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– The works of the esoteric historian G. Sidorov appeared on the Internet, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a mixture of simple fantasies, plagiarism and abuse, diluted for flavor with several real facts from our past..

Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov– historian (from Torik), teacher at Tomsk State Pedagogical University, member of the Conceptual Unity Party (KUP). Two higher educations - two faculties of Tomsk State University in the specialties “Historical Geology” and “Genetics”.

…. For more than 20 years he worked in the north of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Author of several books and articles about the Vedic culture of the Slavs and Aryans. This, in brief, is the biography of the writer given in the book. Membership in the Communist Party of Petroleum is a little confusing, since the theoretical platform of this party is the Concept of Public Security (KOB - the brainchild of the KGB) - a religious concept quite well known in patriotic circles, where there is a place for both the Koran and the assimilated Chinese, who received an “A” in Russian and became indigenous , and many other outright oddities. Demin and Istarkhov have written a lot of interesting things about the history of the emergence and features of the COB.

But, you never know, party affiliation is a personal matter. Let's take a closer look at the book itself, which, by the way, is named differently: in the text of the artistic afterword on the website, the author decides on the title “Introduction to the Topic”; in the title it is simply “Book 1” from the series, and in the published version - “ Beyond history."

The first thing that immediately surprises is the discrepancy between the stated global topic, level of education, scientific experience of the author G. Sidorov, and the text itself. There is not a single (!) reference to any sources in the text, not a single quote. If the author refers to someone, he does so either in passing or to an unreliable source, for example, the pseudo-journalist Etienne Casse. In the absence of references, phrases like: “As we already know/said/found out” are found in the text of the book more than 45 times (the book is small - 200 pages in medium font). In turns: “don’t think that ....” the thinking of the narrow-minded reader (writer) is directed 12 times into the right direction of the author’s stream of consciousness. Jumping from topic to topic is this author’s favorite technique. There are fleeting mentions of academician Porshnev, a critic of the “Dead Water” theory, Muldashev.

The published version of the book and the one posted on the website are quite different: on the website there is an “artistic coat” - a preface, an insert and an ending that describe the almost detective-esoteric history of writing the book itself, and the author’s doubts about the quality of his work. We will write about this fur coat separately, but the fact is that the writer, in the words of one of the characters, characterizes his style as follows: “Well done, you write in a research style. This is not exactly an academic style. Presented concisely and clearly.”

It is very difficult to agree with such an assessment. The style of research is more reminiscent of a hastily concocted hodgepodge of ancient artifacts available to Sidorov G. at that time, which do not fit into the traditional version of history. For what purpose this is being done, we will try to figure it out a little later, but for now we will present examples of the finds and ideas of Sidorov G.

  • Basic Concepts

The main priority of management is the occult, priestly or “field information impact on the psyche of the average person.” This priority is unknown to the vast majority of people. The border between “initiated” and “uninitiated” people is very clear - the author considers himself (belongs) to the first group.

On Earth there are two races of colonizers - from Orion and from Sirius, the remaining races and subraces are the results of the mixing of these two maternal races with local hominoids - Neanderthal, Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus.

In addition to evolution, there are processes of involution - degeneration of a rational being. Animals are given as examples: a bear, a monkey, which were once intelligent creatures (!).

Rus' - the core of northern civilization, consisting of the descendants of the race from Orion - is a constant antagonist in the fight against “dark forces”.

In addition, the following provisions are of interest:

Sidorov believes that Stalin is an ordained priest who received at least three initiations/initiations in the Russian North. According to the author (G. Sidorov), S. Dzhugashvili (Stalin) realized that in his previous incarnations he was Russian, and discovered the path of the Boreals.

In general, a rather strange interpretation, it is clear that this can be done in different ways, but could Sidorov, a specialist in ancient history, not know how Grinevich deciphered this word? The same one that deciphered the Etruscan inscriptions, the Phaistos disc? His interpretation is as follows - KENAZ in the proto-language (i.e. at the genetic level) means “related to the perfection (refinement) of the earth” or simply, KENAZ - “the intimacy (refinement) of the earth.”

But the interpretation of words and toponymic names is a very subjective matter. Nobody has seen decipherments of ancient texts from Sidorov, but on almost every page he relies on the “Secret Russian Vedas” and oral traditions, which, of course, are passed on from mouth to mouth and only to initiates. Moreover, “it is impossible for the uninitiated to penetrate into the esoteric circle of Orian communities” - a verbatim quote from the book.

