Wallpaper for the bathroom (20 photos): interesting interior design solutions. Moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom Can be wallpapered in the bathroom

Today there are a huge number of options for wall decoration. The bathroom is a special room with a specific microclimate, which is characterized by high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations. Therefore, making out the design of the room, many choose tiles and PVC panels. However, a good alternative with distinctive positive characteristics is the wallpaper for the bathroom, which this article is devoted to.

Bathroom wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages of finishing material

Choosing the cladding for the bathroom, first of all, you should be guided by the special microclimate of the room. Wallpaper is characterized by the appearance of swelling and stains under the influence of water vapor on a paper basis, which will subsequently cause the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls. Therefore, wallpaper should be chosen exclusively waterproof.

Characteristic advantages of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom:

  • low cost of material and work;
  • the pasting process is not laborious, which allows you to do the work yourself, without the involvement of specialists;
  • the ability to quickly transform the premises, which is limited to a few hours of work;
  • a wide range of different options and high decorative characteristics make it possible to realize any design idea;
  • the ability to quickly update the room, which is associated with easy dismantling of wallpaper;
  • finishing does not need special care;
  • after contact with water, no stains remain on the surface of the wallpaper.

The facing material has its weak sides. First of all, simple paper wallpapers cannot be used for the bathroom, which will quickly lose their original appearance and the possibility of further operation, which is associated with the constant exposure to high temperature fluctuations and moisture. Due to the high hygroscopicity, the material under the influence of water vapor will accumulate moisture and swell, which will subsequently attract the product to peel off.

You should not choose ordinary glue for wallpaper. It will absorb moisture, swell and spoil appearance lining.

Useful advice! For pasting wallpaper in the bathroom, you should choose an adhesive that has an antifungal composition and increased adhesion.

There are several varieties of moisture-resistant wallpaper that can be used for rooms with high humidity. These include: vinyl, washing, self-adhesive, liquid wallpaper and glass.

Washable wallpaper in the bathroom: budget and reliable wall cladding

The most affordable option is to use washable wallpaper as a finish for the bathroom. The material can be made on a different basis. A special moisture-resistant coating is applied to the surface of the product, which is not afraid to come into contact with water. Dust and dirt are easily removed from such a surface. There is no soil for the development of microorganisms, which eliminates the likelihood of mold and mildew. Washable wallpapers are able to withstand high humidity and for a long period to maintain an attractive original appearance.

This material is characterized by such advantages:

  • due to the strong structure, the wallpaper has increased resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the material is characterized by a long service life;
  • has good adhesion, thanks to which the product can be glued on concrete base, plaster or paint;
  • wallpaper does not need special care, the surface is easily cleaned with a damp sponge;
  • easy and quick installation and labor-intensive dismantling of the product.

The main disadvantage of washable wallpaper is low vapor permeability, therefore bathroom needs good ventilation and regular airing. You can buy washing moisture-resistant wallpaper in the bathroom for an average of 1100 rubles / roll.

Marking washable moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom

Depending on the degree of moisture resistance, washable wallpapers are divided into several types, each of which has its own marking:

  • one wavy line indicates a slight moisture resistance, which excludes active washing of the surface;

  • two wavy lines define a moisture-resistant material that can be treated with mild detergents;
  • three wavy lines mean moisture resistant and durable material that can be cleaned with aggressive detergents;
  • marking in the form of a brush and a wavy line indicates that the product can be treated with a hard brush without fear of violating the integrity of the material;
  • The brush with three wavy lines represents a dense and durable material that can be safely treated with aggressive cleaners and a stiff brush.

Useful advice! It is better to choose washable wallpapers in calm colors, since bright colors can quickly lose their original appearance with frequent washing of the surface.

Vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom

Vinyl wallpapers are available on a non-woven or paper basis. The top layer of products is presented in the form of polyvinyl chloride, capable of withstanding high temperatures and moisture without losing its original appearance.

Vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom (photos clearly display the various options) can be of the following types:

  • flat vinyl is represented by a product with a continuous pattern, which is applied by embossing;

  • shiny smooth or embossed silk-screen printing with imitation of silk threads;
  • foamed vinyl with a pronounced embossed surface, especially resistant to mechanical stress and dampness, and in terms of strength similar to porcelain stoneware;
  • polyplene in the form of a multilayer material that withstands high humidity and is easy to clean;
  • hard vinyl is a unique material that can remove harmful substances from walls.

Important! Foamed and embossed vinyl is able to hide all the flaws of the base, and silk-screen printing can be noticeably emphasized.

Pros and cons of moisture-resistant vinyl wallpaper in the bathroom

Vinyl wallpapers have characteristic advantages:

  • are environmentally friendly and safe material;
  • the composition of the product includes antifungal components;

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And x technical and operational characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Recommendations for the choice of dye.

