing the assets of the enterprise, IP Deranovsky, first of all, one should study changes in their composition and evaluate them.

Table 2.4 - Asset structure of IP Deranovsky

Enterprise funds 2007 2008 growth 2009 growth
thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, %
Fixed assets 2062 31,34 4630 31,05 2568 -0,29 7422 16,47 2792 -14,58
current assets 4517 68,66 10282 68,95 5765 0,29 37636 83,53 27354 14,58
Total 6579 100 14912 100 8333 45058 100 30146
non-monetary assets 6245 94,92 13146 88,16 6901 -6,77 36935 81,97 23789 -6,19
monetary assets 334 5,08 1766 11,84 1432 6,77 8123 18,03 6357 6,19

Table 2.4 shows that during the reporting year, compared to 2008, the structure of the assets of the analyzed enterprise has changed somewhat: the share of fixed capital (non-current assets) decreased by 14.58 percentage points, and the share of working capital, respectively, increased by 14.58 percentage points .p. In connection with this, the organic structure of capital has changed: in 2009 the ratio of working capital to fixed capital is 5.07, and in 2008 - 2.22, which will accelerate its turnover.

Monetary assets have an insignificant share in the total balance sheet currency, and in the reporting year their share increased by 6.19%

Non-current assets are investments with long-term goals in real estate, intangible assets, etc.

Table 2.5 shows that during the analyzed period the amount of fixed capital increased by 60.3% (7422 / 4630 * 100-100), this was facilitated by a significant increase in the amount of fixed capital. The amount and share of construction in progress decreased, which should be assessed positively.

Table 2.5 - Composition and dynamics of the fixed capital of IP Deranovsky

Enterprise funds 2007 2008 growth 2009 growth
thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, % thousand roubles. share, %
fixed assets 1887 91,51 4441 95,92 2554 4,40 7235 97,48 2794 1,56
Non-monetary assets 2 0,10 2 0,04 0 -0,05 2 0,03 0 -0,02
Construction in progress 173 8,39 187 4,04 14 -4,35 185 2,49 -2 -1,55
Total 2062 100 4630 100 2568 7422 100 2792

Since the financial condition of the enterprise largely depends on the state of current assets, they require a more thorough analysis.

From the data in Table 2.6 it can be seen that the analyzed enterprise is undergoing significant structural changes, which can be characterized as a sign of unstable operation of the enterprise.

Table 2.6 - Analysis of the dynamics and composition of current assets of IP Deranovsky

Source of borrowed funds Availability of funds, thousand rubles Structure of funds, %
2007 2008 change 2009 change 2007 2008 change 2009 change
Stocks 71 61 -10 145 84 1,57 0,59 2,17 0,39 -0,21
raw materials, materials, etc. 28 56 28 97 41 0,62 0,54 1,16 0,26 -0,29
WIP costs
SOEs and goods for resale
Future spending 43 5 -38 48 43 0,95 0,05 1,00 0,13 0,08
VAT on purchased assets 747 1516 769 1014 -502 16,54 14,74 31,28 2,69 -12,05
Receivables 3365 6939 3574 28354 21415 74,50 67,49 141,98 75,34 7,85
Short-term financial investments 0 796 796 0,00 0,00 0,00 2,11 2,11
Cash 334 1766 1432 7327 5561 7,39 17,18 24,57 19,47 2,29
Total 4517 10282 5765 37636 27354 100 100 100

The financial condition of the enterprise, its stability largely depend on the optimality of the structure of capital sources (the ratio of own and borrowed funds) and on the optimality of the structure of the enterprise's assets, primarily on the ratio of fixed and working capital, as well as on the balance of certain types of assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

Therefore, we first analyze the structure of the sources of capital of the enterprise, and then evaluate the degree financial stability and financial risk. To this end, we calculate the following indicators, the calculation of which is given in Table 2.7.

To form an effective personnel management mechanism based on encouraging employees to productive and creative work, it is necessary to study their needs, motives and values.

Work on the formation of a labor incentive system is structured in the following way: the organization has a system of staff motivation and the administration feels the need to change it. However, the idea of ​​the desired incentive system is often based on the wrong idea of ​​the real labor motives of the staff.

First of all, it should be noted that any changes in the system of personnel motivation in order to increase labor efficiency, including wage increases, become ineffective for personnel two months after the introduction, since the effect of addiction to income is triggered. Therefore, before giving recommendations on improving the incentive system for employees of an organization, it is necessary to carefully study their motivational structure. This is especially true of the managerial staff, because for this category of employees of the organization it is not uncommon for the situation when the additional funds spent not only do not increase motivation, but often weaken it.

