Games for the formation of morphological skills. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I.

Card file of the educator of the speech therapy preparatory group for school Volnenko L.Yu.

Games for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Speech disorders in preschoolers

Game as a means of developing the lexical and grammatical structure of children with severe speech disorders

At speech development of preschoolers and correction of its underdevelopment, one of the leading places is the formation of lexical and grammatical skills - this is one of the main tasks of correctional education and education of children with severe speech disorders.

One of the pronounced features of speech children with severe speech disorders(TND) is the discrepancy in the volume of the passive and active vocabulary: children understand the meaning of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but use in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of the active vocabulary is manifested in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of wild animals, birds, professions, parts of the body and face. The dictionary is dominated by verbs denoting daily household activities. It is difficult to assimilate words with a general meaning, denoting the assessment, state, quality and attribute of the subject.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech comes with more difficulty than mastering the vocabulary. Violation of the syntactic structure of the sentence is expressed in the omission of members of the sentence, the wrong order of words, in the absence of complex structures.

The formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is a long and laborious process. But if you skillfully interest children, think over the construction of the lesson, then you can achieve significant results. To this end, I decided to conduct in-depth work with children.

Set the following tasks:

    optimally combine lexical material with grammar in the classroom;

    introduce children to a new grammatical category and purposefully work it out on each lexical topic using a large number of exercises;

    constantly maintain interest in the lesson and lexical and grammatical material, which allows to achieve a significant learning effect;

    approach the matter creatively, using different game techniques and equipment;

    include in the work on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure

    educators and parents.

At the beginning of the school year, I conduct monitoring in order to identify the levels of development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure in children with severe speech disorders. He showed that they have a low level of development of both vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Since there are children in the group different ages and with different diagnoses, then I select corrective tasks of different levels of complexity.

I work in the following areas:

1. Vocabulary development:

    activation and enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic;

    description of objects, structural features;

    naming actions with data on the subject of subjects;

    naming features according to several parameters: shape, color, size or appearance, color, habits.

2. Formation of grammatical representations:

    inflection exercises (number, gender, case);

    word-building exercises (diminutive suffix, verbal prefixes, the formation of relative and possessive adjectives);

    the use of prepositions;

    drawing up sentences of different structure with gradual complication.

I teach through exercises and didactic games with visual material. Visual material is natural objects, toys, pictures, I also use a variety of task cards, punched cards, didactic games.

The development of vocabulary is closely related to the development of the grammatical structure of speech, especially word formation and inflection. In this regard, many games and tasks for the development of vocabulary can also be used to develop the grammatical structure of speech.

I will dwell on what didactic games and tasks you can use in your work.

Thus, grammatical categories can be practiced using different kinds games:

Desktop printed;


Outdoor games;

Plot - role-playing;

Computer games.

When selecting material for games and game exercises, it is important to organize it in such a way that children not only memorize this or that grammatical form, but also in practical terms master the rule

inflections. The material should give a broad orientation in the types of word changes, help these types to be distinguished and differentiated.

Thus, the widespread use of didactic games and exercises is the most effective methods in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. The interest aroused in children, and positive emotions contributed to the successful assimilation of the grammatical structure of speech.

“What is it made of? »

Purpose: the formation of relative adjectives.

Game progress:

Teacher Child

What kind of jam is strawberry jam? Strawberry jam

What is orange juice? Orange juice

Compote from apples - what kind of compote is this? apple compote

What is a brick house? Brick house

What is a glass vase? glass vase

What kind of table is a wooden table? Wooden table etc.

“Whose, whose, whose? »

Purpose: the formation of possessive adjectives

Game progress:

Teacher Child

The tail of the fox is whose tail? Fox's tail

Bunny ears - whose ears are these? Bunny ears

Bear paws - whose paws are these? bear paws

Mom's dress - whose dresses are these? Mom's dress

Grandma's handkerchief is whose handkerchief is it? Grandma's scarf, etc.

“What happens? »

Purpose: selection of features for the subject, enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives

Game progress: the teacher asks: “What is an apple like? ”, children name the signs for the named object: “round, red, sweet, sour, smooth, hard”; "What is a kitten like? - "Small, fluffy, affectionate, kind"

"Find the exact word"

Purpose: to teach children to accurately name an object, its qualities and actions.

Find out what subject I'm talking about: “Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it? "(Objects may differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape).

Supplement in other words what I will start: the snow is white, cold. (Something else). Sugar is sweet, and lemon. (Sour). In spring the weather is warm, and in winter (cold).

Name what things in the room are round, tall, low.

Remember which animal moves how. Crow. (flies, fish. (swims), grasshopper. (jumps), already. (crawls). .

Game "One - many"

Purpose: Differentiation of nouns in the nominative case, transformation from singular to plural.

Equipment: pictures with different objects.

Game progress:

An adult speaks, showing a picture showing one object, what is drawn here is an apple, and you have apples, etc.

Pear… Melon… House… Flower… Cucumber… Tomato… Table… Bucket… Fish…. .Horse…. Boy… .

This game can be played vice versa, i.e., showing pictures showing many objects (plural) and children need to name the object, i.e. unit. h.

The game "Who is the most observant."

Purpose: fixing the forms of the accusative case.

Game progress:

Children should look around and name more items in complete sentences. The first child called in the singular, and the second repeated in the plural.

Speech material:

I see a table, a window, a chair...

I see tables, windows, chairs...

Game "Tell Dunno"

Purpose: Consolidation of forms of instrumental case.

Game progress:

Educator: Our Dunno decided to build a house for his friends.

Help him find out how he will do the job.

Sawing (with a saw);

Knocking… ., planing… ., drilling…., cutting…., digging… ., sweeping… .,

And when the house for friends was built, Dunno decided to take a break and came up with riddles for you.

Complete the sentence and repeat it completely.

Znayka draws (what? with what)

Donut spreads (what? with what)

The cog threatens (whom than)

Dr. Pilyulkin puts (to whom? what? with what)

Poet Tsvetik writes (to whom? what? with what)

Sineglazka erases (to whom? what? with what)

Game "Sea Treasures"

Purpose: development of the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender and number.

Equipment: subject pictures or toys.

Game progress:

Educator: There are many different treasures on the seabed. Find objects of the same color; in form; to size.

Game "Finish the sentences".

Purpose: the formation of skills for matching singular verbs in three persons: 1, 2 and 3rd.

Game progress:

The teacher began to say sentences in the 1st person, then turned to the first child, and he answers in the 2nd person, and to the third, he answers in the 3rd person

I'm going. - You are walking). - He's coming)

I am standing. - You stand). - It costs)

I am going for a walk. - You (go for a walk). - He (goes for a walk)

I am building a house. - You (build a house). - He (builds a house)

I sleep. - Are you sleeping). - He's sleeping).

A game "Count to Five"

Target: exercise in agreement of nouns with numerals one, two, five; update vocabulary on this topic.

Game progress: ask to name objects with numbers 1, 2, 5.

Lexical material:

One city -.

One street -.

One country -.

One river.

One field -.

One mountain.

A game "One is many"

Target: form form genitive plural nouns, enrich the vocabulary on the topic.

Game progress: offer to name nouns using the word "lot".

Lexical material:

city ​​dweller

A game "Who is bigger!"

Target: exercise in agreement with the numeral "one" with nouns; 3rd person personal pronouns with nouns; enrich the nominative and predicative vocabulary.

Game progress: name as many words as possible related to the given action.

Lexical material:

floats. (ship, boat, boat, boat);

flies. (airplane, parachute, helicopter, bird, kite.);

rides. (train, car, passenger);

worries (sea, river, mom, dad);

collects (harvest, guests).

for each named noun, first select the appropriate pronoun (he, she, it, they, then - the numeral (one, one, one, one).

A game "Guess"

Target: match adjectives with nouns.

Game progress: offer to listen phrases:

Lexical material:

Beautiful city, beautiful sea, beautiful promenade, beautiful parks

Ask to guess what you are talking about now speak:

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful….

Clear sky, clear park, clear street

Ask to guess what you are talking about speak:

Clean, clean, clean…

Offer to come up with your own words for these signs (What else in our city, region can be said to be beautiful, clean? Etc.).

A game "What, what, what"

Target: to improve the skills of derivation of adjectives from nouns.

Game progress: offer to answer questions.

Lexical material:

the noise of the city (which)(urban);

lantern on the street - lantern (which) – …;

park bench - bench (which) – …;

guests of the city (what kind) – …;

road sign - sign (which) - ….

A game "Pick up a sign, action"

Target: develop and enrich the vocabulary of children on the topic, consolidate the ability to correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns.

Game progress: offer to come up with as many words-signs as possible.

Lexical material:

Russia (which) -. (rich, big, beautiful, immense, etc.)

House (which) -.

edge (which) – …

City (which) - …

The park (which) -.

Monument (which) -.

Townspeople (what they do) - …

A game "Call it sweetly"

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly use words with a diminutive suffix, to enrich the vocabulary of children on the topic.

move: ask to be affectionately called.

Lexical material:

city ​​- town

score - ….

A game "Yes - no"

Target: form nouns in the genitive case.

move: offer to form words according to the model.

