Useful properties and contraindications to the use of canned corn. What vitamins are in boiled corn? What is in corn

A bit of history

Corn (Maize, Zea mays) is one of the oldest plant crops on our planet, which is not capable of independent sowing and running wild.

After wheat, corn is the second most important food. Seven thousand years ago, this crop was grown in Mexico. And among the famous Mayan tribe and the Aztecs, it was considered sacred. Corn was brought to Europe at the end of the fifteenth century from America by the no less famous traveler Columbus. At first, corn was grown in the gardens of Spain as an ornamental crop. Maize came to Asia thanks to the Portuguese.

Types of corn

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According to the properties of the grain, corn is divided into seven subspecies: starchy, waxy, sugar, bursting. As well as dentate, siliceous, membranous. Corn grains are used to prepare vegetable mixtures, soups, cereals, salads and other delicious dishes. Yes, and eating corn grains in its pure form is very useful.

Biological and food plant value

From the point of view of biochemistry, corn contains valuable elements and vitamins. Elements such as protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron. As well as mineral salts of sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium and magnesium, selenium and fiber. vitamins in corn contains the following: vitamins of the PP group, groups and, vitamin and. Corn is a high-calorie product (one hundred grams contains about one hundred calories), which has a high biological and nutritional value. It is an easily digestible product for the human body. Regular consumption of corn in food activates metabolic processes, contributes to the overall strengthening and healing of the body, increasing vitality and improving well-being.

Experts note that the use of corn favorably affects the normalization of blood circulation, slows down the aging process, strengthens the human cardiovascular system, and reduces the risk of cancer.

Vitamins in corn and trace elements make corn-based dishes unique in their biochemical value. So bread, which was baked from cornmeal, is recommended for people suffering from gastric disorders (including constipation) and tuberculosis patients.

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In addition, the plant has a choleretic effect, favors the normalization of metabolism. Eating corn is advised to people with chronic vascular and heart diseases. Glutamic acid contained in corn improves metabolic processes in the brain and improves memory.

In terms of value and nutritional value, corn is superior to beans, green peas and other healthy vegetables.

Vitamin K, which is found in corn, helps the fastest healing of wounds. Fight insomnia - tryptophan, which is present in the composition of this crop.

Tasty and healthy

The most useful product made from corn is "neutral" (not salty and not sweet) popcorn. The second place is occupied by canned grains and corn cobs. It should be noted that during the conservation process, corn loses about half of its nutrients. The third place is occupied by corn sticks, which contain a lot of sugar and salts, there are very few useful substances in them.

Right choice

When choosing corn, pay attention to its size. It is better if you give preference to the small size of the cob, the approximate recommended size is the size of the palm of your hand. The cob should be surrounded by leaves. The leaves indicate that the product has not been processed with any chemicals or preparations and all useful trace elements and vitamins in corn have been preserved. The grains of such an ear should be "distinguished" by a light yellow tint and elasticity. To check the elasticity, it is necessary to press on the grain with a fingernail.

Canned corn is recommended to choose only the one that is packed in glass jars. The brine is usually slightly cloudy. Be sure to check the composition, expiration date and shelf life of the product. The ingredients that must be included in the preservation are salt, water, sugar and corn. Frozen corn grains can be stored for about six months, fresh - only in the refrigerator and no more than a day.

Before it was introduced to Europe, corn played an important role in the diet of the ancient Aztecs in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Wise natives were well aware of the value and benefits of this vegetable, and soon after the discovery of America, Europeans were also surprised by the shape, taste and beneficial properties of the "overseas vegetable". Many still at school learned that Khrushchev raised the Soviet agro-industrial complex with her help. No wonder corn is proudly called the “queen of the fields”, because it is not only very nutritious, but also tasty.

In the modern world, canned corn is used a lot, and the benefits and harms of this product are widely known to the public.

First of all, corn is recommended for people with diabetes, as it tends to stabilize blood sugar levels. Studies show that a large amount of unsaturated acids reduces cholesterol levels, which cause heart and blood vessel diseases such as myocardial damage, hypertension, and the like.

Unpleasant symptoms of bloating as a hand relieves after eating canned corn. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will noticeably improve if you add some canned corn to your daily diet. Vegetable fibers of corn are a good remedy against ailments affecting the organs of the digestive and excretory systems.

