Quartz stone. Properties of quartzite

Quartzite refers to a fine-grained sedimentary-metamorphic rock, consisting mainly of quartz.

In most cases, quartzites are formed as a result of recrystallization under the influence of temperatures on many types of siliceous sandstones and some igneous rocks. Stones are yellow, gray, blue, crimson, dark cherry, red, and less often white.

Quartzite is a very beautiful and elegant mineral, which has a high hardness index and is one of the most difficult materials to process. The stone has a massive, slate texture. The structure is granular, granoblastic. The surface of the mineral is flat and smooth.

Quartz - where is it used?

This breed is used in monumental architecture and in the construction of unique architectural buildings, as a finishing material, and also as a ritual stone. For example, the sarcophagus of Alexander II and the Lenin Mausoleum were made from it.

Some types of quartzite are used as a facing material. This type of minerals is a durable and wear-resistant decorative material. In addition, the stone is characterized by high frost resistance and heat resistance, does not accumulate radiation, has a low level of moisture absorption, and is also known for its healing and magical properties. The stone is not affected by acids and alkalis and colonized by microorganisms, which makes it hygienically clean.

Quartzite is the most environmentally friendly stone. The first structural changes and signs of destruction may appear after 200 years. Quartzites are widely used in landscape design. Shimmering shine when sunlight hits the surface of the stones, gives originality to the overall style of the garden or plot.

Paths, terraces, fountains or platforms paved with this mineral look original. The mineral is also used for interior decoration. From it you can create a beautiful, original decoration or use it as a decorative element.

At the same time, due to the diverse texture and texture of this natural stone, there are many options for decorating the style in the rooms, which will create coziness and give uniqueness to the atmosphere.

Today, due to its excellent physical and structural features, quartzite is one of the most durable and quality materials used in construction. The construction of highways, runways and water treatment facilities is not complete without the use of quartzite.

Depending on the color, quartzite is gray, blue, pink and white. Gray quartzite has an even and smooth silvery surface and is considered the most common of the entire group of minerals. For many centuries, crimson quartzite has been a symbol of unlimited power and is considered the most beautiful of all its types.

Crimson quartzite is considered the most beautiful!

Raspberry quartzite was used to decorate the most significant and beautiful buildings in the Russian Empire - the Winter Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Mikhailovsky Castle, the Kremlin in Moscow and St. Sophia's Cathedral in Kyiv. Also, it is this type of quartzite that is most common in Chinese architecture and is used to create monuments, statues, columns and temples.

There are such subspecies of crimson quartzite - fiery red, dark red and pink. which have a variety of shades. Raspberry quartzite is mined only in the Shokshinsky deposit, which is located in the small village of Shoksha on the shores of Lake Onega. The hardness of crimson quartzite is several times higher than the hardness of granite and marble, so the process of extracting and processing the mineral is quite complex and laborious. But, the result is worth it.

Products made from quartzite are durable and strong, and their polished, smooth surface can retain its original luster for more than 500 years.

White quartzite is the most durable!

White quartzite deserves special attention, which is often found with impurities of other rocks. This type of mineral has a high level of strength and increased resistance to high temperatures and fire resistance.

White quartzite is used in the construction and decoration of baths, so the second name of the white mineral is bath stone. It is also widely used in architecture to create monuments, columns and sculptures. Under natural conditions, white quartzite is rare. Blue quartzite belongs to the quartz family, but compared to crimson and white quartzites, the mineral seems nondescript and lacks brilliance and radiance. The mineral is also used as a finishing stone in construction and architecture.

Blue quartzite has healing properties!

There is an opinion that the uniqueness of the blue mineral with white veins lies in its healing properties. In ancient times it was used to heal people from mental and physical ailments. This type of quartzite also inspires confidence and gives a sense of calm to people who are in a stressful situation.

Blue quartzite will help insecure people to increase self-esteem and give confidence after serious setbacks. In addition, this mineral is a strong amulet against the "evil" eye and is a strong protector from the effects of negative energy. As for the medicinal properties, blue quartzite helps with thyroid diseases and inflammatory processes in the throat.

The stone helps to get rid of irritability, relieves fatigue and stress. The healing properties of quartzite are similar to the healing properties of quartz. Quartzite contributes to the manifestation of many diseases in the early stages, which allows them to be diagnosed in time and begin timely treatment.

