Vitamins for kids. A set of vitamins for babies Children's vitamins up to a year

The natural source of all nutrients and vitamins for newborns is breast milk. Unfortunately, this is not always enough for the full development of the baby. In this case, doctors prescribe support in the form of multivitamin complexes. Consider which vitamins are vital for newborns and how to replenish them artificially.

Indications for the appointment of newborns and infants vitamins

Newborn babies do not need additional feeding, because their main food is breast milk. Mother's milk contains all the necessary complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which is necessary for the full development and rapid growth of the baby. The components are easily digested and cause allergies only in rare cases of individual intolerance.

What to do if a woman in labor does not have enough milk and the child has to be given mixtures? There is a risk that he will not receive the substances necessary for his growing body. Their shortage will have to be filled from the outside.

Pediatricians prescribe additional vitamin complexes for children under one year old if:

It is not recommended to independently buy vitamin complexes for children under the age of 1 year. The younger the child, the more sensitive his body is to taking various drugs. Vitamins for babies should be prescribed by a doctor who will select the right multivitamin complex depending on the purpose of the intake: restoration or prevention.

What vitamins are necessary for children up to a year?

In the first year of life, the baby is actively gaining weight and growing rapidly. To do this, he needs a constant intake of vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount. An overdose is just as harmful as a deficiency.

Each substance performs its function in the development of the organs and systems of the newborn. If there is a deficiency of at least one component, this can cause developmental disorders or the onset of a disease.

The table provides information on the role of vitamins for children up to a year:

No. p / pSubstanceIndications for useContent in products
1 A (retinol)It improves the immune system, is needed for the development of the visual apparatus, and prevents skin diseases.Milk, eggs, citrus fruits, green vegetables, carrots, apricots, peaches.
2 Thiamine (B1)It is necessary for the development of the nervous system and the metabolism of carbohydrates.Pork, beef, kidney, brain, beans, soy, spinach, beans.
3 Riboflavin (B2)Needed for hematopoiesis, development of the endocrine system. With a shortage, the mucous membranes are affected, vision deteriorates.Liver, eggs, mushrooms, cottage cheese, broccoli, cabbage, buckwheat, milk, rice, vegetables, pasta.
4 Nicotinamide (B3, PP)Participates in metabolism. Deficiency leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders.Liver, nuts, eggs, meat, fish, poultry, beans.
5 Pantothenic acid (B5)Participates in metabolism. With a deficiency, peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, fatigue, nervousness, dysfunction of the heart, liver, and kidneys are observed.Peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, carrots, green vegetables, eggs, milk, poultry meat, kidneys.
6 Pyridoxine (B6)Needed for hematopoiesis. Deficiency leads to a decrease in the level of red blood cells, increased fatigue, muscle weakness, arthritis, changes in behavior.Nuts, hazelnuts, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits, meat, milk, fish, eggs.
7 Folic acid (B9)Needed for hematopoiesis, growth and development of the immune system. Deficiency provokes anemia, indigestion.Citruses, honey, beans, liver, flour products.
8 Ascorbic acid (C)One of the most important substances for the full growth and development of the child. Lack causes weakness of the immune system, hair loss, hemorrhage, slows down growth.Cherries, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, kiwi, citrus fruits, apples, needles.
9 Calciferol (D)Another essential component for children's health. Deficiency leads to rickets, growth retardation, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, deterioration of cognitive functions.Fish, dairy products, cheeses, eggs, mushrooms. Synthesized under the influence of sunlight.
10 Tocopherol (E)Improves immunity and metabolism.Sunflower, corn, soybean oil, almonds, vegetables.

In addition to vitamins, babies need minerals. Calcium is needed for the growth of the musculoskeletal system. Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, prevents the development of anemia. Iodine is needed for the development of cognitive abilities, brain function, and the endocrine system. Magnesium ensures the smooth functioning of the heart.

