Vitamins in butter. Vitamins and minerals in butter - how did blind slaves create a product of supernatural power? Butter has vitamin D

Butter is obtained by churning cream or separating. Most often, this food product is made from cow's milk. This oil has a high fat content - at least 82.5%.

Let's consider how this product is useful and harmful, and also we will figure out which butter is the best on Russian shelves.

Varieties and types of butter - which is tastier and healthier?

According to taste and raw materials used, the oil is divided into:

These are the two standard types. They can be both sweet and salty. The mass fraction of fat in them is 82.5%. This is real butter, not a spread. But it is difficult to find it on Russian shelves, or its price is very high.

From how much fat is in the butter, the following types of butter are distinguished:

  • Traditional
    Its fat content is 82.5%. This butter is made from pasteurized cream. It is sweet and soft in taste. This oil is more useful than all other types.
  • amateur
    This oil is also good, but it is considered to be a spread, since the fat content is exactly 80%. Such butter can be different - sweet, salty, sour.
  • Peasant
    Butter is also considered a spread. Its mass fraction of fat is even less than the previous one - 72.5%. It can be sweet cream - only sweet or salty, and sour cream salty.
  • sandwich
    This spread has 61% fat content. Meets the taste of sweet and sour cream unsalted.
  • tea
    The fat content of the spread is 50%. And this means that such oil is not useful.
  • Oil with various fillers
    For example, chocolate butter has a fat content of 62%. There are also honey and fruit fillings. But note - they will also have a low percentage of fat and do not benefit your body.
  • Ghee
    This butter is made from butter by melting milk fat. Its fat content is at least 98%, but at the same time it does not contain useful substances.

Despite the fact that the first three varieties are considered to be the best, they may contain table salt, carotene (food coloring), bacterial preparations, concentrates of lactic microorganisms. These substances are not dangerous.

But the composition of other types of butter, except for ghee, can include not only useful vitamins and bacterial concentrates, but also harmful flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers . That is why it is not worth buying such a spread.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of ghee, sandwich, peasant and other varieties of butter

100 g of butter contains:

  • 15.8 g of water.
  • 82.5 g fat.
  • 0.8 g of carbohydrates.
  • 0.5 g of proteins.
  • 0.03 g organic acids.

It also contains vitamins:

  • A - 0.59 mg.
  • D - 0.008 mg.
  • Beta-carotene - 0.38 mg.
  • E - 2.2 mg.
  • B2 - 0.01 mg.
  • PP - 0.05 mg.

Not all varieties contain vitamins in small quantities. C, B1, B9.

Butter contains useful micro and macro elements:

  • 0.2 g of ash.
  • 19 mg phosphorus.
  • 15 mg potassium.
  • 12 mg calcium.
  • 7 mg sodium.
  • 0.4 mg magnesium.
  • 200 micrograms of iron.
  • 100 micrograms of zinc.
  • 2.5 micrograms of copper.
  • 2 micrograms of manganese.

Consider the nutritional value of different varieties of butter:

  • There are 717 kcal in 100 g of butter.
  • In the same amount of traditional - 748 kcal.
  • In the amateur - 709 kcal.
  • In the peasant - 661 kcal.
  • In a sandwich - 566 kcal.
  • In tea - 546 kcal.
  • In melted - 892 kcal.


Butter has positive properties:

  • Gives the body strength and energy due to its rich composition.
  • Absorbed quickly.
  • Has a wound healing effect. Helps those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Heals ulcers, fights gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Patients are allowed to eat 15-20 g of oil per day.
  • Useful for women. Thanks to cholesterol, the body produces bile acids and sex hormones that promote menstruation and conception.
  • Children improve their intellectual abilities, restore memory, concentration.
  • The overall balance of lipids in the blood and cholesterol levels are normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Preserves the visual function of the body.
  • Prevents osteoporosis and rickets.
  • Improves all metabolic processes of the body - cellular, mineral, vitamin.

Oil should be used fresh or add to the dish after it is cooked.

Frying in butter will not bring any benefit, all the nutrients and nutrients that make up its composition will disappear.

Special ghee suitable for frying . It contains 98% fat and several times more vitamins and elements than cream. Nutritionists recommend frying food on it, as it contains almost no unsaturated fats, which, when heated, oxidize and become harmful.

