When is the year of the white dragon. Dragon: description and characteristics

The steppe winds blew in search of vital juices. Moving from the West across the sky, dryness touched the Earth and gave birth to Metal.

Metal represents evening, autumn, cold. It is a symbol of clarity, purity and perseverance.

Metal divides and cuts, he has a tough temperament and chastity.

He fluctuates between beauty and destruction, he has a desire for realization. But iron is also used for harvesting.

As a rule, these people are endowed with a strong constitution and strong bones. They have hard and straight hair, but as they age, their hair begins to thin out. They are dark-skinned, with dark eyes, a straight nose, a heavy jaw and strong limbs.

Excessive severity of metal gives rise to sadness and gloominess. For a dragon, which is already too prickly, metal gives it excessive rigidity and can encase it in a shell of armor, which isolates it from others.

Great feelings are not characteristic of such Dragons; they are protected by armor. Metal gives rise to dryness of the heart and takes away subtlety.

You need to be extremely careful and prudent so that Metal does not carry the Dragon to mystical heights. All this can become very dangerous, as it looks like a mirage, but when the world of illusion melts, the Dragon will find himself in the abyss.

These Dragons are energetic, decisive, and they are born bosses. They are too capricious and unusually strong, despotic individuals. They know how to punish and judge harshly, but still Metal Dragons remain impartial and incorruptible.

They are clean, punctual, efficient, demanding, and excellent workers. It cannot be said that they are too compliant, because they have a difficult character. In relationships, they are pedantic and ambitious, and this does not make life easier.

They always go their own way, despite bad weather. They are always confident in themselves, indifferent to flattery and reproach. During a storm they behave calmly because they know that they raised it themselves.

Metal Dragons are often harsh and categorical in their judgments. There are never two opinions on any issue. They are very accurate when it comes to describing the state of things.

Without receiving support or achieving cooperation, they nevertheless carry out their plans with great zeal.

There is no doubt that Metal Dragons are people of high morality, which is why they are highly respected by friends and colleagues.

They love autumn and do best in dry climates. The most vulnerable organ of the Metal Dragon is the lungs.

They prefer spicy food, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from oats and horse meat.

This Dragon must find balance, and therefore he simply needs breathing exercises to strengthen his spirit.

The color that brings them happiness and good luck is green.

This year is unusual, it occurs once every sixty years. Provided by the keeper of the knowledge of the ancient world, symbolizes fortune and joy, the key of wisdom and upliftment in life. This sign can be quite sudden, in an instantaneous flash it has the ability to immediately express everything that it thinks about. Often he does not respond to concepts that are inconsistent with him, deviates from the overall work and readily works alone. He must learn to assess the situation impartially and maintain a sharp character.

2000 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Metal Dragon

In this article you will learn:

What year is 2000 according to the Eastern calendar?

The year of the Metal Dragon, it has simply extraordinary activity, this is the only most powerful among the symbols of the eastern horoscope.

Dragons are very successful in society.

They are extremely self-confident and prefer to be the focus of everyone's respect. He was born with a bad mood. At the beginning of his existence, he will become nervous and angry at the frequent decline and rise. However, over time, courage and wisdom can help you become a leader and find the necessary process and support. They will continue their old age in prosperity and comfort.

Features of the Metal Dragon sign according to the Chinese calendar

Their missions are countless and varied. In order to fulfill them, they need a government, which they acquire only through their own capabilities and strategies.

They quickly light up and quickly fade away, never finding the opportunity to find a soul mate. But Dragons, as a rule, are respected, although they themselves very rarely love anyone.

When breakups occur, they do not actually experience romantic frustration, although they themselves are often a factor in the tragedy.

They are the favorites of any society. He instantly conquers those there, especially young girls.