Properties of quartzite

The magical properties of this stone have been known since ancient times. Quartzites give people willpower, help to find the right solution in difficult life situations, give a person courage, strength, courage and confidence. The stone helps its owners to fight injustice and resist the offender.

In many European countries, quartzite is called the stone of the winner and hero. According to ancient beliefs, it is this type of mineral that makes the soul of its owner pure, noble and truly valiant.

Talismans and amulets made of quartzite

Quartzite talismans are suitable for both men and women. To a weak and timid woman, the mineral gives self-confidence and self-confidence, awakens self-esteem and self-respect.

Wives acquire resistance to various difficulties and become faithful companions and honest friends to their husbands. Having a quartzite talisman, mothers are able to protect their children from trouble.

Astrologers do not recommend wearing quartzite talismans to the signs of Fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. The mineral will only increase their natural aggressiveness and short temper and can even turn them into cruel and rude people who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. All other signs of the zodiac constellation can safely choose this stone as a talisman and talisman.

Also, quartzite amulets are recommended to be worn by doctors, people of military professions, sailors, lawyers. It is recommended to take a quartzite talisman with you on a long trip or trip. The power of the stone will help along the way, will not let you go astray, will avert danger and will always help you find the right solution or the right answer to a difficult question.

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Their metamorphosis occurs under the influence of pressure or temperature. By the way, the concept of "metamorphic rocks", to which quartzite is included, came precisely from the word "metamorphosis".

Physical and chemical properties

The sandstones from which quartzite is obtained consist of large fragments of sedimentary origin, held together by natural cement. During recrystallization, some impressive sandstone fragments are preserved.

Therefore, quartzites often have an uneven structure. They clearly show large , . Bonding particles of different sizes makes it durable.

The strength characteristic is also associated with the composition of the rock, because its main component has an indicator of 7 points. , also included in quartzites, occupy the 8th line in the scale.

Corundums mixed with the rock are only a point behind the champions. The last score is 10 points. So, in total, approximately 8-point quartzites are formed.

In addition to increased strength, quartzite is resistant to temperature. It is not affected by its negative values. It also affects fire resistance. The rock begins to change only at a temperature of 1770 degrees Celsius.

Such resistance to heat makes the material an excellent raw material for the construction of steam rooms. Bath quartzite makes it both safe and durable. The service life of the rock during active exploitation is 2-3 centuries.

Nothing to quartzite and high humidity. Chemical reagents do not work. The rock does not react with or with alkalis. But, quartzite stone not in a hurry to give in and.

Due to the increased material is difficult to process. This increases the cost of products from the breed. Buy quartzite sought, usually, for special occasions. For example, Napoleon's sarcophagus is made of this stone.

Color and staining of quartzite

Like quartz, the rock containing it has a spectrum. Standard - , , , cherry. Less common, raspberry,, and. These paints are given to them by rare mineral impurities.

Crimson quartzite lines the presidential courtyard in the Kremlin. The rock for paving stones was mined in Karelia. Raspberry shades of stone are appreciated in. Thousands of monumental buildings are made of lilac quartzite in China.

Raspberry breed is considered the most valuable. They ask for about 10,000 per ton. The stone is dense, heavy, a ton of quartzite is one impressive cobblestone.

The most budget option is the most common breed. From it, for example, the Church of the Savior was erected on. For dairy quartzite price about 5,000 rubles per ton.

Quartzite is valued not only for the color palette, but also for. Inclusions of mica, quartz give the stone radiance. The breed sparkles. Considering that quartzite is easy to polish, the craftsmen manage to "beat" this property of the stone by 100%.

Deposits of quartzite

The stone is common. Among metamorphic rocks, it occurs in large, extended layers. Such deposits are found in Africa, America, Eastern Europe and. In the domestic open spaces, 30 deposits are taken into account. Their main focus is in the Urals.

Talismans and amulets made of quartzite

Physicians and those who are kind to their own love quartzite. It is believed that the breed helps to recognize hidden ailments. With constant wearing of quartzite, the affected organ or body system begins to hurt. Outside the influence of the stone, the disease can be asymptomatic.

