Riding horses in a dream. The magic of numbers

  • Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible.
  • If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities.
  • Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.
  • Seeing horses in apples (spotted) is a sign of future benefits in business.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse portends exaltation and satisfaction of desires. For a woman who sees this dream, it promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future.
  • Seeing your horse running away to join a wild herd means that news of someone's illness awaits you.
  • In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity.
  • If you cross a clear stream on horseback in a dream, good luck awaits you, but your joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into the dark water.
  • The fulfillment of many dreams and obtaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clear river on the back of a horse.
  • But seeing a wounded or dead horse in a dream is a sign of sad news.
  • Riding a bucking horse means various difficulties on the path to success. If a horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the form of your opponents, or illness awaits you.
  • Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will promises you drastic, favorable changes in life.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • Participating in horse races is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property through dubious means.
  • If you dream that you are deftly galloping on a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible.
  • Riding a horse in a female environment promises you uncertainty about your future desires. Your addiction.
  • If you watch a horse being groomed, or clean it yourself with a hairdresser, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life.
  • For business people, peasants, and writers, a dream in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse is very favorable.
  • If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a high mountain along a narrow path on horseback, in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. If, with such a climb, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise, respectful interlocutors.
  • Riding down a hill means failure. Seeing her lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting, successful admirers.
  • If the rider is scared, then this foretells her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this foreshadows her reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her.
  • If a girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse through a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul about the fate of a matter that is important to her.
  • If you dream of a horse falling from the sky and turning into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation.
  • If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. A barren pasture and dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Seeing a horse dealer in a dream promises you material benefits, but risky undertakings.
  • Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses. Selling a not very good horse while keeping a thoroughbred one for yourself is a sign of great luck.

Not everyone can ride a horse in a dream, because this strong, freedom-loving animal can easily throw off its rider. A dream in which the dreamer is riding a horse speaks of the speed of his life and that a lot will change soon.

Riding a horse in a dream means that in real life the dreamer has everything under control, perfectly navigates in any situation. Such a person can safely be called a leader, mentor, true leader.

Losing control of a horse in a dream says about losing direction in life, about weakening control over the situation. This also indicates a lack of self-confidence and withdrawal into oneself.

If a person is knocked out of the saddle, then he will soon find himself in the clutches of his enemies, he will find himself a puppet in the wrong hands. Riding without a saddle means a difficult struggle, from which the dreamer will still emerge victorious.

Riding a white horse speaks of faithful, devoted friends and like-minded people. If dirt is visible on the horse, this indicates that not all the people around the dreamer are his friends.

Ride a black horse indicates good luck in business and extraordinary luck, which will accompany the sleeper for a long time. Swimming across a river on the back of an animal means financial gain and good luck in the professional sphere.

For a woman to ride a horse is a sign that she is popular with the opposite sex and is not deprived of fans and attention. If a woman experiences fear of a horse, this indicates that she doubts her lover and suspects him of treason.

For men, a similar dream indicates success in the professional field, business acumen and the desire to win over competitors. For a girl, riding a horse means good luck on the love front, the favor of her lover. But a girl must remember that love will not be easy and you have to fight for it even with yourself.

Horse riding indicates gaining power and respect from others. If the dreamer is riding on horseback, and people on foot are walking nearby, this indicates that the dreamer will soon become an influential person and occupy an important post.

Riding a black horse portends a meeting with a wise, experienced person, whose advice will help the dreamer in realizing his own plans. Riding a white horse means global changes in life, temporary instability.

Riding a brown horse for men portends financial success, profit, and for women - a large number of fans, attention from the opposite sex. For a girl to fly off the saddle, foretells a declaration of love, which she will reject.

Horse riding says about training, accumulation of knowledge and experience. Jumping on a horse from a running start means having an influential patron, outside help. Men ride a horse in the saddle indicates a faithful, loving wife, but harnessing a mare with your own hands speaks of separation from the woman you love.

Riding a brown horse means success in all matters and a successful completion of the event. A black horse in a dream promises men a rich chosen one with a harmful, difficult character. Riding a white horse promises men to receive love, wealth and good luck.

I dreamed that I was riding a horse surrounded by riders - this promises family and financial well-being, many friends and allies. Riding surrounded by horsewomen indicates betrayal of a loved one, troubles in your personal life. Seeing an unfamiliar rider indicates adultery.

Taking part in races indicates haste and bustle, the inability to take a break. Riding a horse in the arena means quick fun and celebration.

Ride a horse portends joy and family well-being, as well as changes in various areas of life. Riding a horse in the saddle speaks of an imminent successful journey.

Riding on a harness of three horses means that you will have to pay very dearly for a second of pleasure. For women, such a dream indicates separation from a loved one., for which the dreamer herself will be to blame.