Likes to express his own thoughts, writes ideas in notes and books. Dragons are also welcoming and friendly with absolutely everyone, they are supportive, although they select their comrades at their own discretion.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Metal Dragon

  • The dragon, it seems, personifies richness, intelligence, accessibility, inquisitiveness, diligence, security, charisma, dynamism, and on the other hand, hot temper, unceremoniousness, severity, willfulness.
  • The Dragon has an excess of well-being, actual strength, and initiative. Accessible and pure, just like wealth, not prone to slander. Although by no means gullible, Dragons are gullible. They very often worry about erroneous circumstances; the Dragon is scrupulous. He is very picky and unshakable, not restrained in speech
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

They are the main elements of the cyclic calendar. It contains twelve hieroglyphic signs, each of which is “guided” by an animal. So, for example, it is easy to calculate 2000, the year of which animal according to the Chinese calendar. It corresponds to the fifth of the cycle - the Year of the Dragon.

The Legend of the Zodiac Signs

The legend of the origin of the Chinese horoscope tells the following. When Buddha invited animals to the reception, anyone who wished could come. It was very cold at that time, and in order to get to Buddha’s palace, one had to cross a wide river. Buddha gave everyone who came to the reception one year to rule. The Rat came first to the Buddha, then the Buffalo, and after him the Tiger. Behind the fog it was hard to see who was coming fourth - the Hare, the Rabbit or the Cat. Many years have passed, the truth in this matter has not been established. Among eastern peoples, the fourth year is still read differently (Rabbit, Hare or Cat). The Dragon arrived fifth, and here is the answer to the question: “2000: the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar?” This year, the fifth in the cycle, corresponds to the Year of the Dragon. The sixth was the Snake. The horse finished seventh. After this, the river became foggy, and again it was unclear who became the eighth - Ram, Sheep or Goat. The Monkey was number nine, the Rooster (maybe Chicken) was number ten. The Dog came eleventh, and the last, twelfth, was the Boar (maybe the Pig).

2000: year of which animal? What colour?

The dragon is the only symbol in the horoscope that represents a mythical creature rather than a real animal. But there is a special year, which happens once every sixty years - this is the year of the White (Metal) Dragon, it falls on 1940, 2000, 2060. Depending on the predominance of the element, the Dragon can be Water, Fire, Wood, Earth, Metal . For residents of the East, the Dragon is the keeper of ancient knowledge, symbolizing luck and joy, a source of wisdom, and growth in life.

Characteristics of Metal Dragon

We have already figured out which animal year 2000 was, now let’s look at the characteristics inherent to the Metal Dragon. This sign can be very harsh; in a momentary impulse, he can immediately express everything he is thinking about. Often he does not react to opinions that disagree with him, refusals of joint activities and happily continues to act alone. The Metal Dragon must learn to objectively assess the situation and restrain its tough temper.

Born in the Year of the Dragon

Those who are interested in the year 2000 (what animal it represented) are also curious about the character traits of this sign. It is worth noting that Dragons are able to prove themselves in the most difficult situations, to earn capital in any business where other signs may find this impossible. There is something in their nature that makes it possible to win respect in the team, become a leader, and accept power. The dragon cannot live without difficult situations when one has to challenge fate. If he falls into a trap and follows the path of those who make decisions, he still looks for a way out and gets out of problems in a timely manner.

Most often, Dragons become highly qualified specialists and have extraordinary abilities in planning and performing any complex tasks. Innate competitiveness and aggression allow you to firmly hold your business even in large, serious enterprises. For the Dragon, the best choice of profession is a producer, director, military man, actor, architect, lawyer, artist and even, perhaps, president.

Positive traits of the sign: The Dragon itself is generous, independent, bright, noble, adheres to firm principles, and is unusually insightful in critical situations.

Negative traits of the sign: very often the Dragon is a ruthless, self-confident, very demanding, reckless, pompous person. He is self-centered and obsessed with power.