In Europe, quartzite is called the stone of heroes. Talismans made of quartzite are worn by the military, because esotericists assure that quartzite gives courage, the ability to be responsible for one's actions, and develops willpower. Alchemists of past eras noticed that the breed turns an ordinary young man into a knight.

Quartzite is also taken on long journeys. , magicians note, removes adversity from travelers and helps to find a way out in problematic situations. In addition, quartzite protects from the evil eye. For this reason, it is often worn as a talisman for mothers and teenagers.

There are restrictions on the zodiac. Quartzite is not recommended for people of the fire element. These are courageous, persistent, stubborn individuals. Quartzite also gives these qualities. As a result, an excess is obtained that negatively affects fate.

Application of quartzite

In addition to talismans, the breed has found wide application in the industrial sector. Quartzite is used in road surfaces. In them, the material serves as a ballast layer.

The breed found the same application in railway tracks. goes on to purify the water. The breed is allowed both for household and industrial filters.

The beauty and durability of quartzite is the reason for its use in architecture and decoration. Monuments are made from the rock, buildings are erected, furniture, vases, paintings, paving slabs are produced. Quartzites spread the bottom of the pools.

Strengthens the foundations of buildings. Yellow, gray or white quartzite unpretentious in care. This property, combined with aesthetic characteristics, captivates the builders of airports, palaces, kindergartens, park complexes.

Magical and healing properties

Given the magical properties of quartzite, being in buildings built from it is not only pleasant, but also useful. Since the breed is strong and durable, it is believed that it is able to make resistant, strong, and.

Quartzite bestows willpower and does not like irresponsibility. In the presence of a stone, you will have to bring things to an end. This does not apply to bad undertakings. So, for example, quartzite protects women and them from the excesses of heads of families and others. If they decide to hurt the weak, they will not be able to complete what they started. The presence of quartzite blocks aggression.

Crimson quartzite stone is a rock. In other words, it consists of several minerals, the main one being quartz. From him, in fact, the name came from. Small amounts of topaz, corundum, sericite, pyrophyllite, and talc are mixed with quartz. During the recrystallization of sandstones, this mixture is formed. Such metamorphosis occurs under the influence of temperature or pressure.


Raspberry quartzite, reviews of which are listed in the article below, occupies a separate place among the huge number of types of Karelian minerals. By its properties it is a unique stone. It is also called porphyry, or Shokhan porphyry (due to its resemblance to Iranian porphyries). It means "royal stone".

The mineral combines very high strength, wear resistance, hardness, as well as a beautiful appearance.

Crimson quartzite has been shown by medical research to have healing properties. So, it stabilizes pressure, eliminates ailments in weather-sensitive people that were caused by weather changes, and also relieves pain in the joints and lower back.

In the bath, Shoksha raspberry quartzite makes the steam very light. This effect is achieved due to the low thermal conductivity and high density of the stone, which together gives excellent heat transfer for a long time.

Historically, this mineral was intended to decorate various majestic structures and buildings in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Perhaps this is the most solemn nugget from the Onega region.

Shoksha raspberry quartzite has always been highly valued, which means it was used for decoration of especially significant architectural projects. According to its mineral composition, it is considered almost pure quartz (about 98%). It is an environmentally friendly material, almost does not have radioactivity, and this makes it possible to use it for facing offices and residential premises. Good resistance to high temperatures gives advantages when using the mineral in sauna and bath ovens.

Chemical properties

Quartzite is obtained from sandstones, consisting of large fragments of sedimentary origin bonded with natural cement. Some large sandstone fragments are preserved during recrystallization. Consequently, quartzites often have an uneven structure. In the mineral, crystals of mica and quartz are clearly visible. The bonding of such particles of various sizes makes the stone very strong.

The strength characteristic is directly related to the composition of the stone, since quartz (its main component) has a hardness index of 7 points. At the same time, topazes, which are also included in quartzites, occupy the eighth line in the scale. The corundum mixed with the rock is inferior only by a point to diamonds, the champions of hardness, whose indicator is 10 points. In total, the hardness of quartzites adds up to about 8 points.

