Calculation of destination by date of birth. Your purpose in life by date of birth

Destination Number “1”

Your name predetermines you to be a leader. You must achieve it with your own initiative, independence and originality of thinking and methods of action. If you live up to your name, you will become an outstanding figure in one field or another. Your life is destined to be interesting, filled with many unusual and strange events, the purpose of which is to develop your willpower and determination. You will achieve success through your ability to stand on your own two feet, think for yourself, and individualize your character. This does not mean that you should be aggressive and overbearing, but that you should be strong, confident and determined to move through life to the best of your ability. If you use your superior constructive willpower to overcome obstacles and solve problems with courage and originality, life will never disappoint you. Don't be afraid to go off the beaten path. Just make sure your plan is constructive and it will open the door to leadership and independence. Teach authentic leadership to others.

Destination Number “2”

You are destined by Life to play the role of a peacemaker. Your magic recipe for success is being kind to people. You have the ability to persuade, diplomacy and cooperation. But they must be carefully developed and brought to perfection along with your other qualities if you want more from life. In other words, you are one of the people involved in resolving conflicts, and you will have to constantly calm unrest. This may not always coincide with your desire, but you came into the world with such a mission, and it must be fulfilled not only in order to achieve success, but also to find inner peace and happiness. When things don't go smoothly, try using tact, diplomacy and courtesy. Dispute resolution is your profession. Avoid entering into a struggle for existence. Reconcile others diplomatically. Calm, console, counsel, advise and help people find peace, for this will bring you great inner satisfaction and increase your chances of achieving material success.

Destination Number “3”

You have a creative destiny, and you are required to be an optimist. Your mission in life is to help people realize the magical power of cheerfulness and inspiration. You yourself should understand this, because one of your slogans in achieving success is “Laugh, and the world will laugh with you.” “Cry and you will cry alone” is equally true for you. Many people have lost joy in life. Your life mission and responsibility is to awaken their imagination and spirit until their faith in people, in human friendship flares up again and they can laugh again. This may not always be easy for you, but it is an integral part of your success and you need to make every effort to ensure it. You are destined for popularity, love, romance and money, but they will come to you only if your own life is imbued with beauty, art and inspiration. Don't be afraid to laugh in the face of troubles. Combine sincerity with joy and you will not fail. If you are unable to express your ideas and character in any creative or inspired way, train your mind until it comes easily and naturally to you. As a result, opportunities will open up to you that you will not get in any other way.

Destination Number “4”

In life, you are destined to play the role of manager and organizer. You are a builder and your mission is to make things sustainable and lasting. You must give practicality to dreams and ground all fantasies. Life will not allow you to look at things simply, and many serious problems will bother you until you learn to skillfully systematize and put your business and personal affairs in order and proper form. This may not always coincide with your desires, but if you want the best from life, then you need to constantly strive for the unity of idea and result, because you were born to take responsibility, and others will turn to you for help and protection. Your sustainable success depends on moving forward from the ground up, no matter the nature of the work you do. At the very least, you should try to achieve tangible results and give concrete form to your plans. Excessive haste and carelessness in business can ruin you. Any change or new plan must lead to improved order, management and reliability. From your birth, you are destined to defend the principles of honesty, sincerity, patience, perseverance, determination and faith. Keep them in your life plan, and the fruits of your labors will outlive you.

Number of Destination “5”

Life has many experiences and changes in store for you. Some of them will be imposed on you, and others will be caused by you. Your mission in life is to promote freedom and progress, to support the forward flow of Life. It may be difficult for you, even if you want to, to stay in contact with the same people or do the same job for a long time. After all, the basis of all progress is new ideas and methods, change and renewal. Only by abandoning the old can the new be brought to life. You must learn this lesson, for you have come into the world to become one of those who stand for both universal freedom and individual freedom. You need to help people live more freely and happily. Remember: lasting happiness is impossible without a full guarantee of the right to freedom. If something limits you in life, develop your resourcefulness and versatility, use your intelligence to keep up with the times and stay afloat in the turbulent stream of world progress. When change comes unexpectedly, do not be afraid of it and do not cling to the old. Accept the new and make it a stepping stone to further development and achieving better results. But being free does not mean deliberately breaking traditions. Progress is not rebellion. It means enlightenment and setting great goals, the desire to work and learn. Focus on the light and the best in life. Don't let yourself get delayed on your life's journey. Be a legislator, but merciful and tolerant.

Destination Number “6”

Your Destiny is to serve the world. You are a humanitarian, and your mission in life is to comfort the suffering, the weak and the unfortunate. Debt will remind you of yourself throughout your entire life journey. Your success and personal happiness depend on the amount of good you can do and the love and compassion you give to those who need it or ask for help. But you must not sacrifice your own life to fulfill your duty, for the world expects you to uphold the ideals of mercy, service to people, truth and justice. In addition, your Destiny is colored by artistry, and part of your task in life is to bring beauty to our old world. If you want to earn the honorable reward that your name prophesies for you, all your actions must be permeated with harmony and beauty, the ideals of love and companionship. With your touch, everything should become more beautiful - flowers, things, houses, nature and humanity. Before the minds and souls of people, you must adhere to the Golden Rule of truth and justice, for you are also a teacher. You have an undeniable, real ability to help humanity, and you will have to provide such help, even if you would like to avoid it. Never compromise on your ideals. When trouble knocks on your neighbor's door, give him a helping hand. And then you will miraculously find yourself surrounded by love, luxury and comfort, and your labors will be crowned by a happy family life.

Destination Number “7”

You are destined to be one of the world's educators. Before you write down on paper or preach your knowledge to your fellow tribesmen, you need to study, check, prove the facts and make sure of their accuracy. Your life should be interesting, because in your search for knowledge you will encounter many events and unusual encounters that will help you learn to distinguish true from false. You are destined to discover, reveal and understand the secrets of life, to delve into the hidden, scientific and occult. You may even be called strange, different, or incomprehensible. You may often feel lonely even when you are among people, and this will continue until you learn to live by the virtue of your own soul, and not rely on the support and sympathy of others. Your destiny is to live according to the realities of life, not external standards; Having understood this, you will no longer be alone, for then the world will tromp a path to your doorstep for hints, advice and knowledge, in order to enjoy the peace and stability of your life. Your business and even your marriage can fall apart from too much emotionality and sentimentality. Remember: you are an educator and cannot choose the easy path for yourself. You take your place in the world thanks to knowledge, science, skills and wisdom. You may come from the common people, but you will be loved and respected for your knowledge and achievements.

