Make your own storage box. Making your own storage boxes - reorganizing the interior space of the closet Boxes in a closet for things with your own hands

Everyone faces the problem of storing things in the house, this problem can be solved with the help of storage boxes. Some things can be taken to the dacha or garage, but what if there is nowhere to put them. The way out of this situation is simple: you can make homemade boxes to keep things safe. They have great functionality and look aesthetically pleasing.

As a rule, the basis decorative item a cardboard box is taken. Can serve as packaging from under shoes, a kettle or other household appliances. First of all, you need to decide on the size of the product, and then on the place where it will be installed. You need to understand that not all things can be stored in such products. Cardboard is neither wood nor plastic that can withstand heavy loads. It is recommended to use thick cardboard when forming, which is able to withstand the maximum weight. The larger the case for storing things with your own hands, the greater the density of the cardboard should be. What can be stored in the boxes:

It is worth noting that everything can be stored in cardboard containers.

Drawer Options

There are several options for creating a decorative box. with my own hands. Each of them has its own personality and is perfect for any purpose. Basic box options:

These are the most basic and popular options, but all variations cannot be counted. Each person who is engaged in needlework undoubtedly adds something personal to the previously seen version or comes up with new details. The main thing here is to show imagination and ingenuity.

How to decorate

First of all, you need to take care of the finishing of the box. For this may apply various materials . When the general finishing is completed, you need to move on to decorating. How to decorate a cardboard box with your own hands:

What to paste over

This question often arises among beginners in needlework, so it needs to be considered in more detail. Now there is many different materials which can be divided into two large groups:

If it’s difficult to come up with something original and unusual on your own, then you can get ideas from the Internet. There you can clearly see the appearance of the boxes and choose the best option for yourself.

Cloth upholstery

This is the most practical and inexpensive way. It is used most often. The process is simple, but some skill is needed to make the fabric stretch evenly. It is best to use high-quality glue for the process than paper clips. It provides a snug fit of the material around the entire perimeter. This is what needs to be achieved so that the fabric does not fold like an accordion. Master class step by step:

The penultimate stage is the fabric itself. To do this, you need to smear the walls with glue., the adhesive should also be applied to the material. Then you need to stepwise attach the fabric to the boxes and smooth out all the wrinkles. The glue must dry. It is better not to touch the box during the day. The last step is to stitch the outer and inner sides of the box. They can be glued, but with constant use, the joints are exposed, and the glue may not withstand such a load.

Boxes for home textiles

When manufacturing, it is important not to miscalculate with the dimensions. It is best to pick up a box, then put everything in it. Thus, it will become clear whether the product fits in size or not. What you need to know and consider when creating a box:

When creating a decorative storage box, many people use individual ideas and ideas that give the product a unique look. Some ideas on how to arrange:

When parts are glued together, you need to use only high-quality glue. Super glue or hot glue works great. When choosing a box, you need to pay special attention to its bottom: check its quality and ability to withstand weight. If necessary, seal the bottom. When creating jewelry for the box, do not forget about practicality. This problem often arises for beginners. When they try to make something beautiful, they forget that the product is primarily made for practical reasons.

When choosing materials, you must adhere to a style that fits into the overall interior of the home. Create DIY storage baskets very simple. This activity does not require a lot of time, money investment and effort. Such decorations look spectacular in any home. Often they are used as a temporary replacement for missing furniture or simply as decoration. The service life of the product depends on its use. On average, a box can last from 2 to 4 years.

Decorative boxes will help not only solve the problem of storing things, but also diversify the interior. Our review presents simple ideas homemade boxes for storing small change and step by step master classes how to make a do-it-yourself organizer for cosmetics, clothes and other small things.

Using simple materials, you can create an original textile product for storing various items. For the manufacture you will need a piece of dense fabric.

So, a fabric storage box is made in several stages:

  • You will need a fabric sheet with dimensions of 48 * 43.5 cm.
  • This piece of material is cut into squares at four corners, measuring 14 cm by 12 cm.