  • heavy vinyl allows you to hide surface errors and uneven walls;
  • due to its strong structure, the facing surface is resistant to mechanical stress;
  • the surface does not need special care, is easy to clean and is not damaged by cleaning agents;

  • in contact with water, the lining does not lose its color;
  • wide variety color solutions, textures and embossing of products.

Useful advice! Due to the fact that when applying glue to wallpaper, the product stretches, and when it dries, it shrinks, for vinyl wallpaper it is necessary to choose a special glue that is used for this type of facing material.

The main disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is the high cost of products. However, despite this, the finishing material is of great interest and high demand. This is due to the fact that the wallpaper is easy to glue and have long term operation without losing the original appearance. Buy moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom at vinyl backing can be from 1200 rubles / roll.

Distinctive features of self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom

Self-adhesive wallpapers are a special kind of vinyl products. The material is presented in the form of a water-repellent film that does not allow moisture to pass through. At the factory, an adhesive layer is applied to the back of the product, so there is no need to purchase glue for further wallpapering on the wall. This allows quick and easy installation of adhesive wallpaper. The material has high strength, which allows it to withstand moisture well without compromising the integrity of the product.

Before sticking a strip of wallpaper on the wall, its back side should be moistened with warm water in order to ensure the swelling of the glue. The strip is firmly pressed against the wall. To avoid distortion of the product, it is strictly forbidden to stretch it. The next canvas must be glued close to the first one, avoiding overlapping strips, which is especially important for obtaining a clear pattern in the bathroom.

Self-adhesive wallpapers require a perfectly even base, because after pasting the wall on the surface of the cladding, all base errors will be visible. This type has a more limited range, which includes mainly models with different kind imitations natural stone and some types of wood. You can buy self-adhesive wallpapers for the bathroom from 900 rubles/roll.

Useful advice! You can get a stylish and unique room with the help of harmonious combinations of self-adhesive wallpapers with other facing materials.

Varieties of self-adhesive wallpaper: the role of products in room design

Wallpapers of this type are represented by three types:

  • wallpaper with cork coating;
  • satin wallpaper;
  • plain films.

The structure of cladding products with cork coating is presented in the form of natural cork. The front layer of the material for additional protection is covered with a special wax-based composition, on which it is superimposed, so that the material can be used in rooms with high humidity.

The appearance of satin wallpaper is similar to that of a fabric covering, thanks to which you can create an attractive look in the bathroom. classic interiors. Plain films have high-quality technological and operational characteristics. In this category, there are photo wallpapers in the bathroom with various images. Their main disadvantage is that the decoration of the room is done with artificial material.

The surface of the product can be glossy, matte, metallized or rough. Using wallpaper with a metal-like surface, you can create an unusual visual effect. Many modern manufacturers seek to expand the range of self-adhesive products. Self-adhesive wallpapers for tiles, stone and wood are very popular.

On the construction market, you can find stained glass, fluorescent and mirror compositions, films with a 3D effect, which allows you to realize unusual design ideas. With the help of mirror and stained glass paintings, it will be possible to visually expand the dimensions of the room. Fluorescent compositions glow in the dark, and with the help of 3D canvases, you can correct the geometric imperfections of the room. The main disadvantage of such products is the high price of self-adhesive wallpaper, which starts from 1500 rubles per roll.

Useful advice! When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the recommendations from the manufacturer regarding the nature of the base on which the self-adhesive wallpaper will be glued.

Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom

One of the latest trends modern technologies are liquid wallpaper in the bathroom. Material reviews indicate unique quality products, thanks to which the wallpaper is applied to the wall like putty. Liquid wallpapers are produced in the form of dry mixes, which include silk and cotton fibers, binders, mineral components and glosses. Before application, the material should be diluted in water in a certain proportion. Next, the mixture is applied with a spatula to the pre-primed surface.

Important! When applied liquid wallpaper the temperature in the room should be observed - no more than 15 degrees.

After complete drying, a coating is formed that has high technical and operational characteristics, has a presentable appearance, which is clearly displayed in the photo of liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, and a long service life.

Useful advice! To enhance the moisture resistance of the coating, the surface can be additionally coated with acrylic varnish.

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is characterized by such distinctive advantages:

  • environmentally friendly material;
  • applied to the surface in the form of an even homogeneous layer without joints;
  • do not require the use of glue, which is part of the material;
  • do not need preliminary alignment of the walls;
  • it is possible to correct minor defects and minor irregularities of the walls by filling them with wallpaper mass;
  • easy and fast process of applying the material to the surface;
  • do not have a static effect;

  • a damaged or heavily contaminated place can be soaked, easily removed and replaced with a new composition;
  • have sound and heat insulation properties;
  • have a high degree of breathability;
  • the original color is preserved for a long time;
  • protect mirrors from fogging.