Destination Number “8”

You have a dynamic Destiny, which gives you the right to high position, power, money and recognition in society. Your path in life will not be easy, and success will come through knowledge of life and the spiritual relationships in it, as well as through determination and financial ventures. Your reward will be expressed not only in money, but also in achievements. You should work for the love of the job and find more satisfaction in a job well done than in personal reward. Making money your main goal can mean setting yourself up for failure and unhappiness from which you will have a hard time recovering. Money will come when you learn to balance the material and spiritual forces of existence and work for the common good, and not just for yourself. You may have to repeat your efforts again and again to realize your own goal, but only until you realize that the basis of all achievements is the Law of Cause and Effect, and not chance or luck. You will receive your well-deserved reward through your own efforts, strength of character and self-control. Don't waste your energy in the struggle for wealth. Do something worthwhile regardless of profit considerations. Develop a philosophical way of thinking and always try to remain an impartial judge in the affairs of other people. Plan your own activities effectively, face the unexpected bravely, and before you leave our old world, you will be pleased to find that you have become a successful and distinguished person in society.

Destination Number “9”

You came into the world to protect everything that is good, humane, merciful and beautiful. In your life there should be music, painting, romantic and dramatic literature, the pursuit of ideal and perfection. Your presence, thinking and way of acting should transform even the most ordinary, banal enterprises into attractive ones. You have many favorable opportunities, and life will send you so many gifts that you will inevitably have to be very sincere and generous with people. The key factors for achieving success and finding happiness are love, tolerance, compassion, understanding and benevolence. You have many experiences and challenges along the way. Until you learn to forgive, you may even feel like you have failed. Everything you want from love and companionship will come to you when you realize that true love is service to many, not just one. By clinging too stubbornly to personal love, property and power, you can lose everything. But when your love begins to manifest itself as the Divine Law, you will be rewarded with such great love that you have never even dreamed of. You have enormous inner strength, and if you live according to your Destiny, in love and service to humanity, you will be able to warm the hearts of all people with this strength and awaken them to beauty. Dramatize life - not in the sense of sorrow, but in the sense of tension of beauty - and you will have at your disposal the best that the world has to offer.

Surely each of us sooner or later begins to ask the question: “What is my purpose in life?” Someone sincerely believes that his activity is his purpose, while others are tormented by doubts and the person thinks all his adult life that he is not doing what he should do according to the laws of the Universe.

There are many ways to discover your purpose in life. And one of the most common is numerology. With the help of this science, you can find out your destination by date of birth, even without the involvement of qualified numerologists.

Psychological portrait on Tarot

A simple way to calculate the life number, which will tell a person about his life goals and indicate the right path for him to fully fulfill his destiny given to him by the Universe.

I immediately wanted to say: don’t be scared by cards like the Hangman, Death, Devil, Tower - there are no bad signs, each of the Tarot cards has positive and negative sides. It is only important to choose the key to this or that card in order to use its energy without harming yourself.

It is important! When calculating the purpose of a child’s life, be careful with the interpretation, because relying on only one of the tasks of the child’s life path can harm the child by omitting his other skills and abilities given by the Universe. To find out the purpose of children, you need to analyze the entire psychotype of a person by date of birth by contacting an experienced numerologist. In addition, most people do not work in those areas that are destined for them by the Universe, but at the same time they cope excellently with fulfilling their life tasks. After all, the personality of each individual is multifaceted and unique, so you should not fit it into one purpose given to him by the Forces from Above. But it’s still worth evaluating and recognizing one of the sides of your “life mission.” Shall we get started?

Calculating your life purpose

  1. We write down our date of birth in the following format: day, month and year. For example, December 23, 1987. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, then subtract the number 22 from it. Based on the indicated date of birth, 23-22 = 1.
  2. We write down the numbers of the month in which we were born. In our situation - 12.
  3. We add all the numbers of the year together - 1 9 8 7 = 25. If the total number turns out to be more than 22, then you need to subtract 22. In our case, 25-22=3.
  4. Next we add up all the resulting digital values ​​- 1 12 3 = 16. It is by this number that you can find out the purpose of a person by the specified date of birth.
  5. If the final number is greater than 22, then subtract 22. For example, 12/12/1992=12 12 21=45-22=23. If the sum again turns out to be greater than 22, then again subtracts 22 - 23-22 = 1.

So, the purpose of a person who was born on December 23, 1987 is 16. Now let's look at what each number means.

What is destined for you by fate?

The interpretation of the method of determining life purpose by date of birth consists of 22 digits. Let's consider each of them separately.

Digit 1

Life purpose – Mage. The purpose of your life is to convey important information to others, help with wise advice and create harmony and beauty through words. A dialogue with such a person leaves an indelible mark on people’s souls, since they will be able to touch with words the secrets and pains of their souls. Such an individual should perceive himself as anyone and work on self-development.

People of this type are often engaged in journalistic and translation activities, and become sensational writers, psychologists and esotericists. They are taught numerology and astrology.

Digit 2

Number two corresponds to the Tarot card - The High Priestess. Life purpose according to the date of birth, which in total gave the number 2, is knowledge of the inner world, self-development and work with large amounts of information. The attention of holders of a two should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, natural history, as well as the protection of the animal world. The desire to understand other people and help those who have lost their way in life to find their purpose.

The professions of ecologists, psychologists, doctors, teachers of secret sciences, analysts and diagnosticians are suitable for such people.

Digit 3

Life card - Empress. A person who received the number 3 from the calculation needs to pay attention to areas of activity related to beauty, culture and art. A woman with a C in her date of birth needs to reveal her feminine side, and representatives of the stronger sex need to learn to understand fragile creatures.

