How to properly measure blinds for plastic windows. Do-it-yourself measurement of roller blinds of various types

Roller blinds are a type of fabric window shading that replaces conventional curtains or blinds. They are chosen by adherents of minimalism in the interior; they complement the most different types curtains, knowing how to measure roller blinds correctly for the desired effect. Roller blinds require a minimal amount of fabric and take up little space, in addition they require a minimum of maintenance.

From the right choice curtains depends general view windows. How to choose the right one right size this type of curtain? What do you need to consider to make the right choice? It would seem like small nuances, but they affect the appearance of the window as a whole and the functionality of all devices.

To select the required size roller blinds You will need to measure the dimensions of the window. When taking measurements, be sure to calculate the width of the roller blind. The length, in most cases, is made standard - approximately 2 meters. This size should be sufficient for most standard modern designs.

For accurate measurements, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

Using a tape measure, we measure the glass in width and length (along the sash). The data obtained will help determine the design that is suitable for the window. It is also necessary to measure the depth of the bead. With a depth of 1.5 centimeters, the “Uni” curtain is suitable. For sizes less than 1.5 centimeters (and inclusive), you should opt for the “Profil” or “Mini” system designs.

The overall width is the width of the curtain. Therefore, the size of the tube on which the rolled fabric is attached will be the necessary parameter in measuring the width of the curtains.

Measurements of different types of curtains

In order to correctly measure roller blinds plastic windows it is necessary to study the features of each type of design.


The first step is to decide on the type installation work, or rather, where the classic roller blinds will be located: with outside opening or inside the opening. You should get the following measurement values:

  1. Width (hereinafter referred to as “b”) from 0.5 to 3 m;
  2. Height (hereinafter referred to as “h”) from 0.5 to 3 m;
  3. Length (hereinafter referred to as “l”) of control is from 0.27 m and above (the maximum value is not established). The size of the control length should not exceed 2/3 of the total length of the assembled curtain.

Outdoor installation

For outdoor installation, the following steps will be required:

  1. Measurement b.
  2. Depending on the edge of the window sill, h changes. For the internal location of the window sill, the numbers can be at your discretion.
  3. b curtains minus 4 centimeters = b linens.
  4. If installation takes place directly to the wall, then the border from the ceiling to the fastening should be 7 centimeters.

Indoor installation

For internal view fastenings (in the opening), the following measurements are taken into account:

  1. To calculate b of the canvas, it is necessary to calculate the difference between twice the distance from the bracket and the side bevel to b of the opening. The value should not exceed 5 centimeters.

Cassette curtain

Among the cassette types of roller blinds, there are Uni-1, Uni-2, Mini.


  1. To calculate b, measure the distance in a vertical position between the ribs of the beads. The measurement accuracy is up to hundredths of a centimeter.
  2. H is the distance between the ribs in a horizontal position. The side for regulating the degree of opening of the product is selected arbitrarily. Level h is an individual value, constituting 2/3 of the total length of the curtain.
  3. After installation, Uni-1 should be installed between the ribs of the glazing beads.


When making dimensional measurements, the customer’s wishes and the features of the window frame are taken into account. The location of the fittings (handles or hinges) is also of no small importance.

  1. For the value of b, the distance between the ribs of the cap is taken into account. 6.8 centimeters are added to it.
  2. Distance between external parts the structure should be a couple of centimeters smaller (from 0.25 to 1.2 m).
  3. H for this design is the distance between the lower and upper points of the system plug (from 0.2 m to 1.5 m).


In the Mini design, mini curtains are installed on each window sash separately. To do this, you need to know the b value of the light opening. It increases by 0.4 centimeters to take into account the glazing bead and fasteners. All other calculations are similar. The side for the location of the control device is chosen arbitrarily. The chain for winding the fabric onto the pipe is counted as 2/3 of h.

The lock for the lower cornice is installed when the window sash has a tilt-and-turn mechanism. Thanks to this, when ventilating, the flaps will not hang over the window sill.

The clamp for the lower cornice has two types of fastening:

  1. magnetic, in which magnets are installed on screws;
  2. brackets on fishing line.

Methods for attaching the upper cornice:

  1. screws;
  2. on double-sided tape;
  3. on hanging brackets - for the sash.