The disadvantages include the high cost of liquid wallpaper and the instability of the surface to abrasive cleaning materials.

Glass fiber for the bathroom: an outstanding type of finishing material

The product is woven from fiberglass, which is formed from the thinnest threads that are drawn from molten glass heated to 1200 degrees. Further, the material is impregnated with a special composition, the basis of which is modified starch. Glass fiber is characterized by high strength, environmental friendliness and durability. Products endure contact with water and a sharp change temperature regime, not able to absorb moisture, attract dust, burn, resistant to mechanical damage and abrasive agents, are not the basis for the development of mold and mildew.

A special quality of such a coating is the possibility of painting the surface with latex or water-based paints up to 20 times. Various color options can be seen in the photo of the bathroom finish. This is done in the same way as painting the walls. Heavy cullets are glued to the base using a special adhesive that is applied exclusively to the wall. Further staining can be done after 24 hours.

The facing surface in the form of glass fiber does not need special care, since the material is based on glass, which does not require the use of detergents for cleaning. Manufacturers produce a wide range of products, from which you can choose plain, smooth, embossed glass and products with ornaments. You can buy wallpaper for the bathroom for an average of 1500 rubles / roll.

Style and color palette modern wallpaper for the bathroom

Modern wallpapers for the bathroom are distinguished by a wide variety of colors, ornaments, textures, images and patterns, with which you can decorate any style of the interior of the room.

Useful advice! Wallpaper with an embossed and embossed texture will hide significant irregularities in the wall surface.

The color scheme is selected taking into account the dimensions and shape of the room, as well as the personal preferences of the owner. The most popular color is blue and all its shades. A room decorated in this way is filled from the inside with freshness, cleanliness and coolness. Despite the fact that the blue palette belongs to cold tones, the room energizes for the whole day, and in the evening it gives a feeling of weightlessness and lightness. In such a palette, the marine style of the interior is drawn up, which is clearly demonstrated by the photo of the bathroom finish.

Pink is the epitome of sensuality and romanticism. When choosing wallpaper in pink color it is better to give preference to options with violent floral motifs, which will allow you to recreate a light and airy Provence in the bathroom.

To give the room naturalness and naturalness will allow green wallpaper in the bathroom. Photos clearly display the various finishes in a calm and peaceful palette. Bright, juicy and sunny shades of yellow, which will dominate the decoration of the bathroom, will help you recharge with positive and good mood. Photos of rooms decorated in classic and country style show how alive and natural the atmosphere in a closed room can be.

A room decorated in light colors using beige, milky, ivory color looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing, which will expand the dimensions of a small room by breathing air into it. But so that the bathroom does not look boring, bright accents in the form of various ornaments, patterns and images should be present in the wall decoration. Wall murals on various topics look interesting on a light background in the bathroom.

A bold and original solution is to decorate the room in shades of red or orange. However, in order to defuse the contrasting atmosphere in the room, which can quickly become tiring, you should harmoniously complement the decoration of the room with light colors that can absorb excessive excitement.

Wallpaper is a versatile material for interior design. Among the variety of colors and textures, you can find not only traditional motifs, but also choose the necessary pattern with imitation of stone, brick, marble and wood. You should also be guided when choosing wallpaper for the bathroom by consumer reviews, which represent the real characteristics of the products and will help determine the type of material for a particular case.

The bathroom is a place where you can freshen up before the start of the day and relax after a busy evening. The color and texture of surface materials play an important role in creating a comfortable atmosphere. One of the tools in decorating a bathroom is wallpaper.

What are the types?

Proper selection and the presence of good ventilation allow the use of wallpaper in the design of the bathroom.

Before buying, you should carefully study the information on the product packaging. It specifies the marking and describes detailed instructions their adhesives. Marking determines the durability of products.

Wallpaper for the bathroom by properties differ in the following types:

  • Moisture-resistant coatings - their surface can be cleaned and washed with a soft cloth.
  • Washable specimens can be washed with water or an aqueous solution containing a small amount of detergent.
  • Resistant wallpapers are resistant to detergents and sponges.
  • Wear-resistant can be cleaned using detergent solutions and a brush.
  • Self-adhesive canvases are distinguished by the fact that they already have an adhesive surface, they do not need to be applied with glue. They are intended not only for walls, such wallpapers can be glued to furniture and objects.

Another one from original ways bathroom decoration - wallpapering not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling.


When decorating a bathroom, the usual tiles and plastic panels can be replaced with wallpaper. They are more interesting due to their efficiency, colors and original materials. They can be easily re-glued when deformed.

According to the material of manufacture, the following types are distinguished:

  • paper wallpaper- Eco-friendly, they are easy to handle, but quickly absorb moisture. They are not suitable for use in the bathroom.

