Aphelia from the magazine is tasty and healthy. Ophelia recipe

Never be afraid to do what you can't. Remember: the ark was built by amateurs. Professionals built the Titanic. Dessert without cheese is like a beauty without one eye - Jean-Antelme Brillat-SavarinSeize the moment. Think of all those women on the Titanic who forgot dessert. - Erma Bombeck My weaknesses are food and men. It's in that order. - Dolly Parton If you went to the store for bread, the chances that you will leave with only a loaf of bread is one in three billion. - Erma Bombeck All we need is love, but a little chocolate here and there won't hurt either. - Charles Schultz Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch. - A.S. Pushkin I'm afraid of Hennessy heartburn or caviar allergy, that in a large apartment on Rublyovka I'll get lost at night and die. - KVN song Everything that I like in life is either immoral or it makes you fat. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld I use wine in my cooking. Sometimes I even add it to dishes. - V.S. Fields. How can you govern a country in which there are 246 varieties of cheese?" - Charles de Gaulle What a disgusting thing, what a disgusting thing is your aspic fish! - Hippolyte in the film "The Irony of Fate" I simply cannot eat caviar, but I have to force myself. - The heroine Audrey Totu in the film "Fatal Beauty" In major troubles I deny myself everything except food and drink. What, are you crazy? A dear friend flies in from afar for a minute - and you don’t have a cake! - Carlson, who lives on the roof. There is a bakery on our street called "Bonjour, croissant!" It makes me want to go to Paris and open a bakery " Hello, toast!” – Fran Lebowitz. - Marina R. The food here is absolutely terrible and the portions are too small. - Woody Allen Robot will never replace a human! - Cannibal If you want to know me, eat with me. - James Joyce Uh, dear! What is a peacock-mavlin? You don't see - we eat... - Genie from M-f "The Adventures of Munchausen" If the country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the handle. Salvador Dali By chewing food thoroughly, you help society. - Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, "12 chairs" Nothing decorates the table like firecrackers in olive oil! - Popular wisdom. If guests suddenly come to you, and there is nothing in the house, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb. - Elena MolokhovetsA honey... I can't understand what the secret is... If there is honey... then it's not there right away! - Winnie the Pooh I will be photographed today for the magazine "Skilled Culinary". I need to take a shower and buy new insoles! - Freken BokYa has not eaten lobsters for three days. - A snickering official (KVN joke) Hunger is not an aunt - she will not run away into the forest. - Folk wisdom Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked meals like studying prices in a restaurant. - folk wisdom

pork (neck) 1 kg
dry red wine 1 bottle
potatoes 5-6 small tubers
coriander 2 tablespoons
olive oil
salt pepper

Pork neck cut into small pieces and pour wine. Close the bowl and leave to marinate overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning we take it out of the wine (we set the wine aside for now, we will need it later), dry it with a paper towel and fry in olive oil. We take out the ruddy pieces of meat from the oil and lightly dry them with a paper towel. Place the potatoes in the same oil and fry until golden brown. We take out the potatoes. Drain some of the oil, leave a little. We spread the meat in the pan and pour it with marinade (wine, from which we took it out after marinating overnight). Bring to a boil over high heat, add coriander. We do not interfere with the false one, but with the lid closed, shake and shake. We remove the fire and simmer for about an hour. When the wine remains about 3-4 centimeters, add the potatoes.
Salt and pepper at the very end, then the meat will be juicy. Another secret from the chef: you need to cut the potato with a knife, then it will cook better, absorb the flavors 🙂

Enjoy your meal! 🙂

Ophelia rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 22.6%, vitamin PP - 24%, phosphorus - 13.1%, cobalt - 69.8%, molybdenum - 16.1%, chromium - 31.2%, zinc - 12.8%

What is useful Ophelia

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the action of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Recent studies have revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.
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Finished Aphelia

Have you ever cooked meat from an apron recipe? I recently did!

I noticed this beautiful and comfortable aprons 3 years ago, in one of the pavilions of the Cypriot market. Then I didn’t dare to buy, probably, I was greedy, but for a long time I remembered how dense they were, correctly designed and obviously durable. And they were also pleased with clear, elegant colors - red, yellow, green, blue and black! Thick and concise colors, a rough surface of natural cotton fabric and comfortable strong straps. And recently, I specifically went to the store to finally fulfill my dream. The aprons were there!

I chose 2: black, with a cat, and red, with the recipe of Aphelia, a popular Cypriot dish of stewed pork marinated in red grape wine with spices. In Greek, the name of this fragrant spicy meat is written - Αφέλια, the English spelling is Afelia.