When we mentally return to the year 2000, what animal do we remember? Of course, the mythical Dragon. People born under this sign have a special attitude towards love. Having fallen in love, they become completely unbridled, they want to master the object of their desires by any means. Dragons are completely blind in love, forgive their partners for any mistakes, and protect their love from all kinds of threats.

The dragon, with his inherent lust for power, loves to be surrounded by several admirers at once. His ego demands constant admiration from members of the opposite sex. If the Dragon feels a lack of attention, he begins to demand it. The Dragon easily starts new romances. It is difficult for him to maintain himself at the already achieved romantic heights, however, this happens precisely because he simultaneously starts several love affairs. It is unusual for people of this sign to yearn for a long time; they quickly find another love.

2000: year of which animal? Horoscope of compatibility with other signs

As mentioned above, the Metal Dragon reigns supreme once every sixty years. Tough, power-hungry, he carefully chooses a partner both in business and in love. The power of the Metal Dragon affected the other signs throughout the year 2000. Which animal can be recommended as a mate for a Dragon? What do the stars say?


A hopeless union! Both partners are too stubborn, do not give in to each other, and there is a constant struggle for power. In friendship, the Ox is often delighted by the charm of the Dragon, and he, in turn, by the practicality of the Ox, but this is not enough for marriage. In business relations, only the Dragon can dominate, while the Ox can only pull the plow behind him.


A problematic union, the reason is the eternal confrontation of signs. Friendship is possible if each of the signs does not pretend to be the leader. In business relationships, success is guaranteed if the Dragon gives birth to ideas, and the Tiger implements them in life.


A real fireworks display of feelings, thoughts, emotions. Eternal competition between two egoists, constant struggle for power and authority. Neither of them will yield to the other in any matter. It is worth noting the year 2000, we have already mentioned what animal it represented. Two Metal Dragons can simply burn each other to ashes.


No and no. Two selfish people cannot live under the same roof. If the Dragon is at least sometimes capable of giving in, you will never get this from the Horse.


Not a very reliable union. The Goat may be happy here, but not the Dragon. In many matters, the Goat only gets in the way. In business, business relationships are possible only if the Goat is a director or manager.


A hopeless union. The realistic Dog sees only the negative sides of the Dragon. Eternal squabbling between them will lead to a complete collapse of the relationship.

The most suitable signs for the Dragon


Calm, strong union. The Pig's strength attracts the Dragon, and he, in turn, admires his mental abilities. In business relationships, success is guaranteed, provided that the Pig remains in the shadows.


Maybe. There is no boredom or indifference in this union. The Rooster, taking advantage of the Dragon's successes, flies high himself. The Dragon proposes actionable ideas, and the Rooster implements them.


These two signs are simply made for each other. In any relationship they complement each other. These are two halves. The cunning, dexterous Monkey, with her advice, strengthens the power of the Dragon, and he, in turn, always protects her. Business relationships can prosper forever and generate high profits.


An ideal union! The Dragon can admire the beauty, charm, and charm of the Snake all his life. The longevity and happiness of a marriage depends entirely on the wisdom of the Snake. These two signs understand each other perfectly and complement each other in everything.


Not a bad option. The Rabbit, with its diplomacy, very often brings benefits to the Dragon, calm and peace in the family. Business relations in such an alliance can be called ideal. The smart Rabbit is well versed in financial transactions and commercial transactions, while the power-hungry Dragon promotes business with his entrepreneurship and activity.


A wonderful union! These signs completely understand each other. The Rat always brings benefits to the Dragon, and he always expresses his gratitude to her. Confrontations and contradictions are excluded in this union. One thing... in business relationships, the Dragon must always lead this alliance.

Wooden Dragon

Fire Dragon

Earth Dragon

Metal Dragon

Water Dragon

Wooden Dragon

Fire Dragon

Earth Dragon

Metal Dragon

Water Dragon

Wooden Dragon

Dragon - male yang principle, 1st triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), element of earth.