If we talk about harm, then such a product is not suitable for people with low muscle mass, as it often increases the risk of developing muscular dystrophy. Doctors thoroughly do not recommend using it for people suffering from an ulcer, and corn is also contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting.

Canned corn for weight loss

Often used canned corn for weight loss. Despite the fact that this product is extremely nutritious, it will help you lose weight if used as a substitute in many dishes, especially if you use it as a side dish.

Canned corn in the diet plays an important role as a source of protein and. Many athletes add it during the diet due to the predominance of those plant proteins.

Whether yellow or white, sweet corn is a good source of niacin, vitamin B-6, and ascorbic acid. When frozen, it retains about the same vitamins as fresh after cooking. And canned food, unfortunately, loses all of its nutrients, leaving about half of the niacin and vitamin B-6, and at least three times less ascorbic acid. About what exactly is useful, what vitamins it contains, and what else is contained in corn, read on.


Corn, being a rich source of folate, is beneficial for new cell formation. Folate is also helpful in preventing birth defects, colon cancer, and heart disease. Thiamine is good for carbohydrate metabolism, energy production and cognitive function. The fiber content helps reduce cholesterol levels, constipation and the risk of colon cancer.

Corn contains a carotenoid called beta-cryptoxanthin, which is good for lung health and also prevents lung cancer. Corn can promote cardiovascular health if consumed in moderation and regularly. It is also good for people with kidney problems.

Corn can be boiled, steamed, fried, or used to make healthy snacks like popcorn (without butter or sugar). You can also use any food made from corn, such as corn flakes.

B-6 to Support Mood and Metabolism

B6 is needed to turn nutrients into energy. It also helps produce antibodies in the immune system and is essential for the synthesis of healthy red blood cells. B6 is needed for the production of several neurotransmitters, including serotonin. While serotonin is best known for regulating moods, it also affects sleep cycles and appetite. One cup (250 grams) of cooked sweet corn contains 16 percent of the recommended daily allowance for B-6.

B-3 for Enzyme Nutrition

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is essential in your daily diet as it lowers cholesterol levels. You should not exceed the recommended dosage of 14 milligrams for women and 16 milligrams for men because high doses can cause side effects. Niacin supports the activity of over 50 enzymes responsible for energy metabolism and the production of fats and sex hormones. You'll get 16 percent of what you need from one cup of boiled sweet corn.

Vitamin A for healthy eyes

One cup of yellow corn is 13 percent of your vitamin A requirement. However, white corn has a barely noticeable amount. Yellow corn contains three carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. All three are provitamin A carotenoids, which means they are converted to retinol. This form of vitamin A is essential for normal vision and a healthy immune system. Yellow corn also contains two antioxidant carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. They absorb blue light as it enters your eyes, which protects them from retinal damage.

Ascorbic acid to create connective tissue

Corn is not in the top 10 sources of ascorbic acid, but 1 cup will give you 8 milligrams. Women should include 75 milligrams of ascorbic acid in their daily diet, while men need 90 milligrams. Ascorbic acid helps metabolize protein and produce collagen. You cannot do without collagen. As a connective tissue, it supports and strengthens the skin, bones, blood vessels, and tendons.

If you are interested to know what other vitamins are contained in corn, then see the table below.


Corn should not be eaten raw as it can lead to diarrhea. It also leads to numerous bowel disorders. You should consult your doctor if you find symptoms that need to be checked.

Corn has a negative effect on people with diabetes, as it increases blood sugar levels. Therefore, people suffering from diabetes should not consume corn in large quantities.

If you are overweight, we also advise you to refrain from large amounts of corn, as it contains a large amount of carbohydrates.

Corn can also cause allergies. Her symptoms:

  • Vomit;
  • Migraine;
  • rashes;
  • abdominal pain and bloating;
  • Nausea;
  • itchy skin;
  • Swollen tongue and mouth;
  • Fever.

