How to plant cucumbers in open ground? Planting cucumbers in open ground seeds or seedlings - when to plant and how to grow properly How to sow cucumbers in open ground.

Planting cucumbers with dry seeds. Pollination of cucumbers. Features of growth and development. Why do I grow cucumbers in a seedless way? Why are there a lot of empty flowers on cucumbers? Why are cucumbers bitter?

With the cultivation of cucumbers in our climate, problems rarely occur. This is one of the easiest crops, along with pumpkin and zucchini. What could be the difficulties? I sowed the seeds, watered, covered with a film and wait for the first shoots to hatch. Then water more often, because cucumbers love moisture, then harvest, eat, salt, enjoy.

And yet, despite the simplicity of agricultural technology, it is worth studying some of the subtleties of this culture. First of all, you need to know that the cucumber culture is thermophilic, and absolutely does not tolerate frost. Even a long (up to three days) cold snap of +3°C can destroy plants. The optimal temperature for the growth and development of cucumbers is 24 - 27 ° C during the day and + 16 ° C at night.

Why I grow cucumbers reckless way.

Cucumber is one of fast growing plants. Already after 45 - 55 days after germination, depending on the variety, you can get the first harvest. This means that cucumber seeds sown, for example, on May 1, will sprout in a week, and on the twentieth of June, they will bear the first fruits. So you think, does it make sense to accelerate fruiting by growing seedlings of cucumbers on the windowsill? If you sow cucumbers too early (in March - early April), then, as a rule, high-quality seedlings do not work out. The trunk is stretched and looks unnaturally frail. The root system, limited by the volume of the container, gives the aerial part a “stop” signal, after which, rapid growth cannot be observed, but planted in open ground cucumber seedlings cannot recover for a long time, get sick, and subsequently give a poor harvest. If, however, to sow the seeds later, in mid-April, then you can get good result. But, this result is not easy, given that in spring the window sills are already overloaded with seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. Cucumber seedlings require additional lighting, a large volume of the pot, it forces you to be careful when planting (transshipment from containers) in open ground, since cucumbers are very sensitive to root damage and, as the people say, “do not like” transplanting.

For the above reasons, I do not deal with cucumber seedlings, but sow the seeds immediately in open ground under a film cover.

Planting cucumbers in the ground with dry seeds.

I don’t soak cucumber seeds, I sow them dry, in pre-prepared beds, in early May, depth of planting cucumber seeds 1 - 1.5 cm, with an interval of about 50 cm from each other, in two rows, in a checkerboard pattern. Distance between rows 0.5 - 0.6 m.

I pre-fill the bed with compost, water it well and after sowing I put arcs and cover with a film, without airing for a week, and without fear that overheating will occur under the sun's rays. Until shoots appear, overheating is not dangerous, on the contrary, warm, warmed by the sun's rays, the earth accelerates seed germination. And, now, when the first leaves appear, it is important to monitor the temperature under the film cover. If it is not possible to observe the bed every day and ventilate the shelter in a timely manner, you can install buckets of water under the film. High humidity saves cucumbers from death. I change polyethylene to non-woven material with a density of 32-40, opening it only for watering 2-3 times a week. To better retain moisture, the bed with seedlings should be mulched."Mulching beds with organic matter"

Some time cucumbers grow under nonwoven fabric. Then we remove the cover.

For a while, cucumbers grow under the non-woven fabric. Then we remove the cover.

Pollination of cucumbers. Features of growth and development.

The peculiarity of cucumbers is that both female and male flowers are present on the same plant. That is, cucumbers are cross-pollinated plants. Male inflorescences are popularly called barren flowers. Their correct name is staminate flowers. The female flowers are called pistillate. Both types of flowers are important, since the fruit can be set after the pollen from the male flower falls on the pistil of the female. At temperatures above +27°C, the pollen becomes sterile.

Male flowers are formed mainly on the central, main stem. Female flowers appear mainly on lateral shoots. To increase the number of female flowers and reduce the number of barren flowers, pinch the central stem, forming side shoots,(usually 4 lower shoots). Personally, I don’t pinch, because even without it, the cucumber harvest is more than sufficient.

The same plant has both male and female flowers.

The same plant has both male and female flowers.

In addition, there are a huge number of hybrids that do not have a barren flower at all. In general, pinching is not a matter of principle for me.

Why are cucumbers bitter?

In the process of growth, very often we encounter an unpleasant phenomenon when cucumbers suddenly become bitter. It is generally accepted that this happens from a lack of moisture, they say, they watered little. Indeed, with prolonged heat and insufficient watering, the peel of cucumbers becomes bitter. Optimal Humidity soil during the flowering period - 55 - 60%. Therefore, a sharp cessation of watering is perceived by the plant as the end of the vegetative period, the cessation of growth. Growth stops, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the fruits become bitter. After that, it is difficult to restore normal plant growth. And if the plant itself, after subsequent watering, is able to resume growth, then it is more difficult to get rid of the bitterness of the fruit. Depending on the weather, cucumbers should be watered daily in the heat and preferably with warm water over the leaves. There is no need to fear that water that has fallen on the leaves will harm. Cucumbers are a moisture-loving plant. The bed must be mulched with compost, grass, hay - any available material, especially if the summer resident does not have the possibility of daily watering. Organic mulch, in addition to retaining moisture, keeps the earth loose, attracts worms, and provides food for plants. With this soil content, it is enough to water cucumbers 2-3 times a week.

Bitterness can also appear with a prolonged cold snap. To any unfavorable phenomenon, cucumbers respond with bitter fruit, yellowing of leaves, their point lesions, as well as a shift in the sex of flowers to the male side, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Why are there a lot of empty flowers on cucumbers?

If there are a lot of barren flowers on cucumbers, then there may be several reasons. An empty flower can form due to strong shading. Cucumber bed should be in a well-lit place. Another reason is a heavily crowded landing. Sow seeds less often, and the return will be greater! It is possible that the sowing was carried out with the seeds of the previous year. For sowing, you need to use seeds, the period of which is at least two - three years. The older the seeds, the more female flowers are formed on the plant that has grown from them.

Cucumbers, having a powerful vegetative mass, greatly deplete the soil. Despite this, when growing cucumbers, you can not use any kind of top dressing using fresh manure. Manure farming also leads to various diseases and leaf damage. It is best to carry out liquid, organic top dressing with infusion of herbs with a frequency of 1 time in 10 days.

In the process of growth, the plants still form weak, twisted leaves affected by pests and diseases. First of all, signs of the disease appear from below, on old leaves. At the first sign of yellowing, the leaves should be removed. It is not necessary to wait until the pests that have settled on the leaves, or the disease, have spread throughout the plant.

It is sometimes difficult to harvest in lashes spread on the ground. And walking is uncomfortable - you will definitely trample the stems. And it is not always possible to find fruits that have reached the condition under the leaves; ripe, yellow-brown overgrowths that are no longer suitable for food will later remind of this. It is better to grow cucumbers on trellises -

Cucumber is delicious healthy product, from it you can easily prepare salads and twists. But growing it is a more difficult task, which you can cope with, armed with knowledge and a little patience. As a culture, cucumber is a delicate, capricious plant, it requires close attention and dies in the absence of it.

