Layout of a one-room apartment: the best design options. Design of a one-room apartment (40 sq.

December 7, 2017 / / to / from

Real estate is not a cheap pleasure, so not everyone can buy a huge apartment. That is why most people live in small apartments, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is limited, and each square meter plays a big role. In such cases, preference is given to a studio apartment, since everything is in one place, conveniently located and remains in sight. If the dimensions of housing are about 40 squares, then it is difficult to afford furniture delights. With the right approach to solving the problem, you can create not only a functional, but also a stylish interior.

Possible difficulties

The most difficult thing is to organize the space correctly and rationally in an apartment with a small area. No matter how much you want, but housing should have a kitchen and a living room, a bedroom, a place for children and invited guests. Therefore, you will have to carefully think over the space, equipping all these functional areas.

Creating everything harmoniously is not easy, but it is possible if you stick to one specific style and give your preference to functionality over clutter. For functional zoning, it is necessary to designate the exact boundaries between the personal and guest areas.

Original ideas and tricks

During the arrangement of housing and the choice of the optimal style, you need to resort to various tricks that can improve the interior and benefit it.

First of all, you need to do zoning, for a clear division of the apartment into zones, it is better to use furniture. To do this, you need to use racks, abandoning the screens. Large desks it is better to replace with secretaries, and instead of a closet, buy a large and roomy chest of drawers. If everything is planned correctly, then you can make the space not only functional, but also visually large.

Everything that is not mandatory must be excluded. Modern interior can easily exist without a wall and a sofa (except for the case when it is a sleeping place), large sofas that occupy extra square meters. Now the choice of the buyer is offered a lot of comfortable and compact furniture, the practicality of which is not inferior to the old counterparts. That is why it is better to give preference to just such furniture, to create a functional interior.

For example, it is better for the family to gather to watch TV on a cozy sofa, chairs in this case will be superfluous. Guests can be offered stylish pillows with which it is convenient to sit on the floor, and if desired, they can be quickly hidden in a closet. Instead of a separate workplace, you can use kitchen table, it is enough to sit down with a laptop for it. In this case, instead of the working area, you can build a nursery or recreation area.

It is necessary to adjust the color scheme, because you always want to fill your home with bright elements, but here it is advisable to keep yourself within the limits. It is best to use only bright nuances, such as textiles or bright small furniture, which will increase the space visually, and not vice versa.

The dining area is best placed in the room, as the kitchen is often limited in free space. In this case dinner table can be used as a worker, and this will avoid piling up. Designers advise to pay attention to round-shaped tables, although they seem large, they look neater.

A very good idea would be to use the wall above the bed. Often only a picture is hung there, but in vain. By arranging convenient shelves, you can optimize the space, but not everyone is ready for this. In this case, for starters, it is proposed to hang one small shelf, and when it becomes habitual, you can build something more weighty, the main thing is to take care of a reliable fastening system.

Housing zoning

Initially, the free space seems pleasant and original, but after a while this may begin to cause some discomfort, since this apartment does not have privacy. This problem is especially critical in the case when a large family lives at home, especially with children.

It is difficult to divide the area into zones, real walls are not applicable here, so it is better to use fabric as a partition, or wide cabinets. The partition can be made of drywall, and it is better to buy a cabinet with open shelves. The podium can be not only interesting in appearance, but also functional. By hiding a bed on casters under the podium, you can save additional meters.

Hidden storage areas

Among such areas, it is worth highlighting a section of the wall above the sofa or table, it is best to place racks and shelves here. Shelves or small cabinets can also be placed in the corners. The ceiling of the corridor can be equipped with mezzanines, where you can hide all unnecessary things. If the room has a large window sill, then a compact chest of drawers can be installed under it.

The choice of furniture and its features

Standard furniture does not fit well into the interior of modern housing with limited space, so it is better to order multifunctional furniture to order.

If the option of individual assembly turned out to be expensive, then you can resort to one of the universal options:

  • Modular furniture - "constructor for adults". The advantage is that it is adjusted to the dimensions of the room, you can place the furniture anywhere, and the combination will allow you to organize the space as efficiently as possible.
  • Sliding wardrobe - convenient and practical option, it is best to put a cabinet height from floor to ceiling.
  • Transformers are comfortable and functional furniture. For example, a special folding table that turns into storage for toys or an armchair that easily transforms into a chest of drawers. Folding bed - hides in the closet.

