Righteous Joseph is the head of the Holy Family. “Holy Family”: did you know that this icon is non-canonical? Icon of the Holy Family, what they pray for

Iconography, like any artistic style, has its own rules and certain principles for representing saints. This genre is quite conservative, and the author cannot add his own touch. Despite this, among the numerous images you can find several icons that have some different features. The Orthodox icon “Holy Family” has a similar meaning.

It is worth noting that this image has not yet been canonized, which is why it is more considered a painting painted in a church style. This icon is especially revered in Israel, where it is found in almost all churches, and you can buy it in any store.

Meaning and prayer to the icon of the “Holy Family”

First, let's talk about why they don't want to canonize the image, since this is important information. Such a decision is associated not only with deviations from the execution technique, but with the composition itself. The thing is that in the icon, Saint Joseph hugs the Virgin Mary by the shoulders with one hand, and holds her hand with the other. Many clergy consider such details to be a symbol of marital relations between them, which is unacceptable in Orthodoxy. The Gospel indicates that the relationship between the Virgin Mary and Joseph is more similar to patronage than to an ordinary marriage.

Understanding the meaning, as well as what the Holy Family icon helps with, it is worth saying that the image is considered a powerful patron of family and marriage. It is recommended to have such an icon at home for people who would like to strengthen the connection between family members, get rid of misunderstandings and restore. The image also helps to return debts and honor to an unjustly slandered person. In front of the icon they pray for sinners and prisoners.

The Orthodox icon “The Labor of the Holy Family,” which was painted not so long ago in 1923, has its own significance. The image was written ascetically and strictly, but it was based on a completely unexpected plot. The icon depicts three people: the Virgin Mary, Jesus and Saint Joseph, working in a carpenter's workshop. It is believed that the image clearly illustrates the Tradition describing the childhood years of the Infant God. This icon is called renovationist, that is, its main task is to adapt to reality. There are other names for this icon, for example, “The Holy Family – Teacher of Labor.” In the image, the Virgin Mary is spinning the curtains of the Temple of Jerusalem, Jesus is working with a chisel, and St. Joseph is sawing a board.

One of the holy images, in front of which single girls ask for a husband, is the icon of the Holy Family, or “Three Joys”. Although controversy continues to surround its canonicity, the growing popularity of the image and stories of miracles accomplished are able to calm the minds of the most inveterate skeptics.

History of the Orthodox icon

The Holy Family icon was created by the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael Santi, after which it became popular in the Catholic world. In Russia it gained fame only at the end of the 18th century.

“The Holy Family” was created by the Italian painter Raphael Santi

According to one version, the icon was brought to Russia from Israel by pilgrims. In Jerusalem she was treated with special reverence and love. But, presumably, it appeared in Russia thanks to one young man who went to Europe to get an education. He left it for safekeeping with the rector of the Moscow Trinity Church in Gryazi. For a long time, the holy image was undeservedly forgotten, but soon miracles began to happen, thanks to which she was remembered. Icon painters painted a copy of the icon according to Orthodox canons. It was called "Three Joys". In the center is Mary with Christ, in the background is Joseph the Betrothed with John the Baptist.

A copy of the icon is kept in the Trinity Church on Gryazi in Moscow. The original disappeared in the 1930s. during times of raging atheism, when churches were destroyed and shrines were plundered. Another mention of the icon is associated with the current Spassky convent in the village. Kostomarovo, Voronezh region.

Video “Icon “Holy Family” - description and meaning”

This video tells about the history of the appearance and meaning of the holy image.


The icon of the Holy Family was painted by Raphael. At first it was just a painting, which only over time received the status of an icon. Not all painters who paint on religious subjects can boast of this.

