Magic according to the dream book. Magic numbers Dream book magical abilities

Possessing fabulous wealth in a dream foretells that you will ensure your well-being only through hard work. Possessing a large sum of currency means that you will rise through the ranks to greater success through constant diligence and attention to your affairs.

Owning jewelry in a dream is a very favorable dream, foreshadowing honors and recognition of your merits by others. Owning your own house or cottage promises you good fortune in the very near future.

A dream in which you have many talents and shine with them, being widely recognized, means disappointment and loss of mental strength. Possessing a desired man in a dream means that in reality you will decide to get to know him more closely.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Magic

You see a person practicing magic in a dream - some joyful event awaits you; the music that will sound in your soul is unlikely to be a consequence of material acquisitions or profits; count on spiritual gains; but you won’t have to sit there with an empty wallet either.

It’s as if you are doing magic yourself - you can expect surprises from fate - both under the plus and minus signs.

Interpretation of dreams from

In life, everything connected with mysticism evokes awe and fear of the unknown. However, not everything about which magic is dreamed has a negative connotation. In a dream, this symbol can be a hint promising change or a pleasant surprise. Some dream books associate such a dream with the magical abilities that the dreamer has.

Witchcraft practice

According to D. Loff's dream book, magic or attributes of witchcraft in a dream are considered a sign of willfulness that can save a sleeping person from pressing problems. An important factor is the direction in which magical abilities are directed.

Practicing black magic, purposefully causing harm to others, predicts a situation that you are trying with all your might to control. Perhaps you should realize that not everything in real life should obey your desires.

According to the Eastern Women's Dream Book, what one dreams of resorting to witchcraft speaks of the low self-esteem of the sleeping person, as well as his inability to take responsibility for what is happening.

According to the newest interpreter G. Ivanova, a dream of magic, witchcraft or a magical ritual indicates the dreamer’s natural abilities to practice esotericism.

If you happened to attend a black magic session in a dream, expect unpleasant troubles. For a man, such a plot predicts troubles in the family, for business people it warns about the wrong choice of a companion or business partner. For a young girl, such a dream using dark magic promises an unwanted pregnancy.

Fortune telling and horoscope

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, what dreams of fortune-telling with the help of numbers, carried out through a long calculation, provides for the opportunity to prevent evil plans directed against the dreamer.

Fortune telling in a dream through fire is interpreted by the dream book depending on the state of the flame. So, dreaming of a weak light that is about to go out is a sign of future worries associated with a radical change in plans. These are probably just your fears, since things should turn out well.

The female interpreter associates dreams of fortune telling using numbers with anxiety, dissatisfaction and uncertainty in real time.

What a bright flash of fire means in a dream is positioned by the Numerological Dream Book as the emergence of a new goal, the implementation of which is possible with the assistance of friends and strong confidence in one’s abilities.

A dream about your own horoscope indicates good luck in business and an upcoming romantic trip. For a girl, such a dream suggests meeting a person with whom the relationship will be long and strong.

Why do you dream of magical power?

Loff's Dream Book

One of the striking features of dreams, particularly LUNCID dreams, in which you are aware that you are dreaming but have control over what is happening, is that during such dreams you can be endowed with almost any conceivable ability necessary to solve problems that arise. problems. However, at a critical moment, for no apparent reason, you may lose your magical powers.

You can get them from different sources, you can simply evoke them in yourself. You may receive an item of clothing with such powers, or you may find a stone or something else that will infuse these powers into you. It is important that you can solve problems with the help of the opportunities that have appeared to you. Such a dream can turn into nothing more than a dream of WILL EXECUTION, which will save you from problems without much energy expenditure on your part.

The loss of magical abilities is often nothing more than a bridge to reality. Thinking that in your dreams you have powers with which you can perform great and glorious deeds, you wake up inexorably aware that problems do not always solve themselves. Perhaps, on some level and in certain situations, your mind controls the feeling of self-confidence at the moment of awakening.

The magic you are experiencing may mean that you are resisting the most likely outcome of a certain set of circumstances. Often we cannot appreciate the logic and simplicity of a given situation because of the desire to “work through” it.

What is the nature of your magical abilities in a dream - physical or intellectual?

What do you use your magical abilities for?

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: hardships, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. It is better not to take into account the details when deciphering it. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be solved. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

Even the most avid skeptics and materialists do not deny the possibility of the existence of magic and its influence on human life. At different periods of its life, humanity treated magic differently. It is believed that there is white, that is, life-affirming and creative magic, which helps to fulfill good desires and achieve well-being, and black magic, aimed at destruction and destruction.

To see manifestations of white magic in a dream is a positive dream, pleasant surprises of fate, help from higher powers. Black magic - they are planning something evil against you.

Dream book of Catherine the Great. Why did you dream about magic?