Riding a horse means being a winner in many life situations. To fall out of the saddle means find yourself in a situation that will be difficult to control. A white, beautiful horse in a dream indicates the dreamer’s creative potential and increased efficiency. But a dead, thin horse means troubles and failures.

Riding a horse means intense competition, from which the dreamer, although he will emerge victorious, will suffer serious losses. If a horse throws a man out of the saddle, then fate had prepared many trials for him in the form of illnesses and the loss of loved ones.

The bridling of a wild horse portends bright streak in life, changes for the better. Participation in horse racing means receiving a prize, material benefit.

Seeing an unfamiliar horseman in a dream indicates that the dreamer is moving along the wrong path and that he has enough strength to change his life. Taming a wild horse in a dream speaks of an extreme situation in which the sleeper will show atypical courage and bravery.

Ride a horse over obstacles indicates that the dreamer himself exposes his health to serious danger and risk. Riding along a mountain peak means achieving a high position at the cost of numerous sacrifices. The dream also speaks of the conscious loneliness of the sleeper, of his tendency not to consult anyone.

Riding a horse without a tail predicts a major quarrel over a trifle.

Ride a white horse in a dream foretells imminent happiness and prosperity. Riding together on one horse means that the dreamer will soon meet his soul mate and truly love someone.

Riding a bay stallion portends wealth, respect of others, reconciliation with an old, sworn enemy.

Sitting on a black horse means financial problems, loss of a large amount of money. It is possible that the dreamer risks becoming a victim of scammers. If a wild horse tries to throw a person off, but he manages to remain in the saddle, this indicates quick profit and stabilization of his financial situation.

Seeing a rider on a horse in a dream means receiving news, but what it will be like depends on the color of the animal - if the horse is white, then the news will be good, pleasant, and if it is black, it will be sad, even tragic.

For a woman, seeing a horseman in a dream means that she is trying to become like her father, brother, grandfather, or other male relative whom she admires. This indicates that a woman cannot find protection in the outside world, so he seeks the strength for this within himself.

For men, a horseman in a dream portends career advancement, success in the professional arena, holding a high social position. If the rider is dressed in armor and armor, then this indicates the important mission of the sleeper, about his work on a major project.

See the headless horseman speaks of receiving unexpected but pleasant news. If the rider rushes and blows the horn at the same time, this portends the receipt of a valuable gift. Seeing the horseman of the apocalypse in a dream indicates an important event in life, receiving information that will change a person’s destiny.

A horseman in a dream rushed past the dreamer - this indicates adultery, the infidelity of a partner. If a rider falls from a horse, this predicts a break in the dreamer’s love relationship, a discord in family relationships.

Watch the knights on horseback fighting in the tournament, talks about love affairs the dreamer, to the increased attention of the opposite sex. For a woman, such a dream promises a declaration of love from many fans, and even a marriage proposal is possible.

A horse and cart in a dream represents hard work, back-breaking labor that the sleeping person has shouldered. Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of minor problems and difficulties that will prevent the dreamer from moving forward. In some cases, the dream indicates a person’s desire to earn a little extra money.

Riding a horse-drawn cart yourself means that the dreamer’s professional sphere is now stagnant and he cannot do anything about the difficulties that have arisen. The dream advises to be patient and wait out this difficult period. If the dreamer drives a cart in a dream, then he is able to solve problems and the extent of his troubles depends only on him.

Riding in a cart with a loved one indicates mutual understanding and trust between partners. But for a woman to see a horse and cart driven by a stranger, speaks of her frivolous behavior, naivety in love relationships, which will not bring her to good.

If a white horse is harnessed to a cart, this indicates a happy, prosperous future. If a black horse is harnessed to a cart, then this indicates the machinations of enemies, problems and possible illness.

Riding in a beautiful, comfortable carriage with horses portends changes for the better, happiness in your personal life and wealth. Riding in a broken carriage predicts disappointment and loss of income. Riding in a carriage drawn by a sick, thin horse indicates an imminent illness of the sleeping person or his loved one.

I dreamed of a wedding carriage drawn by horses, indicates that in reality the dreamer will get everything he dreams of. Driving the carriage yourself means that in reality unexpected, interesting events will happen that will surprise the dreamer and remain in his memory for a long time.

Drive a carriage with a coat of arms on the door speaks of the dreamer’s pessimism, tendency to depression and despair, because of which a person does not dare to do something truly great and worthy.

Briefly about the main thing

Riding a horse in a dream, as a rule, promises success in planned affairs and satisfaction of career ambitions. If a thoroughbred horse unexpectedly throws it off for the rider, in reality the sleeping person will have to face problems at work and loss of direction in life. A dream in which an animal confidently overcomes obstacles in competitions portends happiness and financial well-being.

Interpretation of a dream about riding a horse depending on the details

Depending on the color of the horse:

  • white - like-minded people;
  • black - a wise interlocutor;
  • - profit;
  • black - joy, success in business.