Vitamin content plate

Corn, yellow, cooked
(Note: "-" indicates no data available, DV = daily dose)
medium sized corn
(77.00 g)
Glycemic index: medium
Substance Quantity DV
Protein in corn 2.63 g 5
carbohydrates 16.15 g 7
Fat - total 1.16 g
dietary fiber 1.85 g 7
calories 73,92 4
trace elements
Substance amount DV
Starch - G
Total Sugar 3.50 g
Monosaccharides 1.26 g
fructose 0.61 g
glucose 0.65 g
galactose 0.00 g
disaccharides 2.24 g
lactose 0.00 g
maltose 0.13 g
sucrose 2.11 g
Soluble fiber 0.07 g
insoluble fiber 1.78 g
Other carbohydrates 10.81 g
monounsaturated fat 0.29 g
Polyunsaturated fats 0.46 g
Saturated fat 0.15 g
trans fat 0.00 g
calories from fat 10,40
calories from saturated fat 1,37
cholesterol 0.00 mg
water 56.53 g
Substance amount DV
water soluble
B1 0.07 mg 6
B2 0.04 mg 3
B3 1.30 mg 8
B3 (niacin equivalents) 1.59 mg
B6 0.11 mg 6
B12 0.00 µg 0
choline 22.41 mg 5
folate 17.71 mcg 4
Folate (DFE) 17.71 mcg
folate (food) 17.71 mcg
Pantothenic acid 0.61 mg 12
FROM 4.24 mg 6
fat soluble
A (retinoids and carotenoids)
Vitamin A International Units (IU) 202.51 IU
Carotenoids 20.25 µg (RE)
Alpha carotene 17.71 mcg
beta carotene 50.82 mcg
Beta Carotene Equivalents 121.66 mcg
cryptoxanthin 123.97 mcg
Lutein and Zeaxanthin 697.62 mcg
Lycopene 0.00 µg
Vitamin D
International units Vitamin D (IU) 0.00 IU 0
Vitamin D mcg 0.00 µg
Vitamin E
Vitamin E Alpha Tocopherol Equivalents (ATE) 0.07 mg (ATE) 0
Vitamin E International Units (IU) 0.10 IU
Vitamin E mg 0.07 mg
Vitamin K 0.31 mcg 0
Substance amount DV
boron 37.56 mcg
calcium 2.31 mg
copper 0.04 mg 4
Iron 0.35 mg 2
magnesium 20.02 mg 5
manganese 0.13 mg 7
phosphorus 59.29 mg 8
potassium 167.86 mg 5
Selenium 0.15 µg 0
sodium 0.77 mg 0
zinc 0.48 mg 4
Substance amount DV
Omega 3 fatty acids 0.01 g 0
Omega 6 fatty acids 0.45 g
Monounsaturated fats
14:1 Myristoleic 0.00 g
15:1 Pentadekene 0.00 g
16:1 Palmitol 0.00 g
17:1 Heptadecenate 0.00 g
18:1 Olei 0.29 g
20:1 Eicosenoic 0.00 g
22:1 Erucius 0.00 g
24:1 Nervonic 0.00 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
18:2 Linoleic 0.45 g
18:2 Conjugated Linoleic (CLA) - G
nutritious amount DV
alanine 0.23 g
Arginine 0.10 g
Aspartic acid 0.19 g
Cysteine 0.02 g
Glutamic acid 0.50 g
Glycine 0.10 g
Histidine 0.07 g
isoleucine 0.10 g
leucine 0.28 g
lysine 0.11 g
methionine 0.05 g
Phenylalanine 0.12 g
Proline 0.23 g
serine 0.12 g
Threonine 0.10 g
tryptophan 0.02 g
Tyrosine 0.10 g
valine 0.15 g

Corn is a plant that belongs to the Cereal family, there are about 6 different species of this plant in the world, but the most common is one species that we are all used to eating. Mexico is considered the birthplace of this culture, where this plant has been grown on a very large scale since ancient times. Why corn? Firstly, it was and remains an ideal plant for the local climate, and secondly, the plant has a very high energy value, which made it possible to feed the entire population.

Corn is also referred, oddly enough, to cereal crops, and it is considered the most ancient bread in the world, primarily due to the fact that the plant does not require any special processing, after simple cooking it can be safely eaten.

Corn is a rather unique plant, in some countries of the world it is considered a national pride. It is widely known that even 100 years ago this culture grew mainly in South America and in some regions of North America, but after some time it became so popular that the culture was grown in almost all regions of the world. This also applies to the USSR, where the plant came from the USA, it quickly became popular, now not a single agricultural land can do without this plant.