In general, Cypriots can call Aphelia any meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable or poultry dish that is cooked with coriander in red wine. Aphelia happens, for example, with potatoes or with mushrooms and artichokes (for us, probably, not so much spicy coriander Aphelia will be exotic, but these same incomprehensible artichokes).

Many thanks to Natasha Rybka, who translated this recipe from English. Well, I stewed this delicious meat in a Cypriot spicy marinade.

What to cook Aphelia from

for 4 servings

Low-fat pork (fillet) - 1 kg;
Red wine - 1 glass (250 ml)
Coriander (preferably coarsely ground so that pieces of seeds are felt) - 1-2 tablespoons;
Salt (better - sea or ordinary, coarse grinding);
Freshly ground black pepper - a lot;
Cinnamon - 1 stick (or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon)
Vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons

How to cook Pork Aphelia

    Pork cut into cubes. Marinate meat in wine and spices overnight (or at least 4 hours).

Marinating meat in a spicy wine marinade

    Then - take out the meat with a spoon with holes, but save the marinade, it will come in handy for us.

    Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan. Fry the marinated pork until the pieces of meat are golden brown and crispy.

    Drain excess oil from the pan (you can even wipe it with a paper towel) and pour the marinade over the meat. Add a little cold water so that it barely covers the meat. Cover with a lid, leaving a small gap, and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes (until the meat is tender). Stir occasionally.

    Sauce and alcohol will gradually evaporate during the simmering process. If the meat is already cooked, then open the lid and let the rest of the sauce evaporate (about 10 minutes). Keep an eye on the meat, stir so that it does not burn.

Ready-made Cypriot Pork Aphelia, it is delicious to add potatoes, rice or bulgur as a side dish

Features of preparation and taste

What red wine is suitable for Aphelia

Usually, dry red wine is used to stew pork, but I read that some people use both red sweet and semi-dry. In my opinion, with sweet wine, pork in coriander and cinnamon turns out to be especially spicy ... such, with a fruity note, with a slight hint of mulled wine.

If you don't have red wine, you can use white wine for this recipe, but the pork will have a slightly different taste and meaning. Surely it will be tasty, but OTHER.

What vegetable oil to fry pork

Cypriots use corn oil more often, while Greeks use olive oil. Well, you and I, most likely, will take sunflower oil, quite tasty and affordable for us vegetable oil.

Which cinnamon is better for marinade - sticks or ground

Friends, undoubtedly, in this pork marinade it is more convenient to take cinnamon sticks.

There is a little secret here. If you add fragrant particles of ground cinnamon, they will thickly envelop the meat pieces and this fine spicy dust, quite palatable, can detract from enjoying the meat, its main taste and wonderful aroma.

But the cinnamon stick can give the sauce its spicy notes, and then it is easy to remove it from the finished pork.

If you don't have cinnamon sticks, add some ground cinnamon, it's okay, it will also be very tasty, even if a little less refined.

Besides, if there is no cinnamon, then it can be excluded from the recipe. Because the main spice here is coarsely ground coriander seeds.

If there are no coarse coriander seeds

So, you need to take the coriander that you have. Large particles of coriander seeds, as well as coarsely ground black pepper, make pork somehow brighter, more prominent. But the most important thing is the aroma and taste of spices given to meat.

Therefore, if there is no choice, you got finely ground spices, feel free to add them to the meat. With them, Aphelia will taste smoother, but will smell just as enticing.

Pieces of pork Aphelia with purslane sprigs

Why is pork stewed in wine with Cypriot coriander good?

I have never eaten such a fragrant and unusual meat before. In the process of frying and stewing in a spicy marinade, pork becomes completely dietary, it is quite juicy, but not at all fatty.

When I bit off the first piece of Aphelia, I even doubted whether I really cooked pork or mixed up the packages with meat. Whether you eat delicious chicken breast or beef, it’s not clear.

The amazing aroma of cinnamon, coriander and pepper permeates the entire surrounding space.

And on the outside, fairly light-colored pork meat turns brown, not because of roasting, it is not very fried, but because of the dark wine marinade and spices. And inside, each meat piece of chocolate color turns out to be white. And this is also interesting and pleasant, like a small amazing discovery. Like surprise candy.

As a side dish, Aphelia is served with mashed or fried potatoes, boiled potatoes or rice.

I can’t say that pork Aphelia is the most delicious meat dish in the world, but I know for sure - it is tasty, unexpected and brings a sense of novelty and joy to the usual menu! Hooray!