Lexical material:

city ​​- no city pharmacy - ...

station - ... house - ...

shop - ... park - ...

street - ... resident - ...

citizen -

A game "Form a new word"

Target: form adjectives from nouns, nouns from adjectives and verbs, adverbs from adjectives.

Game progress: offer to form words according to the model.

Lexical material:

City - city, Kuban - (Kuban, bread - (bread, Cossack - (Cossack).

mountain - (mountain, river - (river, sea - (sea).Pech - a baker, plow - a plowman, swim - a swimmer.

A game "Fix the mistake"

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Game progress: suggest correcting mistakes in phrases.

Lexical material:

Beautiful city.

Large square.

Old monument.

New area.

Railway station area.

A game "Choose relatives"

Target: form the ability to select related words, enrich the vocabulary on this topic.

Game progress: offer to come up with as many related words as possible.

Lexical material:

River - river - river - river - river - river - river; Drop - ... Grass - ...

A game "Say the opposite"

Target: compare objects and phenomena according to temporal and spatial relationships (in size, color and quality, choosing antonyms.

Game progress: Name words that are opposite in meaning.

Lexical material:

Rich land -

shallow sea -

dark street -

wide alley -

Rainy weather -

bright sky -

bright green -

Cold rain -

Cool fountain -

Noisy city -

Multi-storey building -

New square -

A game "Name the words buddies"

Target: choose synonyms.

Game progress: offer to choose words that are close in meaning.

Beautiful -. (beautiful).

Large -. (huge).

Difficult -. (heavy).

Run -. (rush, run).

Invite the child to make sentences with these words on the topic.

Junior preschool age. Games and exercises with grammar content

Miraculous Pouch

Target. Focus on the gender of the word when determining the subject according to its features.
Material. Hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato. Pouch.
Organization. The teacher addresses the children:
- A hare came to our kindergarten. Runaway bunny, what's in your bag? Can
look? What is it? (Carrot.) What kind of carrot? (It is long and red.)
Carrots are placed on the table.
- And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (It is long, green.) And this. .. (tomato) . What tomato? (It is round, red, big.) And this is ... (apple). What is it? (Red, round, large.)
- The hare wants to play. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will lower its paw, take an object and tell you about it, and you have to guess what is in its paw. Listen carefully:

It is long and red. What is it? (Carrots.) The hare "takes out" carrots.
- It's green and long. What is it? (Cucumber.)
- It's round and red. (Apple.)
- It's round and red. (Tomato.)
If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, the teacher highlights the pronoun with his voice.
- Listen well. It is round and red. It is round and red.
- Find and put vegetables in the bag. What's left? (Apple.) An apple is a fruit.
- Thank you, hare, for coming to us. Goodbye.

multi-colored chest

Target. Focus on the ending when agreeing words in gender.
Material. Casket. Object pictures: egg, biscuit, jam, apple, matryoshka and other objects denoted by words of the middle and feminine gender - according to the number of children.
Organization. There is a box on the teacher's table. It has pictures. The teacher reads the poem:
I put pictures
In a multi-colored box.
Come on, Olya (Masha, etc.), take a look,
Take out the picture, name it.
In the course of looking at the pictures, the teacher asks questions: “What testicle? What matryoshka?" The interrogative word is consistent with the noun and helps the child to correctly navigate in his gender.
In the event that 2-3 objects are depicted in the pictures, the game takes on a new meaning: this is an exercise in the formation of nominative plural forms of nouns.


Target. Focus on the ending when agreeing in the gender of the noun and the past tense verb.
Material. Wooden teremok. Toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.
Organization. The teacher puts (builds) a teremok on the carpet. Near the tower he sits down the animals. Children flocked side by side. The teacher tells a story, encouraging the children to take part.
- Stands in the field teremok. She ran to the tower... who? That's right, mouse.
Children prompt, focusing on the meaning of the verb and its ending.

Who lives in the teremochka? Nobody here. The mouse began to live in a little house. galloped to
little house... frog.
Etc. The story uses the words: ran, ran, galloped, galloped, stomped. After reading the fairy tale, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the verbs:
- Who galloped to the tower? Who came running? Who stomped? Hear how
we say: the frog galloped, and the hare rode; the fox came running
the wolf came running.
What was missing?

Material. Pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), multi-colored ribbons (long and short), horses, ducklings. Bag. Pinocchio.
Organization. The teacher introduces Pinocchio to the group. Pinocchio has a bag.
- What's in your bag, Pinocchio?
Pinocchio "says" that he brought toys to the children.
- Are you wondering what toys Pinocchio has in the bag?
Children are looking at toys. They are called. They put it on the table.
- What is it? Matryoshka? Let's see what's inside the matryoshka. Another matryoshka.
Let's put them side by side. Vova, now you get a toy. What is it? (Pyramid.) More
is there a pyramid?
So they take out and examine all the objects.
- Remember what items are on the table. Here are pyramids, nesting dolls, ducklings.
Pinocchio will play with you. He will hide toys, and you have to say which ones.
the toys were gone.
Three pairs of objects remain on the teacher’s table: two nesting dolls, two pyramids and two horses. Children close their eyes. The teacher hides the nesting dolls, and puts ribbons in their place.
What was missing? Then he hides the ribbons, puts pyramids in their place. What was missing? etc.
At the end, the teacher, having removed all the toys, asks: “What toys are gone?”

Where are our pens?

Target. Exercise in the formation of forms of the genitive plural of nouns.
Organization. Children sit on chairs. The teacher addresses them, inviting them with intonation to play, joke:
- Where are our pens? Don't have our pens? (Hides his hands behind his back. Children do the same.) Here are our pens! (Show hands, play with fingers.)
- Where are our legs? Are our legs missing? (Children hide their legs under a chair.) Here are our legs. (Stomp feet.)
- Where are our pens? What is missing? (Pen.) Here are our pens.
- Where are our legs? What is missing? (Legs.) Here are our legs.
Repeat two or three times.

Target. Exercise in the formation of plural forms of nouns (in the nominative and genitive case).
Material. Pictures depicting objects in the singular and plural (matryoshka-matryoshka dolls, bucket-buckets, wheel-wheels, ring-rings, etc.).
Organization. The teacher distributes pictures to the children, leaving pairs for them. Refers to children.
- A game of attention. I will show pictures, and the one who has the same toys,
should be quick to say so. For example, I have a wheel. And Vera has wheels. Faith
should quickly say, “I have wheels” or “I have many wheels.” Necessarily
call it a toy.

The one who hesitated gives his picture to the teacher. If the child quickly and correctly named the toys, the teacher gives his picture to him.
At the end of the game, the losers (who have no or fewer pictures in their hands) are given comic tasks: jump on one leg, jump high, sit down three times, etc. Tasks are invented together with the children.

Bear, go

Target. Exercise in the formation of forms of verbs to jump, ride (jump, ride).
Material. Truck, mouse, bear.
Organization. The teacher brings into the group truck, on which a bear and a mouse are sitting. Children surround them with interest.
- Do you want the animals to ride on the truck? If you want, you have to ask them
say: "Bear, go." And you can also ask the animals to jump: “Bear,
jump." (The words are accompanied by actions with toys.) Oleg, whom do you want
ask - a mouse or a bear? What task will you give them?
The game is played until the interest of children runs out.

Bear, lie down!

Target. Exercise in the formation of verb forms lie down, sing (lie down, sing).
Material. Teddy bear (voiced toy).
Organization. A bear cub comes to visit the children. Children surround him. Educator:
- Teddy bear knows how to carry out orders. You can ask him: “Bear, lie down on
barrel", "lie on your back", "lie on your tummy". And he can also sing. Ask:
"Mishka, sing." This is how the bear sings. Liked? (The words are accompanied
actions with the toy.)
At the request of the children, the bear performs various tasks. If the child is silent, the teacher asks leading questions: “Do you want the bear to lie down? On the tummy or on the back? Let's ask together: "Bear, lie on your tummy."
You can give the bear other tasks: go, jump, dance, etc.

Target. Learn to understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under).
Material. Truck, bear, mouse.
Organization. The Mishka and the Mouse are visiting the children again. The animals began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. Children close their eyes. The mouse hid. Children open their eyes. The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? He's probably under the car. No. Where is he guys? (In the cockpit.) That's where he got into! Close your eyes, the mouse will hide again. (The mouse climbs onto the cab.) Where is the mouse? etc.

got lost

Target. Correlate the name of the animal and its cub (at a duck - at a duck, chicken-chicken, goat-goat, cow-calf, horse-foal).
Material. Toy house, toy animals: duck-duck, chicken-chicken, goat-goat, cow-calf, horse-foal.
Organization. The teacher places animals in different places. There is a toy house on the carpet, there are cubs in it. Educator:
- Let's see who lives in the little house? "Quack-quack-quack" - who is this? Duck?
Correctly. (Pulls out a duck from the house). Big or small? Small? This is,
guys duck. Little duckling. And the duck is his mother. Help the duckling find it
mother duck. Vasya, take the duckling. Look for duck.
The child walks around the group, looking for.
- Whose voice is this? "Pee-pee-pee" - who is it? (Pulls out a chicken). Who is the mother
chicken? How does a chicken cackle? How does the chicken respond? Look, Olya, for a chicken - mom

The rest of the characters are played in the same way. When all the kids find their mothers, they are planted together. Children examine them, call them: duck-duck, chicken-chicken, etc. The animals are put in a car and taken away to visit other children.