Interior styles

It is best to give preference to styles with light shades:

  • Classical.
  • European.
  • Minimalism.

Such styles can not only create a pleasant atmosphere, but also visually enlarge a small space. Organizing the area of ​​​​the apartment is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to responsibly approach this matter, focus only on yourself and your taste. All the nuances and aspects must be taken seriously, and during the design, take into account the habits of the household.


When it becomes necessary to create an apartment design of 40 square meters, it is very important to take into account two things: this area is quite enough to implement global bold decisions, and also that all square meters should be as functional and useful as possible for the owners of the new home. To achieve the convenience of planning, to make the room in which you will live original, so that there is always something to surprise guests with, you need to use interesting tricks, prepare a detailed project, and not be afraid to experiment.

Where does the renovation start?

The theater begins with a hanger, and the design is one room apartment, including the studio with the creation of the project. Documentation and sketches will help calculate approximate cost, as well as get a clearer idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a one-room space will become in the near future.

Such a project will be successful if you immediately pay attention to several points:

  • general budget, including contingency fund;
  • features of the layout of the apartment, competent use of all niches and ledges;
  • number of permanently resident family members in 1 room apartment 40 sq m, taking into account the requests of each of them;
  • presentation and style selection;
  • clear distribution of all required attributes and interior elements.

Application of design ideas

Today, ideas for changing the configuration of a room are especially popular - combining or dividing the area. However, the relevance of such decisions may not be applicable to absolutely everyone. For example, if the family has a child, then the project of combining the living room and kitchen can be safely put aside, since in this case the housing will not be functional. Under such circumstances, you can consider installing a capital glass partition with a curtain, but you should approach an unusual solution very carefully and carefully.

The stylistic design ideas for a 1-room studio of 40 sq. M are varied, they can be in different directions:

  • classical severity;
  • ascetic minimalism;
  • natural eco-style;
  • modern high-tech;
  • rustic country;
  • elegant Provence;
  • cheeky art style.

Some ideas allow you to mix them organically, add something new and original. Here you will find various methods zoning of the room: from beautiful wooden partitions to interesting transparent samples. Trend trends in the design of one-room apartments with an area of ​​40 square meters are associated with the play of contrasts, the allocation of secluded "islands". You can consider a project to create mirror zones to visually expand the space.

How to make the right choice

The project may be design solutions that will reveal the nature of the owners one-room apartment. In the interior of a 1-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq m, you can display calmness, where there will be no excessive pretentiousness and flashy elements. Or vice versa, bright accents and immediately striking objects that exude positive aggression will find their place in the design.

Sleeping area design

Minimalism in a 1-room studio of 40 sq m can be elegant. For normal life, a person needs healthy sleep. If we talk about a one-room studio apartment, in which the area is at least 40 sq m, then it is possible to use part of the usable space to create a special niche. Then you get a design where sleeping place it will turn out to be as if on a pedestal, which will make the selected area aesthetically beautiful, as well as practical, since there will be a place where to put overall things.

The ideal place in a 1-room studio to place a bedroom set would be near the window opening, which can be decorated with short curtains. Such curtains will not take away "extra" centimeters of usable area, their maintenance will be easier, and their operation will be easier. The design will turn out very successful, and the layout is functional.

We must not forget that the natural artificial lighting visually expand the boundaries of a one-room apartment.

Despite the fact that the area in a one-room apartment of 40 square meters is not so small, you will need to use some tricks that will help visually increase the space.

Will make the room more spacious:

  • competent selection of colors, where light pastel colors will dominate;

  • arranging massive furniture along one wall, buying cabinets with closed doors;

  • the location of the dining area or seating area in the center of the room;

  • installation of glass partitions, light screens and sliding doors;

  • decoration various items a mirror or glossy surface and the removal of all visible sharp corners;

  • providing maximum access to natural light.

kitchen area

A project in which a fully built-in headset is made in a light color scheme is a practical and reasonable solution for the interior design of the dining area of ​​a one-room apartment. Items kitchen set must be functional and stylish. In order to make the dining area of ​​a one-room studio as useful as possible, there are many solutions that will ensure its rapid transformation into a workplace.

