Motivation of personnel behavior in the process of entrepreneurial activity. Motivation of behavior in the process of work

Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V.


Abstract on the subject: "Personnel Management"

"Motivation of behavior in the process labor activity»

students: Rudakova E.V. group M-32 teacher: Aksenova

Moscow 2001

I. From the point of view of theory
II. Ways to improve labor motivation
III. Theories of labor motivation in the West
IV. Recommendations for modern conditions

I. In the context of the formation of new economic mechanisms focused on a market economy, industrial enterprises face the need to work in a new way, taking into account the laws and requirements of the market, mastering a new type of economic behavior, adapting all aspects of production activities to a changing situation. In this regard, the contribution of each employee to the final results of the enterprise's activities increases. One of the main tasks for enterprises of various forms of ownership is the search for effective ways labor management, ensuring the activation of the human factor.

The decisive causal factor in the effectiveness of people's activities is their motivation.

Motivational aspects of labor management received wide application in developed market economies. In our country, the concept of labor motivation in the economic sense appeared relatively recently in connection with the democratization of production. Previously, it was used mainly in industrial economic sociology, pedagogy, and psychology. This was due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the economic sciences did not seek to analyze the relationship of their subjects with the named sciences, and, secondly, in a purely economic sense, until recently, the concept
"motivation" was replaced by the concept of "stimulation". Such a truncated understanding of the motivational process led to an orientation towards short-term economic goals, towards achieving momentary profit. This had a destructive effect on the need-motivational personality of the employee, did not arouse interest in their own development, self-improvement, and it is this system that today is the most important reserve for increasing production efficiency.

Labor motivation is the process of stimulating an individual performer or a group of people to work, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, to the productive implementation of decisions made or planned work.

This definition shows the close relationship between the managerial and individual psychological content of motivation, based on the fact that the management of a social system and a person, in contrast to management technical systems, contains, as a necessary element, the coordination of the chains of the object and the subject of control. Its result will be the labor behavior of the object of management and, ultimately, a certain result of labor activity.

R. Owen and A. Smith considered money to be the only motivating factor.
According to their interpretation, people are purely economic beings who work only to obtain the funds necessary for the purchase of food, clothing, housing, and so on.

Modern theories of motivation, based on the results of psychological research, prove that the true reasons that encourage a person to give all his strength to work are extremely complex and diverse. According to some scientists, the action of a person is determined by his needs.
Those who hold a different position proceed from the fact that a person's behavior is also a function of his perceptions and expectations.

When considering motivation, one should focus on the factors that make a person act and reinforce his actions. The main ones are: needs, interests, motives and incentives.

Needs cannot be directly observed or measured, they can only be judged by the behavior of people.

Needs can be met by reward by giving a person what he considers valuable to himself. But in the concept of "value" different people put a different meaning, and, consequently, their assessments of remuneration also differ. For example, a wealthy person may consider a few hours of family time more meaningful to himself than the money he receives for working overtime for the benefit of the organization. For a person working in a scientific institution, the respect of colleagues and interesting work may be more valuable than the material benefits that he would receive by fulfilling the duties of, say, a seller in a prestigious supermarket.

A person receives “internal” reward from work, feeling the significance of his work, feeling for a certain team, satisfaction from communicating friendly relations with colleagues.

The need for self-expression.

The need for respect.

Social needs.

The need for self-preservation.

physiological needs.

The motivational process can be represented in the form of the following stages one after another: the employee's awareness of his needs as a system of preferences, choice the best way receiving a certain type of remuneration, making a decision on its implementation; implementation of the action; receiving remuneration; satisfaction of need. The core of management based on motivation will be the impact in a certain way on the interests of the participants in the labor process in order to achieve the best results.

For labor management based on motivation, such prerequisites are necessary as identifying the inclinations and interests of the employee, taking into account his personal and professional abilities, identifying motivational opportunities and alternatives in the team and for a particular person. It is necessary to make fuller use of the personal goals of the participants in the labor process and the goals of the organization.

No goals set from outside arouse a person's interest in intensifying his efforts until they turn into his "internal" goal and further into his "internal" plan of action. Therefore, for ultimate success great importance coincides with the goals of the employee and the enterprise.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a mechanism to motivate the increase in labor efficiency. This means a set of methods and techniques for influencing employees from the enterprise management system, encouraging them to certain behavior in the labor process in order to achieve the goals of the organization, based on the need to satisfy personal needs.

II. Consider ways to improve labor motivation. They are combined into five relatively independent areas: material incentives, improving the quality of the workforce, improving the organization of labor, involving personnel in the management process, and non-monetary incentives.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity. It includes as elements the improvement of the wage system, the provision of opportunities for staff to participate in the property and profits of the enterprise.

Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to both maintaining labor activity at the proper level and increasing labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. In the end, there is a certain imposition or addiction to this type of exposure. Unilateral influence on workers only by monetary methods cannot lead to a lasting rise in labor productivity.

Although labor in our country, unlike highly developed countries, is currently considered mainly only as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for a normal psychological status, the preservation of human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others can act as dominant ones. It is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees. A lower level need must be satisfied before the next level need becomes a larger determinant of human behavior.

Needs are constantly changing, so you cannot expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future.
With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand.
Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

The next direction of improving motivation - improving the organization of labor - contains setting goals, expanding labor functions, enriching labor, production rotation, the use of flexible schedules, and improving working conditions.

Goal setting assumes that a correctly set goal, through the formation of an orientation towards its achievement, serves as a motivating tool for an employee.

The expansion of labor functions implies the introduction of diversity into the work of personnel, that is, an increase in the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the work cycle for each employee is lengthened, and the intensity of labor is growing. The use of this method is advisable in case of underloading of workers and their own desire to expand the range of their activities, otherwise this may lead to sharp resistance from the workers.

The enrichment of labor implies the provision of such work to a person that would enable growth, creativity, responsibility, self-actualization, inclusion in his duties of some functions of planning and quality control of the main, and sometimes related products. This method is expedient to apply in the sphere of labor of engineering and technical workers.

For mass working professions, it is best to use production rotation, which involves the alternation of types of work and production operations, when workers periodically exchange jobs during the day, which is typical mainly for the brigade form of labor organization.

Improving working conditions is the most acute problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that encourages work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity and its efficiency.

1) Eliminate unnecessary items in the workplace

2) Properly arrange and store the right items

3) Keep the work area clean and tidy at all times

4) Constant readiness of the workplace for work

5) Learn discipline and observe the listed principles.

The condition of the workplace is assessed daily when checking the point score for compliance with its content to the specified rules. The workers have a direct interest in constantly maintaining their place in good condition, since in this case the tariff part of their earnings increases by 10%.
The use of such a system allows to increase the level of production culture and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

In management, at least 6 methods of non-monetary incentives are used
1. APPROVAL. Approval is an even more powerful reward than money, which of course will always mean a lot. Almost all people respond positively if they feel valued and respected. According to
Mary Kay Ash, owner of the successful Mary Kay Cosmetics, there are only two things people want more than sex and money: approval and praise. It is enough to approve good behavior, and it will soon be repeated.
There are following rules for managers:
1. praise immediately
2. Praise the person's work
3. say that you are satisfied and that you are pleased that the employee did this
4. after that, you should not stand over the soul of the worker, therefore, having completed your mission, leave.
2. ACTION. Employees who purchase shares and become co-owners behave like owners. But in order to use this method of remuneration, the enterprise must use group management decision-making, instead of authoritarian one, and produce a competitive product. Henry Ford also used this method. In his enterprises, the workers were shareholders. State University Research
Michigan showed that the use of this method of reward can in
1.5 times increase the company's income. Unfortunately, in our Russian reality there is a miserable parody of this system due to the failure to fulfill the above conditions.
3. REWARD WITH FREE TIME. This will help keep employees from forming the habit of wasting time and will allow the employee to spend more time on himself and his family if he completes the work ahead of the allotted time. This method is suitable for people with a free schedule. Otherwise, management will be tempted to increase the volume of work.
4 UNDERSTANDING AND SHOWING INTEREST IN THE WORKER. The method of remuneration is most significant for effective professional employees. For them, the intrinsic reward is big weight. This approach requires managers to have good informal contact with their subordinates, as well as knowledge of what excites and interests them.
5 PROMOTION ON THE SERVICE LADDER AND PERSONAL GROWTH. This method of remuneration requires a significant financial outlay for senior management, but it is precisely this that currently allows companies such as IBM,
”Digital equipment corp.”, ”General Motors”, to maintain the leading position in the US market. Moving up gives power, not just material goods. People love her even more than money.

6 PROVISION OF INDEPENDENCE AND FAVORITE JOB. This method is especially good when employees aspire to become professionals, but feel the pressure of control over themselves or feel that they would do other work much more professionally, with more dedication and better results. Here, the manager's art lies in the ability to identify such an employee, which can be difficult to accept these actions as another control event. Very often, such people could work effectively without supervision from above, but lack of some courage does not allow them to turn to management about this.

Profit sharing.

The most common form of collective incentives is the so-called "PROFIT SHARING" system. The essence of the system of "sharing in profits" is that at the expense of a predetermined share of profits, a bonus fund is formed, from which employees receive regular payments. The amount of payments is made dependent on the level of profit, the overall results of the production and commercial activities of enterprises. Payments to workers and employees (including representatives of the highest administration) in the order of "sharing in profits" are not taxed.
Thus, entrepreneurs are encouraged by the state to spread this system. In many cases, "profit sharing" involves the payment of all or part of the premium in the form of shares.

In the "profit sharing" system, bonuses are accrued for achieving specific results of the production activities of enterprises: increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs. Bonuses are accrued, as a rule, in proportion to the salary of each employee, taking into account the personal and labor characteristics of the performer: work experience, absence of delays and absenteeism, rationalization activities, as well as a tendency to cooperate, loyalty to the company, etc.

This system, as mentioned above, is certainly good only for enterprises that produce competitive goods and have a stable profit. Most likely - these are large firms.

| Motivation | Labor activity,% | |
| Material | 48.2 |
| Comfortable | 55.6 |
| Self-realization | 37.5 |
| Sociocentric | 56.4 |

III. In the West, there are many theories of labor motivation. For example, D. McKieland's theory focuses on needs top level: power, success, involvement. In different people, one or the other of them can dominate. Power-oriented people show themselves as frank and energetic individuals who strive to defend their point of view, not afraid of conflict and confrontation. Under certain conditions, high-level leaders grow out of them.

People who are dominated by the need for success, as a rule, are not inclined to take risks, they are able to take responsibility for themselves. For such people, the organization should provide a greater degree of autonomy and the opportunity to see things through to the end.

Motivation based on the need for involvement is typical for people interested in developing personal ties, establishing friendships, helping each other. Such employees should be involved in work that will give them the opportunity to communicate widely.

A well-known scholar in the field of leadership D. Mack. Gregor, highlighting two basic principles of influencing people's behavior, formulated "theory x" and
"theory y".
| Traditional approach | Modern approach | |
| Theory X | Theory Y | Theory Z |
|1. Most |1. Job is |1. Care needed |
| employees do not like | desired | about each employee in | |
| work and tries to | most | in general (taking care of |
| Opportunities for its | employees. | quality of life) | |
| to avoid. | | | |
|2. Most |2. Employees |2. attraction |
| employees | capable of | employees to | |
| need to force | purposefulness and | group process |
| do the work, | self-control, | acceptance |
| providing | capable of | managerial |
| administrative, | independently | decisions. |
| economic and | define strategies | | |
| psychological | achieve goals. | |
| pressure. | | |
|3. Most |3. Interest|3. Periodical |
| employees | employees depends on | staff rotation and | |
| only interested | systems | life |
| safe. | | rewards for | warranty | |
| | final | employment. |
| | result. | |
|4. Most |4. Employee | |
| employees | aspires to | | |
| Prefers to be | responsibility and | | |
| performers and | independently | | |
| avoids | accepts | | |
| responsibility. | managerial | |
| | functions. | | |
|5. Almost all |5. Many employees | |
| employees do not have | have developed | | |
| creative | imagination, | | |
| abilities and | creative | | |
| initiatives. | | ability, | |
| | ingenuity. | |

"Theory x" is an authoritarian type of government leading to direct regulation and tight control. According to this theory, people initially do not like to work, so they should be forced, controlled, directed, threatened with punishment in order to force them to work to achieve the goals of the organization. Average person prefers to be led, he avoids responsibility.