  • Vinyl- This is a two-layer wallpaper. The primary base can be paper, fabric or non-woven, the top decorative layer is made of polyvinyl chloride. It is polyvinyl chloride that provides wall coverings with resistance to moisture. Vinyl wallpapers are divided into foamed, flat and dense models.
  1. Foamed the surface is dense and embossed, has a pronounced pattern, suitable for painting, can imitate ceramic tiles or other hard surfaces.
  2. flat wallpaper, unlike foam samples, is very thin and does not have a relief. This effect is achieved by applying a pattern and embossing vinyl under a hot temperature. They look expensive and stylish.
  3. Dense models are resistant to abrasion and moisture resistant. They are made of hard vinyl by hot embossing, by decorating they can imitate textiles and leather.

When choosing wallpaper, it is important to pay attention to what they are made of.

  • non-woven canvases are nonwoven fabric based on cellulose fibres. They are held together by polymers. Several layers of interlining are pressed and impregnated chemical composition. They do not need additional glue. When gluing, they process only the walls, which helps to maintain the shape of the wallpaper.
  • Cork wallpaper is made from cork, more precisely from its bark. This material is very durable and has good insulating properties. Available in the form of panels, rolls, wallpaper. Panels and rolls have a cork base and a wax impregnated veneer surface. Cork coatings, in turn, have a paper base and a veneer top layer. They can be natural or dyed.
  • Liquid wallpaper is a dry mixture of silk, cotton, bamboo fibers. It is mixed with water and applied to the primed surface of the walls. Additionally, it can be coated with a special varnish. You do not need to think about joints, pattern matching, or glue selection. These wallpapers will help create original look even in the simplest bathroom.

  • Glass fiber are made of fiberglass, they can be painted, glued both on the walls and on the ceiling. This will require special glue. Such wallpapers look very beautiful, aesthetic, environmentally friendly and resistant to moisture. The price is more expensive than other wallpapers, but they will last longer;
  • Bamboo wallpapers are suitable for the bathroom if they are combined with more moisture-resistant canvases and placed far from sources of moisture. Natural material can deform on contact with water and swell.
  • Another extraordinary element of decor - the so-called "stone wallpaper". Silicone and polyurethane matrices imitate hard surfaces such as stone, brick, slate and others. They can have different textures and colors. Suitable for installation in the bathroom, perfectly tolerate conditions of high humidity.

  • Metallized wallpapers are two-layer canvases, where the base is made of fabric or paper, and the top coating is made of aluminum foil. Suitable for well ventilated rooms;
  • moisture resistant Wall murals will help to diversify the interior of the bathroom. There are self-adhesive moisture-resistant fabric-based and made of polyvinyl chloride, with a glossy or matte surface.
  • Oilcloth It is made of synthetic materials, so it is not afraid of water. Suitable for any flat surface, be it a wall, a mirror or a tile. Oilcloth is produced on a paper, fabric substrate or without a base at all. It can be embossed or foamed. Usually oilcloth has a low price.


The width of the wallpaper of domestic production is 53 and 106 centimeters. In everyday life, they are called half-meter and meter. European manufacturers produce wallpapers with a width of 70 to 100 cm.

Paper rolls are mainly produced in a half-meter version, vinyl wall coverings on a non-woven base make them wider.

Usually the standard length of one roll is 10.05 cm. 15 meter rolls are found among vinyl wallpapers with a width of 53 cm. custom wallpaper 50 meters long.

When calculating the number of rolls, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling and the number of sheets in one package.


It is recommended to purchase products only after you have thought out the overall style in the bathroom. The color of the wallpaper in the bathroom is important to combine with the color of the floor, furniture and other small items. Even such details as towels or rugs can play a significant role in the design.

Cork and bamboo wallpapers have a natural color. Such coatings are suitable for lovers of natural shades and natural themes.

Oilcloth and photo wallpaper will convey the beauty of bright photographs and drawings. You can make canvases using your photos. The main thing is to choose the type of surface - matte or glossy. Gloss is suitable for bright colors. A matte surface will be appropriate with more restrained shades, with pastel tones.

Stone wallpapers are characterized by the use of gray, brown, sandy, dark shades. Glass wallpapers can be painted after gluing. And liquid wallpaper is already sold in color.

Variants with a multi-colored pattern will help hide the bumps and defects of the wall, monophonic, on the contrary, should be purchased for even walls.

Large patterns will visually reduce the size of the room. Therefore, if the bathroom area is small, choose light wallpaper with a small pattern. In a more spacious bathroom, you can experiment with bright colors and large patterns.

Blue shades visually expand the room and give a feeling of freshness. Soft pink, pastel colors will be pleasing to the eye and will have a calming effect. Green color will help you cheer up in the morning and relax before going to bed. Shades yellow color cheer up and put you in a positive mood.