Depending on who is riding the horse:

  • girl - get married successfully;
  • woman - loss of vigilance;
  • man - quick profit, stabilization of financial condition;
  • pregnant - good news that will be unexpected.

Depending on the activity and type of riding:

  • to saddle a horse - to the onset of a favorable period for resolving issues related to relatives or friends;
  • to ride without a saddle - a person will be helped by faithful, albeit poor, friends;
  • jumping from persecution - loved ones will cause a lot of concern;
  • riding a horse up a mountain - problems that the dreamer will successfully overcome;
  • rushing - incredible vital energy that will help you realize your plans;
  • jumping easily - success, on the way to which the dreamer may commit unworthy acts;
  • Horse racing dreams of successful completion of a responsible task that will bring material reward.

TOP 2 negative interpretations

  1. Horseback riding surrounded by other riders can predict troubles in your personal life.
  2. If a girl dreamed of her boyfriend riding a beautiful horse, a dream predicts betrayal of a loved one.

TOP 3 positive interpretations

  1. Riding with other riders For a girl, it portends a meeting with her future husband.
  2. Riding a calm horse may dream of business prosperity and wealth.
  3. Sitting bareback on the back of a horse means love and understanding in the family.

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TOP 2 neutral interpretations

  1. Participation in horse racing in a dream it can mean haste and fuss that a sleeping person creates around himself.
  2. Man rode in a dream- in real life, his partner is greedy and capricious.

Ride a horse in a dream, why do you dream about it according to Miller’s dream book

According to interpretations of Miller’s dream book, riding a horse in a dream means:

  • keep the situation under control;
  • have a good understanding of the work process;
  • skillfully lead a team;
  • have the gift of oratory and leadership qualities;
  • be a wise mentor.

Other meanings of a horse riding dream look like this:

  • losing control - the appearance of obsessive fear or depression;
  • to be thrown from the saddle to the ground - lack of self-confidence, which will provoke the emergence of apathy;
  • to be knocked out of the saddle by another rider - interference of an influential person in his personal life;
  • slipping off a galloping stallion - competition for conducting business for a large customer;
  • swimming across a river while sitting on a horse means profit and recognition of professional merit.

For women:

  • popularity among men;
  • a friend's declaration of love;
  • attention from a handsome colleague;
  • jealousy of the partner and attempts to control communication with males.

The video contains popular interpretations of dreams related to horses and riding

Taken from the channel “HoroscopeVideo - Horoscope for today”.

What does it mean to ride a horse in a dream according to Freud’s dream book

The psychoanalyst interpreted horse riding in a dream as a prototype of a relationship with a sexual partner in which:

  • personifies a stubborn person who does not want to give in even in small things;
  • the affectionate mare symbolizes a loving and caring partner.

Saddled and pranced on a horse in the company of a person of the opposite sex may indicate the dreamer’s subconscious desire to have a child.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the Bulgarian soothsayer, riding a horse in a dream means a trip that will bring material profit and long-term connections.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Good to know

Tsvetkov deciphered the dream of horse riding as the acquisition of high social status.

Other interpretations of the image:

  • participation in a major project;
  • proposal for cooperation with a promising client;
  • material reward.

Loff's Dream Book

Good to know

Pastor Loff believed that riding a horse in a dream represents competence, which will lead to tremendous success in work.

For men:

  • fight against a strong competitor;
  • good intuition, which will help you find errors in your work;
  • business acumen, thanks to which the sleeper will receive leadership over a promising project;
  • overwork associated with emergency work at work.

For women:

  • struggle for the attention of a handsome man;
  • the appearance of a rival who will try to take away her loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

It is important to know

According to the medium Hasse, dreaming of horse riding symbolizes the acquisition of spiritual knowledge and achievement of academic success.

For men:

  • riding in the saddle - the appearance of a patron, or receiving help from an unfamiliar person;
  • climbing a mountain while sitting on a horse is a surprise that a loving wife will present;
  • riding a black horse - the beginning of a romantic relationship with a friend;
  • jumping very quickly - separation from the woman you love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Riding a horse, according to Nostradamus, dreams of recovery.

If next to the sleeping person in a dream there were his children or grandchildren prancing on ponies, in reality they will travel together.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Meneghetti interpreted jumping in a dream as a strong sexual attraction to a stranger.

For men:

  • the need for more frequent sexual intercourse;
  • lack of female attention.