In addition to high strength, crimson quartzite, the properties of which are described in this article, is resistant to temperature. Its negative values ​​do not affect the stone. Fire resistance is also impressive. The mineral begins to change only at 1770 ˚С. Such resistance to heat makes the stone an excellent raw material for the construction of steam rooms. Raspberry quartzite for a bath, reviews of which are always positive, makes it durable and safe. With active exploitation, the service life of the rock is about 200 years.

The stone does not care about high humidity. The mineral is not affected by various chemical reagents. At the same time, the rock does not react with acids and alkalis. But raspberry quartzite is not in a hurry to succumb to a person either. Due to the increased hardness, it is very difficult to process, which significantly increases the price of products from this breed. They tend to buy it for special occasions. For example, Napoleon's sarcophagus was made from this stone.

Place of Birth

This is a common stone. Among the metamorphic rocks, it occurs in extended, large layers. These deposits are found in America, Africa, Russia and Eastern Europe. Thirty deposits have been registered on the territory of our country. Their main concentration is in the Urals.

Crimson quartzite

Minerals of a raspberry hue are suitable for accumulating heat in the ovens of baths and saunas. Their heat warms the air, ceiling, shelves and walls. Due to the high temperature of the minerals, when water is poured on them, a dense wet steam is formed, warming the bathers.


The mineral is a natural natural stone. It is characterized by a quartz homogeneous composition. Often mined in Karelia. It was used to decorate significant architectural buildings (in St. Petersburg it was used when decorating St. Isaac's Cathedral, or rather, its altar, the Kazan Cathedral, the Winter Palace). This environmentally friendly and beautiful material with excellent physical and mechanical properties can be used for stoves in baths and saunas.

Distinctive features of the mineral:

  • has a low rate of water absorption;
  • has high strength;
  • durable;
  • has low wear resistance.


Before laying in a wood-burning or electric stove, raspberry quartzite for a bath must be washed with water from dust, dried, and damaged and small stones must be thrown away. When laying in the oven, there should be a small space between the minerals for free air circulation. At the same time, flat, largest stones must be placed in the lower part, and small ones in the upper part.

The distance between the heating elements in electric furnaces must remain unchanged when laying stones. At the same time, the heating elements of the electric heaters must be covered with minerals (the ideal distance is about 5 centimeters above the heating elements).

Healing properties

According to various medical studies, raspberry quartzite has different healing properties:

  • eliminates ailments from changing weather;
  • equalizes pressure;
  • helps with pain;
  • enhances male potency;
  • improves blood composition.

The mineral is also credited with magical properties. It should be noted that for many it remains a mystery that has not yet been solved.

Stone in history

This is an amazing stone, which, by a fortunate coincidence, has become a symbol of wealth and luxury. By decree of the tsar, it was prescribed to be used in the nineteenth century exclusively for significant construction projects, therefore, as mentioned above, it can be seen in the decoration of the facades and walls of the Winter Palace, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, the Mikhailovsky Palace and the Moscow Kremlin.

In addition, it was used to create the tomb of Napoleon. The lid and base of the sarcophagus were carved from solid pieces of crimson quartzite. It was a gift from Nicholas I. The delivery of these minerals from Karelia to the Russian treasury cost a lot of money. But it should be noted that it was also made of crimson quartzite.

The prices for this stone are still very high - from 10,000 rubles per ton.


It should be noted that, according to the results of gamma spectroscopy studies, the effective specific activity of natural radionuclides in quartzite reaches 194 Bq/kg. This does not exceed the acceptable value for building materials of the first class.

Raspberry quartzite for a bath: reviews

Reading reviews about this mineral, we can conclude that it is chosen by those who often do not want to buy and are looking for a "durable" option. This stone is able to survive its "brothers" in the bath of all types. Interestingly, pink quartzite is liked by people who take care of their health and appreciate the bath for its healing properties - according to many, the stone normalizes blood pressure, improves blood composition and circulation, eliminates back pain and muscle pain.

It is purchased by those who are very sensitive to changes in the weather, because, as they say, it makes it possible to get rid of this ailment. Of course, there are also negative reviews. However, for the most part, they come down to the very high cost of the stone. Not all owners of baths can afford it.

Crimson quartzite gives "light steam" in the bath. It owes this to its high density and low thermal conductivity, which gives maxim. heat output

Crimson Quartzite (shoksha, shokhan porphyry)

- the rarest natural finishing stone of purple color.