Vitamin complexes for babies

If a child is deficient in a particular substance, such as retinol or vitamin D, then the pediatrician prescribes him a drug that replenishes this particular component. Most often, if the baby is bottle-fed or has undergone antibiotic treatment, he needs comprehensive vitamin support. For such purposes, there are multivitamin complexes for infants, the characteristics of which are presented in the table:

As a rule, vitamin complexes for children up to a year are available in drops or in the form of gels. Drops can be added to juices, water or dripped on the baby's tongue. They are sweet, the child will take them with pleasure. Gels are usually given to children from 6 months. A child can eat it from a spoon, you can spread the drug on a cookie. Some babies are sure that they are not eating a medicine, but sweets.

Vitamin Overdose Symptoms

You should not buy vitamin and mineral complexes for newborns on your own, although they are sold freely in pharmacies, without a prescription. The child's body is very sensitive to substances coming from outside, and an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as beriberi. When choosing a medicinal complex on your own, it is easy to make a mistake and buy a drug containing those components that the baby does not need.

It is very dangerous to violate the dosage indicated in the instructions, or the treatment regimen drawn up by the doctor. If the dose is reduced, the treatment simply will not give the desired effect, and the excess will lead to new health problems.

Hypervitaminosis can lead to the following consequences:

  • excess retinol - loss of appetite, hair loss, seborrhea;
  • excess of B vitamins - headache, sleep disturbance, irritability, rash, dehydration, impaired liver function;
  • excess ascorbic acid - impaired vision, kidney and pancreas function, capillary permeability, metabolic failure;
  • excess vitamin D - calcium deposits in the body, kidney failure, digestive problems, muscle and vascular spasms.

If the baby is used to taking vitamin complexes in the form of a gel or sweets, you should hide the packaging away from him. A one-year-old child can independently take a plate from the table and eat a few tablets.

In case of an overdose, you should immediately stop taking the drug. In the event of a severe reaction, an ambulance should be called. As a rule, the abolition of the drug quickly brings the body back to normal, but if vitamins accumulate in the organs systematically, then long-term treatment may be required.

What does a small child need to feel good? Does his mother give him everything he needs? These questions concern all parents, and they often wonder whether it is necessary to buy special vitamins for babies, or is it enough to follow the mother’s diet and the baby will be fine?

Vitamins are substances vital for normal human life. They are part of enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances. The daily requirement for them is small and is measured in milligrams, but in the human body they are not produced in sufficient quantities, so it is important that they come from food.

How to determine if a baby needs vitamins for newborns? This should be done by a pediatrician - he examines the child during scheduled visits to the doctor, determines the signs of hypovitaminosis. Parents may notice a slow weight gain, a lag in the physical development of the baby, its decreased activity (for example, a), whims and tearfulness.

With a lack of vitamin D, there is a high risk of developing rickets

Many trace elements are not produced in the human body, so if they do not come with food, hypovitaminosis occurs. In infancy, a deficiency of any important substance can be critically dangerous for the development of the baby in the future, especially for symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in infants.

It is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus in it. With a lack of vitamin D, infants develop severe skeletal lesions. The most famous among them is rickets, in which the bones become brittle, easily deformed, and in severe cases spontaneous fractures occur.

Based on the results of the examination, specialists decide whether to give babies vitamins for babies to prevent deficient conditions or not. A mother cannot always follow the rules of a healthy diet, but for an adult, deficient conditions are less dangerous than for a child, so it is important for her to give her baby vitamin preparations.

For children from 0 to 1 year: what the baby needs

The baby needs a huge amount of useful biologically active substances. Trace elements have a chemically simple structure - iron, copper, magnesium. They are also needed in small amounts and are essential for the health of the little patient.

Here is what is especially important for babies:

  • Vitamin D for Infants – Critical for Skeletal Development;
  • Retinol and tocopherol - necessary for the health of the skin, hair, vision, digestion;
  • Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system;
  • Nicotinic acid - improves the condition of the vascular wall;
  • B vitamins are responsible for the development of the nervous system;
  • Vitamins K and H are responsible for the health of bones, nervous tissue, muscles, skin, cellular respiration processes;
  • Iron - necessary for hematopoiesis;
  • Iodine is an integral part of thyroid hormones;
  • Magnesium, calcium, manganese - necessary for the functioning of the heart, muscles and nervous system.