First of all, in the fall for cucumbers, you should choose a site where they will be planted. The earth needs light, “airy” like sandy loam or loam with a neutral Ph. If the soil is denser, sand is added to it (half a bucket per square meter) and then dug up, increasing its friability. But close groundwater is not suitable for culture.

When choosing a site, they are guided by a high level of illumination and wind protection. Protection from air currents is a must for cucumbers, and you can do it yourself by planting corn or sunflower near future beds. By the time the cucumbers are planted, they will reach a height of up to half a meter.

Each region has its own wind rose, so beginner summer residents can ask their neighbors where the harshest winds blow, or draw a picture on their own.

Precursors for cucumbers

Cucumbers do not like to grow in the same place every year. Observing the basics of crop rotation, a site for them is chosen after onions or garlic, which perfectly sanitize the soil. And also after cauliflower, white and other types of cabbage, peas, greens, alfalfa, clover. An undesirable precursor is beans, which are subject to some common diseases with cucumbers. All pumpkin, carrots and beets are excluded.

Autumn site preparation

Preparatory land work involves fertilizing and digging the soil. But first, the garden is cleared of the remaining vegetation, which may contain pest larvae. As soon as this is done, organics are scattered over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture beds and they take up digging for a full bayonet of a shovel. It is not necessary to break the resulting clods - it is important that the layer is turned over.

The vegetation collected in the garden can be burned, and then the garden plantings can be fed with ashes.

In autumn, manure is more suitable as a fertilizer - cow or horse, at the choice of a gardener. It will require 2-4 buckets per square, depending on the poverty of the soil.

To deoxidize the soil, you can use dolomite flour, tuff or ash. It is not desirable to combine lime and manure at the same time, as nitrogen is lost.

Many summer residents opt for humus or compost that has been prepared in advance. But one way or another, organic matter should be applied in the fall, so that by spring they will be processed by beneficial microorganisms and a site prepared for planting. To neutralize fungus and pests in the soil, the site is treated with a solution blue vitriol in breeding 1 tbsp. to a bucket of water.

Among mineral fertilizers, nitrophoska is ideal for cucumbers - a completely harmless preparation consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. According to the norm, 50-100 grams are applied, depending on the condition of the soil.

Preparing the site for spring planting

If the work in the garden was carried out according to plan, in the spring, as soon as the thaw sets in, the site needs to be dug up again, at the same time introducing humus or compost into it. All this is properly loosened with a rake so that the fertilizer is distributed throughout the site. Until May, the earth rests.

By mid-late May, about 7-10 days before planting, the selected area is loosened again and germinated weeds are removed. Additionally, the soil can be treated with a slightly pink solution of manganese, after which it will need to be covered with a film and allowed to warm under it for several days. The earth is ready to receive seedlings.

If in the autumn no work was carried out in the garden, then in early spring humus with mineral top dressing is distributed over the site, and then the earth is deeply dug up. The introduction of lime is not desirable, alkaline fertilizers will work instead. After all the work, the site should rest, after which beds are formed on it.

Many summer residents during spring preparation prefer mineral fertilizers. For this, 10-15 gr. saltpeter, 30-45 gr. superphosphate, 20-25 gr. potassium salt. Complex fertilizers are taken according to the attached manual.

Best time to plant cucumbers

It is determined by the nature of the regional climate. In general, the most favorable factor for planting cucumber seedlings in open ground is the ground temperature above 15°C. This is usually mid to late May with persistent warm days and dandelion blooms.

If there is still a risk of night frosts, plantings should be covered with a film stretched over arcs.

To stretch the harvest season, planting cucumbers can be done at intervals until mid-June. Longer does not make sense, since cucumbers need a shortened daylight hours for normal development.

The same goes for seeds. Seeds "wake up" and germinate at the same soil temperature - from 15°C. To determine how warm the soil is, you need to insert a thermometer into the ground by 10 cm and then navigate according to the readings.

The exact planting dates cannot be said, as they vary from region to region and from year to year. But, unambiguously, landing in open ground so much tender culture is more suitable for the south and middle lane countries. In other regions, a short cool summer will not allow vegetables to ripen, which means that greenhouses and greenhouses will be indispensable.

Planting cucumber seeds in open ground

You can plant cucumbers with seedlings and seeds. The second method is more suitable for southern areas, where spring comes earlier, and the soil begins to warm up in April. And yet, the planting of cucumber seeds in the garden is carried out no earlier than May, after planting the seedlings, when the spring weather finally came into its own.

The choice of method is the personal preference of each farmer. But be sure to take into account the type of planting material to use: whether it will be hybrid varieties or harvested with your own hands and adapted to the conditions of the region. But the thing is that hybrids are undoubtedly more prolific, but they are much more demanding on growing conditions, and it is more convenient to provide these conditions in a greenhouse.

Seeds of old varieties, although they require increased protection in the ground, are much more adapted to external environmental influences. Moreover, these are their own, local cucumbers, the seeds of which can always be used for bookmarking in future seasons, unlike hybrid seeds.

The disadvantage of the seed method of growing cucumbers is a late harvest and its rapid return, after which the tops turn yellow and dry. But if you properly prepare the site and planting material, this shortcoming can be slightly corrected.

Seed preparation

Dry seeds can also be planted in the ground, but it is better for them to undergo full preparation for planting. This is done in stages:

Seed selection

An important point that allows you to detect only high-quality seed. To do this, stir 3 tbsp. table salt in 1 liter. water, where cucumber seeds are placed. Healthy, full-fledged seeds will remain at the bottom.

The rest can be safely thrown away - they will not have any shoots.

Cucumber seeds remain valid for 10 years. But this ability reaches its maximum at 2-6 years of storage. Therefore, for planting, it is recommended to use seeds of this age.

warming up

This procedure is carried out near the heating pipe for a month. The temperature in the room should be up to 28°C. You can carry out express heating in the oven at 50 ° C or pour seeds with warm water at 45-50 ° C and leave in a thermos for half an hour. Warming up makes the seeds more responsive and reduces the number of barren flowers.

Hybrid seeds do not require heating.


Traditionally, cucumber seeds are disinfected for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but you can use both an iodine solution and garlic infusion (an incomplete tablespoon of chopped garlic in one glass of water). Disinfection well protects seeds from fungal diseases.


This is a kind of hardening of seeds, which is carried out after disinfection of the seed. To do this, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for a day and a half.


Experienced gardeners soak the seeds in nutrient solutions prepared on the basis of biostimulants, such as Energen or Epin. If possible, it is better to take water for the solution from melted snow - it has a more beneficial effect on the development of the first shoots.

For soaking, they take gauze soaked in a solution and folded into two or three, which cover the dish. On top of it, carefully, in one layer, spread the seeds, after which the dish is wrapped in a plastic bag. Instead of a bag, you can use a second layer of moistened gauze.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is 28-30°C. The seeds should not be allowed to dry out, but they should also not float in water. You need to leave the seeds on the dish until they peck by 3-5 mm.

Planting seeds

Cucumbers are grown in two ways: horizontally, when cucumber lashes spread along the ground, and vertically, with weaving along trellises. Depending on the method, seed beds are prepared.

The choice of method depends on the size of the garden plot. Tapestries are used in cases where you need to save space, as well as for growing hybrid cucumbers.