"Theory y" is based on the democratic principles of delegation of authority, enrichment of the content of work, improvement of relationships, recognition that people's motivation is determined by a complex set of psychological needs and expectations. The democratic leader believes that the work of a person, the natural state, and "external" control is not the main and not the only means of influence, the employee can exercise self-control, strive for responsibility, is prone to self-education and ingenuity. These two theories are substantive theories of motivation.

There are three main process theories of motivation: expectations theory, equity theory, and the Porter-Lawler model.

Equity theory assumes that people subjectively evaluate the ratio of reward to effort expended and compare it with what they believe other workers received for similar work. Unfair, according to their estimates, remuneration leads to the emergence of psychological stress. In general, if a person considers his work underestimated, he will reduce the effort expended. If he considers his work overvalued, then he, on the contrary, will leave the amount of effort expended at the same level or even increase it.

The widely supported Porter-Lawler model is based on the fact that motivation is a function of needs, expectations and employees' perception of fair compensation. The performance of an employee depends on the effort he puts in. characteristic features and opportunities, as well as his assessment of his role. The amount of effort expended depends on the employee's assessment of the value of the reward and the confidence that it will be received. According to the Porter-Lawler model, labor productivity continues satisfaction, and not vice versa, as supporters of the theory of human relations believe.

Remuneration is a motivating factor only if it is directly related to the results of labor. Employees must be convinced of the existence of a stable relationship between the material remuneration received and labor productivity. The salary must contain a component that depends on the results achieved.

The Russian mentality is characterized by the desire for collective work, recognition and respect for colleagues, and so on. Today, when high wages are difficult due to the difficult economic situation, special attention should be paid to non-material incentives, creating a flexible system of benefits for employees, humanizing work, including: recognizing the value of an employee for the organization, providing him with creative freedom, applying labor enrichment programs and staff rotation; use a rotating schedule, part-time work, the ability to work both at the workplace and at home; establish discounts for employees on products manufactured by the company in which they work; provide funds for recreation and leisure, provide free tours, issue loans for the purchase of housing, a garden plot, cars, and so on.

Let's try to formulate the motivating factors of labor organization that lead to the satisfaction of the needs of higher levels.

At his workplace, everyone wants to show what he is capable of and what he means to others, therefore, it is necessary to recognize the results of the activities of a particular employee, provide the opportunity to make decisions on issues within his competence, and advise other employees.

In the workplace, a team mindset should be formulated: emerging informal groups should not be destroyed unless they cause real damage to the goals of the organization.

Almost everyone has their own point of view on how to improve their work. Relying on the interested support of management, without fear of sanctions, work should be organized so that the employee does not lose the desire to realize his plans.

Therefore, in what form, with what speed and in what way employees receive information, they assess their real significance in the eyes of management, therefore it is impossible to make decisions regarding changes in the work of employees without their knowledge, even if the changes are positive, and also make it difficult to access the necessary information. Information about the quality of work of an employee should be prompt, large-scale and timely.

The employee should be given the greatest possible degree of self-control.
Most people strive to acquire new knowledge in the process of work.
Therefore, it is so important to provide subordinates with the opportunity to learn, encourage and develop their creative abilities.

Every person strives for success. Success is the achieved goals, for the achievement of which the employee has made every effort. Success without recognition leads to disappointment, kills initiative. This will not happen if subordinates who have achieved success are delegated additional rights and powers, and promote them up the career ladder.

Managing people is an art. He can not learn only at the institute. Only practice, years of work, many books read and separate theoretical methods that work in real life.


1. Komarova N. Labor motivation and performance improvement.

|| Man and Labor 1997 No. 10.

2. Economics of the enterprise / Ed. Semenova V.M. M. 1996.

3. . Hekhauzen X. Motivation and activity: In 2 vols. T.I. -M..

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Coursework on the topic:

"Motivation of behavior in the process of work"

in the discipline "Personnel Management"

Completed by: K3M1

Mamedova K.Sh.

Checked: ken. Tagaev A.V.





2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise IP Deranovsky

2.2 Economic activity of IP Deranovsky

2.3 Features of building a system of payment and incentives for IP Deranovsky

3.1 Survey of employee satisfaction with the work of FE "Deranovskiy"

3.2 Development of an action plan to improve the motivation of employees of the IP "Deranovskiy"




The formation of a market economy in Russia creates conditions under which the importance of the human factor in production and business increases: the knowledge, experience, skills of employees become the main source of efficiency and competitiveness of business organizations.

Today, the motivation of labor resources is one of the important strategic directions for the development of an enterprise. Motivation is aimed at the most effective use of the abilities of employees in accordance with the goals of the enterprise and society, by creating a creative work team capable of change, development and renewal.

To provide effective work personnel, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of constructive cooperation, in which each member of the team is interested in the fullest realization of their abilities. Creating such a socio-psychological atmosphere is the most difficult task of personnel management. It is solved on the basis of developing a system of motivation, evaluating the results of work, and choosing a management style.

Under the current economic situation in Russia, the topic of this graduation project is relevant, since among the complex of management problems, the problem of improving the management of the company's personnel plays a special role. The task of this area of ​​management is to increase the efficiency of production through the comprehensive development and reasonable use of the creative forces of a person, to increase the level of his qualifications, competence, responsibility, and initiative.

The key place is occupied by the definition of ways to increase productivity, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as to stimulate and motivate employees.

The result-oriented leader consciously bases his activities in the management of individuals and groups on a thoughtful idea of ​​​​the person, which he strives to constantly develop.

The image of a modern manager is determined by ideas about work and the systems of motivation and attitudes of employees to work that follow from them. Changing ideas about the content and nature of work, free time and quality of life place new demands on personnel management. The training and continuous education of staff is becoming increasingly important. The relevance of training managerial personnel at all levels is especially growing.

At the present stage of development of entrepreneurship in Russia, the topic of the course work is relevant and very important, since human resources are the most decisive factor in the success of any business.

Based on the foregoing, this thesis the main theoretical questions the mechanism of personnel management through motivation, important aspects of the motivational process and methods of influencing the organization's human resources are also highlighted.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the influence of the labor motivation system on the behavior of employees (on the example of IP "Deranovskiy"). To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. consider the essence and content of the concept of motivation in the enterprise;

2. to characterize the methods of motivational impact on the labor resources of the organization;

3. assess the financial and economic situation at IP "Deranovskiy"

4. to analyze the current system of labor incentives at IP "Deranovskiy";


1.1 The content of the concept “motivation system

Motivation is a process that begins with a physiological or psychological lack or need that activates a behavior or creates an urge to achieve a specific goal or reward. Thus, the key to understanding the process of motivation lies in the meaning of the words “needs”, “motivation”, “reward” and in the relationship between them.

The motivation system is a set of material and non-material incentives designed to ensure high-quality and productive work of employees, as well as to attract the most talented specialists to the company and retain them. In other words, Blinov A.A. Motivation of personnel of corporate structures // Marketing. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 88 ..:

· attract the right employees;

Engage and unleash their potential;

Retain productive employees.

The system of personnel motivation is a rather acute issue for many companies. There is such an expression: the ideal employee does not exist, only his functions are performed. However, this does not happen, because we work with ordinary living people, each of whom is different, with their own beliefs, outlook on life, etc. Therefore, it is not easy to make sure that each of these people does what is required for the company. There is no unequivocal decision on this issue, there are only a number of principles, for example, an individual approach, the connection of labor results with remuneration. In world practice, a number of constituent components have gradually developed to achieve the necessary motivation of personnel.

The motivation system is formed by fixed and variable elements of remuneration, benefits and factors of non-material motivation.

First, we will talk about the permanent part of motivation, in other words, about the salary. It is paid to the employee regardless of the results achieved. Often it is formed on the basis of grades, that is, a certain scale that looks like a rank grid, which exists in state institutions to this day. Each position is compared with some grade, this is done according to several objective criteria, for example, financial responsibility, the total number of subordinates, etc. Grades allow you to create a sense of fair reward. However, it rarely happens that a person will try very hard to get a salary. This is how rewards are used. Ashirov D.A. Personnel Management. - M.: TK Velby, Prospect Publishing House, 2009. - S. 139.

Variable rewards can be bonuses, interest, bonuses, etc. Receiving remuneration mainly corresponds to the results of the work of the employee, such a system of staff motivation must be connected in order to expect a good result from the employee. There are several ways to determine variable remuneration. The first method is called "from the master's shoulder." Often it can be found in small companies to encourage a distinguished employee, however, in large companies it is difficult to build a system based on it, thus it is not effective in them. The next way is based on key performance indicators. For positions and departments, commensurate indicators of the effectiveness of their work can be determined (this may be sales volume, the number of new customers, etc.). The indicators are regularly measured and the bonus is calculated mathematically. The system is very simple and clear. Another way is based on competencies, such as teamwork, loyalty. They are measured using a survey of employees, and remuneration is formed on their basis.

For non-material motivation, the following components can be distinguished:

· social politics;

· corporate culture;

· communication;

· competition.

Corporate culture is a set of elements that motivate employees without any monetary payments, creating favorable climate for work

The basic elements of corporate culture include Blinov A.A. Motivation of personnel of corporate structures // Marketing. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 91 .:

company mission (general philosophy and policy);

basic goals (company strategy);

Ethical code of the company (relationships with customers, suppliers, employees);

corporate style (color, logo, flag, uniform).

Intangible motivation is usually often neglected. However, this is not prudent, since this system of personnel motivation allows both saving the company money and giving the employee something that you cannot get for money.

In general, in the system of motivation, it should reflect the prospects for the development of the enterprise, since motivation implies purposeful behavior and is determined by it.

It is obvious that a well-planned motivational system that is stable at all personal levels is one of the main factors that guarantee the effective operation of an organization.

Setting up a motivation system is a complex process, because the analysis of the practice of companies does not allow us to identify a universal motivator. During this process, depending on the initial diagnosis of the company, one or another method of motivation is involved.

Possible methods of motivation include:

1. Fair monetary reward

For a pay system to work effectively, it needs to meet the following requirements: there must be a clearly defined relationship between reward and effort expended, performance measurement methods must be generally recognized as fair and consistent

That is, financial motivators (bonuses, bonuses, commission schemes) work only when there is a connection between effort and reward, and the value of the reward corresponds to the effort.

2. Empowerment and responsibility

For the correct implementation of this method, employees must be able to control the key processes of performing their duties in the context of an overall transparent structure of activity. This ability is based on obtaining information about the goals and mission of the organization, its history and market; about the goals of the department/unit where the employee works; his job description, informal information about the organization (should correspond to information obtained formally)

3. Awakening interest in work

People as professionals want to have an interesting job and see the result of their efforts. There is no one-size-fits-all measure of interest in a job, just as there is no simple and affordable solution to making work interesting. Surveys, job rotation and turnover, absenteeism rates, appraisal analysis, etc. can serve as indicators.