Measurements for Mini roller blinds. The first step is to measure the width and height of the glass (up to the sash). 3 centimeters are added to the numbers for width and 12 for height. Next, the location of the control mechanism is determined. It is better if it is near the loop. Next, select the mounting method (screws or double-sided tape).

Mini curtains are installed only on the doors.


There are two types of curtains of this type - these are UNI-1 and UNI-2.


The type is suitable for different windows, with different design features. Very popular in modern design. The color scheme of the box can easily be matched to the color of the frame, creating visual integrity. Standard size is 200×175.

To select this type, the following measurements are required:

  1. 2 centimeters are added to the height between the ribs of the glazing bead for reserve.
  2. Width is measured in the same way without any additions.

Curtains of this type have one drawback - the bottom bar rubs against the glass, which leads to the appearance of bevels and even cracks. This disadvantage is especially evident when the bead depth is 2 cm.


This type is the most acceptable and universal. Mounted on almost any surface with varying relief. If the bead depth is more than 2 cm, then this option will be the most acceptable. Uni-2 curtains have guides in the shape of the letter “P”, which ensures clear fixation and absence of friction. The likelihood of cracks and bevels appearing is extremely low.

Measuring roller blinds to select the size:

The width must be measured according to the external dimensions of the curtain guides. To calculate the required height, the value of the external dimensions is added to the height of the box (about 7 cm). The most recommended value by experts is from 1 to 2 centimeters, since if an error is made, the excess can be cut off by removing the plugs from the pipe.


Before purchasing a system, the profile should be measured:

  1. b between the corners of the sash.
  2. h, taking into account the size of the glass, the sash that must open.

In addition to plastic windows, the “Profil” system is installed on doors.


Roller blinds can be installed in various ways. There are external and internal fastenings, and fastening to the frame.

Required measurements for each method:

  1. For outdoor installation, b is measured and 15 centimeters are added to it. In the h dimension, plus 15 centimeters is added to the opening dimensions.
  2. For internal fastening it is necessary to take measurements at three points h and b. For height, the smallest values ​​are suitable. If the slopes are angular, then the mark is the place where the blade is attached. For b, 5 millimeters are subtracted from the measured value, and h remains unchanged.
  3. Fastening to the frame is carried out by measuring b along the bead and h of the frame. The minimum distance from the fabric and handle should not exceed a centimeter. Marks are made directly on the product.

Summing up

Every missing or extra centimeter can ruin appearance products and rooms in general. Therefore, before measuring roller blinds for plastic windows, do not rush in your actions.

Window blinds are an excellent option for arranging the interior of a home, especially in “technical” rooms: kitchens, bathrooms, verandas, balconies. The selection of texture, width, color and control method allows you to achieve not only purely utilitarian goals - changing the flow of light entering the room from the street, but also achieve a certain decorative effect that meets the design concept.

How to measure blinds for plastic windows is the topic of this article.

Types of blinds

The installation and, accordingly, the dimensions of the blinds depend on the direction in which the slats are oriented - strips of fabric or strips of metal or plastic.

There are few options: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal blinds are the most popular in residential areas, as they have a number of advantages, the main one of which is their compactness.

Due to the small width of the lamellas - 5-15 mm, they can be installed in the following positions:

  • close to the window glass - flush with the window plastic profile (isolight);
  • on top of the window plastic profile– separately for each of the window sashes;
  • in the window opening flush with the plane of the wall;
  • in the form of curtains covering the window opening from the ceiling to the windowsill.

Depending on this, the dimensions of the blinds can be measured in different ways.

The only tool needed to take measurements is a construction tape.

Measurements for horizontal blinds

For blinds that completely cover the window opening, you should measure the height of the window opening from the window sill to the ceiling. The thickness of the window sill +20-40 mm is added to the obtained value.

For blinds located in the window opening flush with the wall, measure the height of the opening minus 10 mm. The width of the opening is minus 20 mm.

For those located on plastic windows – the height of the window profile is minus 20 mm, the width of the window profile is minus 20 mm.

To install Isolite blinds, only plastic windows with a glazing bead design that secures the double-glazed window in a rectangular PVC profile are suitable. Plastic windows with beveled glazing beads are not suitable for installation.

Measure the height of the window glass - from the upper inner edge of the bead to the lower inner edge +50 mm. - this is the length of the canvas. The width of the canvas is determined by the distance from internal sides glazing bead minus 10 mm.