It will be interesting to use the two-tone decoration of the bathroom walls. The wall can be divided into two parts, make a dark bottom and a light top. Or decorate adjacent walls in different colors.


The modern market is replete with wallpapers with various options decor.

On sale you can find canvases with the following design:

  • embossed, convex or regular pictorial patterns;
  • geometric figures all kinds of forms;
  • themes of nature - landscapes, animals;
  • floral motifs vegetable world, insects, fruits;
  • marine theme with the image of drops, waves, with coastal beaches, with dolphins;
  • abstract and bright drawings;
  • imitation of materials (fabric, mosaic, glass, wood, brick, metal).

Style and design

Classic style is always relevant in the design of the bathroom. The classic is restraint, practicality and elegance in one bottle. Wallpaper white color, pastel shades will help create a proper interior. It is advisable to choose canvases with patterns or patterns of medium size.

If you dream of creating your own little Provence, then light wallpapers with small images of flowers and plants will come to the rescue. Color may vary depending on your preference. Your choice - lavender, pink, green, blue, blue, brown, gray, all pastel colors.

For high-tech style, liquid wallpapers with an original texture and models with geometric patterns are perfect.

In avant-garde and pop art, use juicy colors, abstract large drawings, photowall-paper and wall-paper with unusual texture.

Primary colors in creation marine style- This is a combination of white and blue, blue, green shades. And, of course, photo wallpapers with thematic images are used.

For creating Japanese style you can safely use bamboo or cork wallpaper, photo wallpaper.

Stone wallpapers, cork wallpapers, photo wallpapers with natural motifs will help create a country style. But in modern it is more appropriate to use plain options without any frills.

How best to choose?

Before purchasing wall coverings, decide on the appearance of the bathroom and the style of decoration. Based on this, it is better to decide in advance what materials you will use in the repair.

It is more practical to combine wallpaper with other materials, for example, with tiled masonry or plastic panels. You can partially paint the walls using waterproof paints.

Of course, it is preferable to choose moisture-resistant models in the bathroom. The leaders in this criterion are vinyl, glass and liquid wallpaper.

In general, there are several zones according to the level of humidity.

  • The very first of them is directly the surfaces of the bathroom, sink, shower. Naturally, nothing is glued to them.
  • Next - the walls around the bathroom. Drops of water, splashes fall on them. Glass or liquid, resistant, wear-resistant wallpapers are perfect here.
  • The third zone is located on the sides of water sources at a distance of half a meter; waterproof, washable canvases of all kinds are applicable on these surfaces.

Considering all of the above types and features will help you make the final choice. It directly depends on the budget, room area, ventilation conditions, your individual preferences and creative ideas.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of using wallpaper:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • low price (compared to other finishing materials);
  • variety of textures and colors;
  • easy to use, easy enough to glue and can be removed if desired;
  • possibility of combination with other materials.

Among the minuses, it is worth noting that, in the absence of good ventilation, the texture of the wallpaper will begin to deteriorate, deformations may appear in the form of swelling, peeling, the appearance of fungal formations and mold.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

Among foreign manufacturers good feedback received products from customers from Germany (for example, Rasch, Novamur, Hohenberger), Italy (4 Seasons, Armani Casa, Giardini), Great Britain (Graham & Brown, Sanderson), Canada (Bluemountain).

Domestic factories are not inferior to foreigners in quality. Among the Russian factories it is worth noting the following companies: Moscow Wallpaper Factory, Saratov Wallpaper, Art, Palette, Elysium, Eurodecor, Mayakprint, Silk Plaster, Antimarker, Interio Nova.

High-class products with exclusive design solutions are produced by Viktoria Stenova, Loymina, Malex Design.

The photo shows a bathroom with dark walls. White ceiling, light tiles, glass and mirrors soften the luxury of black wallpaper with an embossed pattern.

Pros and cons of decorating bathroom walls with wallpaper


  • a large selection of patterns, colors and textures from manufacturers;
  • originality of finishing, possibility of combination with other materials;
  • you can wallpaper the walls yourself without the involvement of specialists;
  • profitability (when buying materials, you can reduce the number of purchased tiles);
  • easy to change when changing the style of the bathroom;
  • easy dismantling, unlike tiles;
  • the ability to choose special wallpapers that are resistant to moisture.

In the photo, pastel wallpapers with a bright pattern are combined with decorative bricks and set the mood in a white bathroom.

Disadvantages of finishing the bathroom with wallpaper with the wrong selection:

  • high hygroscopicity (absorption of vapors and swelling);
  • with poor ventilation, mold may appear;
  • ordinary wallpaper glue, after getting wet, quickly loses its properties, does not protect against fungus.