4. Opportunity for personal growth

Interesting work remains such until a certain point, it needs growth and development, and, accordingly, new knowledge. Employees should be aware of what steps they need to take for career and professional growth, as well as be able to gain new knowledge.

5. Formation of loyalty / loyalty to the organization (Commitment)

By definition, a "commitment" has three components:

Understanding the goals and values ​​of the company;

desire to belong to the organization;

Willingness to contribute to the good of the organization.

Loyalty is transmitted from the leader and the goals he expresses. Managers who have a vision of the desired future of the organization, clearly define the goals and values ​​of the company, are able to lead employees in a given direction and provide them with the resources to complete tasks. Motivation and productivity are higher when specific goals are defined, when goals are challenging but achievable. The participation of employees in setting goals is important as a means of reaching an agreement, as well as feedback.

6.Formation of the spirit of cooperation and corporate culture

The goal in this context will be to create a motivational climate, emphasizing and promoting the norms and values ​​of the company. Working in a team of like-minded people can turn individual efforts into amazing success. Difficult tasks are sometimes only possible for collective performance.

In conclusion, we note that motivational incentives work only in the case of the systematic use of both external and internal motivators, their relationship and taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the staff.

1.2 Methods of motivating staff

The methods of motivating personnel can be very diverse and depend on the elaboration of the motivation system at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

There are the following methods of motivating effective labor behavior Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. Masters of Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - S. 39 .:

· material encouragement;

· organizational methods;

moral and psychological.

The most common form (method) of material motivation is an individual bonus. It is advisable to pay it once a year, otherwise it will turn into wages and lose its motivating role. It is advisable to determine in advance the percentage of the bonus at the end of the year and adjust it in accordance with the achievements of the employee. The size of the bonus should, as a rule, be at least 30% of the main salary (according to F. Taylor), while at the lowest level of management the bonus should be 10-30%, on the average 10-40%, at the highest 15-50%.

The effectiveness of bonuses is largely determined by the correct choice of indicators, their differentiation depending on the role and nature of departments, the level of positions, focus on real contribution and final results, the flexibility of criteria for assessing employee achievements.

Satisfaction with material remuneration, its fair level motivates the initiative of people, forms their commitment to the organization, and attracts new employees to it.

Although labor in our country, unlike highly developed countries, is currently considered mainly only as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for a normal psychological status, the preservation of human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others can act as dominant ones. It is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees. The need of a lower level must be satisfied before the need of the next level becomes a more significant factor determining human behavior Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management - M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - S. 205 ..

Of course, no system of material remuneration can fully take into account the nature and complexity of labor, the personal contribution of the employee and the entire scope of work, since many labor functions are not recorded at all in regulations and job descriptions.

Needs are constantly changing, so you cannot expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

As noted, in addition to economic (material) methods of motivation, there are non-economic ones, namely: organizational and moral-psychological ones.

Organizational methods of motivation (motivation) include:

participation in the affairs of the organization (usually social);

the prospect of acquiring new knowledge and skills;

enrichment of the content of labor (providing more interesting work with prospects for job and professional growth).

Moral and psychological methods of motivation include Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management - M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - S. 207:

creation of conditions conducive to the formation of professional pride, personal responsibility for work (the presence of a certain amount of risk, the opportunity to succeed);

the presence of a challenge, providing opportunities to express oneself in work;

Recognition (personal and public) (valuable gifts, certificates of honor, Board of Honor, etc. For special merits - awarding orders and medals, badges, awarding honorary titles, etc.);

high goals that inspire people to effective work (any task must contain an element of challenge);

An atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

A kind of complex method of motivation is promotion. However, this method is internally limited, since, firstly, the number of high-ranking positions in the organization is limited; secondly, promotion requires increased costs for retraining.

In management practice, as a rule, various methods and their combinations are used simultaneously. For effective management of motivation, it is necessary to use all three groups of methods in enterprise management. Thus, the use of only power and material motivations does not allow mobilizing the creative activity of staff to achieve the goals of the organization. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to apply spiritual motivation.

The above scheme for classifying stimulation methods is classical. In modern management, other groupings of incentive methods are also used. Enlarged all methods of stimulation can also be grouped into the following four types:

1) Economic incentives of all types (salary in all its varieties, including contract, bonuses, benefits, insurance, interest-free loans etc.). The success of their impact is determined by the extent to which the team understands the principles of the system, recognizes them as fair, to what extent the inevitability of reward (punishment) and work results is observed, their close connection in time.

2) Goal management. This system is widely used in the United States and provides for the establishment of a chain of goals for an individual or group that contributes to the solution of the main task of the organization (achieving certain quantitative or qualitative levels, improving the skills of personnel, etc.). Achieving each goal automatically means an increase in salary or another form of encouragement.

1) Enrichment of labor - this system is more related to non-economic methods and means providing people with more meaningful, promising work, significant independence in determining the mode of work, the use of resources. In many cases, wage growth is added to this, not to mention social status.

2) The participation system currently exists in various forms: from the wide involvement of the team in decision-making on the most important problems of production and management (Japan) to ownership participation by acquiring shares of one's own enterprise on favorable terms (USA, England). Motives as internal motives for the activity of individuals should be distinguished from external motives - incentives, that is, the influence of objective conditions that become motives if they become subjectively significant, meet the needs of the subject. A stimulus (lat. stimulus - a pointed stick used to drive animals, a goad) is an impulse, the effect of which is mediated by the human psyche, his views, feelings, interests, aspirations, etc.


2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise IP Deranovsky

IP Deranovsky was established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of creation is the implementation of market relations and profit based on meeting the needs of citizens, legal entities in manufactured products and goods, work performed and services rendered in the areas determined by the subject of activity.

The company is a legal entity from the moment of state registration, has an independent balance sheet, a current account in a banking institution, and is also an independent business entity, acting on its own behalf as a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The property of the organization is formed by:

income from own activities;

Targeted contributions and entrance fees, which can be made both in cash and in property;

other receipts not prohibited by law.

The highest body of IP "Deranovskiy" is the meeting of participants. The exclusive competence of the general meeting of participants includes:

· Determining the main activities of IE "Deranovskiy", as well as making a decision on participation in associations and other associations of commercial organizations.

· Approval of annual reports and annual balance sheets.

· Deciding on the distribution of the company's net profit among its participants.

· Approval (adoption) of documents regulating the internal activities of the company.

· Appointment of an audit.

· Deciding on the reorganization and liquidation of the company.

The executive body of the company is the General Director. The General Director may be elected from among the members of the company at the general meeting for a period of 5 years.

CEO IP Deranovsky:

1. determines the main activities of the IP;

2. considers current and future work plans;

3. determines the organizational structure of the company;

4. manages the property of the enterprise within the limits established by the general meeting, this charter and current legislation;

5. approves the staff list of employees of the enterprise;

6. hires and dismisses employees, including his deputies, chief accountant, heads of departments;

7. approves contract prices for products and tariffs for services;

8. organizes accounting and reporting;

9. makes decisions on other issues related to the current activities of the organization.

The main activity is the wholesale and retail sale of spare parts, machines, mechanisms and accessories for grain and forage harvesters of the DON, NIVA, YENISEY families and other agricultural machinery, as well as air conditioners and components for them from various companies. In this area, there are many companies that produce and sell agricultural machinery. The main major competitors are: Yugtekhkomplekt, Bizon, Tekhnokom.

The organizational structure is aimed primarily at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the organization, the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them. It implements various requirements for improving management systems, which are expressed in various management principles.

IP Deranovsky has four main departments: accounting, personnel department, supply and sales department. There is also a warehouse and a security service.

Each of the departments performs strictly defined functions. The accounting department keeps records and controls all business operations of the enterprise, as well as analysis and planning of financial and economic activities.

The personnel department is engaged in the selection and placement of personnel, training and retraining of employees of IP Deranovsky. Conducts activities to motivate, adapt and organize work.

The sales department specializes in finding and expanding the customer base by phone or via the Internet, identifying customer needs; provides information on new developments, assists the client in choosing a product; informs the client about the technical characteristics and quality of the products sold; advises, if necessary, clients by phone.

The supply department deals with the supply of materials, the analysis of suppliers and markets for raw materials.

At the enterprise under consideration, the number of employees is 38 people in the amount of 19 positions.

2. 2 Economic activity IP Deranovsky

Currently, the country's food industry is developing dynamically, many small, medium and large enterprises are being created, and, consequently, the market for the organization's products is growing. IP Deranovsky is negotiating the sale of packaging products for the food industry in the range.

Table 2.1 shows that at this enterprise, IP Deranovsky, the main share in the sources of asset formation is occupied by borrowed capital, and its share increases every year, and its own, respectively, decreases. (Table 2.1)

Table 2.1 - Analysis of the dynamics and structure of sources of capital IE IE Deranovsky

In the process of subsequent analysis, the dynamics and structure of equity and debt capital will be studied in more detail, the reasons for the change in their individual components will be clarified, and an assessment of these changes for the reporting period will be given.

The data in Table 2.2 show changes in the size and structure of equity capital: the amount and share of retained earnings have increased significantly, with a decrease in the share of authorized capital. The total amount of equity for the reporting year increased compared to 2009 by 100 thousand rubles, or by 97%, and compared to 2008 by 90%. This increase was due to the capitalization of profit by 100 thousand rubles. (table 2.2)

Table 2.2 - Dynamics of the equity capital structure of IP Deranovsky

The composition and structure of borrowed funds have a great influence on the financial condition of the enterprise, i.e. ratio of long-term and short-term financial liabilities.

From table 2.3 it follows that in 2009 the amount of borrowed funds increased by 30,046 thousand rubles, or by 202.89% compared to 2008, or by 38,383 thousand rubles. (593.06%) compared to 2007

Table 2.3 - Dynamics of the structure of debt capital of IP Deranovsky

Source of borrowed funds

Amount, thousand rubles.

Capital structure, interest



Long-term loans

Short term loans

Creditor. debt



to the staff of the organization

to state extrabudgetary funds

on taxes

other loans

Other current liabilities

Significant changes also took place in the structure: the share of long-term loans sharply decreased in 2008 by 829 thousand rubles. or by 12.81 percentage points, but accounts payable increased sharply, in the structure of which the largest share is debt to suppliers (in 2009, 67.91 percentage points).

Thus, the analysis of the structure of own and borrowed funds is necessary to assess the rationality of the formation of sources of financing for the activities of the enterprise and its market stability. This is very important when determining a promising option for organizing finance and developing a financial strategy.

Also, the financial condition of the enterprise and its stability largely depend on what property the enterprise has, in what assets the capital is invested and what income they bring.

Information about the placement of capital at the disposal of the enterprise is contained in the asset balance. Each type of allocated capital corresponds to a certain balance sheet item.

In the process of analyzing the assets of the enterprise, IP Deranovsky, first of all, one should study changes in their composition and evaluate them.

Table 2.4 - Asset structure of IP Deranovsky

Enterprise funds

Fixed assets

current assets



non-monetary assets

monetary assets

Table 2.4 shows that during the reporting year, compared to 2008, the structure of the assets of the analyzed enterprise has changed somewhat: the share of fixed capital (non-current assets) decreased by 14.58 percentage points, and the share of working capital, respectively, increased by 14.58 percentage points .p. In this regard, the organic composition of capital has changed: in 2009 the ratio of working capital to fixed capital is 5.07, and in 2008 - 2.22, which will accelerate its turnover.

Monetary assets have an insignificant share in the total balance sheet currency, and in the reporting year their share increased by 6.19%

Non-current assets are investments with long-term goals in real estate, intangible assets, etc.

Table 2.5 shows that during the analyzed period the amount of fixed capital increased by 60.3% (7422 / 4630 * 100-100), this was facilitated by a significant increase in the amount of fixed capital. The amount and share of construction in progress decreased, which should be assessed positively.

