Cozy kitchens in Khrushchev. How to equip a small kitchen in Khrushchev: design, photos, ideas

The kitchen in Khrushchev is a small space of 5-7 square meters. m, which hardly fits even the necessary household appliances. Every housewife dreams that this room is functional and convenient for cooking and communicating with household members. How to equip a home with maximum comfort, and what interior design ideas for a small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev do modern experts offer?

Khrushchev-built houses are 4-5-storey buildings with small apartments that appeared in the middle of the last century. Initially, they were considered as temporary housing, but over time, the service life has increased and has come down to our days. In Khrushchev, the kitchen is an average room of 3 by 2 meters with an adjacent bathroom on one side and a living room on the other. A gas water heater is usually installed in the apartment, which causes certain inconveniences when decorating the interior. However, the biggest problem for housewives is to make a kitchen with a comfortable working area and leave room for a dining room.

There are two main problems in the "Khrushchev" kitchen: cramped space and a geyser

Having moved to a five-story building, residents begin to consider possible options for expanding the space. There may only be two here.

  1. The combination of the kitchen and the adjacent room by dismantling the wall. Such repairs in Khrushchev can significantly improve living conditions and get a modern studio in which you can experiment with styles, choose any interior design and decoration.
  2. Transferring the wall and increasing the kitchen due to the bathroom, corridor or living room. This method is more expensive, so it is rarely chosen. The result is a more or less free space, but the dimensions of the bathroom and hall are reduced.

Similar kitchen projects in Khrushchev require a building permit, and this takes extra time and money. It should be taken into account that unauthorized redevelopment threatens with a large fine and an order to return the interior to its original state. The fact is that when combining the kitchen and living room, it is dismantled bearing wall. Its absence subsequently leads to collapses and collapses of the apartment or the whole house. This problem is especially relevant for Khrushchev, the service life of which already exceeds 40–50 years.

Any unauthorized alteration of the premises can lead to an accident and death. Take care of the safety of your family and neighbors and obtain an official building permit if you plan to overhaul in Khrushchev.

Kitchen layout

A kitchen project is where to start any renovation. Not everyone can visualize the future room, so it’s better to draw a sketch on paper or use an online constructor. The choice of layout depends on the main purpose of the kitchen. For example, if there are several rooms in the apartment, one of them can be a dining-living room, then it makes no sense to put a large dining table and equip a recreation area in the kitchen. If this is not possible, then you should try to design a room with two zones at once: both a work area and a place for eating. Consider the main ways to place furniture for a small kitchen in Khrushchev.

  1. Linear layout is the simplest and a budget option, which involves the arrangement of furniture in one row along a blank wall. This kitchen looks very stylish and compact, and the main focus is on the dining room. The advantages include the low cost of furniture, which does not need to be made to order. It is enough just to measure the length of the room - and you can go to the store. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the non-ergonomic use of space. If you put a refrigerator, then there will be practically no space for a work surface. A similar kitchen interior in Khrushchev is more suitable for people who do not like to cook or prefer to eat out. It can also be families without children or a single working person.
  2. L-shaped layout is the placement of the headset along two perpendicular walls. This layout preserves the “triangle principle”, which is so important for housewives. This is a visual combination of a stove, a sink and a refrigerator, which allows not to make unnecessary maneuvers, due to which the cooking process is optimized. Kitchen set with built-in household appliances and multifunctional niches and cabinets occupies a third of the kitchen and leaves room for a coffee table with chairs. There are practically no disadvantages in such a layout, except that such furniture will cost a little more than direct headsets.
  3. A U-shaped layout can only be considered if the room is square and the dining room is in another room. With this design, the headset is located along three walls, capturing two corners and a window. Under the window, you can install a sink (this will require lengthening communications and coordination with utilities) or simply lengthen the window sill and make a countertop. It will serve as a place for a quick snack or tea party. Similar Design the kitchen in Khrushchev allows you to place all the necessary equipment, including a dishwasher and a washing machine, as well as a gas water heater, a coffee maker, etc. To make it convenient to work indoors, the distance between the sidewalls of the headset should be at least 1 meter.

Photos of the kitchen in Khrushchev can be viewed on the website and you can choose the layout and design that best meets the requirements and wishes.

Furniture and appliances

So that not a single centimeter in the Khrushchev kitchen remains unused, it is important to place everything you need as compactly as possible. Built-in household appliances will be compactly located in the headset and hide from prying eyes. On open and hinged shelves you can put a toaster, microwave, food processor and other small appliances.

It is important to consider which units can be replaced, which ones can be transferred, and which ones can be completely abandoned.

  • A large tall refrigerator with a linear layout is recommended to be placed opposite near dining table. If possible, it is better to move it to the corridor or to the balcony. A family of 1-2 people may consider purchasing a mini model that fits compactly in a kitchen cabinet. Another option is a horizontal refrigerator or a separate freezer that can be taken out to the balcony.
  • A stove is an important and necessary unit that can only be found in the kitchen. To save space and increase the work surface, a model with 2 burners will help. This option is suitable for people who spend little time cooking.
  • It is desirable to place the washing machine in the bathroom, but its location in the kitchen is also allowed. Give preference to models with a depth of no more than 40 cm, and also take care of good grounding and follow safety precautions to avoid short circuits and floods.
  • A gas water heater is a unit that is often found in the kitchen in Khrushchev, the photo, design and layout of which can be viewed on the website. If he spoils appearance interior and takes up a lot of space, it can be installed in the hallway or in the bathroom. However, this will require permission from the utilities. In the kitchen, the geyser can be hidden in a hanging cabinet. It should be made to order and holes for corrugation and ventilation should be made.

Pay attention to transforming furniture. These multifunctional mobile units have a large capacity and can be easily moved to another location if necessary. The only downside is the relatively high price. Very easy to use and three-tier headset. On the mezzanine you can store things that are least needed in everyday life, and in the lower tiers you should keep everything you need. Furniture reaching the ceiling will visually enlarge the kitchen.

The dining table can be replaced with a folding, wall-mounted one. When folded, it does not take up much space and is a shelf. The same applies to chairs like summer cottages. There is also a version of a transformer cabinet, in which the door, if desired, turns into a full-fledged surface. You can also use a countertop or bar counter as a dining table or a place for a snack. Such an interior looks stylish and modern, especially in combination with high chairs.

Design secrets

The design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev should be based on the visual expansion of space. Proper design will increase the area and give the room home comfort and warmth.

As a floor covering, you should choose a moisture-resistant laminate, tile or ceramic tile, linoleum without a large pattern. The coating should be laid diagonally, and the dies should not be too large (if we are talking about laminate or parquet).


Here you can choose decorative plaster, wallpaper for painting, wall panels. Vertical stripes will “stretch” the kitchen up, but will narrow it. Horizontal ones, on the contrary, will help to expand it, but will “lower” the ceiling. Give preference to plain, easy-to-clean coatings. Finishing the apron can be represented by stalinite or ceramic tiles. If there is a free wall left, it can be pasted over with photo wallpapers with a perspective that will lengthen the room.