In the photo, a classic-style bathroom is covered with wallpaper with an ornament. This performance is possible with good ventilation.

What kind of wallpaper can be glued in the bathroom?

Moisture resistant wallpaper for the bathroom must comply with the most important indicator that you should pay attention to, this is low hygroscopicity (the ability of the material not to absorb moisture). Moisture resistant can be considered those on which the manufacturer gives one of the markings depicting waves from one to three, where the more waves, the higher the moisture resistance.

Washable wallpaper for the bathroom is one of the economical options for wall decoration. They are protected by a special outer layer that prevents moisture from penetrating into the remaining layers. They do not swell or delaminate, resistant to changes in humidity, washing with a damp sponge and removing dirt from the surface.

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is applied like plaster, which is based on fabric fibers, glitter and adhesive mixture. Since liquid wallpaper has a water base, after hardening on the wall they need to be covered with acrylic varnish (this will preserve the wallpaper and give protection from moisture). They are interesting for their variety. end result and the ability to mix different textures. The result will be unique.

Vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom is a common look when choosing a material for decoration. The top layer consists of a polymer that protects deep layers from steam, temperature drops, and also withstands contact with water, which does not affect the service life and decorative features.

Their minus is the high cost, which is justified by the expected quality. When using special glue, you can increase the level of fixation. For the bathroom, it is better to choose non-woven vinyl, which has an additional opaque layer.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom are made of a film that repels water and does not absorb moisture. A layer of glue is already applied to them, so an additional purchase of an adhesive mixture is not needed.

In the photo, wall decoration with self-adhesive wallpaper under the texture of natural stone. They consist of a film and are not afraid of moisture, which is important for the bathroom.

Glass fiber is made of fiberglass and impregnated with a starch agent. Do not absorb moisture, durable, environmentally friendly, can be repainted up to 25 times with latex paint, which is a special advantage.

Wall murals will decorate the bathroom wall, provided that they are not located near the shower room and are made of durable material (they must not be afraid of moisture). It is best to choose a water plot: river, aquarium, beach, ships, seabed).

In the photo, the sink is protected by a glossy plain mosaic, and the free wall imitates tree trunks. The picture of the photo wallpaper can be varied, the main thing is that it should be combined with the concept of the bathroom.

Wallpaper color selection

Using wallpaper during wet room always implies a combination with plaster or tiles, so it is important to correctly combine these types of finishes in color and texture.

  • Wallpaper in the design of the bathroom should be combined with the overall style, from the color palette you should pay attention to the shades of blue and green, which create the effect of purity.
  • In small bathrooms, it is better to give up deep shades of red, blue and black.
  • Beige and skin tones are suitable for classical style, for high-tech, white cullet is suitable, for Provence - with a small floral print or vertical stripes.
  • For medium and large rooms, yellow and orange colors that will bring energy and light (in a small bathroom you can limit yourself to bright objects against the backdrop of pastel walls).

3D or photo wallpapers should occupy the entire wall, they should not be interfered with by shelves, pipes and other equipment. If the dimensions do not allow, then let it be a small picture or panel canvases in two parts.

Where can wallpaper be hung?

You can wallpaper the walls at the sink, washing machine, toilet and walls inaccessible to spray. It is better to tile the wall near the bathroom or shower room with antifungal glue or putty. If there are free remnants of the material, they can diversify plain wallpaper by inserting them into a frame.

The photo shows an example of a successful and correct combination of two types of finishes in color and texture: vinyl wallpaper at the sink and tiles in the shower and toilet.

On the picture black and white design, with white dominance. The tile protects the bathroom and shower area, and there is a realistic sized wallpaper pasted all around.

Photo examples of bathroom wallpaper design

Below are photos of finishing the bathroom with wallpaper different style, options for their combination with the design concept and functionality of the room.

The bathroom is a room with its own special microclimate, the dominant features of which are constant high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations. That is why, thinking about bathroom design, many traditionally prefer the time-tested solution - tiled tiles. At the same time, the modern market building materials offers wallpapers that, in terms of their characteristics, are practically not inferior to tiles.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: we weigh the disadvantages and advantages

The main disadvantages that impede decorating the bathroom with wallpaper are well known. First of all, it is hygroscopicity - the ability of the paper base to absorb (saturate) water vapor, due to which, over time, the wallpaper begins to swell, and then completely peel off. In addition, the adhesive itself, under the influence of temperature and moisture, loses its properties.