For women:

  • poorly controlled passion for a work colleague.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

The white magician interpreted the dream about horse racing as follows:

  • saddle the animal yourself and ride slowly - face the negative side of a high post;
  • finding out that another rider has left on your horse and catching up with him means worrying about family troubles;
  • rush upward - find happiness with your loved one;
  • ride bareback - start a relationship on the side.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

It is easy to jump into the saddle and ride a large horse, according to the interpretation of the Jewish dream book, in a dream to resolve a problem situation.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

If the sleeper dreamed of many horses and he rode them in turn, according to Canaanite, such a vision promises fabulous wealth.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Racing on horseback, according to the interpretation of Veles’s dream book, means:

  • financial ruin due to dishonest actions of a strong competitor;
  • unsuccessful negotiations with a potential client;
  • actions of ill-wishers aimed at worsening the reputation of the sleeper in business circles;
  • discord in the family due to jealousy of the partner.

Aesop's Dream Book

Aesop deciphered the dream of horse racing as follows:

  • conclusion of a long-awaited deal;
  • successful negotiations;
  • achieving the desired goal;
  • profitable investment of personal funds.

English dream book

It is important to know

According to the interpretation of the English dream book, if you are riding a horse, the dream predicts the occurrence of an extreme situation that will require full mobilization of forces.

Other dream interpretations:

  • taming a wild horse and riding a horse is a bold act, courage that will bring respect from competitors;
  • riding in the mountains - sacrifices for the sake of obtaining the desired position;
  • looking at an unfamiliar rider - physical fatigue, which can lead to illness;
  • riding a person - worsening the course of the disease.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Smirnov deciphered it as a desire for solitude and rethinking of one’s own life.

If in a dream the horse had its tail cut off, this image predicts conflicts with loved ones caused by an unwillingness to compromise.

French dream book

Racing on a horse in a dream, according to the interpretation of the French dream book, dreams of overcoming obstacles while realizing an old (or childhood) dream.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Good to know

In the dream book of Catherine the Great, prancing on a thoroughbred horse means love and the appearance of a soul mate of the opposite sex.

The bay predicts a truce with the sworn enemy.

Assyrian dream book

Interpretations of the Assyrian dream book have a negative meaning:

  • suffer from the actions of fraudsters;
  • lose your wallet and/or important documents;
  • make a thoughtless investment;
  • incur financial penalties due to non-compliance with the terms of the contract.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Akulina predicted to the sleeping man, who was racing on horseback in a dream, a meeting with a person who could save his business.

Modern dream book

In the Modern Dream Book, horse riding symbolizes change, for example:

  • employment in a new interesting job;
  • winning a lottery or competition;
  • receiving a valuable gift from an influential person;
  • marriage with a loved one.

For women:

  • the appearance of a lover;
  • breaking up with a dysfunctional partner.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

According to Phoebe:

  • if you dream of a person galloping upward on a beautiful horse, in real life there will be victory over enemies;
  • the image of a tortured, thin horse symbolizes fatigue from a lot of work.

Chinese dream book

The interpretations of the Chinese dream book look like this:

  • if you are jumping from the pursuit of ill-wishers, there is a lot of vital energy that will appear after a short vacation;
  • rushing at full speed - a crime, fatal negligence, which will lead to legal proceedings;
  • prancing calmly - a long period of monotonous routine tasks at work.

Muslim dream book

In the Muslim dream book, the image of a man sitting on a horse is a sign of a high position in society and a wide sphere of influence.

Islamic dream book

The meanings of the dream according to the interpretation of the Islamic dream book have a positive meaning, for example:

  • obtaining a high rank;
  • recognition of one's own merits by people whose opinions are valuable to the sleeping person;
  • gaining power and/or popularity in a wide circle;
  • respect from competitors.

Russian dream book

In the Russian dream book, horse riding symbolizes a meeting with a future rival, who, over time, can become a close friend.

Slavic dream book

According to the interpretation of the Slavic dream book, the image of horse racing is considered as a favorable sign promising the sleeping person:

  • improvement of financial situation;
  • successful medical procedures;
  • visibility of the result of daily work associated with achievements in sports or creativity.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the decoding of the Ukrainian dream book, a rider in real life will receive a pleasant surprise that will improve his financial condition.

Family dream book

In the Family Dream Book, horse riding predicts the coming of the right time to start studying or retraining.

Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book, horse racing predicts separation from a partner due to the reluctance of both to admit their mistakes.

Love dream book

In the Love Dream Book, riding horses foreshadows the dynamic development of relationships with the opposite sex.

Other interpretations of the image:

  • a friend's unexpected declaration of love;
  • the location of the enemy after communication in an informal setting;
  • the appearance of a mentor who will help improve your financial situation.