For a kitchen in Khrushchev with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, a two-tier suspended plasterboard structure with spot lighting around the perimeter is suitable. You can also consider the option of a "floating" ceiling. A similar effect is achieved with the help of LED strips mounted in the eaves. If the height does not allow, it is recommended to use PVC film or simple painting. The optimal and budgetary coating option is white water-based paint.


Sunlight alone is sometimes not enough to provide good visibility in the kitchen. Besides, dark room visually perceived as closer and smaller. Therefore, it is worth taking care of installing additional lighting fixtures in advance. It can be halogen lamps, sconces, chandeliers, spotlights, LED strips. Separate illumination of the apron and dining area will help save on electricity in the future.


For small kitchens, pastel colors, peach, sand, milky, white, beige, brown are suitable. It is desirable that the interior is light - so the room will seem spacious and free. However, so that the kitchen does not resemble a hospital ward and looks more stylish and modern, a bright accent in individual details is allowed.


First of all, you should pay attention to concise and simple styles. This is minimalism, modern, hi-tech, eco-style. Classical and oriental designs will be out of place, as they involve much larger dimensions of the premises. You can also consider the ethnic rustic country style, which in turn is divided into French Provence and Scandinavian.

For modern designers, there are no impossible tasks: even from the smallest kitchens, they can make a functional and cozy room. The ideas and secrets of interior decorators will help you independently develop a sketch of the future kitchen and make your wildest dreams come true.

Photo: modern design ideas

Sooner or later, every owner Khrushchev time comes engage in modernization small kitchen 5-6 sq.m. This quadrature, as in the past, is never enough. This is especially felt with the acquisition of a new kitchen appliances and furniture. Before starting repairs, it is advisable to think about the functionality of each square meter, using the advice of experienced designers involved in the reorganization of Khrushchev's apartments.

The design of a small-sized kitchen in old-plan apartments (from 5 sq. Meters and more) is a challenge for any designer.

The essence of the problem of repair work in a small kitchen

The advice that before acquiring something new, you need to get rid of the old, in small Khrushchev kitchen remains the most relevant. Not only is there no extra space here, even a few centimeters in width are not enough for free passage if there is cabinet furniture. Although when you call the master, built-in furniture is a little more expensive than ready kitchen, this is the most rational solution to attach all kitchen utensils.

This is an opportunity to occupy all corners and vertical planes, as in the photo.

Small Khrushchev kitchen in 5-6 "squares" many got it as a Soviet "legacy". But when there is no alternative, one has to adapt to these conditions. It is difficult to make more footage without redevelopment with the demolition of walls, but this is not always possible. Therefore, most residents of such urban "khrushchev" have to deal with the reorganization of space.

Despite the lack of space, there is always the opportunity to make even a small corner for cooking hospitable and cozy.

Many people know that "Khrushchev" is called small-sized city apartments, predominantly, in panel houses where most of the walls are load-bearing. It is very difficult to get permission to redevelop them. If everything works out, you can only combine two adjacent rooms and attach a balcony. But the apartment won't get bigger. Thoughtful design kitchen project 5 meters in Khrushchev should include this option.

Attention! brick houses city ​​authorities often give it away for demolition, since the deadline for their implementation has expired. There is no point in investing in expensive repairs to dilapidated property, even if you can get permission!

When making repairs in Khrushchev, it is necessary to calculate the size of each item and its location with an accuracy of a millimeter.

The main problem of these apartments is the "robbed" footage of the kitchen and bathroom, hallway and corridors. In this limited area, it is necessary to place all kitchen attributes:

  1. Fridge;
  2. gas stove;
  3. washing;
  4. Other household appliances (dishwasher or washing machine);
  5. Kitchen units for food processing and cooking;
  6. Cabinets and shelves (for storing food, dishes and other kitchen utensils);
  7. work surface.

For 5-6 sq. meters, it is necessary to fit storage containers, kitchen furniture, and household appliances.

It is difficult to condense in stuffed to the limit kitchen 5 sq.m., but thoughtful design and functionality of a Khrushchev apartment able to work miracles. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owners of small-sized housing. Do not need a dishwasher in a small family. A large stove with an oven is also not needed if you cook little.

Rules for organizing space

Organization of limited space and design of a small kitchen 5-6 meters in Khrushchev often becomes a "headache" of the owners. But if you approach this process creatively, you can benefit from every square meter.


1. Work surface location As close as possible to the sink and stove, preferably between them
2. Refrigerator installation Close to the worktop and sink, but away from the stove so it doesn't get hot
3. Wall cabinets and shelves Fill corners and vertical surfaces as much as possible - up to the ceiling
4. Location gas stove It is impossible directly at the window, so that the curtains do not burn, the draft does not blow out the flame
5. Table and chairs (stools), dining table Better stackable seats to clean up as unnecessary, the tabletop is small, it can be replaced by any folding and retractable planes
6. Boxes and lockers Fill all niches of built-in furniture
7. Windowsill Better to combine with a countertop
8. Kitchen furniture Shallow, functional, compact.

Advice . It is important to think over the ergonomics of kitchen furniture so that your hands do not get tired when processing food, you do not have to reach for every little thing on the cabinet shelves. Use closers to keep doors and rails from slamming to accommodate dishes and kitchen utensils.

The main "enemy" of the small-sized Khrushchev kitchen is clutter. It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail and get rid of all the items that are needed literally once a year, or even less often. They need to be attached to the mezzanine in the corridor, on the balcony or other place that acts as a pantry.

This will help free up a few cabinets, shelves, and drawers.

In small rooms, furniture of the type of transformers and folding planes is welcome, as in the aisle of a compartment car. These seats return to their original position (fold) when not in use. They are very convenient if made according to the rules - another way to save space in kitchen design for 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev . But it is better to make impromptu "seats" on the leg (telescopic rod) - do not hesitate, they will not let you down because of the weight.

In a small kitchen often have to give up the table. It is not uncommon for a family to have lunch or dinner in the living room or hall while watching television.

In this case, the only table is a cabinet with a work surface, but it is inconvenient to eat there.

Advice . To have a place to put your feet, it is important to have a niche under the table top. For this, a window sill, enlarged to the size of a countertop, or a retractable plane hidden under the cutting surface of kitchen furniture, is suitable.

If there is nowhere to put a washing machine and a refrigerator, they are taken out into the corridor or hallway adjacent to the kitchen. This is not very convenient, but you can get additional space for a modern kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m.

In a small kitchen, it is possible to place a large number of cabinets without compromising the area of ​​​​work surfaces, making some of them from floor to ceiling.

Important ! A cozy kitchen will be made not by a refrigerator or a washing machine, but by beautiful kitchen accessories, window decor and other tastefully selected attributes. These are paintings and decorative plates, knitted tablecloths and lace napkins, original shades and mystical lighting.