Table 2.5 - Composition and dynamics of the fixed capital of IP Deranovsky

Enterprise funds

fixed assets

Non-monetary assets

Construction in progress

Since the financial condition of the enterprise largely depends on the state of current assets, they require a more thorough analysis.

From the data in Table 2.6 it can be seen that the analyzed enterprise is undergoing significant structural changes, which can be characterized as a sign of unstable operation of the enterprise.

Table 2.6 - Analysis of the dynamics and composition of current assets of IP Deranovsky

Source of borrowed funds

Availability of funds, thousand rubles

Structure of funds, %






raw materials, materials, etc.

WIP costs

SOEs and goods for resale

Future spending

VAT on purchased assets


Short-term financial investments


The financial condition of the enterprise, its stability largely depend on the optimality of the structure of capital sources (the ratio of own and borrowed funds) and on the optimal structure of the enterprise's assets, primarily on the ratio of fixed and working capital, as well as on the balance of certain types of assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

Therefore, we first analyze the structure of the sources of capital of the enterprise, and then assess the degree of financial stability and financial risk. To this end, we calculate the following indicators, the calculation of which is given in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7 - The structure of liabilities (liabilities) IP Deranovsky


Indicator level



Borrowed capital

Short-term financial liabilities

Long-term debt capital

Financial autonomy ratio

share of equity capital in total balance sheet currency

Financial dependency ratio

the share of borrowed capital in the total balance sheet currency

current debt ratio

short-term financial liabilities / balance sheet currency

Long-term financial independence ratio

equity and long-term capital/balance sheet currency

Equity debt coverage ratio

equity/debt capital

Financial leverage ratio

debt capital/equity capital

From the data in Table 2.7, we can conclude that every year the financial condition of the enterprise becomes less stable, since the level of financial autonomy coefficients, financial stability and solvency is getting smaller every year. At this enterprise, IE Deranovsky, the share of equity capital tends to increase slightly; for the reporting period, it increased by 0.007%. The financial leverage increased by 77.18%. This indicates that the financial dependence of the enterprise on external investors has increased significantly. Also, the increased standard of the ratio of borrowed and own funds in comparison with other industries is explained by the fact that at this enterprise IP Deranovsky capital turns around quickly, and the share of fixed capital is small.

The most complete financial stability of the enterprise can be disclosed on the basis of the study of the balance between the items of the asset and liabilities of the balance sheet. With the balance of assets and liabilities in terms of use and cycles, a balance is provided in the inflow and outflow of funds, and, consequently, the solvency of the enterprise and its financial stability. In this regard, the analysis of the financial balance of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet is the basis for assessing the financial stability of the enterprise, its liquidity and solvency.

The main source of financing for non-current assets, as a rule, is permanent capital (equity and long-term loans and borrowings). Current assets are formed both at the expense of own capital and at the expense of short-term borrowed funds.

2.3 Features of building a system of payment and incentives for IP Deranovsky

Work motivation issues are important for any organization, since it is believed that an effective employee is a highly motivated employee.

IP Deranovsky has a personnel incentive system that meets the current level of development of the organization and market conditions. It is based on the methods of moral and material interest, which involve a set of measures aimed at increasing the labor activity of labor, its quality and the principles of career growth of employees.

The peculiarities of building a system of remuneration and labor incentives at IP Deranovsky are a clear fixation in the documents of functional duties, goals and objectives of activities, a well-thought-out system of quantitative indicators - criteria for performance.

To build a remuneration system, a thorough and detailed development of the grounds is carried out: salary rating, ranking and classification of positions according to complexity, responsibility and scope of work. Job description. The most well-known method of such a description is the employee's job description. Job evaluation. A detailed and thorough assessment of the workplace allows you to clarify the profile of the position, increase the level of fairness in pay, streamline relationships in the team. For this, a factor-criteria model for assessing the complexity of the work of leading specialists and managers is used (Table 2.9).

Table 2.9. - Factor-criteria model for assessing the complexity of the work of leading specialists and managers at IP Deranovsky

Work complexity factor

Weight factor

Factor Criteria

Significance of criteria

Degree of specialization

Homogeneous highly specialized;

Diverse in separate sections of a certain area;

Diverse throughout the range of tasks of the unit

Degree of work independence

Completing of the work:

Under the direct supervision of the chief;

In full accordance with the instructions or under general guidance;

Completely on my own

Degree of responsibility (depending on the level of management)


Only for your work;

For the work of a group of employees;

For the whole team of the department

Degree of novelty

regularly repeated;

Irregularly repeated;

Newly launched

degree of creativity




Classification of jobs allows you to determine the relative value of each employee of the enterprise. At IP Deranovsky, the most common classification method is used - the ranking of jobs. The policy of this organization is reflected in the tariff system of remuneration. Each employee has his own category and is assigned a coefficient, which is determined by the qualification commission. (Table 2.10)

Table 2.10. - Ranking of positions at IP Deranovsky

motivation incentive employee

In addition to the categories, there are categories: managers of the 1st category, 2nd category and 3rd category. Thus, the tariff system reflects the level of employment, complexity and responsibility of the position.

Official salaries are based on the officially recognized minimum wage. On top of this, the employee receives bonuses depending on the performance of his work and the work of his department.

The enterprise strives to ensure that the lower wage limit is equal to the subsistence minimum, and the upper limit is differentiated according to individually solved tasks and personal labor productivity. To do this, managers must know the requirements for various functions and the result of the work of their employees. In addition, the size of wages is influenced by the economic success of the entire enterprise.

Each employee is guaranteed:

· annual paid vacation;

Paid sick leave

· free medical care in case of work injury or occupational disease.

All factors and methods that affect the productivity and productivity of employees can be divided into four main groups:

Organizational factors;

· Rewards and punishments;

· Formation of relationships in the working group and between groups;

Organizational culture: attitudes and values ​​that operate in the organization and affect the attitude to work, to management, to relationships with colleagues, subordinates, etc.

Each of these factors affects labor productivity through the use of certain tools and methods.

As administrative and organizational methods of influence in IP Deranovsky are:

· job descriptions;

· internal regulations for employees, which not only describe the duties of employees, the principles of relationships at all levels of management, norms of behavior, but also are a kind of "working directives";

an employment contract between an employee and an employer;

orders and directives from superiors.

On the basis of the internal regulations for employees of IP Deranovsky, the administration of the organization, represented by the general director, has the right to encourage employees for conscientious and efficient work.

Incentives are announced by order of the organization, brought to the attention of the entire team and entered in the work book of the employee.

Employees who conscientiously fulfill their labor duties are provided, first of all, with the benefits of advanced training, promotion at work, and assignment of ranks.

Also, the administration of the company can bring employees to disciplinary and material liability in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code. Russian Federation and other federal laws.

In accordance with Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for committing a disciplinary offense, the head has the right to apply legal measures, such as:

· Deprivation of bonuses provided by the system of remuneration.

· Deprivation of the right to vacation in the spring and summer period;

· Deprivation of other benefits provided by the employer.

The labor incentive system, as it were, grows out of administrative methods of management, but does not replace them. Stimulation of labor is effective only when the authorities are able to achieve and maintain the level of work for which they pay. The purpose of incentives is not to encourage a person to work in general, but to encourage him to do better and more of what is due to labor relations. The employee must know what requirements are imposed on him, what remuneration he will receive if they are strictly observed, and what sanctions will follow in case of their violation. Table 2.12 gives a system of decreasing indicators in assessing the labor contribution of an employee to the overall results of work, used at the enterprise in question, in case of violation of the requirements for the employee. Discipline always carries elements of coercion, limiting the freedom to choose options for behavior.

Table 2.12. Decreasing indicators in assessing the employee's labor contribution to the overall results of the organization's work

The name of indicators


Note e chanting

Refusals to the client due to the fault of the employee

For one occasion

Failure to follow instructions and regulations

For one occasion

Failure to maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace and assigned area

For one occasion

Violation of labor discipline

For worked month

Unauthorized leaving the workplace, being late for work

For worked month

Single case

Appearing at the workplace in a state of intoxication, drinking alcohol during working or non-working hours at the workplace, from office premises and on the territory of the organization. Detention while trying to bring alcoholic beverages into the territory of the organization.

Single case

Violation of the rules of public order

Single case

Failure to comply with operational and technological discipline

Single case

Single case

However, the line between controlled and motivated behavior is conditional and mobile, since an employee with a strong work motivation has self-discipline, the habit of conscientiously fulfilling the requirements and treating them as their own norms of behavior.

Rewards and punishments are only part of the opportunities that a manager can use to increase the productivity of staff. And yet they are the core around which the system of labor incentives is built at the enterprise.

A developed system of rewards, which implies a variety of ways of remuneration, contributes to:

? Attracting qualified specialists;

? Stimulation of labor productivity;

? Maintaining groups of qualified specialists for the required period;

? Maintaining the competitiveness of the company in the labor market by offering employees more profitable forms of encouragement than in other companies.


3.1 Employee Job Satisfaction SurveyIP Deranovsky

To form an effective personnel management mechanism based on encouraging employees to productive and creative work, it is necessary to study their needs, motives and values.

Work on the formation of a labor incentive system is structured in the following way: the organization has a system of staff motivation and the administration feels the need to change it. However, the idea of ​​the desired incentive system is often based on the wrong idea of ​​the real labor motives of the staff.

First of all, it should be noted that any changes in the system of personnel motivation in order to increase labor efficiency, including wage increases, become ineffective for personnel two months after the introduction, since the effect of addiction to income is triggered. Therefore, before giving recommendations on improving the incentive system for employees of an organization, it is necessary to carefully study their motivational structure. This is especially true of the managerial staff, because for this category of employees of the organization it is not uncommon for the situation when the additional funds spent not only do not increase motivation, but often weaken it.

Based on the behavioral approach, a study was conducted of ways to increase the personal satisfaction of the employee in the labor process, motivating the initiative to take on more responsibility. That is, a method called the system of job characteristics has been developed. Which is based on the thesis that the desire to work and the degree of employee satisfaction are influenced by three main psychological parameters:

? The significance of this position in the representation of the employee, an assessment of the importance and necessity of the work performed by him;

? The degree of responsibility experienced by the employee in relation to the results of his work;

? Regular evaluation of the results of its activities.

The higher each of the parameters, the greater the desire to work. Employees of the organization have identified a number of factors that determine these parameters. Table 3.1 presents five characteristics of the significance of a job position, and Figure 3.1 shows the mechanism for motivating initiative work.

Table 3.1. - Characteristics of the significance of the job position


Degree of significance

Breadth of skills required for the job

To what extent does the performance of a position require the employee to have a wide arsenal of skills and abilities?

Awareness of one's task as a whole, in all its completeness and completeness

To what extent does work in this position represent the solution of some major tasks “from start to finish”, with the final result?

The role of work performed in solving more general tasks of the team

Does this workflow have a significant impact on the lives and work of others within or outside the organization?


What is the degree of possible independence of the employee in determining his tasks, ways to solve them and personal mode of work?


Does the employee receive clear and precise information about the effectiveness of his work as a result of the performance of his work duties?

As follows from the table, the position looks more significant in the eyes of the employee if its use requires a wider arsenal of means and gives the employee a clear sense of his objectively important participation in a common task (final result) that he understands well.

Figure 3.1 contains four blocks - characteristics of the significance of the job position, psychological parameters, the results of the employee's activities and the efforts necessary for his advancement. Insofar as different people Since there are different possibilities and degrees of desire for something, it is important to take into account these individual differences, as they can affect the relationships shown by the arrows in the diagram. (Figure 3.1)

Figure 3.1. - Mechanisms of motivation for initiative work

Self-reliance is directly related to a sense of responsibility. The more controlled the work process, the stronger the sense of responsibility. The awareness of the employee about the results of his activities has a huge impact on the motivation of his work.

