A. Yu

Linden is an amazingly beautiful tree that amazes with its healing properties and delights the sense of smell with a luxurious sweet aroma. It is impossible not to recognize her cute yellow flowers, reminiscent of dragonfly wings. The tree has long been known for its valuable qualities, for which it has been respected and appreciated for more than one century. Linden is able to live for a very long time if it is planted correctly, and for this it is necessary to have an idea about the methods of tree propagation (by shoots, cuttings, layering) in autumn and spring. More on this later.

Linden is a long-liver: in terms of its life span, it is able to surpass most of the trees known to us. So, on average, linden can live for about 500 years. She begins to bloom quite late: only in the 20th year of her life (if she grew up in natural conditions). In artificial conditions, linden gives the first flowers only by the age of 30.

Linden is known to everyone for its honey-bearing properties: from the nectar of a single tree, about 16 kg of high-quality, fragrant, surprisingly healthy honey can be obtained per season.

Linden blossom is actively used in folk medicine: it is dried and stored for several years in small bags made of cloth or paper.

Linden flowers are used in folk medicine

Fragrant linden tea can become not only a pleasant-tasting drink, but also a valuable source of glucose, carotene and other substances useful for our body. Linden tea will help get rid of fever, eliminate inflammation in the body, and also have a pronounced diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic effect.

In addition to color, linden bark is also actively used for medicinal purposes, which is able to heal open wounds, treat burns, eliminate dermatological problems etc.

Attention! The use of linden tea is contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, since linden has a pronounced ability to speed up metabolic processes, which puts a high strain on the heart.

Most often, linden grows in groups, but under natural conditions, oppressed by stronger representatives of the flora, it can take on the appearance of a tall shrub. Linden is an unpretentious tree, therefore its species (and there are a huge number of them) are actively grown for decorative purposes: for landscaping parks, streets, alleys, etc. After all, nothing will decorate a linden better than an even row of slender lindens with a neat crown, which will bloom magnificently and fill the whole neighborhood with a thick sweet aroma.

The main methods of reproduction of linden (shoots, cuttings, layering)

Linden reproduction is carried out in several ways, but only the following can be especially distinguished:

  • growth. During the period of active growth of the tree, small seedlings that appear under the crown of the linden can be used as material for planting young trees. Small shoots are great for transplanting, but several conditions must be met. Firstly, the landing time is strictly spring; secondly, the weather is exceptionally humid and cool. As seedlings, it is better to choose two-year-old shoots with a fairly developed root system (such specimens usually grow at a distance of 2-3 m from the tree). So, the taproot must be cut on both sides of the shoots, after which it must be carefully looked after throughout the summer: loosen the soil around it, water the young plant, fertilize, and plant it in the fall in the main place.

Advice. As a material for propagation, it is better to use shoots only from own-rooted trees, since in this case it is most likely that the young tree will have all the external signs of the mother tree.

  • layering. An unusual way of linden propagation, which, nevertheless, is also used. The process is carried out as follows: a young tree is cut down, and then they wait for the sprouts to appear on the stump. One- or two-year-old coppice shoots are bent to the ground and fastened near it with wooden fixtures. After carefully sprinkle them with earth. After a couple of years, roots will appear at the fold. Then you should carefully separate the young plant from the parent plant with a sharp shovel and then transplant it.

The easiest method of linden propagation is cuttings.
  • cuttings. One of the most simple ways linden breeding. Her cuttings take root perfectly in new conditions and require minimal maintenance. Cuttings and soil for their planting must first be prepared. The first stage of preparation is carried out in the fall: the soil is carefully dug up, cleared of weeds, generously fertilized and, finally, leveled. For the winter, be sure to cover the area for planting young cuttings with plastic wrap. For propagation, only freshly cut cuttings are used. Moreover, one should strictly adhere to the requirements for their proportions: the stalk should in no case be thin (its development will be too slow, or it will not happen at all), and it should not be too short (there should be at least 4 knots on the stalk, the length is about 12 cm). Bottom part cuttings are cleared of leaves, processed and planted in the ground to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

That's all the subtleties that you should know about the methods of reproduction of linden. Be sure to try each of them and compare the result. Good luck!

Linden care and features of its reproduction: video

Linden is a picky tree that can grow on any soil. It can also be in the form of a tall tree or dense shrub. The leaves and color of linden have long been known for their useful properties. And valuable wood is used in the manufacture of furniture and weaving baskets.