Dream book by numbers: table with interpretations

Day of the monthDecoding
1 The onset of a good period for resolving controversial issues with relatives
2 Suggestion from management related to the need for partial retraining
3 There is a high probability of suffering from the actions of scammers
4 The speedy fulfillment of your cherished desire
5 There will be a serious conversation with your partner, during which agreements will be reached on resolving everyday issues
6 The appearance of a handsome person of the opposite sex who will demonstrate his interest in the dreamer
7 Financial problems associated with uncontrolled spending
8 A quick solution to the problem that worried the sleeping person
9 The emergence of an influential person who can ruin the reputation in business circles
10 The dreamer will have to listen to a request for help, which will mean taking on financial responsibility
11 The danger of losing an interesting creative project
12 Approaching a lot of routine work
13 There is a possibility of getting sick or having an accident
14 The sleeping person will be made a lucrative offer that can dramatically change his life
15 Dreams predict profit
16 Ahead lies a long period of colossal luck in all matters that the sleeping person will undertake throughout the year.
17 An envious employee will soon appear at work and will try to take the place of the sleeping person.
18 The dreamer will have to experience sad news related to a person close to him in the past.
19 Improving your financial situation or successfully investing your own funds
20 Ending a period of work-related financial setbacks
21 A pleasant trip surrounded by loved ones
22 A person has to make an important decision related to a job offer that will be received from his superiors in the coming days.
23 Changes in family life: replenishment, change in social status
24 Unsuccessful implementation of therapeutic measures and/or chronicity of the disease
25 Serious business losses due to an error in documents
26 The sleeper will have to solve problems related to distant relatives
27 Quick satisfaction of a person’s ambitions and large material rewards
28 Sleeping and seeing yourself sleeping on this day may mean receiving unpleasant news
29 Problems in the team and the likelihood of deception
30 There will be an opportunity to start a love relationship with a work colleague
31 Dreams warn against betrayal and deception, which will cause a major quarrel with a loved one.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • competition with a friend for the attention of a handsome man;
  • unexpected death of a loved one;
  • an illness that will deprive you of the opportunity to do what you love for a long time;
  • tests associated with a change of residence.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • successful acquisition of property or investment of personal funds;
  • mutual feeling of falling in love with a new acquaintance;
  • management's assessment of the level of competence, which will lead to promotion in the future;
  • mutual assistance with a former enemy, thanks to which the rivalry will end;
  • meeting a person much older than yourself, which will help increase your own self-esteem.

Lunar dream book: table with dream interpretations

Lunar day, dayPrediction
1 The dreamer will have to experience an unpleasant event that will contribute to career growth
2 Night images carry contradictory meanings: positive stories are embodied in empty chores, negative ones are embodied in successful solutions to problems
3 The sleeper will have a frank conversation with his partner, as a result of which the relationship in the couple will begin to change for the better
4 Dreams predict the onset of a period of business trips that will bring prosperity to the sleeping person’s business.
5 Visions of this day indicate a two-faced acquaintance trying to ruin the dreamer's reputation
6 Night images foreshadow the imminent achievement of the main goal, which will bring recognition and material wealth.
7 Dreams predict the imminent implementation of a creative project
8 Dreams predict a long happy period in your personal life and career
9 A tempting offer will be made to the sleeping person, which will provoke discord in the family.
10 Investing personal funds in a risky project of a close friend will result in losses and numerous debt obligations
11 The dreamer will have to face misunderstanding and condemnation from his colleagues. It is important to be patient and resolutely defend your point of view.
12 Dreams warn of the likelihood of an accident due to the fault of a loved one
13 It is possible to meet a person who can become a close friend or patron in business
14 The dreamer will have to go through a depressive state into which he will drive himself
15 The dream promises the emergence of an additional source of income
16 On this day, visions warn against concluding deals with unfamiliar people.
17 Dreams foretell romantic dates and increased attention from the opposite sex
18 The sleeping person will have to solve the problems of a loved one
19 Night images predict conflicts with a partner, which may end in a breakup
20 Dreams predict a long period of a happy, comfortable life
21 There will be changes in the fate of the sleeping person associated with a promotion or transfer to another city for work.
22 Possible temporary financial difficulties
23 Dreams foretell trips and meetings with friends
24 The dreamer will receive an offer of cooperation from competitors
25 Night images predict a chance to get a promotion
26 The sleeping person will have to endure the shame associated with his own behavior at a public event.
27 Dreams foretell success in completing an important assignment and many new acquaintances that will appear in the process of work
28 Dreams promise longevity and the achievement of health-related goals

The likelihood of dreams coming true increases if the Moon is in the following signs:

  • Cancer;
  • Scorpio;
  • Fish.

Intimate dream book

Good to know

In the interpretation of the Intimate Dream Book, horse riding symbolizes a happy marriage with a wealthy chosen one.

For women:

  • a caring husband who wants to be seduced by a girl he knows;
  • secret love affair with an old admirer.

Winter dream book

Riding a black horse, according to the interpretation of the Winter Dream Book, means solving your problems with the help of an experienced person.

To dream of riding bareback on a restive horse means receiving valuable advice from an unfamiliar person.

Summer dream book

Seeing yourself riding a horse, in the interpretation of the Summer Dream Book, means receiving a bonus or a salary increase.