Corn is classified as a high-carbohydrate food, it has very little fat and protein, but a large amount of carbohydrates helps to saturate the body for a long time and give it a lot of energy. This is why the plant is popular, because with its help even the poor inhabitants of Latin America at one time escaped from hunger.

Due to the high carbohydrate content, the product is quite high in calories, so obese or overweight people need to be very careful with this culture.

100 g of corn contains:

As can be seen from this list, corn is not so much rich in vitamins as it is rich in a large number of various trace elements. Moreover, it is worth noting that it contains in very large quantities such rather rare microelements as phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur, in such concentrations they are not found almost anywhere else.

As for canned corn, it is slightly less useful than fresh cobs. It retains many useful substances and vitamins, but like any canned product, it does not carry as many benefits, this is due to the brine and processing methods that the plant undergoes during conservation.

Of course, if you really want to eat corn or add it to some dish, then you can safely buy a canned product, it can be an excellent alternative to fresh corn on the cob. Just before buying a jar, you need to carefully study its composition, it is better to choose products with a minimum content of salt, sugar and other excipients in the composition.

How to cook corn?

Corn, as a very ancient plant, has a rich history in which there are many interesting and useful facts.

Everyone knows that the cobs of this plant can be frozen for long-term storage, but not everyone knows that you can even freeze already cooked corn. It needs to be frozen in the same way as a simple cob, and then just boil for 30-40 minutes so that it thaws, after which it can be safely eaten.

The well-known Christopher Columbus first brought the cobs and seeds of the plant to Europe.

Some bushes of the plant reach a height of 7 meters, although most often they grow up to only 3 meters in height.

This culture can grow only with the help of a person, because high-quality seeds are required for its planting. Even if you put a fresh cob on the ground, then it will not begin to bear fruit, the cob will simply deteriorate without taking root.

According to the legends of the ancient Maya, corn was an alien plant, as they claimed that such a plant did not exist before in nature. But scientists were able to dispel this myth: it was just that before the culture had a completely different look and could reproduce on its own. Then she mutated a little, after which she acquired her present form.

In most countries of the world, the culture is called "maize".

Each cob contains a strictly even number of flowers and seeds.

Oddly enough, but the corncob can be not only yellow, as we are used to seeing it. At the moment, more than a thousand artificially bred varieties of this plant are distinguished, there are cobs of purple, green, red and even multi-colored flowers (Glass Gem variety, or “rainbow” corn).

Parts of this plant are never thrown away, hundreds of different products are made from them. Stems, roots and leaves are used to make paste, industrial filters, alcohol, plastic, animal food, plaster, etc.

Each cob contains a lot of sugar, its concentration is almost the same as in sugar cane. But why don't we feel sugar when we eat corn? The thing is that sugar is stored only when the corn cob is still hanging on the bush, and when it is torn off, after a few hours the concentration of sugar decreases significantly.

Unlike ordinary corn, its derivatives are not as useful. Popcorn, corn sticks and the like are not able to saturate the body and give it the same amount of useful components that a person receives from a normal cob. It is better to avoid such products, and popcorn is best made at home without the addition of sweeteners.

About popcorn: it was invented by the Mayans! They mixed corn grains with sand and placed them near the fire. After some time, the grains began to burst, and the Indians picked up the bursting grains.

Corn is a very nutritionally valuable product that you should definitely include in your diet as often as possible.

Corn is rightfully considered one of the most popular delicacies, which is equally loved by both adults and children. It is used not only in boiled, but also in canned form. It also produces starch and flour, which later become the ingredients of many dishes. In addition, we all know very well how useful corn is. What vitamins this product contains, you will learn from today's article.

A bit of history

As a cultivated plant, corn began to be grown about twelve thousand years ago. The peoples living in Mexico were the first to cultivate it. At that time, its cobs were much smaller than modern ones. The average fruit size was only four centimeters.

For those who want to understand what vitamins are in corn, it will be interesting that it was the basis of the diet of the Indian tribes that inhabited America long before the formation of the United States. Images of this plant adorned the walls of ancient Indian temples. It is reliably known that some tribes, in the hope of a good harvest, made a sacrifice to the sun god in the form of bread baked from cornmeal.

European peoples learned about this culture thanks to Christopher Columbus. It was brought to the territory of Russia in the 17th century. It was cultivated in regions with a warm climate (in the south of Ukraine, the Caucasus and in the Crimea). Initially, it was cultivated as an ornamental plant, but later Europeans appreciated its taste.