Linden can be grown using seeds that must undergo special training. Usually the seeds are exposed to cold when overwintering on the ground. When the first rays of the sun and warmth appear, they begin to germinate, but very few grow into a strong tree.

When self-planting seeds, a cooling process called stratification is also applied. To do this, they are moistened and placed in the cold for 3 months. Often sawdust, sand and a little peat are used for this. This whole mixture is moistened and linden seeds are poured there. The prepared soil is placed in a container and sent to the cold, where the temperature is maintained from 0 to +3 degrees. In such conditions, the seeds are almost all winter. During this time, the hardened shell is slightly destroyed, which makes it possible for the sprouts to hatch easily.

Soil preparation and planting seeds

Although linden is able to grow on infertile soil, it is necessary to select high-quality soil for seed germination. For this, the following components are suitable:

  • leafy land;
  • turf;
  • humus;
  • fertile black soil;
  • sand.

In the prepared soil, it is necessary to plant the seeds immediately from the substrate in which they have been all winter. The seeds must not be allowed to dry, otherwise they will not sprout. In order not to damage the swollen planting material, it is necessary to transfer it without cleaning the previous prepared soil.

The seeds are planted in rows, between which there should be a distance of 15-20 cm. Then they are sprinkled with earth by 1 cm. You can also tamp the soil a little so that it fits well to each seed and the sprouts quickly hatch. To maintain the desired humidity and temperature, it is better to cover the box with seeds with transparent polyethylene.

If the temperature is above 20 degrees and proper soil moisture is maintained, then the first shoots will appear in about two weeks. Despite the correct preparation of the seeds, they still germinate unevenly and weakly. When shoots have appeared, the cover must be removed so that the linden sprouts see the light and can breathe freely.

Linden seedling care

In order not to burn tender shoots, it is important not to allow direct sunlight. Regular watering will help seedlings develop quickly. To strengthen root system you need to carefully loosen the soil.

When the seedlings have reached the age of three weeks, they must be thinned out. For this, weak seedlings with a thin stem and weak color are removed. After that, you need to dive. It is worth digging up seedlings that interfere with others and transplant them into another container. In order not to damage the root, you need to dig it out along with a clod of earth. It is also necessary to transplant the seedling into similar soil for further decent growth. To deal less with transplanting small bushes, you can dive into peat pots. When planting a tree in open ground pots are planted the same, which saves the root from damage and saves time.

Planting linden in open ground

For this, the end of May is the beginning of June. At this time, the weather normalizes and severe frosts are not expected. It is necessary to plant small lindens in an area where there is enough light. However, you should not choose completely open areas where trees can die from the scorching sun. In order for the linden to develop adequately, it must be regularly watered and loosened the soil.

Open ground carries a certain danger, since the tree is not protected from pests and diseases. Dangerous pests include golden tail and leafworm. To kill them, it is necessary to spray with a special preparation when these "guests" appear. For a greater effect, it is necessary to carry out three treatments of the young crown for the entire season.

Also, young trees can suffer and die from fungi and other diseases. These include thyrostromosis, marble rot and white spots on the leaves. To protect the young from these fungi, you need to regularly review the seedlings and carry out preventive spraying. blue vitriol or by other means.

If the leaves become stained, then they, as well as the branches, must be removed from the trees and burned to avoid the reproduction of the fungus. You also need to disinfect the soil using special preparations. In case of severe damage by a disease or fungus, the seedling must be dug up and removed from healthy lindens. A diseased tree is best burned away to destroy the fungus and prevent it from spreading to healthy trees.

After 1-2 years, a small linden tree can be transplanted to a permanent place. This is best done in the fall so that there is enough moisture. A linden tree can decorate any land plot. Some lindens live up to 1000 years and reach 40 meters in height. Therefore, they can become an inheritance not only to grandchildren, but also to great-grandchildren.

Linden is a woody plant, tall. More than 45 species can be found in the genus of trees and tall shrubs. The tree has been known for over 60 million years. The linden growth during the hot period and the glacial period has survived. This tree is equated with happiness and freedom! Gardeners say that growing such a plant on your site will not leave any difficulty. Will have to comply simple rules care!

One of the important ones is the description, what can be said about it? Tall tree growing with spreading foliage of the crown. Leaves with a distinctive feature - heart-shaped with serrated edges, they are all arranged alternately. There comes a period of blooming foliage, small leaves fall during this period. During the flowering period, flowers appear collected in small inflorescences, comparable to an umbrella. After that, a fruit appears, comparable to a nut, in a broken form, you can see several seeds.