A template is made from paper. With it, it will be possible to mark up to connect the parts of the textile box.

Distance between marks must be 15 cm long. When performing calculations, you need to make sure that there is enough material for the job. Markings can be made with a ruler.

Then place the template on top of the material. According to the marks, cuts are made along the width of the strip of fabric that will be used to sew the box together.

Then the strips of fabric are pulled into the holes made.

  • In total, four strips are required with a width of 0.7 cm and 16 cm in length.
  • After tightening the pieces of fabric into the product, they need to be cut off at the top.

When the box is ready, you need to put heavy pieces of wood into it to give the desired shape.

As strips for stitching, a single-color fabric or pieces of leather are selected.

A capacious and original storage container is ready.

How to glue a box with paper: a master class

Let's find out how to make do-it-yourself paper storage boxes. The cardboard product is a beautiful and simple project for the competent organization of space. A homemade paper box can be made with children, as manufacturing is not very difficult.

To repeat this master class, you need to prepare the following components:

  • cardboard box for storing shoes;
  • gift kraft paper;
  • the pencils;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • adhesive solution;
  • rag.

Kraft paper is shown in the photo.

Now let's look at the process of how to make a beautiful and decorative box:

  1. Attach the box to the paper and circle the contours. Then cut pieces on each side, leaving a margin of 1-2 cm.
  2. For better adhesion cut corners as shown in Figure 1.
  3. Glue the two opposite sides first, and then the rest.
  4. The protruding parts of the paper are glued from the inside of the box.
  5. The bottom of the box must be carefully glued.
  6. Then the box is glued from the inside.

ATTENTION: When gluing paper, a rag is used to smooth out wrinkles and bubbles.

The result will be beautiful box with a smooth and even surface.

How to decorate with a rope: master class

Exist different ways how to arrange a storage box. From ordinary cardboard containers, you can create an original basket for threads, socks, toys or cosmetics. Interesting solution- a product with a rope decor.

For manufacturing, you will need a regular cardboard box, rope, glue gun. Then we proceed to the manufacture of decorative containers:

Take the box.

Cut the flaps off the box with scissors.

Then wind the rope around the box. In the process of work, you need to glue each part of the tourniquet.

  • The rope must be glued to the very edge of the box.
  • In order for the product to acquire a complete look, it is necessary to make an insert from a light material. The lining is laid inward and the fabric is tucked outward.

A beautiful homemade basket can be used for various interior solutions.

Decorating the box with cloth

From fabric you can make a beautiful and functional box for the home. . To repeat the master class, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • cardboard box;
  • the cloth;
  • special glue;
  • pins for decor;
  • ribbon.

IMPORTANT: Similar boxes can be made under a certain shelf. They will be pulled out using a special handle. Products should be selected according to the height of the rack or shelf. To sew boxes, you need to use material of different shades.

Making a box includes the following steps:

First, cut out the fabric for all the boxes. Need to cut pieces for each sides with a margin of 1-2 cm.

With the edge of the fabric you need bend by 0.5 cm and fix the material with an iron.

Then using sewing machine stitch the seams at the folds.

  1. After that, you can start gluing the canvases on the base of the box. The adhesive must be distributed very carefully so that drops do not form on the facade parts.
  2. The corners at the bottom of the box should be trimmed to tuck the canvas.
  3. The fabric is also wrapped inside the box. For better fixation, it can be attached using special adhesive strips. The flails must be attached especially tightly.
  4. beautiful ribbon will help to hide uneven edges and firmly fix the canvas.

Use the decorative pins to attach the handles for the product. For this, special tapes of special strength are used.

And here are the original boxes on the shelf are ready. They can be used to store small items, folders or even books. Depending on the dimensions, an ergonomic organizer box can be created.

Functional and comfortable products can be made in 4-5 hours. When using plain fabric, the boxes can be additionally decorated.