Preferred professions: stylist, interior designer, artist, jewelry maker, art critic, preschool teacher. And such people also make good, sensitive and attentive parents.

Digit 4

The life number corresponds to the Emperor card. Such individuals must follow their professional destiny and leave their mark in this matter. It is important for such individuals to learn how to manage a household not only within their family, but also in life. Teaching the professionalism of other people is the task of a person who received the number 4 by date of birth. Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to the manifestation of masculinity in solving problem situations, and women should not take a dominant position in the family, get married and maintain harmony and harmony in relationships with other half.

The following professions are intended for such people: running a business, personnel management, and working in the military sphere.

Number 5

Life card - High Priest. Delivering wise knowledge, justice and patience are the main character traits of the people over whom the Priest stands. Obtaining knowledge and passing it on to others is the true purpose of a person with an A in his date of birth.

The Universe directs such people to engage with historical facts, philosophy, social studies of aspects of life and scientific activities. But most often, a person with the number 5 in his date of birth finds himself in teaching.

Digit 6

Life Tarot card - Lovers. Such people choose with their hearts, are guided by intuition and independently make the right decisions. Do not divide people into social, racial and material strata: each of us deserves to be loved, happy and successful.

Such a person is destined to become a good doctor, an actor's troupe worker, a good family man.

Number 7

The card encrypted in this number is the Chariot. The desire to change the world through their own success, professionalism and recognition is the true goal of people who received a seven by date of birth. Learn not to remain in the shadow of other people, show your “I” and do not be afraid to make attempts to change the world around you. Be reasonable, but don't let people manipulate you. Learn to say no to situations that interfere with achieving your goals.

The following professions are suitable for such people:

  • businessman;
  • driver;
  • conducting transport affairs;
  • military and business management in this area.

Number 8

Life card – Justice. The karat itself dictates the life of the individual with an eight in the task. A deep understanding of the importance of justice, upholding the rights of humans and other living beings and protecting those who truly need it. Such people should not miss situations that infringe on the rights of others. Don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich when the person next to you suffers from dishonesty. Be supportive of those in need, perhaps someone’s life or fate depends on your help. If you spread goodness and kindness, you will receive the same in return. Bad deeds will bring misfortune.

The Universe directs people with an eight in their total date of birth into the following types of activities: advocacy, bailiffs, animal rights activists, human rights activists. Also suitable are professions related to record keeping, or those professions that require accuracy and attentiveness.

Number 9

Life purpose – Hermit. Spiritual self-improvement, regular work on oneself, learning wisdom and experience is the task of Hermit people. Such individuals should learn not from their own mistakes, but from the mistakes of others, adopting their bitter experience and teaching the wisdom of other people.

How to find out your destination by date of birth? 9 human characters. Astrology by date of birth

My purpose. How to find out by date of birth?

Date of birth and purpose of a person. Part 1

Your calling in life. How to define it.

Hermit individuals find themselves in the role of teacher, esotericist, philosopher, scientist, historian, social worker, dealing with the elderly and lonely people.

Number 10

The Wheel of Fortune is a Tarot card showing the life purpose of people with a ten in the task. Learn to manage your finances correctly. Find something in between the spiritual and physical sides of the human body. The life goals of an individual are to achieve good material well-being for his family, and then to provide material assistance to those in need. Learn to behave honestly, be careful when gambling, know how to stop in a timely manner.

The universe is predicted to work in the financial sector, as well as areas related to the reincarnation of the soul.

Number 11

Life card - Strength. The goal in life is to take care of the body in terms of the physical aspect and achieve sincere feelings of love. Give preference to active spending of your free time, maintain physical fitness and share your experience with others. Do not suppress your strength, courage, courage, leadership. Stop being afraid to show off your strengths and skills.

Such individuals can work in law enforcement agencies and military institutions, reach heights in sports, and are fond of massage.

Number 12

The Tarot card responsible for the fate of people with the number 12 in the problem is the Hangman. The goal in life is to control your emotional state and experiences. Learn to cope with fears and uncertainty. Look at problems from different angles, look for ways out of them. Such people are not recommended to “look into the glass” and, even more so, to look towards drugs and other psychotropic drugs. Moreover, get rid of bad habits and guide other people on the path of a healthy lifestyle.

A person with the number 12 in the problem shows himself well as a scientist, psychologist, philosopher and art critic.

Number 13

The Death Card is destined by the Universe for people who fall into this category. The desire for harmony in the soul, regardless of external factors, is the task of life. The development of altruism and selfless help should become a life credo.

A person becomes a good doctor, nurse, veterinarian, social worker, rescuer, firefighter, stuntman or emergency worker.

Number 14

Moderation - this is what people who received the number 14 in the problem should strive for. Find a middle ground in everything you deal with. Look for compromises, take the necessary actions in order to solve the problem as quickly and “painlessly” as possible.

People with Moderation in the lasso will easily master the following specialties:

  • intermediary between business partners;
  • peacemaker;
  • social worker;
  • tour guide;
  • guide to famous places;
  • watchmaker;
  • healer.

Number 15

Arcana Tarot - Devil. Such people have many life tasks:

  • control of your energy and its correct distribution;
  • getting rid of various kinds of temptations and addictions;
  • understanding the difference between forced sacrifice and the victim’s position;
  • control of bioenergy at the subconscious level and determining the role of sex in human existence.

Such people make excellent businessmen, healers, esotericists, showmen, and psychologists.

Number 16

The tower in the Tarot lasso indicates that you should be engaged in construction in life. This can be either the building of family relationships, home life, or more global construction projects, such as buildings, enterprises, institutions, etc.

Such people find their purpose in the administrative field of activity, in architecture, creating programs for electronic media, setting up information networks between branches of the same company.

Number 17

Tarot card - Star. Developing talent, both artistic and artistic, is the goal of life. Learn to be creative in anything you do. Fill the world around you with beauty.

People with the number 17 in the task achieve heights in artistic activity, art, astrology, as well as in friendship with their loved ones.