The age of the tree reaches more than 1000 years, it is classified as long-livers. Alleys of lindens look original, attract not only with flowering, but also with an unusual aroma. The flowers of the tree are said to have medicinal properties known from ancient times. In folk medicine, foliage and flowers are used from colds. Linden grows not only in gardens when planting and growing, but also in natural conditions. With this, it can bloom no earlier than 20 years of growth, but after self-planting, this period becomes longer. When flowering appears, most often these are the summer months, a pleasant aroma forms in the air, it rushes far beyond the limits of growth.

The Benefits of Lime Blossom!

ethnoscience gives linden a place of honor, because flowers and leaves are used for treatment. In addition, it is recognized as an excellent honey plant. To cure the disease with this plant, it is necessary that it has reached at least 90 years of age. After that, the selection of high-quality inflorescences with leaves begins. It is unnecessary to cut flowers with darkened leaves that have holes and sores. Gardeners and traditional healers argue that the linden growing near the apiary does not have sufficient benefits.

The storage period for linden is called summer, when half of the flowers in the inflorescence bloom. After collection, they are subjected to drying, in a shady and ventilated room or in special dryers. Finished leaves and inflorescences are placed in paper or rag bags, so they are not subject to debate. Leaves and inflorescences are delicate, they are stored without being exposed to pressure, otherwise they simply crumble. The raw material dries out, so pick up more greens to get the finished raw material in the right amount.

Where are lime leaves and inflorescences used? With flu and bronchitis, linden flower tea helps. When angina is diagnosed, an infusion of lime blossom is used to gargle. Oily skin returns to normal when rubbed with infusion. Linden infusion also has its reverse effects, excites nervous system and affects the heart. It cannot be used in large quantities during the day.


There is an opinion that linden is unpretentious; any conditions are suitable for it, it adapts to them. Therefore, the landing site depends on the growing conditions. Under natural conditions, the choice is not great and it is ready to grow in any soil. In the garden, fertile soils are preferable, when planting a young seedling, special attention to the root system, if damaged, the plant will simply die. So, when landing, it all starts with choosing a suitable hole - a width of at least 60 centimeters, and a depth of 50. Drainage is created at the bottom, for this, pebbles or any other stones are used, up to 15 centimeters thick. Humus and fertilizer are added to the hole.

How to plant? For this, seedlings are used, planting occurs with the condition of correct placement of the rhizome, the neck is placed at ground level, after which it is added to the hole, fertile soil. To do this, take:

  • Sod land - one part.
  • Sand - two parts.
  • Humus - two parts.

After planting, watering is needed, three days thorough and plentiful. Two or three years you need to use fertilizers - nitrogen-containing. How to care? This is the next step that every gardener knows about.

What is included in care?

After planting, the care period begins so that the linden grows. This includes several steps:

  • Fertilizer.
  • Getting rid of pests.
  • Pruning.
  • Soil care.

When 12 months have passed after planting, the tree needs to be shaped, cultivated for this. This process is carried out as soon as the snow melts, but before the period of bud swelling. A third of the length of each shoot is allowed to be removed. During the summer, the tree has many new shoots, so additional pruning is needed in the fall. During this period, it is already less than in the spring. In what year does the linden begin to bloom after planting? Depends on the care process and the climate.

What should be fertilized and how many times a year? Twice a season is enough - in spring and autumn. Purchase fertilizers in the store or make the compositions on your own. The main point is not to harm the plant, but to help gain strength after winter, in the spring, and before winter to strengthen and endure the cold.

After planting, young seedlings develop well in moist soil; for an adult linden, a short period of drought does not pose a danger. The calculation of water is carried out taking into account the size of the crown, a couple of buckets are enough for 1 square meter. Excess moisture, in a constant process, can cause harm. Crown size calculations are approximate. It is good if the gardener uses settled water. Is it necessary to take care of the soil in the near-trunk circle? Yes - this is loosening the earth, the destruction of weeds. For the linden to endure winter period, in late autumn, the soil is mulched around the trunk. Most often, fallen leaves or sawdust are chosen for this. A layer of insulation of at least 11 centimeters.

Linden breeding process!

Gardeners distinguish several methods of reproduction - seeds, layering, young shoots, green cuttings. Each method is performed taking into account the needs of the plant. There is another way - vaccination.