Methods of visual expansion of the limited space of the Khrushchev kitchen

Convert area small kitchen can be different.

  1. The method of rationality is to remove old bulky cabinets and wall cabinets by installing lightweight compact built-in furniture.
  2. Functionality method - leave in Khrushchev's kitchen only the necessary items, trying to arrange them as compactly as possible.
  3. The method of visual illusion is to choose light colors in the design of the room, use horizontal and vertical lines, wall-paper “pushing apart” the walls, a light veil on the windows (maximum light and space).
  4. Zoning method - if redevelopment is planned, make a reasonable allocation of space so that everything is at hand.
  5. Design concept method - with the help of well-chosen style and decor, make small kitchen in Khrushchev a stylish modern room.

In a small kitchen, every centimeter of free space is important, so it is very important to design correctly here. kitchen set.

During repairs in a small room, it is advisable to choose light shades, “reflecting” or glossy surfaces so that there is more light. It is better to abandon the stretch fabric and suspended structures when repairing the ceiling, they will also take 10-20 cm of space.

Put the cabinet furniture only against one wall, while taking the corners, so the kitchen will seem wider.

It's better to do it on a free wall interesting decor. IN kitchen design project 5 meters in Khrushchev can be envisaged interesting decoration of the free wall to create the illusion of a "dismantled" wall. Photo wallpapers with a panorama of a big city or an exit to nature will help with this. Some like spatial illusions, photo collages and mosaic panels.

Secrets of redevelopment of the kitchen 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

redevelopment small apartments with the demolition of secondary partitions in the design environment is considered one of the best modernization methods.

Do not be afraid to place shelves or the closed part of the furniture set too high.

  • Combine with adjoining living room;
  • "Cut off" a couple of meters from the adjacent corridor or hallway;
  • "Increase" the footage by adding the area of ​​​​the insulated balcony or loggia;
  • Convert Khrushchev into a studio-type apartment, leaving part of the walls in the form of arches, retractable partitions and sides with racks, which will help keep the main "frame" of the apartment.

Advice . If the owner of the apartment is not a specialist in construction and repair, you should not remodel the apartment. On the initial stage Reconstruction works are best entrusted to specialized construction companies.

Engaged in the transformation of the apartment without a "big" redevelopment, you can expand the doorways or move the aisles so that the rooms are not walkable. Some apartments in the old housing stock do not have balconies, especially on the lower floors.

Advice . If desired, you can remove the wall under the kitchen window and insert a balcony door.

Do not forget to install unbreakable glass and metal bars on the impromptu balcony - protection from intruders.

But there will be a place where you can go out to smoke or breathe fresh air without leaving the apartment. Do large balcony this method will not succeed, but the spherical shape of the lattice will give enough space for drying clothes and planting balcony plants.

How to disguise a column, sink and kitchen appliances?

In a small Khrushchev kitchen there is very little space, but it has to be allocated under gas equipment:

  • Counter;
  • Geyser;
  • Stove with oven or grill;
  • Hood cap with corrugation.

White color will visually enlarge a small narrow kitchen.

There are 2 ways to veil them in the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq.m. with refrigerator and other equipment:

  1. Hide behind the doors of the facades of kitchen furniture;
  2. Leave it open, decorating in an original way.

Important ! To make the hood take up less space in the kitchen, it is recommended to purchase not a traditional bell, but an inclined shape. This is handy when leaning over the stove while cooking, and it's more compact.

Gas equipment is very convenient to hide behind the doors kitchen cabinets. But any specialist will say that it is better to make slots in them in order to monitor the performance. The geyser and furniture wood are incompatible.

You need to think in advance about the choice of material or leave the column open, but think about what it will coexist with.

Advice . During repairs, do not forget to make high-quality insulation at the stove. The sink needs waterproofing. Bulky tiles can be replaced with a compact 2-burner module - saving space.

How to improve the lighting of a small kitchen?

Properly chosen colors and illumination of local areas always work in a "plus" if you need to work with the expansion of space.

Attention ! During repairs, it is worth replacing old emergency wiring and equipment that cannot cope with the load of modern household appliances.

The design of surfaces (especially walls, window textiles) should be made in light shades.

When choosing lighting fixtures, it focuses on the design style and functionality of the kitchen.

  1. It is very convenient when the work surface is illuminated by diodes mounted on the bottom of wall cabinets, as on the picture.
  2. In a modern kitchen, a diode tape looks good along the perimeter of the ceiling or framed by cabinet furniture.
  3. When buying a ceiling light, ditch the bulky chandelier that takes up a lot of space. The exception is a large ceiling, descending to the center of the table.
  4. If in the interiorsmall kitchen there is a corner and a dining table, the eating area should be illuminated by a compact sconce with a practical shade that is convenient to wash.
  5. Try to supply all the fixtures with economical lamps.

Light reflections playing on the surface will give the room a bright, light and sunny mood, as in the photo.

The ideal option would be big window where a lot of daylight enters. If it is possible to expand the window opening or replace the frames with lighter and lighter ones, be sure to use it. Curtains or window decor - light, translucent fabrics that are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

The design of curtains and curtains should highlight and unobtrusively decorate this part of the kitchen, but in no case should it prevent the penetration of sunlight.

Design of washable surfaces: apron and work area

When renovating a kitchen, the issue of practicality comes first. Every hostess knows how much time cleaning takes. The more practical facing materials, the easier it is to clean the kitchen.

A small kitchen in Khrushchev will require a non-standard approach when choosing furniture.

Do not be afraid of white or light shades of beige, gray and blue. If it is smooth plastic on the ceiling or tile materials in the decoration of walls and floors, then cleaning takes no more time than in other colors. In addition, the light facing initially looks “clean”.

Attention! Gloss (any color) reflects more light but shows more scratches after cleaning household products with abrasive particles.

A modern kitchen does not require a huge number of cabinets, just a couple of shelves on the wall and open shelves for large dishes.

When choosing tile materials for kitchen design 5m2 in Khrushchev do not use large blocks and a large drawing. With them, a small room will seem even smaller. An ideal option for facing a kitchen apron is small mosaic tiles.

For wall cabinets, it is better to use doors that open up, and not to the sides, as they do not take up any usable space at all.

The walls do not have to be monochromatic, but light shades are preferred. Quality facing materials depends on financial capabilities, but all surfaces must be practical to clean. Tiled floors should not be slippery, for safety reasons - choose with a rough texture.

A good option for the kitchen is a light moisture-resistant laminate.

The place where you have to butcher meat, peel vegetables and cut juicy products is often dirty. Here you have to abandon the wallpaper, textured plaster and decorative panels made of materials that are difficult to clean.

Advice . An interesting relief decor is recommended to be opened with a colorless varnish in several layers.

Most often you have to clean in the work area, so the choice of finish here is most important.