Isolite blinds are equipped with side “U”-shaped guides in which the edges of the slats slide. The guides prevent the canvas from sagging when the plastic window sash is tilted to the “micro-ventilation” position. Therefore, the width of the lamellas is determined by the height of the profile, multiplied by x2 minus 10 mm - 5 mm on each side for free movement along the guides.

Before deciding on the width of the blinds, you need to measure the height of the “U”-shaped profile for the specific model of blinds you have chosen.

Dimensions of vertical blinds

Vertical blinds are a less common option in residential areas. It is more often used in offices or public buildings.

But with a successful selection of fabric colors and textures, vertical blinds can successfully replace curtains.

There can be several options for their location:

  • in a window opening;
  • over the window opening to the window sill;
  • over the window opening to the floor.

In the first case, you should measure the height of the window opening from the window sill to the upper window slope. Subtract 20-30 mm from the resulting value. – sagging of the chains connecting the lower edges of the vertical slats.

The width should be measured along the inner edges of the slopes. There are two things to consider vertical blinds– the width of the lamellas – their number should completely cover the window opening and be located in it freely, so as not to overlap each other and not to interfere with the rotation of the lamellas around their axis. The second feature is the way the slats are moved: to one side, or from the center to the edges of the window opening.

When selecting the dimensions of the lamellas, the total width of the canvas when fully closed should be 20 mm narrower than the width of the window opening.

When installing blinds on a cornice like curtains, the main dimension is the distance of the cornice from the wall. This distance should be equal to half the width of the lamellas + 20 mm. If the blinds are installed up to the window sill, their length should be 20-30 mm. shorter than the distance from the bottom edge of the cornice + suspension + fastening chains below.

If the blinds are installed below the edge of the window sill, you should measure the distance of the cornice from the most protruding point - the edge of the window sill or heating radiators (grids) + half the width of the slats + 20 mm for free rotation around the axis.

The length of the lamellas “to the floor” is the distance from the floor to the ceiling - minus the thickness of the cornice, minus the height of the suspension, minus 20-30 mm - the sagging of the chains fastening the lamellas.

Instead of a conclusion

The vast majority of blind manufacturing companies offer, as a free option, a visit and measurement of dimensions by a professionally trained employee. Under no circumstances should you refuse this service if it is included in the cost of blinds and their installation.

It is advisable to measure the window opening yourself and install the products only if you purchase ready-made blinds in the store standard size. This allows you to somewhat reduce the cost of purchasing them, but does not guarantee that the dimensions of the purchased blinds will exactly match the dimensions of your plastic window.

Gaps between the panels can spoil the overall picture of the window interior. If possible, take the dimensions and order individual production of blinds in exact accordance with the measurements.

Today, many apartment owners and country cottages for registration window openings In residential premises, blinds are used that have a number of undeniable advantages in front of traditional curtains:

  • reliably protect living space and furniture from ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not take up much space;
  • fits perfectly into modern interiors;
  • do not require complex care;
  • differ in structural and design diversity.

In most cases, blinds are installed on plastic windows. When installing such light-protective structures, high measurement accuracy must be observed.

How to correctly measure blinds when installing them on a plastic window?

The main rules for measuring blinds

If the owner of apartments and country cottages decides to carry out the installation with his own hands, then he should adhere to following rules when taking measurements:

  • record all measurements with high precision down to the millimeter;
  • When ordering a light-protective structure, indicate first the width and then the length;
  • To take accurate measurements, take measurements in several places, since in most cases window frame not ideal in shape.

When taking measurements yourself, it should be taken into account that each type of blinds must use its own technology for taking accurate measurements.

What types of blinds can be installed on plastic windows?

Types of blinds by design type

Such light-protective structures are distinguished by structural and design diversity. They can be assembled from different materials:

  • aluminum;
  • fabrics;
  • tree.

According to the shape and type of arrangement of the lamellas, they are divided into:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • roll

Due to the fact that measurements for each type of such light-protective structure are carried out according to a special scheme, the installation of blinds of different types is usually carried out by specialists. The Spacey company offers not only large selection blinds different types and production of a specific model for windows of a certain shape, but also high-quality installation.

Measurements of horizontal blinds

Designs with horizontally located lamellas are considered universal due to their convenience and ease of use. How to take measurements correctly?