How to sew a decor for a sweater box

Decorate the space in the house will help non-standard ideas, for example, a sweater storage box. This will require old thing from knitwear, a cardboard box, scissors, a glue gun and ribbons for pens. Wicker elements can also be used as handles.

The master class includes the following steps:

  1. From the middle of the sweater, cut out a suitable piece of fabric, which should cover the box with a margin. The material lies around the perimeter.
  2. The canvas is glued to the cardboard base with glue.
  3. Turn the edges of the knitted fabric inside the box and fix them firmly.
  4. On the sides, attach pre-prepared handles.

The result is a stylish thing that fits perfectly into any interior.

knitted boxes and baskets

With a little effort, you can create amazing knitted storage boxes. Such products are suitable for the interior of any room. The original solution - wardrobe boxes . Such items will not only decorate the interior, but also make it more functional and practical. They are used to accommodate all sorts of things. Stylish decor can be done with your own hands.

Compact and roomy baskets will help create coziness in the kitchen. To make them you will need a crochet hook and ribbon knitting yarn. Such products can be used to store nuts, eggs or bakery products.

Additional storage containers will come in handy in the bathroom. With their help, you can correctly place all the items. Original baskets can be fixed in one of the corners of the room.

Elegant decor is suitable for decorating the living room. It can store blankets, books, firewood or bullets from the TV.Such a basket is especially appropriate in the hallway. Small things will fit inside bank cards, wallet or keys.

Knitted thing looks perfect as a flower pot. Bright decor elements will create original accents in the room.

Knitted boxes are best done with a crochet hook. There are a large number of schemes with which you can create an original product.

Baskets made from Ribbon or Spaggeti yarn, braid, rope or knitted yarn are popular. To create a decor, you can choose synthetic or cotton yarn. Such material is a continuous narrow tape. Yarn products are knitted in a short time and keep their shape remarkably. The original box is ideal for giving. The basket can be made with or without handles. A knitted thing can also be created from old T-shirts, cut into ribbons. Knitted strips should be pulled in different directions so that the edges are rounded. A 10 mm hook is used for work. Knitting a basket begins with an amigurami ring. This will require a special scheme. Then knitting is done in a circle.

Ideas storage box decor

Now consider stylish and original ideas storage baskets.

“Unusual boxes can be made from colorful wrapping paper. To make such a trio, you will need three cardboard boxes of different sizes, decorative ribbons and colorful paper. The lid can be pasted over with paper of a different color. The contrast looks good. Holes are cut in the lid along the marks, into which the tape is threaded. The decorative element is tied with a beautiful bow.

“Convenient storage containers for small items and underwear can be made from fabric and lace. Inside the box is divided into compartments of different sizes, depending on the items that will be stored in them. The box is made out thick cloth and is decorated with thin braid and lace.

“Storage boxes can be made from different materials. These can be wickerwork, colorful plywood boxes, boxes from old suitcases and cardboard structures decorated using decoupage technique.”

“To store the yarn, bright boxes are made from different fabrics. The material is glued to a cardboard or plastic container.

“Non-standard option for wall mounting. Homemade items are used as racks and storage containers at the same time.

“Stylish decor comes from wicker baskets. Boxes of different sizes will fit into any interior.

“An ergonomic solution made of cloth boxes with suitcase lids. Additionally, handles are used. You can also make patch pockets.

“A handy option for flowers from decorative fabric boxes. The decor can be made of fabric of the same color or different shades.

“For cosmetics, you can make a simple box with pockets. For the manufacture, a fabric of two colors and a regular braid are used.

“A compact box can be made from burlap. Such an accessory will perfectly fit into the interior in Provence or country style.

“Storage containers can also have a non-standard shape. Additionally, separate compartments are made.

“From fabric or paper of different shades, you can create whole compositions of storage boxes for all occasions.”

We hope our review will give you a lot of ideas for creativity.