Remember that a small Khrushchev kitchen has its own "plus" - a small surface area. You can save on finishing materials by choosing a more luxurious tile, countertop and facade. This will help transform Khrushchev beyond recognition, as on our a photo.

The tips given in the article will help you successfully cope with the transformation of the smallest kitchen.

VIDEO: Projects and design of a small kitchen.

50 design ideas for a 5-6 sq. meters:

Khrushchev's apartments are characterized by small dimensions. This is especially true for the kitchen, the area of ​​​​which, as a rule, is 5-6 sq. m. But, no matter how small-sized it is, I want to make the interior of such a kitchen functional, attractive, and comfortable. You can find information in this article about how a small kitchen is designed in Khrushchev design photo ideas.

The layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev is such that it allows you to accommodate only the most necessary, since its main purpose, unlike modern kitchens, is cooking. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen in Khrushchev rarely exceeds 6 sq. M. The room is usually square in shape, which greatly facilitates the task of furnishing it with furniture and appliances. But, since there is practically no corridor, and the window is located opposite the entrance, only two walls remain free in such kitchens. In addition, the layout in old houses often includes geysers, which interfere with the integration of the headset, spoil the interior.

In order to combine the design and functionality of the room, as well as to make the most of the usable space, it is necessary to take into account some design features of a small-sized kitchen:

  • the geyser can be hidden in a hanging cabinet or under a decorative panel;
  • it is recommended to adhere to light colors of surface design;
  • on the window it is better to hang a light curtain, blinds or roller blinds, it should be decorated in a minimal way;
  • if the kitchen needs a door, it is better to install a sliding one;
  • if possible, the best option the design of a comfortable kitchen in Khrushchev will be redevelopment - combining it with a living room, a loggia, or combining a bathroom with a bath, due to which another wall will be freed, a corridor will appear. The latter option must be carefully considered, coordinated with the necessary authorities, but this is not always possible.

You should abandon unnecessary accessories in the kitchen that will load the space, clutter is the main enemy of the interior of a small kitchen in an apartment. It is better to store dishes in cabinets, cabinets, and not on open shelves and countertops.

Color solutions

In the decoration and furniture of a small kitchen, it is best to use light and pastel colors - white, beige, cream, light gray, and you can see the design ideas in the photo. The dark floor will visually reduce the room in the apartment and narrow the walls. The design, decorated in soft colors, will add light and freedom. If possible, the color of furniture and walls should match - the space visually expands, visually erasing the boundaries. Accordingly, it is not recommended to bring dark and contrasting colors into the interior. It is advisable to use bright colors as an accent, an element of decoration. Thus, it is possible to distinguish furniture facades against the background of a light countertop, as shown in the photo. But you should not use more than two contrasting shades when finishing, creating a design.

When designing corner compositions, for example, a headset, the corner can be highlighted in a lighter color than straight squares, then it will visually expand.

The design of the kitchen, located on the north side, is best done in warm colors of finishes and furniture. It is better not to use complex geometric patterns and large patterns when decorating the interior. You can decorate the decor with a small pattern, but as an accent of the dining or work area.


The floor covering in the kitchen must be impact-resistant and moisture-resistant. What material to use is a matter of preference, the main thing is that the overall design is harmonious. It is recommended to use the same color and structure flooring if not in the whole apartment, then at least in the hallway and kitchen. Such a decision will smooth out the boundaries of space, and the ideas for such a design are collected in a selection of photos.

Ceramic tiles, especially those with a light color or pattern of diagonal stripes, will visually make the space wider due to this pattern and the reflection of light. You should not lay out the floor with tiles with a large pattern: firstly, it will visually reduce the space, and secondly, when cutting the tiles, you will get an unaesthetic pattern on a small floor area. But a small pattern on the floor will emphasize the interior, provided that most of the other surfaces are plain.

To date, there is a worthy replacement for ceramic tiles - PVC tiles. It has the same advantages as the usual one, but it has an absolutely non-slippery surface and a wide range of ornaments and shades.

If the layout is such that the kitchen in Khrushchev is combined with the living room, zoning would be an ideal option - the floor in the kitchen working area and the living room should differ in type, ornament or color of the flooring. As an idea, it is recommended to finish the floor in the kitchen area with tiles, and in the living room with laminate or linoleum.

Wall decoration

Wall decoration in the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era apartment should be done with reflective and glossy materials - glass wallpaper, a mirror above the dining table, and decorative glass elements. In accordance with the general color recommendations, it is better to decorate the walls in the kitchen in light colors. To cover it is worth using not ordinary paper wallpaper, and on a non-woven basis, vinyl, bamboo, that is, those that are not exposed to moisture and with a dense base. Finishing with plaster also has high strength and service life.

Since in a small kitchen it is not recommended to use wall covering with a large and bright pattern, use the ideas of creating an accent on one wall - in the dining area where the table is located, thereby dividing the space. To balance the interior, you can do kitchen apron in the same style as shown in the photo.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes will visually stretch the space upwards, making the design more attractive. The walls in the Khrushchev kitchen are not recommended to be loaded with various decorative elements. The maximum that will emphasize such an interior is a mirror or glass shelves.


The ceiling in a small kitchen can be arranged in two ways:

  • stretch ceiling;
  • lined and painted.

All other types - suspended from drywall, plastic and others, will only reduce the height of the ceiling. The color of the ceiling should also be light shades, and the stretch ceiling should be matte, since the glossy surface will reflect daylight and make the room darker. It is also not recommended to make a multi-level ceiling design, because in the Khrushchev-type kitchen the main thing is the freedom of space, and such a ceiling will hide it.

If a decision is made to install a suspended, suspended or slatted ceiling, you must remember the safety measures, since the heat from the stove, especially gas, can be a fire hazard for a small kitchen.

The best option is a regular, leveled and painted ceiling. Without the use of extraneous artificial materials, such a ceiling coating allows the room to "breathe", and, moreover, does not deprive the height of the room of the cherished centimeters. In any case, it must be borne in mind that the ceiling in the kitchen must be moisture resistant, resistant to hot air, and easy to clean.


The kitchen in Khrushchev should be well lit. It is not recommended to install a large chandelier in the center of the ceiling, as it will make the space heavier, reduce the height of the room and focus on the center of the room, while in a small kitchen you need diffused and soft light that illuminates all corners of the room. For this, the spot light of halogen lamps evenly spaced on the ceiling is ideal, and the dining area can be distinguished by a pendant lamp located directly above the table or bar counter. Ideas for such design are collected in a selection of photos. In addition, it will be advantageous to look at a set with illuminated cabinets. The light reflected on the glass doors and mirrors visually expands the space.

When creating the right lighting in the kitchen, do not forget about natural lighting - you do not need to hang dense and dark curtains on the window, and also force the window sill with plants. Need to ensure good penetration daylight, especially if kitchen window exits to the north.