The list does not contain all the vitamins and microelements that are given to babies, but the most important ones, the deficiency of which most affects the health of babies. At this age, any deviation leads to serious consequences in the future, so it is important to notice and prevent deficient conditions in time.

Trace elements in breast milk: what does mom give

Mother's milk contains all the nutrients, including trace elements, needed by the baby. They are excreted in a form convenient for the child - associated with carrier proteins, therefore they are well absorbed. If the baby does not take the breast, is naughty and cries, the mother needs to know the reasons for this behavior of the baby. The information is designed specifically for this.

Where do vitamins appear in the milk of a nursing mother: from products or preparations? Breast milk is the best way to give vitamin D and others to babies. In terms of content and ease of assimilation for the baby, mother's milk is superior to milk formulas., but it has one major drawback. In order to avoid the development of signs of a lack of vitamins in the baby, the mother's body first allocates everything necessary with milk, and only then provides its own needs, so signs of deficiency conditions may already appear in the mother. In this case, it should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

Adapted blend: what it contains

Adapted formulas for baby food are fortified under industrial conditions. Cow's or goat's milk, from which they are made, contains vitamins, but their dosage is not suitable for humans, besides, useful substances are partially destroyed during pasteurization of milk, so they have to be added separately.

Useful substances in the adapted mixture are absorbed only by 10%, so there is a need to give the baby vitamins for babies in drops. They are added to the bottle so that the child receives them with food.

How pediatricians and breastfeeding specialists relate to, read in a separate publication.

How to make baby food healthy naturally

Modern mothers are very fond of everything natural, they want their child to be healthy and do not like medicines. Unfortunately, this is not always compatible - the health of children requires effort. Sometimes it comes to serious disputes even about vitamin preparations - mothers believe that this is harmful. I always patiently explain how important this is, help you choose a complete diet.

If the baby's mother does not want to give him vitamin preparations, she needs to make sure that useful and important substances enter the child's body with food. If she is breastfeeding, then for this she needs to choose a balanced diet containing the required amount of trace elements. A dietitian will help her with this.

If the baby receives, then its quality is extremely important for the health of the child. Mom needs to learn how to choose healthy foods - fresh vegetables and fruits (it is recommended to start with applesauce).

This task is more difficult than choosing a complete adult diet, so doctors advise take vitamin D drops for babies.


Lack of important vitamins and minerals can lead to negative health effects. This is a lag in development, both physical and mental, the child is gaining weight more slowly than his peers, lethargic, sleeps and eats poorly.

There are specific signs indicating hypovitaminosis, up to vitamin deficiency:

  • Late teething;
  • Dry skin, rash, cracks, crying without tears;
  • Pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • muscle cramps;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Sweating.

But no less dangerous is an overdose of vitamin D in infants. It manifests itself with similar symptoms to beriberi - baby's drowsiness, lethargy, dry skin. Characteristic signs are a grayish color of the skin, frequent urination, stool disorders, convulsions and episodes of loss of consciousness. If the baby has such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, and stop taking the medication.

Preparations for infants: is it worth prescribing

Doctors often prescribe special vitamin complexes created for babies. Their composition is selected taking into account the needs of the baby, the only contraindication is an allergy to vitamins in infants. If it appears, a diet is selected for a small patient that replenishes the needs for nutrients and is appropriate for his age.

I am often asked how to take vitamin D for babies and whether it should be done. Now there are many different preparations for children of the first year of life, most of them contain vitamin D. It is not difficult to choose the right one among them. As for the need to take it - in winter I recommend Aquadetrin to all children, and in summer I advise you to walk more in the sun, and drops can be taken less often.