Number 18

Life card - Moon. The purpose of life is the fight against fears, uncertainty, self-development and the development of intuition and imagination. Recreate the coziness and comfort of your home and give it to other people.

Life professions: cook, psychologist, doctor, adviser, fortune teller. Fields of activity such as numerology and astrology are also suitable.

Number 19

The Sun in the Tarot lasso says that a person must bring help, warmth, calmness and faith into the souls of those around him into this world. When communicating with such a person, the interlocutor understands that not everything is as bad as it really seems. Build proper self-esteem. Don't build your life on self-centeredness and self-destruction.

Life path - politics, work in a leadership position, creativity.

Number 20

Arcana Tarot - Judgment. Life goals:

  • formation and maintenance of harmony in family relationships;
  • providing assistance of any kind in relation to family and friends;
  • studying the family tree and passing on information to children and grandchildren;
  • reconsidering life values, relying on impartiality and humanity.

People with the Court card in the lasso find themselves in historical sciences, the psychology of family relationships, family healing, advocacy, and the performance of legal and judicial duties.

Number 21

The world is the meaning of the number 21 in the problem. Learn to treat people of other races with tolerance and impartiality. Create harmony around yourself and plunge into self-development and achieving a state of complete peace.

A person with the World in the lasso finds his purpose in such areas of activity as:

  • translator;
  • travel expert;
  • expert on cultural issues of different nations;
  • technology center employee.

Number 22

Life card - Jester. Purpose – working with children, creating something new and unusual, traveling. Learn to take a leadership position and independently attempt to resolve a given situation. Don't let fear and anger overcome your soul. Such people most often work as teachers in kindergartens and preschool institutions, and are also associated with humor and travel.

Life path test

Another option for determining purpose by date of birth. This test allows you to find out online why you were born into this world. And numerology will help us with this.

Thus, people who were born on the 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th, 21st, 22nd, 30th and 31st of any month can direct their vital energy to solving problems related to moral and moral qualities. The purpose of life is to help those in need.

Those born on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd will find themselves in professions related to order and precision. Such individuals enjoy:

  • classes in exact sciences - mathematics, physics, etc.;
  • jurisprudence;
  • cutting clothes;
  • drawing up architectural calculations.

If you were born on the 5th, 15th or 25th of any month, then your life task is to unleash your creative potential. Moreover, it can be either your talent or someone else’s. Teaching at a music institution, art school, writing literary works, working in the theater, etc.

People born on the 4th, 14th and 24th can master professions that involve routine and monotony. And for those born on the 9th, 19th and 29th, it will be easier to work in administrative bodies, solving pressing civil issues.

People with 7 in their birth number (7, 17, 27) can comprehend any field of activity, and those who have 6 in their date of birth are better off directing their energy to creating spiritual issues.

Knowing your life purpose, you can direct your energy to change your destiny for the better, the right way!

May happiness, luck and prosperity accompany you throughout your life!

Every person sooner or later faces the question of his purpose. For the most part, this happens when the person himself does not feel himself in life. He understands that he has the wrong job, the wrong social circle, he is not doing what he wants. As a result, some kind of tension arises in life, various problems that show that a person is not following his own path. We begin to think about our purpose when we become more... This question came to me, naturally, not in childhood, but when I turned 25 years old.

Every person has his own purpose in life

Every person who came to this beautiful planet Earth must fulfill their purpose or destiny. This is, in a sense, an internal task, during which we will feel that everything is happening correctly. If you do not live in accordance with your destiny, then failures and losses will haunt you. This is some kind of mechanism that directs you to the true path.

Before our soul comes into this world, it takes on tasks that it must complete in order to move up the ladder of the universe. Thus, we can say that a person’s destiny is the path chosen by the soul or true Self. This is the meaning of life. Destination is our task for life, this is the direction in which a person should develop, this is his field of activity in which talent should be revealed. Simply put, it’s a favorite pastime.

He who does not know which harbor he is sailing to has no favorable wind.


One way to discover your purpose

Now I will introduce you to a very interesting system that will reveal your purpose and help you understand your destiny. This is a system based on Tarot cards and is called arcanology.

It is used along with astrology and numerology because the arcana help answer many questions that people have asked in the past and will ask in the future. The entire system is built on the 22 major arcana of the Tarot and linked to their numerological meaning.

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Arcanology itself is an amazing tool that is used in three aspects. Firstly, you can learn about a person’s personality itself, about positive and negative traits, about his purpose in life and his tasks, which are divided into 3 main periods of his life. Secondly, based on the two Arcana Codes, we can consider relationships between people. You can see what is common and what is different, and whether there is a prospect for harmonious interaction. Thirdly, every day, month and year of our life also has its own Arcana Code. Based on it, you can create a calendar for any period of a person’s life in order to understand how to live a particular period.

Calculating your purpose by date of birth

I recommend that every person pay attention to their date of birth. Many people don't realize that your date of birth can actually tell you a lot. These are far from just numbers, they are a kind of code that shows the character, interests and purpose of a person.

So how can you find out your purpose in life by your date of birth? I will talk about this using the example of my birthday. So, I was born on 02/02/1989.

A birth chart is an individual birth chart that describes the primary role we play throughout our lives. This is our kind of individual “business card”, these are our qualities that people see in us, and the interests that we pursue.

It is calculated very simply - you need to take your date of birth. If the number does not exceed 22, then this will be the number of the major arcana, and if it is more, then it is necessary to subtract the number 22 from it.

For example, my birth card corresponds to the number 2 or 2 lasso. If my birthday was the 25th, then I would subtract another 22 and get the number 3, which corresponds to the 3rd lasso.

2nd major lasso – Pallesa.

People with Palles' ray are very common in the current period of human development. This is connected with the coming era of Aquarius, when the information field of the Earth opens its riches and gives access to information that is necessary for the further evolution of all humanity. To fully implement Palles, they need a profession related to intuition, information and analytics. They make wonderful employees of a detective agency or information bureau, journalists, analysts, financiers, forecasters, psychologists, and teachers. In general, wherever you need to use the flow of information and intuition.