According to the study, if an employee has no desire to improve their skills, then none of the considerations given in Tab. 3.1 and in the specification of the workflow of a manager dealing with personnel management, do not matter.

Behavior at work and personal satisfaction of the employee are in harmony if the employee and his job "fit" together. In tab. 3.2 shows what the results are with varying degrees of relationship between work and employee. (Table 3.2)

Table 3.2. - Relationship between work and employee

The degree of increase in labor productivity

How great is the desire of the employee to increase the effectiveness of his work

Efficiency increases

Mutual correspondence

1. High quality work

2. High degree of satisfaction

3. Rare cases of absenteeism and low staff turnover.

Mutual mismatchTvie

1. The worker is overwhelmed and confused in his work

2. Quality of work is low

3. Frequent absence from the workplace and a large rotation of personnel.

Performance is not growing

Mutual mismatch

1. The employee feels that not all of his opportunities are being used.

2. Low job satisfaction

3. Frequent absenteeism and high staff turnover

Mutual correspondence

1. The desire to work can be created by monetary motivations for those who lack internal incentives.

2. High quality work

The design of the workflow affects the attitude of the employee to his work. The workflow itself is so important that it must be well understood. And since by its nature this process is dynamic and changeable, it should be built in such a way that, if necessary, it is modified, that is, adapted to each specific situation.

A study was also conducted to identify the main motivational factors that are most effective in stimulating the labor activity of employees.

The purpose of the survey was to investigate job satisfaction, the level of labor activity, the main factors that affect labor activity and the degree of importance of various job characteristics for employees. As a result sociological research, the following structure of the ranks of labor values ​​can be built according to their significance and the possibility of satisfaction, on the basis of which a system of incentives for employees of the organization is then developed. (Table 3.3)

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1. Introduction. 3
2. Labor behavior. 4
2.1. Labor behavior and its determining factors. 4
2.2. Types and forms of personality behavior in the organization. 10
3. Theoretical foundations of motivation management. eleven
3.1. The concept and essence of the motivation of behavior in the process of labor activity. eleven
3.2. Theories of motivation. 17
4. Practical study of methods for motivating behavior in the labor process. 21
4.1. Principles and methods used in McDonald's. 21
4.2. Practical tips for successfully motivating staff behavior. 23
5. Conclusion. 27
6. List of used literature. 28

1. Introduction.
The formation of a market economy in Russia creates conditions under which the importance of the human factor in production and business increases: the knowledge, experience, skills of employees become the main source of efficiency and competitiveness of business organizations.
Today, the motivation of labor resources is one of the important strategic directions for the development of an enterprise. Motivation is aimed at the most effective use of the abilities of employees in accordance with the goals of the enterprise and society, by creating a creative work team capable of change, development and renewal.
To ensure the effective work of the staff, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of constructive cooperation, in which each member of the team is interested in the fullest realization of their abilities. Creating such a socio-psychological atmosphere is the most difficult task of personnel management. It is solved on the basis of developing a system of motivation, evaluating the results of work, and choosing a management style.
At the present stage of development of entrepreneurship in Russia, the topic of the course work is relevant and very important, since human resources are the most decisive factor in the success of any business.
Leaders have always been aware that motivational aspects are becoming increasingly important in modern management. Motivation of personnel behavior is the main means of ensuring the optimal use of resources, mobilization of existing human resources. The main goal of the motivation process is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which allows you to increase the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise.
The purpose of this work is to study the theoretical foundations of behavior motivation, and consider the application of the theory of employee motivation in practice using the example of McDonald's.