The corner area, which is located near the opposite wall of the kitchen, can be made in more dark colors. This design will allow you to organically place there soft sofa small sizes. If the common room of the kitchen contains mostly solid colors, then a picture of the Provence era, made in a carved frame, will harmoniously fit over the sofa.

A project where the design of the kitchen is done mainly in glossy surfaces, a sliding table is installed, a clear division of the area is observed, which will help to visually increase the space without losing functionality.

Living Room Design Ideas

To separate the kitchen area and the living room, you can use a wooden or artificial small partition, which may be suitable for installing a TV. Or transparent glass, which will look original and will bring a modern element that emphasizes the chosen design.

It is optimal to place a comfortable soft sofa and a seating area for receiving friends in the living room. In the corner can be located a spacious closet with large quantity shelves This item will not look voluminous if you choose the appropriate combination of colors in which the cabinet will merge with the main wall. The project can include several chairs and a small table located in the center so that it is comfortable to drink tea while having a pleasant conversation with guests.

If blue, light pink, beige shades that bring comfort and relaxation. When preparing a design for a living room, they usually choose: golden, light green or brown colors.

The main thing is to try so that the interior of a 1-room apartment is not overloaded with details, unnecessary decor items, bulky furniture or “heavy” shades. Bright houseplants, large aquariums, elegant elements of individual design will create lightness and freshness of the atmosphere of your one-room apartment.

In this article, you will learn that the design of a one-room apartment of 40 square meters can be very comfortable, free and admirable, if approached correctly. Dekorin presents you more than 15 projects and design options for 40 sq. m., combining comfort, style and smart layout! In the article we will talk about modern trends in interior design in 2019.

40 sq. m. - this is the average area of ​​one-room apartments in most modern high-rise buildings. Unlike Khrushchev, whose area is 28-32 square meters. m, these "odnushki" offer more variety in the layout and design of the space, and even open up the possibility of arranging 2 separate rooms - a bedroom and a living room or a common room and a nursery. Choose your design option.

1. Beautiful design of a studio apartment of 40 sq m - photo and floor plan

The owner of this apartment wanted the design of her apartment to be clean, simple, elegant and timeless. What do you think: did the designer manage to achieve this?

To make the interior look more spacious, all the individual areas of this apartment were directly connected to each other. The kitchen is combined with the living room, a transparent door leads to the bathroom, and the bedroom is separated from the living room by a semi-open partition in the form vertical blinds. And now, instead of several small rooms, we got one, but very free and stylish room!

Among other important design elements of this 40 sq m apartment, it is worth noting the light color palette and the absence of massive pendant lights that “steal” the air from the interior. Please note that built-in Spotlights along the perimeter of the ceiling of the living room, as it were, they separate this zone from the rest of the apartment.

2. Ukrainian apartment design 40 sq m - photo and 3D project

The next stylish apartment of 40 sq. m is located in Lviv and was designed by designers Roman Verbishuk, Yulianna Verba and Lyubov Lazoriv. As you can see in the photo, the kitchen here is much larger and more convenient than in the previous version. And the sofa and the bed, despite the fact that they stand almost back to back, are separated by a transparent glass partition.

As a result, the design of the apartment looks open and airy, and stylish tiles in the kitchen and bathroom bring an interesting twist to it.

3. Design of a two-room apartment on an area of ​​​​40 sq m - photo and plan

If in the previous version of the design of a one-room apartment 40 sq m, the choice was made in favor of large kitchen and bathroom, here - in favor of a spacious bedroom. However, as you can see, a glass partition was also installed here between the hall and the bedchamber to make the house look spacious and bright. The design also used natural materials in contrast with the bright hues of the interior. And by the way, fashionable geometric tiles played an important role in this design of the apartment!

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Once again, we ask you to pay attention to the lack of overall lamps, as well as open shelves and a bed on a platform with built-in drawers. Smart space saving in action!

