Role-playing game physical education. "Formation of motor activity of preschoolers through plot physical education classes

Subject: "Visiting the Bunny"

Goals: exercise in walking and running between objects, with high knee raising, stepping over the object; teach children to listen to music and clearly perform exercises under it; learn to easily jump up on two legs, walk on an inclined board while maintaining balance; crawl under the arc.

Equipment: Christmas trees, snowballs, sloping board, arches, racks with a cord, carrots on strings, wolf mask, hares.

Surprise moment: bunny (child)

Lesson progress:

Children today we will go to the forest, Zaika invited us to visit, he is waiting for us. But the road we have will be difficult, long. Can we deal with you? Everyone needs to work hard to get in.

Children go in circles. You need to walk beautifully.

There are many obstacles ahead, and here is the first.

It is necessary to go between the trees, raise the knee of the hand high on the belt. But how much snow has blown we need to go stepping over the snowballs without touching them.

The bell is ringing. This gives us a signal from Bunny that we are on the right track and he hurries us, so we easily ran after each other.

Nice walk in a circle.

The bell rings again and everyone easily runs between the Christmas trees. Running turns into walking. Bunny comes out in her hands holding a basket with snowballs.

Bunny: Hello, children, I was waiting for you and decided to go to meet you.

The child gets up in line with other children and continues walking in a circle with rebuilding in 3 columns). Each child takes one stone.

Bunny, together with you, wants to prepare for the road, gain strength, and the exercises that Bunny will show us will help us with this.

Outdoor switchgear complex

    I.p. standing with feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up through the sides and shift the lump to the other hand, let go down to the legs. (Five times)

    I. p. sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, put a lump, put your hands on your belt. (Five times)

    I. p. standing, arms lowered along the body, sit down, put a lump on the floor, stand up. (4-5 times)

    I. p. kneeling hands on the belt. Roll the ball around you. (6 times)

    I. p., lying on your back, arms above your head, roll over onto your stomach and back again. 4 times.

    Jumping and walking (alternate) 2 times.

To get to the forest clearing, we need to go along this path, but there are many obstacles on it, and Zaika will show us how to get through. Walk this hill. In order not to fall from it, you need to put your hands to the sides, keep your back straight. There were large branches blocking our path. We need to get under them. Put your hands on your knees, bend your head and crawl sideways under the arc.

Well, now you need to help the bunny get the carrot. You need to get up and easily jump on your toes and reach for the carrot.

The main types of movements.

    Walking on an inclined board. Hands to the side.

    Crawling under the arc sideways (right then left) without touching the floor with your hands.

    Jump up on toes.

Guys, now let's play with Bunny. We will all be bunnies. Put a picture of a hare on the children's neck. At this time, the growl of a wolf sounds.

mobile game

"Hares and the wolf"

The wolf came to the clearing, we need to hide in a mink. Children crawl under the cord stretched on the racks. The wolf approaches the chair prepared in advance and pretends to fall asleep.

The teacher says:

Jump and jump, jump and jump

Bunnies are having fun

Jump and jump, jump and jump

Someone to fear

Suddenly, out of nowhere

A wolf has appeared, our bunnies are running away

In the house and silence.

Children crawl under the rope and jump all over the hall with the last word, the children run into the hole.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Restoration of breathing.

A game of low mobility.

"Find a carrot." Guys, the bunny asks us to help him find a carrot.

And now, guys, let's listen to the sounds of the winter forest. To do this, we need to lie down and close our eyes and think about something good.

Bunny thanks you all and wants to give you a gift, and this gift is under our Christmas trees.

Children calmly leave the hall and thank Bunny for the trip.

Lessons can be:

  • gaming;
  • plot;
  • integrated;
  • with elements of sports exercises.

game form

is based on a variety of outdoor games of high and low intensity, game exercises aimed at teaching, consolidating and improving the main types of movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing). A variety of outdoor games allows you to select them taking into account the time of year, the conditions for conducting, the preparedness of the pupils, as well as in accordance with the health, educational and educational tasks set.

In the introductory part of the game lesson, outdoor games of low and medium intensity are held with varieties of walking and running.

The content of the main part can include a game complex of general developmental exercises and 2-3 game tasks using various types of movements, the qualitative development of which is facilitated not only by outdoor games, but also by game exercises of high and medium intensity. The essence of game exercises is to perform specific actions (“Don’t step on the line”, “Jump over the ditch”, “Who will throw further?”, etc.), allowing each child to demonstrate personal capabilities and abilities, and the teacher to implement an individual approach and, accordingly to better solve the educational tasks of the lesson. Reducing the load in the final part provides a mobile game of low intensity.

Plot form

covers different types of movements, outdoor games, game exercises of an imitation nature, combined into a holistic plot (“Walking in the forest”, “Visiting grandma”, “Hares on the lawn”, “Circus”, etc.).