2. Labor behavior.
2.1. Labor behavior and its determining factors.
Labor behavior is the executive side of labor activity, its external manifestation. However, behind outwardly identical labor deeds, labor activity that is different in its internal orientation can be hidden. So, the constant improvement of labor techniques and methods for one employee may be determined by the desire to increase his earnings, for another - by obtaining recognition from his comrades, the team, etc. To identify ways to improve the efficiency of labor activity, it is necessary to study not only its external manifestation, but also its internal essence, the nature of its internal motive forces.
The main motivating force of a person, group, society is the need, which is understood as an objectively determined request of the individual for the benefits necessary for existence and activities for their acquisition. Without food, clothing, shelter, spiritual goods, people cannot exist. And in order to have all this, they must produce, work. Therefore, people work because they need to satisfy needs. Needs activate a person. If there is no need, there can be no activity.
However, conscious needs have a motivating force. Needs, being realized by people, reflect in their psyche the inconsistency of external conditions with their internal requirements and predetermine their activities to eliminate such a discrepancy.
Interests are a concrete expression of perceived needs. Conscious needs take the form of interests in certain objects that ensure the satisfaction of needs. Interests are the real cause of social action. If the need characterizes what the subject needs for his normal functioning, then interest answers the question of how to proceed in order to have the necessary to meet this need.
Thus, needs and interests characterize the internal conditioning of labor behavior. It should be noted that people are involved in labor activity not only from internal needs, but also under external influence. Outwardly, labor behavior is determined by the labor situation - a set of conditions in which the labor process takes place. The work situation affects the development and manifestation of personal needs and interests. It includes stimulation and value-normative management, social control and consists of the following main elements:
- labor incentives that have an indirect impact on the behavior of workers;
- planned and estimated indicators that serve as criteria for labor activity and perform the functions of labor values;
- administrative decisions (orders, instructions) that have a direct volitional impact on the behavior of employees;
- values ​​and norms of behavior inherent in the labor collective and expected in the behavior of its members.
The listed elements of the labor situation have a certain motivating force. Under their influence, a person can act contrary to his inner aspirations, personal interests. The significance of internal and external influences in various spheres of human activity is different. Under the influence of these influences, an internal position is formed, the personal predisposition of the employee in relation to various objects and situations, his readiness to act in one way or another. It is characterized by such concepts as "value orientations", "attitudes" and "motives".
Value orientations are a relatively stable, socially determined attitude to the totality of material, spiritual goods and ideals, on the basis of which there is a desire to achieve certain goals. They are determined by the dominant interest in combination with the real status of the person. Thus, an employee who studies in the system of correspondence and evening educational institutions and expresses a desire, in the event of an increase in the share of free time, to use it mainly for study, is oriented to study, and an employee who actively participates in the social life of the team and intends to expand this participation is oriented towards social activities. . The degree of his labor activity, the quality of the work performed depends on what values ​​the employee is oriented to, what place labor activity occupies in the general system of his value orientations.
In work activity, it is possible to focus directly on:
- the social significance of labor, when the employee strives to perform the most important and necessary work for society, even if it is not always interesting in terms of the content of labor or beneficial in terms of its payment;
- the content of labor, when the employee strives to find the most interesting, diverse, creative work that opens up opportunities for advanced training;
- wages, when an employee seeks to work overtime or perform high-paying jobs to increase his earnings;
- working conditions, when the employee strives to work with normal working conditions, with comfortable shifts, a good microclimate in the team, even with lower pay or low labor content.
In this regard, the level of consciousness of a person, the degree of awareness of the significance of the work performed, is of particular importance.
Value orientations correspond to certain attitudes. Attitudes are the most stable orientation in relation to objects, situations, their roles, statuses, their readiness for certain actions.
Motives, in contrast to attitudes that may be unconscious, are a conscious subjective attitude to one's actions, an internal reaction to the labor situation, formed on the basis of attitudes and value orientations under the influence of external influences and incentives.
Motives precede labor action, human action. The motive can be a sense of duty, satisfaction from a job well done, earnings, prestige, fear of criticism and punishment, promotion. Thus, there is a whole motivational complex that can change not only from person to person, but also from one situation to another.
Verbal behavior aimed at choosing motives (judgments) to explain, justify real labor behavior is called motivation. In the process of motivation, the explanation of labor behavior is carried out at the level of consciousness by correlating the situation to be explained with certain values ​​or norms.
Consideration of its functions is important for understanding the nature of motivation. Explaining and substantiating the behavior of the subject, motivation thus performs its main - immediate function. In addition, it performs a regulatory function, which consists in blocking some actions and deciding on the start of others. It also, by explaining people's behavior in a certain way and determining various opportunities for the subject to communicate with other members of the team, establish communication with them, performs a communicative function and acts as a means of self-awareness and awareness of the subject of his social environment, the formation and socialization of his personality. Motivation also acts as a mechanism by which old ideals, norms, and value orientations are corrected and new ones are formed. This happens if the old values ​​and norms cannot provide such a rationale for behavior that contributes to the realization of the needs that have arisen.
In the sphere of work, a person simultaneously experiences a number of needs, interests, and value orientations. Orienting in each specific work situation, he measures his behavior with the standards accepted in the team, shared patterns of behavior, learns what is “good” and what is “bad”, and on the basis of the attitude he has formed through the motive, he makes a certain choice, explains and justifies his. Due to the motive, actions acquire the character of a relatively coordinated act with more or less correspondence between values ​​and needs, even if they are inconsistent. The motive has a dual nature: on the one hand, it is conditioned by a specific situation (it is necessary to act in relation to it), on the other hand, a person seeks to overcome (in consciousness) the situation, correlating his action with the learned system of moral values.
Preceding the labor action, explaining and substantiating it, motivation can serve as an incentive to action or a means of blocking it. However, the motive is not the driving factor. It acts as a link between such regulators of labor behavior as values, needs and interests. At the same time, it should be taken into account that, although values ​​reflect certain aspects of labor activity, they should be distinguished from such regulators as needs and interests. The latter (needs and interests) are a direct expression of socio-practical activity, the social position of groups in the system of social reproduction. In values, the subject of activity, its inherent forms of communication and the conditions of life are expressed indirectly, through a system of signs and symbols, which can be given a special meaning that does not correspond to the nature of what is designated.
Only under the targeted influence of administrative influences and incentives can the maximum correspondence between the motive of activity and needs be achieved, and the necessary labor behavior be ensured. Stimulation is a special, qualitatively different from value-normative regulation, way of managing people's social activities, in which human behavior is regulated by influencing not the personality itself, but the conditions of its life, external circumstances in relation to the personality that give rise to certain interests and needs. . Thus, stimulation is a method of indirect influence on a person, in which a person can consciously choose what act to perform in accordance with individual preferences.
Let us consider in more detail the concept of labor stimulation.
Incentives are objective, i.e. external in relation to a person, influences that should induce him to a certain labor behavior, cause his labor activity. They are the basis for the emergence and existence of motives for labor activity.
The stimulus does not act as an immediate cause, but only as a prerequisite for action. In the process of its implementation, it must be realized by the worker, pass through his consciousness. Incentives are meaningful motives, i.e., needs caused by the influence of objective factors. Understanding the needs is a necessary moment for their implementation.
The action of incentives induces a person to perform such types of work and such quantity and quality that are necessary for society. This means that incentives are aimed at the realization of public interests. Their effectiveness in attracting them to work implies the formation of a stable internal need among the members of the team for conscientious efficient work, that is, the formation of internal positive motivation.
Thus, in the value-normative management of labor behavior, values ​​and attitudes act as a regulatory element, in stimulation - needs and interests. Here we mean not just incentives, but incentives, in maximum degree appropriate to the interests of the employee. Only under this condition can the stimulus cause the motive corresponding to it, and the latter - the desired behavior. Variants of labor behavior of a person can be different with the same incentives. And yet they must be predicted and taken into account. Sometimes the most seemingly effective incentives produce negligible results, and vice versa. For example, an indispensable worker is promised a substantial salary increase for doing important work, but this does not stimulate him, because in this moment free time is more precious to him than money, or he has accumulated a lot of money, but there is nothing to buy. Any idea causes an interested attitude and is successfully assimilated only when it affects the interests of the masses.
As already noted, needs are motivators for labor activity, and needs, together with interests, characterize the internal conditioning of labor behavior.
By their nature, needs are heterogeneous, they belong to different spheres of human activity, collective, society, have different intensity and nature of manifestation. This necessitates their classification.
According to their orientation, object orientation, primary needs are distinguished - material (physiological), associated with the action of innate instincts, and secondary - spiritual and social, acquired by a person as a result of his life experience. These are needs of a higher order, they are connected with relations with other members of society and the attitude of a person towards himself.
The material needs of a person are necessary to maintain his physical existence and are associated with providing the most necessary, elementary conditions for him (needs for food, clothing, housing, fuel, maintaining health). These needs have been formed throughout the history of human development. As a result of dissatisfaction with material needs, the main vices of mankind arise: theft, greed, envy, etc.
Spiritual - these are the needs of a person as a person, associated with its formation and development. These include intellectual, creative and aesthetic needs.
Intellectual - these are the needs for knowledge, knowledge of the new. On their basis, creative needs are formed. In this case, knowledge becomes not a goal, but a means of satisfying the need for creativity.
Aesthetic needs are associated with the perception of beauty in nature, in works of art, in labor. They are satisfied by communicating with nature, reading fiction, listening to music, watching performances, exhibitions and art albums. Satisfaction of aesthetic needs ennobles a person, elevates him, adorns his life.
Social needs are associated with the life of a person as a member of society, collective, social group. These include the needs for social activity, independence, achieving a certain social status, stability and sustainability of existence, communication and belonging to a group, recognition and self-expression. They come from the way people live.
A special social need includes the need for creative and meaningful work as a means of self-expression, self-affirmation and self-realization. It manifests itself in their irresistible attraction to work as a vital and pleasant activity. In the presence of such a need, work gives a person joy, happiness, and a person cannot but work.
A person's needs are judged by his attitude to literature, art, work, the outside world, society, and other people. By what needs prevail in a person, how balanced they are, they determine the social value of a person, his culture.
The nature and structure of the needs of an individual depend on the real possibilities of society, the material level of the person himself and his personal characteristics. Age, marital status, educational level, qualifications change - needs change. Thus, by influencing the needs of a person, it is possible to regulate his labor behavior.
Also, a factor in the regulation of labor behavior is the value of labor, which is understood as a specific reflection in the mind of a person of the significance of objects, phenomena, certain aspects of social reality. For different social groups, the same values ​​may have different significance. For some people, the most important value is the family, for others - material well-being, for others - interesting communication, etc.
Labor values ​​are understood as the significance of labor in the life of society and the individual, as well as the significance of various aspects of labor activity, in relation to which the subject establishes his attitude.
The study of the values ​​of labor allows you to regulate labor behavior. They represent an assessment of various aspects of the labor situation in the mind of a person.
On the basis of the values ​​inherent in the collective, rules and standards of labor behavior of its members are specially established or spontaneously formed. At its core, the norms of labor behavior serve the values ​​of labor.
There is a difference between the value of the end and the value of the means. Proceeding from the fact that the value of labor consists not only in its independent significance for the development of the personality, the realization of its creative possibilities, for its self-expression, but also in the fact that labor activity is a means of achieving various benefits (a certain social status, social recognition, material well-being ), to which the members of the labor collective aspire, and which (benefits) also act as peculiar values.
The values ​​of labor activity are determined by the objective significance of one or another of its aspects. The values ​​of labor activity are an expression in the mind of the objective significance of various components of labor, this is an idea of ​​the significance that various aspects of labor activity have for the subject.
Identification of the values ​​of labor activity involves, first of all, the allocation of a certain “set” of parties that are significant for this activity, those characteristics of the activity and its accompanying circumstances that are able to satisfy human needs in a given labor situation. These are working conditions, wages, organization and content of labor, the prestige of this labor activity, its social utility. The significance of these aspects is fixed as a set of peculiar criteria, standards.
2.2. Types and forms of personality behavior in the organization.
There are four main types of employee behavior in the organization:
1) "a dedicated and disciplined member of the organization", characterized by the following features:
- fully accepts the values ​​and norms of behavior established by the organization, and sincerely tries to behave in accordance with them;
- tries to promote the realization of the interests of the organization through its actions;
2) "adapter", which is characterized by:
- rejection of the values ​​of the organization;
- external behavior, reflecting adherence to the norms and forms of behavior accepted in the organization;
- achieving a state of inner comfort when necessary to lead or obey;
- the likelihood of committing actions that are contrary to the interests of the organization;
3) "original", characterized by the fact that:
- he accepts the values ​​of the organization, but does not accept the established norms of behavior;
- often experiences difficulties in relationships with colleagues and management;
- needs to be given the freedom to choose forms of behavior for successful work in the organization;
4) "rebel", which is distinguished by:
- rejection of neither the values ​​of the organization, nor the norms of behavior;
- constant contradiction with others and the initiation of conflict situations;
- the conditionality of this kind of behavior is the lack of appropriate skills and habits, as well as a lack of understanding of the importance of norms and values ​​of behavior in the organization.
There are the following behaviors:
1) target, which is subdivided:
- functional (these are goals related to functions);
- economic (determined by a person's desire to achieve a certain level of well-being). The economic form is in turn divided into three formulas of behavior: maximum income at the cost of maximum effort; minimum income with minimum effort; maximum income with minimum effort;
2) stratification, based on the desire of the individual to change his status;
3) innovative - for people who show a creative attitude to work and use their ingenuity in solving problems;
4) adaptive-adaptive, aimed at eliminating conflicts, quarrels and stresses in the team;
5) ceremonial and adaptive, associated with the need to maintain the stability of the structure of the organization, its traditions, customs, etc.
The process of socialization of an employee includes the following points:
- changing attitudes, values ​​and behaviors;
- adaptation to the organizational environment, new job responsibilities and work team;
- Mutual influence of employees and managers.
3. Theoretical foundations of motivation management.
3.1. The concept and essence of the motivation of behavior in the process of labor activity.
The personality of an employee (specialist, worker, employee) needs reinforcement, i.e. a positive or negative attitude towards his behavior, approval or condemnation of his activities. The absence of such reinforcement inevitably leads to a revision of the motives of labor activity and, in general, to an increase in dissatisfaction with work, the order in the organization and the leader himself.
When studying the individual characteristics of personnel, it is necessary to take into account the existence of certain psychological barriers that may prevent obtaining objective information about personal qualities and properties, about the motives of behavior and work activity. Internal experiences, as a rule, are disguised for "outsiders", their identification requires a skillful approach and deep analysis. In addition, one should take into account the variability of the individual characteristics of the staff, their motives, value orientations, forms of behavior, interpersonal relationships.
There are a large number of motivational tendencies that make up the concept of motivation, and which, to one degree or another, are characteristic of every person. Unfortunately, there is no clear and generally accepted definition of the concept of motivation. Different authors define motivation based on their point of view.
From the point of view of O. S. Vikhansky: “Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.” In this definition, the motive is characterized by two constituent elements:
Motive is the motivator of action. The motive is always associated with a particular situation. Studies show that the ratio of the activity (or activity) of a person and the results of his work is characterized by a curved line. At first, as the activity grows, the results increase, later, at a certain level of activity, the results remain at the same level. This stage is called the optimal range of activity, when the best results are achieved. Once the activity begins to exceed the border of the optimal range, the results of the work begin to deteriorate. It follows that the manager is called upon to achieve not the maximum activity of subordinates, but to increase their activity to the optimal level.
It should be borne in mind that activity does not provide the necessary motivation. A person can work diligently, be active, but there may not be positive results if he directs his activity in the wrong direction. A similar situation arises when the subordinate does not represent the final goals of the work. The reason may be ignorance, insufficient control, poor management of its activities. Due to the wrong direction of work, the emergence of a conflict between the individual's own needs and the goals of the collective is also real.
Motivation is the process of influencing a person to induce him to specific actions by inducing certain motives in him. Motivation is the core and basis of human management.
An interesting question is the correlation of "internal" and "external" motives. Human activity is influenced by motives arising from the closed interaction of a person and a task, but it happens that there are also motives that arise from an open interaction between a person and a task (the external environment involves motives that prompt a person to solve a problem). In the first case, the motive is called "internal", because the motives are generated directly by the person facing the task. An example of such motivation may be the desire for a specific achievement, completion of work, knowledge, etc. Otherwise, the motives of activity associated with solving the problem are caused from outside. Such a motive can be called "external". Here, in this capacity, payment, orders, rules of conduct, and more act as a process of motivation. It should be borne in mind that in life there are no clear distinctions between "external" and "intrinsic" motivation. Some motives in some cases are generated by "intrinsic" motivation, and in others - "external". Sometimes the motive is simultaneously generated by different systems of motivation. It is well known that motivation is of great importance for the performance of a person's work, however, between motivation and end result labor activity is not directly related. Sometimes a person who is focused on the quality performance of the work assigned to him has worse results than a less motivated employee. The lack of a direct connection between motivation and the final result of labor is due to the fact that the latter is influenced by many other factors, in particular, the qualifications and abilities of a person, a correct understanding of the task being performed, and much more. The most elementary model of the motivation process has only three elements:
1) needs, which are desires, aspirations for certain results. People have a need for things like clothes, a house, a personal car, etc. But also for such “intangible” things as a sense of respect, the opportunity for personal professional growth, etc.
2) purposeful behavior - in an effort to satisfy their needs, people choose their own line of purposeful behavior. Working in a company is one of the ways of purposeful behavior. Attempts to advance to a leadership position are another type of purposeful behavior aimed at satisfying the needs for recognition.
3) satisfaction of needs - the concept of "satisfaction of needs" reflects the positive feeling of relief and comfortable state that a person feels when his desire is realized.
In management, great importance is also given to taking into account the levels of motivation. At the level of satisfactory behavior, employees reach the minimum that is acceptable to management. For those employees whose level of motivation is characterized by excellent behavior, work is a desirable part that brings rewards and satisfaction. Studies have shown that employees do not usually work at full strength and save some of their energy, but give their best only when they are sure that their additional efforts will be properly appreciated and rewarded. The task of the manager is to ensure that employees can meet the full range of their needs in the process of work, in exchange for their energy and labor productivity.
Motivation, analyzed as a process, can be represented as a series of successive stages.
The first stage is the emergence of needs. The need manifests itself in the form that a person begins to feel that he is missing something. It manifests itself at a specific time and begins to require a person to find an opportunity and take some steps to eliminate it.
The second stage is the search for ways to meet the needs. Once a need has arisen and creates problems for a person, he begins to look for ways to eliminate it: to satisfy, suppress, ignore. There is a need to do something, to do something.
The third stage is the definition of goals (directions) of action. A person fixes what and by what means he should do, what to achieve, what to get in order to eliminate the need. At this stage, four points are linked: what should I get in order to eliminate the need; what should I do to get what I want; to what extent I can achieve what I want; as far as what I can get can eliminate the need.
The fourth stage is the implementation of the action. A person expends efforts to carry out actions that open up to him the possibility of acquiring what is necessary to eliminate the need. Since the work process affects motivation, goals can be adjusted at this stage.
The fifth stage is receiving a reward for the implementation of the action. Having done a certain work, a person either directly receives what he can use to eliminate the need, or what he can exchange for the object he wants. At this stage, it turns out to what extent the implementation of the actions gave the desired result. Depending on this, either a weakening, or preservation, or an increase in motivation for action occurs.
The sixth stage is the elimination of need. Depending on the degree of stress relief caused by the need, and also on whether the elimination of the need causes a weakening or strengthening of motivation for activity, a person either stops activity before a new need arises, or continues to look for opportunities and take actions to eliminate the need.
The methods of motivating personnel can be very diverse and depend on the elaboration of the motivation system at the enterprise, the general management system and the characteristics of the enterprise itself.
There are the following methods of motivating effective labor behavior:
- financial incentives;
- organizational methods;
- moral and psychological.
The most common form (method) of material motivation is an individual bonus. It is advisable to pay it once a year, otherwise it will turn into wages and lose its motivating role. It is advisable to determine in advance the percentage of the bonus at the end of the year and adjust it in accordance with the achievements of the employee. The size of the bonus should, as a rule, be at least 30% of the main salary (according to F. Taylor), while at the lowest level of management the bonus should be 10-30%, on the average 10-40%, at the highest 15-50%.
The effectiveness of bonuses is largely determined by the correct choice of indicators, their differentiation depending on the role and nature of departments, the level of positions, focus on real contribution and final results, the flexibility of criteria for assessing employee achievements.
Satisfaction with material remuneration, its fair level motivates the initiative of people, forms their commitment to the organization, and attracts new employees to it.
Needs are constantly changing, so you cannot expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.
As noted, in addition to economic (material) methods of motivation, there are non-economic ones, namely: organizational and moral-psychological ones.
Organizational methods of motivation (motivation) include:
- participation in the affairs of the organization (usually social);
- the prospect of acquiring new knowledge and skills;
- enrichment of the content of labor (providing more interesting work with prospects for job and professional growth).
Moral and psychological methods of motivation include:
- creation of conditions conducive to the formation of professional pride, personal responsibility for work (the presence of a certain amount of risk, the opportunity to succeed);
- the presence of a challenge, providing opportunities to express oneself in work;
- recognition (personal and public) (valuable gifts, certificates of honor, Honor Board, etc. For special merits - awarding orders and medals, badges, conferring honorary titles, etc.);
- lofty goals that inspire people to effective work (any task must contain an element of challenge);
- an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
A kind of complex method of motivation is promotion. However, this method is internally limited, since, firstly, the number of high-ranking positions in the organization is limited; secondly, promotion requires increased costs for retraining. In management practice, as a rule, various methods and their combinations are used simultaneously. For effective management of motivation, it is necessary to use all three groups of methods in enterprise management. Thus, the use of only power and material motivations does not allow mobilizing the creative activity of staff to achieve the goals of the organization. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to apply spiritual motivation.
In modern management, other groupings of motivation methods are also used. On an enlarged basis, all methods of motivation can also be grouped into the following four types:
1) Economic motives of all types (salary in all its varieties, including contract, bonuses, benefits, insurance, interest-free loans, etc.).
2) Goal management.
3) Enrichment of labor - this system is more related to non-economic methods and means providing people with more meaningful, promising work, significant independence in determining the mode of work, the use of resources. In many cases, wage growth is added to this, not to mention social status.
4) The participation system currently exists in various forms: from the wide involvement of the team in decision-making on the most important problems of production and management (Japan) to ownership participation by acquiring shares of one's own enterprise on favorable terms (USA, England).
Within the framework of these groups of methods, separate methods and systems of personnel motivation are being developed today.
3.2. Theories of motivation.
Over the past hundred years, world science has developed about ten theories of motivation that are known today to every qualified manager. At enterprises practicing a scientific approach to this task, the principles of one of them are applied. Just one, since the views of authoritative theorists differ radically, and each of the ten concepts calls for a leader or HR manager to behave differently in the same situation. Sometimes the authors of theories give us absolutely contradictory advice, and they substantiate them quite thoroughly, based on the results of certain experiments.
There are content and process theories of motivation.
Content theories of motivation seek to define (identify) those needs that motivate people to act, especially when determining the scope and content of work. They are represented in the works of Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg, David McClelland.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory:
The main ideas and premises of this theory are:
- People constantly feel some needs.
- People experience a certain set of strongly expressed needs that can be combined into separate groups.