First of all, you should determine the installation method: in the opening or on the frame. In the first case, the structure can be attached to the ceiling or into the wall. In the second, directly on the sash.

When installing “in the opening”, you can use blinds of different sizes. In this case, you need to measure the width and height of the window opening. When ordering, you must specify the width parameters, which must be equal to the width of the window opening + 1 cm minimum. When fixing the length, indicate the height distance to which at least 5 cm is added.

Measuring a window to install vertical blinds is easy!

Installation in a window opening

If you want vertical blinds installed inside the window opening, you need to measure the full width and height of the opening (wall to wall) as shown in the diagram below. The measurement must be carried out at least three times in each direction and the smallest values ​​must be selected.

  • For measurement accuracy, ;
  • measure in 3 places, both “Width” and “Height”, and then select the smallest of the values. Be careful and always double-check yourself!
  • in order for vertical blinds to be installed in the window opening, it is necessary Reduce “Height” and “Width” by 2 cm.
  • , such as window handles. Check whether the blinds will not be an obstacle when opening the window for ventilation or when fully opened.

Wall or ceiling mounting above a window

If you want vertical blinds to be installed outside the window opening, you need to measure the width and height of the opening, taking into account the allowances, as shown in the diagram below. The measurement must be carried out at least three times in each direction and the largest values ​​must be selected.

  • for measurement accuracy, use a steel metal tape measure;
  • measure in 3 places, both “Width” and “Height”, and then select the largest of the values. Be careful and always double-check yourself!
  • To order vertical blinds, it is necessary that the measuring points at the top are at least 10 cm above the window opening. The measuring points along the edges should be no closer than 8 cm to the edge of the opening. The measuring points below can be 2 cm above the window sill, radiator or other obstacle.
  • pay attention to the presence of obstacles, such as window handles, radiators, screens, heating pipes. Check whether the blinds will not be an obstacle when opening the window for ventilation.

Please note that when ordering vertical blinds, you indicate the “Width” and “Height” overall dimensions products!

Ordering lamellas (fabric) for replacement

If you want replace only the fabric in the blinds, you need to measure the length of one lamella and the number of lamellas on the cornice.

  • for measurement accuracy, use a steel metal tape measure;
  • make sure all slats are the same length. Be careful and always double-check yourself!
  • To order a set of fabric, indicate the size indicated in the diagram on the left. There is no need to add or subtract anything;
  • pay attention to the condition of the runners and cornice mechanisms. Try to carefully remove a few slats and make sure you don't break the hooks that hold them in place. Replacing hooks without dismantling the cornice and completely rebuilding it is not possible!

When using the product, it is strictly forbidden to move apart or move the blinds slats if they are in the closed position. The slats must be shifted in a fully or slightly open state. Otherwise, the rotating mechanisms may be damaged!

Still have questions?

  • Our specialists are ready to assist in choosing vertical blinds for any type of window.
  • So that we can provide qualified assistance, send us a picture of the window by email info@site
  • If possible, call our customer service center by phone +7 495 790-04-26. We are open: Mon-Fri 9:00–19:00, Sat 10:00–17:00.

After installing plastic windows, it is necessary to provide for the installation of blinds that are suitable for the design, which allow you to create optimal natural light indoors in any weather outside the window.

But for correct installation and selecting a design, you need to know how to measure blinds for plastic windows yourself.

This knowledge will help you save money on paying for the work of the construction team or purchase more expensive model blinds.

Choosing the right type of blinds

It is possible to take measurements for the installation location of the blinds and determine their dimensions only after the appropriate type has been selected, on which many nuances and measurement methods depend. Some people mainly focus on decorative properties and ease of use, which, in general, is correct, but it is worth noting the fact that the complexity of their installation can differ significantly.

Roman blinds are great for living areas of an apartment

Therefore, it is worth choosing designs that best satisfy all the design requirements of the room, but at the same time it is possible to install them yourself. Manufacturers offer the following types of structures for indoor installation:

  • classic version with horizontal or vertical lamellas;
  • roll;
  • Roman blinds;
  • pleated.

The first and second options are optimal and inexpensive, therefore, if there is no experience in measurements and installation, then they are ideal. Taking measurements for them is quite simple, they are undemanding to operate and are quite repairable. If you want to create a unique design, then the other options are suitable.

