Prayer to Lilith in Latin. How to summon a succubus at home? Question from Denis Lilith's prayer to summon a succubus

Another way to summon a succubus, translated from English especially for our site. Based largely on visualization techniques that have been fashionable in the West for the past half century. In the comments to the original entry, readers expressed mixed opinions about the performance of the method. On our forum it was checked by at least one person. Unsuccessfully. On this "encouraging" note, let's move on to the very description of the summoning of a succubus.

A Guide to Summoning Succubi

This is a guide to summoning a spiritual partner, namely a succubus or incubus. Before doing this, make sure that your intentions are really serious.

Summon a spiritual partner (a ritual that you must perform).

First of all, in order to successfully summon a succubus, you must take a piece of paper. Write on it what personality you want to call as a spiritual partner. Don't worry about his physical form, your spirit partner will take the form of the most attractive woman (or man) you can imagine. It will be as individual as you want. This includes the type of relationship you want, a succubus can even be the same sex as you if you so desire. Then burn the paper by saying "Lilith, please send me one of your servants" while the paper is burning. Make sure the paper is completely burned, as this symbolizes the delivery of the letter to hell, or the nearest astral planet, or whatever you believe there. Have strong faith that it will work, it's important. When the paper is completely burned, light a candle, close your eyes, imagine your succubus in the desired form, and say “Lilith, I am human, and no better than you. I beg you to give me your wisdom and love, amen, amen, amen" (the result will be better if you repeat this three times).

After that, lie down for a bit. You may experience nothing on this day. Have faith, and if it doesn't work, try again. The succubus should manifest when you are lying down. Ask him to lie down on you, while you should feel pressure and warmth. In addition, the succubus will seek to contact you telepathically, you should feel his presence in your head.

Arguments for and against relationships with spirits.

  • You have sex whenever you want.
  • Succubi/incubi are used in some occult practices that can help with astral projection.
  • You get protection.
  • Succubi/Incubi are incredibly loyal.

How to summon a succubus, what is a creature? How do they appear, is it dangerous to deal with such? What should you do during a chance meeting? Let's try to understand such interesting and extraordinary questions.

The content of the article

Succubus: what is this entity

Contrary to many legends about succubi, a definite description of these creatures has not developed. Some represent him as a very beautiful and sexy girl, others consider him a seductive demon with huge wings. Still others did not see the image at all, but are sure that they had physical contact with it.

This intangible entity lives by absorbing human energy. To feed it requires a powerful energy flow. To feed, they should make physical contact with a man using.

How to identify a succubus

  • During the meeting, there is a stormy surge of feelings: from magnificent joy to inexplicable fear.
  • Contact passes as in a vague, but very pleasant erotic dream. After awakening comes weakness and moral devastation.
  • After a few nights, the phenomenon is like a drug for you, and with each time the addiction intensifies.
  • It's impossible for him to resist. The creature paralyzes not only thoughts, but also the body. At the moment of physical intimacy, a person cannot fight it.

Why does evil appear

The demon visits men who have renounced their sex life. More often, a meeting of succubi with monks and clergy is recorded. The period of the arrival of the devil is between sleep and wakefulness.

Purpose of Appearance:

  • Collection of sperm. The seminal fluid is used to create demonic offspring.
  • Many victims themselves seek meetings, as they crave the satisfaction of sexual desires. However, after several visits, the men die of exhaustion.
  • For more powerful power. During contact, the succubus reveals her true form. This is done to intimidate the victim, because fear mixed with orgasm causes a violent energy surge.

On a note. Before deciding on, keep in mind that it is difficult to drive the entity back. However, if you have time in time, a very strong magician can save a person from further visits of evil spirits.

How to summon a succubus yourself

Meeting preparation

First, decide: in what image you want to see him, why you are calling. Before the meeting, the succubus enters the mind to take on the appearance of the ideal girl for you. Take a sheet of paper and fully describe the appearance and sexual preferences of the night guest. You can describe everything you want to try that night.

The challenge is not always easy. Do not flatter yourself that he will visit you the first time, sometimes you have to work hard for this. In order not to get sick after the meeting, you need to increase your energy strength. Start doing sports, very good at mastering yoga. Abstract from the loss of energy stability (before the ritual, do not have sex, give up computer games).

The rite used to call a succubus has several options:

First way. It is best to carry out the ritual in. To call the demon to your bed, before going to bed, say the words five times: "I (your name) command and call the essence to me". Notice in a state of drowsiness a blurry silhouette of a person - everything worked out. If it doesn't work the first time, try again the next day.

The second way. It is used to summon a succubus into someone else's dream. To do this, at night, read the spell: “Great Asmodeus, lord of all succubi, send your soldier into a dream to (name the chosen one and the purpose of the visit). Let her come in the form of a beautiful diva. I order you not to inflict either physical or moral injuries on a person.