An exotic, capricious sign, gravitating towards mysticism. This sign is associated with good luck, gaining power, wealth and freedom. The Eastern Dragon is the only mythical animal of the zodiac that does not carry an evil meaning, on the contrary, it represents the harmony of Heaven and Earth.

In life, the Dragon is prone to making quick decisions, impulsive, and often quick-tempered. He likes to take risks, play, and is attracted to the world of pleasures and entertainment. The unpredictability of actions makes it difficult in a long-term partnership. In addition, the Dragon loves to criticize others, sometimes he is too intrusive in communication, harsh in his expressions, and too demanding of others and himself. He loves to be the center of attention, so that his loved ones fully share his interests and do not bother him with everyday trifles. Bright acting abilities, as well as talent in other areas, help the Dragon achieve fame and success in any field. You can rely on him in any matter.

Positive qualities of the sign

Generosity towards all living things pushes the Dragon to noble deeds. Directness and passion compensate for some harshness in communication. He is prone to innovative searches, strives to improve the world, and is demanding of himself. Artistic talent coexists with intellectual baggage. In love he is somewhat eccentric, but loyal and generous. Foresight and insight help achieve goals.

Negative qualities of the sign

The dragon may make excessive demands on a partner and close circle. He is intolerant of other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. The main disadvantage is rudeness and impulsiveness of decisions, selfishness.

In the year of the Dragon Many signs will be able to realize their ambitions, and their ambitious plans will come true. It’s good to show enterprise, ingenuity, and find different points of view on familiar problems. This is a positive period for the Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Tiger and Rooster. Active year for the Dog. Positive period for the Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Pig, Horse and Sheep (Goat).

Celebrities of this sign

Afanasy Fet, Immanuel Kant, Francois Mitterrand, Ernesto Che Guevara, Deng Xiaoping, Alexander Blok, Joan of Arc, Svyatoslav Roerich, Friedrich Engels, Andrei Bely, Salvador Dali, Placido Domingo, Frank Sinatra, John Lennon. Actors: Yuri Yakovlev, Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe, Monica Bellucci, Nicolas Cage, Clive Owen, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Farrell, Reese Witherspoon, Sasha Grey, Agniya Ditkovskite.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Dragon

The Water Dragon will more often show its authority and demandingness in close relationships. Appreciates loyalty and signs of attention and devotion. It will demonstrate superior intellect more subtly than other elements of this sign; it can imperceptibly win the enemy over to its side and reconcile the warring parties. Reliable in marriage and partnership. Successful in society.

Green Wood Dragon

Open in communication, the Wood Dragon generously shares his feelings, which makes him different from Dragons of other elements. He does not look for simple solutions, is original in thinking, and an individualist by nature. A passionate lover, the Wood Dragon will not completely subjugate himself to passion; he always has other interests to which he devotes a lot of time.

Yellow Earth Dragon

The least mobile and active among the Dragons, the Earth Dragon is still faster than many signs of the eastern zodiac. Thoughtful and thorough, the Dragon of the earth element is less impulsive, thinks more carefully about the consequences of his actions, and is very reliable in business and family life. The basis of a long-term union will be the love passion and deep affection of the partners for each other. He especially appreciates the coziness and comfort of the family hearth, carefully protects and creates a special homely atmosphere.

White Metal Dragon

Energetic, easy to communicate, the Dragon of the metal element prefers material well-being. A rational, practical mind does not need an intellectual stock of knowledge, is well versed in energy flows, and is rarely poor. He loves it when people obey him unquestioningly, accepting his beliefs and rightness on faith. A true fighter, a skilled competitor, a successful entrepreneur.

Red Fire Dragon

Tends to dominate in his environment, loves to compete, especially in love and intellectual competitions. A good athlete and a brilliant actor, the Fire Dragon easily achieves success and fame. His passion is explosive, his behavior is unpredictable, his decisions are extraordinary. Fire Dragon is a great adventure in life, not for the faint of heart, but for eternal young souls.