The working area in the kitchen should also be well lit. If a corner set is built in, it needs a variety of lighting. A small kitchen should not have dark corners that visually make its space even smaller.

Work area, kitchen apron

The layout of the working area in the kitchen includes:

  • place for food storage (cupboards, refrigerator);
  • place for washing (sink);
  • product preparation area;
  • cooking zone (cooking equipment).

These zones should be as close as possible to each other both to save space and for convenience during cooking. The main working area, including the distance from the sink to the stove, should be between 400 and 900 mm. Refrigerator and stove are not recommended to be installed next to each other closer than 300 mm.

The working area should be illuminated with small spotlights. To equip it as a whole, you must use a solid countertop. In order to make the most of the useful space of the kitchen as a working area, you can install an additional countertop under the windowsill, thereby expanding it as shown in the photo. This way you get a place for a dining or desktop, saving space against the wall.

It is better to make a kitchen apron from a glossy material so that it reflects the light from the lamps and the daytime sun. This will make the kitchen appear larger. The design and color scheme of the apron must either match the main shade of the surface finish, or be combined with the color of the headset. The photo shows ideas of how a kitchen set and an apron are done in an organic style.

Selection of furniture and appliances

Before furnishing the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev, you should pay attention to some of the nuances about the right choice of furniture and household appliances:

  • the set should have facades of light shades, and its design should be combined with the rest of the tone of the kitchen. It is better if they are glossy, and cabinet doors - with glass;
  • the kitchen set needs to be arranged along the walls, it is better if it does not have sharp corners;
  • it is recommended to choose an oval rather than a rectangular dining table, then it will take up less space in the kitchen. The glass table will create the impression of weightlessness in space;
  • the table and chairs should not be bulky, with thick legs;
  • built-in appliances, hidden behind the same furniture facades, will create the impression of unity of the interior, compact placement. The fragmentation of household appliances will not be visible;
  • it is also better not to put the microwave oven on the shelf, but to hide it behind the cabinet door;
  • open racks and shelves will clutter up and load the interior with trifles. A winning situation in the kitchen will be if you place the set in a linear or angular way;
  • in floor cabinets it is recommended to use not hinged, but retractable mechanisms. The use of transformer furniture will save space in the kitchen, which can be clearly seen in the photo.

To visually draw small kitchen up, in the setting you can use a set with tall cabinets with pencil cases. It must be remembered that, whatever the layout, a few well-chosen large pieces of furniture in the kitchen will create a more successful interior than many small and scattered ones.

Select optimal design kitchens in Khrushchev for many becomes a real problem. Indeed, it is not so easy to place everything you need in such a small area.

Such conditions are easily explained - when the projects of houses of these series were developed, the presence of a large number of household appliances, which today has become a necessity for housewives, was not at all assumed. Basically, the room was designed to install a work and dining table, a couple of chairs, a stove and a refrigerator, which used to be quite modest in size. And the newcomers were incredibly happy with these modest "squares", having escaped from the nightmare of the communal kitchen.

In those days, few people thought about the design of this room, since the main thing was to place everything you needed, and to keep it clean and tidy. But today, almost all housewives dream of having at their disposal not only a functional and comfortable room, but also with an aesthetic interior. How to create it, and where to start the arrangement process modern kitchen and there will be talk.

How is the layout of the room

Color "direction" of kitchen design

Of great importance in the design of any interior is the chosen color scheme. Due to the fact that the hostess spends the most time in the kitchen, she maximum degree and should be used to select the main shades in which the design will be performed.

The kitchen has a source natural light, so the choice of color for its surfaces is not limited by anything, and depends only on the preferences of homeowners. But, at the same time, it is necessary to remember that the color design affects the mood and state of a person - the eyes get tired of some colors, on the contrary, they rest. Therefore, in order not to be a burden to be in this room for a long time, the color side of the design must be thought out very carefully.

The most favorable for perception are discreet light pastel colors that can be used as the main design. And such monotony, if desired, can be somewhat “diluted” with bright or darker shades. The main thing that different colors harmonized well with each other.

Another nuance that should be taken into account when choosing the color of the interior design of the kitchen is a window facing the north or south side of the house. If the room is lit by the sun for most of the day, then as the main one, you can choose any color that the hostess likes more.

If the window faces the north or south side of the house, then any color can be chosen as the main color

In the kitchen, the window of which faces the north side of the house, it is better to use light warm shades beige, milky, pastel orange, green and even red.

If the kitchen is located on the north side, then preference should be given to warm and light colors.

Some color design projects can be called "sunny", as they create an invigorating mood of a summer day in the room at any time of the year. To create such an interior, it is necessary to include yellow and orange shades. Moreover, if the kitchen is already decorated in a certain “boring” range, you can revive it with bright curtains or small decorative items in bright warm colors.

Another color trick that will visually enlarge the space of a small kitchen is a glass apron with a 3D image. In our time, a wide range of these kitchen decorative and functional elements is presented in stores. In addition, they are also made to order for the desired size of the apron.

A beautiful and functional element of the kitchen interior - an apron

Properly selected in color and material, an apron for the kitchen can become a real decoration of the room, making its design exclusive. To do right choice, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article of our portal, which provides a comparative overview of various options.

Small kitchen lighting

Correctly installed and distributed lighting plays an important role in the interior of the room. It, like color, can visually expand the room, make it more cozy and comfortable to stay. Therefore, when developing a kitchen design, it is necessary to pay special attention to this issue, while taking into account some rules and recommendations.

  • A kitchen, especially a small one, should be well lit.
  • To achieve the desired effect, you can use multi-level lighting, which will allow you to highlight and darken the desired areas, as well as properly distribute the illumination of the most functional areas. At the same time, especially when using several sources, the lighting should not be excessive, irritating to the eyesight.
  • In the design of a modern kitchen, the best option would be to use lamps with smooth and simple shapes. You should not buy intricately designed lighting fixtures with numerous pendants and curls, as the kitchen is an area of ​​increased pollution due to constant greasy and other fumes. It will not be easy to clean a chandelier or sconce of a complex shape from such a raid.
  • A combination of large ceiling lamps and spotlights gives an excellent decorative effect.
  • You should not be afraid of experiments, but at the same time, you need to accurately work out the illumination of areas that especially need a good overview.
  • Large chandeliers will reduce the space of a small room, so the parameters of the devices must correspond to the area they are designed to illuminate.

Luminous panel on the ceiling - and a visual expansion of space, and uniform "basic" lighting
  • One of the options for lighting a small kitchen can be a suspended glass ceiling, behind which a backlight is installed. Panels for such ceilings can have a variety of patterns, including those imitating a false window. Can pick up suitable option for a specific interior or even order the implementation of your own project of similar design.

  • Work area lighting can be installed under hanging cabinets and directed to the countertop and hob, which will make their use more comfortable. Besides, Spotlights, installed flush with the ceiling surface, will additionally illuminate the work area, as well as inner space cabinets when they are opened.