4. Comfort and chic style in a 45 sq m apartment

By the design of this two-room apartment, you can’t say that it is only 45 sq. m! Built into the walls and behind the sofa, open shelving makes smart use of every square inch of space and even creates the illusion of extra height.

The dining area is combined with the living room, the bedroom is located in a separate room, but not big kitchen can be closed with a movable partition, which is very convenient when there is no time or energy to put things in order in it.

This studio apartment design was included in our list best projects largely due to the fact that it is installed here. It is this piece of furniture, combined with the laconic Scandinavian style, that makes this home look spacious, stylish and very cozy. And, of course, a window in the wall between the kitchen and the living room gives it even more charm and freedom.

6. Modern design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq m

Next on our list is a bright and juicy design apartment of 40 sq m in the city of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The concept of this dwelling was inspired by LEGO, so some parts of the interior - a TV stand, shelves, a kitchen, and even paintings on the wall - look like an interesting puzzle. Despite the bright accents, most of the interior was still done in white, and the neutral design of the bedroom is perfect for rest and relaxation. Getting into such an interior you will be charged positive emotions and you are in a good mood.

7. Design studio apartment 45 sq m - photo and project plan

This stunningly stylish 45 sqm apartment is located in Moscow and was designed by INT2 design studio. As befits a studio, it consists of only one room, which contains separate areas of the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Some of them are separated by small sections of walls, others by curtains. The design of the apartment is decorated in a beautiful combination of pastel colors, as well as Scandinavian and modern styles.

8. Unusual layout and design of a 1-room apartment of 40 sq m

This small one-room apartment stands out not only for its unusual layout, but also for its beautiful combination of Japanese and. Light wood tones and a neutral color palette are accentuated here with blue and yellow details, including sofa cushions, upholstered chair seats and wall paneling in the sleeping area. How do you like the idea?

9. Design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq m for mother and daughter

This studio apartment design was created by the Polish firm Pressenter Design especially for a mother with a 6-year-old daughter. Designed to meet the growing needs of the child, the home has been designed with a spacious study area complete with hanging cabinets for books and other supplies. Low TV stand and the same height coffee table combined with the overall minimalism of the design make this apartment very light and fresh, and the dark wood against the background of smooth white surfaces creates a simply chic effect. We believe that perhaps this design of a one-room apartment is also suitable for a married couple.

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10. Design of a two-room apartment 40 sq m: decoration of the living room and nursery

Probably, many readers of this article are concerned about the question: how to equip a separate children's room in the design of a two-room apartment of 40 sq m? As an answer, we offer you a photo of two apartments, where the living room is at the same time the parents' bedroom, and a separate nursery can easily accommodate 2 children. So that someone does not say that living in 40 square meters. meters can not afford a second child)))

The first of these apartments features a very elegant living room combined with cozy kitchen, and a bright children's room with a bunk bed in nautical style which so many kids love.

The second design of the two-room apartment of 40 sq m is made in the style of minimalism and is distinguished by multifunctional furniture, while the children's room has two separate single beds.

11. Modern apartment design 40 sq m with luxury elements

It is simply amazing, but this two-room apartment with a luxurious bedroom has an area of ​​​​only 37.5 square meters! A small hallway with a velvet banquette in a niche turns into a pretty spacious kitchen, and the main room is divided by a partition into a living room with a workplace and a very beautiful bedroom. As in most small apartments, White color was taken as a basis and diluted with bright accents of yellow (wall in the hallway, kitchen, chairs in the living room) and turquoise (bedroom) tones. In general, this small apartment in St. Petersburg looks fashionable and very comfortable. The design of a two-room apartment shown in the photo is an example of the most beneficial use of space!

12. Stylish design of a 40 sq m studio apartment with an ideal layout

The next two apartments on our list have a very similar layout, where only the bathroom is located in a separate room, and the entrance hall, kitchen, living room and bedroom are combined into one. For convenience, the bedroom can be separated from the living room by a glass partition with curtains or (as in the second version) by a flexible roll-up partition. Due to the absence of walls and doors (except for the bathroom), the overall lightness and spirituality of the interior is achieved. The stylish design of the studio apartment will become your business card when meeting guests.

As you can see, in the first case, an interesting design is used to decorate the interior and separate the kitchen from the hallway. decorative partition patterned from floor to ceiling. Unlike a solid wall, it maintains the unity of the space, bringing a little creativity into it, but nothing more. In the second option, designing the design of the studio apartment, the designers decided not to delimit these zones at all.

I wonder which design option for a one-room apartment of 40 sq m do you like more of these two? Share your opinion in the comments!

13. Luxurious design of an apartment of 35 sq. m.

While we are gradually approaching the end of this article, it is already obvious that transparent glass partitions between the hall and the bedroom are a key moment in creating a free and comfortable design for apartments up to 40 sq. This luxury apartment of 35 square meters is no exception. What makes it special is its bold design and color scheme - instead of light colors and minimalism, here we see bright purple and turquoise accents on a stylish gray background, as well as massive lamps (located in right place!), a fireplace and an absolutely stunning marble bathroom.

Who dares to say that this tiny dwelling is not luxurious?

Also read:

14. Modern apartment design 40 sq. m. in the style of Chinese minimalism

On the one hand, this design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq m includes only simple decorative elements, but together they create a very beautiful and cheerful atmosphere of the home.

Minimalist furniture with strict rectangular shapes looks very elegant and fresh against the backdrop of bright green, pink and purple accents. The bedroom, separated by a romantic translucent partition, has a large closet, and the bathroom, where the door from the kitchen-living room leads, has a narrow shower cabin, thanks to which it was possible to accommodate a washing machine.

15. Design of a studio apartment of 40 sq m in a youthful and creative style

We conclude our today's post with a very cute, youthful and cozy one-room apartment in the city of Arad, Romania. In addition to a pleasant color scheme that combines light neutral tones with details in almost every color of the rainbow, you can be pleasantly surprised by a partition wall in the living room, a bicycle in the bathroom, a platform bed and a hanging cabinet-table. Everything in this amazing apartment breathes love for life and the world around us! Perhaps the design of a studio apartment in a youth style will also appeal to older people.

We tried very hard to collect here the most diverse apartment designs for people with different tastes and needs. Therefore, we will be very glad to get your opinion. Please share with us and our readers: which design option for a one-room apartment of 40 sq m did you like more than others? What is more important to you: a large kitchen or a spacious bedroom? Comfort or practical minimalism? Transparent partitions or solid walls?

You can get even more ideas for the design of small apartments in our articles:

Design of a one-room apartment 40 sq m - best photos and projects for 2019 updated: January 23, 2019 by: Margarita Glushko

Apartment design 40 sq. m. should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also combine ergonomics and comfort. Owners of small apartments do not have access to such a luxury as buying furniture for beauty - each item must serve a purpose.

Consider which style is better to prefer for small apartments 40 sq. meters.

Author of the project
Author of the project
Project author interiors_dd

Even if the apartment is quite small, you want everything in it to be comfortable, beautiful and cozy. This task can be accomplished if the following rules are observed:

  • The color scheme is better to prefer light. White, beige and gray visually expand the space and make it lighter. If there is a need for bright accents, then it is better to take a neutral shade as a basis, and highlight the desired zones. Light design has another plus - it does not lose its relevance over time.
  • Lighting needs special attention. The semi-dark room visually becomes smaller, and the walls begin to put pressure on the owner. Multi-level lighting will become ideal solution for a small apartment. In practice, this advice can be implemented as follows: make LED lighting around the perimeter of the room, hang a chandelier and a couple wall lamps Near the sofa.
  • Do not overburden small rooms with decor.- paintings, stucco or carpets. The more minimalist the design of an apartment of 40 sq. m., the better. And visually expand the apartment of a mirror or an accent wall.
  • Curtains for windows should be chosen with care. It is better to abandon heavy curtains and use a plain fabric without a pattern, and for the day collect it with special pickups.

Design studio apartment in neo-classical style. Project photo

Studio apartments are very popular with buyers. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to organize the space of such premises, especially if not one, but several people live in the apartment.