  • Reproduction by seeds. This takes about 10 years. Linden blossom begins in June and lasts the rest of the summer, after which the flowers dry up and fruits appear, in the form of a small grain size, they contain the seeds required for planting. There are no more than two seeds in one grain. For planting, green unripe and brown ripened seeds are used. The immature ones are quickly accepted into the cable and take root. The soil for sowing seeds is preliminarily prepared and fertilized. Because seeds that have power germinate. When they germinate, they can be planted in a permanent place, their winter hardiness is low, they will have to be covered in the cold. Not always varieties taken from a tree from a seed will be repeated.
  • Reproduction by layering. This fast way getting a tree. This process is performed in the spring, before the kidneys swell. A healthy lower branch is taken, bowed to the ground, dug in. For two years, roots are formed on layering, after which a new linden can be removed from the mother and made into a full-fledged tree.
  • Young offspring. There is always young growth near the main tree, it is dug up and transplanted to a prepared place. This is done in the spring. The weather for transplanting is not hot. How to choose a seedling? In this way, you need to choose healthy and complete.
  • Use of green cuttings. Small-leaved linden is not suitable for propagation in this way. Only twenty percent gives roots. The stalk is selected green, there are growth stimulants on sale, they are treated with a cut. The soil is selected for rooting road.

Linden is used in landscape design, because its crown is formed and has flowering. Each variety is different from the previous one and attracts gardeners. Choosing a seat before boarding matters. You can buy layering and cuttings or cuttings in nurseries or from gardeners in whose area there is a tree. The main varieties of linden:

  • Linden heart-shaped - a tree during the growth period reaches from half a meter to one and a half. Grows in western Siberia. Differs in small leaves, from below are painted in gray color. Used in areas for decoration, found in natural conditions.
  • Flat-leaved linden - most often found in the Caucasus and Russia. This variety has fluffy foliage, the flowering period occurs at the end of May and lasts for two weeks. After that, fruits appear in the form of a nut. Inside them are seeds, they are used for planting and obtaining new shoots.
  • Silver linden - depending on the name, there is a whitish coating on the foliage. In addition, slightly pubescent with inside. The tree reaches a height of thirty meters during growth and maturation. The crown is branched, used to decorate a site or a park. Linden grows in Russia.
  • Caucasian linden - more than forty meters in height. The crown is spreading and rounded, the leaves are painted purple. The crown is sprawling, it needs to be shaped otherwise it grows randomly. The main place of growth is the Caucasus. Flowering occurs in the summer and lasts up to 3 weeks.
  • Manchurian linden - has a decorative appearance, tolerates persistent and frosty winters perfectly. It grows up to 20 meters in height. This variety is common in some regions. In the Amur region, linden grows in the wild, although it is also found in gardens.

Linden is a tree that is useful to have on your site. Because it is beneficial for restoring health and gives it a well-groomed and decorative look. Each gardener will be able to independently grow linden on plots.

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Lipa has always been respected and considered its source vitality. This tree is an excellent remedy for depression and hypochondria. Among the lindens, a person feels comfort, warmth and tranquility. Let's see if it is possible to grow linden on the site and how difficult it is to plant and care for this beauty.

Choosing a place for planting linden on the site

Although linden belongs to unpretentious plants, it must be borne in mind that it loves sunny places. The soil may not be very fertile, but well-drained. Linden feels great on sandstones fertilized with humus.

Important! When choosing a landing site, it must be borne in mind that an adult linden has a rather large size.

When is the best time to plant

Although this is an unpretentious tree, the life span of a linden tree depends on how the tree was planted correctly. The easiest way to transplant linden seedlings is in cool, wet weather. Best time for planting linden - autumn.

You can plant seedlings in the spring, but young shoots are very sensitive to frost.

Planting young linden seedlings

Linden reproduces well by seeds, stem branches and root shoots. However, most often this tree is propagated by seedlings.

Before planting linden, pits are prepared. For standard seedlings 50-70 cm high, the hole should be 50 cm in diameter and 50 cm deep.

Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pit (10-15 cm) - pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick. This layer is covered with humus diluted with superphosphate (50-60 g).

A seedling is placed in the prepared hole and covered with soil mixture (1 part of soddy soil, 2 parts of humus and sand). Optimal Level pH - 6.5-7.5.

If several seedlings are planted, the distance between the pits should be 3-4 meters, if formed hedge from linden, the distance is reduced to two meters.

