Presentation of the effect of color on children. Presentation: "Influence of color on human perception of information"

Color can soothe and excite, create harmony and cause upheaval.

You can expect miracles from him but it can also cause a catastrophe”

Jacques Vienot

According to the Bible, the first person to see R a d at G at , was Noah. It was a sign that the rain had ended and the most difficult trials were over. Even then observant people realized that the sight of different colors can cheer up and add optimism even in the most difficult situation.




The most fragrant and delicious

Too strong

However, the coffee in all cups was the same .


Nowadays, there is a medical technique that allows us to study the effect of color on a person. For example, the processes occurring in the body were measured when blindfolded people were placed in a one-color room. It has been found that we are able to perceive color even with our skin:

The pulse is accelerating

Pulse slows down


  • Our eye can distinguish up to 1.5 million shades .
  • Color perception increases up to 25 years and then starts to decrease.
  • Women are considered more sensitive than men.

At the same time, one can also say that according to the chosen human bloom can be determined what mood is he in, and even reveal some traits his character. Many psychological tests are based on this, and people themselves, albeit unconsciously, evaluate the appearance and clothing of others.


What color do you have in the first place?








The black

Find out your character traits

(click on your chosen color)

The higher the IQ of a person, the more complex shades he prefers.

Active, energetic leaders choose yellow and red shades.

Balanced, calm and cold-blooded people love green and blue tones.

Insecure and shy people love gray and brown finishing.

Growing up, people change their color preferences.

In life, several long periods can change.

The first one is red when a person is young, in love and aspires to make a career.

He is being replaced blue , blue or green time when he had already settled down in life, achieved a certain social position.

With age many people in our country refuse bright clothes, comes brown or gray time. The French, on the contrary, choose lighter and more cheerful colors.


The border runs along green color (it can be attributed to both groups, depending on whether it has more yellow or blue, but traditionally it is considered cold).

Color type

Red, Orange, Yellow

Blue, Green, Purple


Warm tones invigorate, excite, accelerate the course of processes in the body.

Red gives energy, speeds up the pulse and increases appetite, but in large quantities causes aggression.

Pink creates a frivolous mood.

Yellow enhances mental activity, helps in intellectual work.

Cold tones relax and soothe, help to focus and collect thoughts.

Green soothes, perfectly affects the tense muscles of the eyes, it the best color for relaxation.

Blue will help focus attention at work and no distractions for nothing.

Blue and purple a lot oppress the psyche and may cause depression .

Light colors optically expand the space, create the illusion of freedom, flight, lightness.

Pastel shades can set you in a romantic mood, convey a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Dark colors soothe, balance the mood.

Saturated colors are justified for highlighting the key points of the presentation, because they will immediately attract attention.

Smooth transitions of several shades of the same color look harmonious and interesting.

Contrast in the design can be achieved by combining different colors, and sharp drops enliven any composition and attract the eye.

But these slides are good in a single performance.


Color type

Color characteristic


Exciting, dynamic, active, aggressive.

Romantic, feminine, soothing. Removes aggressiveness; overwhelming in large numbers.

Joy, energy, warmth, play, dynamism, optimism, impulsiveness. Activates the body, increases reaction, creates a sense of well-being, self-confidence


Bright, sunny, clean, convincing, success, wealth, inspiration. Stimulates the brain, does not irritate the eyes. Suitable for conveying joyful mood

Pleasant, attractive. Creates a feeling of coziness, comfort, strength, stability, maturity, conservatism.


Color type

Color characteristic


Relaxing, soothing, inert, novelty, independence, money (dollars). Symbolizes youth, freshness, health. Has the ability to concentrate and sharpen vision


It has a relaxing, calming effect, relieves anxiety, cools.



Serious, reserved, cold. Suitable for conveying reliability, strength, satisfaction, harmony. Helps to concentrate on the main thing, attracts attention. Perfectly conveys the feeling of cold and cleanliness


Dark, depressing. Difficult to understand. A symbol of romance, mysticism, mystery. Stimulates the brain. Disturbing and discouraging.


Color type

Color characteristic

It symbolizes openness, purity, nobility, clarity, impeccability, simplicity. Visually expands the space. usually used in combination with blue, red or green. But warm colors next to it look very colorful.


The color of moderation, calmness, realism, solidity, prestige

It symbolizes wisdom, superiority, constancy, secrecy, sophistication, curiosity, strength, mysticism, intrigue, power. Associated with oppression, coldness, threats, fear of loss, mourning. Able to inspire melancholy, a feeling of loneliness, isolation from the outside world

Do not be afraid!




Grey colour -

neutral color, it does not form any psychological reactions: it does not calm and does not excite.