As a rule, studio apartments have the shape of a rectangle or square. Since it is necessary to fit several zones at once in one room, it is important to make a layout of an apartment of 40 m2 before repair. Consider an example of one studio, made in the Scandinavian style.

Usually in one-room apartments, a folding sofa plays the role of a bed. But in this project, a bedroom was made, separated from the living area by curtains. The location of the studio and the presence of several windows along two sides undoubtedly played into the hands of the designer. The interior of the 40-meter apartment uses a mixture of several styles: Scandinavian, neo-classical and minimalism.

The color scheme of a small 40-meter apartment is light, with rare splashes of blue and blue. Thanks to this solution, the room has more light and space. The lighting in the studio is multi-level and is located in a variety of places: above the bar, walls, ceiling, next to the bed.

A small living room is separated from the kitchen area by a bar counter and a bright sofa. Despite the small footprint, this apartment has plenty of storage space in the form of closed storage systems in the bedroom and hallway. The kitchen is only a few meters, but it has everything you need: a stove, an oven and a suite made in powdery pink.

Design of a one-room Khrushchev 40 sq. m. Photo

Khrushchevs were built as temporary housing. However, for several decades that they have existed, people have long begun to consider them a familiar element of the urban environment. But these buildings are unsightly only from the outside. If you put enough effort, inside you can make interesting apartment with an unusual design.

The first thing that the owners of a 1-room Khrushchev apartment with an area of ​​40 sq. m. - demolished all internal partitions. This resulted in a cozy living room, a small kitchen and a bedroom. In order to make the apartment even larger, the doors between the rooms were removed, leaving only a light screen in the recreation room. The owners decided not to follow the classic precepts and painted the walls brown.

Photo Khrushchev 40 meters with brown walls

A fuchsia-colored sofa and multi-colored tiles in the kitchen brought variety to the interior. In the design of a 1-room apartment of 40 sq. m. The lighting is also thought out: ceiling lamps are used in the working area, and table lamps are additionally installed in the bedroom and living room.

One bedroom apartment with separate bedroom. Project photo

Design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq. m. should be not only comfortable, but also functional. If there is not so much free space, but several people live in the room, then it would be logical to take the studio configuration as a basis and make several zones in one room at once. For example, in the bedroom there may be a sleeping place and an office, and in the kitchen there is a space for cooking and a small dining set. If you combine all these interior elements with a style, you can achieve a single concept.

In the one-room apartment shown in the photographs, white and brown are taken as the main colors. Competent zoning of the bedroom made it possible to put a table by the window that can be used for work. In the corner there is an armchair where you can read a book before going to bed.

In the kitchen, the design is made in a similar color scheme. The main accent in the room was photo wallpaper and a one-color wall with family photos placed on it. The cooking area is separated from a small makeshift living room by a bar counter. It is worth noting several levels of lighting: above the table, along the perimeter of the ceiling, above the stove and next to the sofa. The folding table can be easily removed, making room for a large company. Thanks to thoughtful design, this small apartment has everything you need for a comfortable life.

Photo odnushki with a bedroom of 40 square meters. meters

Studio apartment in loft style

Works used in the articlePerspective interior design studio

Loft is an architectural style characteristic of the end of the last century. He came from industrial premises - factories and plants with high ceilings and windows. It is characterized by a combination of several textures and coatings. The walls are usually finished with brick, wood or stone. Thanks to natural and original materials, the apartment becomes cozy and resembles a country house in its atmosphere.

For small apartments, it is usually not recommended to use a design in dark colors. However, sometimes a loft-style interior looks good even in small rooms. In the apartment shown in the photographs, one space is divided into several zones.

The main feature of the studio was not only a small area of ​​40 square meters. m., but also the wrong geometry, which added complexity. However, the owners managed to get out of the situation. The entrance hall and kitchen were conveniently located at the entrance, and the remote corner was given over to the bedroom. The light ceiling and the absence of heavy decor visually expand the space. All things are functional, but at the same time they do not clutter up the apartment. An example of a successful design project for a 40 meter apartment.

Studio apartment in modern style

Even a small studio can become cozy space with everything you need. The owners of a small apartment in Moscow were impressed by the light design, so they chose as the basis for the project modern style with white walls and bright accents of blue and yellow.