Levels of development of Palessa's beam

Level 1 – beam for yourself. Here Palessa deals with her qualities: intuition, clear knowledge of the reasons for what is happening, and an analytical mindset. Already here Palessa is interested in history, mysticism, and religion. These hobbies isolate them from society, where it is customary to discuss “easier” things.

And I agree with this, because recently I have become very interested in esotericism, and there is clearly no one to talk about on this topic.

Level 2 – your own ray for others. This manifests itself through voicing the information received to another person. The difficulty of this level lies in the fact that in the life of Palessa herself there is still discord and her abilities cannot be used. At work, the use of this beam is unpredictable, so it remains only a hobby.

That’s for sure, there are some topics that you shouldn’t talk about at work at all. That’s why I chose a hobby for myself: blogging, where I can write on any topic, thereby transmitting information to exactly those people who need it

Level 4 – beam organizer. Here Palessa gathers like-minded people, creates a company, launches a website, and writes a book. Those. there is an increase in information openness in society.

And here again we come to the point. This is exactly what I do. I created a blog, write articles and in the future I want to organize my own company. Thus, at this stage I am working on this ray.

Level 5 – ray ideology. Thanks to the availability and reliability of information, its activities are known at least to the whole country, and more often to the whole world. And I still have to work on this aspect.

So let's summarize. To find out who you are and what individual qualities you have been given, in order to fulfill your purpose in life, you need to look at your birthday number and draw a parallel with the major arcana of Tarot cards.

The Fate card is the leading lasso in the human code. It is he who indicates the purpose for which the Soul incarnated on this earth. This is the path of life that we must take.

The Fate Card is calculated as follows. It is necessary to add up all the numbers in the date of birth.

My example is this, 02/02/1989 – 2+2+1+9+8+9 = 31 – 22 = 9. My Card of Destiny – 9 lasso “Hermit”.

The number 9 symbolizes the world of hermitage and loneliness. These are wisdom, morality and conscience. This is the path of self-knowledge, at this time a person gains wisdom. Sometimes he renounces everyone in order to look within himself for answers to questions. This Arcanum can manifest itself in two aspects. Either a person will receive energy and seek the truth, then he will become a hermit, or all the experience gained will be transferred to the outside world and then the person will become a philosopher or teacher. This lasso is aimed at sharing your knowledge with the world.

The second Card of Fate is an additional third lasso, sometimes it will be equal to the second lasso. To calculate it, you need to separately bring the day, month and year of birth to one of the arcana and ultimately add all 3 numbers

02.02.1989 – (0+2)+(0+2)+(1+9+8+9)=2+2+(27-22)=2+2+5=9

As we can see, the 9th lasso fell out again.

So, let's summarize some results. Arcanology helped me confirm my guesses about my purpose in life. My path should be related to the transmission of information through logical conclusions based on my experience. As a profession, I would like to choose teaching and open my own school, where people would receive valuable knowledge.

By the way, arcanology is not the only way to find out your purpose. In my life I also use numerology, astrology and the very effective and unique method of N. Ladini “Destination Diagnostics: 22 Fate Codes”. At one time he helped me a lot!

An interview with Vedic astrologer Gleb Satori helped me a lot in understanding my purpose. Very interesting!

Once upon a time it was considered a real science, and adherents of mathematics, such as the famous Pythagoras, paid serious attention to it. But over time, when alchemy separated from chemistry, and astrology ceased to be a serious branch of astronomy, numerology, an ancient system of knowledge that calculates and systematizes the connection of numbers with a person’s personality and destiny, left the ranks of sciences considered academic. However, many people, having become convinced of the reliability of numerology, continue to comprehend its secrets.

In short, the essence of numerology is that all significant numbers are, say, reduced to single digits (sometimes double digits). Each of them is traditionally assigned certain images, concepts and personality traits.

Calculation of purpose in life in numerology

The exact numerological calculation of one’s life purpose directly depends on the particular interpretation of numbers we accept. Later in the article we will dwell in more detail on what values ​​are attached in various systems for calculating one’s destiny by date of birth. For now, we offer you a short historical excursion into numerology as a science.

The first specialists in determining the purpose of numbers are mentioned in the biblical Scriptures, in the books of the Old Testament in connection with texts about Ancient Babylon, and subsequently about Ancient Egypt. It was Babylonian and Egyptian scientists who were the first to begin to understand the meaning of numbers and were able to draw parallels between the date of birth and the destiny of each person. Much later, numerology appeared in Ancient Rome and Greece of the first millennium, gradually spreading throughout civilized European states.

Numbers continue to excite the minds of modern scientists who develop metaphysical principles of knowledge. This is directly related to the meaning of numbers and numbers and the influence on the entire fate of each individual person. In numerology, the following definitions for numbers can be accepted:

  • 1 – this number usually denotes the masculine principle, which is characterized by such qualities as dynamic development, strength and courage, determination and courage.
  • Digit 2 corresponds to femininity. It expresses the ability to show diplomatic qualities and peacefulness. In calculations it is associated with kindness and the natural need for reliable support.
  • IN number 3 there is clearly a tendency towards artistry while at the same time being open to new things and communicating with other people. The owner of a triple in the date of birth is always optimistic and more often experiences joy even from the most insignificant achievements, understanding them as another victory on the way to conquering the peak.
  • For those who have in the date number 4, characterized by discipline, loyalty to traditions and some conservatism. These are reliable and devoted people who do not perceive such a phenomenon as betrayal in any life situations.
  • 5 in the date of birth indicates the diversity and versatility of a person. Such people are more flexible and capable of changing their minds if there is evidence that they are wrong. These are almost ideal leaders and politicians, statesmen.
  • Digit 6 characterizes a person’s commitment to family values ​​and the ability to show concern for others. These people tend to care about others and prefer their family to everything else. On the contrary, if you have the number 7 in your date of birth, the person is more inclined to solitude and strives for self-improvement, and has such important qualities as criticality and intuitiveness.
  • 8 denotes strong and powerful natures. Remember the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus - August in his name is nothing more than the designation of the eighth month according to the calendar he himself introduced. Such people not only willingly lead others, but also know how to do it.
  • 9 in the date of birth indicates generosity, some idealism and even daydreaming. At the same time as such character qualities, the owners of the “nine” in the date of birth are selfless and can fully devote themselves to achieving any goals, even if this involves a risk to their own life.