Raphael depicted happy parents with their son Jesus in their arms in a homely manner. The image emanates the joy of motherhood, the care of a father, a feeling of security and peace. The spouses embody the symbol of a loving married couple and caring parents. In Rus', the style of the icon has undergone significant changes. The Virgin and Child are depicted in the foreground, and Joseph the Betrothed, as befits a guardian, is depicted behind along with John the Baptist. Many painters interpreted the image in their own way and depicted Saint Anne instead of the Baptist.

The image of the “Three Joys” is more familiar to the perception of an Orthodox Christian. The severity of the biblical plot, along with caring maternal affection and fatherly care, permeates it through and through.

Historically, the icon “Holy Family” is mentioned in the village. Kostomarovo

Controversy surrounding canonicity

Despite the veneration and popularity of the icon, controversy surrounding its canonicity continues. Many consider it an ordinary work of painting.

The image of Joseph with his arm around Mary's shoulders and looking only at her caused a storm of stormy criticism from the church. Stern church ministers saw sexual overtones in this. According to the Bible, the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit, being immaculate. Joseph was her official husband of advanced age, without marital relations. On the icon he is depicted as a young man.

Before supporting critics, it should be remembered that Christians do not have clearly defined canons regarding the writing of holy images. The order of the Stoglavy Council to call on icon painters to “create according to Rublev” was not regulated by anyone and was not put into practice.

The hug of spouses can be interpreted as a symbol of a harmonious and loving family. What's bad about it? The popularity of the image suggests that it evokes warm feelings among believers and deserves the full right to be considered a shrine. Many church shops sell this image, although the icon has not been officially canonized.

Hugs between spouses can be interpreted as a symbol of a loving family

Icon of the Holy Family in Orthodoxy and Catholicism

Representatives of various faiths have ambiguous attitudes towards the icon. If Orthodoxy reacted to the icon with hostility, seeing in the image symbols of carnal pleasures, then Catholicism reacted positively and officially elevated it to the rank of holy images. In Israel, from where the icon was supposedly brought to Russia, it is found everywhere. In Russia, the icon gained popularity under the name “Three Joys”.

Holy Family Day in Catholicism is celebrated after Christmas (December 25) on the following Sunday, in Russia - January 8.

Historical facts related to the icon

Where did the second name come from - “Three Joys”? There is a legend among the people about how the icon helped one noblewoman. Three griefs befell her at once - her falsely slandered husband was imprisoned in prison, the estate was confiscated, and her only son was captured. Overwhelmed by grief, the sufferer prayed to the Mother of God day and night for a miracle. In a dream, she dreamed that she had to find the icon of the Holy Family. The legs themselves led the exhausted woman to the Trinity Church. Here she invoked the image of the Holy Family. Soon a miracle happened - the husband was acquitted, the prisoner returned, and the estate was returned. Since then, the shrine has had a second name - “Three Joys”.

The image of the family was reverently revered by the wives who accompanied their husbands to war. They asked in their prayers to protect them from bullets and adultery. Many soldiers carried a small icon with them. Leo Tolstoy's father spent the entire Patriotic War of 1812 with the image of the icon under his overcoat. Tolstoy himself also took the icon when going to the defense of Sevastopol in 1854. These facts are presented in the guide to the Yasnaya Polyana estate museum.

The image of the family was reverently revered by the wives who accompanied their husbands to war

The “Holy Family” played the role of a talisman and guardian of the family of Tsar Alexander II. In 1861, the first praise was offered to the image of the “Holy Family”. Then the text of the akathist was lost. Another fact or miracle happened in 1996, on January 8th. Then, after a long debate about who to offer the akathist to - St. Nicholas the Pleasant or the “Three Joys” - the lamp involuntarily lit up in front of the Trinity. Since then, January 8 has been celebrated as the day of the “Holy Family” or “Three Joys”.

How does the Holy Family icon help?

The shrine is a symbol of a strong marriage, home comfort and the birth of a new life. It is customary to give it at the birth of children, on wedding anniversaries and weddings.
The icon helps in many difficult situations. The main thing is to pray with pure thoughts and faith in a successful outcome of the event.