Target. Distinguish between animals and babies by onomatopoeia. Correlate the names of animals and their cubs (mouse-mouse, duck-duckling, frog-frog, short in a-calf to).
Material. Toys: mouse-mouse, duck-duck, frog-frog, cow-calf.
Organization. Animals come (come) to visit children. Animals want to play. You have to guess whose voice it is.
- Mu-u-u - who is mooing like that? (Cow.) And who is lowing thinly? (Calf.)
- Kwa-kva - whose voice? Rough voice? And who croaks thinly? (Frog.)
The frog is large, croaks with a rough voice. And her cub croaks thinly. Who
baby frog? (Frog.)
Other toys are played in the same way. After playing, children can play with toys. To do this, you need to call correctly: "Frog, come to me", "Duckling, come to me."

To walk

Target. Activate names denoting baby animals.
Material. Tray with toys depicting baby animals: baby squirrels,
rabbits, ducklings, mice, etc. - according to the number of children. Construction material.
Organization. The teacher brings in a tray of toys. Children surround him.
- Animals came to visit us. Today we will build a house for them.
Choose for whom you will build a house, and ask correctly: “Give me,
please, duckling" or "Give me, please, squirrel."
- Whom to give you, Olya? And you?
The child receives a toy if he names the cub correctly. If necessary, the teacher suggests the word or its beginning, asks to repeat the name.
On the carpet is construction material. Children build houses for their animals, play with them.


Target. Activate names denoting baby animals. Exercise in the formation of forms of verbs.
Material. Toys: squirrel and kitten. Organization. There is a meow. Educator:
- Who is meowing? Where is he?
Goes to the locker room with the children:
Guys, we have guests! Look, they are very small. It's not just a squirrel and a pussy. This is a kitten and a squirrel.
- Animals want to play with you. They can be given orders. If you ask correctly, the squirrel will jump. "Squirrel, jump!" That's how it jumps! And you can ask a kitten: “Kitten, sing!” This is how a kitten sings. Who do you want to ask? About what?
After the game, the animals say goodbye to the children and leave (leave).

friendly guys

Target. Match the names of animals and their babies. Activate the names of baby animals.
Material. Squirrel and fox.
Organization. The teacher explains the content of the game to the children:
- Now let's play the game "Friendly guys". Get in pairs. Now line up
in two columns. The first column - squirrels, the second - foxes. Here are your houses (puts
at different ends of the hall there are chairs on which he puts a squirrel and a fox). When you hear
dance music, you will dance and run - frolic on the lawn. At
command "Danger!" run to your moms. The team that wins
gather sooner.
The game is repeated three or four times. Plastic sketches and exercises also contribute to the activation of the names of young animals, their correlation with the names of adult animals. The teacher takes on the role of an adult animal, the children are cubs. For example, the teacher is a chicken, and the children are chickens. Hen with chickens walks in the clearing. Everyone is raking grass, looking for worms, drinking water, cleaning feathers. At the command "Danger!" all chicken children run under the wing to mother chicken.

There will be firewood for the winter
(Physical education minute)

Target. Correlate the verb, its forms with their own movements.
Organization. Children stand in pairs, facing each other, holding hands (giving right hand one to another). With the beginning of the poem, they depict as if they were sawing firewood.
We are now sawing a log, Sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing, One or two! One-two! There will be firewood for the winter.

(Physical education minute)

Target. Correlate the derivative word (verb and noun) and expressive movements.
Organization. It is done standing. The teacher reads a poem, which the children accompany with rhythmic movements.
All summer the swing Swinged and sang, And on the swing we flew into the sky.
Children swing their arms back and forth, slightly springing at the knees.
The autumn days have arrived. The swing was left alone.
Reducing the course of the swing, they spring at the knees and reduce the swing of the arms to a stop.
Lying on a swing Two yellow leaves. And the wind swings Swings slightly.
Perform a light swing.

wolf and hares
(Mobile game)

Target. Understand and relate verb forms to movement
(hide, hide, hide).
Organization. The teacher reads the poem. Children perform
agreed with the word.
One, two, three, four, five There is no place for a bunny to jump: A wolf, a wolf walks everywhere, He clicks with his teeth, clicks! And we will hide in the bushes, Hide, hare, and you, You, wolf, wait! How do we hide, go!

Rabbit children jump on two legs, coordinating their movements with the text of the poem. The rest stand in a circle and clap their hands. The wolf walks around, snapping his teeth. Then everyone hides behind the backs of the chairs, standing in a circle. A pre-assigned wolf child looks for hares, picks up those children who have moved (within two to three minutes). The kids who didn't move win.

Hedgehog and mice
(Mobile game)

Target. Activate the forms of the imperative mood of verbs (run, catch).
Organization. All children, together with mouse players, stand in a circle. Hedgehog in the center of the circle. At the signal, everyone goes to the right, the hedgehog - to the left. The players say the words:
A hedgehog is running - dumb, dumb. All prickly, sharp tooth! Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you? What's wrong with you?
After these words, everyone stops and quietly continues:
Hedgehog legs stupid-dumb! Hedgehog eyes loop-loop! The hedgehog hears - everywhere is quiet, Chu, the mouse is scratching in the leaves!
The hedgehog imitates movements: walks carefully, listens. Children continue:
Run, run, hedgehog! Do not spare your legs, You catch mice, Do not catch our children!
The mice run in circles, run out of the circle. The hedgehog catches them (stains). The caught mouse leaves the game and becomes a circle. The game is repeated several times.

Do it yourself
(Mobile game)

Target. Correlate own movements with verb forms (commands).
Organization. One of the participants in the game is chosen as the leader, and the rest, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver walks in a circle and says:
Like a magpie chirping
I won't let anyone into the house.
I cackle like a goose
I'll pat you on the shoulder - run!

When working with children on the development of speech, the main attention should be paid to mastering the grammatical structure of speech. The greatest importance of grammar in the development of speech and the child's psyche lies in the fact that when it is mastered, thinking is also formed.

In the work on the formation of the grammatical structure of the speech of young children, the following areas are distinguished:

Prevention of grammatical errors in children, especially in difficult cases of morphology and word formation;
effective correction of errors existing in the speech of children;
improvement of the syntactic side of children's speech;
development of sensitivity and interest in their speech.

It is necessary to promote the development of grammatical formulation of statements by children: changing nouns by numbers, cases, verbs - by numbers, tenses, persons, the formation of diminutive names, the coordination of words among themselves, the construction different types sentences (simple with homogeneous members, compound, some complex), the use of the first service words in speech.

In the activities organized by the educator, which take place naturally, lively, with the help of visual materials and didactic games, only one task is solved. Since the formation of the grammatical structure of speech is a constant continuous process, work on solving each problem is also carried out outside special classes until the complete disappearance of this grammatical error in the speech of children.

is assimilated by the child independently, by imitation, in the process of various speech practice.

The teacher's speech pattern plays a leading role in this. You can also use techniques such as correction, hint.

The game "Goat-dereza".

Tasks: notice the figurative rhyming phrases of the Ukrainian fairy tale; to promote the development of the grammatical design of statements, the formation of diminutive names.

Material: puppets of the table theater "Koza-Dereza", Ukrainian folk tale"Goat-dereza".

Game progress

A knock is heard outside the door. A goat "runs" into the group. She asks for children, wants to stay in the group. Children sit on chairs, standing in a semicircle at the table.

Educator (V.). What happened to the goat, since she has nowhere to live?

The educator tells a fairy tale, accompanied by a table theater show, intonation emphasizing the rhyming figurative lines and his negative attitude towards the goat.

After telling the story, the teacher talks to the children about the characters.

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and a granddaughter Masha. They had a goat... What kind of goat?

Helps children reproduce: "Goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns."

How did the goat deceive the grandfather?

The teacher helps the children figure out what the deception of the goat is.

What words did the goat say to the grandfather?

I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, my grandmother didn’t shepherd me. How I ran through the comb, swallowed a drop of water - that's all my food.

Did the goat do well? (Badly.)
What did the grandfather do with the goat? ( children's answers.)
When else did the goat do bad things?

The teacher helps the children answer this question, which has a general meaning - she also occupied the hare's hut and did not let the hare go home.

Who chased the goat out of the bunny house? (Children's answers.)
How was the goat driven out of the bunny house?

The teacher helps to remember the content of these episodes. Children imitate the voices of animals.

What words did the goat use to scare the animals?

“I am a dereza goat, black eyes, a crooked leg, sharp horns, I stomp my feet, I will stab you with horns, I will sweep you with my tail.” And also “As I jump out, as I jump out, as I score with my feet, I stab with horns - shreds will go along the back streets.”

The words are accompanied by the finger game "Goat": inner side palms down, forefinger and the little finger are put forward, the middle and ring fingers are pressed to the palm and clasped by the large one.

Who drove the goat? (Children's answers.)
With what words did Petya the rooster frighten the goat?

- I'm going, I'm going soon, I have spurs on my feet, I carry a sharp scythe, I'll take the goat's head off. Ku-ka-re-ku!