A luxury truly accessible to few...

For centuries, this amazing stone has been a symbol of power.

Industrial mining began at the end of the 18th century.

Crimson quartzite went to decoration of the palaces and cathedrals of St. Petersburg (St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, the main staircase in the Winter Palace, Mikhailovsky Castle, Moscow Kremlin). Even Sarcophagus of Napoleon 1 built from Shokshinsky quartzite, sent at the request of the French government by Nicholas 1. And 12 years later, a monument to Nicholas 1 himself was erected on a pedestal, decorated with the same raspberry quartzite. After 1917 all natural wealth was nationalized, raspberry quartzite was used "only for the needs of the state" - in the Lenin mausoleum, lining the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the alley of hero cities in the Alexander Garden. Shoksha porphyry continued to be the Royal stone, served the rulers of the empire. By the end of the 1990s, everything had fallen into disrepair. Mining stopped, production began. And only in 2005 Shoksha woke up. The first big order appeared - decoration of the presidential courtyard. Part of the Kremlin territory was laid out from paving stones made at the Shoksha quarry of crimson quartzites. And not in vain. The floors in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg have not been erased over the centuries and have preserved its shape and volume, due to the fact that they are made of crimson quartzite.

Crimson quartzite is 98 percent composed of one of the hardest minerals - quartz. Quartzite is difficult to process, but at the same time it is very resistant to various kinds of external influences, including the effects of time. No wonder our ancestors during their lifetime sat on purple, and after death they rested under it. Crimson quartzite is able to maintain polishing for 600 years! Unlike other stones, quartzite is an environmentally friendly material that does not have radioactivity. It is this property that allows it to be used in all areas of construction and design.

According to the highest prescription, the use of a rare stone was allowed exclusively for the needs of the rulers. And although today, in order to become the owner of raspberry quartzite, one does not need to have royal origin or absolute power, it is still available to a few.

But all this is a rare gift of nature, the national treasure of Russia, which can be found in the only place on our planet- in the Prionezhsky district of the Republic of Karelia on the western shore of Lake Onega in 60 km from the city of Petrozavodsk. The originality of Karelia is another confirmation of the fact that only in these places could a a stone similar to Egyptian porphyry, which was used to decorate the pyramids and from which the throne of Pharaoh Tutankhamen was carved. Truly - Shokhan porphyry, Royal stone!

The stone is four times harder than granite, so mining and processing it is an incredibly difficult task. But the result cannot leave anyone indifferent. The soft, warm light emanating from Crimson Quartzite is surprisingly inviting. And stone products are almost eternal - their polished surface retains its luster for 600 years.

They say rocks can talk. If this is true, then raspberry quartzite speaks the language of luxury and power.

Properties of crimson quartzite

The mineral resources of the Shokshinskoye deposit include crimson, red quartzites and red sandstones (quartz content - 88-95%).

Density, g/cm3 2.67

Bulk density, g/cm3 2,63

Compressive strength, MPa 200-250

Porosity, % 0.015

Water absorption, % 0,1

Abrasion, g/cm2 0,042

Frost resistance, R 100

Radioactivity, Bq/kg 37 (first class of radioactive safety norms NRB-99)

Raspberry quartzite (Karelia), otherwise - porphyry (royal stone), due to its unique physical and mechanical properties, is the most durable stone when used in baths and saunas of any type. Crimson quartzite has been shown to have many healing properties, according to medical research:

Equalizes blood pressure

Relieves ailments caused by weather changes

Helps with lower back pain, etc.

Crimson quartzite gives "light steam" in the bath. It owes this to its high density and low thermal conductivity, which, together, gives maximum heat output for a long time.

Quartzite is a rock of stone, which has high strength and consists of a fireplace to a greater extent of quartz and a small part of other inclusions. A similar rock appears as a result of recrystallization of sedimentary raw materials from sands or from cementation.


Archaeological excavations in a place where primitive people used to live, were able to reveal various tools that were made of quartz. In Mesopotamia, archaeologists have also found jewelry in the form of stone beads, which, according to scientists, are about 7,000 years old. This breed is remembered in the writings of ancient philosophers. Therefore, the material is so popular. Since exactly 90% is in rocks. From this we can conclude that the material is the most common in the wild.