Although linden normally tolerates transplantation, when planting seedlings, one should be careful about the rhizome. The root neck of the seedling should remain at ground level. If the neck is slightly lower, this is not critical for the linden.
After planting and the first 7-8 days, seedlings are watered abundantly.

In order for water to accumulate at the location of the linden root system, it is necessary to form a near-stem hole.

Did you know? Linden is the same age as dinosaurs. She endured both the ice age and global warming. Lipa can be called the only witness of great events. In the Middle Ages, ladies made dates under the shade of lindens, and in the 18th century, thousands of linden trees were planted in Paris in honor of the French Revolution. Since that time, the linden has become a tree of happiness and freedom.

Like many crops, linden has its own cultivation practices, which include watering, fertilizing, pruning and weeding.

Watering and feeding

Linden is very demanding on watering, especially at the stage of seedlings.

In adulthood, the tree tolerates a short drought well. However, in dry times, additional watering is required at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq. m projection of the crown of the linden.

In order for the tree to please with its beauty and lush flowering, you need to know how and with what to feed the linden in the spring. At the beginning of spring, fertilizer is applied from mullein (1 kg), urea (15 g), ammonium nitrate(25 g) diluted in ten liters of water.

In autumn, it is enough to fertilize the linden with 15-20 grams of nitroammofoska.

Did you know? Linden has long been revered by the Slavs. No wonder many settlements are associated with this tree: Lipetsk, Lipnyany, Lipki, Lipovitsa, Podlipki.

Removing weeds and loosening the soil

Weed removal is important point when caring for linden - their presence inhibits the growth of the tree. In addition, simultaneously with the removal of weeds, it is necessary to loosen the soil (to a depth of 10-15 cm) to ensure oxygen access to the roots. It is optimal to carry out loosening 2-3 times per season.


Mulching, like pruning linden, is an important point when growing a tree. The trunk circle is mulched with peat, fallen leaves, wood chips, sawdust or peat compost. The height of the layer should be 8-12 cm.

Did you know? Linden is popularly called lutoshka, lutokha, lubnyak, bast.

Haircut and trim

The first pruning of seedlings can be done the next year after planting. Pruning is carried out not only to form the crown of the linden, but also for sanitary purposes.
in winter and in early spring pruned dry branches. Linden, growing in the form of a hedge, is sheared in the first year in early spring and at the end of summer. Subsequently, such a haircut is carried out 4-5 times per season.

Important! In the first haircut, you can not shorten the branches by more than 1/3.

Disease and pest control

Most often, linden is affected by diseases such as:

  • perforated and black spotting (control methods: destruction of fallen fruits and leaves as sources of infection, treatment of shoots with 1% Bordeaux liquid);
  • white rot (copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulphate, are used to combat).

In addition to these diseases, linden pests such as:

To combat these pests, young trees are sprayed with insecticides. In addition to insects, birds and rodents harm linden.

Selection of partners and the use of linden in design

Linden is widely used in landscape design. Due to the compactness of the leafy crown, good shade tolerance and undemanding to watering and soil, different kinds lindens are planted in city squares, parks, boulevards, forest plantations and summer cottages. Linden also takes root well in an aggressive urban environment - it tolerates dust, smoke, gas pollution and dirt well.

They like to use linden for landscaping due to its decorative effect at any time of the year. In spring, delicate greenish leaves bloom on the linden, and in summer the dense crown provides a reliable shade. Blooming linden is especially good when it is covered with fragrant flowers. In autumn, the foliage takes on a bright yellow hue that warms in cloudy weather. Against the background of snow, the linden strikes with a bizarre outline of the branches.
Linden is grown as a hedge, bosquet, berso and green walls. Such forms are used today for the design of parks. Linden looks good in single plantings and in groups of trees of various sizes and species. When compiling plant compositions, it is necessary to take into account how quickly the linden grows and what role it will play in this case: become the main focus or set off the dignity of other plants.

Important! In roadside plantings, linden can suffer from salt, gas and dust. In such conditions, the plant is more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Most often in landscape design, such varieties of linden are used as:

  1. American (black). The homeland of this linden - North America. It grows up to 40 meters, has a wide ovoid crown.
  2. Fine-grained. Homeland - Europe and Western Siberia. Differs in small compact leaves and a medium-sized ovoid crown.
  3. Silver. A wild species with original silvery foliage.
  4. Rubra. Tall tree with a conical crown. Differs in bright coral coloring of young shoots.
  5. Linden ordinary. A beautiful view with a large crown for a single landing and group.