For example, the lesson "Kolobok" with a traditional three-part structure consists of the following storylines:

- introductory part: “We sculpted a kolobok” (varieties of walking with a ball), “Kolobok rolled” (running with a ball in his hands);

- the main part: "Fun exercises with a kolobok" (a set of general developmental exercises with a ball), "Play with a kolobok" (exercises in throwing, rolling a ball, etc.), "Kolobok and dogs" (an outdoor game with a ball);

- the final part: "Kolobok runs away from the fox" (an outdoor game of low intensity with the ball).

The theme of the plot lesson can be playing up the impressions of observing animals (“Dogs”, “Horses”, “Forest animals”, etc.), natural phenomena (“Snowball is my friend”, “Spring sun”, “Winter-winter” and etc.), as well as on the subject of knowledge of the properties of physical education equipment (“Funny ball”, “Magic bag”, “Colorful rings”, etc.). Children really like travel activities (“Visiting the Hasty Bear”, “We are going to the lawn”, “Summer Forest”, etc.), their content can be infinitely varied by transforming the plot and gradually increasing complexity and diversity from lesson to lesson motor tasks.

For example, an activity integrated with the educational areas "Child and Nature", "Child and Society"

begins, as a rule, with the actualization of the cognitive ideas of pupils. To do this, an introductory conversation is conducted using indirect visualization methods: photographs, pictures, posters related to the further content of the lesson. In the photographs, children see the true color of animals, birds, insects, etc., using the example of game aids, they examine objects of the immediate environment and the man-made world. The duration of the conversation does not exceed 3-5 minutes.

Further, in the process of physical activity in the classroom, children consolidate the acquired ideas. This is facilitated by thematic outdoor games, plot physical exercises, which not only effectively develop the motor skills of pupils, but also form social experience, personal qualities, educate a cognitive and humane attitude towards nature based on the inclusion of the child in various life game situations. You can end the lesson with a final conversation or a thematic outdoor game of low intensity.

Physical education classes integrated with the educational area "Art" include a rational combination of material related, for example, to musical and motor activities: mobile and musical games, musical and rhythmic movements, singing, physical exercises in all parts of the lesson. A certain basis of a piece of music, with which movements are associated, causes a coordinated reaction of the respiratory, cardiac, muscular systems of the child's body, and an emotionally positive state contributes to the development of the psyche, develops musical-sensory and motor abilities in babies.

It should be noted that the integrated form is extremely relevant in working with children of the third year of life, because. how exactly at this age attention, memory, imagination, thinking and speech develop under the condition of making generalizations based on the experience of practical objective activity and fixing in the word.

Classes with elements of sports exercises

are aimed at the implementation of an important component of the educational area "Physical Education" to teach children to sled and cycle, ski and slide on ice tracks. The presence of this component confirms the priority and health-improving orientation of physical exercises and outdoor games, as well as the need to introduce sports exercises into the content of physical education from an early age.

The introductory and final parts of such classes are conducted according to the traditional method, and the main part covers the elements of sports exercises, the main types of movements, and outdoor games. you can not include in the structure of the main part of the lesson, but devote more time to learning and consolidating the elements of sports exercises. The effectiveness of training depends on the teacher's ability to apply an individual approach and insurance in the process of teaching sports exercises to pupils, on the ability to rationally organize motor activity in a lesson without reducing its motor density.

The ones discussed are the most common.

The teacher plans the form of conducting a particular lesson at his own discretion, depending on the tasks to be solved, the venue, the material and technical equipment, and his own professional skills.

"On a visit to the hedgehog", a summary of the organized game plot motor activity in physical education for children of the younger group

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a summary of the game GCD in physical education for children of the younger group (3-4 years old) with massage balls on the topic "Visiting a hedgehog." Exercises with massage balls help to diversify the activities of children, stimulate the activity of speech centers, develop general and fine motor skills, help relieve mental stress, nervous fatigue, develop the eye, strength, agility, and speed of the child's reaction.
This material will be useful to educators of younger groups and physical education instructors.

Synopsis of organized game plot motor activity in physical education for children of the younger group "On a visit to the hedgehog"

Target: Formation in children of interest and need for systematic physical exercises.
Tutorials: teach jumping on two legs across the line, from hoop to hoop; reinforce walking and running skills; to exercise children in climbing under an arc on all fours, without touching it. Teach children to move according to the nature of the music.
Educational: To instill in children an interest in physical exercises, to promote the formation of positive emotions.
Developing: To expand the knowledge of children about forest dwellers, to develop imaginative thinking when guessing riddles; develop attention and observation; ability to navigate in space.
Wellness: Develop general and fine motor skills; strengthen the muscular and respiratory systems; contribute to the prevention of flat feet; develop the emotional sphere.
Equipment: Toy hedgehog "; brook" (rope), fox mask, 4 flat hoops (diameter 25 cm), ball (diameter 20 cm), massage balls according to the number of children. Musical accompaniment.
The course of educational activities.
Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

