How to choose a frame for a picture on canvas. Ceiling baguettes: choose the right option

Are being completed repair work indoors, most often by mounting decorative finishing elements on walls, floors or ceilings. One of their varieties is ceiling baguettes. Another name is cornices, fillets or plinths. They allow not only to emphasize the aesthetic beauty of the new coating, but also to hide the defects resulting from the repair.

baguette photo

But how to choose the right product so that it not only stays securely in place, but also harmoniously fits into the interior? What criteria should be followed when choosing? Consider below.

Types of ceiling moldings

Thanks to the wide range of products offered by manufacturers building materials, you can decorate the room in any style - Provence, country, high-tech, classic, rustic, etc. The main thing is to qualitatively fit individual decor elements into the future interior.

Therefore, when choosing ceiling cornices, important attention should be paid to the material used in their manufacture:


The main advantage is the environmental friendliness of the material and its safety for health.

Such cornices are rarely found in the design of the ceilings of a standard apartment due to the high cost. More often, gypsum skirting boards are mounted in buildings that are historical monuments, or country houses, whose pomposity emphasizes the wealth and status of their owner. Elements plaster moldings or ceiling plinth from plaster in the room will set the tone for the entire stylistic direction.

Gypsum does not burn, however, it is rather difficult to mount it to the ceiling due to its weight and fragility. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the installation to professionals.


This is the most popular and sought-after material in the manufacture of ceiling moldings. Due to the increased flexibility, such products can be installed on curved surfaces. And the lightness allows you to mount the ceiling polyurethane plinth under tension structures or plastic trim.

The moisture resistance of the material opens wide opportunities for decorating with ceiling plinths not only living rooms, but also bathrooms or kitchens. Polyurethane can be painted and washed.

Despite the rather high cost compared to existing analogues, the polyurethane skirting board adapts well to indoor conditions, as well as withstands the aggressiveness of the room environment.

Polyurethane baguettes are available in many variations, ranging from white classics to unique decorated under different surfaces samples. The latter are more expensive, but it is practically impossible to distinguish them from real natural material.

On a note! Such cornices can be used to hide the LED backlight. On sale there are models specially designed for this with a wide bottom surface and a groove where the LED strip fits.

Wooden baguettes

They are classic elements of the design of ceiling surfaces. The natural beauty of wood, its texture brings warmth and comfort to the room. Modern designers include wooden ceiling plinths in the interior of the room, the walls of which are upholstered with clapboard or blockhouse. Valuable tree species are used to decorate the interior of offices. For example, they create .

The main disadvantage of wood is fire hazard. Therefore, all material intended for the manufacture of furniture and other decorative items is pre-treated with appropriate compounds that prevent it from igniting.

Baguettes foam

Such a ceiling baguette has the lowest cost compared to other variations. On sale you can find foam products with a completely smooth surface or ornamental design. Scope of application - finishing concrete ceilings or mounted.

The material is very flexible, but completely devoid of plasticity. Therefore, it is easy to break. However, the softness and lightness of foam plastic make it possible to glue it to alabaster or putty on special compounds. But painting such surfaces is unlikely to succeed due to the loose structure of the foam. In addition, it is highly flammable.

Plastic baguettes

They are used in most cases when installing plastic panels or lining to close the joints formed between the wall and ceiling surfaces. Thanks to the U-shaped groove located along the plinth, it is possible to mount the panels in a baguette without the use of an adhesive base.

Baguette ceiling made of plastic is very light, withstands physical, minor mechanical stress, moisture resistant, with long term operation. Thanks to a wide range of colors, you can easily choose a skirting board not only for plastic trim, but also wood, stone, etc.

Polystyrene baguettes

This type of baguette is used more often than others due to good flexibility and plasticity, which are achieved due to the increased density of the material. And the complex relief applied to the surface of polystyrene baguettes allows you to organically fit products into any style and interior. It goes well with plasterboard ceilings, plastic panels, classic plaster or beam ceiling finishes.