Based on the behavioral approach, a study was conducted of ways to increase the personal satisfaction of the employee in the labor process, motivating the initiative to take on more responsibility. That is, a method called the system of job characteristics has been developed. Which is based on the thesis that the desire to work and the degree of employee satisfaction are influenced by three main psychological parameters:

▪ The significance of this position in the representation of the employee, assessment of the importance and necessity of the work performed by him;

▪ The degree of responsibility that an employee experiences in relation to the results of his work;

▪ Regular evaluation of the results of its activities.

The higher each of the parameters, the greater the desire to work. Employees of the organization have identified a number of factors that determine these parameters. Table 3.1 presents five characteristics of the significance of a job position, and Figure 3.1 shows the mechanism for motivating initiative work.

Table 3.1. - Characteristics of the significance of the job position

Characteristics Degree of significance
Breadth of skills required for the job To what extent does the performance of a position require the employee to have a wide arsenal of skills and abilities?
Awareness of one's task as a whole, in all its completeness and completeness To what extent does work in this position represent the solution of some major tasks “from start to finish”, with the final result?
The role of work performed in solving more general tasks of the team Does this workflow have a significant impact on the lives and work of others within or outside the organization?
Independence What is the degree of possible independence of the employee in determining his tasks, ways to solve them and personal mode of work?
Feedback Does the employee receive clear and precise information about the effectiveness of his work as a result of the performance of his work duties?

As follows from the table, the position looks more significant in the eyes of the employee if its use requires a wider arsenal of means and gives the employee a clear sense of his objectively important participation in a common task (final result) that he understands well.

Figure 3.1 contains four blocks - characteristics of the significance of the job position, psychological parameters, the results of the employee's activities and the efforts necessary for his advancement. Since different people have different abilities and degrees of desire for something, it is important to take into account these individual differences, as they can affect the relationships shown by the arrows in the diagram. (Figure 3.1)

Figure 3.1. - Mechanisms of motivation for initiative work

Self-reliance is directly related to a sense of responsibility. The more controlled the work process, the stronger the sense of responsibility. The awareness of the employee about the results of his activities has a huge impact on the motivation of his work.

According to the study, if an employee has no desire to improve their skills, then none of the considerations given in Tab. 3.1 and in the specification of the workflow of a manager dealing with personnel management, do not matter.

Behavior at work and personal satisfaction of the employee are in harmony if the employee and his job "fit" together. In tab. 3.2 shows what the results are with varying degrees of relationship between work and employee. (Table 3.2)

Table 3.2. - Relationship between work and employee

The degree of increase in labor productivity How great is the desire of the employee to increase the effectiveness of his work
strong Weak
Efficiency increases

Mutual correspondence

1. High quality work

2. High degree of satisfaction

3. Rare cases of absenteeism and low staff turnover.

Mutual mismatch

1. The worker is overwhelmed and confused in his work

2. Quality of work is low

3. Frequent absence from the workplace and a large rotation of personnel.

Performance is not growing

Mutual mismatch

1. The employee feels that not all of his opportunities are being used.

2. Low job satisfaction

3. Frequent absenteeism and high staff turnover

Mutual correspondence

1. The desire to work can be created by monetary motivations for those who lack internal incentives.

2. High quality work

The design of the workflow affects the attitude of the employee to his work. The workflow itself is so important that it must be well understood. And since by its nature this process is dynamic and changeable, it should be built in such a way that, if necessary, it is modified, that is, adapted to each specific situation.

A study was also conducted to identify the main motivational factors that are most effective in stimulating the labor activity of employees.

The purpose of the survey was to investigate job satisfaction, the level of labor activity, the main factors that affect labor activity and the degree of importance of various job characteristics for employees. As a result sociological research, the following structure of the ranks of labor values ​​can be built according to their significance and the possibility of satisfaction, on the basis of which a system of incentives for employees of the organization is then developed. (Table 3.3)

Table 3.3 - Importance of job characteristics

Characteristic Men Women Up to 30 years old After 30 years
High profit payment 1 2 1 1
Opportunity for professional growth 2 1 2 2
3 8 3 4
Variety of work 10 5 11 7
Independence in doing work 4 6 7 3
Favorable psychological climate 5 3 4 5
The complexity of the work 9 9 6 6
Profession prestige 7 10 9 9
Participation in the management of the organization 6 11 5 10
Favorable working conditions 8 7 10 8
Opportunity to improve living conditions 11 4 8 13
Provision with office equipment 12 12 13 11
Low labor intensity 13 13 12 12
Opportunity to communicate while working 14 14 14 14

When investigating job satisfaction, the provisions of Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation were used. This theory divides the factors influencing job satisfaction into two groups. The amount of wages, working hours, social and hygienic conditions, the level of work organization, relations with colleagues, relations with the boss, technical equipment, the ability to solve social and domestic problems are hygienic factors. If these factors are absent or do not meet the expectations of workers, people immediately signal job dissatisfaction. If the situation with these factors is favorable, this does not mean that the level of job satisfaction will be high. Only the second group of factors, the so-called motivators, can make job satisfaction high. This group includes such factors as the diversity of work, the need to solve new problems, independence in work, the correspondence of work to personal abilities, the possibility of promotion. (Table 3.4, 3.5)