A person’s karma, embedded in the date of his birth, clearly determines the purpose and fate of the individual.

There are simple ways to reliably calculate karma. This is necessary in order to be able to influence events, trying to avoid situations that are undesirable for you and, conversely, model your actions in the positive direction of the development of fate, correcting and preventing the repetition of mistakes made in a past life.

Let's take a person born on March 30, 1967. We have the numbers 3, 0, 0, 3, 1, 9, 6, 7. If the number of the date or month of birth is two-digit, it must be used as it is - for calculation accuracy we should use the values ​​30, 0, 3, 1, 9, 6, 7. In our case, the result of the summation will be the number 56. This means that It is in this year of your life that you should expect fateful changes. Alas, rarely does anyone live to the age of 112 (56 + 56).

If your karmic number can be repeated two or more times during a human lifespan (for example, it will be less than 30), you have more chances to change your destiny. Fate will give you the opportunity to change everything at 30, 60, and even 90 years old.

There is a more expanded version of the interpretation of numbers in determining karma and its meaning in your destiny. We will need numbers that are in the same ten: from 10 to 19, from 20 to 29, and so on, starting with each round number (10, 20, 30... 80, 90). Let's see what we should do after applying this method of calculation.

If the last numbers fall into the second ten (10-19), take care of yourself: you need to improve your personality in both spiritual and physical qualities at the same time. When outputting values ​​in the range 20-29, you need to use the experience of your ancestors. Trust your intuition and listen to your hunches. Control your subconscious and respond adequately to internal signals from the subconscious. Learn to manage it.

When you get results from 30 to 39, you should understand that destiny has given you the right to teach the basics of being to others. You can help many people develop a philosophical attitude towards the world around them. But don’t forget to learn and develop yourself. In order to teach others, you need to improve and learn yourself.

If you defined the value in numbers from 40 to 49, fate has determined for you the goal of knowing not only the fundamentals, but also the highest meaning of the universe and existence. High science in all its branches awaits you.

For people with numbers above 50, they have the opportunity to devote themselves as much as possible to self-improvement and the development of their own personality.

Test: how to understand your destiny in life?

Now we will conduct a very simple test together and find out how to understand your purpose in life using numerology in relation to your date of birth. We will name the numbers and the existing general recommendations applicable to them. You just have to compare them with your own life to understand the reliability of such a theory.

Put numbers in the first row 1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22 30, 31 . The numeric designation of the month can be anything. You are recommended to engage in those tasks, the solution of which requires high moral qualities and much more often require the manifestation of mercy. Your purpose is to help other people.

For those who were born 3, 13 and 23 The dates of any month are most suitable for professions that require order and precision. These are people who choose and receive moral satisfaction from practicing exact sciences and precision in professional activities. Physics and mathematics or architectural calculations are very suitable for you. Jurisprudence can also be your personal strong point. On a more “down-to-earth” everyday level, people born on these days enjoy cutting clothes.

If there are numbers in the days of the date of birth 5 (5, 15,25) you are destined for any creative activity. You can be a music or art teacher, write literary works, work in the theater or circus, or do anything that is in one way or another connected with the possibility of realizing creative ideas.

For those born 4, 14 and 24 numbers, any activities that do not involve routine and monotony are suitable. Among those born on days with the number 4 there are many politicians, people involved in social order projects.

Availability of numbers 9 (9th, 19th, 29th of any month) requires strict adherence to certain life rules. Your purpose is hidden in the answers to the questions you ask. Therefore, the more clearly your thoughts and views are formulated, the more unambiguous and correct the answers you receive about what needs to be done.

For numbers 7 and people who have it in their date of birth (7, 17, 27) are characterized by creativity in all areas of activity.

But those who have a number 6 – are more inclined to sympathy and activities related to the spirituality of other people.

We specifically took the simplest examples of the meaning of numbers in the date of birth. But they are quite sufficient to verify the existing patterns between numerology and your purpose in life.

How to find yourself using the matrix of purpose?

Many people today are trying to determine their purpose. The desire to live consciously prevails.

One of the tasks facing every person is to learn to live consciously and continue their development without being scattered on secondary tasks.

Alas, most of us have lost the ability to perceive karmic energies and have forgotten how to hear our inner voice. How to return to yourself and learn to correctly determine your purpose by date of birth? One way to solve this issue is create a matrix of your purpose.

First of all, we need to create our personal digital code. To do this, our date of birth is written in the following format: year, month, day. For example, you were born on March 30, 1967. The numerical code in this case will look like 19670330. The last digit (for us it is “0”) will precisely designate the karmic task that the person must solve in his current karmic incarnation.

Determining your own purpose in this life does not end there. In order to develop, we need to know our weaknesses and pay special attention to them. To determine them, we will derive the missing numbers from the numerical code we have compiled. We took the number 19670330 as the basis for the date of birth. It does not contain the numbers 8, 5, 4, 2. These are the very task codes whose development we should give priority to.

Please note that we write them in descending order, or, otherwise, in order of importance to determine their purpose. It is interesting that the fewer numbers in a separate destination code, the better for a person, the more harmony there is in his development.

The interpretation of numerical codes according to the purpose matrix in different systems may vary somewhat, as well as the methodology for obtaining numbers itself. But basically, these differences are not so significant and have a common basis, only mutually complementing each other, taking into account the worldviews of the society in which they found their development.

In the above example of calculating and compiling a destination matrix, we used Eastern methods. Greek and Roman numerologists used their own systems. Each of them was absolutely confident in the truth of his theory, and each of them was correct.

You yourself can use several ways to compile a matrix of your purpose by date of birth in order to compare them and make sure the results are similar. This will once again confirm that numbers have a direct meaning in determining the fate of each individual person, and numerology in general is a science that will help you, based on the code embedded in your date of birth, determine your personal goals and adjust the ways to solve them in your life.