The polystyrene foam fillet is easy to cut, and, observing increased accuracy during work, the joints can be mounted almost imperceptibly. Among other things, such baguettes can be painted or decorated with patina.


They represent a new trend in the design of ceiling surfaces. Such textures will organically fit into any space, interior style. Strength and durability are the main advantages of the material. Painting makes it possible to decorate the surface of the aluminum cornice under silver or gold even at the production stage.

Ease of fitting in corners, a variety of shapes and designs are additional advantages of aluminum fillets.

Also, in addition to the listed types, there is a baguette classification according to texture:

  • laminated (flat surface);
  • extruded (with artificially made recesses);
  • injection (an ornament, geometry and other images are carved on the surface).

How to choose a baguette for the ceiling

With help various kinds ceiling fillets, you can change the proportions of the room - visually increase or decrease it, take away or add height, hide the LED strip, highlight the area where the chandelier is located.

In addition to the aesthetic function, the ceiling molding serves to perform practical solutions in the interior, hiding irregularities on the wall, flaws in the decorative finish.

Therefore, when choosing a cornice, you should be guided by the following criteria:


If we talk about the length, then the average value of this indicator for almost all types of baguettes is the same and is 2 meters. The width varies from 1 cm to 20 cm or more. When choosing a fillet, you need to pay attention to its width, since in some cases a massive baguette can emphasize the sophistication and beauty of the repair, in others, on the contrary, become its disadvantage:

  • Wide skirting boards smooth the corners well, rounding the room, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.
  • The breadth of the ceiling cornice allows you to hide defects on the walls and ceilings resulting from poor-quality joining of materials, etc.
  • The greater the height of the room, the wider you should buy a ceiling baguette. The optimal ratio is presented in the table:

If the rooms are narrow and low, you need to appeal not to the width of the plinth, but to use it in conjunction with lighting. This will make the room softer and cozier.

The color of the baguettes on the ceiling

After choosing the material and width of the baguette, you should decide on its shade.

You can use classic white variations or bright explosive luminous decorative elements.

The main thing is to follow the following rules:

  • The white color visually raises the space, so it is recommended to decorate the ceiling with a white fillet in a room whose height is less than 2.5 meters.
  • Dark and wide baguettes on the ceiling, having the same color as the walls, will visually reduce the ceiling surface. These options are ideal to include in high rooms.
  • White and black skirting boards go well with any tone found in the finish. However, you should not include too many primary colors in the room, three shades are enough.

It is better that the color of the decorative elements matches the color of the ceiling surface, the tone of the walls or have a bright contrasting shade.

The form

The last important criterion that you should definitely pay attention to when choosing baguettes for finishing- their form. The main task is to solve the question: to buy an ordinary baguette of the correct geometric shape or to buy a plinth with complex images?

baguette photo

In this case, a sense of proportion and natural taste will help. It is important to understand that overly complex reliefs will look appropriate in a pompous interior, which includes a large number of antique elements.

On a note! The complexity of the work on fitting the corners of the ceiling plinth directly depends on the nature of the pattern. The simpler the design, the less difficulties will arise during installation.

The simplicity of shapes and lines on the ceiling molding will fit well into any interior, will not attract too much attention, will not visually change the volume of the room.

Advice! If a uniform smooth texture was used to finish the walls and ceiling surface, a plinth with a pronounced relief and complex ornament can be used as a finishing element. On the contrary, the more unusual the texture on the walls and ceilings, the simpler the baguette should be.

The finishing fillet on the ceiling will help to give the interior a finished and harmonious look. The low cost of this finishing element will visually change appearance premises. It is necessary to choose a product taking into account the characteristics design project or your own preferences.

Photo - ceiling plinth in the interior (video review)

The word "baguette" literally translates from French as a smooth wooden plank needed to make a frame for a picture. It is also customary to call frames or cornices made of wood a baguette.

The word " baguette"Literally translated from French, as - a smooth wooden plank, necessary for making a frame for a picture. It is also customary to call frames or cornices made of wood a baguette.

In the Middle Ages, a baguette was made individually for each picture. And at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, when the art of framing reached its apogee, a framing for a painting cost even more than a work of a famous artist. Times have changed and the baguette is no longer a rarity. Today, there are many framing workshops in the capital, where you can pick up any frame to your taste and color. But an inexperienced buyer will have to face another urgent problem: how to choose the right frame for the picture? The selection of a baguette for a picture is primarily a creative process, so you need to rely solely on your intuition and your own taste, as well as on the advice of a baguette workshop designer. In our article we will try to answer the main questions that arise when choosing a baguette. First, let's figure out why a picture needs a frame at all.

The baguette is the clothes for the picture. After all, you must admit that for a beautiful picture you need a beautiful frame. One of the main artistic functions of the frame is that it creates a transition from the surrounding real world into the irrational world of the artist's fantasy. In this way, the baguette links the painting to the outside world, creating a decorative effect and accentuating the borders of the painting.

It is also very important to choose the correct width of the baguette, otherwise the frame will not look properly in the picture. Here one thing should be observed, but very important rule: a narrow baguette is suitable only for small-sized paintings, and a wide baguette is selected only for large paintings. Wide frames add grace and solidity to the picture, as if merging with it into one whole. For example, paintings - perfect works of art that adorn museums, are absolutely impossible to imagine without a chic baguette. But sometimes a wide baguette is used to frame small paintings, however, even the most experienced designers do this with caution, since a massive frame can overshadow the picture. In no case should this be done, so a wide baguette is approached with care for small paintings, and designers very rarely go for this move.

But thin frames also have many advantages. Modern artists prefer to decorate their works with thin frames, as massive frames classical style can only spoil the picture. Also, the passe-partout will look better only with a thin baguette. The narrow frame gives the picture grace and style, emphasizes the individuality and extravagant notes that the artist has introduced into the work of art. In addition, narrow frames are very useful for creating compositions from paintings on the wall, when graphics or photographs are grouped to create one semantic composition.

One of the most important points, which should not be forgotten in any case when choosing a baguette, is the color of the frame. First of all, it is necessary to find a compromise: the frame must match the color of both the picture and the interior. The color of the frame should emphasize the prevailing tone of the picture. For example, images done in warm colors will look better in a walnut and mahogany wood frame, as well as in a baguette painted in non-shiny antique gold. Pictures in which cold tones predominate will look good in a shiny gold or silver baguette, or in unpainted light wood frames. But here it is worth considering that a baguette made in gold color is almost universal, since it fits any picture, regardless of the color composition of the picture and the style of its writing. The black color of the baguette is suitable for abstract paintings or works of art made in an impressionistic manner.

However, when choosing a frame, it is worth remembering that its color should be different from the color of the interior and the wall on which the picture will hang so that the picture is easier to perceive by the eye, and not get lost on the wall.

Sometimes a baguette needs to be matched to a decorated painting already in the interior. But for this it is not at all necessary to use the same baguette as in the existing paintings, it will be enough to choose a frame similar in style and color. The same applies to the selection of a baguette for furniture or for some interior items. For example, often a picture or photograph in a frame is hung next to a lamp. In both of these cases, the frame should not copy the furniture or interior details at all, since the baguette is first of all selected for the picture, and only then it is an addition to the interior. After all, a picture is a separate world, and a baguette creates the boundaries of the transition to this painted world. And the frame should not at all resemble the style of the furniture, or worse, copy it. The baguette has always and at all times been a separate and independent element of interior decoration.

You won't spoil the porridge with butter. And here's a picture ill-chosen - easily. To make your canvas look luxurious, and the frame to become a real highlight of this picture, it is important. This is where a sense of style, inner flair and professionalism come in handy. It is a whole talent to see the right combination of color, texture and material. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional. If you still decide to pick up a baguette yourself, then here are some tips for you.