In every home there are always small things that give the room a look of slovenliness and clutter. Great solution there will be storage of such trifles in boxes. In a beautiful design, they can be found in stores, but it would be much more profitable and more pleasant to decorate the box with your own hands.

Great Storage Ideas

Simple and nondescript cardboard boxes for shoes, sets of dishes and small household appliances can be transformed to a masterpiece look, you just need to show imagination. The main criterion for selecting a suitable box is its sufficient density and strength. The shape also plays an important role - rectangular cardboard boxes are much more convenient.

by the most suitable option is the use of shoe boxes. Depending on the size, they can be used to store a variety of things: jewelry, accessories, stationery, cosmetics, tools, children's toys, medicines, books, magazines, some food, industrial products, clothes, shoes, and much more. In addition to the main function - storage, decorated cardboard boxes will become an integral part of the interior, and, of course, a source of pride for the owner.

Where to begin

Before proceeding with the modification of shoe boxes, you need to foresee everything so that later on the little things you do not break away from the work process:

  • choose a suitable box, think over its design;
  • choose a comfortable, well-lit workplace;
  • find enough material;
  • prepare tools: scissors, stationery knife, adhesive tape, glue, etc.

Choosing materials for decoration is very simple. You can simply paint it with paints, paste over with paper for decoration, colored paper, wallpaper, newspaper, music sheets, geographical maps, napkins, stamps, jute rope, woolen threads. Products covered with various types of fabric, ribbons, leatherette, oilcloth also look spectacular. Children's boxes can be pasted over with candy wrappers, coloring sheets, stickers, key chains, matches, drawings of animals or favorite characters, details from designers, mosaics.

The most popular way to decorate shoe boxes is to wrap them with paper or cloth.

Even wallpaper will come in handy

For decorating shoe boxes with your own hands, wallpapers are great, the remnants of which can be found in every home. To glue the box with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, you will need wallpaper glue, and if the selected wallpaper is paper, then PVA glue will do. First of all, you need to measure a piece of wallpaper of a suitable size, taking into account the margin for overlap, and attach the box itself to it. It is necessary to trace the contour of the bottom with a pencil, then bend the wallpaper from the parallel sides of the box, pressing it firmly against the walls, iron the folds with your fingers. Expand, do the same on the other sides. After fitting, you need to cut off the extra pieces and you can start gluing. First you need to coat the bottom, attach to the pattern, then the sides, gently pressing and straightening the canvas, and then inside.

In the same way, the boxes can be covered with fabric. In this case, it is good to use double-sided tape as an adhesive element, since the glue can soak the fabric, leaving stains on it.

Decoupage decor

The decoupage technique is based on gluing the cut out pattern to the surface of an object and fixing the resulting composition with varnish.

Great for decoupage paper napkins. First of all, the shoe box needs to be painted with paint and allowed to dry. Usually you have to apply several layers, it all depends on the initial background of the box. Then you should make a composition of napkins with a suitable pattern or pattern. After careful fitting, you need to attach the napkin to the box face up and carefully apply glue to it with a brush. There is no need to apply glue under the napkin. Thus, all elements of the picture are glued. After complete drying, varnish is applied. You can paint the elements yourself with paints to hide the places where the drawings are combined and give the image a finished look. One more layer of varnish and the work of art is ready.

It should be noted that if the box is glossy, then you need to first get rid of the top layer with sandpaper.

original design

One of the most spectacular materials for decoration are buttons, due to their variety of shapes, colors, sizes. The boxes can simply be completely glued with buttons, you can glue only the lid, or some separate side, or you can lay out a certain pattern or pattern from the buttons. To simplify the work, the first layer of buttons can be glued by laying them face down on the table, smear the surface of the box with glue, attach to the buttons and press firmly. You will have to work on the next layer of buttons, gluing each one separately to hide all the gaps. If you decide to depict any pattern, first the surface of the shoe box will need to be covered with either paint, or paper, or cloth. Then draw an image on the surface and paste over with buttons.