If you prefer gray to all colors, then you consciously isolate yourself from external influences , to save perfect peace and inner stability .

Blue -

This color symbolizes striving for mental balance .

Each person in a state of relaxation and inner harmony feels his connection with everything that surrounds him, complete security.

The color blue is symbol of susceptibility , affection, loyalty .

Those who put the blue color in the first place, in moments of failure, easily become discouraged.

Green color -

This color, with the addition of blue, is an expression constancy , but at the same time unwillingness to change .

Selecting green reveals need for self-assertion , the desire to be convinced of one's own usefulness, either through the realization of some intentions, or by trying in various ways to please others.

Greenery is and symbol of the lust for power . Those who put this color in first place, for the most part straightforward .

Red color -

Red color with an admixture of yellow is an expression life force .

Red symbolizes unbridled desire for success, dramatization of experiences, a sense of fullness of life .

It - stimulus to any activity , activity in all sorts of areas.

If you put red in the first place, then you want to intensify your emotional sensations, act energetically.


A characteristic feature of this color is transparency, it creates good mood.

This color also symbolizes space, and therefore, liberation from everything that constrains and oppresses.

Those who place yellow first, find desire for independence and hope for a happy life without refusing to actively participate in the implementation of their plans.

Violet color

This color connects two opposite colors: red - symbol of impulsive vitality and predatory instinct and blue - expression tender devotion, fidelity etc.

Anyone who loves purple easily influenced by other people , but also would like to influence others . Most often they create around themselves atmosphere of harmony and concord , but often hesitate when making decisions.

Brown color

Brown- mixture of red and yellow sensual impressionability .

Healthy, energetic people most often place brown towards the end.

As favorite color it means strong need for rest and relaxation , as brown - a symbol of a hassle-free and conflict-free, pleasant atmosphere

The black color

Black color reflects braking process , restrictions of external influences , and therefore serves a symbol of renunciation.

Those who put black first often lose in duels with fate , but still trying to resist what life brings .

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15" "The influence of color on the emotional development of a person." Educator: Koronotova E. S.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

All colors have their own radiation, each color has its own wavelength, which carries information, affecting various human organs in different ways. Color affects not only physical but also mental health. Our senses not only analyze the environment, but are also receivers of information that has an impact on our body, both positive and negative.

3 slide

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Factors affecting the state of health. A large reserve in maintaining human health and longevity lies in the body, its individual lifestyle, environment, medicine and heredity.

4 slide

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Color and age Color psychology studies among children have shown that children prefer one or another color depending on age and emotional state.

5 slide

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6 slide

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Results of a survey of 37 employees of MKDOU No. 207 in Kirov. Favorite color in the interior of the preschool educational institution

7 slide

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Green - painkiller, hypnotic. Affects the nervous system, relieving irritability, fatigue, insomnia, improves tone and mood. It lowers blood pressure, therefore it is a symbol of pharmacies and is widely used to relieve fear of pain in medicine. Blue - antiseptic. Effective for inflammation. For a sensitive person, blue helps to calm down and relax more than green, but some depression and fatigue arise from its “overdose”. Blue - soothes, gradually slows down cardiac activity, due to which it often serves as a background color. But the calming effect can turn into an inhibitory one and cause depression. It is preferred by dreamers and conservative people who love order. Violet - increases the endurance of muscle tissue, also affecting the heart, lungs and blood vessels. This color is preferred by people with a strong-willed character. Only strong personalities do not feel its oppressive effect.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Yellow - has a stimulating effect on the brain and is effective for fatigue. In small quantities, it has a positive effect on human vision. The color of leadership and openness. Very sociable personalities give preference to him. Orange - stimulates feelings and emotions, accelerates the pulsation of the blood, without affecting blood pressure. It has a strong stimulating effect, creates a feeling of fun and well-being. It is believed that he cannot tire. Red - has warmth. Warming. Effective for melancholy, but easily irritating. Promotes stress, increases blood pressure. Can speed up the rhythm of human breathing. Increases appetite. White - neutralizing, soothing in any quantity. Gray - never irritates and in any shades. Brown - pastel colors are elegant, clean - aggressive and for many are depressant. Black - helps to focus. In large quantities, it depresses, leads to pessimistic and sad thoughts.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

The influence of color on the mental health of a child and an adult 1. Yellow Helps to concentrate, increases creative activity. 2. Blue Causes a feeling of peace, reduces emotional stress, disposes to seriousness and strictness in behavior. 3. Green Relieves stress, soothes. 4. Orange Invigorates, relieves fatigue, fights depression. 5. Violet Promotes depression. 6. Red Increases irritability and aggressiveness. 7. Blue Relieves tension, soothes. 8. Pink Reduces aggression, relaxes. Creates a feeling of comfort, relieves obsessive thoughts