Chemical composition

Those who are wondering what vitamins are in corn will be surprised to learn that it is considered one of the best sources of many valuable substances. This low-calorie product contains mineral salts, fats, ascorbic acid, protein, sugar and starch. Vitamin E contained in it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, it helps slow down aging. It also contains a sufficient amount of magnesium, potassium and iron. B vitamins help fight depression, insomnia and other disorders of the nervous system.

Interestingly, one hundred grams of corn contains only 97 calories. Therefore, it can be considered a dietary product. In addition, it is rich in vitamins K and D, which also has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Beneficial features

Having figured out what vitamins are found in corn, you need to pay attention to its effect on our health. Due to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber, it improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Soluble fiber is involved in blocking cholesterol, and insoluble fiber is considered the best prevention of constipation.

For those who have already understood what vitamins are contained in boiled corn, it will be interesting that regular consumption of this dish helps to maintain eye health. The antioxidants present in it have a positive effect on the condition of the organs of vision, preventing the development of cataracts.

Contraindications for use

Having figured out what vitamins are in corn, you need to understand in whose diet this product should not be. Immediately make a reservation that the abuse of these tasty cobs can lead to serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract. An excess of this product often causes various disorders and malfunctions in the digestive system.

Some people may experience allergic reactions to corn. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely. However, if you experience the slightest symptoms, you need to completely eliminate it from your diet. The most common signs of an allergy are rashes, redness and itching of the skin.

It is also undesirable to abuse corn grains for people who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. In this case, this product can cause significant harm to health.

What is healthier - boiled or canned corn?

Unlike most vegetables and fruits, this cereal does not lose its valuable properties during heat treatment. The shell of corn grains retains its integrity even after cooking. Therefore, it is equally useful both fresh and processed.

Those who have already understood what vitamins are in boiled corn will be interested to know that it is more valuable than canned. Of course, it also contains useful substances, just in slightly lower concentrations. The fact is that in the process of preparing corn for conservation, many vitamins disappear from it. In addition, some unscrupulous manufacturers add GMOs to their products.

Having understood what vitamins are in corn, you need to learn how to distinguish a quality product. An incorrectly chosen cereal can harm your health, so you need to approach this issue with the utmost responsibility.

It is not recommended to purchase cobs from the hands. Since no one can guarantee that they were stored correctly. Dry, detached leaves indicate that the corn has been in direct sunlight for too long. It is possible that pathogenic microorganisms have already begun to actively multiply in it. The heterogeneous shade of the grains indicates that they are no longer the first freshness.

When choosing a canned product, you should first of all pay attention to the packaging. It should contain all the necessary information about expiration dates and manufacturer's contacts. It is very important to look at the date of manufacture. Corn made in spring or winter cannot be considered fresh. In this case, before conservation, it was stored frozen. The composition of the product should not contain anything other than the grains themselves, water, a small amount of sugar and salt.

For those who already know what useful vitamins are in corn, it will not hurt to learn how to cook this cereal correctly. You can do this not only in a saucepan, but also in a slow cooker, oven and double boiler. So that the product does not become too hard, it is recommended to salt it already in finished form.

As for the cooking time, a lot depends on the type of cereal. Typically, this takes about thirty minutes. But in some cases, the cooking time is increased to three or four hours. When steaming corn, it retains the maximum amount of nutrients, since this process takes no more than fifteen minutes.

Tender young cobs are often cooked in the oven. The result is a very aromatic and soft treat. To do this, it is enough to fill the corn with water and send it to the oven for forty minutes.

Application of cereal

Having figured out what vitamins are in corn, you need to study in what areas this useful product is used. It has long been successfully used in folk medicine. So, the stigmas of this plant are considered an excellent diuretic, and its oil helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Dishes prepared on the basis of corn flour have long been recommended for women suffering from infertility.

This useful cereal is also used in cosmetology. On its basis, all kinds of hair care products are produced, as well as creams that help to restore skin firmness and elasticity as soon as possible. In dietology, corn decoction is successfully used. It is believed that it helps to quickly burn excess fat.

Paradoxically, this plant is used even in the construction industry, as well as for the manufacture of glue, paper and cardboard. In agriculture, this cereal is used as feed for cattle.