It is often necessary to explain to mothers that an allergy to vitamin D in infants is not so common.. Usually taking any medication is a whole war. Grandmothers insist on fish oil, and more, mothers prefer not to give the baby any drugs. The truth, as always, is in the middle - modern vitamin products for children, which are taken in small doses.

BUT quadretrim This is ergocalciferol. It came to replace fish oil, and unlike it has a more pleasant taste. It is taken 1-2 drops a day, if the baby is premature, the dose will be larger. Contraindication - symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D in infants. Otherwise, it's safe.

M ultitabs baby- This is a complex preparation containing the necessary nutrients for the development of the baby. Take it 1 drop every day, add to the milk mixture or water for drinking. Completely safe.

P olivit baby- another multivitamin preparation. Contains a more diverse range of substances, including vitamin E for babies. Taken with food and drink.

To inder Biovital gel- medicine in the form of a gel for babies older than a month. Take half a teaspoon. Older children can spread it on apple slices or cookies. Its composition is considered the richest.


Vitamin preparations are extremely important for the health and development of the baby. But in order for them to bring benefit, and not harm, they must be selected by a doctor, after conducting tests and examinations of the child. Self-medication, especially in infancy, is very dangerous.

When a baby is born, he needs to replenish his body with the necessary amount of vitamins. This is necessary to ensure its full growth and formation. But here it is important not to overdo it. A huge mistake today for most mothers is the use of special vitamin complexes. The child's body requires natural ingredients, not synthetic ones. By taking breast milk or formula, they have a balanced diet. Therefore, additional fortification is not needed here. Beneficial for the body are vitamins D for newborns, AND WEIGHT.

Vitamin A

The presence of vitamin A in infants indicates that the performance of all organs will occur as usual. It is this component that takes part in the work of all organs. It has a beneficial effect on vision and immunity. At birth, this element is contained with a margin. The body of a newborn is replenished with it through mother's milk.

But not everything here is so simple. According to many experts, as well as Komarovsky, vitamin A tends to accumulate in the body as quickly as it leaves it.

It will be interesting to know that in the liver of rodent children this element is contained in a minimal amount. It accumulates in other organs of individuals. If you pass tests, then most of all there is no presented component in the liver.

Komarovsky and many other experts advise periodically using a variety of vitamin A supplements for babies living in developing countries. Thanks to these measures, it is possible to reduce the mortality rate of children from 6 months to 5 years.

Vitamin B

The baby's body receives vitamin B not as a separate component. It represents a whole group, which is the largest among those available. Each component has its own effect on the child's body. As a rule, this is an influence on the growth, creation and proper functioning of the nervous system, creating conditions for hematopoietic work.

The presented items contain all of a certain product. It is extremely rare that a component is missing.

Certain vitamins for children obtained artificially. With a lack of this element in the body of an infant, a negative effect on the growth, development and health of the baby is affected. Although the body lacks a whole group of vitamins, deficiency symptoms begin to occur when there is a shortage of one of them.

Most of all, the nervous system, skin, mucous membranes, heart, and stomach are negatively affected. Komarovsky claims that the child may experience the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia.
  • Excitation.
  • Constipation.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Redness in the region of the eyelids.
  • Changes in the skin.
  • Delayed growth and development.

Naturally, parents are strictly forbidden to establish their own diagnosis. But if you find any unusual manifestations, you should consult a doctor. It is possible to prevent undesirable phenomena under the condition of a varied diet.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a unique role in a child's development. It takes part in most processes of growth and formation of organs, cells and systems. Its role is indispensable in the development of bones, blood vessels, red blood cells, it enhances the protective functions of the body and takes part in the neutralization of certain toxins.

The child's need for this component is not the same. As a rule, it enters the body with food. Komarovsky claims that the excessive content of vitamin C does not pose any danger. This excess leaves the body without any problems.