Harm and contraindications

Too much butter can cause:

  • Obesity due to high calorie and fat content.
  • Atherosclerosis and heart disease, blood vessels because the oil contains a large amount of cholesterol and unsaturated fats.
  • Allergies, since butter is made up of milk proteins.

The trans fats that are part of the spread or margarine are of great harm to our body. They are:

  • Disrupt metabolism. Hence the obesity.
  • They settle on the walls of blood vessels and clog cells.
  • Increase the risk of atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease.
  • Spoil the quality of the milk of a nursing mother.
  • Develop diabetes, especially in pregnant women.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, eat really real oil. Spread or margarine won't do you any good.

In the diet of children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetics with allergies - SF answers all questions

When using butter, many questions arise. Let's answer the most common ones:

At what age can butter be introduced into the children's menu?

  • This product can be given to a baby at 5 months in the amount of 1-4 grams.
  • At 7-8 months, the dose should be 4-5 g, at a year old - 6 g, at 1-3 years - from 6 to 15 g.
  • In the first months of life, it is better to assimilate oil with vegetable puree, then you can add oil to cereals.

Is butter good for diabetes?

  • The hypoglycemic index of butter is very high, so diabetics should avoid this product.
  • But, since the oil is nutritious and healthy, nutritionists allow it to be consumed in diabetes with a maximum of 15 g per day.

Can children or adults be allergic to butter?

Allergy to butter is rare. It can occur in allergy sufferers due to the harmful substances that make up the product, for example, emulsifiers, flavors, etc. Therefore, when choosing an oil, read its composition.

How much butter can a pregnant woman eat?

The human body needs 10 grams of butter daily, and the body of a pregnant woman needs 30 grams.

Dishes with butter in the diet of a nursing mother?

Nursing mothers should eat butter in the first month after childbirth.

The maximum and required dosage is 30 g. This amount will be enough to restore strength, energy for the mother and for the development of the baby. Oil can be added to porridge or just make a sandwich.

Butter for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis

  • With these and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is allowed to eat 20 g of oil per day. This amount will not harm the body and will help cure diseases, facilitate the passage and absorption of food.
  • With exacerbations of the above diseases, it is necessary to refuse both butter and other fats and oils in the patient's diet.

Preparation and storage rules

Dishes with butter for an adult menu

Baby food with butter

The children's diet should also include dishes with butter. Here's what you can cook for kids:

  • Cauliflower soup puree or. Suitable for a child from 1 year old.
  • Liver pate with butter. Pate can be eaten by children from 1 year.
  • Porridge with butter - for children from 5 months.

How to store butter properly?

Store butter in unpackaged form.

Here are important criteria and terms of storage of this product at home:

  • In parchment at a temperature of minus 3 degrees, the oil can be stored for 10 days.
  • In a plastic container at the same temperature, it is stored for 15 days.
  • In laminated foil - 20 days.
  • And in a metal can - 3 months.

To prevent butter from molding and has been stored longer, it is worth storing it in the freezer. Its beneficial properties do not change at cold temperatures. From a frozen piece, you can cut off a small one and put it in a butter dish.

By the way, so that the oil does not mold, does not turn yellow and does not have an unpleasant odor , store it in a ceramic or wooden butter dish on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Butter can also be stored at room temperature. . It is worth putting a piece in an enamel pan with salt water, cover with a plate, place a load on top and put in the coldest place. 20 g of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

And ghee should be stored in a glass jar, in a refrigerator. It doesn't spoil for a long time.

How to make ghee on your own?

  • Melt the butter in a ladle or saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil and lower the heat.
  • As soon as you notice sediment settling, pour the mixture into another bowl.
  • In order to melt 400 g of butter, it takes half an hour, and 1-2 kg - an hour.

How to make butter at home?

You can also make your own butter at home. This difficult method is divided into several steps:

Does Butter Help You Lose Weight?

It is allowed to use butter with several diets:

  • With a salt-free diet, since this product does not contain salts.
  • With a diet for diabetics.
  • With, which is prescribed after removal of the gallbladder
  • or with a stomach ulcer. Butter is allowed to be added to soups and mashed potatoes.
  • With a diet for pregnant women. Pregnant women should definitely consume oil, it is of great benefit to the child.

Note that oil is better to eat in the first half of the day, preferably at breakfast.

Nutritionists recommend using it and with a low-calorie diet for weight loss. For example, you can add butter to porridge, dress salad or pasta. It should not be completely abandoned, because it carries the nutrients necessary for the body.

Butter, whose beneficial properties are known to many, has been considered one of the most important products since ancient times. In addition, he was credited with supernatural powers. Therefore, in ancient times, the blind were engaged in churning the product, since there was a belief that if you look into the vessel during its manufacture, this can invite trouble to the farm to which the cow that gave milk belongs.

Also, the supernatural power of the product was associated with its benefits in medicine. As you know, ancient healers used oil to treat many diseases - colds, ulcers, gastritis, poorly healing wounds, etc.

Malo traces its ancient history back to the times of Mesopotamia. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations, when images of the stages of knocking down carved on clay tablets are found.

In Russia, oil began to be produced around the 11th century. The product was considered in those days a great delicacy, so they ate it only on holidays and then in small portions. The original Russian method of preparing the product was its reheating in the oven, while the raw material was either cream or sour cream. As a result, there was a division into two layers: the upper one consisted of fats, and the lower one consisted of water. This was how ghee was prepared, which could be stored for a long time. Russia was one of the leading exporters of this product, and ghee was sold all over the world, so its second name is “Russian butter”.


In some cases, the calorie content determines the benefits of butter, and in others the harm, since it is quite high. So, 100 grams of butter provide the body with energy equivalent to 700 kcal, and it directly depends on the amount of fat in its composition.

The nutritional value

On average, 100 grams of oil contains the following amounts of organic substances:


What vitamins are in butter? The main ones are:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 2
Vitamin B5 8
Vitamin C 60
Vitamin D 0.001
Vitamin E 20


There are not many minerals in butter, but they are still there. What minerals:

Beneficial features

The fat in the product is well absorbed, especially if you eat ghee, and therefore quickly provides the human body with energy. This is very useful when you need to get enough in the shortest possible time with a small amount of food. A sandwich with butter perfectly copes with the task.

For men

The benefits of butter for the stronger sex are important, in which peptic ulcer is more often diagnosed. Including melted is used. The retinol (vitamin A) contained in it accelerates the healing of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

Also, butter or ghee has a therapeutic effect on patients suffering from chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and pancreatitis. However, here it is necessary more than ever to observe a sense of proportion. Such patients are allowed to eat about 15 to 20 grams of cream or ghee per day, but a single serving should not exceed 5-7 grams.

For women

The benefits of butter for the weaker sex are also huge, as it can improve the functioning of the reproductive system. So, cholesterol in its composition is necessary for the synthesis of both progesterone and estrogens, without which a normal menstrual cycle and the conception of women, as well as carrying a pregnancy, are impossible. Studies have found that if a woman's body fat content is minimal, then her menstruation stops and irreversible changes in the body appear associated with this. Ghee in this case is an ideal healing product.

Butter, the benefits of which are also associated with a high content of oleic acid in its composition (about 40%). It is this fatty acid that forms the basis of the olive oil. Oleic acid directs the exchange of cholesterol in the right direction (fat is spent on the construction of cell membranes, the synthesis of sex hormones, etc.), normalizes the lipid profile (the content of fats and their fractions in the body). In addition, this acid also has anti-carcinogenic properties, so moderate consumption of a product that contains minerals necessary for the body can reduce the risk of cancer.

For kids

Let's analyze another question of interest - how is ghee useful for children and is it harmful? This product contains useful minerals, and the concentration of fats is especially high. Fats are essential for the body to build cell membranes. The membranes of the cells of the nervous system are especially rich in fats. Therefore, the absence of a product in the diet, especially in childhood, can lead to a slowdown in thought processes. Ghee is only harmful if consumed in excess. It is necessary to remember the high calorie content of the product and eat in moderation.

Possible harm

Despite the benefits of butter for the body, the product can harm the body (including ghee). Its frequent use, especially in large quantities, contributes to obesity. At the same time, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathology associated with this disorder of cholesterol metabolism increases. This is due to a large amount of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that clog the lumen of the vessel.

Another harm to butter is that sometimes (although quite rarely) it is possible to develop an allergy to some milk proteins in its composition.

Fat-soluble vitamins in butter are found in large quantities and are very well absorbed. Moderate consumption of oil helps to prevent hypovitaminosis A and D. However, it is impossible to get carried away with this product, as it is a very high-calorie and fat-rich product that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

Butter is a dairy product with a high fat content. Many for this reason refuse to use it, however, as it turned out, completely in vain. Its use in cooking in moderation only benefits the body. Refusal of its full use is permissible only in the event of the development of allergic reactions, otherwise, the body will not receive the nutrients it needs for normal growth and development. The question of what vitamins are contained in butter is relevant for everyone who cares about their own health.

Chemical composition

One hundred grams of the product contains about 661 kcal. Its main components include:

  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fats - 72.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.4 g;
  • water - 25 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 47.1 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 2.2 g;
  • cholesterol - 0.17 g.

When the composition is supplemented with palm, vegetable oil substances, milk powder, flavors, dyes, it is worth saying that this is not a natural milk and oil product, but margarine or spread. To preserve its useful properties in intact paper packaging, they store a maximum of 10 days, from foil - 20 days.

Vitamin and mineral substances

Information about which vitamins in butter are in large quantities in the product indicates that the main vitamin substances are:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A2 mg
Vitamin B58 mg
Vitamin C60 mg
Vitamin D10 mg
Vitamin E20 mg
  • A - takes care of the healthy appearance of hair, nails, increases the strength of bones, joints, ensures the normal functioning of the female reproductive system, takes care of increasing the "protective" forces;
  • E - takes care of preserving youth, slowing down the aging process, improves the condition of the muscular system, heart muscle, increases its endurance;
  • D - regulates blood pressure, participates in the formation of bone and dental tissues, removes toxic, carcinogenic substances from the body;
  • C - strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to depression and stress, improves the functioning of the nervous system, promotes rapid recovery, regeneration of the skin with cuts, bruises;
  • B5 - contributes to the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy, takes an active part in metabolic processes;
  • K - improves the coagulability of genetic material, increases life expectancy, improves the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems.

Butter also contains mineral elements. They are presented:

  • potassium - participates in the regulation of the amount of sodium, maintains a normal heart rhythm, increases endurance, supports mental activity;
  • sodium - maintains water balance, regulates the processes of potassium absorption;
  • phosphorus - improves the condition of bones, teeth, transmits certain information at the genetic level, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • iron - provides cellular structures with oxygen, prevents the development of anemia, which is especially important during pregnancy;
  • magnesium - takes care of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes, protects against an increase in cholesterol levels in the genetic material;
  • manganese - protects the immune system from failures, promotes the proper development of cartilage and bone tissue, which is important in childhood;
  • copper - takes part in providing the body with oxygen cells.

It is important to know not only what vitamins are contained in butter, but also how it affects the body. It has been scientifically proven that eating a sandwich at breakfast, a person gets an extra charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Beneficial features

Having learned that butter is rich in vitamins and contains a sufficient amount of minerals, it becomes clear why it is considered beneficial for the human body. Useful properties are:

  • prevention of the development of pathologies of bones, visual organs;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • increasing the "defensive forces" of the body;
  • enrichment of the skin with the necessary amount of fat cells;
  • reduction of pain in children during teething;
  • elimination of a skin rash of a certain type;
  • a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach, which helps to restore its tissues after an ulcer;
  • acceleration of the healing process in case of respiratory diseases;
  • increase in mental activity;
  • improving the functioning of the reproductive and genitourinary systems;
  • production of the hormone of joy, serotonin.

Many experts recommend that pregnant women consume butter in small amounts every day because of the vitamins it contains. The presence of omega polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition will contribute to the normal development of the fetus, the cleansing of the body of the future mother from toxins, the normalization of the intestines and digestive organs.


Despite the availability of information about which vitamins in butter are in large quantities, you should not abuse them. If you do not control its use, you can achieve the development of obesity, atherosclerosis. It is enough to eat a daily intake of 10-25 grams, so as not to contribute to the deterioration of well-being. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to what vitamins butter contains, since this is the main indicator of usefulness.

You should not replace oils with spreads, ersatz, margarine, hoping that due to their lower calorie content they will not lead the body to obesity. Their use, on the contrary, increases the amount of cholesterol deposits in cells and tissues, contributes to the destruction of the established system of metabolic processes in the body. When choosing a product, it is enough to carefully study its composition so as not to acquire low-quality oil that is harmful to the body.

For the first time, oil, as a tasty food product, was discussed in the 5th century in India. Given the fact that cows are considered sacred animals, in those days, the products obtained from their milk were sacred. Only high-ranking persons belonging to the higher castes could use oil for food. Priests quite often used it at the time of reading prayers, conducting services or making sacrifices to the gods.

After the Europeans visited India, they passed on their knowledge about the preparation of the product to their compatriots. Most of all, the French were delighted with the new dish, who gradually improved the production technology and began to add various natural food additives to it to improve the taste. And if in Europe only people belonging to high society ate it, then in Russia peasant families also used this product.

By the way, it was they who were the main suppliers of the product to people of higher strata of the population. In the 9th century, its production did not imply knowledge of a specific technology and could be based on both cream and kefir, milk, sour milk and sour cream. And only in the 19th century, oil was rightfully appreciated by representatives of Russian high society. It was then that a study was conducted on what vitamins butter contains.

One of the unique varieties of the product is Vereshchagin oil, produced according to a certain technology. Due to the strict observance of the stages of production work, it had an unusual, nutty taste. At present, it is known under the name "Vologda" and has been produced for more than sixty years using a unique technology unknown to other manufacturers.

The benefits of butter

Butter in its composition has many useful substances, this determines its benefits. These substances include vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Let's take a closer look at all the beneficial substances that make up butter, its benefits and harms. Butter benefits and harms.

Benefits of butter.

  1. Vitamins. Butter contains, B2, PP, E, D, pantothenic acid. The recommended daily intake of butter is 20g.

20g of this high-calorie product contains:

  • Vitamin A - 13% of the daily requirement (hereinafter referred to as SN) for an adult;
  • Vitamin B2 - 1% of CH;
  • Niacin (PP) - 0.05% of SN;
  • Vitamin E - 3% of DV
  • Pantothenic acid -0.2% of CH;
  • Vitamin D - 3% of CH;

Butter made from cow's milk contains a large amount of retinol. With a lack of this fat-soluble vitamin, bone growth slows down, damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract occurs, and the digestive system worsens.

  1. Minerals.

Butter contains the following minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc. If we calculate their content from the daily intake for an adult, then these values ​​will be less than 1%. This means that there are very, very few minerals in the oil.

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids in butter.

The oil contains omega - fats, as it is a fatty product. These substances include linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids. Linoleic acid is an essential nutritional factor. If it is not enough in the body, then arachidonic and linolenic acids also become indispensable, as they are formed from linoleic acid. With aging, the body loses the ability to form these substances, in which case their only source is products containing fats.

Omega-fatty acids reduce “bad” cholesterol, contribute to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, and have an immunoprotective effect. Compounds formed from linolenic acid are called longevity substances.

  1. The main ingredient in butter is is milk fat. It has a low melting point, so it is absorbed by the body by 98%. You can read more about the benefits of milk fat in the article "".

Butter damage.

Firstly, the daily excess of the consumption of this high-calorie product will lead to an increase in cholesterol in the body. Elevated cholesterol is dangerous by the appearance of anti-sclerotic plaques in the vessels.

Secondly, this is of course a very high-calorie product and its amount in the diet needs to be monitored. Do not forget that extra calories can cause obesity.

Despite these two factors, I recommend including real unsalted sweet cream butter in your diet. Do not replace oil with vegetable fats. I believe that the benefits of the oil will outweigh the harm if consumed in the recommended amounts.

keywords: vitamins in butter, fat in butter, high-calorie butter, butter benefit and harm, minerals in butter, daily noma of butter.

Butter in our diet is a completely familiar natural product. But the beneficial properties of butter are questioned by people who advocate a healthy lifestyle, arguing that butter, by raising the level of cholesterol in the blood, causes the development of atherosclerosis in humans, and often causes disability and death of people due to thrombosis, atherosclerosis, ischemia. and heart attack.

Refusing butter, people fall into the other extreme: eating spreads and various varieties of margarine, they assure that vegetable oils are much more useful than animal fats.

Vegetable oil in its usual form - liquid, which is only seasoned with food, but not fried on it, of course, is a healthier product than butter. With margarine, everything is much more complicated. The melting point of margarine is higher than butter, the body digests it with difficulty. Almost all varieties of margarine include palm oil, which is the source of cholesterol in the blood. Palm oil is able to “clog” human vessels with cholesterol plaques much faster than butter. Both margarine and spread contain hydrogenated fats that have carcinogenic activity.

What is useful butter

Butter contains a huge amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining vision, the functions of the endocrine system, the condition of hair and skin. Butter also contains a lot of vitamins D, E, K.

Butter contains a huge amount of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant that cleanses the body of free radicals. 1 gram of natural butter contains more of this important trace element than wheat or garlic. Butter is rich in iodine, it normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.

The butyric acid contained in this product nourishes and stimulates the intestines. Butyric acid has powerful anticarcinogenic properties. Lauric acid has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, linolenic acid will also protect the body from cancer. Butter fatty acids are necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones and the maintenance of the human reproductive system.

Oleic acid in the composition of butter normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood, contributes to the normalization of metabolism and fat metabolism in the body, and has anti-cancer properties.

Among the fatty acids in the composition of butter, glycosphingolipids should be especially distinguished, which have an important purpose - to protect the intestines from infections. These fatty acids are found in the cream of cow's milk. If you constantly drink skimmed milk, a state of predisposition to intestinal infection may occur. Constantly skimmed milk should not be fed to children.

Cholesterol, which is contained in butter, is necessary for the body to nourish the intestines, as well as the brain, and the nervous system. The absence of this type of cholesterol in food will invariably lead to pathologies in these systems. You should not be afraid of this cholesterol: butter, consumed in moderation, cannot adversely affect the condition of the joints. By the way: a huge amount of the same cholesterol is found in the breast milk of a woman.

How much butter can be consumed without harm to health?

Butter, as a natural and very rich product, needs careful dosage. Only under the condition of a reasonable use of this product for food, a person will not have all the problems that “fighters for life without butter” love to talk about so much. For children under 7 years old, the daily intake of butter is 5-10 g per day, for adolescents and adults - up to 10-30 g. You need to eat butter, spreading it on bread, preferably from coarse grain varieties, or seasoning them with vegetable dishes , porridge.

Butter contains many calories, but if you eat it correctly, in small quantities, then these calories are not stored in fat, but provide energy for the body. Butter is necessary for children: it nourishes the cells of the brain and nervous tissue, and this contributes to the development of mental abilities and intelligence of the baby.

Butter in the diet of a patient with peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines promotes healing of the damaged mucous membrane. Such people are recommended to eat up to 20 g of butter per day.

During the period of influenza, respiratory viral infections, doctors advise increasing the daily portion of butter to 60 g in order to protect yourself from infections and increase immunity.

Healthy Butter Recipes

1. Lemon oil for colds. Mix 300 g of softened butter with the juice of one lemon and 50 g of finely chopped parsley. The mixture can be salted. Use for morning sandwiches.

2. Garlic oil. Mix 300 g of butter with 20 g of crushed garlic. You can add parsley and salt to taste.

3. Carrot oil. Mix 300 g of butter with puree from one boiled carrot. Puree is better to make a blender. This oil improves immunity and has a good effect on vision.

4. Herring oil. Chop the fillet of one herring. Add 50 g of parsley and 400 g of butter. This oil has anthelmintic properties.

5. dill oil. Mix 300 g of butter with 50 g of finely chopped dill. This oil solves the problem of gas formation in the intestines.

6. Dessert honey oil. Mix 300 g of butter with 300 g of natural honey. You can store at room temperature: butter will not go rancid in honey and warm.

7. Apple oil. Bake 2 medium apples, rub through a sieve. Add 300 g of butter and 3 tablespoons of honey to the puree, beat well. This oil increases the level of hemoglobin.

The beneficial properties of butter will help you and your family not get sick, provided that the norm of using the product is met.