On what occasions can one offer prayers to the Holy Family icon:

  • desire to find a life partner;
  • strengthening marital ties;
  • ridding the family of quarrels and adversity;
  • safe return from war and long trips;
  • getting rid of slander and slander;
  • maintaining mental clarity and getting rid of rage;
  • debt recovery, etc.

Debt recovery Freeing the family from quarrels and adversity Strengthening marital ties

They say that all marriages are made in heaven. A single girl who dreams of finding a good husband should acquire the image of the “Holy Family” or “Three Joys” and pray, focusing on the end result.

If a girl wants to get married just for the sake of her status as a married lady, then her prayers will not be answered. There must be a sincere desire to start a family and start a new life. It is advisable to go to church, confess and take your spouse’s request very seriously. In order for the prayer to be heard, you should retire, cover your head with a scarf, and light a candle in front of the icon. The text of the prayer varies, but you can ask in your own words, coming from the heart and testifying to the purity of thoughts.

All prayers for the gift of a husband are made with pure thoughts. You cannot ask someone else’s husband, destroy other people’s families and strive for a marriage of convenience.

Prayers to the Holy Family icon

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Most Blessed Son, and the all-merciful betrothed Joseph, intercessors and intercessors of all Christians!

Hear our prayers, beg your Son and our God Jesus Christ to grant to everyone according to his needs: to sinners he will give effective admonition, correction and salvation, to those in troubles and sorrows - help and consolation, to the embittered - softening of hearts, to the faint-hearted - patience and hope, those living in joy and prosperity - constant gratitude to the Lord, the sick - healing.

Oh, holy Parents of the divine Son, be merciful to all who honor you, and provide us all with a powerful cover of your intercession from enemies visible and invisible. Confirm those in marriage in love, fidelity and unanimity, educate children, grant chastity to youth and open their minds to the perception of teaching.

All Orthodox people, both in times of sadness and in times of happiness, constantly ask for help and raise a prayer for protection to the holy faces. In this article we will talk about such a Holy icon as the face of the “Divine Family”, about the help it provides to believers, and its role in people’s lives.

This icon is highly praised by people of all faiths in many countries of the world. Rumors about the magical effect of this icon in Christian spaces began to spread in the first years of the 18th century.

According to legend, misfortunes began to plague one family of a rich lady at one time.: the head of the family was sent into exile on false charges, the youth was captured by enemies during the war, and all acquired property and real estate was taken away in the name of the state. The poor girl, exhausted in search of help and support from her friends, began to pray in prayer for the help of the Most Holy Theotokos.

And one day the Most Pure Mother of God appeared before her in a dream and pointed to the icon of the “Divine Family”. For a long time the unfortunate woman could not find the holy icon in the churches of the Capital; the completely desperate poor thing found a catalog with this face, delivered from Rome, to the Trinity Church, located on Pokrovka. A little later, the woman’s prayers were heard: the family home was returned to the owner, the boy was not held captive for long, and the husband’s innocence was proven and returned from exile.


The most famous heavenly inhabitants on this icon are the Most Pure Mother of God, in whose arms is her child Jesus Christ, and her husband Joseph the Betrothed.

Also on holy icons the Holy Family can be depicted: Saint Elizabeth, cousin of the Virgin Mary, and Elizabeth’s youth, Baptist John, who is the second cousin of our God.

Very rarely, the faces depict Elizabeth’s husband Zacharias and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Anna.

The purpose of this most pure face of the “Divine Family”? This Christian face is considered a holy sign of family love and reliability, longevity and harmony between husband and wife, and also between husband and wife and their child.

This is a wonderful gift for devout newlyweds to celebrate their marriage or, to celebrate a marriage anniversary, or the birth of a baby.


The miraculous power of the face can find solutions to all misfortunes, which arise in family relationships, as well as the comfortable existence of families, and the glorification of the family.