Of course, there is another way to solve problems - to go by trial and error, constantly creating problems for yourself, and stubbornly trying to make a way through the jungle. But, one way or another, we will not escape our karma. So does it make sense to let everything take its course and indulge in chaos if you can use ordinary numbers to determine your destiny and at least try to follow your destiny? The question is rhetorical.

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1. Write down your date of birth in the format: day, month, year. For example, December 26, 1978. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, subtract the number 22 from the date. 26 - 22 = 4.

2. Write down the numbers of the month. In our case 12.

3. Add all the numbers of the year together: 1+9+7+8 = 25. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22. In our case: 25 - 22 = 3.

4. Sum up the resulting numbers: 4 + 12 + 3 = 19. The sum of the day, month and year will tell you about your life task. So, the task for a person born on December 26, 1978 is 19.5. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22. For example, 11/12/1991 = 11 + 12 + 20 = 43 - 22 = 21.


If you got the number:

1. Magician Your task is to convey information to people, help with wise advice and create harmony and beauty through the word. A conversation with you can leave a deep imprint on people's hearts because you can touch the heartstrings with your words. You need to learn to accept yourself as anyone and work on your development. It is necessary to establish contacts with your immediate environment, neighbors, brothers and sisters, as well as peers. You can find yourself in a business related to the word, speech, information (both oral and written). People with the number 1 in the task often become journalists, writers, translators, psychologists, and esotericists.

2. The High Priestess. Your task is to understand your inner world, learn to hear your intuition and work with large amounts of information. Your attention should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, nature, including animal protection. Strive to understand other people and help those who have lost their way to find their guiding star. You should become a good parent to your child, wise and fair, as well as a caring son or daughter for your mother. Professions such as ecologist, psychologist, doctor, teacher of secret knowledge, analyst, diagnostician may be suitable for you. The task of life

3. Empress. Your attention should first of all be paid to such areas as: beauty, culture and art. You need to take care of your appearance and the appearance of your loved ones, the decoration of your home, and also ensure that your family lives in harmony and material prosperity. But when building your own business or striving for masterpieces of world culture, you need to look for a middle ground between the material and spiritual worlds. And also, at a higher level, you need to become a “mother”, both in the literal sense - by giving birth and raising a child, and in the figurative sense - by creating a work of art or know-how, that is, doing something that will live after you. Women need to reveal their femininity, and men need to learn to understand women and live in harmony and harmony with their spouse. You can find yourself in such professions as: stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, teacher. And you can just become a good parent. The task of life

4. Emperor. Your task is to realize yourself in your profession and leave your mark as a professional. But the most important thing is that you need to become the master not only in the house, but also in your life, learn to be responsible for what you do and for those who are under your command. You should set goals and achieve them, develop the right attitude towards power. You need to learn to understand your true desires from false ones. A man should pay attention to his masculinity, and a woman should not suppress a man, get married and learn to live in harmony with her spouse. People with the Emperor in the task can become businessmen, directors, administrators, officers. Life task

5. High Priest. Those who get an “A” on the problem can become very good teachers, whom students will remember as wise, fair and interesting individuals. In life, you are prescribed to obtain knowledge and pass it on to others, engage in scientific research, study the history of peoples and their customs, preserve the traditions of your family and be their spiritual successor. Many people with this card, in addition to the teaching path, choose professions related to history, philosophy, become leaders of social movements and scientists. The task of life

6. Lovers. Your task is to learn to choose with your heart, to make independent decisions based on your own choices. You need to love with all your soul and every cell of your body. You must know all the facets of love: caring maternal, sexual and passionate, sublime and platonic, and find their ideal recipe in your relationship with your partner in order to become a harmonious partner in your love union. It is also important to learn not to divide people on material, social and racial grounds, understanding that every person deserves to be loved and happy. People who have discovered all the facets of the “six” in themselves can become good doctors, actors, confidants, loving and beloved spouses. Life task 7. Chariot. You should strive to change the world around you with the help of your own success, professional achievements and recognition. You cannot be a gray mouse and hide behind the baseboard; you and your work must be visible to others. Learn to work with many contacts, large amounts of information, be mobile and agile, but not fussy. You also definitely need to learn to say “no” to what prevents you from achieving results, and to those who use you to the detriment of your interests. Many people with a “seven” in the task find themselves in business, in professions related to transport, with a large number of contacts and movements, in military affairs and politics. Life task

8. Justice. Your job is to have a deep understanding of justice, to ensure that the rights of others are respected, and to protect those rights. You should not pass by situations where someone is treated unfairly, be it your home or the street. You can't bury your head in the sand when someone else is suffering from dishonesty. You also definitely need to learn to take responsibility for all your actions, understanding that any of your actions will have consequences, all the shoots of your actions will sprout. If you sow good deeds, you will reap goodness; If you sow bad deeds, you will reap misfortune. You also need to learn self-control and the ability to maintain peace of mind when even little things make you angry. You can find yourself in professions related to the judicial and legal system: lawyer, judge, animal rights activist, human rights defender, as well as in professions where The main work is related to paperwork, or where attentiveness and accuracy are required. The task of life

9. Hermit. The task of your life is spiritual development, constant work on yourself, gaining wisdom and experience, which ideally should then be passed on to others. You need to learn from the mistakes of others, respecting the experience of previous generations. You should also study ancient cultures and traditions. You should treat older people with great attention and respect and help them. People with a “nine” in the task can become good teachers, esotericists, philosophers, scientists, historians, social workers who help elderly and lonely people. The task of life

10. Wheel of Fortune. You need to learn how to manage money correctly and find a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds, understand that constancy is only in the cemetery, but in life everything changes. Your task is to provide material support for yourself and your loved ones, and then to provide financial assistance to other people. You should never be dishonest in financial matters or live at someone else's expense. You have to be careful when gambling so that you can stop in time. On a more subtle level, you need to consciously repay karmic debts, understanding that everything you do will be returned. You also need to pay attention to recurring situations, understand their lesson and correct mistakes. You can find yourself in professions related to money, becoming an economist, banker, businessman, accountant, and also a specialist in reincarnation. The task of life