Let's guess what Sidorov answers on his website to readers' requests to bring these very Russian Vedas into the light of day:

“It’s easy to say, take George and introduce the reader to the authentic Russian Vedas. It will take a lifetime to write them. And there’s no point in studying them now; what’s the point if we know them? You need to know not the Vedas, but what to do with the proxies of the dark forces who are trying to finish off what has survived from Russia...”

In other words, he gave the reader a “summary of the previous episodes” in a spontaneous retelling, with sources, such as “fuck them, it’s important now to defeat the henchmen of the dark forces.” (!is it a joke!)

“Levashov didn’t use anything stunning, because he can’t do anything; the fact that the egregor of Amon or Yehovah works for him means little on Russian territory. Our national egregor is capable of neutralizing the obvious Satanism of what we call Amon. This is different. Levashov, like Akhinevich, is a protégé of certain special services. So they have magic, and serious magic, in the form of psychotronic and psychotropic weapons. I think you understand why they support him...”

Usually, the polemics of educated people do not involve distortion of surnames, and, accordingly, direct insults, but Sidorov G. publicly (behind his back) calls Alexander Khinevich (an honored, famous person) Akhinevich, which is for the initiated type, the bright type, the knowledgeable type ancient Cossack customs, human martial arts are somehow strange.

As for the figure of N.V. Levashov, then it would be useful for Sidorov to compare his assessment with the assessment of the Public Council of Civil Society (OSSC). This is one of the most serious, truly capable structures, ready to take responsibility for the fate of the country. The OSGO includes almost 300 organizations, and recently, after the death of the outstanding Russian scientist, a special issue of the newspaper “Power, Society, People!” was entirely dedicated to the life and work of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov.

Nevertheless, according to Sidorov, the one who publishes, comments, analyzes the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” (SAV) is included in the “group of traitors Levashovs and Akhineviches,” because there are other, secret, genuine Slavic Vedas that cannot be shown to anyone. And there is no need. Moreover, a good part of the information was obtained through regular connections of Sidorov G. to the information field and “tuning his psi centers to the frequency of the egregor of the temple.” Staroslavyansky, of course, de. The author, thanks to several initiations received in the “esoteric circle of Orian communities,” can still do more than that. By the way, he received initiations in the same places as Stalin. ….

  • Now, let’s look at the “artistic coat” - how the author describes the events preceding the writing of the book, including his dedications.

The plot is simple and interesting. Sidorov learns about an ancient Siberian city, an analogue of Arkaim, and equips an expedition there on his small boat. To carry out your plans you need fuel and a team. Let us describe the “recruitment of personnel,” namely, how the writer assembled a team for himself, for whom the official purpose of the trip was to collect and prepare porcini mushrooms. Sidorov took a former hard-working diver, a student who studied in the martial arts section organized by the writer, a friend of this student, his fellow historian, and a former correspondence student whom the writer put on her feet by curing her spine.

That is, in passing, we seem to learn that Sidorov is not only a teacher, but also a skilled chiropractor, and masters martial arts, in general, a real Siberian - “he’s the highlight of the program,” as they say!

Another colorful passenger, by chance, was thrown onto the boat from the investigator of antiquities Sidorov G. - a terry Jew Putansky, who decided to use a passing route to get to the place of investigation as (! attention!) representative of Greenpeace of all Russia. ….

Events are developing rapidly, and almost immediately after sailing it turns out that there are two pederast students on board, a correspondence student with all her might seeking the captain’s love, behaving like a sexually preoccupied female, a historian and a former diver, contrary to the ban of Captain Sidorov G., brought a flask of alcohol on board, which the author hid and gave them to drink to their heart's content only on the way back. The Jew Putansky Alexander Khaimovich, naturally interested in the Slavic Heritage, constantly weaves intrigues and rebels against the writer-captain. In principle, the author does not particularly hide the purpose of such an artistic technique; he honestly says: “by chance, a cross-section of Russian society ended up on our ship.”

Well, in fact, having achieved his goal, having received initiation with wondrous visions on the site of the ancient Temple, Sidorov finally decides to tell the population of Russia about its ancient past (in short, he turned everyone in right away). Moreover, the impression of a degenerate team, a symbol of “a cross-section of Russian society,” is fresh. The mentors and teachers in the esoteric circle of the Orian communities approved, so now we’re just on the road. True, in the middle of the book the author lamented a little that the people were not ready, and they were not very much a writer... But!, the party, in the words of a fellow initiate, said - it is necessary. In the afterword the author has doubts again:

“I wrote the book in two months without much stress. But after re-reading it, I was disappointed in myself. At first glance, it turned out to be uninteresting. There was too much in it that was difficult for an ordinary person to agree with....”