Organizing time.
Instructor: Guys guess the riddle:
He is prickly, small,
It carries needles on its back. And that's why he's spiky.
The children answer.
Instructor: That's right, it's a hedgehog. A hedgehog came to visit us today, he invites us for a walk in the forest and brought with him a whole basket of balls. The balls are very similar to our guest, just as prickly. We will play with him. Everyone stand in a circle. Now the hedgehog will give each of you a ball.
Introductory part.
Instructor: Let's first show the hedgehog how we can walk beautifully.
Walking next to each other.

-Now show us how fast and agile we are.

Run, ball in right hand.
-Now how strong we are.
Walking with arms extended forward.
Instructor: And now how smart and skillful we are.
We will take the ball in the palm of our hand
And we'll press it softly.
He's prickly like a hedgehog
He just doesn't have legs!
Main part.
General developmental exercises with massage balls.

1. "Big and small."
I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands with the ball below. B: 1- raise your hands up, stretch, 2- sit down, put the ball; 3- pick up; 4- straighten up. (repeat 4 times).
Instructor: Ball - hedgehog ride,
We stretch our fingers.

2. "Prickly hedgehogs"

I.p. - standing, legs together, the ball in both hands in front of you. B: 1-3 - roll the ball between the palms, rhythmically bending the arms at the elbows, 4 - lower the arms down.

3. "We collect mushrooms for the hedgehog"
I.p. - standing, legs apart, arms with the ball extended forward. B: 1-2- lean forward (try not to bend your knees), put the ball between your legs, 3-4- straighten up, clap your hands, 5-6- lean forward, take the ball, 7-8- straighten up, lift the ball up, (repeat 4 times)
Instructor: Balls love to play
Get naughty and run away!

4. "Hided and shown"
I.p.-sitting, hands with the ball on my knees. B: 1-hide the ball behind your back, 2 - stretch your arms forward, 3- hands behind your back, 4 - take the ball, return to I.p. (repeat 4 times).
Instructor: Are you tired guys?
The hedgehog will not let us get tired,
Wants to breathe!
5. Breathing exercise "Ears".
Shaking your head left and right, take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, with the head tilted, the ears should be as close to the shoulders as possible.
Instructor: Well done boys! The hedgehog really liked your exercises with balls. And now, together with the hedgehog, we are going to a forest clearing.
Children to music "Together it's fun to walk" walk in a circle, stop in front of a rope laid along.
Instructor: While we were walking, on the way we met a stream. But the hedgehog told me in secret that he did not know at all how to pass through it. Let's teach him how to jump over the stream correctly.
Basic movements.
1. "Brook".

Jumping over a rope laid along, at the signal of the instructor (2 times).
Instructor: Here we are at the edge of the forest. And again we have an obstacle in the way. Let's show the hedgehog the path.
2. "Find a path for the hedgehog."
Jumps on 2 legs from hoop to hoop, hands on the belt, climbing under the arc on all fours.
It is carried out in a streaming way (2 times).

Instructor: Are you guys tired? Let's breathe together with the hedgehog.
Exercise "Hedgehog" to restore breathing.
Turning the head to the right and left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose, short, noisy, with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx. Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips (4-8 times).
Instructor: The hedgehog really liked how you traveled with him through the forest, and now he wants to play with you.
Our hedgehog is prickly and no one offends him, but many animals live in the forest, you know what? (Children call forest animals).
The song "Little Hedgehog" sounds
Instructor: Do you remember who the hedgehog is afraid of?
Guess the riddle:
The tail is fluffy, the coat is bright,
Both cunning and cunning.
Know the animals in the forest
Bright red... (fox).
The teacher shows a fox mask.
Musical game "Hares and Foxes"
Instructor: Do you know who it is? Do you want to play with the fox?
Let's turn into rabbits, play with the fox and teach the hedgehog to hide from her.
The game is played with musical accompaniment.
Bunnies scattered on the forest lawn.
Here are some bunnies, bunnies - jumpers!

Final part.
Instructor: So it's time to say goodbye to our forest guest.
Today we showed the hedgehog how to deal with balls, taught him how to jump over a stream, run, climb and jump, and even how to hide from a fox.

Building in a column one at a time, walking behind the teacher to the musical accompaniment. The children waved and left the room.

Integrated form of physical education classes is focused on a comprehensive solution of the problems of the educational area "Physical Education" and other educational areas of the curriculum of preschool education. For example, a lesson integrated with the educational areas "Child and Nature", "Child and Society" begins, as a rule, with the actualization of the pupils' cognitive ideas. To do this, an introductory conversation is conducted, using indirect visualization methods: photographs, pictures, posters related to the further content of the lesson. In the photographs, children see the true color of animals, birds, insects, etc., using the example of game aids, they examine objects of the immediate environment and the man-made world. The duration of the conversation does not exceed 3-5 minutes.