Third way. To use it, one should refer to the first wife of Adam, who was called Lilith. On a piece of paper, write a desire to meet the demon. Then light it up and say: "Oh great Lilith, send your servant to me". Next, light a thick white candle and, looking at the fire, imagine the appearance of the entity that will come to you. The meeting is inevitable.

In some situations, an arbitrary call is seen. This can happen if a man has not had sexual contact for a long time, but before going to bed a fantasy has played out and he represents a girl in small things. The night maiden will come to his every dream and engage in sexual pleasures with the chosen one. Some of the victims begin to live with succubi as a couple, but such men are not enough for a long time (after drinking all the energy, they kill him).

It is difficult to assess how dangerous a demonic entity is to human health and life. You should not use the calls of a succubus if there is no reason for it, because each meeting with him acts like a drug, causing a constant need for repetition. The only salvation from meeting with the creature is the intense sexual activity of a person. Do not strive for invented, virtual pleasures - live a bright and fulfilling life.

Since collecting ways to call, then everything, whatever it is. Here is another translation from English into the common piggy bank.

This ritual originated in the Victorian era, when the Inquisition had already ceased to exist, and interest in the occult had greatly increased.

Step #1: With charcoal or chalk, draw a protective circle and inscribe a pentagram in it. White chalk on a dark floor is preferable. It is important that during the ritual no one and nothing violate the integrity of the lines.
Step #2: Take 5 black candles and place them in the corners of the pentagram.
Step number 3: Outside the circle, install 5 more candles, protective talismans and seals.
Step #4: If possible, create an outer circle with ground protective herbs mixed together.
Step #5: Calm down and relax. Concentrate on the task of calling.
Step #6: Now imagine the circle protecting you and separating you from the rest of the space.
Step number 7: After this is done, you need to light candles, lie down in a pentagram (arms straight, legs apart)
Step #8: Concentrate on summoning a succubus (or incubus).
Step #9: When the succubus enters the circle, you will feel her energy.
Step #10: You will feel her body in a physical or semi-physical form, and now you will be able to interact with her.
Step #11: A succubus should be easier to summon and exorcise than an incubus, and more likely to cooperate with her than an incubus.

The ritual is performed on the new moon.
This version has no words or special spells. I highly doubt it works, but you can try. The main thing is not to accidentally set your hair on fire in the fire of candles.

How to summon three Girls or three Gentlemen to your room after dinner

I started with practice, and only then, generalizing and systematizing, I came to the theory outlined in the last article. Practice in general is purely individual and should come not from someone else's experience, but from personal experience. In this article I will describe my version of summoning a succubus. I do not think that it is worth copying in its entirety - this is just an explanation of the theoretical calculations, which greatly depends on my personal preferences. In writing, I ran into a big problem: how personal are these “personal preferences”? For example, I deliberately did not perform complex ceremonies, did not get rare ingredients, often took what just turned up at hand and freely changed everything I could. Should this be considered a rule that applies equally to everyone, or maybe the other person cannot succeed by acting in the same way? Maybe everything will work out for him only if he strictly follows the canon, no matter how difficult this following is? I don't have an answer to this question yet.
But to the point.

Lilith is a fundamental figure in the origins of Christianity and Judaism. This is the first woman who appeared before Eve and opposed the will of God, for which she was punished and became a terrible demon, whose name is found in many legends and sacred teachings.

In the article:

Demon Lilith - who is she

In the current interpretation of both the Old Testament and the Torah, this name does not appear during the creation of the world and the life of Adam and Eve. But in more ancient documents there is information that initially God created a wife for Adam by molding her from clay. Lilith refused to obey her appointed husband in everything, declaring that she was equal to him, since God himself created her. The Lord sent three angels after her to enlighten her, but the woman went on the run. Only after that, taught by a bitter mistake, God created Eve from Adam's rib, emphasizing her essence, subordinate to a man, so that she would have no doubts about her husband's right to tell her.

There is a separate article about life on our website, but here we will consider its subsequent demonic essence. According to legend, after fleeing from her husband, she went from paradise to the Red Sea, where she was overtaken Samagnelof, Seine and sansena- three angels who were supposed to kill her, but ended up punishing her in a different way. This was due to Lilith's oath to kill all babies, with the exception of those who would be protected by an amulet with her name written on it. The angels did not dare to take such a step and passed the punishment. According to one version, every night the first woman suffers from the death of hundreds of her own children. According to another, the offspring turn into ugly unclean demons, and according to the third, Lilith became barren.

The Hebrew myths about the demoness are connected with this legend. She harms childbearing, curses, kidnaps, kills or replaces babies and mocks pregnant women. In some branches of Judaism, a demoness causes women to have an orgasm by possessing them, which leads to the birth of pugnacious, restless and naughty children. In this superstition, as in the case of c, the influence of a common patriarchal culture is traced, which gradually replaced the traditions that were originally formed in the matriarchal society of primitive people.