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Color solution for the interior of the preschool educational institution Premises room Color solution Group room it is desirable to use light warm colors, for example, yellowish-green, white-pink, light shades of orange, bright spots of blue and orange are acceptable, shades of purple in a small amount Bedroom Pastel, muted tones. Preferred shades of blue, pink, green, peach colors Locker room, Staircase, Corridors orange, ocher, yellow-green, green, a small amount of shades of red Cabinets Yellow, ocher helps to concentrate, increases creative activity, blue, green, pink shades soothe and not depressing, bright spots of blue, green and orange are acceptable Gym, Pool look great if painted in light shades of orange and complemented with blue. They stimulate activity - the guys are easier to stir up in an orange room. Music Hall Optimal alternation of light green and golden yellow planes.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Reflecting on the color of walls, furniture, curtains, etc., it is necessary to decide whether the composition will be harmonious. You can combine shades of the same color: whitening or "darkening" any color. When combining two contrasting colors, one of them should dominate, i.e. occupy the largest area, and be not bright, and the second color may be brighter, but occupy a smaller area. When combining three different colors, one should prevail (the color of the walls or the color of the furniture), the other two should be an addition (rugs, curtains, etc.)

12 slide

Description of the slide:

The color scheme of the interiors of kindergartens as a whole should be light. You should not use a lot of bright colors - this can cause the impression of chaos, anxiety, at the same time, "monochrome" will create the impression of monotony, boredom and incomplete design. But it is better to make the ceiling white or lighter than the walls. The main rule should be followed: the color that will occupy the largest area should be dim, and the brighter the color, the smaller the area it should occupy.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

What is your color? What color do you prefer? Red color You are active and prefer to live in the present. You easily get bored and like to enjoy power, you have the traits of a leader. People who prefer red are delighted with life. Blue and Light Blue You love the feeling of peace and order, are trusting and appreciate decency. The color of the blue sky is more suitable for the pleasure seekers and dreamers, while the color of the sea wave attracts the more serious and conservative. People who love blue are consistent, neat, and like order in everything. Gray You have the temperament of an observer, not a doer. You are reserved and do not like to make decisions, postponing them as far as circumstances permit. However, you fulfill the instructions given to you responsibly and on time. Pink color You are sensitive, sociable, sweet, friendly. You prefer to achieve what you want, if it doesn’t work out, you get upset, but not for long. You do not mind returning to the time of romantic youth, because you dream of love.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

Yellow color You are cheerful, friendly, full of optimism, unpredictable and have a truly limitless curiosity. If something doesn’t work out for you, you try to change your life or what surrounds you. Green color You like to feel safe, prefer order and would like to make the world a better place. You generously waste time and energy on others, and in disputes you defend your point of view with arguments. Brown color You are practical and firmly standing on the ground, you love friends and are devoted to them. The family occupies the main place in your life, and a sense of comfort and beauty is of great importance to you. Purple You are known to be an excellent debater and have a desire to please. And although you are loved, you are incredulous, and therefore prefer to assume mystery. Orange You are cheerful, impulsive, it's nice to be around you. You love socializing and crowds. You like being the center of attention. You have a great interest in life and everything new.

15 slide

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The environment always affects our consciousness and physical well-being, emotions, whether we like it or not, however, we can change the color environment around us.

16 slide

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1 of 11

Presentation on the topic:

slide number 1

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slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Around color Influencing the senses, different colors affect the worldview and behavior, can improve or worsen mood, and even manipulate our consciousness. Given this property of color, we can influence our environment and various life situations, changing them in our favor.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Psychology of blue Blue in psychology is considered the color of peace, relaxation, immersion in meditation. The choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects a person's need for peace. To increase the basic value of blue, dark blue is used in the Luscher test. The denial of dark blue means that a person avoids relaxing rest. In case of illness or overwork, the need for blue color increases. Blue color calms, balances, reduces pain, relieves inflammation. As a rule, an excess of blue, as well as green, does not have a negative effect. In exceptional cases, fatigue, boredom, melancholy and low blood pressure appear. An excess of blue in food is not very useful, because it can have an inhibitory effect. Blue cools, so it is useful for burns and fever. For those who communicate a lot with people, blue can play a protective role. Blue color calms, relaxes and opens the way for creative thoughts, free from outside influences.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Psychology of green color Green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension. According to psychology, people who prefer green tend to be self-confident. Extravagant people who achieve their goals with unexpected emotional outbursts reject green as unattractive. Along with it, the green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of physical or mental exhaustion. The green color balances and neutralizes, it is the color of hope, harmony, and recovery. Green color affects the pituitary gland and thus the metabolism. It restores balance between the liver and spleen, has a regenerating effect on muscles and connective tissue. Green color stimulates the autonomic nervous system and accelerates the growth process. An excess of green does not have a negative effect. Only in very rare cases does it cause indecision. Sometimes the reaction becomes too slow.