Table 3.4 - Factor-by-factor job satisfaction of managers

Factor Satisfaction of managers
Gene. director Deputy director Ch. accountant Beginning sales department Beginning supply department Total %
Independence at work 64,10 20,51
Compliance of work with personal abilities 53,85 35,90
Opportunity for promotion 17,95 48,72
Workplace organization 54,62 22,82
Level of labor organization 53,85 33,33
Relationships with colleagues 74,87 12,56
Relationship with immediate supervisor 87,18 5,13
The level of tech. Equipment 76,92 25,64
Opportunities for solving social problems 60,51 41,03
Organization of recreation and leisure 38,90 45,87

During the survey, it was revealed that 68.59% of respondents are satisfied with the salary, i.e. they are satisfied with hygienic factors: the possibility of solving social and domestic problems, the mode of work. But to some extent, they are not satisfied with the variety of work, the factors of human relations with colleagues, the possibility of promotion, the organization of recreation and leisure.

In order to improve the efficiency of labor activity and satisfaction with the work of employees, it is recommended that the management of the IE "Deranovskiy" develop a program to effectively stimulate the employees of the organization.

3.2 Development of an action plan to improve the motivation of employees of the IP "Deranovskiy"

The system of personnel motivation in the IP "Deranovskiy" inevitably requires the improvement of the use of socio-psychological methods and concepts of personnel management at the enterprise.

There are three main areas for improving the use of socio-psychological methods in motivating staff:

1. Maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team.

For this, it is necessary to carry out activities:

Involving staff in the formation and discussion of the values ​​of the company, it is obvious that the informal acceptance of goals by employees is possible only if they themselves actively participated in the process of analyzing the situation and choosing areas of activity. Actively interacting with subordinates in the preparation of a management decision, the manager helps to meet the needs of his employees in recognition of their competence and in a sense of belonging to the life of the company;

· Informal meetings with management, line managers. Organization of corporate events, meetings, conferences. For employees of the 1st level within their departments, for the 2nd level and above a corporate event.

The cost of the event \u003d number of people * 500 rubles \u003d 140 * 500 rubles \u003d 70,000 thousand rubles.

· Improving the system of material and moral incentives, so after the promotion of the instructor to the head of the shift, increase his salary by 4000 rubles, issue a subscription to a sports club; after promotion of a restaurant manager to a regional manager, increase salary by 15,000 thousand rubles, connect to a corporate mobile tariff; after promotion of a secretary to assistant general director, increase salary by 10,000 rubles, connect to a corporate mobile tariff; the need for social security, the opportunity for employees to improve their professionalism, career prospects;

· on the organization of joint activities, this requires a clear distribution of functional responsibilities, employees should have a common goal.

· It is necessary to improve the level of technical equipment and improve sanitary and hygienic working conditions, namely: the state of technical means and equipment, illumination of workplaces, dustiness and ventilation of premises, air temperature and humidity, noise level;

Table 3.6 - Economic justification for the project "Improving the efficiency of motivation management in IP Deranovsky

Direction Events Responsible Implementation date Cost thousand rubles per month
1. The program for managing the business career of personnel in the motivation system.

1. Implementation of a business career plan for the instructor

1.1. Increase in salary;

1.2. Issuance of a subscription to a sports club;

1.3. Payment for travel to another city for a seminar;

1.3. Education


October 2011

October 2011

September 2011

September 2011

2. Implementation of a business career plan for a manager

2.1. Increase in salary;

2.2 Mobile charges

2.2. Education

Regional Manager

October 2011

June 2011

September 2011

3. Implementation of a business career plan for the secretary.

3.1. Increase in salary;

3.2. Payment for mobile communications;

3.3. Education

Executive Director

November 2011

November 2011

September October 2011

2. The program for the formation of conditions for the development of a socio-psychological climate in the management of personnel motivation 1. Improving the level of technical equipment and improving sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Secretary


2. Departure to nature by the team of IP Deranovsky to celebrate the birthday of the company. Secretary 50000
3. Issuance of gym memberships to employees. Secretary September 2011 168000
Total: 340990

The effectiveness of the measures presented in the economic justification for the project “Improving the efficiency of motivation management in IP Deranovsky:

1. For a company, employee career management consists not only in setting goals for his professional development, but also in determining the means to achieve these goals. The cost of career planning and training of three employees who are promoted to the positions of shift supervisor, regional manager and assistant to the general director amounted to 133,500 rubles. They should be seen as an investment in employees, and therefore in the success of the company. At first glance, it may seem that career management requires a lot of expenses, time and money, and is clearly inferior in terms of efficiency to hiring an already established highly qualified specialist. But with a more detailed analysis, it becomes clear that these costs are fully justified. On the one hand, an employee who has gone through all the stages of professional growth in one organization knows better its specifics, strengths and weak sides. This is what makes his work more productive. It can be said with confidence that the management of an employee's business career is an active interaction of three parties: the employee, management and the personnel management service.