11. Strength. You have two main tasks in life - taking care of your physical body and true love in its earthly manifestation. You need to exercise, keep your body in good shape and help others do the same. You also need to develop such qualities as strength, courage, courage, you need to get rid of fears and learn to defend your beliefs and be a real leader whom you want to follow voluntarily. You need to understand that love is a synthesis of the spiritual and physical aspects, and feelings without sex and sex without feelings are an inferior relationship between a man and a woman who call themselves a couple. People with the Strength in the task find their place in law enforcement agencies and military organizations, become athletes, massage therapists, and experts in the field of dating and couple relationships. The task of life

12. Hanged Man. Your task is to learn to control your emotions and experiences, get rid of fears and uncertainty. You need to learn to evaluate situations from different angles, developing a multifaceted vision. Another of your tasks is to develop mediumistic capabilities and the ability to subtly feel the beauty of the world, music, and the human soul. You also need to learn to sacrifice little for the sake of something bigger and at the same time move away from the position of a victim. You should not get carried away with alcohol and other drugs; on the contrary, you need to get rid of bad habits yourself and help someone who needs help with this. You can find your way in science, psychology, philosophy, art. The task of life

13. Death. Your task is to learn to react correctly and calmly to sudden changes, let go of the old and outdated, and cleanse the internal and external space. You must develop altruism in yourself and help other people in extreme and difficult situations completely unselfishly. You should not pass by someone else's suffering without trying to help. People with the thirteenth lasso of the tarot in the task often become doctors, nurses, veterinarians, social workers, and find their place in professions associated with the risk of life and saving people (firefighters, emergency services, stuntmen). The task of life.

14. Moderation. Your task is to bring harmony to your environment, find a balance between the inner and outer world, and also learn to do everything in a timely manner. You need to learn to find compromises and a middle ground in any situation. You can become a good guide for others and a liaison between two people or a group of strangers to bring them together, to introduce them. People with Temperance can become good mediators, peacemakers, social workers, tour guides, guides, watchmakers, healers. The task of life

15. Devil. You have been dealt a difficult card, and you have many tasks in life. You need to learn to control your energy and distribute it correctly. You should get rid of all sorts of temptations and addictions that constrain you, avoid the world of crime and avoid black magic. You need to understand the difference between a forced sacrifice and a victim's position. You need to understand the role of sex in life and learn how to manage sexual energy. You may have healing and various esoteric abilities, so it is important to learn how to relate to this correctly and direct your energy to helping other people. You can do business, become a healer, esotericist, showman, psychologist and... a sensual and skillful sexual partner. The task of life

16. Tower. Your task is to build: your life, character, home - in a word, everything that can be built. But the most important thing is that we must learn to leave in the past what has already become obsolete, what prevents us from moving forward, so that the old and outdated can be replaced by the new and relevant. When starting to build something new, you need to finish what you started and delete already completed programs. The biggest mistake you can make in life is the desire for stability and the desire not to change anything, using old and sometimes unviable programs. You can find your place in administrative activities, in architecture, website programming and organizations with a wide branch network, or simply in building your own home. The task of life

17. Star. You definitely need to develop your artistic or artistic talent, take a creative approach to any task and learn to feel the beautiful. You must fill this world with beauty, and it does not matter in what this beauty will be manifested: in musical works, in artistic canvases or in home decoration. You can be a good friend, and friendship will always occupy an important place in your life. People with the Star can become famous artists, art critics, astrologers and wonderful friends. Life's task

18. Moon. Your task is to get rid of fears, uncertainty, and work on developing intuition and imagination. You need to learn to understand yourself, to see the clues that your subconscious sends you. Your areas in which you can draw energy are home comfort, cooking, caring for children and loved ones. You must create comfort and coziness for other people, satisfy their needs for warmth, and create a harmonious environment in the team where you are. You should not ignore the feelings of other people, treat them dryly and formally, and also create a mess in your home. You can realize yourself by becoming a cook, psychologist, doctor, adviser, astrologer, fortune teller, a good parent and a wonderful home owner. The task of life

19. Sun. Your task is to become the sun for yourself, and then for others: to warm, help, inspire confidence and charge with optimism. You need to form correct self-esteem, without distortions towards egocentrism and self-deprecation. You should develop such qualities as: nobility, kindness, honesty, and the ability to lead. You need to give up the desire to know what others will say or think about you. You can realize your potential in politics, in leadership, in creative professions. The task of life

20. Court. Your task is to create and maintain harmonious relationships in the family, help parents and relatives. You need to find out the history of your family, your kind, and pass it on to subsequent generations. Another of your tasks is to create your own value system, which will be based on universal justice and humanism. But at the same time, you should not impose your values ​​on others rudely and fanatically. With the Court in mind, you can choose the profession of a historian, family psychologist and family doctor, work in the judicial and legal system, and, of course, you can become a loving and beloved member of the family. Life's task

21. Peace. Your task is to be open to everything new, unusual, “foreign”. You need to learn a tolerant and unbiased attitude towards different peoples, races, and social strata of the population. Another of your tasks is to create a harmonious space around yourself and achieve a state of peace. Your role in this life is to work with foreigners in order to unite people of different cultures, study “overseas” traditions and foreign languages, and introduce new products into life. People with this card in the task choose professions of translators (or simply study languages), travelers, experts in the cultures of different nations, and become specialists in the field of modern technologies. Life task

22. Jester. Your task in life is to work with children, create something new and unusual, and travel. You definitely need to take the initiative into your own hands, act with enthusiasm, spontaneously, have an easy and fun outlook on life. You must bring joy to the people around you, maintain childlike spontaneity and contact with your inner child, and be open to everything new and unusual. You can find yourself in professions related to children, laughter and travel. Also, people with the Jester in their task often choose some unusual professions or introduce an element of non-standardism into their usual activities.

Svetlana Ikhitara