In breast milk, the content of this component depends on the nutrition of the mother. Cow's milk will get him in smaller quantities. The percentage of its content in milk is determined not only by the nutrition of the cow, but also by the way the products are stored and processed. When milk is stored in air or boiled, vitamin C does not disappear. Most of all, this component is found in:

  • lemons;
  • oranges;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • blackberry;
  • cabbage;
  • parsley;
  • savoy cabbage;
  • peppers, tomatoes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in the development of a child. It is involved in the formation of teeth and bones, supports the necessary exchange of calcium and phosphorus, and protects bones from rickets.

Vitamins for children from a year D groups contain many components, two of which are of the most important importance. One can be found in fish oil, and the second is obtained artificially. The usual nutrition of a newborn does not involve a large amount of this element. But it can be produced in the body from its provitamin, if given to the child to be under the influence of the rays of the sun. Natural sources of this component include:

  • fish fat;
  • yolks;
  • liver;
  • milk.

A non-born baby does not get enough vitamin D from the food he or she eats. For this reason, Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to add this vitamin to food. But this should be done only under the supervision of an experienced pediatrician, since here we can talk about an overdose.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 - often consumed by babies. It is produced in the form of an oily or aqueous solution. Preference is given to water, as there is a better absorption of the vitamin. An overabundance of the element in the body of a child is very undesirable. This is fraught with complications such as a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, allergies, sleep disturbance and nervous excitability.

Very often, doctors prescribe vitamin D3 to almost all non-congenital children. This is not true, as an individual approach is important. You can understand the importance of replenishing the body with vitamin D3 if you focus on such factors:

  • Baby skin color. If the skin has a light shade, then there is little melamine in it. In this case, vitamin D3 is needed in a smaller amount.
  • Season. It is desirable to take this element in the period October-March. At this time, the amount of sun rays decreases.
  • Time of birth. When the baby was born in the cold season, then you need to give vitamin D3 as a preventive measure.
  • Place of residence. Especially acute is the lack of this component in the body of children living beyond the Arctic Circle. The sun rarely shines there.


You can replenish your baby's body with iron with the help of food. But at the same time, observe the principle of a balanced diet, in which all the necessary and useful substances would be concentrated.

When a child has iron deficiency anemia, and he is breastfed, the first thing to do is review the nutrition of his mother. As Komarovsky advises, for such children, the first complementary foods are prescribed a little earlier. Products with iron here are discussed with a specialist individually.

Older children should replenish the body with heme iron. It can be found in large quantities in meat dishes. Taking vegetables and fruits, the content of this component is absorbed much worse. Saturation of the body with iron should be combined with a normal amount of protein. With a shortage of this element, you need to increase the daily protein intake. Carbohydrates should remain in their original positions.

Vitamins for the child's body play one of the most important roles. They contribute to its proper development and growth. With a lack of any element, the child may develop various pathologies. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the health of their child and the amount of incoming vitamins.

Vitamins are necessary for both adults and young children. They contribute to the normal course of metabolic processes, tissue regeneration and growth. Often, those substances that enter our body with food are not enough for the coordinated work of all systems, and there is a need to take complex drugs. Do babies need to drink vitamins up to a year and which form of release will be more convenient for babies?

It is believed that children under one year old do not need to take any vitamin complexes at all, since what they receive with breast milk or with should ideally be enough for normal development. The only drug that a pediatrician can prescribe for you to take from October to April is necessary for the prevention of rickets in an infant.

If you are breastfeeding, and at the same time you eat a balanced diet, take a complex for nursing mothers, often walk with your baby for a long time, then for six months you can not think about buying complex preparations for newborns.

Artists, as a rule, also do not need to take vitamins until six months. Manufacturers of baby food enrich the mixtures with the elements necessary for the development of the baby. If you doubt that there are enough nutrients for a baby in artificial milk, show the food package and ask her for advice. A product specialist will determine whether the baby needs to take complex drugs.

After six months, babies' nutritional needs increase, and it's time for complementary foods. The child's diet begins to be replenished with fruit and vegetable purees, cereals, meat, fish and cottage cheese. Food manufacturers for children up to a year enrich their products with vitamins and minerals that are important for the normal development of babies, but not all nutrients from food are fully absorbed. For example, iron, which is so necessary for the development of a growing child's body, is absorbed only by 10%, zinc - by 20-30%.