2. To improve the level of technical equipment and improve sanitary and hygienic working conditions, an analysis of this aspect was carried out earlier, based on those calculations, the costs in my program amounted to 1,546,404 rubles. Such high costs can affect satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, improve the nature of interpersonal relations in a team, and attitude towards joint activities, i.e. psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends. With these actions, the company can reduce the “turnover” rate of personnel and increase the loyalty of employees to the company.

3. To celebrate the birthday of the company, you need to spend 50,000 rubles. For the company, holding this event can even be said to be beneficial; the result of this event will be team building, improving mutual understanding, establishing interpersonal contacts, and maintaining corporate culture. I believe that the holding of such events has a very positive effect on the activities and success of the company, holding such events is especially effective in times of crisis.

4. The cost of issuing gym memberships to employees amounted to 1,680,000 rubles. = 12,000 thousand rubles. *140 people who are above the second level, because. our company cares about the health of its staff, so it is best for it to include subscriptions to a sports club in the "working" compensation package. It is desirable that the club be located near the place of work, be multidisciplinary, have a convenient work schedule. With this program, a company can form an organizational culture, increase employee loyalty to the company, and reduce “staff turnover”.

Economic costs for measures aimed at improving staff motivation amounted to 340,990 rubles.

Since for a company this moment this is a fairly large amount; all expenses will be distributed over the year, i.e. until December 2009. Implementation of measures will take place in 5 stages: Stage 1: improvement of the level of technical equipment and improvement of sanitary and hygienic working conditions; Stage 2: departure by the whole team to nature; Stage 3: training of an instructor, a restaurant manager and a secretary, according to the proposed business career plans; Stage 5: purchase and distribution among employees of subscriptions to the gym for a period of a year. All activities are scheduled to be completed by December 2011.


So, in conclusion, we can draw the following conclusions. IN modern science management of motivation plays a leading role.

For effective personnel management, it is necessary to know what motivates a person, what motivates him to work, what motives underlie his actions.

Motivation in personnel management is understood as a process of activating the motives of employees (internal motivation) and creating incentives (external motivation) to encourage them to work effectively. The purpose of motivation is the formation of a set of conditions that encourage a person to take actions aimed at achieving the goal with maximum effect. The process of motivation can be simplified into the following stages: identification of needs, formation and development of motives, management of them in order to change the behavior of people necessary to achieve goals, adjustment of the motivational process depending on the degree of achievement of results.

The theoretical foundations of motivation were laid by content and process theories of motivation. Active attempts are being made in modern management to revise the classical theories of motivation in order to adapt them to the larger modern structure of needs.

The personnel motivation system can be based on a wide variety of methods, the choice of which depends on the development of the incentive system at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself. The classification of methods of motivation, depending on the orientation to the impact on certain needs, can be carried out on organizational and administrative (organizational-administrative), economic and socio-psychological. Also, incentive methods can be grouped into the following four types: economic incentives, management by objectives, enrichment of labor, participation system.

Currently, there is a need to find new ways to reward employees for good work at Deranovsky IP. This will require management to change the way they do work. On the one hand, it is necessary to increase the level of remuneration of employees and thereby satisfy, at least partially, the dominant need of the personnel, motivating them to work.

On the other hand, it is more effective to change the system and establish higher salaries, while not only rewarding for good work, but also fining and punishing for failure to achieve planned results. This will be a demonstration by the management of enterprises that good work should be the norm, and bad work - if it is due to the fault of the workers - should be eliminated, and cases of poor quality work should be reduced.

Thus, the peculiarity of the modern intra-company mechanism of personnel management by means of motivation is the rejection of rigid administrative-command methods of influence and the use in combination of all methods of incentive influence in a complex at three levels: the employee as an individual, the working group and the team as a whole, for implementation and development intellectual, creative, entrepreneurial abilities of employees, which are considered as property and competitive advantage organizations.

– 480 s.

17. Mordovin S.K. Personnel management: Modern Russian practice - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.– 370 p.

Blinov A.A. Motivation of personnel of corporate structures // Marketing. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 88 ..

Ashirov D.A. Personnel Management. - M.: TK Velby, Prospect Publishing House, 2009. - P. 139.

Blinov A.A. Motivation of personnel of corporate structures // Marketing. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 91.

Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. Masters of Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - S. 39.

Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management - M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - S. 205.

Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management - M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - S. 207

Motivation of behavior in the process of work

With a change in the process of labor activity of needs, values, motivation and satisfaction, the labor behavior of the employee also changes.