For women:

  • confession of feelings from an obsessive boyfriend.

Autumn dream book

If a person rode a beautiful horse in a dream, according to the interpretation of the Autumn Dream Book, in reality he will lose interest in his favorite pastime.

Home dream book

According to the interpretations of the Home Dream Book, horse riding means:

  • revaluation of values, thanks to which the sleeper will achieve what he wants;
  • successful completion of training with receipt of an offer of cooperation;
  • a chance to get an expensive education or internship at the expense of another person or company.

Creative dream book

Riding a strong stallion, according to the interpretation of the Creative Dream Book, means reaching heights in your career and self-realization.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

In the Dream Book of the subconscious, horse racing symbolizes a person’s tendency to exaggerate the negative significance of what is happening.

The image of a beautiful fairytale horse can promise chronic illness if the dreamer refuses to treat the ailment.

A horse is a beautiful, strong and resilient animal. They sense their rider well, so they will never give weak and indecisive people the opportunity to ride themselves. The horse is mentioned both in legends and in literary works; many signs and beliefs are associated with this animal. It’s not for nothing that she often appears in dreams, and people try to determine what such a vision means.

It is not so easy to determine exactly why such animals are dreamed of. We should take into account the situation that appeared to us in a dream, the color of the animal and its behavior, the environment and how exactly events develop in the dream. Its interpretation will largely depend on the outcome of the plot.

What does a horse seen in a dream mean?

  1. Color. It is worth paying attention to the color of the horse. If it is a light shade, then happiness awaits you, and if the horse was dark, there is a chance to improve your financial situation in the future. It all depends on whether you stay in the saddle. If the dream was about you riding a red horse, this means that those around you will respect and honor you.
  2. In a dream, you rode a horse in a circle - this means that new obstacles and enemies will appear on your path.
  3. If you raced on a horse at great speed, then success awaits you.

The color of a horse seen in a dream is one of those things that deserve close attention.

  • Red horse - respect and honor.
  • Dark horse – finance and luck.
  • Light suit – love and care.
  • Red horse - more often you use intuition to make decisions, but you do not listen to the voice of reason so often.

Why else can a horse dream?

If in a dream you met one or more horses that behave aggressively towards you, then there is a high probability of an accident in reality, be careful!

In a dream you saw a stone statue of a horse come to life - you will return to old and forgotten affairs. The statue shows aggression - this is a sign that a person will appear from the past who will be at enmity with you. If you ride this statue, you will begin to see the terrible actions of others, which will negatively affect you.

If you climb a mountain on a horse, you will be able to achieve a certain position in society. If you lead your horse to water, this is a very positive sign; longevity or a speedy recovery from illness awaits you. In the dream, on a dark stallion was the one with whom you are at enmity? This means that you will soon make peace with him.

What dream books say

Dream book of the 21st century. In a dream you ride a horse - happiness will come to you soon. If you dream of horse riding, then soon your life will begin to change, but at the same time family well-being will appear. A journey to distant lands is approaching if the horse in the dream had a saddle and harness. In a dream we saw a woman riding in a fast troika - a family breakup is approaching due to frivolity.

Miller's dream book explains that a dream in which you are a rider means the ability to control the situation, but if the horse is too frisky and you are unable to hold him, then it will be difficult to control the situation. If you fall out of the saddle, they will try to control you. In a dream, you saw how you were a rider of a white horse, which means that you have many true friends and will soon make new ones.

If there is dirt on the horse, then some friends will envy you. You ride a horse through a clear stream - you will be lucky. If the stream is muddy, troubles and failures await you. Swim across the river on the back of a horse - you will become very lucky, your dreams will come true, and your profits will grow. A serious illness and enemies await you if in a dream a horse kicked you and threw you out of the saddle. Do you ride a horse bareback? This means you will achieve your goal, albeit with hard work.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian. Riding a dark horse means the appearance of experienced people in a girl’s life who will help her achieve her goals and implement her plans. You were on a white horse, and there was a pursuer behind you - soon black and white stripes will alternate in your life. If a girl gets off her horse and sees a pig, they will confess their love to her, but she will reject this proposal. Riding a brown horse in a dream will attract good luck (for a man) or many suitors (for a woman).

Gypsy dream book. If in a dream you rode a horse, then success awaits you in everything you have planned. In the case of a black horse, you will get a rich heiress as your wife, but with a disgusting character. The white horse will bring the rider wealth, a beautiful wife and love. A dream where you are on a horse, and there are male riders all around, means that your income will increase, respect from your colleagues will appear, and if there were girls around, then you will face troubles and betrayal from a loved one.

Women's dream book. If you ride a bucking horse in a dream, the path will be difficult and long, but victory will be yours. The horse has thrown off the saddle - a serious and difficult test lies ahead. Saddled a horse - there will be changes for the better, and if in a dream you took part in a race, then wealth and good luck await you.