Further, in the process of physical activity, children consolidate the acquired ideas. This is facilitated by thematic outdoor games, plot physical exercises, which, on the one hand, effectively develop the motor skills and abilities of pupils, and on the other hand, form the social experience, personal qualities of the child, educate a cognitive and humane attitude to nature based on its inclusion in various life games. situations. You can end the lesson with a final conversation or a thematic outdoor game of low intensity.

Physical education classes integrated with the educational area "Art" include a rational combination of material related, for example, to musical and motor activities: mobile and musical games, musical and rhythmic movements, singing, physical exercises in all parts of the lesson. A certain basis of a musical work, with which movements are associated, causes a coordinated reaction of the respiratory, cardiac, muscular systems of the child's body, and an emotionally positive state contributes to the development of the psyche, develops both musical-sensory and motor abilities.

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Plot - game lesson in physical education in the middle group "On a visit to the Bunny"

Goals: exercise in walking and running between objects, with high knee raising, stepping over the object; teach children to listen to music and clearly perform exercises under it; learn to easily jump up on two legs, walk on an inclined board while maintaining balance; crawl under the arc.

Equipment: Christmas trees, snowballs, sloping board, arches, racks with a cord, carrots on strings, wolf mask, hares.

surprise moment: bunny (child).

Lesson progress:

Children today we will go to the forest, Zaika invited us to visit, he is waiting for us. But the road we have will be difficult, long. Can we deal with you? Everyone needs to work hard to get in.
Children go in circles. You need to walk beautifully.
There are many obstacles ahead, and here is the first.
It is necessary to go between the trees, raise the knee of the hand high on the belt. But how much snow has blown we need to go stepping over the snowballs without touching them.
The bell is ringing. This gives us a signal from Bunny that we are on the right track and he hurries us, so we easily ran after each other.
Nice walk in a circle.
The bell rings again and everyone easily runs between the Christmas trees. Running turns into walking. Bunny comes out in her hands holding a basket with snowballs.
Bunny: Hello, children, I was waiting for you and decided to go to meet you.
It will be even more difficult to drink further and Bunny will lead us himself.
The child gets up in line with other children and continues walking in a circle with rebuilding in 3 columns). Each child takes one stone.
Bunny, together with you, wants to prepare for the road, gain strength, and the exercises that Bunny will show us will help us with this.

Outdoor switchgear complex

1. I.p. standing with feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up through the sides and shift the lump to the other hand, let go down to the legs. (Five times)

2. I. p. sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, put a lump, put your hands on your belt. (Five times)
3. I. p. standing, arms lowered along the body, sit down, put a lump on the floor, stand up. (4-5 times)
4. I. p. kneeling hands on the belt. Roll the ball around you. (6 times)
5. I. p., lying on your back, arms above your head, roll over on your stomach and back again. 4 times.
6. Jumping and walking (alternate) 2 times.

All children are great! We continue on our way.
To get to the forest clearing, we need to go along this path, but there are many obstacles on it, and Zaika will show us how to get through. Walk this hill. In order not to fall from it, you need to put your hands to the sides, keep your back straight. There were large branches blocking our path. We need to get under them. Put your hands on your knees, bend your head and crawl sideways under the arc.
Well, now you need to help the bunny get the carrot. You need to get up and easily jump on your toes and reach for the carrot.
The main types of movements.
1. Walking on an inclined board. Hands to the side.
2. Crawling under the arc sideways (right then left) without touching the floor with your hands.
3. Jump on toes up.
Guys, now let's play with Bunny. We will all be bunnies. Put a picture of a hare on the children's neck. At this time, the growl of a wolf sounds.
Mobile game "Hares and the wolf"
The wolf came to the clearing, we need to hide in a mink. Children crawl under the cord stretched on the racks. The wolf approaches the chair prepared in advance and pretends to fall asleep.
The teacher says:
Jump and jump, jump and jump
Bunnies are having fun
Jump and jump, jump and jump
Someone to fear
Suddenly, out of nowhere
A wolf has appeared, our bunnies are running away
In the house and silence.
Children crawl under the rope and jump all over the hall with the last word, the children run into the hole.
The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Restoration of breathing.
A game of low mobility.
"Find a carrot." Guys, the bunny asks us to help him find a carrot.
And now, guys, let's listen to the sounds of the winter forest. To do this, we need to lie down and close our eyes and think about something good.
Bunny thanks you all and wants to give you a gift, and this gift is under our Christmas trees.
Children calmly leave the hall and thank Bunny for the trip.