But, if, having provided for all these shortcomings, you choose the right materials (for example, glue - with increased adhesion and antifungal composition), then you can appreciate the undoubted advantages:

  • economy - bathroom design and wallpapering will significantly reduce repair costs compared to laying tiles. When wallpapering, the cost of finished 1 sq.m. wall covering(taking into account materials and work) will come out almost an order of magnitude less than when using tiles
  • ease of installation - it is quite possible to do without on your own, as opposed to setting plastic panels or laying tiles without the involvement of specialists, which provides additional savings
  • maintainability - if necessary, just glue the wallpaper if some part has moved away. If the old interior is tired, then it is enough to simply update it. Carrying out such a mini-repair will not require large financial investments and great efforts.

The wallpaper is easy to dismantle, but you will have to tinker with the tiles, plus - the dismantling of the tile is a very dusty process. If, with insufficient ventilation mold will appear on the wall covering, the wallpaper will be easy to remove, the walls will be treated with a disinfectant (anti-fungal) coating and new wallpaper will be glued

  • decorativeness - the ability to select wallpapers that are diverse in pattern, color and texture, while no other wall covering option can offer so wide selection options

How to choose wallpaper for the bathroom: considering options

The main parameter on which the choice of wallpaper for the bathroom must be based is the ability to withstand moisture. Today you can pick up moisture-resistant wallpapers for the bathroom, which more or less meet this requirement:

  • washable wallpaper- the most affordable (for the price) option. A special coating is applied to them, which prevents the penetration of moisture inside, deep into the inner layers of the canvas, thereby protecting the wallpaper from swelling and subsequent delamination. They are quite resistant to water, in addition, with the help of a sponge (moist cloth) they are easy to clean, it is easy to remove dirt, fungus or dust from them, which is especially important for maintaining hygiene requirements in the bathroom
  • Vinyl wallpaper is the most common choice for bathroom wallpaper. Since they are made on the basis of polymer, they can not only withstand steam, temperature and moisture, but even withstand direct contact with water. True, the improvement in quality also entailed an increase in cost, but this is fully justified due to the tangible, compared with washing wallpaper, increase in term of use without loss of decorative and operational properties. Long-term operation is additionally ensured by the use of special glue for gluing, which has an increased level of adhesion

Advice! It is necessary to avoid pasting the walls with wallpaper in places of direct contact with water - near shells, above the bath - even with a high level of moisture resistance and careful care, vinyl and washable wallpapers will darken and begin to peel off

  • self-adhesive wallpaper is a water-repellent film that does not allow moisture to pass through, on the back of which an adhesive base is applied, so you do not need to purchase glue separately to stick them. Their disadvantage is a very small assortment, limited to imitation of natural stone of different quality or various breeds tree
  • the liquid wallpaper- in fact, it is more of a water-based decorative plaster, which includes binders, cotton and silk fibers, mineral additives, sparkles. They are sold in the form of dry mixes.

They are applied like traditional plaster, after hardening they become absolutely impervious to moisture, and after additional coating with acrylic lacquer - virtually waterproof. Aesthetically attractive coating, characterized by a unique pattern and originality of texture.

  • cullet- not able to absorb moisture at all. Woven from fiberglass and impregnated with a special composition based on modified starch. Differ in durability, durability, environmental friendliness, a variety of invoices. A special plus is that they are easily repainted, water-based or latex paints such wallpapers can be repainted up to 20 times.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: we select the style

The use of wallpaper in the bathroom means combining them with other surfaces - tiled or simply painted.

It is important to choose wallpapers that will match in style, to avoid excessive clutter of textures and colors - this will create the impression of clutter and chaos. Wallpaper designed in light colors will create a joyful, sunny mood, green and blue add a sense of cleanliness.

In small bathrooms, dark colors should be avoided - they visually reduce the volume.

A neat pattern on light-colored wallpapers will not only allow you to win back space, but also set the mood of the bathroom you need.

Wallpaper for the bathroom - should you use them for wall decoration in your home? In this article, we will look into this issue and dispel a common myth about the impossibility of using wallpaper in wet areas.

The traditional material for wall decoration in the bathroom has long been tile and plastic panels. Many do not even consider wallpaper for the bathroom in this capacity, believing that the bathroom is water and hot steam, and the wallpaper is made of paper. But is it really that important? Let's consider this question in more detail.

The main argument against the use of wallpaper in the bathroom is the hygroscopicity and water permeability of the paper base and glue, that is, their ability to absorb moisture from the air and swell under the influence of water.

Therefore, it is believed that such a coating is very short-lived, and therefore impractical: over time, it simply lags behind the wall.

bathroom wallpaper photo

But these unpleasant moments can be avoided., if you choose the right materials specifically designed for these purposes. And there are a lot of pluses from pasting the bathroom with wallpaper:

  • cost-effectiveness - choosing this wall covering can significantly reduce the cost of renovating a bathroom;
  • decorative - manufacturers offer huge selection wallpaper, varied in texture, color, pattern; no other material for wall decoration can give such a variety. Examples can be seen in the photo;
  • ease of installation and dismantling - compared to tiles and plastic panels, wallpaper is easy, quick and simple to install; it is quite possible to glue the wallpaper yourself, without involving a team of finishers; if necessary, you can just as easily remove the old coating;
  • maintainability - wallpaper for the bathroom can be easily glued if some part of them has peeled off, while there is no need to change the entire coating.