Dream book of Nostradamus. This interpreter believed that if in a dream you saw how a horse was being treated, you will have a test that must be overcome. If the animal does not survive and dies, then you will do a lot of stupid things in life, you will get stuck in them and will not be able to get out.

Vanga's dream book. Wild, evil and scary horses in a dream mean the approach of troubles and misfortunes. If the horses are beautiful and allow themselves to be petted, then a long business trip awaits you. In a dream, a horse rose from the dead, which means an unkind person will return from the past and want to harm you. If a horse comes up to you in a dream, expect betrayal from your friends.

Horses are loyal and wise animals. Seeing a horse in a dream is not scary, unless of course you fall off it. So why dream of riding a horse, let’s look at the meanings of popular dream interpreters.

Meaning of sleep – Riding a horse

The meanings in the Noble Dream Book are revealed depending on the circumstances of the storyline:

  • Riding on horseback - the ability to use mental strength; a harbinger of joy, good news;
  • On a calm horse - you will find family happiness;
  • The horse is emaciated, sick - expect something bad;
  • Riding a horse and not being able to handle the horse means interesting things lie ahead;
  • Jump quickly, quickly - you will not be satisfied with love feelings;
  • To go around - to failures, troubles, in general, you should not expect good things;
  • Driving through a deserted, deserted area - the reason for your loneliness is inappropriate, depraved behavior;
  • In the company - you are in demand;
  • Riding a mare covered with a white sheet/blanket portends the risk of a serious illness, a threat to life;
  • Watching the rider means quick changes are possible.

Why dream of riding a horse according to the Wanderer’s dream book? The dream promises achievement of goals, approaching success, victory over difficulties.

The meaning of the dream depends on the color of the mare seen in the night message:

  • The white horse is a positive symbol, meaning that the course of affairs will proceed in the best way; you will be glad, happy, surrounded by friends who are close in their views on life;
  • Black (black) - expect sorrows and approaching problems. External well-being and apparent success will turn out to be unreal; you will experience dissatisfaction with others, with your own business and with yourself;
  • Reddish/light chestnut (brown) are harbingers of rapid change from favorable situations to the worst consequences and vice versa;
  • Red-reddish with a black mane and tail (bay color) is a wonderful symbol, foreshadowing the speedy fulfillment of cherished desires, financial well-being, and career growth.

If you dreamed of an unusual two-legged horse, you will be trusted and given great honor. A shod mare - success will exceed all expectations. Short individuals or ponies symbolize unfavorable situations that enemies intend to use against you. To see, on the contrary, purebred, beautiful, stately mares in a dream - everything will soon change for the good, both at home and at work. The rider is not galloping along the road - the wrong path will be chosen, and strength will be needed to change direction.

Seeing a kicking horse in a dream foreshadows great difficulties, the onslaught of enemies in the implementation of your planned plan. Kicking - fate is testing you, you risk ruining your health. If you stumble or fall, you risk going completely bankrupt and will be in need.

If you dream of dead horses, you will have difficult work ahead of you far from home. Tired, thin - you will connect your life and everyday life with a person whose character is completely opposite to yours. A horse with a saddle, on the contrary, promises a happy family life and a wonderful spouse.

Galloping horses foretell an accident; grazing - a quiet life alone with nature. Seeing a huge herd means you will become the main character of the reception, appearing in a new outfit.

What do Horses mean?

Dream interpreter Simeon Prozorov interprets the horse seen in a dream as a favorable symbol, meaning strong friendly ties and successful deeds. Why dream of riding a horse? Ride in the saddle - a difficult situation is under control. On horseback - you will emerge victorious in all problematic situations. I dreamed of a beautiful mare - to be a creative, love success. Horse herd - expect a cloudless future and a lot of pleasant impressions. Trying to gallop away from the pursuing horseman - you will receive the long-awaited news.

I dreamed about a horse:

  • White - an important event will have a happy ending;
  • Black - portends an imminent marriage;
  • Piebald - it’s worth listening to your intuition;
  • In apples - friendships are strong, expect joyful meetings with like-minded people.

Meeting a racer on a horse means a patron will appear who can protect you. Threw off the rider - happy days will come soon, all wishes will come true. Restrict the movement of the horse (hobble) - you will find a slanderer among your friends, you will bring him to light.

A dressed horse means that you will soon receive the highest position. Dead - expect a serious win. If you dreamed that a mare was grazing in a meadow, chewing juicy grass - agree to the invitation to participate in the business, it will bring good financial profit. Offering treats from your hands means don’t refuse to help your loved one; he can’t handle it alone. Ride on a fast horse - you will become popular; ride around - defeat your enemies. Hearing a horse neighing in a dream means you should listen to the opinion of an authoritative person.