For creeping cucumbers beds are arranged in the form of holes in two rows. Between the rows, the distance should be up to half a meter, between the holes - 35-40 cm, and 75-80 cm is required for the passage between the beds.

Humus or compost mixed with the ground is placed in each hole, half a glass of ash is added, and the soil is thrown on top. The hole is watered and then the seeds are planted at an angle of 45 ° C with the spout up to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Deeper embedding will make seedlings wait longer. There are 2-3 seeds per hole.

Fertilizers placed in the hole will begin to decompose and provide the seeds with the necessary heat for development.

When the planting work is completed, the soil is carefully moistened and covered with a film with holes for sprouts or newspaper, which is sprayed with water for a closer fit to the ground. Such measures are necessary to create a favorable microclimate for vegetables. During the day, the film can be removed and returned at night until the cucumbers grow up.

At vertical cultivation cucumber seeds are laid in holes dug 20-30 cm apart with the same distance between rows. 3-4 seeds are planted in the holes. After germination, the seedlings are thinned out, but they do it carefully - they do not pull it out of the ground, but cut it with scissors so as not to injure the roots of the main plant. It is believed that with vertical sowing, the crop gives a rich harvest.

We plant seedlings

Most often, farmers prefer to plant seedlings of cucumbers in open ground. This is due to the earlier and longer fruiting of the crop, and also, often, with climatic features.

Grow seedlings from seeds prepared in advance, as described above. But the landing is not made on an open area, but in cups where soil with fertilizers is placed. To do this, they take turf, humus and sawdust in equal proportions, fill the container, water it and plant 3-4 seeds each. The glass is covered with a bag and left in a warm place. After the appearance of sprouts, the weakest ones are removed.

Seedlings are planted on the site according to the same principles as seeds. To do this, dig holes, pour fertilizer into them, cover with earth and then plant seedlings. For the vessels before digging the holes, the garden plot can be cultivated hot water and a solution of copper sulfate to destroy fungus and pests in the soil. Peat cups with seedlings are planted without top dressing in the holes.

Another trick of summer residents: you can fertilize the holes for planting ground potato peels and bread leftovers. They are collected, dried and used as top dressing.

In the early days, young plantings should be protected from direct sunlight, and care must be taken that the ground is well moistened. Mandatory protection from the wind and maintaining proper temperatures - from 15 ° C, otherwise the growth of plants will slow down. If the weather fails, plantings need to be hidden under the film.

Video instruction for planting in open ground

How to care for cucumbers

Cucumbers are capricious, so you need to follow the following principles for caring for them:

Regular watering

Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants and without watering they die very quickly. In addition, the lack of moisture also affects the taste of the vegetable - it begins to taste bitter. But it is also not worth flooding the culture completely. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • On dry days, cucumbers are watered every day, every other day, depending on the ambient temperature. In the spring, twice a week is enough.
  • The ideal time for watering is morning and cool evening. This will help avoid burns on the leaves and reduce evaporation from the soil.
  • If the earth is dry, you need to pour water gradually, in stages.
  • The water should have a temperature of approximately 20°C. If the hose is leaking cold water, it is advisable to pre-fill it in containers where it will warm up under the sun.
  • During irrigation, water should only fall on the ground to feed the roots.
  • It is ideal to use the drip irrigation method for irrigating cucumbers.

loosening the earth

Loosening is required for better aeration of the soil, which is so necessary for cucumbers. This should be done when a crust appears on the ground, which can slow down the growth of the crop. It is necessary to loosen carefully, since cucumbers have a superficial root system, and therefore the cultivation depth is 3-4 cm. If the soil is peat, it is pierced with a pitchfork for permeability.

hilling culture

Hilling cucumbers is not necessary, but many gardeners do this to support the plant at the base and make it more stable. Spud before watering in the morning or evening with a bucket of fresh, fertile land. This can be done 1-2 times per season.

Soil mulching

It is very useful for retaining moisture at the roots and preventing the formation of a soil crust. In addition, it attracts earthworms, which increase the fertility of the soil. Mulch mainly with PVC film and newspapers.

Top dressing with fertilizers

Cucumbers are fed about once every 10-14 days, more often it is not desirable. The main trace elements that cucumbers need are nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. They are brought in in hot weather, so they are better absorbed, and during rains they accumulate in the form of nitrates. The first top dressing is necessary a couple of weeks after planting, then - at flowering and once at fruiting.

It is better to feed in the evening, and the ideal food is mullein or bird droppings diluted in water. Up to 6 liters are required per square meter. such a solution. You can also use mineral fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate. It will need only 5 gr. per 1 liter water, after which the beds are well watered. During fruiting, potassium sulfate will be indispensable, a teaspoon of which is diluted in 0.5 liters. urea. You can add 50 gr. superphosphate.

What cucumbers need - we help the plant

​Related Articles​

  • It is undesirable to be on the site where the planting is planned, high standing groundwater, which adversely affects cucumber plantings;

We do not recommend wetting seeds for planting. Any fluctuation in temperature can cause the hatched seed to freeze and not sprout. And a dry seed thrown into the ground will wake up and swell gradually, in accordance with the temperature regime, and hatch when the time comes.

Planting cucumbers in open ground - planting, growing

Don't forget to feed every two weeks. Good results, in our opinion, are given by ROST fertilizer (concentrate or universal). This fertilizer is based on potassium humate. Compared to conventional organo-mineral fertilizers, ROST contains a high concentration of potassium humate, NPK, trace elements, and has fungicidal activity.​

layer 3 of peat;

In cases where 2 sprouts appear at once in one cup, the weakest of them must be removed, but not by pulling, but by cutting (to avoid damage to the root system). If there is a real opportunity to prepare seedlings at home, then it is best to do this and plant cucumbers on the street already in a sprouted state.

The choice of landing site must also be approached responsibly. It can't be "whatever". Cucumbers are not indifferent to where and how you plant them. Crop rotation is very important to them. Try not to plant them where cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini grew last season. The best predecessors of cucumbers (in descending order) are tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage.

It depends on watering whether your cucumbers will be bitter. It is worth drying the soil once, and bitterness will appear in all subsequent fruits. When watering, it is important to use warm water at room temperature and do it in the evening.

  • According to experts, the process of growing cucumbers is quite easy in itself. But without knowing the nuances, you will not wait for a large number of tasty and crispy cucumbers. Beginner gardeners who plan to collect at least a few kilograms of cucumbers from each plant need to know that this vegetable crop is very fond of a warm and humid climate, as well as good lighting.
  • Well suited for planting cucumbers with seed beds in the open field, on which siderats were previously grown, for example, cabbage, beans, peas, tomatoes, onions;

For planting seedlings in a cup, see the section on seedlings). When transplanting seedlings from a cup, the root is practically not damaged and your seedlings continue to grow and develop almost immediately after transplanting into open ground.​

What can I do to make plants grow fast?