Prayer to the Holy Face The Holy Family will help:

Find your other half.

To unite all representatives of this family, strengthen them and give them harmony in the family

Bring back lost tenderness

Take the destroyer away from your family

Save from family quarrels

Save husband and wife from walking to the left

Get freedom from debt, monetary slavery

Clear your honest and fair name, dispel false speculation about yourself

Help thieves, deceivers, swindlers and all Orthodox people who adhere to a sinful way of life to return to the true Christian path

However, it is necessary to remember that the divine face sends its help and guidance to real, Christian families. It is impossible to pray to the Reverends: Mary, Christ and Joseph to attract an unfree man or a married girl, to destroy someone else’s family life.


The prayer to the divine face of the Holy Family sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Pure Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of the Merciful Youth of God, patroness of the oldest city and divine church of this church, devoted Representative and Protectress of all those living in sins and sorrows! Do not neglect the prayers of our sinful servants, but ask Your Son and our Almighty, let us all bow with hope and patience before Your miraculous icon, and give each one according to need: God’s enlightenment, confession and deliverance to the unworthy; those living in grief and tears - sympathy; in misfortunes and those who were angry - an effective mitigation for them; fearful and impatient - aspirations and humility; in the happiness and prosperity of those who exist - continuous praise to the Almighty; those living in illness - healing and strengthening. Oh, Most Pure Queen, soften to all who praise Your holy name and present to everyone Your all-powerful amphora and protection, intercede and protect Your servants from the enemies of your friends and strangers. Support the family in fidelity and mutual understanding; children grow up; bring the young people to their senses, send them reason to understand various useful knowledge; Protect your loved ones from family quarrels with tenderness and fidelity, and give us all from each one happiness, mutual understanding and peace, and health with longevity, may everyone in heaven and on earth see You as a faithful and holy Representative of Orthodox families and leading, They praise You and Your Servant of God with His Holy Father and His Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen".


In the capital of Russia, a catalog with this icon can only be found in the Trinity Church Unfortunately, in the rest of the churches of our homeland this holy face is not there, because it is not legalized by the church.

The original of this icon, originally from Italy, was lost in the 30s of the last century, when in our Motherland there was a troubled time for Orthodox repositories of relics.

Abroad, this icon receives the greatest praise in Jerusalem. Here the icon can be found everywhere - in various cathedrals or religious shops for travelers.

Based on this, the icon of the Holy Family is one of the most significant souvenirs that tourists recommend taking home with them from the Promised Land.


For believers, the feast of the Holy Family icon is celebrated on the Sunday following the Birth of Jesus. Usually this day is usually celebrated on the following dates, that is, December 19 in the old style, and this is January 8 in the new style, when many pilgrims flock to shrines around the world to pray to the Virgin Mary, Baby Jesus and Joseph

The veneration of an icon in the Orthodox community most often begins with some miracles revealed from it. The same applies to the Holy Family.

The miraculous power of this appeared at the dawn of the 18th century. At that time, one noble lady was subjected to a whole hail of troubles: her husband, slandered by ill-wishers, was sent into exile; son taken prisoner during the war; estates and property were taken away in favor of the treasury. People could not help the sufferer; they could only rely on the intercession of the Mother of God, to whom she prayed with faith and hope.

And the Mother of God honored her with Her appearance in a dream, pointing to the image of the “Holy Family.” The woman rushed to search. Having visited almost all Moscow churches, she finally found in the Church of the Holy Trinity on Pokrovka - not the icon itself, but a copy of it, which was brought from Italy.

Need I say with what feeling the unfortunate woman prayed before the image? And a miracle was not slow to happen: the husband was acquitted and, as they would say now, completely rehabilitated - with the return of the confiscated estate; son freed from enemy captivity...

What does the icon look like?