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Psychology of red color Red - the color of blood, symbolizes excitement, energy. In psychology, the red color is described as very lively, full of enthusiasm, restless. This color is also a symbol of eroticism. Disgust, ignoring the red color reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion. Red stimulates creative, vital, earthly energies; develops passion and spontaneous bold actions. The red color of food activates the liver and supports the formation of red cells; This color removes harmful substances from the body. It helps to get rid of constipation and is very useful for iron deficiency. An excess of red leads to nervousness, anxiety, fuss, lack of endurance, superficial attitude to business.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Psychology of yellow The greatest preference for yellow is given by pregnant women who are expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people who are prone to changing places. Yellow, like red, is the color of energy. Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination. Yellow is the color of spiritual development, it gives vigor, supports the functions of the glands, activates the activity of the mucosa, and stimulates thought processes. Yellow color causes the formation of gastric juice, helps with digestive disorders, calms the nerves, relieves nervous fatigue. Yellow clothes can help with depression. Yellow color calms the spleen, activates the lymphatic system, helps with liver disorders. There are no known negative effects when using yellow products.

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

The Psychology of Violet Color Violet is formed by the fusion of active red and soothing blue. In psychology, it is considered "the harmony of contradictions." Purple is the color preferred by children before puberty. From the point of view of psychology, this color symbolizes the infantility and suggestibility inherent in a person, the need for support and support. In this sense, the choice or denial of the purple color acts as a kind of indicator of psychological and sexual maturity. The purple color calms, stimulates the activity of the spleen, relaxes, relieves pain, enhances perception. The negative impact of an excess of purple foods is unknown, except for increased activity of the spleen. Such food cleanses the blood and prevents loss of appetite. Purple color has a calming effect on the nervous system of representatives of creative professions.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Psychology of orange Orange color is especially useful as a remedy for nervousness, fear of depression. This color has a beneficial effect on the lungs and glands. A negative effect with an excess of orange is extremely rare. A cowardly person should wear orange clothes. The orange color has a positive effect on problems with the digestive system and skin diseases, as well as bad stools, especially under the sign of Virgo. This color stimulates the appetite. The warmth given off by orange relieves tension and cramps.

Description of the slide:

What do you need to determine for yourself? It is worth thinking about what colors you prefer, what color clothes you have, what color objects surround you. It is important to understand for yourself which colors are most comfortable for you, and depending on this, choose the environment for yourself. Maybe you should change some of your clothes for something brighter and lighter. After all, a little pampering never hurts. Comfort in everything is an important component of our life, it is an improvement in well-being and performance, and most importantly, an increase in mood!

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

"The perception of color by man" - Sanguine. Effect. Lesson content. Melancholic. chromatic contrast. Phlegmatic person. Interaction of colors. Color is a certain range of radiation waves. The purpose of the lesson. Exciting. Correct color perception. The effect of color on a person. Removal, approach. Color properties. Warm and cold colors.

"Color Science" - Blue and white. Green and brown. Fundamentals of color science. Red and black. Shades of pink look great in a duet with green. Brown beige. Black and white color. Red and yellow. Shades of red. Blue and green. White and grey. Red and green. White and green.

"Names of colors" - Colors. Black color together with white and gray are achromatic. All colors are found. secondary colors. Primary colors. You got new colors. Specialists use various systems to arrange colors. Tertiary colors. Complementary colors. Blue-green. Grey. Try mixing complementary colors.

"The influence of color on the human condition" - Psychological patterns. Beauty and inner essence. The influence of color on the perception of information. The study of the material. How we perceive information. I recommend to use. Color influence. Light. Psychological characteristics. What is light and color. Out-of-hours. Color in computer graphics.

"Colour science and coloristics" - Warm and cold colors. Black color. Gray properties. Primary and secondary colors. Color characteristic. Coloring. The nature of color. Complementary color. Light and color contrast. Color spectrum. Color science. Color nuance. Color properties. Color circle.

"From "Warm and Cold Colors"" - Exercise. Each color has a warm and cold undertone. Saturated warm tones seem to bring closer. Often the color property is used to create the illusion of approximation. The movement of color to a cold and warm hue using yellow as an example. Warm colors. Warm colors are bright and energetic. Still life with roses. The colors are red-yellow part of the spectrum.

Total in the topic 22 presentations