Completed by: Turusheva N.S., st. gr. 541

scientific adviser: Seletskaya O.S.


Table of contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..3

1. Theoretical aspects of the motivation of workers…………………...5

2.Research and analysis of employee behavior motivation

at the enterprise……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11


Bibliographic list…………………………………………………..15



Motivation is designed to encourage employees to perform assigned tasks in accordance with the plan. Managers have always performed the function of motivating their employees, whether they realized it or not. In ancient times, a whip and threats served for this, and for a few chosen ones - gifts. It is important for modern entrepreneurs to know that motivation is determined by a whole set of human needs, which is constantly changing. Therefore, it is very important for the manager to be able to identify the needs of employees and ensure their satisfaction through work in the organization.

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that changes public relations, on the one hand, and socio-economic conditions, on the other hand, present a number of new requirements for managers at all levels, while there is a need not only to skillfully manage the motivation of employees and influence the effectiveness of their labor efforts, but also to take into account the specific personal needs and desires of management entities. , motives that create the prerequisites for the successful implementation of their labor skills and abilities.

The purpose of the study is to study the current state of labor motivation and to determine the prospects for using the motivational mechanism in the personnel management system.

The object of this study is the motivation of labor activity.

The subject of the study is the specifics of the motivation of the labor activity of employees of institutions.

The main hypotheses of the study:

The applied methods of motivating and stimulating labor activity are divorced from practical needs and do not take into account the motives of the labor activity of employees.

Age and psychological differences, education, length of service, status play a significant role in the process of shaping the motivation of workers' labor activity.

The following methods were used during the study:

Terminological analysis in relation to the concept of "motive", "motivation", "motivation";

Analytical and synthetic method of studying publications in the professional press, reflecting the main results of research on the study of the motives of labor activity, as well as the practice of motivating and stimulating staff;

Sociological methods in the study of labor motivation.

1. Theoretical aspects of employee motivation

The entire management system of the organization is based on the desire to achieve the goals, and for this you need harmonious work, cooperation between governing bodies and ordinary employees, which are achieved through effective staff motivation.

The degree of interest in the performance of their duties depends, first of all, on labor productivity. It is the management system that is responsible for ensuring that the labor activity of the personnel is as effective as possible for this organization in specific conditions. In this case, the main tool is the motivation of employees. Effective management is impossible without understanding the motives and needs of a person and the correct use of incentives to work.

Motivation is a powerful lever of control. Motivation is an internal state that induces, directs and keeps a person striving to achieve a certain goal.

Professional motivation is the desire of an employee to satisfy needs (to receive certain benefits) with the help of labor activity.

Thus, staff motivation is the most important factor in the effectiveness of its work, and as such it forms the basis of the labor potential of each employee, that is, the entire set of properties that affect his work activity.

Motivation of personnel, as one of the most important functions of management, in modern conditions, should become a lever for the most effective achievement of the set high goals. That is why, today, the manager needs to determine the most optimal methods of staff motivation for the successful solution of the planned tasks.

Motivation is central to motivation. The motivation for activity is generally associated with the need-motivational sphere. Due to the connection with the need, the motive performs the function of inducing a person to activity and gives meaning to individual actions, goals and conditions for their achievement.

Motive is the motivation of a person to act.

Motif (from French motif - motive; lat. moveo - factor) in the broad sense of the word is a motivating reason, basis, reason for any action, a person’s act, caused by his interests and needs.

The concept of labor motive includes:

the need that the employee wants to satisfy;

a good that can satisfy this need;

labor action necessary to obtain a benefit;

price - costs of a material and moral nature associated with the implementation of a labor action.

Motives for work are formed before the start of professional labor activity. A person learns the values ​​and norms of labor morality and ethics, laying the foundations of his attitude to work. The motive is located “inside” a person, has a “personal” character, depends on many external and internal factors in relation to a person, on the action of other motives that arise in parallel with it. Motives are transformed depending on the characteristics of employees, tasks and time.

Satisfaction with work is caused by two series of factors: inherent in the labor process itself (professional) and external in relation to the labor process.

The first group of factors includes:

1) the possibility of communication;

2) diversity in work;

3) consciousness that work is necessary for society;

4) manifestation of independence;

The second group of factors include:

1) good organization of work;

2) business relationships between employees;

3) fair attitude of managers;

4) the attention of the management in evaluating the performance of each employee.

The manager's task is to understand what motives are predominant among the key employees of the enterprise in order to enable them to satisfy their needs in exchange for efficient work. The leader must have in stock several directions in which he can motivate his employees.

Here are some of them:

Rice. 1 Ways of disciplinary action

This means that the effectiveness of disciplinary action depends on its strength, the time of application, the choice of conditions for punishment or encouragement. Having correctly selected all four factors, the leader can achieve the maximum result, but if the leader acts spontaneously without thought, the effect of his influence will be minimal, or even negative.

In addition, the manager can increase the motivation of employees to work by raising the level of remuneration, providing them with an opportunity for self-realization or career growth, expressing their recognition from management, etc.

Rice. 2 Addressing meaningful employee incentives

According to psychologists, the optimal ratio of reward and punishment should be approximately 3:1, that is, subordinates should be praised several times more often than scolded. At our enterprises, unfortunately, the opposite ratio is observed. Most Russian leaders are far better at using methods of punishment and threats, while the range of their means of positive motivation (especially moral) is very narrow. In fact, there are enough opportunities to stimulate the work of the staff: a “kind word” spoken on time, gratitude, a certificate of honor or a diploma of the best employee of the unit, corporate events and much more.

Moral stimulation can include praise, gratitude in an order, a letter of appreciation, etc. You can inspire staff in dozens of ways, for example, public praise for each achievement. Do not be afraid to praise an employee for a good job. Firstly, there is never a lot of praise, and secondly, a kind word in any case will cost you less than the smallest bonus for the additional profit brought by this employee.

Competition is a special and rather effective form of moral stimulation. It can be organized both between individual employees and between entire departments in the enterprise. In the latter case, the final effect of the competition increases, since in addition to increasing labor productivity, team cohesion also increases. At the same time, researchers show that the organization of competitions should take into account the individual characteristics of workers. Persons with strong nervous system are more stimulated by the competitive environment than those with a weak nervous system, especially if these are very important competitions.

The system of negative material motivation includes a fine, a reduction in wages, deprivation of bonuses, and the system of moral negative motivation includes a remark, an order and an entry in the work book.

Tab. 1 Causes of staff demotivation and ways to correct it

Reasons for Decreased Motivation

1. Violation of the unspoken "contract" - the discrepancy between the promises that an employee is given when hiring, and the reality that he faces.

2. Not using the employee's skills that he values. Ignoring his ideas and initiatives.

3. Lack of a sense of involvement in the activities of the organization.

4. Lack of tangible results in the work.

5. Lack of recognition of achievements by management.

Give as much truthful information as possible in the hiring process.

Give the person opportunities to show the maximum of their abilities, creativity and initiative.

Involve employees in the activity planning process. Organize their participation in corporate events.

- "Dilute" routine work with short-term projects that give tangible results. For long-term work, identify milestones that should be rewarded.

Rejoice in the victories of your employees, encourage their activity and achievements.

2. Research and analysis of the motivation of the behavior of employees in the enterprise

To analyze the motivation of employees' behavior, a survey was conducted of 132 people of the working population living in the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude (Appendix 1).

Based on the results of the survey, charts were developed that show that out of 132 respondents, 72% were women and 60% were men. The age ranged from 18 to 60 years, and residents aged 20 to 30 were more active in answering questions. When interviewing residents, it turned out that 69% would prefer monetary incentives, 20% - social incentives in the form of advanced training, prestige, 11% - moral stimulation, 11% - creative stimulation in the form of self-expression and 8% - non-monetary incentives, which include free meals, travel expenses, insurance, etc. (Appendix 2).