The image is considered a painting based on scenes from the Bible, and is called a false icon. It is clear that since it is a family, it means that this is a “family” image: it depicts the Most Holy Theotokos, the betrothed Joseph and the Infant Jesus. And here The style of depiction of the Holy Family confuses many so much so that the Church still does not recognize this painting as an icon in its literal sense, calling it a painting on a biblical theme.

What can be alarming in a completely harmless plot?

It is assumed that this clearly depicts the marital relationship of the Virgin Mary with Joseph: he, they say, puts his arm around her shoulders like a wife; his gaze is also directed at Her, and not at the Infant God, as one would expect; and in general they leaned too close to each other, which, from an orthodox point of view, is unacceptable.

After all, it is known from the Bible that the elderly Joseph was rather the guardian of the young Mother of God, who had reached the age of the bride, and was called upon to take care of Her and preserve Her chastity.

The figure of little Jesus seems to be drawn quite traditionally: He raised his right hand in a blessing gesture. But the left one, in which the Savior usually holds a tome or scroll pointing to the Holy Scriptures, seems to suggest uniting with the palms of his parents - a purely worldly gesture, as if symbolizing the desire of Jesus Christ to be among his family.

Orthodox icon painting has its own traditions, in which not only the position of the hands of the persons depicted on the icon (which is very uncharacteristic in this image), not only the relationship of the figures, their gestures, as we see, even the direction of gaze, but also color shades are important.

A few words about non-canonicality

From a modern point of view, the non-canonical nature of the Holy Family icon is not justified. The image itself represents a symbol of the highest reality; it is Orthodox in its essence - from it comes Love, the basis of the foundations of Christian teaching.

In the image, Joseph hugs the Mother of God, which symbolizes marital relations, and this is unacceptable. And in Joseph’s gesture, with which he embraces the Mother of God, one should not see what is not there: it is an ordinary warm gesture towards a loved one.

And is there more holiness in other works of icon painting only because individual gestures and poses, from the point of view of a non-existent canon, are written out correctly?

The icon “Holy Family” evokes bright emotions, despite its non-canonical nature. Isn’t this the main thing in such an image? By the way, there is also a lesser known and less popular icon called “Three Joys”.

On it is St. Joseph is depicted in the background among other figures, in the foreground is the Mother of God with the Child Jesus. They, of course, should always be the center of the image, but we should not forget about the role and merits of the holy betrothed.

The meaning and “sphere of influence” of the icon

How can you briefly express the meaning of the Holy Family icon? Already based on its very name, one can assume that in this Christian (even if not recognized by the Church) picture it is logical to see a symbol - family love and mutual understanding, fidelity and constancy.

Thanks to the miraculous power of this image, all domestic and family problems are resolved. He can be considered a powerful patron of marriage and family. like this It is recommended to have an icon at home, especially in those families where there is a need to strengthen family ties, getting rid of misunderstandings and returning love.

How does the Holy Family icon help? They pray before her, if necessary:

This the icon is a symbol of the family hearth and the inviolability of marital ties, Therefore, under no circumstances should you ask her for help in destroying someone else’s marriage and taking other people’s spouses away from the family. Even the thought of this is sinful. You can receive help and blessing only through a legal, righteous union.

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And here is the prayer itself, with which it is customary to address the image:

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Most Blessed Son, and the all-merciful betrothed Joseph, intercessors and intercessors of all Christians!

Hear our prayers, beg your Son and our God Jesus Christ to grant to everyone according to his needs: to sinners he will give effective admonition, correction and salvation, to those in troubles and sorrows - help and consolation, to the embittered - softening of hearts, to the faint-hearted - patience and hope, those living in joy and prosperity - constant gratitude to the Lord, the sick - healing.

Oh, holy Parents of the divine Son, be merciful to all who honor you, and provide us all with a powerful cover of your intercession from enemies visible and invisible. Confirm those in marriage in love, fidelity and unanimity, educate children, grant chastity to youth and open their minds to the perception of teaching.