Buying a horse in a night vision means receiving long-awaited news; selling it means finally getting rid of a heavy burden. Tame – If you are an entrepreneur, expect your business affairs to flourish. Crossing a stream while sitting on a horse - all grandiose plans will come true.

Why you dream of riding a horse is discussed in the 21st century dream book. Depending on the details of the dream, there are positive and negative interpretations.


  • I dreamed of a big white horse - successful business;
  • Bay - you will meet a wonderful comrade;
  • Buying a horse in a dream means receiving news;
  • Ride a calm horse - you have a chance for family happiness;
  • Riding a horse - expect joy;
  • Seeing a horse in a dream means you will receive an invitation to a hospitable home where you will be taken care of;
  • Horse riding - expect changes, family well-being;
  • A horse stands in the house - happiness; if a beautiful, well-saddled filly comes in - for a quick marriage;
  • Bitten - expect advancement up the career ladder.


  • See a black horse - expect trouble;
  • Reared up - you will quarrel;
  • Catching a horse is a warning against losses; If the mare drags goods on her, you will lose your job;
  • A beautiful trotter is carrying your sleigh - you will soon be engaged in a difficult task that will not bring any benefit. Ride in a fast three-wheeler - you will pay for a long time for instant pleasure. For a woman, riding a troika is a symbol of the fact that, due to frivolity, she will lose her loved one and will pass by her happiness.
  • Driving around a horse/horse “dancing” in front of the house - expect failures;
  • Finding yourself under a horse in a dream foreshadows a tragic blow.

If a man sees a stallion in a dream, this is a good sign. For a woman, it promises a decline in vitality. But another plot is favorable - seeing a herd means getting married soon, troubles will also recede, and your state of mind will return to normal. Ride a horse - expect a long journey.

It happens that you dream of not only adults, but also foals. A dream in which you feed foals symbolizes profit and making peace with ill-wishers. Seeing a foal play and frolic will give you pleasure and dreams come true. Seeing a lonely foal means you will miss your beloved.

I dreamed about a stable - happiness and good luck will come soon. A neglected stable with workhorses - you will be in need, hard work. On the contrary, seeing a good stable full of horses is a good symbol, prophesying a useful acquaintance and successful completion of business.

The Chinese dream book did not ignore the dream of horses. Let’s look at why you dream about riding a horse.

To see a pious rider leaving - the details of an official matter will become clearer. The criminal disappeared on horseback - danger will be avoided. War horses enter the city - expect wealth and career success. A horse is transporting valuables for sale - you will lose your job; on the contrary, a promotion portends a horse bite. A horse in harness portends a long journey.

There is a live filly in the house - great happiness or news from your son. A horse entering the room signals a situation related to the betrayal of a spouse/loved one. A horse prancing around the house means a quick resolution to unpleasant situations.

A cart harnessed to four horses - happy moments will turn into sadness and misfortune. I dreamed of a cart pulled by white horses - good luck and great happiness will come soon. On the contrary, in a dream riding a white mare is a symbol of an approaching illness. Going on a long journey on horseback is a sign of immense joy.

Letting the mare go free, having combed and washed her beforehand, will result in a happy event. A herd galloped past - a quick solution to problems, a return to the usual rhythm of life. Killing a horse, camel or donkey is a feast replete with alcohol and snacks.

Why do you dream of riding a horse? Towards a successful road. This meaning is given by the Dream Interpreter's Dream Book.

The Islamic dream book has many of the most accurate meanings. It is worth trying to remember as many details of night vision as possible for an accurate interpretation.

If you dreamed that a horse’s tail was long, then the one who had the vision would have many followers; if it was short, there would be few followers.

Whoever dreams that he bought a horse, grace and goodness will come to him, he will be able to overcome his enemies. Sitting on a horse and understanding that you were created for riding means greatness, good financial standing, and high status will soon be achieved. In a dream, praying while sitting in the saddle, or seeing a horse with wings means receiving high social status and honor during your lifetime.

In a dream, a herd burst into a city or village - spring rains will fall. All the horses in this dream are saddled - this place will receive many joys in life. If a strange, unfamiliar mare enters your area, expect a foreigner to visit you.

A man meets a motley, piebald filly in a night message - he is about to meet a beautiful, rich and successful representative of the fair sex. If the mare is gray or black, a meeting with a believing, respectable lady. White horse - joy, an increasing flow of vitality.

The mare “baths” in the dust - symbolizes imminent financial well-being and good luck. Being bitten by a horse means a spouse has been cheating for a long time. Death bay - warns of the imminent death of a wife/husband.

Riding a riding horse is a long journey. To sit on a dirty, bareback horse - in reality you will sin very badly. Soaring above the earth while sitting on a horse means you and your family will move to the most suitable place of residence. It is believed that whoever did not hold back the running mare is sitting “under the heel” of his wife.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Modern problems, 1913.
  • Fromm E. Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.