Similarly, you can decorate a cardboard box with coins, sequins, beads, rhinestones, matches, counting sticks, colored pencils.

Each decor method has its own nuances.

Working with different materials there are always pros and cons (see table)

Decor methodAuxiliary tools and materialsFeatures of work
Covering the box with paper productsscissors, pencil, ruler brush, varnish,PVA glue, stationery knifeto make quickly and simply, materials available
Covering with fabric, ribbons, etc.soap for marking, glue or double-sided taperich appearance, good for making jewelry boxes
Decoupageacrylic paints, sandpaper, cutouts,painstaking work that requires skill and patience
Painting with acrylic paintspaints, brushes, varnish, simple pencil,sandpaperthe manufacturing process is delayed due to the need to wait until each layer of paint and varnish dries
Use of buttons, sequins, coins, rhinestones and similar materialstransparent glue moment, paper or fabric for the basethe original look of the finished product, the work will require diligence, since it will take a lot of time to glue small parts

The exciting process of turning a nondescript box into a piece of art can be a very rewarding hobby for anyone. It is better not to dwell on just one, but to try different ways of decor. This will take a lot of time and patience, but final result definitely worth the effort.

There is no girl on earth who would not be faced with a mess in the closet, or a guy who does not know how to organize the order in the garage, the problem of storing things is also familiar to parents whose children's toys are in constant chaos. Decorative boxes or boxes for storage of things, of different sizes and shapes, you can find on supermarket shelves. But be prepared to pay no small amount for products of this kind. Or you can make decorative storage boxes. The variety of materials and accessories for them has no limits. It all depends on your preferences, skills and imagination, because it is very simple to make such a thing for storing small things with your own hands.

The most popular storage boxes


  • First, you must decide on the size you want;
  • Secondly, find an old box or boxes from under the kettle, iron or blender;
  • Thirdly, stock up on a piece of fabric you like, glue and sewing accessories.

Manufacturing instructions:

Unique window cleaning brush! Saves you time and money! Our readers advise!

  1. Cut off the top of the lid of the box for things and glue the corners with tape;
  2. Make cuts on the sides of the box for easy lifting;
  3. Take measurements of each side of the box and its bottom, and according to these data, cut out 2 cuttings of fabric (for the outer and inside boxes). The fabric can be one or different colors;
  4. Coat all sides with glue, and carefully lay the fabric as if wrapping the box with it;
  5. After drying, join the inner and outer sides by sewing them together;
  6. Make cuts in the fabric where your handles are. The seams can be sewn or decorated with fringe. Now you have a decorative box made by yourself.


Such a box for things can be used in the kitchen, bathroom or other rooms for decorating the room with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Scotch;
  • shoe box or crates;
  • glue;
  • fabric or adhesive paper and framing accessories.

How to do:

  1. Cut two identical triangles in the center of the shoe box;
  2. Draw a straight line along the vertices of this triangle and cut the box that you make with your own hands in half;
  3. Connect the 2 parts as if you had broken the box in half;
  4. Lubricate these parts and glue them together;
  5. Decorate the box with a cloth or glue it with adhesive paper, it will replace your storage container.

"With partitions"

You will need:

  • a large box or basket that will fit underwear;
  • finishing fabric;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue and sewing kit or paper clips;
  • sticky paper.

Step by step production:

  1. Having chosen the desired box for decoration, wrap it in fabric and sew it on all sides. If this process takes a long time, in your opinion, you can simply secure the fabric to the box with paper clips.
  2. Cut out dividers to fit your box or basket. We wrap the partitions in fabric, or glue them with adhesive paper.
  3. We make cuts on the partitions so that they can be fastened together. After folding, you should have decorative boxes in a drawer.

"Casket or Pearl"

The type of such a box, made by hand, is suitable for storing jewelry and costume jewelry.