Protect your relatives from domestic quarrels and reward them with peace. Give us all love, harmony and understanding, piety and long days of life in good health. We, having found in you strong representatives and intercessors, will give thanks and together with you glorify God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever! Amen!"

Is it worth having such a non-canonical icon in your home? It seems that even if we consider it as a painting, there will be nothing terrible about it. The only thing that can confuse the Orthodox is the impossibility of consecrating this image precisely because of its ecclesiastical non-canonical nature.

But it is known that people do not worship the icon as an object, but those whom it represents, in this case the Most Pure Mother of God, the Baby Jesus and the holy righteous Joseph. By the way, some clergy believe that it is possible to pray in front of the “Holy Family” icon - precisely if you correctly define and build an attitude towards it.

The meaning of the “Holy Family” icon, in which it helps, has an ambiguous assessment of spiritual shepherds associated with the two most powerful faiths - Orthodox and Catholic. The fact is that this image is not a canonical Orthodox image. The attitude towards the icon as a spiritual object is very different between Catholic and Orthodox Christians.

The fact is that this image is not a canonical Orthodox image

Historically, the icon of the “Holy Family” in Orthodoxy is mentioned in the village of Kostomarovo, Voronezh region. The place where the unique Spassky Convent is located. Its identity lies in the underground chalk temples, which are very similar to the ancient Capadocian structures. It was not possible to accurately determine the time of creation of this monastery. But today it is a functioning convent.

Women's Spassky Monastery

According to legend, local women gave meaning to the Holy Family icon. They prayed during World War II for the return of men. According to surviving evidence, the prayer was heard, all the men returned home alive.

A photo of the Holy Family icon in this monastery indicates a significant difference in execution from the Catholic image. The “icon” depicts righteous Joseph, the Most Holy Theotokos and little Jesus. In the Catholic depiction, Joseph is shown not as the guardian of the piety of the Virgin Mary, because he was already an old man, but as Her spouse, which is a distortion of historical fact.

The meaning of the icon “Holy Family”

However, the significance of the Holy Family icon in Russia is beginning to acquire spiritual weight among laity and believers. For the most part, this suggests that the image of the traditional pious family is dear to Orthodoxy.

The image of the holy family is especially popular in Israel. It is often given as a gift for family holidays and weddings.

The image of a traditional pious family is dear to Orthodoxy

The icon was first painted in Italy. It appeared in Russia in the 18th century. Parishioners of the Moscow Trinity Church brought the “Holy Family” icon as a gift to the rector. After thinking about where to hang it, the image was placed above the entrance. Over time, the significance of this image was added by the manifestation of miraculous properties, which was helped by the sincere prayer of believers.

How does the Holy Family icon help?

Before this image, you can ask for help if family life is being tested for strength. Create a family, find and maintain home comfort. Knowing how the Holy Family icon helps, it becomes important for those who want to improve their lives through prayer.

The events of the Gospel took place at a time when the woman could not survive on her own, therefore, protecting the honor of the Virgin Mary and taking care of the safety of her life, she was given to the care of Elder Joseph.

This suggests that for orphans, people in need of care, a warm, heartfelt prayer in front of this icon will help in resolving these issues.

Catholic and Orthodox icon "Holy Family"

The answer to the question which “Holy Family” icon is more correct, Orthodox or Catholic, for an Orthodox Christian should be the knowledge that the power of the icon lies largely not in the image, but in the relationship to the image as a divinely inspired instrument of help.

But Catholic “icons” are not perceived as such, because the technique of their execution does not carry the spiritual traditions of icon painting, but the skill of the artist. What makes a subject a painting, but not an icon. Time will tell whether the “Holy Family” icon will become Orthodox or canonical.

But, despite this, today you can find this image in Orthodox icon shops. And if, with the help of Orthodox prayer, you begin to “revive” the icon, it can become an assistant in your pure prayer requests. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov says: do not look for the letter, but look for the Holy Spirit.