If you dreamed of a magician at work, this is a harbinger of a joyful event. It will not necessarily have a material equivalent, although poverty will definitely not threaten you. Your acquisitions are more likely to belong to the category of spirit. If you perform magical actions yourself, fate will present you with a surprise, and it is unknown what kind - joyful or not too joyful.

Modern dream book. What does magic seen in a dream portend?

If in a dream she is busy with love magic, then she will receive a long-awaited gift from her beloved. Such a dream also suggests that your friends and loved ones will help resolve the problems that are oppressing you. Seeing rituals of black magic in a dream means family troubles and troubles, and for businessmen - a wrong choice of a business partner or loss of financial investments. For girls, such a dream can predict an unplanned pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z. Interpretation of the dream “Magic”

Dreaming about magical events symbolizes the coming of pleasant surprises in the near future. Seeing magical accessories, inscriptions and the like in a dream, hearing a prediction of the future or promises of fulfillment of desires - means irritability from real failures.

White magic rituals in a dream are the intervention of external forces that will save you from collapse and other failures and point in the direction leading to prosperity and well-being. If you see the actions of black magicians in a dream, this dream indicates the casting of love spells, damage, and also the insincerity of others.

The newest dream book. The meaning of the image "Magic"

Conducts some kind of magical ritual in a dream - to have innate esoteric abilities.


If in a dream you voluntarily seek magical help, this means that you are not confident in your own abilities and capabilities. In addition, you do not seek to take responsibility, and the outcome of the ritual will tell you the most likely development of events.

Perhaps you would like everything in your life to happen with the wave of a magic wand. It is possible that the result of magical influences that pleased you in a dream will soon come to life, and without your participation. However, most likely, you will stumble upon deception and an attempt at manipulation. Don't trust the words of magicians in your dreams!

In contact with

according to Loff's dream book

At turning points in a dream, your abilities may surprise you with their changes, both in the direction of expanding opportunities and in the direction of limitation. Moreover, this applies to both mental and physical abilities. Suddenly you discover that you have a wealth of knowledge to solve a problem or acquire a skill necessary for some task. In other cases, you suddenly lose the skills and abilities that you need at this moment. Acquisition. The amazing thing about acquiring knowledge is that it comes from your own mind in your sleep. If, upon awakening, you find that the process used to solve the problem in the dream was logical, then you may want to reflect on similar problems in your real life. Your brain, while in a state of sleep, chooses ways to solve a problem that in real life you have already excluded from consideration or that you have never thought about. What was the essence of the skills you acquired? Were they logical, practical, or something that is absolutely impossible to imagine in real life? Loss. Of course, you can just as easily forget about something or lose some ability. In dreams of this nature, your self-doubt and fear that you may be incompetent take precedence over your knowledge. Physically, loss of ability may involve sudden weakness or loss of sensory perceptions such as vision, speech, or hearing. Sudden weakness may be caused by the body's actual awareness of its state during sleep, as sleep paralysis affects motor abilities in the REM state. Dreams involving the loss of other physical skills, such as driving a car, throwing an object, or performing tasks related to your job, may reflect memory loss or underestimation of a particular detail regarding a problem that is bothering you in your waking life. Who is next to you when you lose a skill? What are you trying to accomplish? How does this event correspond to your real life?

Seeing supernatural powers in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If in a dream you have magical abilities - the ability to fly, master magic, read minds - then, apparently, this is a dream about gaining power. Very often in such a dream, only you will have such powers, and you will use them to achieve a certain accomplishment: escape, win a battle, or save others. Sometimes these forces spread to others or meet resistance from them. In this case, the mind brings your forces into line with your needs, it gives you the opportunity, at least in a dream, to completely put your inner world in order.

Seeing magical powers in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

One of the striking features of dreams, particularly lucid dreams, in which you are aware that you are dreaming but have control over what is happening, is that during such dreams you can be endowed with almost any conceivable ability necessary to solve problems that arise. problems. However, at a critical moment, for no apparent reason, you may lose your magical powers. You can get them from different sources, you can simply evoke them in yourself. You may receive an item of clothing with such powers, or you may find a stone or something else that will infuse these powers into you. It is important that you can solve problems with the help of the opportunities that have appeared to you. Such a dream can turn into nothing more than a dream of will fulfillment, which will save you from problems without large energy expenditures on your part. The loss of magical abilities is often nothing more than a bridge to reality. Thinking that in your dreams you have powers with which you can perform great and glorious deeds, you wake up inexorably aware that problems do not always solve themselves. Perhaps, on some level and in certain situations, your mind controls the feeling of self-confidence at the moment of awakening. The magic you are experiencing may mean that you are resisting the most likely outcome of a certain set of circumstances. Often we cannot appreciate the logic and simplicity of a given situation because of the desire to work through it. What is the nature of your magical abilities in a dream - physical or intellectual? What do you use your magical abilities for?