In other options for arranging the table, sconces or shades with adjustable height, or a chandelier with streamlined smooth shapes can be used as lighting.

Due to the fact that the kitchen must be well lit, energy-saving LED appliances are most often used as light sources, as they significantly save energy consumption.

How to choose the right lighting for the room?

I must say - this is a whole science! The selection of lighting devices is carried out taking into account a number of diverse criteria. With all the details, and with the application of online calculators, this is described in a special publication of our portal.

Finishing materials for the kitchen

To paint the prepared plasterboard ceiling, it is necessary to use a water-based paint.

Slatted ceiling in the kitchen

Rack and pinion will also be inexpensive suspended ceiling which is easy to mount on special system suspension, fixed to the main surface of the floor. Installation of such a coating is quick, and behind it you can also hide the wiring and ventilation communications. The advantage of rack systems over drywall construction consists not only of more simple process their installation, but also in the possibility of simple dismantling, for example, in emergency situations or in cases of repeated. And caring for such a ceiling is incomparably easier.

Kitchen wall decoration

If the walls of the room are even, then their surface can be brought to perfect evenness only with a putty layer. But, unfortunately, in the "Khrushchev" most often after removing the old coating, an unsightly picture opens up with bumps and cracks. Such walls require not only alignment, but also a thorough repair. All cracks and chips must be well sealed, and then the surface is treated with a primer that holds the structure of the material together. Only after that you can proceed to leveling measures, which can be done wet or with dry plaster, that is, drywall.

Considering that the kitchen area in Khrushchev is very small, drywall is best attached directly to the wall without using a frame. If there is a desire to create cabinets or drywall shelves built into the wall, then you can’t do without a frame. Some craftsmen build separate stationary pieces of furniture from this material. At correct installation and reinforcing the joints of sheets and corners of the structure, it will be perfectly used for a long time.

Drywall is a great tool for perfectly leveling walls!

If a decision is made to update the surface of the walls using drywall in order not to make mistakes during its installation, it makes sense to study the information that is presented in a separate article of our portal.

Plasterboard wall decoration (naturally, from moisture-resistant sheets) can be lined with different decorative materials, which are suitable in their characteristics for the specific conditions of the kitchen. Vertical surfaces can be painted or wallpapered, lined with ceramic tiles, glass or apron panels made of other material can be fixed to them, etc.

For coloring, water-based compounds are used, and the wallpaper must meet certain criteria that correspond to the conditions of the kitchen. So, non-woven or vinyl wallpapers are well suited for this room, which have the necessary characteristics - they do not absorb odors and can be cleaned of dirt using wet cleaning.

These types of wallpapers are presented in specialized stores in a wide variety, but for a small room, light canvases decorated with small floral patterns or stripes of pastel colors are best suited. Large fragments of decoration on the walls will visually reduce the volume of the room and will attract the eye. Thus, all other kitchen accessories will fade into the background.

For the effect of expanding space, you can use spatial 3D wallpapers, which are most often placed in the dining area. For example, a good option would be to simulate a window, behind which there may be blooming garden, forest, field, sea surface or a small street of an era that causes nostalgia.

Finishing the wall along the working area, called the "apron", can generally become the only decorative decoration of the walls, pushing the rest of the surface into the background. Most often for facing this area is used ceramic tile, as it is durable, easy to clean and gives the wall a neat and aesthetic appearance.

Another option for lining the apron, which has already been mentioned above and is becoming increasingly popular, are glass panels, which can be plain or with a three-dimensional pattern applied to them. Glass is easy to clean and retains its original decorative effect throughout the entire period of operation.

The apron and even the entire wall of the working area can also be lined with PVC panels, the range of which is growing every year. This material is attached to a wooden or metal crate or directly to a leveled wall using liquid nails. Plastic panels are well fixed on plasterboard surfaces, in which case wall cladding will cost quite inexpensively.

High-quality plastic is well cleaned of fatty fumes, but over time, under the influence of external influences, it can change its color, acquiring a yellowish tint. Therefore, you should choose a color in advance, in which these possible changes in color tone will be minimally noticeable. Moreover, there are enough opportunities for this - the panels are produced in various colors, including quite reliably imitate a wooden or stone surface.

Many owners of high-rise buildings will like natural wood wall cladding, which can be used for any surface of the room, as well as for the manufacture or cladding of cabinet facades. Depending on the interior design, lining is used for sheathing the entire surface of the walls or only their panel area.

The advantage of wood finishes is the ability to use it for a long time and give it different shades. If the textured pattern of wood is beautiful and needs to be preserved, then the surface of the material must be coated with a water-based varnish, which will also protect the structure from moisture and various kitchen fumes. In addition, wood trim can be painted with tinted varnishes in one or even several shades.

wood cladding can be combined with other materials, such as ceramic tiles or wallpaper.

The only important drawback of using wood trim in a small Khrushchev kitchen is the need to mount it on a crate, which, together with the lining, will “eat” at least 30 mm from each side of the room. For a very small kitchen - this is not as small as it might seem.

If, nevertheless, this particular material is chosen for decoration, then it should be selected for the overall design according to the textured pattern of the wood species. For example, if the facade of the furniture is decorated to look like oak, then the lining must match this pattern and tone, otherwise the whole design effect will be spoiled.

In addition to the materials mentioned above, other materials are also used for wall cladding. decorative finishes, fortunately, there is no shortage of them in hardware stores. The choice mainly depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of homeowners.

Furniture selection

When choosing furniture for a small kitchen, you should pay attention to the recommendations of designers that will help you rationally place all the necessary items in a small area. In such conditions, one involuntarily has to make every centimeter of the room functional.

  • A large number of small items and household appliances visually reduces the space, bringing the impression of disorder into the room. Therefore, the built-in appliances, hidden behind the furniture facade, will solve this problem.

  • You should not install a microwave or electric oven on the work surface of the countertop, as it will take up a lot of usable space. The best option would be to hide it in one of the departments of the wall cabinet or place it on a special bracket fixed above the table.
  • The kitchen should be comfortable both for cooking and for regular cleaning. Therefore, the furniture must be selected and installed in such a way that access to any area of ​​​​the room is provided.
  • The placement of kitchen accessories on the work surface must be organized in such a way that the hostess has everything at hand. So, for example, a dryer for dishes and cutlery should be located in the sink area.
  • To save as much free space as possible in a kitchen with a small area, designers recommend using an angular or linear layout.

  • Help save space kitchen rails, which can accommodate a large number of kitchen accessories. These devices are fixed on the "apron", therefore, if they are planned to be used in the design of the room, it is worth considering suitable material for cladding this section of the wall.
  • Another device that facilitates the operation of the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and saves space is drawer cabinets used instead of regular shelves.

  • In compact kitchens, it can be difficult to find a place for a dining table. Its location will depend on the plan of the kitchen and the number of family members. For example, if two or three people live in an apartment, then a window sill can be used for this zone, smoothly turning into a countertop. Such a model is suitable not only for a family meal, but also for work in the evening, when all the family members are already asleep.