We plant about 5-7 seeds in each hole. Further, when the first true leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 3-4 sprouts. And after another two weeks, we leave 2-3 of the most powerful shoots. More dense plantings of cucumbers will lead to more empty flowers and an increased risk of cucumber disease.​

A solution of mullein gives no worse effect than fertilizers. But you must admit that not everyone and not always has a mullein at hand. It is much easier to add 20 grams of ROST to a bucket of water and not suffer from the search for mullein.​

Layer 4 of sawdust or straw;

Cucumbers will germinate if you provide the necessary amount of light, the complete absence of drafts, the necessary temperature and mandatory feeding. In addition, before planting cucumbers, it is important to choose the right and good seeds. Currently, there are a huge number of various varieties and hybrids, so there will be plenty to choose from. Very often, experienced gardeners prepare their seeds rather than buy them in a store.​

How to plant cucumbers in open ground, when is the best time to do it

Like any plant, cucumbers love fertile, loose, non-acidic soil. Perhaps more than other plants, cucumbers love organic fertilizers. It is believed that the best organic fertilizer for all garden plants is humus, but from the introduction of pure manure, seeds or plants can burn. So it is, but it is for cucumbers that manure is the most preferred organic fertilizer. If you have the opportunity to get this valuable fertilizer, then, without hesitation, be sure to add manure to the cucumber bed. This is not only food, but manure, getting into the soil, releases some chemical substances who are very fond of cucumbers. This positive reaction of cucumbers to the introduction of fresh manure during planting has been noticed by many. I have repeatedly read about this in various publications for gardeners.

Watering cucumbers is best with a watering can with a sprayer. If you start to jet, you may damage root system. By the end of summer, it is not recommended to water cucumbers abundantly, and the frequency should decrease significantly.

How to properly water cucumbers

On the beds on which beets, watermelons, melons, zucchini and other pumpkin vegetables grew before, cucumbers should not be planted.

When growing cucumber on a trellis

It is also good to feed cucumbers with diluted bird droppings and slurry mixed with mineral fertilizers (nitrophoska, superphosphate), which has very good results.

Layer 5 of a small amount of manure (or humus with ash);

Planting seedlings under frameless film shelters: 1 - central earthen roller; 2 - side rollers; 3 - furrow; 4 - seedlings; 5 - film.​

Every year, gardeners are tormented by the question of the correct choice of time for planting prepared seedlings. Indeed, on the one hand, you want to plant everything faster in order to enjoy the harvest earlier, and on the other hand, if you plant seedlings of cucumbers too early, there is a risk that it will freeze in unforeseen frosts and there will be no harvest.

Therefore, before planting, I use a shovel or a small spatula to dig a trench 10-15 cm deep on the cucumber bed so that there is room for adding organic matter. I specially reserve fresh cow dung for cucumbers. I lay it out in a cucumber trench, without chopping it - what pieces there are, large or small, I lay them out like that. Evenly, of course, it doesn’t work out, but it doesn’t really matter.

And do not think that ordinary cucumbers do not require top dressing - this should be done regularly at the beginning of flowering (first fertilizer) and every 10 days when fruiting. It is believed that in just a season there should be 6–8 root dressings.

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds can be done by laying in the holes both dry and specially prepared by soaking and hardening seeds. For soaking, the seeds are placed in a moistened cloth for 12 hours, for hardening they are kept for the same time at a temperature of -1 -0 ° C.

- Planting cucumber seeds under a bottle.

Remember! The main part of the nutrients of cucumbers is spent during fruiting. At this time, they need nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. In addition to simple minerals, complex ones with magnesium are needed. They are especially effective on poor light soils. Both universal fertilizer and hydrocomplex are suitable - 35-40 g per 10 liters of water. With prolonged cloudy weather, foliar top dressing of leaves with urea helps cucumbers well.

How to plant seedlings of cucumbers

Layer 6 of 20 cm of earth from the garden.

Seedlings ready for planting are sprouts with 2-3 green leaves and a root system that has filled the entire container. Planting seedlings occurs both in open and closed (greenhouse) soil.

When and why to plant seedlings

It is believed that in order to get tasty, beautiful, ripe and in large quantities cucumbers, it is necessary not only to properly care for them, but also to grow and plant them correctly to begin with. Gardeners know that the harvest will be more generous if seedlings are prepared in advance for planting. Cucumbers can also be grown at home, so preparing seedlings will not be difficult.

Various calendars with planting dates and recommendations printed directly on bags with seeds of one or another variety of cucumbers or any other vegetable come to the aid of gardeners. But you should always rely on your experience of previous years, focusing on natural climate change.​

One more thing, to the question of how to plant cucumbers in open ground. Cucumber seeds are best planted in sunny weather during the day, and seedlings in the evening, when the sun no longer bakes.

Between them, abundant watering must be followed, which is easy to combine with the introduction of organic matter. As an organic fertilizer, a solution of bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1 to 25, or mullein 1 to 10 is ideal. The application rate of solutions is approximately 5 liters per 1 m².​

Cucumber is unpretentious to the earthen layer, but grows better on light sandy and loamy soils with low acidity. It is this type of soil that is characterized by breathability and the ability to quickly absorb water. Availability ground water cucumbers do not like near the root system. As they do not like planting on those beds where beets and pumpkins used to grow.

How seedlings are planted

When the soil temperature has reached + 15 ° C, it is possible to plant in holes located at a distance of 0.5 m from each other in one or two rows. If you plan to use tying cucumber lashes to the trellis, the distance between the holes can be left equal to 0.2 m, and the distance between the rows can be left 0.3-0.4 m. Seeds are planted 3-5 pieces per hole to a depth of no more than 2 cm .​

When the night air temperature reaches 100C (not earlier than mid-April), then it's time to plant cucumbers under the bottle. We plant them immediately in a permanent place, in the pits. We dig holes of such depth that after planting the seeds, the depth of the hole remains 5-10 cm. pick).​

beds should be used. Since the ridges provide a number of advantages - the ridges are well warmed up, easily permeable to air, soil aeration does not worsen even after heavy rain or watering, the trellis improves the light regime of plants, facilitates the work of caring for them, saves space (on the same plot of land seedlings you can plant more for a trellis).

We also recommend spraying cucumber leaves with egg white every two weeks (we dilute 1 egg white on half a bucket of water). According to our observations, such a systematic treatment protects cucumber leaves from many diseases. But it doesn't heal! When the leaves began to turn yellow and dry, such a procedure would no longer be effective.

Approximately 2 days before planting seedlings, the bed is well spilled with hot water (preferably boiling water) and covered with a film. If it is not possible to wait a couple of days, then planting is done immediately after watering, while the ground is still warm (and preferably hot).

Ways to plant cucumbers, seed selection

It is very important to prepare seedlings for transplanting to a new place and to new conditions. Indeed, in the ground, the seedlings will be subject to a lower temperature, so you need to adapt it and increase its level of frost resistance. This procedure begins about a week before you plant it. To begin with, the temperature drops to about 16 ° C, and then the seedlings can be rearranged into the open air. In no case should cucumbers (already bushes) be left in the sun.

You need to know not only how to grow cucumbers, but also take into account all the nuances of this process, then your cucumbers will be of excellent quality.

Planting seedlings of cucumbers occurs in the spring. In order to grow cucumbers and enjoy them for as long as possible, it is necessary to protect them even at the stage of inception. That is, seedlings should not be rushed in any case. After all, the root system of cucumbers is very weak and not a single procedure will help make it stronger. Only supports and garters can help.