What can you say about Pete? (Good, well done.)
Call Petya affectionately. (Petenka, cockerel.)
How can you name a bunny? (Hare, bunny, bunny.)
How can you say affectionately about a bunny tail? (Tail.)
How can you say affectionately about bunny eyes? (Eyes.)
How can you say affectionately about bunny ears? (Ears.)

The goat asks for forgiveness from the bunny, the rooster and the children. She says that she will no longer deceive and offend anyone. The kids let her stay in the group.

Toddlers can play with figures from the tabletop theatre, reenacting their favorite episodes, reproducing figurative rhyming phrases.

The game "Naughty bun".

Tasks: introduce children to wild animals; contribute to the development of the grammatical design of statements: changing nouns in cases (genitive case with a preposition and without a preposition).

Material:, table theater based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man".

Game progress

Kolobok rolls into the group. Children pick him up, greet him, sit down on the carpet. The teacher helps the kids remember the fairy tale (during the preliminary reading, the fairy tale had a happy ending - Kolobok outwitted the Fox too).

Then the teacher asks the children to answer the question: “Who did Kolobok meet in the forest?” (Hare.)

The teacher shows a picture of a hare. Children consider, name parts of the body, noting characteristics: long ears, short tail; imitate the movements of a hare.

Similar work is carried out with pictures of a wolf, a bear and a fox.

The teacher explains to the children that Kolobok acted badly - he left home without permission and got lost. The kids refer it to the figurines of the table theater according to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

The game "That's the toys."

Tasks:; with the help of a teacher, build compound sentences with a union a.

Material: Sasha and Alyosha dolls, technical toys, story
N. Kalinina "How Sasha and Alyosha came to kindergarten", a poem by T. Tkachenko "Friendship".

Game progress

The teacher introduces Sasha and Alyosha into the group of dolls. Children greet them, get acquainted. The teacher reads the story of N. Kalinina "How Sasha and Alyosha came to kindergarten."

Finger game "Friendship".

Girls and boys are friends in our group

(fingers are connected rhythmically into a “lock”).

We will make friends with you little fingers

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name).


To make it interesting for Sasha and Alyosha in kindergarten, the teacher offers to give them toys (every teacher selects toys depending on what is available; they must be accessible to children in management and have an aesthetic appearance). Children examine toys, pronounce onomatopoeia (if possible), use the control panel. When the kids consider all the toys, choose one for themselves, the teacher asks them to give them to Sasha and Alyosha.

AT. What did Petya give Sasha? (Doll.) And what did Katya give Alyosha? (Car.) Petya gave Sasha a doll, and Katya gave Alyosha a car.

Children repeat after the teacher. Similarly, kids play with other toys and talk about them.

The game "My family".

Tasks: help in knowledge family ties to encourage the manifestation of love and sympathy for relatives and close people; to promote the development of the grammatical design of the statement: changes in nouns in cases (dative case).

Material: an album with photographs of the group's children and members of their families; bag, doll, notebook, hammer, apron, newspaper, knitting needles, jump ropes, red headbands; nursery rhymes: "This finger is grandfather ...", "I'm going - I'm going ...".

Game progress

The children are sitting on the carpet. One child shows family story photos.

AT. Who is that girl? (It's me, it's Ira.) What is Ira doing? (Plays with a doll.) Who is that boy? (Brother Kostya.) What is Kostya doing? (Reading. Doing homework. Writing.) Who is this uncle? (This is Sasha's father.) What is dad doing? (He fixes a stool.) Who is this aunt? (This is Tanya's mother.) What is mom doing? (Preparing dinner.) Whose grandfather is this? (This is Irin's grandfather Petya.) What is grandpa doing? (Reading newspaper.) Whose grandmother is this? (This is Irina grandmother Pasha.) What is grandma doing? (Knitting.)

AT. Children, I have a lot of different items in my bag. But I don't know who needs these things. Tell me.

The teacher takes items out of the bag. Children call them and say who needs them: a doll - Irochka, a notebook - brother Kostya, a hammer - father Sasha, an apron - mother Tanya, a newspaper - grandfather Petya, knitting needles - grandmother Pasha.

AT. Here is such a friendly family Ira has.

The teacher asks the girl the name of her family.

Then the teacher is interested in how the surname of other children sounds, what are the names of their family members.

Finger game.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

nursery rhyme

Children bend in turn all the fingers on the hand.

AT. It's good to have such a big and friendly family. Not all grandparents live with you, but they love you very much and are always waiting for you to visit.

The teacher invites the children to go to visit their grandparents on a horse. Some of the children will be horses. "Reins" are put on them. The other part is riders. They are wearing red caps. Children stand one after another, act in accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme.

food food

To the grandmother, to the grandfather,

On a horse

In a red cap.

nursery rhyme

Children gallop around the group.

Game "Our toys".

Tasks: demonstration of toys to express the need for communication with peers; contribute to the development of the grammatical design of the statement: the agreement of the noun and pronoun in gender and number.

Material: favorite home toys, a poem by A. Shupikova "Our toys".

Game progress

The day before, the teacher asks the parents to bring the children's favorite toys.

Children play with the teacher. The assistant teacher enters the group and brings in the toys that she met in the corridor. Children run up to them. Each of the children will recognize their favorite home toy.

AT. Children, whose doll is this? (This is my doll.) Petya, whose doll is this? (This is Dasha's doll.) Dasha, what is the name of your doll? (My doll's name is Katya.)

Similarly, children examine and disassemble other toys. During the conversation, it is necessary to ensure that children use pronouns in their answers.

The children are seating their toys.

Game "Our toys".

Our toys have arrived

(children walk around the group, spread their arms to the sides, pointing to toys):


(straight arms lowered down, hands - to the sides, palms - parallel to the floor, turns right - left),


(imitates bear walking)


(jumps in place)

My duckling

(gestures to themselves)

Your goat

(gestures to a nearby child)

And her top

(gestures to a girl standing nearby).

We are our toys

We love, we protect

(children come to their toys, take them in their hands).

Let's play with them

I'll put it in place

(play with their toys: shake the doll, roll the car).

I am my toy

(gestures to themselves)

I will share with you

(pointing to a friend).

Well, and you

(gestures to friend)

(gestures to themselves).

A. Shupikova

The game "Our tree".

Tasks: cultivate a desire to decorate a room for the holiday; contribute to the development of the grammatical design of the statement: changes in the noun by numbers.

Material: tree, box, Christmas decorations: balls, icicles, cones in boxes, cotton wool, M. Ivensen's poem "Herringbone".

Game progress

The children are sitting on the carpet. The teacher asks you to close your eyes and smell the air. The teacher's assistant quietly brings in the Christmas tree. Children open their eyes, approach the tree, touch the branches, sniff them.

- Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

prickly needle,

Where did you grow up?

- In the woods.

- What did you see?

- Lisa.

- What's in the forest?

- Frost,

bare birches,

Wolves and bears

That's all the neighbors.

- And on New Year's Eve

Everyone sings a song.

The teacher suggests dressing up the Christmas tree to make it more fun. The teacher takes a large box out of the closet.

AT. What is it? (Box.) What's in the box?

The teacher takes one of the boxes and takes out a ball from it.

AT. What did I take out of the box? (Ball.) What is in the box?

The teacher shows an open box. Children take one ball at a time, consider it.

AT. What do you have in your hands, Petya (Vasya, Sasha)? (Ball.)

With the help of adults, children hang balls on the Christmas tree.

AT. What do we hang on the tree? (Balls.)

Cones and icicles are treated similarly.

Fun day game.

Tasks: cause joy in children, create a cheerful, emotionally upbeat mood; contribute to the development of the grammatical design of the statement: changing verbs in time (past tense).

Material: Christmas tree, New Year's gift, poem by Z. Alexandrova "Herringbone".

Game progress

The teacher examines candy wrappers. Children recognize them as sweets from a gift that Santa Claus gave them yesterday.

Who came to our party? (Father Frost.)

The teacher invites the children to the hall. The kids go into the hall, again admire the Christmas tree.

little Christmas tree

Cold in winter.

Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree

colored balls,

pink gingerbread,

Cones of gold!

How many under the Christmas tree

Little guys!

Stomp, clap,

They shout merrily.

Children stomp their feet, clap their hands.

AT. Where did the tree grow? (In the woods.) What have we done with the tree? (Decorated.) How do we decorate the tree? (They hung balls, icicles, cones.) What did we do yesterday under the Christmas tree? (They sang songs, played, danced round dances.)

Children lead a round dance, play the game that they played at the matinee with Santa Claus.

AT. Have you played this game? (Were playing.) Who did you play with? (We played with Santa Claus.) What did Santa Claus give you? (Candies.)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the corner of the box, visible from under the Christmas tree, says that Santa Claus left a gift for the children. Kids take sweets, eat them, thank Santa Claus.

The article selected and developed didactic games and exercises for the formation morphological order speech: to develop and master the skills of inflection and word formation (nouns, adjectives and verbs), which allow you to practically learn the grammatical categories of the language, expand the child's passive and active vocabulary. The table matches games to grammatical categories.