Determining the mounting method

Before measuring the window, you need to decide on the method of fastening the structure being installed.

If you follow the instructions, you can install the curtains in a matter of minutes.

To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Vertical fastening can be done inside the opening or directly to the wall, depending on how the plastic window was installed.
  • Vertical structures must be fastened in such a way that there is a minimum distance of more than 50 mm from the floor.
  • If you plan to install the blinds overlapping with the window opening, then you need to be prepared for the fact that part of the window sill will be occupied by its structure.
  • When attaching a vertical structure, the width is selected so that the canvas protrudes beyond the window by at least 15 cm.

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Fastening in the window opening should be carried out so that the window sill is not touched by the canvas, that is, it is necessary to make a height indent of 20 mm. It is necessary to determine in advance the opening direction of the blinds and select a mechanism.

The process of measuring the size of blinds for plastic windows

Steel tape allows you to take measurements with high accuracy

To measure blinds correctly means choosing the right tool, wisely selecting the required design and deciding on the location for installation, and then performing the necessary measurement steps.

It is important to measure all the necessary linear dimensions only using a steel tape measure, since only it can provide the required accuracy.

The use of other measuring instruments can subsequently create significant problems, since even 1 mm up or down is enough for this error to be visible throughout the entire life of the window.

Measuring the dimensions of horizontal or vertical blinds

Before measuring blinds for plastic windows, you should choose one of the methods for installing blinds:

  • In the doorway. The method is effective for installation on fixed windows with non-opening sashes.
  • On top of the opening. The implementation of the method is similar to the first case.
  • On the window sash. The method is suitable for a single glass unit or a window with one glass installed.
  • Inside the window.

Measurements for installing blinds in the opening

When measuring, take at least 2-3 width measurements to ensure accuracy.

You can measure blinds for installation in a window opening in the following order:

  • Using a tape measure, we measure the dimensions of the window opening at several points (at least three) along each linear dimension to eliminate the situation with an uneven opening.
  • If distortions in width or height are found, the smallest of the three values ​​is selected.
  • We subtract 10 mm from the width of the opening, and the height of the opening is equal to the height of the canvas.
  • We take into account the presence of openable sashes and adjust the dimensions so that the window, when open, does not touch the rolled canvas.
  • We take into account the location of the regulatory controls and make the appropriate adjustments.

To select the dimensions finally and if you have any doubts regarding the measurements taken, it is recommended to make a sketch on a convenient scale and put all the structural elements on it.

Measuring the dimensions of blinds for installation over the opening

Installing the structure over the opening is very simple, since correctly measuring the required dimensions is quite simple and it is almost impossible to make any mistakes. Therefore, this installation method is one of the most common.

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Blinds over the opening look beautiful and are a decorative element

The measurement process is performed as follows:

  • We measure the window opening in width and height.
  • To determine the width of the canvas, add 20 mm to the measured value.
  • The height of the structure can only be calculated by adding 50 mm to the measured value of the opening height, which is what we actually do.
  • We make adjustments to the position of the controls and the collapsed structure itself.

Taking measurements to install blinds between the sashes

Selecting the right size for blinds to install between the window sashes is quite difficult. Therefore, it is important to take correct measurements, the sequence of which is as follows:

  • We measure the dimensions of the visible part of the glass inserted into the frame, excluding glazing beads.
  • If distortions or irregularities are detected, we select a smaller size value and take measurements at several points.
  • The dimensions of the canvas formed by the lamellas are determined by adding 10 mm to the height and width to the measured values.
  • The selected size should take into account the location of the blinds when rolled up and not interfere with the opening of the window sashes.

Taking measurements for installation inside a window

Installing blinds inside a window is only possible if the window frames have the correct geometry and the blinds controls can be moved outside. That is, the plastic window frame must be specially designed for this type blinds. In most cases, the window design does not provide for opening sashes.

The sequence of actions for determining the dimensions of the canvas is as follows:

  • Using a tape measure, measure the height and width of the visible part of the glass, including glazing beads.
  • We determine the presence of curvature in the plane of the frame and decide on the possibility of installing blinds.
  • From the measured height of the window, we subtract the height of the structure for fastening the panel, which protrudes beyond the position of the top bead. We add 30 mm to the obtained value and obtain the desired length of the blade.
  • The width of the canvas should be equal to the measured width of the window along with the glazing beads.