Studies in recent years, unfortunately, have shown that modern vegetables and fruits contain many times less vitamins and minerals than half a century ago. Nutrition with such "depleted" fruits cannot fully cover the need for a growing child's body in useful substances. In addition, heat treatment of products leads to a significant loss of important elements.

In order to fully provide babies up to a year with important vitamins and minerals for them, pediatricians prescribe complex preparations after six months.

Types of vitamins

When buying vitamins for a child under one year old, do not forget to mention to the pharmacist that you need a children's drug, since they differ significantly from adult dosages.


  1. One-component, contain only one element that the child badly needs. This may be a solution of vitamin D, which is necessary for an infant, or a preparation with vitamin A, which is important for the normal functioning of the eyes.
  2. Modern multivitamins contain vitamins and minerals in the ratio necessary for full assimilation. For example, in order for calcium to enter the body, it must bind with vitamin D and magnesium. The composition of multivitamins for infants up to a year is designed so that the baby is provided with a daily norm of all the elements necessary for him.
  3. Complexes of the so-called "third generation" contain not only multivitamins, but also enzymes, extracts of fruits and medicinal plants. Such drugs provide a child up to a year with elements important for development and strengthen his immune system, and are also designed to improve digestion.

When choosing multivitamin complexes, it is also important to take into account the state of health of the child.. If the baby is allergic to citrus fruits, then you need to look for a preparation in which vitamin C is not obtained from these fruits, but from rose hips or currants. Usually, manufacturers of drops and syrups for newborns take into account the possibility of such reactions, and maximally deprive the products of potential allergens.

Excipients can also provoke an allergic reaction in newborns, so choose drugs that do not contain flavors and dyes.

Release form

Vitamins for children up to a year have several forms of release, they are convenient for both newborns and babies of one year of age:

  • syrup;
  • drops;
  • gel;
  • soluble powder.

How to take vitamins?

When taking vitamins, it is important to strictly observe the dosage, which is indicated in the annotation or prescribed by a pediatrician. Exceeding the recommended amount of the drug will harm the health of a one-year-old child. With extreme caution, you need to approach the dosage of vitamins for newborns, since both hypo- and hypervitaminosis can negatively affect the functioning of the systems of babies.

Vitamins for babies should be given with food or immediately after feeding in the first half of the day. If the baby does not like the taste of the drug, you can mix it into fruit purees, but you should make sure that the baby eats the entire portion.

In the first year of life, the baby actively grows and develops. For the full formation of a small organism, various nutrients are required. But breastfeeding or artificial feeding may not be enough to get them. In such cases, prescribe special vitamins for newborns.

What is the danger of vitamin deficiency in newborns

Trace elements are vital for any person. They are found in enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances. At first glance, the daily need for useful components is not great, because their amount is measured in milligrams. But the problem is that many of them are not produced by the body, but come from food.

But the baby in the first 6 months is completely breastfed or artificially fed. Therefore, not all substances enter the growing organism. This can lead to micronutrient deficiencies. And this is already dangerous for the growth of the baby in the future, in particular, this applies to signs of a lack of vitamin D.

This microelement takes part in the formation of bone tissue. Cholecalciferol improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. With its deficiency, the child develops severe lesions of the skeleton. One of the most common diseases is rickets. The bones of the child become fragile, easily deformed. In complicated cases, the risk of spontaneous fractures increases.

To identify micronutrient deficiencies, you need to pay attention to several signs of beriberi. The main symptom is slow weight gain, poor growth and developmental delay.

The main symptoms of micronutrient deficiency in newborns

Doctors also distinguish other symptoms in the form of:

  • untimely teething;
  • baby anxiety;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • sleep problems;
  • occurrence of muscle cramps.