The first thing is correct: choose a baguette for the picture, and not for the interior.

Of course, the color of your curtains, wallpaper or cushions on the sofa should still match the picture. But first of all, the baguette should be in perfect harmony with the canvas itself, and then with your interior. After all, if you picked up a baguette to match the color of bright green curtains and forgot that your picture is in soft pink tones, the result is unlikely to please you.

Of course, there are exceptions - for example, expensive designer interiors where even the wrong vase spoils the impression of the interior. In this case, when choosing a baguette, it is better to contact your designer for advice.

Rule two: the width of the baguette plays a huge role.

The narrow wooden baguette harmoniously subtly harmonizes with light, low-dynamic works and thin pencil and graphic drawings, unobtrusively and softly creating a rather stylish and organic contrast. At the same time, a wide baguette frame carries a completely different decorative load. It allows you to define the scope of a dynamic, vivid and profound work, integrating it as much as possible into the surrounding reality.

The larger the picture, the wider the frame should be for it. It will favorably emphasize the significance of the picture. It is customary to place such compositions in a conspicuous place and make them the central element of the interior.

Small images are also decorated with wide baguettes: so that the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame is larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture. It looks spectacular, but a similar design of paintings will require the same style for all other images in the room.

Rule three: simple - simple, complex - complex.

It is important that the picture and the baguette are one. Ideally, if the texture of the baguette matches the style of the picture: maybe even repeats the nature of the strokes of paint or the ornament used in the picture. For example, a modern abstraction in a magnificent gilded frame will not look. Here, a modern baguette is more suitable for you.

Rule four: the color of the baguette should complement and set off the image.

It is important here that the frame be a tone darker or lighter than the main color of the picture.

Main nuance: for paintings in cold colors, you need to choose a frame of cold color and vice versa. Exception - natural wood, it is suitable for any shades.

Remember that the main success factor is still professionalism. Therefore, we advise you to entrust the choice of a baguette for a picture to a professional. With us you will receive a free consultation of a designer who will help to take into account all the nuances and choose exactly your baguette.

For you for every taste, color and budget.

#CanvasNN - memories in pictures 8-930-809-60-66

Picturesque works beckon with their originality. Exhibitions of paintings in art museums and galleries do not cease to attract the public. The strokes of the brush, skillfully superimposed by the master on one another, turn the canvas into a real work of art.

The picture, dressed in a baguette and professionally lit from the right angle, seems to say: “Here it is - art. Here it is - an enduring value. And the visitor of the exhibition buys a painting to decorate the interior of his home or give it to a loved one and native person. But the picture, like a precious stone, requires a frame. It is the baguette that serves as "clothing" for the painting. He will emphasize its depth and beauty.

But only if you choose the right baguette for the picture.

Frame - for painting, not for furniture

When choosing a baguette, it should be borne in mind that it is selected not for the interior and certainly not for furniture, but for the picture. Otherwise, again and again, after repair, purchase of new furniture, moving, it will be necessary to change the frame of the painting.

The right frame completes the picture. They don't compete with each other. To achieve this, you need:

  • combine the color scheme of the picture and the baguette;
  • choose a baguette with an ornament and texture that complements or repeats the motif of the picture;
  • choose a frame on which the plot of the picture smoothly transitions.

Each painting has its own baguette! design recommendations

The choice of a baguette depends on the size of the picture, on the prevailing colors, from the motif of the image and many other factors. Here are some tips on how to choose a baguette for different paintings.

Small picture - wide baguette

Most often, wide baguettes are selected for small paintings. total area the frames are larger than the area of ​​the painting canvas.

tone on tone

For pictures of warm tones - baguettes in warm color, cold tones - in cold color. Painting work with a predominance of simple lines requires a simple frame. When choosing a baguette, one should not forget that the frame is the link between the interior and the picture. The painting plays the dominant role.