The stone is very common in Africa, states, Europe and Russia.

In the latter country, there are about 30 deposits, they are mostly concentrated in the Urals.

As a rule, the stone is mined in large layers.

Description of the breed

The stone, as a rule, has an uneven surface. You can also see huge quartz crystals in it. Thanks to various natural particles, the rock is very durable.

In addition to the fact that the material has high strength, it is also practically not subjected to temperature conditions. The material is not affected by low temperatures, but changes its structure from only starting from 1770 degrees. Such resistance to fire is excellent for the construction of steam rooms, since a bath made of material will be almost eternal and, importantly, safe. The service life of the material with its active use is several hundred years.

In addition, the material is not exposed to moisture. Chemicals do not work on it either. The breed does not react to acids and alkali. Due to its high hardness, the rock is difficult to process and it is difficult for a person to cope with it. Due to this, the price of products increases. Often they try to buy such material in some cases. For reference: Napoleon lies in a sarcophagus, which was created from quartzite.

Types of quartzite

If we distinguish the types of material, then the main difference lies in the color scheme. Therefore, the following types of quartzite can be distinguished:

  1. White, sometimes with a yellow tint. One of the most common and well-known types. The rock has a different texture, as a rule, there are small impurities of other rocks that are randomly scattered inside the crystal, and on the surface they turn into strips with different colors. This type is often used for construction or design purposes. The rock is similar in strength to diamonds and sapphires.
  2. Crimson quartzite. Its difference from other species is a delicate pink hue, sometimes it can turn into red or brown. This breed is called pink. Often used to create statues and other monuments, but no less common raw material for landscape design. It is similar in strength to diamonds.
  3. Gray. Distinguished by its gray surface from other species. Perhaps the softest quartzite. It is often used in design and construction.

Where apply

Natural raw materials are used almost everywhere where possible. Various buildings are erected from it, stone is used for finishing houses and apartments, both inside and in the middle. The stone is used for thermal insulation and can become a material for restoration or foundation. Raw materials for design purposes and home decoration are no less common. Widely used in architecture.

Quartzite can be used for road construction as a top layer, as well as for water purification, as it is able to purify drinking water.

Among other things, the breed has beautiful forms. Raw materials have a wide range of shades. Such material can give new life not only to houses or garden landscape, but also applied to parks, recreation areas and other fields. It is very important that the raw materials do not absorb radiation.

What decorations are made

Quartzite is also used for a variety of jewelry, in the form of amulets. Such crafts are especially valued among physicians. Many believe that the mineral allows you to learn about hidden human diseases. If you always carry it with you, then those parts of the body or organs that are prone to illness may begin to hurt. Without such a stone, the disease can pass without signs and symptoms.

In European countries, the stone is called the stone of heroes. All the military who have such amulets receive courage, as well as the ability to answer for actions. Earlier, alchemists found out that a stone can turn an ordinary boy into a brave warrior.

The mineral is used for travel to distant countries. As magicians say, it allows you to save the traveler from a bad road, and also allows you to find solutions in unpleasant situations or problems.

Some jewelers use the rock to insert it into various pieces of jewelry that will be available to almost anyone. But it should be noted that the raspberry breed is an exception. Such a stone is popular among collectors, and also stands on the same level with other precious stones. Raspberry rock is often used for insertion into gold items. Sometimes the price of such jewelry can be higher than diamond jewelry.

magical properties

The properties of the rock are such that a person who will live in a stone house or have quartzite elements in a room will be able not only to enjoy aesthetically, but also to improve his health. This is due to the fact that the crystal can give strength, make a person resistant to disease and strengthen his health in general.

The mineral gives the owners strength, but does not tolerate people who are not responsible for what is said and do not do what was promised. Therefore, with the presence of such a stone, all cases are brought to an end. But this mystical fact does not apply to bad deeds.

There is an opinion that raw materials can save the weaker sex of mankind, as well as their offspring from atrocities. If there is a ride to hurt the weak, then the stone will not allow to complete the undertaking. Quartzite can block aggressive bursts. It is not recommended to wear the mineral and use it for people born under the sign of the fire element. This can change and spoil fate.