Attention! Doctors themselves decide whether vitamins are needed for newborns, given the general condition. If there are no signs of deficiency, then you do not need to give the child anything on your own, an overdose is no less dangerous than a shortage.

List of vitamins for newborns

Children in the first year of life need a lot of microelements, because their body is still going through the stages of formation.

The list of necessary vitamins for newborns includes:

  1. Retinol. Responsible for active growth, good vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. The daily dosage is 1250 IU.
  2. Vitamin D . Takes part in calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Makes teeth and bones strong. It is necessary for those babies who suffer from diabetes, rheumatism, heart defects and thyroid problems. The child's body should receive 300 IU per day.
  3. Vitamin C. Needed for immunity. Responsible for the health of connective tissue and the elasticity of the vascular walls. A newborn needs 30 mg per day.
  4. Vitamin B1. Takes part in metabolic processes. Makes the nervous system stronger, normalizes the digestive tract.
  5. Vitamin B2. They convert energy, participate in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  6. Vitamin B6. Responsible for the state of the hematopoietic system.
  7. Vitamin RR. Necessary for comfortable digestion.
  8. Alpha tocopherol. Normalizes the work of the myocardium. Makes the walls of blood vessels and capillaries stronger. Helps other vitamins to be absorbed.
  9. Vitamin K. Needed for blood clotting.

Daily requirement for vitamins in infants

Young children need minerals - iron and magnesium - for the full functioning of the body.

What vitamins are in breast milk

Many parents believe that breast milk contains insufficient amounts of nutrients. Therefore, various adapted mixtures are connected. But such an opinion is erroneous. In fact, the composition of mother's milk is enriched with trace elements necessary for the child. It consists of special proteins that help milk to be completely absorbed. In an adapted mixture of useful substances is not enough, so it is digested worse.

Trace elements and vitamins in breast milk are as follows:

  1. Retinol. This trace element is especially important for premature babies. Due to its lack, babies have problems with the digestive tract. Therefore, a nursing mother should consume eggs, liver, butter, carrots and parsley.
  2. Alpha tocopherol. Takes part in exchange processes. The largest amount of vitamin E is found in colostrum.
  3. B vitamins. Such trace elements are most found in products of animal and vegetable origin. Therefore, a nursing mother should eat more meat products. If a woman adheres to vegetarianism, then she needs to drink special preparations.
  4. Vitamin C. In order for its amount to be normal, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
  5. Vitamin H. Required for skin health. Restores the normal structure of the cover, takes part in metabolic processes.

Vitamins found in breast milk

An adapted blend typically contains 15 vitamins, as well as minerals in the form of folic acid, choline, niacin, biotin, and inositol.

What vitamins should be given to newborns

Most often, parents are advised to give newborns vitamin D. This substance is produced independently when the body is exposed to ultraviolet rays. But from September to April, the child is less on the street, which means that there is a lack of vitamin D.

At the same time, as a preventive measure, babies are given calcium and ascorbic acid. Only with such a combination of trace elements, the baby's skeletal system begins to form correctly.

If blood tests show a low level of hemoglobin, then the baby is prescribed iron-containing drugs. As soon as the baby begins to be given complementary foods, meat dishes and buckwheat porridge are included in the diet.

Often parents complain about the restless behavior of the baby. The cause of this phenomenon is the hypertonicity of muscle tissues and the immaturity of the nervous system. Then the baby needs magnesium.

Vitamin A is given to support immunity, restore the skin and mucous membranes, and normal functioning of the visual organ. Also, this trace element is necessary for those children who have poor growth gains.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then no supplements should be given to him. The composition of the mixtures includes all the substances necessary for the body. In the future, he will receive useful components from food.

The best vitamin complexes for newborns

Most often, vitamins for newborns are prescribed in drops. They can be given with a spoon, mixed with breast milk, formula or water. Drugs are given for prophylaxis in a certain period of time or when there are signs of deficiency and the development of a pathological process.


A solution containing vitamin D. The daily dose for babies is 1-2 drops. If there are signs of prematurity, then the amount of the drug is increased to 3-5 drops.