Another table option could be folding design, which is operated only when eating. At other times, the tabletop is in a folded state, and does not interfere with the hostess in any way, since it does not take up any usable space.

In some cases, the solution to the problem of organizing a dining area can be a retractable table, which is hidden in one of the cabinets of the work area. However, this option is suitable for a small family of two or three people.

For those who dream of having a cozy round version of the table in the kitchen, but it is in no way possible to use it for a small room, there are folding designs that take up very little space. When purchasing such a piece of furniture, it is necessary to measure in advance the area where it will be unfolded.

Examples of implemented design projects for the design of a small kitchen

Following are several options design solutions, which can be used in the kitchens of "Khrushchev". One of them or individual elements of design and layout can be tried on on your own. kitchen room.

Kitchen with orange front

Properly selected colors of furniture and other room accessories can create a special atmosphere in it. Orange has been proven to be the color of joy, uplifting and promoting emotional balance in a person. The combination of tropical orange with other colors that harmonize with it gives coziness and comfort to the interior, and at the same time does not contribute to the visual reduction of space. In this project, the main eye-catching object is the facade of the work area cabinets. Organically combines with it and the rest color solution, as orange interacts well with white, steel and light green hues.

An important role is played by the distribution and design of the zones in which the kitchen utensils are located. For example, the free space above hob, lined with white ceramic tiles, contributes to the visual expansion of the room. In addition, it was perfect for fixing the railing, the length of which turned out to be quite enough to accommodate kitchen accessories. The hood, located above the railing and the facade masked by the doors, does not protrude forward, so it will not hang over the head of the hostess and limit the space.

Despite the large dimensions of the refrigerator, it fit perfectly into the linear row of the working area and took a secondary place, mainly due to the right color.

This interior has a corner layout, so there are two possibilities for placing the sink - this is a corner area or part of the countertop, installed along the wall opposite the window.

As you can see from this project, it is quite possible even in a small area, with proper zoning, to place all the furniture and other kitchen accessories necessary for the kitchen.

Red and white kitchen option

This illustration shows a kitchen with a red façade that somewhat narrows an already very small room. To let light into the room and expand the space due to it, the owners had to abandon the curtains. Interior decoration may in this case look unfinished, and light Roman blinds or horizontal blinds are well suited for a window opening in such a situation.

Dilutes rich tones White color"apron", decorated with ceramic tiles, worktops and dining areas, as well as metal elements included in the design, which reflect light and artificial lighting, and natural coming from the window.

In general, the design of this kitchen clearly shows the presence of taste and the desire to decorate the room in modern style. The window sill space is rationally used, in which a semicircular folding dining table is successfully inscribed. It is necessary to pay tribute to the designer who managed to place all the necessary accessories on such a compact area. It is clearly seen that when planning the arrangement of the room, every centimeter of it was used and many cabinets were provided that can accommodate a large amount of dishes, as well as dry food.

The exhaust unit was successfully selected and installed, which, just like in the first interior, has a modest size and is perfectly disguised behind the facade doors.

If the family living in this apartment consists of two or three people, then they may well be accommodated together in a kitchen space planned in this way.

small bright kitchen

In this layout of the kitchen space, the working and dining areas are combined. This has been achieved through rational use window sill space, in which it was possible to fit a compact sink and floor cabinets.

The top of the dining table is set perpendicular to the work surface, which has the same height. Thus, both the way it is placed and the shape resembles a bar counter. Thanks to the combination of two tabletops into one complex, up to five people can gather at the table at the same time, without experiencing inconvenience and constraint. In order to achieve the integrity and accuracy of the furniture part of the working area, in which the upper part of the cabinets is installed, it is combined with the ceiling surface with a box that hides the ventilation pipes.

Despite the compactness of the room, the designer did not abandon any accessory necessary for the kitchen. In addition, there was quite a lot of free space left in the room for the hostess to move around while cooking.

Several materials were used to decorate the surfaces - the ceiling is equipped with a suspended single-level plasterboard structure, into which lighting fixtures are built. Two walls are leveled and painted to match the furniture facade. One of the vertical surfaces is decorated with wallpaper that has deep dark colors - it seems to limit the light space of the room.

Empire style kitchen

Some housewives, despite the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, still choose classic design styles. This project presents an option that includes elements of the Empire style, which results in an elegantly decorated room that is pleasant to be in. In the interior, we found an organic combination of classic shapes and colors for the chosen direction of furniture and modern household appliances.

Cabinets and countertops have curved, smooth shapes, which increases the comfort of using the room and gives an aesthetically attractive appearance to both the working and dining areas.

For furniture, the color of “baked milk”, classic for the style, was chosen, which visually increases the volume of the room, standing out against the background of the wall surface, painted in a soft pastel red tint. Moreover, in this project, a well-chosen tone of red does not make the interior heavier, but gives it depth.

Modern metallized facades household appliances do not come to the fore, but harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

In the design of this interior, every little thing is thought out, which supports the belonging of the style:

  • decorative plates fixed above wall cabinets;
  • doors with glass facades imitating thin graceful partitions;
  • fittings and soft reliefs of the furniture facade;
  • wide ceiling plinth, which has a color several tones darker than the shade of the walls, and therefore does not protrude to the fore, but maintains the accuracy of the upper part of the room;
  • interesting option lighting device above the dining area, having a lifting and lowering mechanism;
  • tulle curtains gathered in elegant pleats.

Revitalizes the interior with greenery of plants arranged in a compositional order.

The designer rationally used the area of ​​the room, including everything necessary in the working area. Moreover, it is easy to imagine a similar design option even in a smaller kitchen, since one of the middle cabinets can be excluded from the kitchen wall, while maintaining the overall composition. Furniture of similar forms, as well as well-chosen soothing colors, will not reduce the space of the room, so they can also be used for a very small kitchen.

Kitchen in pistachio tones

Basically, the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings prefer to design their kitchens in modern directions, but purposefully or involuntarily use elements of traditional styles in them. The project, executed in light white and pistachio colors, is a clear confirmation of this concept.

The working area in this interior is furnished with modern furniture, in line with which household appliances are inscribed.

The dining part of the kitchen is fully consistent with the Provence style with its floral wallpaper on the wall, furniture shapes and a lamp fixed above the table.

The harmony of the selected shades makes the room neat and calm, so it is pleasant to cook and eat in the created environment, as there are no unpleasant irritating factors in the design.

For interior design, several materials were used, which can be found and matched by color in hardware stores. The "apron" of the working area is lined plastic panels gray shade, and if desired, the material can be replaced with ceramic tiles or glass panels of a suitable design.

The window opening is an element that divides the room into two zones. This separation is emphasized by the different finishes of the front wall. On the side of the working area, almost monochromatic wallpaper was used, matched to match the facade of furniture cabinets.