In the literature on preschool speech therapy, significant material has been accumulated on the formation of the morphological structure of speech. Based on the methodological recommendations of T.A. Tkachenko, the following approaches were taken into account in the work:

A clear division of functions between the educator and the speech therapist (the speech therapist introduces the children to the grammatical category, the educator conducts classes on a special system of lexical topics);
- when planning and conducting speech therapy classes, the emphasis is on the studied grammatical category;
- when preparing classes, the task is not to put all the grammatical material into one lexical topic;

The vocabulary topic is not indicated in the lessons, thereby not limiting the active and passive dictionaries on the basis of which this or that grammatical construction is formed. This made it possible to focus the attention of the children on the morphological form being studied (the ending of nouns, the ways of word formation, etc.).

The skills of inflection, word formation and word coordination were formed, drawing the attention of children to the morphological composition of the word. In the classroom, the child's attention was fixed in the form of a pronunciation accent on a definitely studied morpheme (prefix, suffix), which is the basis of word formation; the ending of words expressing various grammatical meanings (case, number, gender, person), which is the basis of inflection.

In order for each lesson to contribute to a noticeable progress in the correction of the morphological structure of speech, a high mental load was created for this purpose. The mental load increases due to exercises for the development of verbal and logical thinking, within the framework of the topic being studied, which is ensured by selecting a variety of visual material.

On the initial stage it is important to teach children to listen to the addressed speech, to keep in mind the material perceived by ear, to be able to hear errors in someone else's and their own speech. By clarifying the pronunciation and perception of sounds, improving the reproduction of the structure of the word, the children prepared the basis for the development of understanding of speech, the grammatical and morphological system of word formation and inflection. In turn, the development of phonemic perception creates the necessary basis for the formation of the morphological structure of speech.

The game is the main activity of the child preschool age, one of the characteristic patterns of child development. The game as a form of child activity contributes to the harmonious development of his mental processes, personal traits, and intelligence. A number of studies (A.V. Zaporozhets and others) confirm that the formation of these qualities in the game in a child is realized much faster and stronger than when using only didactic teaching methods.

Grammar category Didactic games and exercises
Topic: Diminutive meaning of nouns Games: "Big - small", "Hedgehog hedgehog",

"Call it sweetly"

Topic: Nominative case of a noun Games: "One - many", "What grows in the forest?",

“Who has a similar picture?”, “Change the word”

Topic: 3rd person singular and plural present tense verb Games: “Guess what the girl does and what she answers?”, “Guess and do the same”, “Change the word”, “Finish the sentence”
Topic: Accusative case of singular noun Games: "Who is the most observant?", "Correct and tell"
Topic: Genitive singular of a noun Games: “From what tree did a leaf fall?”, “Erudite”

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Topic: Dative singular and plural of a noun Games: “Who needs what for work?”, “Guests”
Topic: Instrumental singular and plural of a noun Game: Who defends themselves with what?”, “What do they do?”, “When does this happen?”, “Who is behind whom?”
Topic: Prepositional case constructions Games: "Care", "Help the animals find their home", "Scary Beast", "Pooh's Birthday"
Topic: Prefixed verbs Games: "Suggest actions", "Playing with water", "Say the opposite"
Topic: Genitive plural of a noun Games: “We select a rhyme”, “Preparations for the winter”, Guess what is gone?
Topic: Relative adjectives Games: “Blanks for the winter”, “What is it made of”, “What sheet?”
Topic: Possessive adjectives The game "Whose, whose, whose?"
Topic: Comparative degree of adjectives The game "Contract proposals"
Topic: The formation of complex words The game "Echo"

Didactic games and exercises on the formation of the morphological structure of speech

Didactic games and exercises on the formation of the nominative plural.

1. The game "One - many."

Purpose: to teach children to form nouns in the nominative plural.

Visual material: subject pictures - words in the singular and plural.

Game progress: the children were shown a picture of one object and were asked to find a picture of the same object, but in a larger quantity.

Speech material:

I have a red ball.
- And I have red balloons (child).

2. The game "What grows in the forest."

Purpose: formation of the plural form of a noun with the ending -ы.

Visual material: subject pictures and plot picture.

Game progress: the plot picture “Forest” was hung on the board, the children looked at the picture, and the experimenter gradually hung out cards of objects in the singular around this picture (oak, pine, birch, mushroom, flower, bush, berry).

Speech material:

Does one oak tree grow in the forest? (Oak trees grow in the forest);
- Does one pine tree grow in the forest?
- Does one mushroom grow in the forest?

3. The game "Who has a similar picture?".

Purpose: the formation of plural forms of nouns ending in -ya.

The course of the game: the children were given pictures with the image of an object in the plural, the experimenter raised his picture and asked the children who had a similar one.

My picture is of a chair. Who has the same one?

4. The game "Change the word."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the plural form of the nominative case of nouns with different endings.

Equipment: ball.

Game progress: the child was called words in the singular and, having caught the ball, he must name the word in the plural.

Didactic games and exercises on the formation of the genitive singular with prepositions.

1. The game "From which tree did the leaf fall?".

Purpose: to consolidate the names of trees, the genitive singular form with the preposition C.

Visual material: subject pictures.

Game progress: cards with tree leaves were distributed to children. Children must determine which leaves of which trees they have turned out to be, and name the tree: “My leaf fell from a maple.”

2. The game "Erudite".

Purpose: to fix the body parts of animals, and the formation of genitive forms with the preposition U.

Visual material: subject pictures.

Game progress: children were given pictures with animals, and questions were asked.

Speech material:

Who has a big trunk?
Who has a fluffy tail?
- Who has a heeled nose?
Who has long ears?
- Who has hooves?

3. We play the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Purpose: formation of the genitive case form with the preposition from.

Visual material: subject pictures of heroes from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Game progress: the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" was read to the children, then the fairy tale was read a second time, but with gaps, and the children must continue (from grandmother, from grandfather, from a wolf, from a hare, from a bear).

Didactic games and exercises for the formation of the genitive plural.

1. Didactic game "We select a rhyme."

Purpose: to form the ability to form the genitive form of the plural of nouns.

Visual material: subject pictures.

Game progress: a comic poem was read to the children:

I give you my word of honor
Yesterday at half past six
I saw two pigs
No hats or boots.

You and I can also compose funny jokes. I will start, and you continue (the children are shown pictures while reading the poem, which were spoken in advance).

Speech material:

Let's be honest:
Yesterday at half past six
We saw two forty
Without ... (shoes) and ... (socks),
And puppies without ... (slippers),
And titmouse without ... (mittens).

2. game exercise"Preparations for the winter."

Purpose: to consolidate the topic "Vegetables - fruits", to form the ability to form the plural of the genitive case of nouns.

Visual material: subject pictures.

Game progress: the children were told that in the fall they make preparations for the winter from vegetables and fruits. These are juices, jams, jams, salads, compotes and jams. After that, they were given pictures of vegetables and fruits, and they were asked to make sentences about what they would cook from what is shown in their pictures.

3. Game exercise "Guess what's gone?"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form the plural of genitive nouns.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: four pictures with objects in the plural were hung on the board, then two pictures were removed, and the children were asked: “What is missing?”. Pictures were selected with different endings.

Didactic games and exercises for the formation of the dative case of the singular and plural.

1. Game exercise "Who needs what for work"

Purpose: fixing the topic "Professions", mastering the dative case in the singular and plural.

Visual material: subject pictures.

a) The course of the game: the children were given pictures showing a teacher without a pointer, a painter without a brush, a hairdresser without scissors, etc. Then each child should stand up, show his picture and say: “My teacher is without a pointer, he needs to be given a pointer,” etc.

b) The course of the game: pictures with girls, bears, dogs, etc. were hung on the board, and pictures with objects (book, candy, ball, etc.) were given to children. Each child must come up with his own picture and choose to whom he will give.

Speech material:

I'll give candy to the girls;
- I'll give the book to the bears.

2. The game "Guests".

Purpose: fixing the theme "Wild Animals", mastering the dative case.

Visual material: subject pictures and soft toys.

The course of the game: the children sat around the table, each child had toys, the experimenter had a bunny, pictures with treats were laid out on the table. Children were asked to choose from the picture for their animal:

I will give nuts to the squirrel;
- I'll give honey to the bear.

Didactic games for the formation of the accusative case.

1. Didactic game "Who is the most observant?"

Purpose: to develop children's attention, memory, everyday vocabulary.

Game progress: children should look at what is around and name more items in full sentences. The first child called in the singular, and the second repeated in the plural.

Speech material:

I see a table, a window, a chair...
- I see tables, windows, chairs...

2. Didactic game "Change and say it right."

Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully and find mistakes.

The course of the game: the children were asked questions and given options for answers put in the initial form, the child had to give the answer in the correct version.

Speech material:

Who do I love? What? (mother, Motherland, cat);
- Appreciate what? (work, care, friendship);
- Take care of what? (book, toy, trees, birds);
- Remember what? (fairy tale, song, riddle, poem).

Didactic games to clarify the form of the instrumental case.

1. Didactic game "Who defends with what."

Purpose: to consolidate the theme "Animals and Birds", the assimilation of the instrumental case.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: the children looked at pictures of animals, and answered the questions: who defends themselves with what?

Speech material:

How is the dog protected? (elephant, deer, hedgehog, goose, cat).

2. The game "What are they doing?".

Purpose: to expand vocabulary, teach how to compose phrases and agree on a verb with a noun, learn the form of the instrumental plural.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: the children were given subject pictures depicting tools in the plural: saws, axes, shovels, needles, knives, scissors, etc., the children had to make phrases, answering the question “What do they saw (dig, sew, cut and etc.)?”.