  • 5 jars (the size may be different, it is desirable to have a wide neck, do not take deep jars);
  • Finishing cloth or sticky paper;
  • Decoration accessories;
  • Cardboard box or individual pieces of cardboard;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Sewing kit or paper clips.

How to make a box with your own hands?

  1. We cover the entire outer and inner part of the jars with a rectangular cloth.
  2. We cut out 10 circles, 2 for each jar, the diameter of the fabric circle should correspond to the diameter of the jar.
  3. Glue the inside and outer part the bottom of the jar.
  4. Cut out two cardboard circles. The diameter of each should contain 5 jars.
  5. We adjust 2 circles in size and make a connecting rectangle for them. The height of the rectangle should match the size of the jar. We put all 3 parts on the fabric, leaving a space between each, no more than 6 mm, and glue the cardboard figures on the fabric.
  6. We do the same with the inside of the parts, you can use fabric or adhesive paper.
  7. Next, on one of the circles, glued with a cloth, we expose our jars, and then glue them.

The entire selection of fabrics, materials, shapes of parts and accessories is very individual. Do not follow only one algorithm. Experiment and patent your beautiful storage boxes. This process can captivate anyone, and the result is sure to surprise you. The boxes that you made with your own hands can add sophistication and style to any room.

The eternal problem of all housewives: lack of space to store the necessary things. But maybe the problem is not in small cabinets, but in their incorrect filling? Competent organization of storage is still a difficult science. One of the most important stages in its comprehension is systematization and division. The manufacture of the proposed products will help put things in order in a huge number of stacks, make it easier to find what you need and make it possible to save precious space.

We make boxes with our own hands for storing things of a simple design

Consider several options for assembling storage boxes with your own hands: simple and quick to perform, and also a little more difficult to manufacture, but more decorative in terms of appearance option. The article will describe two options for creating boxes in detail, as well as illustrations (photos) of the stages of work of four different examples.

To make the first one, we need the following:

1. Cardboard box of the right size.

2. Glue (either "Crystal" transparent, or "PVA").

3. A piece of fabric.

4. Large paper clips.

5. The tape is narrow, or ribbons.

steps for making a box for underwear (1-4)

For the manufacture of the second option, we need materials from the first list, except for the last item, and in addition to them the following:

1. or magazines.

2. Primer.

3. Paint.

5. Needle and thread.

steps for making a storage box (1-4)
rice. (5-12)

rice. (13-20)
rice. (21-22)

To make simple do-it-yourself storage boxes, you should adhere to the following work order:

1. Cut off the top cover pieces of the workpiece, if any. Or glue them to the inner surface of the side walls if you want to strengthen the structure.

2. Make a cross mark on the cut. Its center should correspond to the dimensions of the bottom of the workpiece, the side elements - to the dimensions of the four walls. Step back from the marking contour by 1.5-2 cm and point another one. It is on it that the fabric for decoration will be cut.

3. Cut out the lined cut segment, smooth it and unfold it on a flat plane. Evenly cover the bottom of the cardboard blank with adhesive and lower it into the center of the prepared fabric coating. Press down and let the glue dry completely.

4. Cover one of the sides of the workpiece with adhesive and attach the corresponding part of the pattern to it. The lateral allowances made earlier must be bent inward, under the glued canvas. We bend the top allowance inside the workpiece and fix the top of the canvas with paper clips (so that the fabric, when wet, does not move down), remove them after complete drying. By the same principle, we act with all the other sidewalls.

5. The corners of the workpiece with the joints of the canvases are masked with tape or tape, which is also glued. The inner space of the product can be left empty, but it is better to close it with a cloth. This is done in exactly the same way as when decorating the outer part, only with a slight difference in allowances. The top allowances are bent under the canvas. The side allowances at one corner are glued like this: the allowance from one canvas is glued to the adjacent wall, and from the other, it is folded under tightly.

newspaper tube box
making from newspaper tubes (1-4)

making from newspaper tubes (5-8)
felt box