The question "what to plant next to the linden" can be given an unambiguous answer: almost all shrubs, trees, herbal crops. Linden looks most harmonious with:
  • oak;
  • beech;
  • maple;
  • mountain ash.

Since linden is a long-lived tree, its plantations can be used without renewal for up to two hundred years.

It is the cutting method that most gardeners choose to propagate linden. The thing is that this plant takes root very easily and is able to grow on any kind of soil. But, of course, for the splendor of the crown and the abundance of flowering, proper care should be taken for the tree.

In the forest, the plant does not have to choose, and it grows without requiring additional feeding and processing. However, in the garden, to maintain decorative look linden tree, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it: in time to clean the near-trunk circle from weeds, water and at least occasionally fertilize the soil.

Preparation of cuttings and soil mixture

Based on the fact that the seedlings are planted in open ground in the spring, cuttings of the plant and preparing the site for future plantings should be done in the fall. The soil in the area determined for growing linden is well dug up to the depth of a shovel, fertilizers are applied to it - preferably humus or compost plus wood ash, and finally the surface is leveled with a garden rake and covered with polyethylene for the entire winter season.

It is worth saying that this tree can be successfully propagated in other ways: layering, using root shoots, seeds. But the propagation of linden by cuttings, although a rather laborious method, is used by gardeners quite often.

Cuttings are cut from an adult tree in the early morning or in cloudy rainy weather - this significantly reduces the percentage of moisture evaporated from the shoot. The upper cut is carried out above the kidney at a right angle, in order to also minimize moisture loss by reducing the evaporating surface. The lower cut is made oblique, 1 centimeter below the kidney.

The main parameters for choosing branches for cuttings are diameter and length. planting material from a thin shoot it will develop very slowly, and given that the linden already blooms only a couple of decades after planting, this is unacceptable. Optimal length the handle is determined by the number of nodes, which should be at least four, this is 8-15 centimeters. For cuttings, only green and flexible shoots with fully formed leaves are used.

Each cutting is placed in a separate container with water, in which a preparation such as Kornevin or Epin is previously dissolved - these funds are designed to stimulate root formation and help plants during the period of adaptation to new conditions. After half an hour, the water from the container should be drained and replaced with fresh one - in it the shoots will wait until the root shoots appear.

It is important to ensure that in the room where the cuttings are located while waiting for the development of the root system to begin, a constant air temperature of at least +25 degrees is maintained.

Winter storage and planting of seedlings in the garden

It is not enough to be able to properly prepare cuttings from the fall, you still need to save them until spring planting, and this can be a difficult process, especially for a novice gardener. All shoots should be loosely tied into one bundle and placed in a container filled with wet sand, roots down. The air temperature in the room should vary from 0 to +4 degrees - it can be a basement, cellar or refrigerator, if there are few branches and they will not interfere.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they should be placed in a container with Kornevin or Epin dissolved in water. They have proven themselves as helpers for plants that are difficult to propagate by cuttings and take root in a new place. These drugs activate the appearance and development of the roots of even the most capricious representatives of the flora, to which the linden is clearly not related.

Landing technology:

  1. 1. To plant a seedling with an average height of 45 to 75 centimeters, it is necessary to prepare a half-meter hole with a diameter of the same size. The bottom layer is filled with drainage by 10-15 cm, crushed stone or brick fragments can be used as it.
  2. 2. A layer of fertilizer is laid on top - humus or compost with the addition of 45-55 grams of superphosphate.
  3. 3. Now it remains to plant the plant. The seedling is deepened into the soil and the remaining empty space of the pit is covered with a nutrient substrate from humus, fertile soil and sand. The root neck should be located no higher than the ground level.
  4. 4. At the end of the event for planting linden trees in the garden, they are plentifully watered and the near-stem circle is sprinkled with wood ash. In hot weather, young plants are recommended to be shaded from sunlight.
  5. 5. For several years, it is advisable to feed the trees with nitrogen three times a season; for this, a mullein solution is optimal.

Usually, the growth and branching of plants is activated when the air temperature is set in the range from +22 to +25 degrees. To maintain the health and proper development of seedlings, it is recommended to maintain the territory trunk circle free from weeds and foreign objects. Several times during the summer, you can gently loosen the ground to allow oxygen to freely reach the root system of trees.

It also makes sense to mulch plantings with sawdust - this will retain moisture, prevent cracking of the surface of the earth and the formation of a crust.