An important link in the holistic process of self-realization as a process of developing the labor potential of an employee is self-regulation by the personality of complex behavioral acts that are part of labor behavior. By self-regulation, we will understand a form of regulation of labor behavior that is directed not at the outside world, but at oneself. Self-regulation involves the inclusion of the results of self-realization in it as indicators of the need and direction of activity. Moreover, this involvement is present at all stages of labor, from its motivation to the evaluation of results.

This area of ​​socio-psychological research should be of a monitoring nature, since its results affect all aspects of the life of the team (the success of adaptation, motivation and other labor processes) and the management activities of managers. Here, the problematic field of analysis is quite large and covers a wide range of human relations to various aspects of his life and professional employment. Value orientation determines the tactics and strategy of the individual's behavior, the goals of the activity. The study of these parameters must be considered in the aggregate of physical and spiritual abilities that can be used in the labor process.

The quality of working life can be improved by changing any organizational parameters that affect people. This includes the decentralization of power, participation in leadership matters, training, leadership development, promotion management programs, training employees in ways to communicate and behave more effectively in a team. All these measures are aimed at giving people additional opportunities to meet their active personal needs while improving the efficiency of the organization. From the successful management of interrelated system-forming processes of labor motivation

Psychological theories. In the field of personnel management, a number of psychological sciences and methods are used. The conclusions of general psychology are important for understanding the nature of the individual, taking into account the specific character, mentality, value orientations of employees, their perception of incentives, etc. Psychological theories of behavior, primarily behaviorist concepts, form the methodological basis of motivation theories. Psychoanalysis is used to evaluate personnel in the testing process. Social psychology explains many aspects of group behavior - leadership, cohesion, conformity, formal and informal communications, etc. Communication psychology is used to establish optimal interpersonal communications from the point of view of organizational goals. Labor psychology provides information about the mental component of labor activity. The conclusions of various branches of psychological knowledge are taken into account in the process of educational and upbringing work.

Driven by needs, motivated employees look for activities that best meet their expectations. These searches and expectations are constantly adjusted by the external environment, the conditions for achieving the desired, changing circumstances, stimulating influences, and the employee's self-esteem. In fact, incentives on the part of the enterprise should offer the employee such forms of satisfaction of needs that would be within the capabilities of the enterprise, would contribute to the manifestation of such labor behavior that the enterprise requires, and at the same time, meet the expectations of the employee. Everything

I. From the point of view of theory

II. Ways to improve labor motivation

III. Theories of labor motivation in the West

I. In the context of the formation of new economic mechanisms focused on a market economy, before industrial enterprises there is a need to work in a new way, taking into account the laws and requirements of the market, mastering a new type of economic behavior, adapting all aspects of production activity to a changing situation. In this regard, the contribution of each employee to the final results of the enterprise's activities increases. One of the main challenges for businesses various forms property - the search for effective ways of labor management, ensuring the activation of the human factor.

The decisive causal factor in the effectiveness of people's activities is their motivation.

Motivational aspects of labor management are widely used in countries with developed market economies. In our country, the concept of labor motivation in the economic sense appeared relatively recently in connection with the democratization of production. Previously, it was used mainly in industrial economic sociology, pedagogy, and psychology. This was due to a number of reasons. Firstly, economic sciences did not seek to analyze the relationship of their subjects with these sciences, and, secondly, in a purely economic sense, until recently, the concept of "motivation" was replaced by the concept of "stimulation". Such a truncated understanding of the motivational process led to an orientation towards short-term economic goals, towards achieving momentary profit. This had a destructive effect on the need-motivational personality of the employee, did not arouse interest in their own development, self-improvement, and it is this system that today is the most important reserve for increasing production efficiency.

Labor motivation is the process of stimulating an individual performer or a group of people to work, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, to the productive implementation of decisions made or planned work.

This definition shows the close relationship between the managerial and individual psychological content of motivation, based on the fact that management social system and a person, as opposed to management technical systems, contains, as a necessary element, the coordination of the chains of the object and the subject of control. The result of it will be the labor behavior of the object of management and, ultimately, definite result labor activity.

R. Owen and A. Smith considered money to be the only motivating factor. According to their interpretation, people are purely economic beings who work only to obtain the funds necessary for the purchase of food, clothing, housing, and so on.

Modern theories of motivation, based on the results of psychological research, prove that the true reasons that encourage a person to give all his strength to work are extremely complex and diverse. According to some scientists, the action of a person is determined by his needs. Those who hold a different position proceed from the fact that a person's behavior is also a function of his perceptions and expectations.

When considering motivation, one should focus on the factors that make a person act and reinforce his actions. The main ones are: needs, interests, motives and incentives.

Needs cannot be directly observed or measured, they can only be judged by the behavior of people.

Needs can be met by reward by giving a person what he considers valuable to himself. But in terms of "value" different people invest unequal meaning, and, consequently, their assessments of remuneration also differ. For example, a wealthy person may consider a few hours of family time more meaningful to himself than the money he receives for working overtime for the benefit of the organization. For a person working in a scientific institution, the respect of colleagues and interesting work may be more valuable than the material benefits that he would receive by performing the duties of, say, a seller in a prestigious supermarket.

A person receives “internal” reward from work, feeling the significance of his work, feeling for a certain team, satisfaction from communicating friendly relations with colleagues.

"External" remuneration is a salary, promotion, symbols of official status and prestige. These are the two components of rewarding an employee. The second is considered the most progressive, if only because it belongs to the upper part of the pyramid Maslow's needs.

The need for self-expression.

The need for respect.

Social needs.

The need for self-preservation.

physiological needs.

The motivational process can be represented in the form of the following stages one after another: the employee's awareness of his needs as a system of preferences, the choice of the best way to receive a certain type of remuneration, the decision to implement it; implementation of the action; receiving remuneration; satisfaction of need. The core of motivation-based management will be the impact in a certain way on the interests of the participants in the labor process in order to achieve the best performance results.

For labor management based on motivation, such prerequisites are necessary as identifying the inclinations and interests of the employee, taking into account his personal and professional abilities, identifying motivational opportunities and alternatives in the team and for a particular person. It is necessary to make fuller use of the personal goals of the participants in the labor process and the goals of the organization.

No goals set from outside arouse a person's interest in intensifying his efforts until they turn into his "internal" goal and further into his "internal" plan of action. Therefore, for the ultimate success, the coincidence of the goals of the employee and the enterprise is of great importance.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a mechanism to motivate the increase in labor efficiency. This means a set of methods and techniques for influencing employees from the enterprise management system, encouraging them to certain behavior in the labor process in order to achieve the goals of the organization, based on the need to satisfy personal needs.

II. Consider ways to improve labor motivation. They are combined into five relatively independent areas: material incentives, improving the quality of the workforce, improving the organization of labor, involving personnel in the management process, and non-monetary incentives.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity. It includes as elements the improvement of the wage system, the provision of opportunities for staff to participate in the property and profits of the enterprise.

Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to both maintaining labor activity at the proper level and increasing labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. In the end, there is a certain imposition or addiction to this type of exposure. Unilateral influence on workers only by monetary methods cannot lead to a lasting rise in labor productivity.

Although labor in our country, unlike highly developed countries, is currently considered mainly only as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for a normal psychological status, the preservation of human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others can act as dominant ones. It is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees. A lower level need must be satisfied before the next level need becomes a larger determinant of human behavior.

Needs are constantly changing, so you can’t expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

The next direction of improving motivation - improving the organization of labor - contains setting goals, expanding labor functions, enriching labor, production rotation, the use of flexible schedules, and improving working conditions.

Goal setting assumes that a correctly set goal, through the formation of an orientation towards its achievement, serves as a motivating tool for an employee.

The expansion of labor functions implies the introduction of diversity into the work of personnel, that is, an increase in the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the work cycle for each employee is lengthened, and the intensity of labor is growing. The use of this method is advisable in case of underloading of workers and their own desire to expand the range of their activities, otherwise this may lead to sharp resistance from the workers.

The enrichment of labor implies the provision of such work to a person that would enable growth, creativity, responsibility, self-actualization, inclusion in his duties of some functions of planning and quality control of the main, and sometimes related products. This method is expedient to apply in the field of work of engineering and technical workers.

For mass working professions, it is best to use production rotation, which involves the alternation of types of work and production operations, when workers periodically exchange jobs during the day, which is typical mainly for the brigade form of labor organization.

Improving working conditions is the most acute problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that encourages work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity and its efficiency.

Another side of this problem should be distinguished - the low labor culture of the workers themselves. For a long time, working in unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions, a person does not know how, and does not want to properly organize his workplace. Recently, Japanese methods of productivity management have been introduced as an experiment at our advanced enterprises, one of which is to improve the culture of production. Compliance with the five principles of work is one of the elements of labor morality.

Eliminate unnecessary items in the workplace

Properly arrange and store the necessary items

Maintain a clean and tidy workplace at all times

Constant readiness of the workplace for work

Learn discipline and observe the listed principles.

The condition of the workplace is assessed daily when checking the point score for compliance with its content to the specified rules. The workers have a direct interest in constantly maintaining their place in good condition, since in this case the tariff part of their earnings increases by 10%. The use of such a system allows to increase the level of production culture and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

In management, at least 6 methods of non-monetary incentives are used

1. APPROVAL. Approval is an even more powerful reward than money, which of course will always mean a lot. Almost all people respond positively if they feel valued and respected. According to Mary Kay Ash, owner of the successful Mary Kay Cosmetics, there are only two things people want more than sex and money: approval and praise. It is enough to approve good behavior, and it will soon be repeated.