The origin of the name Lilith is rooted in the origins of civilization and all religions. In the ancient Jewish, Sumerian and Akkadian languages, the root "lilu" means night and dark creatures, this is the element of essence. In some nations, she was revered as a deity. In the Sumerian legends about Gilgamesh, the goddess Lilith is repeatedly mentioned as the night hypostasis of a woman - she has captivating beauty and destructive power, her tears give life, and her kiss dooms to death.

Appearance varies depending on sources. Medieval demonologists believe that she looks like the personification of lust, sexuality, more ancient texts describe her as overgrown with hair, having a snake tail or clawed animal paws - marks given by God and his angels as a punishment.

Lucifer and Lilith - how are they related

According to the cabalistic and some branches of the Jewish tradition, Lucifer and Lilith are spouses. The first of all the demons is she. In all myths, a woman appears as a wife - that was the original name of Satan, which emphasizes the antiquity of the origin of traditions. Late demonological sources do not pay due attention to the patroness of sexuality, considering her weak, devoid of strength and capabilities. Lilith is not distinguished by fidelity to her husband - she can come to both people and evil spirits, seduce angels with beauty, giving birth to dark entities from them. She is sometimes called the mother of all demons.

Succubus and Inccubus

Lilith is reduced to the patroness of succubi demons, and in the mythology of the 17th and 18th centuries she becomes a vampire, one of their progenitors along with Cain. They were both rejected by God and cursed for eternity.

In ancient Jewish Old Testament books, the children of Lilith are often mentioned - the spirits of the night, and even until now, in small Jewish communities, mothers decorate children's cradles and strollers with the names of the three angels who caught up with her. The night entities associated with it are found in the ancient legends of the peoples of Mesopotamia - they can be both male and female, and in behavior they are associated with Slavic mortgaged dead or Navkas. However, their tendency to have intimate relationships with ordinary people of the opposite sex is another argument in favor of the fact that Lilith is the direct mother of the demons succubus and incubus. Animals associated with her name - owls (night) and snakes - the image of Samael (Satan) in the form of the Serpent-Tempter.

How to call Lilith and what she can give

The rite will be a dangerous act or a great way to achieve the goal - it all depends on the preparation and intentions of the caller. When working with a demonic entity, it is necessary to observe as security measures- follow the requirements of the rituals, carefully memorize the witch words and not violate the order of actions, otherwise the consequences can be catastrophic. At best, Lilith will instantly drain all life force through direct sexual contact with the summoner, but this will doom his soul to eternal suffering and hunger.

Calling on a demoness should be with a clear purpose. In order to achieve sexual satisfaction or become attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, an appeal to Lilith will do, bestowing her blessing. Prepare six purple candles, wine, a new ritual bowl, incense - an incense composed by yourself from the right ingredients. It is best to take musky incense - by no means church. Arrange the candles in a circle, place a bowl of incense in the center. Light them, and then the incense. Inhaling the aroma, say:

Black Moon, Black Rose, Black Rose and Black Moon, Lilith, dark sister,
Whose hands create devilish dirt,
My weakness, my strength
You shape me
Like clay on fire
Black Moon, Black Rose, Black Rose and Black Moon, judgment of the Night,
You throw your impurities on the Earth,
Say the name and don't fly away
Tell me now the secret sound!

After these words, put out the incense with wine and drink it from the bowl - you will receive the all-encompassing blessing of Lilith, you will seduce people and achieve sexual contact with anyone. The demoness will require you to resort to the realization of this gift as often as possible - she does not accept the energy of death and blood, preferring to be content with the passion and lust that fill her followers.

Hello! I became interested in demonology and magic. I want to summon a succubus. I looked through many books, the Internet, but I did not find the necessary ritual. Please tell me the current ritual. I'll be very thankful. And a couple more questions - is calling a succubus dangerous? Is it possible to become obsessed after this? Is it really worth doing it? With respect to respected mages. Thanks in advance.

Hello Denis!

There are several rites to summon a succubus. They are all individual, and it is difficult to say which one is right for you. I will tell you, Denis, the most universal rite, which for many people was valid. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, focus and describe the appearance of the desired spiritual partner. Let it be the most attractive woman you can imagine. Do this just before midnight. Then exactly at midnight, burn the paper with the words:

"Lilith, call for me one of your servants!"

When the paper burns, open the window and scatter the ashes into the wind. This will ensure the delivery of your request to the other world.

After that, lie down on the floor, light a candle next to you and imagine the succubus whose appearance was described on the note, while saying:

"Lilith, give me your power and love, cover me with your body and give me pleasure."

On this day, you may not feel anything, but the magical powers have already been awakened, and the succubus can come to you at any time. Most often this occurs in the borderline state - between sleep and wakefulness.

You are unlikely to become obsessed, Denis, but we must warn you - succubi are very jealous, and if you start thinking about other women, the devil may become jealous of you, and then you will not be healthy!

Another disadvantage of calling a succubus is that you cannot always control their appearance, i.e. your spiritual partner will appear to you at any time when you may not need it. If you are not confused by the cons of calling the devil, then you can perform the ritual.


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