3. Games "When does this happen?", "Who is behind whom?".

Purpose: to consolidate the instrumental form.

a) Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: pictures with the seasons were randomly hung on the board, and the children were asked the question “What is coming for?”.

b) The course of the game: the children were divided into two teams. The drivers stood in front of the team, with their backs to the rest of the children. Their task is to remember and say who is behind whom. The correct answer is rewarded with a chip.

Games to clarify the form of the prepositional case.

1. Game exercise "Care".

Purpose: to teach children to make sentences from pictures. Assimilation of the form of the prepositional case.

The course of the game: the children were given pictures, which depict children caring for animals and plants. The question was asked: “Who (what) do children care about?”.

2. Game exercise "Help the animals find their home."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the dwelling of animals, to clarify the prepositional case.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: pictures with the dwelling of animals were hung on the board, and pictures with animals were hung under the dwelling in a confused form. Children were encouraged to help animals find their homes. The answer is given in a complete sentence.

Classes on the formation of the change of verbs by persons.

1. Game exercise "Guess what the girl does and what she answers."

Purpose: to teach to form the forms of the 1st and 3rd person of verbs.

Visual material: plot pictures.

Game progress: the children were shown plot pictures with a specific image of the action, and answer the questions “What is the girl doing?” and the girl's answer in the 1st person of the present tense.

2. Game exercise "Guess and do the same."

Purpose: to teach children to change the form of verbs of the 3rd person singular to the form of the 1st person singular of the same verbs.

Game progress: one of the children performed an action without an object, the other must guess the action being performed, name it and do the same.

Speech material:

Vova is coming. - I'm going.
Katya is sleeping. - I'm sleeping.
Tanya is drinking. - I drink.
Alina draws. - I'm drawing.
Artem is running. - I am running.
Olga is reading. - I am reading.

3. Purpose: to teach children to use the same present singular verbs in the 1st person of the plural.

Task progress: the experimenter called the action in the singular, and the children must answer in the plural.

Speech material:

I'm going. - We are walking.
I sing. - We sing.
I wash my hands. - We wash our hands.
I walk. - We are walking.
I play. - We play.
I sleep. - We are sleeping.

4. Game exercise "Finish the sentences."

Purpose: the formation of skills for matching singular verbs in three persons: 1, 2 and 3rd.

Game progress: the experimenter began to say sentences in the 1st person, then turned to the first child, and he answered in the 2nd person, and to the third, he answered in the 3rd person.

Speech material:

I'm going. - You are walking). - He's coming);
I am standing. - You stand). - It costs);
I am going for a walk. - You ... (go for a walk). - He ... (goes for a walk);
I am building a house. - You ... (build a house). - He ... (builds a house);
I sleep. - Are you sleeping). - He's sleeping).

Game exercises and tasks for the formation of an adjective and a noun with a diminutive meaning.

1. Didactic game "Big - small."

Purpose: to teach children to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: circles were hung on the board - large and small, and the children were given pictures of objects. Each child in turn went to the blackboard, first called a large object under a large circle, and then a small one under a small one.

2. Game exercise "Hedgehog and hedgehog".

Purpose: to consolidate the topic "Vegetables", to form education skills, diminutive suffixes.

Visual material: subject pictures, 2 hedgehogs large and small.

The course of the game: the children were shown toys: a hedgehog and a hedgehog, and it was explained to the children that they were making supplies for the winter, and they needed help. Children have pictures of vegetables large and small. Then the children distributed vegetables to the hedgehogs, and told what they would give to whom.

Speech material:

I will give the hedgehog beets (cucumber, cabbage, eggplant, etc.), and the hedgehog beets (cucumber, cabbage, eggplant).

3. Didactic game "Call it affectionately."

Purpose: to teach children to form adjectives with an affectionate meaning.

The course of the game: the children were asked to name the sign of the object affectionately.

Game exercises and tasks for the formation of skills education relative adjectives on behalf of a noun.

1. The game "Preparations for the winter."

Purpose: to consolidate the topic "Vegetables and Fruits", to teach children to form relative adjectives from the name of vegetables.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: the children were given pictures depicting vegetables, and the experimenter explained that vegetables and fruits can be prepared for the winter preparations, it can be jam, juice, compote, salad. The experimenter asked questions, and the children answered according to their pictures.

Speech material:

What kind of juice can be prepared from apples (tangerines, blueberries, pineapple, raspberries, peaches, apricots);
- What kind of jam can be made from cherries (lingonberries, apples, currants, pears, plums);
- What kind of salad can be prepared from cabbage (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, potatoes, peas).

Similar games were held on the topic "Trees" and "Material".

Game games and exercises for the formation of skills, the formation of prefixed verbs.

1. Game exercise "Suggest actions."

Purpose: to teach children to form and correctly use the verb GO with different prefixes.

Visual material: toy car.

Game progress: the experimenter showed actions with the typewriter and started sentences, and the children had to continue the sentences and name the action.

Speech material:

The car from the house (what did it do?) ... (drove off);
- The car is on the road ... (went);
- The car to the bridge ... (Drove up);
- The car on the bridge ... (I entered);
- The car from the bridge ... (moved out);
- The car is a tree ... (I drove around).

The experimenter repeated the verbs pronounced correctly by the children, emphasizing the prefixes in his voice.

2. Game exercise "Playing with water".

Purpose: to teach children to form and correctly use the verb POUR

Visual material: glasses of water, a watering can and flowers.

Game progress: the experimenter demonstrated the actions and commented on them. Then he repeated these actions and commenting on them incorrectly, and the children had to correct the mistakes.

3. Game exercise "Say the opposite."

Purpose: to teach children to name actions with the opposite meaning.

Visual material: ball.

Game progress: children stand in a circle. The experimenter threw the ball and called the action, and the child who caught the ball called the action with the opposite meaning.

Speech material:

Pours - Pours out;
- enters - exits;
- Closes - Opens;
- Sails - Sails;
- Collects - Disassembles;
- Approaches - Departs.

Game exercises for the formation of skills education of young animals.

1. Game exercise "Terrible Beast".

Purpose: to form the ability to correlate adult animals with the names of their cubs.

Visual material: subject pictures.

Game progress: the experimenter read the story and paused, showing the pictures, the children should insert the words that fit the meaning.

Speech material:

“The girl Varya had cats with ... (kittens), a dog with ... (puppies), a duck with ... (ducklings), a chicken with ... (chickens), a goat with ... (kids). Once the ducklings ran to the river, began to swim and dive, and the kittens, chickens, puppies and kids looked at them. Suddenly they hear: “Tra-ta-ta!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers. Kittens to ... (cat), puppies to ... (dog), ducklings to ... (duck), chickens to ... (chicken), kids to ... (goat).

2. Game exercise "Pooh's birthday".

Purpose: to form the ability to correlate the names of animals with the names of their cubs.

Visual material: toys and subject pictures.

Game progress: the children stood around the table, pictures with adult animals were laid out on the table. The experimenter told the children about the kitten Pooh and his birthday, how guests came to him and they played hide and seek, and accompanying his story with actions with toys. The children put in the appropriate words and answered the questions.

Game exercises for the formation of skills to form possessive adjectives.

1. Game exercise "Whose, whose, whose?"

Purpose: to form the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Visual material: subject pictures and toys.

Game progress: 1 option. Pictures depicting animals were hung on the board, and the children were given pictures of their individual parts (tail, paw, ears). The children took turns going to the blackboard and called which animal they had.

Option 2. The experimenter showed the children a toy and asked questions: whose?, whose?, whose?

Game exercise on the formation of skills to form a comparative degree of adjectives.

1. The game "Contract proposals."

Purpose: to teach children to form a comparative degree from adjectives.

Game progress: The experimenter read out the sentences, and the children had to finish it.

Speech material:

Vova is strong, and his brother is still ... (stronger);
- The car is going fast, and the plane is still flying ... (faster);
- In spring the weather is warm, and in summer it is still ... (warmer);
- Lena's stuffing is long, and Katya's is still ... (longer);
- The evening is dark, and the night is still ... (darker);
- Ice cream is delicious, but candy is still ... (tastier).

Tasks for the formation of two-part words.

Game: "Echo"

Purpose: to teach children to form and understand complex words.

Visual material: subject pictures.

The course of the game: at first, a poem was read to the children, each significant part of the word was distinguished by intonation:

An angler catches a fish.
The bees are bred by the beekeeper.
A digger is digging the earth.
A pedestrian is walking.
An icebreaker breaks the ice.
Leaves fall - leaf fall comes.
The lumberjack cuts the forest.
Pipes are cleaned by a chimney sweep.
An all-terrain vehicle is driving along the road.
The dust is sucked by the vacuum cleaner.

After the children read the poem again, but the children themselves finished it.

These exercises and games were given to children as a reinforcing material for the main activities of a speech therapist. kindergarten on lexico-grammatical topics. We also developed class notes on the following topics that were not included in the annual plan (see Appendix):

1. Theme "Professions".

Purpose: to consolidate the concepts and names of professions, to teach children to form the names of professions from actions and objects.