After the manure has been laid out in the beds, we cover it with a thin layer of soil. The trench will become smaller, but it should not be leveled with the edges. Then we water the grooves well. It is necessary to shed it very abundantly, maybe even in several doses, since moisture should be in the soil for a long time - this is necessary for seeds or seedlings if you plant seedlings.

Growing seedlings at home

Another desirable procedure is weed control. Both weeding and loosening the soil are simply necessary for cucumbers. But keep in mind that the cucumber root system can be easily damaged, as it is located very close to the topsoil.

Planting cucumbers in the ground has its own nuances. It is better to do this when the soil has already warmed up, and the temperature has reached about 15-17 degrees Celsius. It will be right if you prepare holes for sowing seeds at a distance of about 50 centimeters, and it is better if it is 2-3 rows.

When the sprouted shoots appear, the extra ones are thinned out by cutting them off with scissors, this will avoid damage to the root system of the remaining seedlings. When 4 or 5 leaves appear on the shoots of late cucumbers, the upper bud is pinched to accelerate the formation of flowers and fruits.

We water if the earth is not wet and cover with a bottle (from under mineral water, 1.5 - 2 l). We cut off the bottom of the bottle, but do not twist the cap. A bottle with a cut off bottom at the top must be closed with a lid. We deepen the bottle into the soil by 2-3 cm. In this micro-greenhouse, our cucumbers will be born. Up to

We plant cucumbers on a trellis (net) according to the scheme:

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so it is planted when the soil warms up over 100C at a depth of 10-15 cm. This is usually from late April to mid-May. If our seeds sprouted and the temperature suddenly dropped to 50C or lower, then we usually reseed such beds, as practice shows that the harvest from such beds will leave much to be desired.​


  1. To grow cucumbers, you need to plant seedlings around the period from April 15 to April 20, this is for planting in closed ground (in greenhouses). If cucumbers grow in open ground, then it is recommended to plant seedlings from May 10 to 15. Cucumbers planted in open ground are necessarily covered with foil.
  2. It will take approximately 3 weeks to grow seedlings at home (minimum 20 days). Given this fact, it is necessary to calculate the time when you can plant seedlings, so that when it is ready, you have a real opportunity to transplant it into closed (or open) ground.
  3. It is important to remember that cucumbers are grown from seeds, which, by the way, germinate very quickly, so you should not rush into planting them, as long-term protection at home will make cucumber seedlings even weaker.
  4. Then you should spread the cucumber seeds along the spilled trench. We lay out one seed at a sufficiently large distance from each other - 25-30 cm.
  5. Therefore, if you are afraid of harming your crop, you can simply use soil mulching.
  6. You can grow bushes using a trellis - then the required distance between the holes is 20 centimeters, and between the rows - 30-40. In this case, the sowing depth should be approximately 2 centimeters, and 4–5 seeds per hole. And general rule- with a seedless method, it is better to use pre-soaked seeds.
  7. Before the seedlings begin to bloom, they are watered moderately about 1 time per week. Flowering and fruiting plants need more abundant watering with a break of 2 or 3 days, with a lack of soil moisture, cucumbers acquire a bitter taste. Watering is preferably done in the evening with water, the temperature of which is + 25 ° C or slightly higher.

The process of planting finished seedlings in the ground

Yes, the beginning of May, you can not remove the bottles. And only when the daytime air temperature rises above 200C (when there is a risk that your seedlings can “cook” under the bottle), you will unscrew the caps so that the plants harden a little, first for half an hour, then more. Later, it will be possible to remove the entire bottle during the day, and put it back on and twist it at night. Then you will put the bottle on at night without a cap ... And when the night temperature reaches 150C and above, the bottles can be removed altogether. But it will be the end of May, not earlier.

The distance between the pits (seedlings) - 20 cm,

Cucumber is a moisture-loving crop. The need for water during growth and especially during fruit formation is very high. To obtain a high yield, it is important to carry out abundant watering after each drying of the top layer of the earth.

It is important to find a suitable place in the garden for the beds. It is necessary to take into account the fact that cucumbers should not be planted where other vegetables have grown before, as there is a risk of infecting cucumbers with viruses left over from another crop. Acceptable vegetables after which cucumbers can be grown are potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peas or cabbage. It is very important to disinfect the soil before planting cucumbers. This procedure is carried out using copper sulfate, with a solution of which the beds are shed (in the ratio of water to copper sulfate - 10 liters per 1 tbsp. L).

Growing cucumbers in open ground (planting seedlings)

The process of growing seedlings begins with the preparation of seeds, their germination and planting in small separate containers.

  1. We cover the spread out seeds with soil and lightly clap the palm of our hand on top so that the seeds are firmly pressed on all sides to the ground.

If you do everything right, you will get a good harvest. By the way, you also need to be able to collect it correctly - it is necessary to prevent the fruits from drying out and collect as they ripen.

And one more advice from professionals is to constantly thin out seedlings so that weak plants do not take moisture and minerals from strong ones. Weak sprouts are better not to pull out, but to cut. This will avoid injuring the root system of other cucumbers. A

  • So that the soil does not erode, exposing the roots, and to avoid damage to the cucumber lashes, watering cans equipped with a spray should be used. When the air temperature drops in autumn, cucumber beds are watered less frequently and less abundantly so that root rot does not develop.
  • For seeds, we always leave the first fruits from the root. It is a pity to leave the first cucumbers for seeds. But it has been noticed that in such seeds, in the future, the ovary begins to appear from the same place (in the first leaf nodes from the root). And in seeds collected from forks at a distance of a meter or more from the root, the first ovary will give empty flowers. The seeds collected from pumpkins and zucchini behave similarly.
  • Row spacing - 100 cm.
  • Regular fruit picking is also necessary (at least 2-3 times a week). Large fruits take a lot of strength and nutrients from the plant, which leads to a reduction in further yield.
  • ​​
  • Cucumbers in open ground are planted only with seedlings. Cultivation is done through the use of two methods, each of which will require the preparation of beds.​

Growing seedlings at home has its own characteristics in the process of growing and care, which must be known and taken into account so as not to ruin the seedlings and not be left without a crop.

Planting seedlings and growing them is not so difficult. Of course, many sow seeds directly into the ground, and many manage to reap good yields. But still, planting ready-made seedlings is much more reliable.

We will water the planted seeds one more time until the contours of the trench are guessed. And for the last time, pour the entire garden with water from a watering can to wet all the soil in the garden.

There are two most common ways to plant cucumbers in the garden. The first is seeds. The second is seedlings. Let's talk about the first. The answer to the question of how to plant cucumbers in open ground is important for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Naturally, landing time is an important factor.​

Here, in late varieties, you need to carefully pinch the apical bud - but this should be done only when 4 or 5 leaves appear

cultivation of cucumbers, cucumbers on a trellis, cucumbers under a bottle |

Plant nutrition contributes to good fruiting. The first must be done when the cucumber bushes begin to bloom. Fruiting plants need top dressing at intervals of 10 to 15 days. Top dressing is applied to moist soil. As an organic fertilizer, chicken manure diluted with water at a concentration of 1 to 25 or mullein is used at a concentration of 1 part of manure 10 parts of water. For 1 square meter of planting, about 5 liters of solution are used.In addition to the usual bee-pollinated cucumbers, we always plant hybrids. Although they depart faster than usual, they differ large quantity ovaries and fruits practically do not outgrow, which is very convenient at the time of harvesting them for the winter.We sow seeds in 2-3 pieces, sprinkle with a layer of soil, 2-3 cm thick. We slightly moisten the soil, but do not water it so that a crust does not form on the surface of the earth before germination. If the soil is dry, then shed holes, then plant the seeds. This moisture will be enough for the seed to swell and germinate.