Water-based preparation with vitamin D content


Preparation with vitamin D. An analogue of Aquadetrim, only it has an oil base. The drug rarely causes allergic reactions, does not provoke problems in the functioning of the nervous system, but is more difficult to digest by a small organism.

An oil-based solution, a commonly prescribed drug for infants

Multitabs Baby

Multivitamin complex, which includes retinol, vitamin D and ascorbic acid. Doctors often prescribe a complex for the prevention of rickets and strengthening the body's defenses during viral infections.

1 ml of the drug contains a daily dose of trace elements.

Polivit Baby

The dietary supplement consists of retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D and PP, group B and alpha-tocopherol.

A good prophylactic against signs of hypovitaminosis

Important! All dietary supplements have a pleasant aftertaste. Therefore, the baby has a feeling that he is eating a sweet treat.

How to take vitamins for babies

A newborn needs to drink vitamins only after consulting a doctor. Self-administration of dietary supplements can lead to an overdose of microelements and a deterioration in the general condition.

Before buying, parents need to make sure that the complex is intended for children under one year old. If the drug is chosen incorrectly, it will lead to intoxication of the body.

It should be remembered that part of vitamin D is produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Therefore, solutions should not be given in the summer. Drops are prescribed in autumn, winter and spring.

It is better to give drops in the morning after meals.

Up to 6 months, babies get enough of those vitamins that they get from breast milk or an adapted formula. Therefore, dietary supplements are prescribed only if there are signs of deficiency.

Precautionary measures

Doctors are of the opinion that artificially fed children need ascorbic acid more than others. To make up for the lack of vitamin C, it is not necessary to give complexes. It is enough to include fruit and vegetable purees in the diet.

Self-administration of drugs is prohibited. This should only be done by a doctor, based on complaints from parents and tests. Do not give dietary supplements for prevention. Their reception is necessary in a certain period of time.

Signs of hypervitaminosis in infants

Contraindications and side effects

Not all babies can be given drugs.

There are a number of contraindications in the form of:

  • allergic reactions to active and excipients;
  • manifestations of symptoms of hypervitaminosis;
  • individual intolerance to certain vitamins;
  • the presence of malignant or benign formations;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • problems in the digestive tract.

During the intake of dietary supplements, the baby may experience side symptoms. This process is accompanied by:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • decrease or lack of appetite;
  • the appearance of skin rashes;
  • feeling thirsty;
  • rapid breathing.

The child becomes irritated or, conversely, lethargic. There are problems with sleep.

If adverse reactions occur, you should visit a doctor and stop using supplements.

Pediatricians, whose experience exceeds 10-15 years, always prescribe drugs with calciferol to their patients, but not all babies need drops. Before you start taking dietary supplements, you must ask for a referral for a biochemical blood test. If this is not done, an overdose will occur.

It is accompanied by:

  • thirst and dryness of the tongue;
  • sleep problems;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headaches;
  • mood swings;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

Dr. Komarovsky does not deny the benefits of trace elements. But he advises taking them only if there are symptoms of beriberi. He explains his point of view by the fact that the baby receives useful substances from mother's milk. Therefore, in order to avoid microelement deficiency, mother should eat greens, vegetables, fruits, meat and cereals.

Children who are bottle-fed should not be given supplements unnecessarily. They usually include at least 15 vitamins and 10 minerals. In addition to all this, such babies begin to give complementary foods earlier, in which there are also useful substances.

If we talk about vitamin D, then it is necessary to take drops in the period from September to April. With the onset of summer, it is necessary to spend more time outdoors, because it is ultraviolet rays that contribute to the synthesis of vitamin D in tissues.


Vitamins for newborns should not be purchased without consulting a doctor. Usually, babies get useful trace elements from their mother's milk or mixtures. Reception of dietary supplements is necessary if there are signs of beriberi. The decision to prescribe drugs is made by the doctor based on the complaints of the parents and the general condition of the baby.

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