2. Theme "Dishes"

Purpose: to fix the names of kitchen utensils, to teach how to form complex words from the names of dishes.

3. Theme "Disparaging-augmentative suffixes of a noun."

4. Topic: "Agreement of an adjective and a noun in gender, number and case."

Lesson notes

Theme: Professions.

Objectives: to form the concepts and names of professions, to teach how to form the names of professions from actions and objects.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

The experimenter demonstrates toy tools, and invites those children to sit down who will name what they are doing with these objects.

II. Main part.

1. Proverbs are read to children:

You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
After reading the proverbs, the experimenter discusses each proverb with the children.

2. Poems are read to children.


This is a home for different books,
They have been waiting for you for a long time.
Come closer quickly
Check out the books.
Here the order, as in a pharmacy,
The regiments lined up.
Near them is a librarian,
He is always happy to see us.

If cheeks are flushed
Suddenly stronger than kumach,
If cough - cause
Everyone to a doctor immediately.


We are all friends with books
Each of us is a reader.
And of course you should know
What their writer writes.


In the shop, in the market
And in the buffet, finally,
Everywhere we've been
We are met by the seller.


Hammer knock-knock-knock!
The whole day under this knock
The shoemaker surprises everyone
Skillful hands.

After each read poem, the experimenter explains to the children about each profession.

Pictures depicting people and their actions are hung on the board, the experimenter first explains the meaning of professions, then asks each child “Who does what?” not only in pictures.

4. Dynamic pause.

We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
We circle then.

5. Game "Fix the mistake"

The wrong action is read to the children for the professions that they must correct:

The builder controls the plane,
Fireman heals people
The seamstress paints the house
The hairdresser washes clothes
The postman delivers the mail
The janitor cooks dinner.

1. Test task, each child must choose the correct answer.

Who keeps order in the library? (policeman, builder, librarian),
Who do we call when we get sick? (doctor, teacher, firemen),
Who writes books? (musician, writer, shoemaker)
Where is the chef at work? (at the TV, at the stove, on the sofa),
What does a tailor do? (teaches children, heals people, sews clothes),
What does a salesperson do at work? (sleeps, sews, sells),
What does a shoemaker repair? (furniture, shoes, clothes),
What does a builder do? (builds, flies, teaches)
What does the teacher do? (heals, teaches, plays)
Where does the teacher teach children? (at the museum, at the zoo, at school).

2. The experimenter lists the names of professions and asks the children to name one word - "Professions".

Topic: Adjective-noun agreement in gender, number and case.

Objectives: to teach children to agree adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case; select nouns to the adjective in accordance with the generic and numerical affiliation; according to a given generalization, find and correct errors in coordination.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

The experimenter demonstrates the object and invites those children who will name the signs of this object to sit down.

II. Main part.

1. Game "Collect the picture" (using constructive activities)

Children are offered cut pictures. It is necessary to collect them and name what they did, highlighting the endings of words. For example, I have red tomatoes (yellow dresses, blue cups, etc.). Next, the experimenter asks each child how they would say if they had one object. What has changed in the words?

2. Game "Shop"

The experimenter, who in this game is a seller, "on the counter of the store" various items and things. Children as buyers. In order to purchase an object or a thing, it is necessary to describe it. For example, please give me a red dress with blue bows; green saucers with yellow flowers etc. The experimenter focuses the attention of the children on the endings they pronounce.

3. Dynamic pause. The game "What is this thing?" (with a ball)

Children stand in a semicircle. The experimenter names a sign and throws a ball to each of the children. The child who caught the ball names an object that has this feature and returns the ball. For example, long - rope, skirt, thread; long - train, day, knife, etc.

4. The game "Wildflowers" (using art activities).

Children are given colored pencils, a contour image of flowers. Experimenter: “Early in the morning the children went out into the field. They look - the field is covered with a carpet. And the carpet is alive! And what colors are not there: white, and blue, and red, and yellow! (Children examine the flowers, name them.) The artist painted the flowers that bloomed in that field, but the trouble is: I forgot to colorize! Let's color them ourselves. What is the name of this flower? (Shows a bell.) What kind of pencil will you take to color it? Why? Etc.

After the analysis, the children trace and color the flowers, and then, looking at their drawings, answer the questions: What pencil did they paint the flowers with? Why? The experimenter focuses the attention of the children on the endings they pronounce.

5. Game "Find the mistake"

Children are invited to listen to the sentences, find the mistake, correct it, repeat the sentence correctly.

On the table lies big book. Masha read a short story. The teacher told an interesting story. The yellow sun shines in the sky. Anya put on a red dress. There are red apples on the plate. Masha colored the leaves with a green pencil. Etc.

6. The game "What's gone?"

The experimenter has 6 objects on the table: a blue cube, a green ball, a red ribbon, a gray cat, a yellow bucket, a white saucer. The experimenter first asks to name all the objects. Then the children close their eyes, and the experimenter removes one or two objects. Next, the children open their eyes and answer the question: What was missing on the table?

The lesson is summed up, the activity of children is evaluated.

Subject: Dishes.

Purpose: to fix the names of kitchen utensils; learn to form complex words for the names of dishes.

Course progress.

I. Organizational moment.

The experimenter demonstrates the item of dishes, and invites those children who will name its sign to sit down.

II. Main part.

1. Subject pictures depicting dishes are hung on the board, the experimenter tells about each object, what it is for, what they eat and drink from it, what they eat. Then each item is pronounced together with the children.

2. The game "Set the table."

A toy set of dishes, toy and real products are laid out on the table. The experimenter, together with the children, lays out the food in dishes and comments on his actions, highlighting word-forming affixes with his voice.

3. Dynamic pause.

My cup, my mug - circular movements, alternately left and right hands.
We put it high on the dryer - we stretch up.
Ouch! The mug fell from the shelf - head tilts left and right.
We will collect the fragments - sweep the fragments into a scoop.

4. Game exercise "Shop of utensils".

There are dishes on the table, and each child has a picture of the product. The experimenter explains to the children that each product must be stored in a certain dish, and therefore it is necessary to pick up the dishes in the store, but if the item is named incorrectly, the seller will not understand and will not sell the right thing. Each child must match their product with a piece of utensil with the comment: “I have sugar, and I will buy a sugar bowl”, etc.

5. Game exercise "Donkey visiting a teddy bear."

The children are told that the teddy bear invited the donkey to visit, but does not know how to properly arrange the products and he needs help. Children should correctly lay out the products and explain their choice: “Sugar should be put in a sugar bowl, sweets in a candy bowl”, etc.

The lesson is summed up. Children's activities are evaluated.

Topic: Derogatory-magnifying suffixes of nouns.

Purpose: to teach children to use and form nouns with derogatory-magnifying suffixes.

Course progress.

I. Organizational moment.

The game "4 extra". Pictures are hung on the board: three with large objects, one with small ones. Children must choose an extra picture.

II. Main part.

1. Pictures are hung on the board in two rows: the top row of the picture with a large image, the bottom row with a small image. The experimenter explains the meanings of the pictures, that we will call the small pictures affectionately, and the large ones in a magnifying form, and pronounce each picture (boots - boots), the children repeat in chorus.

2. The game "Find a couple."

Children are given pictures with large objects, small ones remain on the board. Each child must find a “pair” for his picture, and correctly name: hatchet - ax handles, leg - legs, antennae - antennae, nose - noses, etc.

3. Dynamic pause. Game "Say the names", with the ball.

A ball is thrown to each child in turn and the name of the object is called, and the child who catches the ball must give generalizing concepts: Katya is a name, a shirt is clothes, a doll is a toy, etc.

4. The game "Small and big."

Children are divided into two teams: Boy with a finger and Ivan the Bogatyr. Each company is given pictures: large and small. The team with the most correct answers wins.

5. The game "What has changed?". 5 pictures are hung on the board, the children close their eyes and the pictures change places.

The game "What's wrong?". 5-6 pictures hang on the board, while the children's eyes are closed, 1-2 pictures are removed.

The experimenter calls the object in a diminutive value, and the children must name it in an augmentative value.

Struk Irina Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MOU elementary school-d / s "Lomonosov",

Card file of didactic games on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech of children of middle preschool age


Target: learn to agree adjectives with nouns.

Game progress: the teacher calls the word and asks questions (what? what? what? what?), the child answers.

Jacket (what?) - red, warm, winter ...

Boots (what?) - brown, comfortable, warm ...

Scarf (what?) - fluffy, knitted ...

Gloves (what?) - leather, white ...

Hat (what?) - black, big ...

Shoes (what?) - autumn, beautiful ...

Dress (what?) - new, elegant, green ...

Shirt (what?) - white, festive ....

Fur coat (what?) - fur, warm ...


Target: teach children to form words using diminutive-petting suffixes.

Equipment: ball

Game progress: the teacher says a phrase and throws the ball to the child. Invite your child to return the ball to you and change the phrase so that the words in it sound affectionate.

Warm coat - warm coat

sly fox - sly fox

White hare - white hare

Boots are clean - boots are clean

The branch is short - the branch is short

The cone is long - the cone is long

Black crow - black crow

White snow - white snow.


Target: exercise in agreeing nouns with numerals 1-2-5.

Game progress: the teacher calls one object, the children answer how 1-2-5 objects will sound.