When planting seeds in open ground, add a half-liter jar of bulk manure or

It is important not to forget that cucumbers love moisture very much. The more often they are watered, the tastier they become. The fruits are harvested as they grow. If the variety of grown cucumbers suits you, at the end of summer you will need to collect seeds for the next year.

Horizontal landing. Cucumbers with this method of cultivation creep along the ground. Planting takes place in round holes located at a sufficient distance.​

The process of picking seedlings.

Seedlings are grown in small containers with soil, where seeds are laid in 2-3 pieces. So you can increase the likelihood of a sprout. As soon as the seedlings appear, all unnecessary must be removed so that nothing interferes with growth.

Now the cucumber bed needs to be covered, as they love high humidity. Before emergence, you can cover the bed with a film directly on top of the ground, or you can install arcs and stretch the film over them.

Many people think that it is necessary to plant, the sooner the better. This is the wrong decision, because cucumber is a heat-loving plant. If it is planted in cold soil when the earth has not yet warmed up to + 15ºС, then it will certainly grow, but early planting is one of the reasons for the large number of barren flowers - cucumbers will bloom, but there will be no ovaries or there will be very few of them.

We plant cucumbers with seeds in open ground

. This will significantly speed up the appearance of inflorescences and ovaries.

For cucumbers, weed removal and loosening of the soil bring significant benefits, instead of which, due to the superficial location of the roots, it is better to use mulching, which also reduces the frequency of watering.

In our latitudes, cucumbers are one of the most popular and beloved vegetable crops with excellent palatability both fresh and canned. When planting them with seeds in open ground, some rules should be followed.

After sowing seeds or planting seedlings (you can postpone this procedure until real leaves appear on seedlings), we install a grid (trellis) up to 1.8 m high for further formation of cucumber lashes on it. Not bad as well early stage development, remove flowers and ovary up to 6-7 leaves. At the same time, you lose the first earliest fruits, for the formation of which the plants use their strength, but then you will have a more powerful branch on the trellis. Although this procedure is not required. Further, in the process of growth and development of the cucumber, we tie its whips to the trellis.

Humus, a tablespoon of ash, mix it all right in the hole.

Cucumber is moisture-loving (dry soil - no harvest). ​

Vertical landing. Planting cucumbers takes place on narrow long beds. In this case, it is required to provide support (special nets or ropes along which the plants will trail and climb up). This method requires the provision of a sufficient amount of light, especially in the case of organizing several beds at once, in order to prevent the plants from blocking the sun's rays.

Since the root system of the cucumber sprout is very weak, the transplanting process is undesirable for them. In order to avoid injury when transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is recommended to grow seedlings in special cardboard pots that are perfectly torn during transplantation without damaging the root system.

Gardeners prefer to plant cucumbers in the ground, starting with individual small cups, followed by transplanting the grown seedlings into larger containers. Although others adhere to the position that they can be sown initially in a large container and not disturb the sprouts with the transplanting process.

I draw your attention to the fact that before the emergence of seedlings, the bed should be covered with a film, and not with a covering material. Due to the fact that the bed was watered abundantly, condensation immediately forms on the film. More cucumbers do not need to be watered - wait until shoots appear. Moisture will not evaporate through the film, and the humidity will be enough for the comfortable development of plants. That is, the film is required, otherwise the desired microclimate for cucumbers will not be achieved.

Often, gardeners do not associate one with the other - early planting in unheated soil with a huge number of barren flowers or a small crop.

These plants, as we have said, love warmth. Cucumbers are afraid of frost and when the temperature drops to 15 degrees Celsius, they slow down growth, and at 10 degrees they stop growing completely. To create optimal conditions, a cucumber needs an air temperature of 25–30 degrees Celsius, air humidity of at least 70%.​ Cucumber seeds can be planted in the following ways: When growing cucumbers in open ground, the following conditions should be provided for them:

This method allows you to accelerate the fruiting of cucumbers in the open field by two to three weeks. That is, it is good to have both sown cucumbers in open ground and planted cucumbers from seedlings.

We plant cucumbers according to the scheme:

Cucumber is photophilous (but puts up with partial shade). ​

Each gardener has the right to choose a suitable and more convenient method of planting for him. But it is worth noting that often hybrids are designed only for a vertical landing method. It is important to know and remember that with any method, careful soil preparation is required.

Of course, the cups can be different, for example, plastic, but it is important to foresee how the sprouts will be taken out of them with the least risk to the roots.

Seedling growing method

It is undesirable to use clay soil for growing seedlings, but this is not a problem, because in stores you can now buy any soil with various additives, fertilizers, and so on. Many have their own excellent land, which is just being used.​

After germination, periodically open the film, especially in hot weather, to prevent thermal burns. But the film is completely removed only after the appearance of flowers on the seedlings.

It is advised to plant cucumbers in well-warmed soil.

As for watering, the most important thing in this matter is constancy. Raised on the ridge - cucumber lashes freely spread along the ground, receiving a sufficient amount of lighting, but at the same time, fruits should be picked very carefully, without injuring the stems and without changing their position, as this can slow down fruiting. Sufficient sunlight and abundant watering;

Cucumber seedlings when planted in open ground should have 2-3 true leaves (2-3 weeks after germination). Cucumbers have a small feature. The root system of cucumbers is very sensitive to even the slightest damage. No matter how hard you try, as a result of the usual seedling method of transplanting (a root with a clod of earth), a large percentage of plants are obtained with a further lag in growth. Cucumber seedlings planted in open ground in this way spend a lot of time on taking root, which is not desirable, since we plant them in order to get an early harvest.​ The distance between the pits is 40-50 cm, Cucumber is thermophilic (temperatures below 100C adversely affect development).

So the soil ideal should be a layer cake. Soil preparation takes place taking into account the characteristics of the root system of a particular plant. Cucumbers have a superficial root system, so the beds are prepared in this way:

Selected seedling containers are filled with substrates (nutrient mixture needed for seedlings, which can be purchased at a gardening store). Although experienced gardeners prepare this mixture on their own from peat, humus and sawdust.

A few words about collecting your seeds

Planting potted seedlings: a - formation of a hole; b - a hole filled with water; c - placement of seedlings in the hole; g - planting a pot with seedlings.

I offer you another experience in planting cucumbers in open ground - video:

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds: growing features

In the Kuban, these are usually dates starting from the last ten days of April. Of course, our spring can also be protracted, cold, rainy - then the timing of planting cucumbers is shifted, sometimes even by 1-1.5 weeks, but preferably no later than May 5-7.

landing conditions

So, before flowering, you need to water moderately, using 3-6 liters per 1 m². We carry out such watering every 6–7 days.