There are following rules for managers:

praise immediately

praise a person's work

say that you are satisfied and you are pleased that the employee did this

after that, you should not stand over the soul of the worker, therefore, having completed your mission, leave.

2. ACTION. Employees who purchase shares and become co-owners behave like owners. But in order to use this method of remuneration, the enterprise must use group management decision-making, instead of authoritarian one, and produce a competitive product. Henry Ford also used this method. In his enterprises, the workers were shareholders. Michigan State University research has shown that using this reward method can increase a firm's revenue by 1.5 times. Unfortunately, in our Russian reality there is a miserable parody of this system due to the failure to fulfill the above conditions.

3. REWARD WITH FREE TIME. This will help keep employees from forming the habit of wasting time and will allow the employee to spend more time on himself and his family if he completes work ahead of schedule. This method is suitable for people with a free schedule. Otherwise, management will be tempted to increase the volume of work.

4 UNDERSTANDING AND SHOWING INTEREST IN THE WORKER. The method of remuneration is most significant for effective professional employees. For them, the intrinsic reward is big weight. This approach requires managers to have good informal contact with their subordinates, as well as knowledge of what excites and interests them.

5 PROMOTION ON THE SERVICE LADDER AND PERSONAL GROWTH. This method of remuneration requires a significant financial outlay for senior management, but it is what currently allows companies such as IBM, Digital equipment corp., General Motors to maintain a leading position in the US market. Moving up gives power, not just material goods. People love her even more than money.

6 PROVISION OF INDEPENDENCE AND FAVORITE JOB. This method is especially good when employees aspire to become professionals, but feel the pressure of control over themselves or feel that they would do other work much more professionally, with more dedication and the best results. Here, the manager's art lies in the ability to identify such an employee, which can be difficult to accept these actions as another control event. Very often, such people could work effectively without supervision from above, but lack of some courage does not allow them to turn to management about this.

Profit sharing.

The most common form of collective incentives is the so-called "PROFIT SHARING" system. The essence of the system of "sharing in profits" is that at the expense of a predetermined share of profits, a bonus fund is formed, from which employees receive regular payments. The amount of payments is made dependent on the level of profit, the overall results of the production and commercial activities of enterprises. Payments to workers and employees (including representatives of the highest administration) in the order of "sharing in profits" are not taxed. Thus, entrepreneurs are encouraged by the state to spread this system. In many cases, "profit sharing" involves the payment of all or part of the premium in the form of shares.

In the "profit sharing" system, bonuses are accrued for achieving specific results of the production activities of enterprises: increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs. Bonuses are accrued, as a rule, in proportion to the salary of each employee, taking into account the personal and labor characteristics of the performer: work experience, absence of delays and absenteeism, rationalization activities, as well as a tendency to cooperate, loyalty to the company, etc.

This system, as mentioned above, is certainly good only for enterprises that produce competitive goods and have a stable profit. Most likely - these are large firms.


Labor activity, %





Labor behavior is determined by the interaction of various internal and external motivating forces. Inner Motives:

  • · Needs;
  • · Interests;
  • · Desires;
  • · aspirations;
  • · Values;
  • Value orientations;
  • · Ideals;
  • · Motives.

The listed components are structural elements of the process of motivation of labor activity.

The process of motivation is the process of formation and functioning of internal motivating forces that determine labor behavior. The deepest source of motivation for a person's labor behavior is needs, which are understood as the need, the need for something for an employee, a team. There is a tradition of dividing needs into primary (natural and material) and secondary (social and moral). The relationship between these types of needs is complex, which contributed to the emergence of various social technologies:

  • 1. Primary needs are more important than secondary needs. The most famous such theory is Maslow's theory of needs, in which all needs are divided into 5 steps:
    • Physiological needs
    • The need for security is primary
    • The need for social connections
    • The need for self esteem
    • The need for self-expression secondary
  • 2. Primary and secondary needs are equivalent, equally weighty. Their simultaneous implementation gives effective and acceptable motives for work.
  • 3. In the absence of the ability to satisfy the primary need, their motivational functions are transferred to secondary needs (outside of motives, human activity is not possible).
  • 4. In the real mechanism of labor activity motivations, primary and secondary needs are difficult to distinguish, often coincide with each other. So wages are a condition not only for material, but also for spiritual consumption. Orientation to authority and career is often a converted form of striving for material prospects.
  • 5. Secondary needs weigh more than primary needs. In some cases, the material cannot replace and compensate for the moral. The material stimulus is significantly refracted through the moral nature of man.

Personal Needs appear in the form:

  • 1) Material needs (food, clothing, housing, personal security, rest);
  • 2) Spiritual (intellectual) needs (in knowledge, in familiarization with culture, science, art);
  • 3) Social needs associated with a person's relationship with other members of society.