Most of all, wallpaper as a wall covering in the bathroom will appeal to those who do not like monotony. If the walls are tiled, then this is at least a dozen years old. Wallpaper can be changed at least every year, each time creating a new design, a new image of the bathroom.

It is important to understand that it is better not to use wallpaper in the shower corner. For the shower, tile is better. thus, it is best to use a combination of materials: wallpaper and shower tiles.

If you prefer a conservative style, then the best choice will become . It will be more expensive and longer, but you will be satisfied with the result.

Wallpaper for the bathroom: features of choice and variety

When choosing wallpaper for the bathroom, immediately discard the simplest paper-based options. Wallpaper must be moisture resistant: either impregnated with special compounds, or made of materials with water-repellent properties. Typically, such wallpapers are marked "three waves" on the label.

Glue should also be carefully selected: moisture resistant, withstanding high humidity, temperature extremes, with increased adhesion, containing antifungal additives.


Waterproof washable wallpapers in the bathroom have a special coating that prevents them from penetrating moisture, protects them from swelling or delamination. They perfectly withstand contact with water, which greatly increases their service life. Such wallpaper can be easily cleaned of dust and dirt with a damp cloth or sponge. Therefore, keeping the bathroom clean is not difficult.


Vinyl wallpapers- the most common option for the bathroom. The most striking example is the wallpaper of the "superwash" series. They are made on the basis of a polymer, so they are not afraid of not only dampness and steam, but also direct water ingress. These wallpapers are quite expensive, their price is higher than that of a similar material of another type, which does not allow us to talk about the cost-effectiveness of repairs in the bathroom, but they can last a long time without losing their operational and decorative properties. Examples in the photo.

Vinyl wallpapers are quite heavy, so they need a special adhesive that can provide high level Adhesion: Adhesive only for heavy vinyl wallpaper.

Small photo gallery:


Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is another option for the original and luxurious design of the walls in the bathroom. They don't look like at all ordinary wallpaper. At their core, they are water-based plasters containing silk and cotton fibers, binders, mineral additives, and sometimes sparkles. This material is sold in dry form.

In the process of work, it is diluted with water and applied to a pre-primed wall in the same way as ordinary plaster. The resulting coating is distinguished by the originality of the texture, the uniqueness of the pattern and allows you to implement the most creative ideas design, especially in a small room. If you cover liquid wallpaper with acrylic varnish, it will make them waterproof.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber is woven from fiberglass and then impregnated with a special composition (based on modified starch). This is an expensive, but very strong, durable, waterproof, non-flammable, environmentally friendly material. It is distinguished by a variety of textures, it can be repainted with latex or water-based paints up to 20 times during the period of operation. It is very easy to maintain the cleanliness of such walls, because fiberglass wallpapers do not accumulate static electricity, which means they do not collect dust. This wallpaper is suitable for sticking in the bathroom.

When sticking this type of wallpaper for the bathroom, a special glue for heavy wallpaper is used, it is applied only to the wall. The front side of glass fiber, according to international standards, usually facing the inside of the roll. About a day after gluing, after the glue has completely dried, you can start painting.

Self-adhesive wallpaper

This kind finishing material Features an adhesive layer on the reverse side. Cork, PVC film, satin can be used as lining. When buying wallpaper for the bathroom, it is important to pay attention to the presence of the corresponding icon indicating the possibility of using it in a room with high humidity. By combining material with different colors, you can create a unique interior.

Wall mural

Inexpensively and very quickly, you can transform the interior of the bathroom by decorating one of the walls with photo wallpapers. The choice of pattern and color is limited only by your imagination. The main condition is the moisture resistance of photo wallpaper and glue.

How to glue wallpaper in the bathroom?

Wallpapering a bathroom is practically no different from this process in other rooms. The walls must first be prepared: leveled, treated with antifungal solutions, primed.

Wallpaper for the bathroom is marked out, cut into canvases of the required height. If there is a pattern on the wallpaper, you need to make sure that it is combined.

Glue is applied to the wall and, if necessary, to the panel with a roller or brush. Wherein especially carefully glue the edges of the canvas with glue. Then the strip is applied to the wall, aligning the edge of the canvas with the previously drawn vertical line, and smoothed with a roller from the middle of the strip to the edges to remove air and smooth the fabric.

The following strips are glued end-to-end, trying to pay special attention to the joints.

As you can see, wallpaper is quite suitable option for finishing the bathroom and reviews confirm this. The main thing is to choose them correctly.