One ball, two balls, five balls.

One doll, two dolls, five dolls.

One cloud, two clouds, five clouds.


Target: to consolidate the ability to correlate an object and its attribute. Fix the agreement app. with noun. in gender, number.

Material: pictures depicting a tree, a mushroom, a stump, the sun, a girl, a basket, pictures are symbols of the quality of objects.

Game progress: in the center - pictures depicting objects, separately - symbols of qualities. Children are invited to find objects to which they can ask the question “what?” and answer the question by choosing the symbols of qualities. (Stump - what? The stump is low, hard, round, etc.). The work with objects of feminine and neuter gender is similar.


Target: learn to make descriptive riddles about berries, fruits, etc.

Game progress: the teacher asks the children to independently compose a descriptive riddle about berries or fruits: “Oval, hard, yellow, sour, put in tea” (Lemon).


Target: learn to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.

Game progress: The child is asked to write a story based on the pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.


Target: to form the ability to select related words formed from the word mushroom according to the meaning of the poem.

Material: the text of the poem.

Somehow early at times it suddenly began to rain ... mushroom.

And from the house at the same moment went to the forest ... mushroomer.

To bring the catch, I took a basket for ... mushrooms.

For a long time he walked into the wilderness of the forest - he was looking for a clearing there ... mushroom.

Suddenly, under the Christmas tree on a hummock, he sees a small ... mushroom.

And instantly our lucky one rejoiced ... mushroomer.

How can he not have fun, if here in the earth ... mycelium!

He began to look under the trees, under the birches and oaks,

Collect in your basket all edible ... mushrooms.

And when he collected a lot of them, he went home,

And he dreamed all the way how he would cook the soup ... mushroom.

He collected a lot of mushrooms, and mushrooms, and fungi,

And the one who searches for a long time will come across and ... mushroom!


Target: to consolidate the ability to use possessive pronouns and divide words according to generic characteristics.

Material: cards with pictures of mushrooms; two baskets.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children from the bank of subject pictures to choose mushrooms, about each of which you can say "he is mine" and put in one basket. In the other - put pictures with mushrooms, about each of which you can say "She is mine".


Target: to form the ability to select synonyms for words. Develop the accuracy of expressing thoughts in the preparation of sentences.

Material: Chips.

Cloudy days in autumn... grey, dull...

In autumn, the weather is often cold,… windy, rainy...

In autumn, the mood is sad, ... sad, sad...

In autumn it rains a lot... cold, pouring...

The sky is covered with gray clouds, ... dark, rainy ...

At the beginning of autumn there are clear days, ... cloudless, light...

It's cold outside in late autumn... cloudy, windy...


Target: develop the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Game progress: the teacher calls the word and asks a question (whose? whose? whose?), the child answers.

Scarf (whose?) - mother's,
Hat (whose?) - grandmother's,
Tray (whose?) - grandfather,

The book (whose?) - grandmother's,
Slippers (whose?) - grandfather.


Target: fixing the use of nouns in the genitive case of the plural.

Game progress: children are read aloud familiar lines of poetry without finishing the last word. (This word is in the genitive plural). Children add the missing word and get a chip for each correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

I give you my word of honor: He said: "You are a villain,

Yesterday at half past six. You eat people

I saw two pigs. So, for this my sword -

No hats and ... (shoes) Your head with ... (shoulders)

Wait, isn't it for you Ant, ant

Last week. Does not regret ... (bast shoes)

I sent two pairs

Excellent ... (galoshes)

Robin Bobin Barabek. Where is the killer, where is the villain?

I ate forty ... (man) I'm not afraid of him ... (claws)


Target: distinguishing in speech forms of the accusative case of animate and inanimate nouns, the development of short-term auditory memory.

Game progress: it is better to play this game on a walk so that there are more objects for observation in front of your eyes. Multiple people can play. Before the start of the game, they agree that they will name the objects that are around. The first player says: “I see ... a sparrow” and throws the ball to any player. He should continue: “I see a sparrow, a dove” - and throws the ball to the next one.

If someone cannot continue listing objects that can be observed in this situation, he leaves the game. The next round begins, a new proposal is drawn up, and so on.

Hide and Seek

Target: learn to understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under).

Game progress: visiting children Bear and Mouse. The animals began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. Children close their eyes. The mouse hid. Children open their eyes. The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? It's probably under the car. No. Where is he guys? (In the cockpit) Etc.


Target: to teach correctly, to build sentences with a cause-and-effect relationship, the development of logical thinking.

Game progress: the educator explains that the children will have to complete the sentences the facilitator starts by using the word "because". You can choose several options for the same beginning of the sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the cause of the event described in the first part. For each correct continuation, players receive a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Unfinished suggestions for the game:

Vova got sick ... (he caught a cold) Mom took an umbrella ... (it's raining)

The children went to bed ... (late) I'm very thirsty ... (hot)

The ice on the river melted ... (warmth) The trees swayed violently ... (wind blowing)

It became very cold ... (it snowed)


GOAL: Exercise in the formation of forms of the verb "want" (want-want, want-want).

Organization. The teacher addresses the children:

We can do many different things: we can run, jump, sing, dance, play. I want to play a game. Do you want? (Answers).

How to say? ( We want). Think about what each of you wants to do - take a walk, clap your hands, jump, or something else. You can ask your comrades if they want to do the same or if I want to do it. If you ask and answer correctly, you can fulfill your desire.

I want to clap my hands, and you, Olya, do you want to?

Clap. Who wants to clap too? How many children want the same. Say your desire all together: "We want to clap." Clap. What do you want to do, Vova? Who else wants? Please say about your desire together: "We want ...". Turn to each other and think about how to say it. Please, Tamara and Seryozha want to say something to us together. ( We want to ride a bike).

Well done. Who else has already prepared their joint response, what do they want to do?


GOAL: learn to make common sentences.

Game progress:“Now I will make an offer. For example, "Mom sews a dress." What do you think, what can be said about the dress, what is it like? (silk, summer, light, orange). If we add these words, how will the phrase change?” Mom sews a silk dress. Mom sews summer dress. Mom sews a light dress. Mom sews an orange dress.

Suggestions for the game:

The girl is feeding the dog.

The pilot controls the aircraft.

The boy is drinking juice.


Target: exercise in the selection of single-root words.

Bear - bear, bear cub, bear, bear ...

Wolf - she-wolf, wolf cub, wolf, wolf, wolf ...

Fox - fox, fox, fox, fox, fox ....


Target: exercise in the use of the prepositional case of a noun.

The fox lives in a hole.

The bear hibernates in ....

The wolf lives in...

The squirrel lives in ... .

The hedgehog lives in ... .


Target: expand and activate vocabulary. Exercise in the formation of real participles of the present tense.

Material: subject pictures of migratory birds, ball.

sings singing

Twitter Chirping

Flies away flying away

feeds lactating

floats floating

screaming Screaming

starving Starving


Target: exercise in inflection: the use of the genitive case of nouns in the singular and plural.

No (who?) - no swan, duck ....

No (who?) - no swans, ducks ....


Target: learn to understand the meaning of possessive pronouns.

Game progress: the adult obviously speaks incorrectly, and the child, if he hears an error, corrects it.

There are many on the table pencils.

Carlson ate a lot sweets.

Say a few sentences correctly, let the child reflect. There are many books in the closet.

It is necessary to monitor the speech of the child, the use of plural nouns in the genitive case causes many difficulties.

My boots, my hat, my gloves, my scarf... .


Target: exercise in case and prepositional agreement.

Change the word "window" in the context of the sentence.

The house has a big... There is no … in the house. I approached…. I dream big... I have flowers growing under ... .


Target: consolidate the use of verbs in the future tense (I will fly, heal, drive ...).

Game progress: at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads an excerpt from the work of V. Mayakovsky Who to be.

After that, he invites the children to dream about who they want to be, who they want to work.

I will be a pilot, fly airplanes.

I will be a doctor, treat children.

I will teach children, work as a teacher.

The teacher monitors the correct construction of sentences.


Target: exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.

Which soup of ... (beans, peas, fish, chicken, beets, mushrooms, vegetables)?

What kind of porridge from ... (millet, oatmeal, semolina ...)?

What jam from ... (apples, plums, apricots, raspberries ...)?

What juice from ... (carrot, pear, orange ...)?

What kind of dishes can be ... (glass, metal, ceramic, porcelain, clay, plastic)? Give examples. Why is she called that? (Glass - made of glass.)


Target: learn to choose antonyms for words.

Take-off landing

take off - land

Arrive -…

Sailing - ... .


Target: learn to find synonyms for words.

Ride - ..., rush - ..., rush - ..., drive - ..., drag - ..., move - ....


Target: to consolidate the ability to form sentences from words.

Game progress: Ask the children to come up with sentences using the following words:

funny puppy full basket

ripe berry cheerful song

thorny bush forest lake



Material: ball.


Target: exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

Material: ball.

The magpie has white sides, so it is called ... (white-sided).

The titmouse has a yellow chest, so it is called ... (yellow-breasted).

The bullfinch has a red chest, so it is called ... (...).

The woodpecker has a red head, so it is called ... (...).

The crow has black wings, so it is called ... (...).

The woodpecker has a sharp beak, so it is called ... (...).