Personal needs may be:

  • · Conscious;
  • · Unconscious.

Only a conscious need becomes a stimulus and regulator of labor behavior. In this case, the needs acquire a specific form of interest in those activities, objects and subjects. Any need can give rise to a variety of interests.

Need shows what a person needs, and interest shows how to act to satisfy this need. In the process of labor activity, collective (group) and personal interests constantly collide. The task of any team is to provide an optimal combination of interests. The types of collective interests are:

  • · Corporate;
  • departmental interests.

A mismatch of interests is observed when corporate interests prevail over public interests (in this case, departmental (collective, group) egoism).

Other important elements of the process work motivation are values ​​and value orientation.

Values ​​- a person's idea of ​​significant phenomena and objects for him, about the main goals of life and work. And also about the means to achieve the goal. Values ​​may or may not correspond to the content of the needs of interests. Values ​​are not a cast of needs and interests, but an ideal representation that does not always correspond to them.

The orientation of the individual to certain values ​​of material, spiritual culture is characterized by its value orientations, which serve as a guide in the behavior of the individual. There are values-goals (terminal) and values-means (instrumental). The former reflect the strategic goals of human existence (health, interesting work, love, material security). The latter are the means to achieve the goal (a sense of duty, a strong will, the ability to keep one's word, etc.), and can also represent a person's beliefs (moral - immoral, good - bad). Among internal stimuli, the motive is the link preceding the action.

Under the motive is understood the state of predisposition, readiness, inclination of a person to act in one way or another.

Predisposition- the internal position of the employee in relation to various objects and situations.

motive- the means by which a person explains and justifies his behavior. Motives give personal meaning to the work situation. Stable readiness for certain actions is expressed by the concept of installation.

Functions of motives:

  • 1) Orienting (the motive directs the behavior of the employee in a situation of choosing options for this behavior);
  • 2) Meaningful (the motive determines the subjective significance of this behavior for the employee, revealing its personal meaning);
  • 3) mediating (the motive is born at the junction of internal and external motivating forces, mediating their influence on behavior);
  • 4) Mobilizing (the motive mobilizes the forces of the employee for the implementation of significant activities for him);
  • 5) Justifying (a person justifies his behavior).

There are the following types of motives:

  • Motives of motivation (true real motives that activate to action);
  • Motives of judgment (proclaimed, openly recognized, carry the function of explaining their behavior to themselves and others);
  • Motives of the brake (they keep from certain actions, human activity is justified simultaneously by several motives or a motivational core).

The structure of the motivational core varies depending on the specific working conditions:

  • 1) The situation of choosing a specialty or place of work;
  • 2) Daily work situation;
  • 3) Situation of change of place of work or profession;
  • 4) The innovative situation is associated with a change in the characteristics of the working environment;
  • 5) Conflict situation.

For example, for everyday work behavior, the motivational core includes the following motives:

a) Motivations for providing the most important social needs first;

b) The motives of recognition, that is, the desire of a person to combine his functional activity with a certain occupation.

c) Motives of prestige, the desire of the employee to realize his social role, to occupy a worthy social status.

The mechanism of regulation of labor behavior.

Social norms play a significant role in the value regulation of labor behavior. Values ​​set the direction of human behavior, and norms regulate specific actions and actions. The norms prescribe to the employee official and permissible actions in the sphere of work. Social norms are formed on the basis of the values ​​of the labor collective. Their purpose is to ensure that employee behavior is consistent with shared collective values. Performing a prescriptive function, the norm sets the employee a certain official type of behavior. Dependence on the method of establishing the norm is divided into:

  • - Legal (legislated);
  • - Professionally official (role prescriptions fixed in job descriptions);
  • - Moral (reflect the ideals of social justice).

Self Assessment Tests

1. Self-esteem test

Choose from the figures in the picture the figure you like the most. Write its name in your notebook under number one. Now, under number two, write down the one that you don’t like at all or like less than others.

As you answer the questions, indicate how often you experience these sensations. To determine the level of your self-esteem, you need to add up all the points on the statements. Calculate how much you got in total.



NEVER -- 0

If you scored less than 10, then you need to get rid of the feeling of superiority over others. Take as a rule the principle: every conflict situation arises from a spark that we struck ourselves or helped kindle. Arrogance prevents you from establishing contact with people. Think about it. Otherwise, you are in danger of loneliness.

If the sum exceeds 30, then you underestimate yourself. You need to raise your self-esteem. Do a simple exercise: go to the mirror and say with twelve different intonations: "I am beautiful and smart." Don't think this is a joke exercise. Not at all. It's a pretty serious workout. nervous system, a self-immersion that will surely benefit you. Do not be afraid of yourself, people will be glad to see you.

If you scored from 10 to 30 points, then you can hope that everything is in order. If you feel insecure about yourself, use the advice above.