  • Tying cucumbers to trellises - allows you to save space on the site, provide ease of care, fruit picking, reduce the incidence of plants with sufficient access to air and light.
  • Plant seeds in warm time the year after the threat of late frost has passed;
  • Therefore, we recommend two effective ways getting an early harvest of cucumbers:
  • Row spacing - 50-60 cm.
  • Don't forget about crop rotation. We do not grow cucumbers in the same beds every year. In the place chosen for cucumbers, pumpkin crops (cucumbers, zucchini, squash) should not have grown in the previous year. Good predecessors for cucumbers are crops such as potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes.
  • Layer 1 of coniferous spruce branches or chopped brushwood;


Cups with planted seeds must be stored in a warm place where the temperature regime provides for a mark of at least 25 ° C. Seedlings should be watered once a week and only with warm water. Until the moment sprouts appear, the containers must be covered with a film to avoid moisture evaporation.

Growing cucumbers takes place in the open field, but the most commonly used option is the preliminary cultivation of seedlings at home. Both methods guarantee an excellent harvest. The choice of one of them depends only on the personal preferences of a particular gardener, because each of the methods has both pros and cons.

Cucumbers are a favorite vegetable on any table. But this fruit will be even tastier if you grow it with your own hands. Cucumbers are planted with seedlings, which are prepared in the spring at home. Before you start growing cucumbers, you need to learn more about the whole process of work in more detail, armed with tips.​

Watering rows with cucumbers

We, of course, will get the best harvest with the optimal planting dates for cucumbers - the end of April. I also want to get my cucumbers early.

During the period of flowering and the appearance of cucumbers, it is necessary to water abundantly - about 6–12 liters per 1 m², and watering should be done every 2 days.

Planting seeds in barrels or bags three-quarters filled with plucked weeds, tops, rotted manure and the remaining space with earth. This method of growing when covering crops with a film on metal arcs allows you to sow the seeds earlier and get an earlier harvest, it can also serve as a decoration for the site with beautifully hanging shoots.

Landing on an easy fertile soil with neutral acidity, which allows water and air to pass well to the roots of plantings;

Varieties of planting cucumbers in open ground

- Planting seedlings of cucumbers in a glass

  1. ​Cucumbers can be grown in almost all types of soils with adequate drainage and aeration, although light, humus-rich soils are preferred. Experience shows that cucumbers respond well to the application of organic fertilizers. When growing cucumbers, a constant and uniform supply of plants with nutrients is necessary.
  2. layer 2 of compost;

In such an environment, seedlings make themselves felt already on the 5-6th day. If the temperature is lower, then the germination process will be noticeably delayed, for example, the first shoots will only be in 10 days.

  • Cucumbers the best varieties for open ground

People who have summer cottages or even small gardens, they prefer to grow vegetables on them. And the most popular of them are cucumbers. However, when we plant cucumbers in the ground, we hardly understand whether we are doing it right. Indeed, in order to obtain a good harvest, it is important not only to properly care for the plants, but also to correctly plant them in the soil, having previously prepared it, choosing a suitable place on the existing site.

Growing cucumbers in the ground - the main features

Cultivation of cucumbers will not cause any additional difficulty if the gardeners correctly approach the solution of the task. First of all, it should be understood that this crop has its own special requirements, given which high yields can be achieved. For example, cucumbers love a lot of light, moisture and heat, being one of the most thermodependent vegetable crops. Cucumber is a crop that is suitable for growing in absolutely any soil. Nevertheless, preference should still be given to fertile loamy options or those chemical composition which is close to neutral. These soils have a light texture and clean moisture, moreover, they are easily penetrated by air.

When choosing a place for growing cucumbers, summer residents should also consider the issue of the groundwater level in the area, since cucumber roots cannot stand cold waters that are too close. Planting almost all plants on the site, including planting cucumbers, involves the introduction of crop rotation, that is, it is impossible to plant the same crops on the same plantation from year to year. For getting good harvests several plants have been identified that are the best predecessors of cucumbers in the garden. This is almost any greens - onions, cabbage, beans and even tomatoes with potatoes. It is permissible to plant them in the ground before sowing cucumbers in it. It is not allowed to plant cucumbers in the soil where beets or pumpkins have grown before.

In addition to preparing the site, the yield and effective growth of cucumbers is also affected by maintaining proper temperature regime in a greenhouse. Gardeners who encounter for the first time should learn that this plant cannot tolerate frost and quickly responds to temperature changes. environment: even when it drops to +15°C, plant growth slows down dramatically, and at 10°C and below it stops completely. The following environmental conditions are considered optimal for cucumbers: the air temperature should vary from 25 to 30 ° C, the humidity level should be below 80%.

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The best neighbors for cucumber and competent watering of plants

One of the best neighbors of cucumbers is corn. It is recommended to plant it on the north side of the beds in two or three rows, preferably in a checkerboard pattern. Moreover, not far from the cucumbers, it is advised to plant radishes, coriander, which, with their flowering, will attract pollinating insects. good cucumbers grow next to peas, beans, cauliflower, celery and ordinary cabbage, sunflower and different types lettuce.

Cucumbers need to be watered in different ways, depending on the stage of growth. For example, at the beginning of the growing season, even before flowering, watering should be moderate - 3 - 6 liters per 1 m². Watering should be repeated every 5 days. During flowering and fruiting, plants should be watered abundantly, pouring 10 - 12 liters per 1 m². During this period, cucumbers should be watered every other day. These rules should not be neglected, since the lack of moisture will not only reduce the number of cucumbers harvested, but also affect their quality, taste properties, adding bitterness. Plants should only be watered with warm water. In the case when you grow them outdoors, watering is recommended in the evening, and those cucumbers that grow in a greenhouse should be watered only in the morning.

To preserve the structure of the soil and prevent damage to the roots and shoots of plants, it is necessary to use a watering can with a fine spray during the irrigation process. By the end summer season the frequency of watering, as well as its volume, must be reduced. Otherwise, excess moisture in cool soil will cause the development of root rot. Moreover, regular feeding is recommended. The first top dressing is done when the first flowers appear on the plants, and the next - every two weeks until the first fruits appear. Thus, your cucumbers should be fed up to 8 times in one season. The soil must be well watered before fertilization.

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Cucumber Planting Methods

Cucumber seeds, like almost all others, are best processed before sowing.

Exist various methods growing cucumbers. Most often they are grown on ridges. The uniform distribution of plants on it allows you to maximize the use of sunlight. Therefore, the process of growth and ripening of fruits will take place more actively. However, this method of growing plants requires very careful care, in which it is important not to disturb the stems and leaves of the plants. After all, a change in the position of the stems leads to a violation of the orientation of the plates in space, the restoration of which requires a long time and effort from the entire bush.

You can also grow cucumbers on a trellis. This method is suitable for those who wish to plant and harvest a high yield of cucumbers. With this method of growing on ridges protected from drafts, cucumbers are planted in two rows.

Growing cucumbers in barrels is also a good way. It uses metal or wooden barrels filled with hay, manure and a layer of soil on top. Before sowing seeds, it is better to close the barrel for a week with a film. Then seeds are laid out in it, which are sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. When the third leaf appears on the plant, you need to put the supports and start to water them regularly and abundantly.

This non-standard method allows you to save space, minimize maintenance work, while vegetables remain clean and convenient to harvest without disturbing the stem and foliage.

And the harvest appears much earlier than with the traditional method of cultivation.