At the same time, non-monetary incentiveswas not declared highly, but was noted as significant in the formation of self-esteem.

To the question “What do you value most in your work?” there were no strong divisions, so 28% value the benefits of their work to the company, 27% value the level of wages, 25% valuethe opportunity to show what I know and can do, 20% - especially do not value anything, it's just that the work is already familiar, 12% - appreciate independence in decision-making (Appendix 3).

As a result of the study, a number of factors affecting job satisfaction were identified:

1. personal responsibility

2. prestige of the position

3. working mode

4. comfort of the premises

But also during the survey, factors that negatively affect job satisfaction were identified:

1.physical fatigue

2. nervous tension

3. monotonous work

4. too high pace of work and change of operations

Therefore, in order to effectively stimulate workers to productive work, you need to know what is most important for people. You can identify the most important motives that affect their activities:

High wages corresponding to the effort expended;

· Opportunity for career growth;

Good relationship with management and co-workers;

Comfortable working conditions;

· Positive emotions related to work (the possibility of self-realization, recognition of the professionalism of the employee, enthusiasm for work, the possibility of making independent decisions, freedom of creativity, etc.)

Note that when organizing a system of motivational impact on staff, the manager must remember that any motivation loses its strength over time, so you need to diversify methods and techniques. Accordingly, the head of the enterprise must know at least two dozen ways to motivate his employees.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that the motivation of the labor activity of employees depends not so much on the labor process itself, but on communication links and opportunities for self-realization.


Motivation is a key condition that determines the success and effectiveness of his professional activities.

Motivation - stimulation to activity, the process of encouraging oneself and others to work, influencing human behavior to achieve personal, collective and social goals

Motivation tasks include:

1) the formation of an employee of any organization understanding the meaning of labor motivation;

2) training employees in psychological intra-organizational behavior and communication;

3) training of the management team in intra-organizational behavior and communication;

4) the formation of all managers of democratic approaches to personnel management using various innovative methods of motivation.

The use of motivation techniques should be comprehensive, combining methods of administrative, economic, socio-psychological influence, then the managerial influence on pedagogical activity will be effective.

The main methods of moral stimulation that can be applied:

    Recognition for a job well done - praise, promotion.

    Articles in the media and placement of information about achievements.

    Organization of competitions of professional skills.

    Honor boards.

    Gifts from the institution.

    professional loyalty.

    Appreciation Letters.

Thus, to motivate staff, it is possible to use different ways and means of motivation. Efficient system motivation should include both material and non-material incentives, taking into account the specifics of personnel activities, socio-economic realities and personal characteristics.

The implementation of the proposed recommendations will increase staff motivation, implement a set of conditions for the manifestation of activity, initiative, responsibility, and create an atmosphere of cooperation. This will facilitate the transition of enterprises to an innovative development path.

The results of the study do not claim to be exhaustive. However, being based on an analysis of the experience of modern personnel management, on understanding the specifics of the motivation of the labor activity of workers, they can serve as a real contribution to the development of motivation for labor activity.

Bibliographic list

    Lukash, Yu.A. Motivation and effective personnel management / Yu.A.Lukash. – M.: Finpress, 2012. – 208 p.

    Odegov, Yu.G. Personnel Management. Efficiency mark: Tutorial for universities / Yu.G. Odegov, L.V. Kartasheva. – M.: Exam, 2012. – 256 p.

    Potemkin, V.K. Personnel management: a textbook for universities / V.K. Potemkin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 432 p.

    Samoukina, N.V. Effective personnel motivation at minimal financial costs / N.V. Samoukina. – M.: Vershina, 2008. – 224 p.

    Shapiro, S.A. Motivation and stimulation of personnel / S.A. Shapiro. - M.: GrossMedia, 2015. - 224 p.

    Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. – M.: Infra-M., 2011.-576s.

    Goncharov V.I. Management: Textbook. - Minsk: Modern School, 2011. - 635s.

    Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2011.-512s.

Attachment 1


"Determination of labor motivation of an employee"



Your age:






over 60

What do you value most in your work:

I decide what and how to do

It gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

I feel useful and needed

I get paid relatively well for it.

I don't really appreciate anything, but this work is familiar to me.

How would you like to be encouraged to work in the organization?

Monetary incentives (salary, bonus, etc.)

Non-monetary (food, transport, insurance, etc.)

Social (prestige, qualification growth, etc.)

Moral (awards, respect for colleagues, etc.)

Creative (possibility of self-expression and self-improvement)

Annex 2

Appendix 3

The concept of "motivation" is used in personnel management in two main versions. Some experts interpret it as a complex of motives that determine the state of the individual - her disposition or disposition to certain actions, deeds and assessments.

Other experts under motivation understand the creation of a system of incentives that guide staff to choose those types and forms of activities that are necessary to achieve the goals of the organization.

Motivation is the leading factor, condition or method of influencing a person in the system of managing his labor behavior. Its conscious use by a manager can both increase the efficiency of the functioning and development of any organization, and cause, if motivation is used incorrectly, powerful opposition to its essential interests on the part of the organization's personnel.

There is also a possibility of a situation where the impact on the staff in order to motivate them to work does not cause any incentives in the employee and reduces the efficiency of the costs of performing this management function to zero.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the concepts of "motivation" and "motivation". The latter should be understood as a rational explanation by a person of the reasons for his own actions, which is often a way of masking the true factors that determine his behavior.

Often, the misunderstanding by the personnel manager of the differences between the concepts of "motivation" and "motivation" leads him to inadequate actions in the organization's personnel management system. This is especially true for conflict situations, for example, an employee hides an elementary unwillingness to effectively perform assigned duties, presenting software failures, his poor health, etc. as reasons.

The key concept of motivation theory is considered to be need, those. a physiological or psychological need realized by a person for things and phenomena that he does not possess at a given moment in time. Allocate basic needs - physiological needs of the body and secondary - the need for psychological phenomena. Secondary needs in a person are more individual, as they are not so much innate as acquired.

It is the objective presence of secondary needs in the labor motivation system that significantly complicates the process of personnel management in any organization. The reasons for this lie in the wide variety of secondary needs and the desire often arising in the individual to hide them from others or mask them with false actions. In addition, if the primary needs of a person develop rather slowly, then the secondary ones are very dynamic in time. Many of them increase as the individual grows older. This is especially true for such phenomena as self-respect, a sense of duty, self-affirmation, etc.

The analysis of the real needs of the employees of the organization in order to use the data obtained in the system of labor motivation is even more complicated by the fact that, as a rule, they all act simultaneously and it is often very difficult to predict the nature of the results obtained as a result of their interaction. resulting labor behavior.

For example, the need for material goods (food, clothing, etc.) initiates labor activity for the sake of monetary reward. The need for security causes a desire to build the labor process in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of receiving punishments. With the simultaneous and strong impact on a person of these needs, two equal, but very dissimilar variants of his labor activity can arise.

If the need for material goods is at a particular point in time more relevant than the need to avoid punishment, then the employee’s emotional interest in material rewards decreases, his innovative activity grows and interest in the labor process sharply increases to the detriment of its results. Outwardly, this takes the form of a high intensity of labor and its pronounced innovative orientation.

With a stronger motivation to avoid punishment than to receive material benefits, the result of labor behavior will be a decrease in emotional interest in material rewards, accompanied by an increase in the internal cohesion of work groups as a means of protecting personnel from the control of the leader.

As you can see from the example above, motivational effect, those. the result of the action of motives on human behavior may not logically follow from the content of each of the needs it satisfies.

The subjective feeling of the need to satisfy any of their needs by an individual is determined by the concept motivation. Basically, a person's motives are the result of the development of the personality of a particular individual and the impact on him of the factors of his cultural environment. For example, when feeling the need for food, some people seek to earn money and buy food, the second - to steal food, the third - to "beg" them from other people, etc.

The means (method) of satisfying needs is goal human activities. The goals of activity, as well as motives, can also be formed as a function of the cultural environment surrounding a person, but their choice, as a rule, is still strongly influenced by the personality characteristics of each individual.

There are four groups of goals that employees most often prefer to use in their work.

The goal of success those. individuals may try to satisfy their needs, using as a means: career growth, possession of property, acquiring a high social status and other attributes of life success in modern society.

affiliate goal, when a person satisfies his needs by establishing positive social ties with other people who are useful to him, which determines his increased propensity for group forms of work, purposeful formation of business ties, etc.

professional goal as a desire to effectively satisfy their needs by increasing their professional competence, which leads to the desire of people to get a good education, orients them towards innovative solutions, etc.

The purpose of power those. a situation where individuals seek, formally or informally, to obtain an objective opportunity to influence the behavior of other people in order to force them to satisfy the needs of those in power.

In turn, activity can be defined as the relationship of a person with the external environment, aimed at achieving a goal.

Important for understanding the basic mechanisms of using motivation in the personnel management system is result law, those. the desire of the individual to repeat the way of activity that has already led him to achieve the goal and receive the desired reward. The law of result can, although not in a very ethical form, be compared with the elements of animal training, when for certain actions they receive food or pain reinforcements. The operation of this law is based on the idea that human behavior depends and is shaped by its consequences.

The effectiveness of the practical use of the law of result at least suggests that the leader must:

  • o understand what consequences are significant for the employee (for example, a reward or punishment in the amount of 100 rubles will not activate the mechanism of the law of result in the conditions of the modern realities of Russia, and the moral condemnation of the fact of being late for work will not serve as a negative consequence for a person focused only to receive material benefits from the results of their work);
  • o be able to communicate to the employee the connection of rewards or punishments with the specific result of his work, because, as the practice of personnel management shows, not all people can adequately understand, for example, why they were given a bonus or, conversely, deprived of it.

Reward - this is what a person considers valuable for himself in terms of satisfying his needs. The weight of reward options can be divided into internal and external. The first, arising without outside influence, include: a sense of self-esteem; satisfaction with the achieved result of labor activity; a sense of the content and significance of their work; positive informal communication that occurs in the process of doing work, etc.

External rewards can be those benefits that the organization provides to the employee for the performance of labor actions: wages, bonuses, career growth, symbols of status and prestige, praise and recognition of merit, additional benefits, etc.

Factors that determine the choice of a mode of activity can be combined under the concept of "motives", and phenomena that increase or decrease the strength of the action of motives - as "stimuli".

Term motive (its origin is usually associated with the Latin word movere- actuate, push either French motif- motivation) is used in organizational behavior to determine various phenomena and states that cause the activity of the control object.

Whether this activity is updated or not depends on the effectiveness of the labor activity of the personnel as a whole and the degree of its focus on achieving the goals of the functioning and development of the organization.

Creating incentives for work is the direct responsibility of the head of any organization. If any mistakes are made here, then the labor behavior of workers becomes deviant, those. aimed not at achieving the goals of the organization, but at the goals of the individual, which may be completely opposite to the first.

For example, if only measures aimed at the formal strengthening of labor discipline are used as an incentive, as is still often accepted in Russian organizations, then the goals of the personnel's work activity will shift from achieving results to avoiding failures. The consequence of their orientation is the loss of initiative, the desire to receive the simplest tasks, the inability or unwillingness to do something in emergency situations, etc.

Consequently, stimulation should be understood as the process of creating by the manager a set of incentives that change the strength of motives in such a way that, according to the law of results, the employee reproduces only those modes of activity that the manager considers necessary to achieve the goals of the organization.

The process of labor motivation has a pronounced cyclical nature (see Figure 10.1).

First of all, the cyclicality of motivation lies in the fact that after the stage of satisfying the needs of the individual, they arise again as a result of his analysis of the degree of satisfaction. Based on the results of this analysis, a person introduces, in accordance with the action of the law of the result, a correction in his labor behavior, which brings to life new needs.