Good day, dear readers! Our article today will tell you how the layout of a studio apartment, 40 sq. m. photo examples, of course, will help in this. In addition, we will provide several practical advice, which will help to make the correct and aesthetic design.

We will help those people who are upset by the small dimensions of their premises, but they just need a comfortable area for rest and work, receiving guests and eating. Let's start studying this issue in detail.

First steps in remodeling

First things first, you will need a hand-drawn plan on paper or using computer technology. The ideal option a three-dimensional model is considered, which will reveal the future project from all sides. This drawing should take into account all your needs that are necessary for the apartment.

Do not forget that the main task of such rearrangements is to increase usable space.

When embarking on such a repair, make sure that all legal aspects are in order, and you will not run into problems in the future. You will need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. Sometimes, this takes a long time, keep that in mind.

The very first and most popular option for redevelopment that we can imagine is the removal of partitions separating the dining room and living room. This is the first and important stage change. The correctness of the performance will be reflected in the future - the better the procedure is performed, the more comfortable we will be for you. Our article contains several photos finished projects so that you understand how it should look like in the end.

Color design

After performing all the "power" actions, you can proceed to more relaxed procedures. Let's start by choosing a color for your studio design. You know that colors affect the psychophysical state in different ways.

For example, an abundance of yellow or orange will draw attention to details. Brown and red shades are generally recommended to be used in extreme cases - they can be tiring if present in abundance.

The best colors for small apartments are sand, cream, beige and pastel blue.

Approach the choice of color design with all seriousness, because it is from this that you will start when choosing accessories, curtains, etc. In our photo examples, several fundamentally different color solutions so you can appreciate each.

Selection of furniture for studios

Now you need to choose what furniture you will install in your room. First of all, it should be small, comfortable and create a sense of harmony with the rest of the environment. Try to get rid of bulky wardrobes or beds - in a small studio apartment, if they fit, they will look very out of place.

Arrangement, by the way, is no less important than selection.

by the most the best option for small apartments is considered furniture-transformer. Otherwise, they are still presented as a built-in headset. You can easily hide the bed in a closet, thereby freeing up some space that will come in handy when doing everyday activities. Today, the wall slide is becoming more and more popular, also a good option for studios.

Another idea that deserves special attention is folding sofas that can perform several functional tasks at once. For example, this is how sleeping places, bed linen boxes, a relaxation area, etc. appear. And all this within one element of fittings.

If you or your family love to dine out, a large kitchen table is not for you. Replace it with a folding version and you will only win.

How the apartment should welcome

Because studios are small entrance doors can easily create blind spaces. In this case, it is better to get rid of hangers or nightstands, which will interfere in any case. An easy way to organize things and shoes is to install a wardrobe or pantry.

Thus, a good place for housing is saved and unnecessary elements disappear.

Create a separate corner in which the personal computer will be located. It will be nice if there are all the papers and folders necessary for work. As an option - wall shelves that save space.

A few words about harmony

Harmony is a very important factor in renovation. It will help you avoid unnecessary irritation. In addition, when you come home after a hard day at work, you will relax. Here are some rules:

  • If your furniture is dark walnut, look for curtains in yellow, green and gray tones. It would be ignorant to buy them in the same color.
  • For those who prefer black fittings, we advise you to select items in red, purple, raspberry tones. Purple is better to take pastel, so as not to get too black and constrained.

  • Shades of pine and beech harmonize with orange and gray curtains. Beige and yellow in this case is best avoided.
  • Mahogany trim does not go well, no matter how strange it may sound, with red shades.

Visual increase in space

As has been said more than once, to visually increase free space, choose light colors and shades, such as white, beige, blue.

If you cannot do without a dark color, try not to use it as a base. For example, when using a dark shade for wall decoration, choose white furniture that will expand your abode.

Light and everything connected with it

The illumination of a small apartment occupies an important place to create right design. Stick to the basic rule in this matter - the more the better. Do not use a huge chandelier, it is simply not needed here. The market represents a huge range of lamps various shapes and sizes.

All the suggested tips are easy to implement with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. We hope you learn something for yourself and be proud of own repair. Good luck!