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Technique for planting plants in the ground

There are several cultivation options, they can be planted with dry seeds directly into the ground, or they can be pre-soaked so that they give roots and sprout. The best option will be if you spend time and effort on the complete preparation of seeds and beds, including not missing the stage of soaking and seed germination. Seeds can be sown in open ground only when the soil warms up, that is, its temperature will be at least 17 ° C. Prepare for planting holes with a depth of 50-60 cm, they are recommended to be arranged in 2 rows. If you decide to grow cucumbers on a trellis, then the holes should be made 20 cm deep, leaving 30-40 cm between adjacent rows. Put 5 seeds in each of the holes. The permissible planting depth is up to 2 cm. After a while, the seedlings of plants need to be thinned out. At the same time, the extra seedlings are not pulled out, but carefully cut out of the ground, so as not to in any way injure the roots of the plants being transplanted and remaining in the garden.

In our latitudes, the cultivation of cucumbers in open ground is very common, with the right selection of seed varieties, placement of plantings on the site and proper care for them, the result of labor will be very good. At the first stage, before planting seeds for seedlings, you should choose a place on the site, the conditions of which will best meet the needs of this garden culture.

Soil selection

The best type of soil for planting cucumbers are neutral, slightly alkaline and slightly acidic may be suitable. An excellent option is fertile loam or sandy loam soil. Other types of soil should be specially prepared for growing cucumbers: add compost to sandy soil, add peat to clay soil, and sawdust will also give a good result. The area where you are going to plant cucumbers should be well lit, as the lack of sunlight will adversely affect the yield of plants.

On the other hand, scorching rays are also harmful and can burn leaves and damage shoots, so in southern regions it is better to plant cucumbers on the eastern or western slopes of the garden. In the northern latitudes, the optimal conditions for planting cucumbers are beds located on the south side. Equally important when choosing a site for planting cucumbers is the level of standing groundwater. If it is high and the roots of the plant are in constant moisture, they die off, leading to the death of the bush.

In this case, the only way out may be the construction of bulk ridges. Starting to create them should be in the fall. best destination for the ridge, it is considered west-east, especially for areas whose conditions are characterized by low temperatures in winter and long frosts in spring.

Soil preparation

Before planting cucumbers in open ground, it should be properly prepared. In autumn, the soil is dug up and disinfected with solutions that kill pathogens. For this purpose, the area is irrigated with 0.5% Bordeaux liquid or a solution of copper sulphate. If the soil is very depleted, you can add compost to it before planting cucumbers. Fertilization of fertile soils is carried out in the spring, shortly before sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

First, the ground is leveled with a rake, removing emerging weeds, then, about 10 days before planting, it is dug up with compost or manure (about 10–15 kg per 1 m2) and complex mineral fertilizers. If the garden is small and it is necessary to economically spend every square meter, in a good way growing cucumbers is the use of some kind of support, for example, tying lashes to trellises.

It is desirable that cucumbers be planted in open ground with a change of location every 2–3 years, otherwise the yield of this crop may decrease. Cucumbers are recommended to be planted in the beds where legumes, cabbage, and peppers were previously grown. It is undesirable that there are beds with potatoes nearby. The bed, on which cucumbers will be planted in open ground by means of seeds or seedlings, should be 15–20 m high and protected from wind gusts by a small earthen rampart.

Methods for sowing seeds in open ground

Planting cucumbers in open ground can be performed:

  • Sowing dry seeds;
  • Planting germinated seeds;
  • seedlings.

The first way is sowing dry seeds. It is most suitable for early sowing, when the ground is still slightly warm and pre-germinated seeds may begin to rot. Dry seeds should be planted when the air temperature is stably kept at 15 degrees, and the soil warms up to 12 degrees.

Before planting seeds, you need to make a groove in the soil 2-3 cm deep, or holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other. In the hole, the seeds are placed flat on 3 pieces, the distance separating them should be approximately 10 cm. Cucumbers do not tolerate dense planting; the lateral lashes of plants in this case develop poorly. Therefore, it is necessary to thin out the plants when the seedlings germinated from the seeds show a few true leaves.

The second way to grow a crop is to plant germinated seeds. It is necessary to ensure that the sprouts do not overgrow, their length should not exceed 0.5 cm, as the grown plants will be weak and give a poor harvest. The conditions for thinning plantings are the same as in the first method, developing bushes should be located at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Immediately after planting, watering should be done every day with warm water. After the emergence of seedlings, the frequency of watering decreases somewhat - it is performed at intervals of 1-2 days. With a significant decrease in air temperature, seedlings do not need to be watered.

Growing seedlings for open ground

Planting cucumbers in open ground with pre-grown seedlings contributes to an earlier harvest compared to sowing through seeds (about 15 days). To grow it from seeds, you can use a greenhouse or an unshaded window sill. Cucumbers should be planted directly in the ground or in special paper cups, distributing the seeds at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other.

This method of growing seedlings from seeds is good because the plant, when transplanted to a permanent place in the garden, does not need to be removed from the paper container, therefore, injury to the root system is excluded.
At a sufficient depth of fertile soil, sprouts started from seeds give a lot of lateral root buds, which ensure the endurance of the future seedling.

To prepare nutrient soil, you can mix peat with humus in equal proportions by adding a couple of glasses of wood ash and a quarter cup of superphosphate to 10 liters of the mixture. You can start sowing seeds in the 20th of April, distributing one per pot. Until shoots appear, watering is done daily. Usually the seeds germinate after 4 or 5 days, after another 10 days it will be possible to plant the grown cucumber sprouts in open ground.

By the time of planting, the seedlings should be hardened off by slowly lowering the temperature until the conditions of its maintenance correspond to those in which the plants will grow in a permanent place. It should be borne in mind that cucumbers are highly demanding on ambient temperature, illumination of the beds, and soil moisture. Seedlings can be planted in open ground conditions when daytime temperatures reach 22–25° C, night temperatures reach 17° C.

Features of caring for cucumbers in the open field

Cucumbers are planted in open ground in the evening, after watering the plants. Caring for cucumbers includes hilling the trunk of bushes.

Falling asleep of the lower part of the trunk with earth contributes to the appearance of additional kidney roots, which ensure the fertility of the shoots.
Hilling is recommended to be done when the lashes start up 2-3 knees, as well as during the flowering period. Turning the lashes and shifting them to another place should be avoided - this can lead to a decrease in yield and even to the drying of the shoots.

In industrial regions, the air is polluted with harmful emissions, so the dew that falls in the morning can adversely affect the development of cucumber bushes. Morning watering from a watering can to wash off the dew that has fallen from the leaves will eliminate its adverse effect.

It is desirable to protect the whips from gusts of wind in order to increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, which is necessary for the formation of flowers and ovaries.
The introduction of organic matter before planting cucumbers using seeds or seedlings will also increase its content in the surrounding atmosphere.

Popular varieties of cucumbers for open ground

Varieties of cucumbers, the seeds of which can be planted directly in open ground:

  • Goosebump F1;
  • BenefitF1;
  • April F1;
  • Masha F1;
  • Fontanelle F1.

Diseases of cucumbers in the open field

Plant care also includes the prevention of damage to seeds and growing bushes by pathogens. Before planting cucumbers, you can disinfect dry soil with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. As a preventive measure, you can use dusting the seeds with wood ash, spraying the leaves with an infusion of garlic or tobacco.