It is better to choose a baguette half a tone lighter or darker than the main color of the picture. As an option, you can choose a frame whose shade matches some non-dominant color of the painting.

Almost every picture can be framed under a natural tree.

Baguette is stylish

Rococo, Baroque, Palladio, Neoclassicism… There are many styles that framers master. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to draw a picture in different style decision, mixing is allowed if done with taste. There are many examples of this. However, everything should be within reason, and you should not frame a classic painting with a narrow colored frame.

An important parameter is the depth of the frame. The stretcher will not be noticeable if the baguette has a depth of more than one and a half centimeters.

Wood, metal, plastic?

When choosing a baguette, the material from which it is made is important. It can be wood, metal or plastic.

A picture decorated with a wooden frame will highlight the merits of the master's work. The baguette should be attractive in itself, while focusing on the work of art placed in it. Even a dim picture will gain brightness if you choose the right frame. A wooden baguette will muffle too catchy pictorial work. Caring for such a frame is more difficult, but the effect that it gives to the entire ensemble is worth the money and effort spent.

Very durable and at the same time easy to clean metal baguette. The market offers a wide variety of cheap plastic frames. It is worth warning that, regardless of quality, such a baguette cannot be on a par with wooden ones, greatly inferior in durability. For example, under the influence of sunlight, the corner of the plastic frame is deformed, it cannot be restored.

Passepartout: achieve a color balance between painting and baguette

At decoration Passe-partout solves a decorative problem. It has a rich color palette and gives the ensemble "air".

The wide passe-partout will be a continuation of the pictorial work depicting movement. You need to choose a mat with a wider bottom edge than the top and sides. For a vertical picture - the top is wider than the sides, for a horizontal one - vice versa. A square picture will look better framed in a passe-partout with a wide bottom and with the same sides and top.

The picture will become even more beautiful if you put a very narrow strip of baguette on the edge of the passe-partout. They just shouldn't merge.

Picture - baguette... Picture - passe-partout - baguette... Choose, create your own little masterpieces for the interior. And if you need a portrait, order a baguette for it in our workshop right away. Believe me, a decent job really needs a decent image.

The Framing Workshop company is always ready to suggest how to choose a frame for a picture, because the integrity of the perception of the picture and the harmony of interior design depend on the correct combination of the image and the frame. If the baguette is chosen incorrectly, then the picture is either “lost” against the background of a screaming frame, or it seems bare, or even causes a desire to turn away from the dissonant color spot. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose a baguette for a picture, and the Framing Workshop company fully owns this art. We are engaged in the selection and production of baguettes self made for many years, so we are well versed in all the intricacies of the issue: how to choose a baguette for a picture. For right choice You will need the following basic settings:

  • the size;
  • key;
  • color;
  • style.

Point one: how to choose a baguette for a painting by size

If the picture is small, then you should look at the wide frames, but it is important to keep the proportion, the baguette should not “overlap” the image in size. Also, it should not distract attention from the small details of a small canvas, therefore, the baguette should be minimalistic. For a large baguette picture, you can choose a more elaborate and thinner one, again taking into account the size of the picture itself and the details of the canvas.

Point two: how to choose a baguette for a painting by tone and color

Tone and color play a huge role in choosing a baguette. First of all, it is necessary to determine which tone is predominant in the image - warm or cold. Very rarely there are paintings made in a multitonal format. In this case, you can do simply: choose one of the neutral options. An interesting solution is contrasting, highlighting certain accents of the canvas. The same applies to color: it is important that it exactly matches the base colors of the picture or harmonizes with them.

Point three: how to choose a baguette for a painting according to style

The style and material of the baguette also matter. In most cases, a tree is chosen - a classic of the genre, however, some characteristic images (modern, abstract, monochrome) can be decorated in metal or plastic. The style of baguette architecture is chosen in strict accordance with the style of the painting.

Decorating paintings and reproductions in baguette frames Framing embroideries in baguette Frames for photographs and posters Baguette frames for icons


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