Part of the front wall, as well as the entire vertical surface of the dining area, is covered with wallpaper with a floral pattern, made in harmonious shades, corresponding to the general color scheme interior.

Thanks to the light pistachio color of the furniture facade, as well as the “airiness” of the tulle, the interior looks light and aesthetic.

If you like this design, but the kitchen being designed is more modest in size, you can make some adjustments to it to fit it into a smaller area. For example, a good solution would be to install a dining table near the window, and instead of long tulle, use short curtains, Roman light transparent curtains or blinds. The worktop can also be shortened by excluding one of the floor and wall cabinets from the headset. In terms of color and shape of the facade, this design option will fit perfectly and will not visually reduce the space of a small kitchen.

Small kitchen in warm colors

The interior, made in warm natural shades, will appeal to many, as they do not get tired of the eye, and thanks to this, staying indoors becomes more comfortable. Wood cladding will never go out of fashion, as it can give a room coziness and convey the natural warmth of this material. It goes well with any type of wood and green shades in which it is decorated. They have a positive effect on the state of the human psyche, acting calmingly, which is especially important for residents of large cities.

Although the interior does not contain bright expressive color accents, it cannot be called boring - the designer managed to achieve this effect thanks to the right combination of selected shades.

In such a kitchen, an atmosphere of calm and tranquility reigns - thanks to wood finish and good color combination

Cabinets, the facade of which is lined with wooden slats, are located under the very ceiling of the room, and have a sufficiently high height, making the room seem higher.

The wooden cladding of the wall cabinets is in perfect harmony with the glass inserts, which do not limit the space, so the top of the headset looks light. A small hood that has a steel color, although not hidden behind facade panel, but organically fit into the composition of the series.

Well suited to the chosen design and flooring, which is used as a ceramic tile, imitating the masonry of round stone. However, if this material is chosen for floor cladding, then it is desirable to provide for surface heating, otherwise it will be cold.

Thus, only natural colors and materials are collected in the interior in an organic composition, so it can be called eco-design, which is becoming more and more popular among urban residents.

The area of ​​the kitchen is used very rationally, so the designer managed to fit a decent-sized dining table on it, at which the whole family can gather together. In addition, the remaining free space will allow the hostess to move freely along the entire working area while cooking.

Check out space optimization, from our new article on our portal -

Kitchen design options

* * * * * * *

Summing up, it must be said that despite the small dimensions of the kitchen in Khrushchev, it is quite possible to create a cozy and comfortable environment on it, taking into account the recommendations and advice of designers. The main thing is to connect your imagination and optimally rationally plan the location of all the equipment necessary for this room. And, of course, choose the right color direction for the finish.

Video - What can be turned into a cramped kitchen room "Khrushchev"

Have you noticed that often conversations about apartments begin with traditional questions: “how many rooms?”, And “what is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen?”. And the question of quadrature does not surprise anyone. Firstly, the kitchen has already become not only a place for eating, but rather a place for a common gathering of the whole family. Secondly, the variety of offers of modern kitchen furniture that surrounds us sometimes makes us regret the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - how to “shove” the proposals of furniture and kitchen appliances developers into the interior of a kitchen of 6 sq. m in Khrushchev. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. See 50 photos of small kitchen design ideas.

How to arrange a refrigerator, gas stove, sink, microwave and much more, from the mere sight of which the hostesses are dizzy. And on top of that, there is also a dining table for three to four people. Therefore, the owners of Khrushchev apartments toil because of the small area and the not always successful layout in their apartments. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev is a large " headache". However, I exist best options, allowing you to successfully place the necessary equipment and furniture even in the interior of the Khrushchev kitchen of 6 sq.

Watch the video: The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. 50 photos of small kitchen design ideas

Some options include expanding the space by redevelopment of the kitchen and living room. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the wall between the rooms and install the bar counter in its place. Other options are more benign, not requiring capital work. For example, replacing a gas stove hob. In this case, under the hob, you can "attach" the oven or dishwasher. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev photo:

The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev

In any case, the main emphasis should be placed on the optimal arrangement of furniture, then a lot of equipment will fit and there will be enough free space. The interior design of a small-sized kitchen is an ideal option for custom-made kitchen furniture. Fortunately, there are plenty of relevant companies today, and computer programs will allow you to choose the most successful version of the sketch of a furniture kitchen set.

Instead of a regular dining table, you can install a folding or sliding table, or a bar counter. You can also use the window sill as a dining table, having previously expanded it to right size. It may be successful to use pull-out modules with drawers equipped with wheels. The corner layout of the furniture will make it possible to implement the idea of ​​reducing the depth of floor cabinets installed near adjacent walls. At the same time, the depth of cabinets, in the countertop of which appliances or a sink is not built in, can be reduced to 40 centimeters. 20 centimeters is also a tangible savings for a kitchen of 6 squares. Interior of a small kitchen photo:

Believe me, there are plenty of options for turning a small room into a comfortable, practical and rational kitchen.

Small kitchen interior design

How often designers are happy to give their advice on how best to equip huge kitchen-dining rooms. What should people do who are forced to be content with tiny kitchenettes - the problems of ordinary "Khrushchev"? Such a tiny place is allotted for cooking, as well as eating in such a “masterpiece of the thaw era”, residents of large families often have to dine in turns. Kitchen interior in Khrushchev photo:

Whatever one may say, there is no need to despair. Even the interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev can be turned into a functional, comfortable and beautiful room. The main thing is to correctly develop the interior design of a small-sized kitchen, and then find a manufacturer who will be able to bring your idea to life.

Since every centimeter counts in the kitchen area of ​​a small apartment, it is necessary to use it strictly for its intended purpose, thereby squeezing out the maximum functionality. It is important to know and take into account all the features of the design. For example, it is highly undesirable to clutter up the room with heavy furniture. No matter how exclusive and expensive the headset may seem, because of its bulkiness, a small kitchenette can turn into a closet. The interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev photo:

Interior design of a small kitchen in classical style, which involves the use of contrasting elements, is undoubtedly the best option. Using small cabinets, large shelves, transparent surfaces of cold shades and mirrors, you can visually increase the volume of the room, expand the interior space of the Khrushchev kitchen 6 sq. M. to the entrance.

As for headsets, linear and corner kitchen models will be an excellent choice. To achieve a free and functional design, it is strongly recommended to order furniture with ready-made connectors for household appliances. washing machine, stove and oven can always be selected in small sizes in order to save space. Built-in kitchen furniture is very popular today, effectively saving room space. The interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev photo, created using the built-in headset, will become functional and neat.

Additional furniture lighting is also important, which can bring special originality. With light sources placed on walls or under furniture, in cabinets, amazing effects can be achieved. It is not recommended to use more than three colors when decorating a small kitchen, as this can “overload” the room, making it several times smaller visually. Interior of a small kitchen photo: