Backgammon short online. Play backgammon for free

Backgammon is the oldest game known already in 3000 BC. e. This entertainment will require both luck and prudence from the player in equal measure. Play short backgammon against computer online and become a champion!

Game features and rules

The game of short backgammon is somewhat similar to chess. The backgammon board has 24 points on the sides - 6 for each corner. These points-recesses serve as positions for the movement of checkers. Each player has 15 chips, which must first be transferred to the “home” and then removed from the board.

To make a move, the player first rolls the dice and moves the token according to the number rolled. Thus, you can make a long move with one checker, summing up the result of the throw, or move two checkers. Dropping a double allows you to make four moves at once. A chip is placed only on an empty space, on a chip of its own color or on a single opponent's checker.

Short backgammon differ from long backgammon in a more dynamic game and the presence of some additional rules. So, the initial position of the checkers is different. If in long backgammon they are all located on the base, then in short backgammon they are scattered across the field in the prescribed manner.

Also, in short backgammon, it is more difficult to block the movement of the enemy. To do this, it is not enough to set up a barrier from a long continuous chain; when blocking, you must take a position with at least two chips. An opponent can “absorb” a lone checker by knocking it out onto the bar. On the next move, the bar must be cleared, other moves are prohibited. If there are no possible movement options, the move is skipped. The game ends when all checkers are off the board.

To understand the rules, it is enough to play a couple of games. Playing with a computer online is more difficult than when competing with a person, because artificial intelligence is better at calculating profitable moves.


For a comfortable Online Games in short backgammon with a computer, you should first familiarize yourself with the terms:

  • Zara - bones.
  • The house is the ultimate goal of the chips. The place from where they depart off the board.
  • Yard - parts of the board that are not a house.
  • A blot is a single chip that can be knocked out for a bar.
  • Bar - part of the board between the playing fields.

Unlike chess, in backgammon, not only the final result is important, but also the success with which the game was played. It is estimated how far the loser has progressed during the game. Depending on the final position on the field, the winner may be awarded additional points.

Short backgammon is a game that has gained immense popularity around the world. In Russia, it is also known under other names, such as "kosha" and "sheshbesh". For many fans, playing short backgammon has become a favorite pastime. Here, success depends on skill to a much greater extent than in long backgammon, which is why in the West they play among themselves and hold tournaments in fact only in short backgammon.

Our project presents classic short backgammon, options with and without doubling the rates are available. Game for two participants - you can play with a computer or with a real person.

Two people play on a special board consisting of twenty-four narrow triangles called points. The triangles are grouped into four groups of six triangles each. These groups are called - house, yard, house of the enemy, yard of the enemy. The house and the yard are separated from each other by a plank that protrudes above the playing field and is called a bar. The number of stones is 15 for each player. Points are numbered for each player separately, starting from the house of this player. The farthest point is the 24th point, which is also the first point for the opponent.

Backgammon short online with real opponents via the Internet

Our system provides an online game Short Backgammon with classical rules. You can absolutely free to play it over the Internet with live players - the most real, real people from around the world or with a computer. You will have the opportunity to play without registration, for this you need to click the "log in as a guest" button in the game interface, or you can log in to our service through one of the popular social networks. networks: vkontakte, classmates, facebook, google+ or twitter, then all the features of the system will become available. There is also a great way to play with your friend, relative or just a close person, for this you need to create a private table in the game and invite your friend by telling him the password.

What is important to know

  • to start the game, you need to go to the game interface and wait for a few seconds to load and select a game from the list
  • in our system you can play short backgammon without registration, for this you need to click the "log in as a guest" button
  • you will have the opportunity to play with real people - real opponents or with a computer
  • to play with a friend, relative or acquaintance - create a private table and tell your opponent a special password

Play short backgammon with computer

Play Short Backgammon against the computer directly in your browser online, no need to download anything!

General information about the game

Backgammon is a world-famous board logic game that has two main varieties: short backgammon and long backgammon. They differ in some rules, but in essence the games are similar.

In front of the player is a field for the game, on which there are checkers and holes for backgammon. To start the game, you need to decide which player will go first. To do this, each player rolls a die. The first player to start the game is the one with the large quantity points (from one to six, respectively).

When the game has started, your main task will be to move your checkers into the house and remove them from the board. But do not forget that your opponent, whether human or computer, will have exactly the same task. Therefore, it is important not only to correctly transfer your checkers, but also to skillfully block the opponent's checkers.

Arrangement of stones

The initial arrangement of stones is as follows: each of the players has two stones in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

"Home" for each player is the last quarter of the playing field, on which at the beginning of the game there are five stones. During the game, a pair of dice is used and, in the case of a game with dave, a die with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 printed on its faces, which allows you to increase the bet of the game.

The purpose of the game. the player must pass all the stones a full circle, pass them to his "house" and "throw" them before the opponent does. To "throw" means to make such moves that the stone is off the board. You can "throw out" the stones only after all the stones "came into the house." The end of the game comes when one of the players throws all his stones. There is no draw outcome in short backgammon.

Beginning of the game

The right of the first move is played out. To do this, players roll one die (zar). The right of the first move is given to the one with the most points. With the same number of points dropped out, the roll is repeated.

Movement of stones

Players take turns throwing two dice and making moves. The number on each die shows how many points the player must move their stones. Stones always move in only one direction, from points with higher numbers to points with smaller ones.

Rules of the game Short Backgammon

A stone can only move to an open point, that is, one that is not occupied by two or more opponent stones. The numbers on both dice make up separate moves. For example, if a player has 5 and 3, he can go with one stone to three fields, and with another - to five, or he can go with one stone to eight (five plus three) fields at once, but the last one only if the intermediate point (three or five fields away from the starting point) is also open.

The player who rolled the double plays each of the numbers on each of the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 5-5, then the player must make four moves of five points. The player is obliged to use both numbers that he has dropped out, if they are allowed by the rules, or all four numbers, if he has a double. The player must play all legal moves. If a player cannot make a move, then he skips a move.

A point occupied by only one stone is called a blot. If a stone of the opposite color stops at this point, the blot is considered beaten and the opponent's stone is placed on the bar.

At any time when one or more stones are on the bar, the player's first duty is to return his stones to the opponent's home. The stone comes into play by moving to the point corresponding to the rolled value of the die. For example, if the player rolled 4 and 6, he can return the stone to the fourth or sixth points, if they are not occupied by two or more stones of the opponent. If both points corresponding to the values ​​of the rolled dice are occupied, the player skips his turn. If a player can put in some of his stones, but not all, he must charge all the stones he can and then skip the rest of his turn. Once all the stones have been entered from the bar, the unused dice values ​​can be used as usual to move the stones.

throwing stones

When a player has brought all his fifteen stones to his house, he can start throwing them off the board. The player rolls a stone as follows: A pair of dice is rolled, and the stones that are on the points corresponding to the rolled values ​​are removed from the board. For example, if 6 points fell out, you can remove the stone from the sixth point. If there is not a single stone on the point corresponding to the rolled die, the player is allowed to move the stone from points greater than the rolled number. If a player can make any moves, he is not required to remove a stone from the board.

In the stage of throwing stones, all the stones of the player must be in his house. If a stone is broken in the process of throwing stones, then the player must bring the stone back to his home before he continues to throw stones. The one who first removes all the stones from the board wins the game.

Loss amount

At the end of the game, if the losing player managed to remove at least one checker from the board, he loses a single number of wins. If the player did not have time to throw out a single checker from the board, he loses with "mars", i.e. the winner is awarded double the number of wins. If at the end of the game the player has not removed a single checker, and one or several checkers remain in the opponent's house or on the bar, he loses with "coke", i.e. the winner is awarded triple the number of wins.

Raising the stakes (Dave)

In the project, a variant of the game with an increase in rates is available. Each game starts with a bet of one win. During the course of the game, a player who feels that he has a fairly large advantage in the game may offer dawa (i.e., double the number of wins). He can only do this before the start of his turn, before he rolls the dice. If the player who was offered to double the bets folds, then he surrenders this game and loses. Otherwise, he must accept double and play with double the number of wins per game. The player who accepted the dave becomes the owner of the cube, and only he can now double the number of wins again. The counter doubling of rates in the same game is called bass. If the player gives up at this moment, he loses as many points as were at stake before this bass. Otherwise, the cube passes to him, and the game continues with another doubled number of wins. At the end of the game with mars or coke, the current number of wins is doubled or tripled, respectively.

Financial restrictions

If a player joins the game table without increasing the bet, then on his account, for the duration of the game, an amount equal to 3 times the bet is blocked. If a player joins the gaming table with an increase in bets, then on his account, for the duration of the game, an amount that is 10 times the size of the bet is blocked.

Terms in the game

Ante (Ante)- initial rate.

Zara- dice/dice for throwing.

home- for each player, this is the last quarter of the playing field, at the beginning of which there are 5 checkers of the player.


Other free games

Backgammon is a game for all time, beloved in many cultures and coming from antiquity. In France, backgammon is a backgammon game, in Greece it is shesh-besh, and in England it is backgammon. They are united by a common inventory: how many chips are in backgammon (15), the type of board, the rules and an exciting game process. The initial arrangement is different, short backgammon provides for a fixed position of checkers for 2 players: each has two checkers in the 24th sector, five stones in the 13th, three in the 8th and five in the 6th. The initial arrangement in long backgammon is simpler: the starting position of all 15 stones is 24 positions (in the head).

Here is Flash backgammon for two levels of difficulty with the same rules of the game: for beginners and confident players. Set the game mode on the main menu screen after loading and roll the die!

How to play

The goal of an online backgammon game is to complete a full circle of the playing board counterclockwise by moving your white stones according to the values ​​of the dice. You need to go to your "home" and take the checkers off the board before the opponent.

The number of steps taken must match the number of dots on the dice, but there is a strategy. For example, two values ​​4 and 6 fell out, you can:

  • make a move with one stone for 10 steps;
  • move one checker to 4, the other to 6;
  • in the case of paired values ​​(a double occurs), the player can make 4 moves.

Backgammon strategy

Try to slow down your opponent by capturing empty holes of his color on the board. One checker in the sector is beaten by the opponent's stone, so it is important that there are at least 2 stones in each slot.

In ancient times, backgammon was considered the best remedy education of strategic skills and the ability to concentrate. You can play backgammon with computer online right now and check this statement!

Backgammon is an ancient game that has been around for hundreds of years. But this did not affect her popularity in any way. Until now, backgammon remains absolutely favorite entertainment. different people. Some play them like a board game. And some prefer to play backgammon online for free. Why? Probably because when technology is developing rapidly, it is still worth using. After all, backgammon, like most intellectual board games, has one drawback. They need not only a board, checkers and cubes with dots - the so-called bones. The most important condition for playing backgammon is having a partner. You can, of course, sit at the board alone and play a game with yourself. But this is a very dubious pleasure that few people like. Therefore, the modern gaming industry has given all fans of backgammon an amazing opportunity to play their favorite game at any time when they want it. No worries about finding a second player! Flexible and advanced computer intelligence is at your service. Which, nevertheless, has a resource for you to beat him. Even if you are not a world champion in backgammon.
Therefore, many people are encouraged to play online backgammon, who, in principle, are indifferent to computer games as a genre. They simply transferred their favorite pastime from reality to the virtual space, which provides much more opportunities. After all, online backgammon is allowed to play in almost the same way as their real get together. Only now organizational difficulties are many times less. You go to a site that promises that you can play backgammon online here, click on the desired link, download the game and ... Actually, that's all. Then you can just plunge into the world of your beloved intellectual games for as long as you see fit. Many closed and unsociable people who are interested in the process of the game, and not in the conversations that accompany it, gladly jumped at the opportunity to get such a game in its purest form. Therefore, on sites with games, if they allow you to play backgammon online for free, the section with this game has the highest and most stable ratings. Our website is no exception.
On this page of his, we bring to your attention all known modifications of backgammon, transferred to the virtual space. You can start playing right now. And you do not need any lengthy registrations and painful saves of the game on your own computer. Just open the game you like and start the intellectual battle!

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The game is played on a rectangular field consisting of two parts, each with twelve points (elongated triangles). Partners move chips along them. Everyone gets 15 pieces, one - white, the other - black. The color of the chips does not affect anything. Who makes the move first determines the rolled dice. Zara (bones) are cubes, on the sides of which there are points from 1 to 6. With the help of them, the number of steps for which the participant walks is determined. Sometimes each player has his own pair of zar, which he uses in the game. You can play backgammon for free right now, regardless of the time of day.

Entertainment has a large number of varieties, the most famous of them are long and short. Consider the basic instructions that you need to know in order to play backgammon online:

  • The two players walk in order.
  • The direction of movement of the checkers is different, depending on the type of entertainment, but always in a circle.
  • Before walking, the opponents throw zar. With the help of the dropped points, they determine how the step will be carried out.
  • Having walked, the gamer can make up to 4 moves of the chips. He moves them depending on how many points fell on the dawn. For example, 1 and 3 points fall out, then the person moves one checker by 1 point, the other by 3, or the same chip, first by 1, then by 3. If there is a double on the dice, the points are multiplied by 2, and the gamer can do four moves at once.
  • After all the chips are in the house, they should be taken out of the field. They are exposed when the number of the item with a checker is equal to the points on the dice.
  • The starting arrangement of checkers depends on the type of entertainment chosen.
  • The victory remains with the gamer who first brought everything out of the field. A draw is provided only if the setting "Draw" - "Yes" is selected in the game settings.

Everyone can play backgammon for free

When playing backgammon online, winnings are considered more significant in the following scenarios:

  • mars - points for a victory are multiplied by two, when the loser did not bring the pieces into the house, and the winner has already taken everything out of the field;
  • home mars - all the checkers of the defeated are in the house, and the partner has all - behind the field;
  • coke - one or more of the player's chips did not leave their starting position, and the opponent carried out a complete withdrawal from the board.

Backgammon online without registration on our website day and night

Let's start with a description of such a variety of entertainment as short backgammon. Step-by-step study of the information below will make it easy to learn how to play.

The duel is carried out by two. The task of the opponents is to be the first to bring the pieces into the house, and then take them out of the field. During a backgammon game online without registration, the opponents' moves are made depending on the numbers rolled on the dice. White moves clockwise and black moves in the opposite direction. The checker goes only to the point where there are no opponent's chips. The partner is obliged to use 2 dropped numbers. When there is an opportunity to play only a single number, he does it. A participant skips a move when he cannot make it.

A blot is an ordinary point that is occupied by a single piece. When the opponent's chip reaches this point, he is considered beaten and the figure moves to the bar. The main task of the participant at this moment is to charge the pieces that are in the house of a party partner. The player rolls the dice and starts playing, moving according to the number of points rolled.

After the participant has brought all 15 pieces into the house, he takes them out of the field. On output, the following might happen:

  • a point chip that has the same number as the number dropped at dawn leaves the field;
  • the checker moves in the house from a larger to a smaller point;
  • the player beats the opponent's piece while moving along the inside field.

It is not at all necessary to use only computer simulators for this kind of fun, you can find a live opponent on the net and play with him.

Playing backgammon for free is easy and convenient

You can play backgammon online for free in such a variety as long ones.

Their main differences from short ones:

  • starting position;
  • even if the only piece of the enemy is in the point, it is forbidden to put your own on it;
  • a row of 6 checkers locks one opponent;
  • checkers move in the same direction for partners.

Believe me, online entertainment will be no less interesting and exciting than in real life. After reading the main provisions of entertainment from the monitor screen, the gamer will easily get used to the game using a simple application interface. You will enjoy this fun, no doubt about it.