It just creates a strong feeling that the author not only persuaded himself to write the book, and subsequently lamented the quality of the work, but also for the reader such an artistic wrapper, with “secret initiations”, entry into the “information field”, should help reduce the lack of trust in the information presented (topic).

In general, all this looks like a very hastily concocted theory and a series of books, which should not give an understanding of the question of how we are being deceived and in what way, but give a second wind to the already notorious KOB (what KOB turned into after the death of the leader, Respected - May His Memory be Blessed).

  • conclusions

For a person who is encountering for the first time interesting facts of ancient civilizations, hushed up and rewritten history, this text may seem quite intriguing in places and even worthy of attention. Some interesting facts that were previously hushed up due to investigation are listed. Having worked in Siberia for more than 20 years, the author talks about the traces of the Great White Race throughout the North.

In general, all this looks more like a clumsy attempt to revive the withering Concept of Public Security by creating KOB-2, which, unlike the previous version with its selfless support for Putin, Stalinism, internationalism and globalism, will rely mainly on the fictitious “Orian” the past, compiled on the basis of “permitted” fantasies and a small number of real facts.

More precisely, this can be described as “fiction of extremely low quality” (for comparison, here is an example of high-quality literature), speculation on a topic that arouses lively and ever-growing interest among the thinking part of the population. An analogue of the creativity of Vladimir Puzakov’s “cedar ringer”.

Born in the Kemerovo region. According to his father, he is a Don Cossack, and according to his mother, he is from an old noble family. Following family tradition, Georgy Sidorov studied Cossack military art from childhood. Subsequently, this saved his life more than once.

Georgy Sidorov graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of Tomsk University. After graduation, he moved to the north of the Tyumen region in the Khanty-Mansiysk National District. He worked for several years in the state hunting inspectorate, where he was involved in counting ungulates and fighting poachers. Then he was accepted into the scientific department of the Yugansky Nature Reserve. This is where his wanderings around the north began. During his 20 years of work in the Subpolar region, Georgy Sidorov visited the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, the Arkhangelsk region, the Subpolar and Middle Urals, and Yamal. He worked on the coast of the Ob Bay, Pure, at the top of Taz and on the Yenisei. In Eastern Siberia, Georgy Sidorov visited the Putorana plateau, lived and worked for some time in Evenkia (Baykit, Surinda, Tura). After Evenkia, the young researcher moved to Yakutia, where he worked on the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Alazeya, and Khrom rivers. Georgy Sidorov lived for several years in the Verkhne-Kolyma region in the capital of the Yukaghirs, Nelemny. He visited the rivers Corcodon and Omolon (Yukaghir Highlands). He worked in Anadyr among the local Chuvans. For work, Georgy Sidorov traveled to the northeast of Chukotka, and he had a dream to visit Russian America. But he failed to implement it.

In all his travels across northern Asia, the young researcher came across traces of the ancient presence of representatives of the white Caucasian race in high latitudes. For two decades, Georgy Sidorov carefully recorded legends and mapped the places where, according to the aborigines, a white mysterious race once lived.

As a result of his research, Georgy Sidorov came to the conclusion that relatively recently, approximately 2-3 thousand years BC. the entire north of Asia was controlled by the ancestors of modern European peoples.

Born in the Kemerovo region. According to his father, he is a Don Cossack, and according to his mother, he is from an old noble family. Following family tradition, Georgy Sidorov studied Cossack military art from childhood. Subsequently, this saved his life more than once.

Georgy Sidorov graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of Tomsk University. After graduation, he moved to the north of the Tyumen region in the Khanty-Mansiysk National District. He worked for several years in the state hunting inspectorate, where he was involved in counting ungulates and fighting poachers. Then he was accepted into the scientific department of the Yugansky Nature Reserve. This is where his wanderings around the north began. During his 20 years of work in the Subpolar region, Georgy Sidorov visited the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, the Arkhangelsk region, the Subpolar and Middle Urals, and Yamal. He worked on the coast of the Ob Bay, Pure, at the top of Taz and on the Yenisei. In Eastern Siberia, Georgy Sidorov visited the Putorana plateau, lived and worked for some time in Evenkia (Baykit, Surinda, Tura). After Evenkia, the young researcher moved to Yakutia, where he worked on the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Alazeya, and Khrom rivers. Georgy Sidorov lived for several years in the Verkhne-Kolyma region in the capital of the Yukaghirs, Nelemny. He visited the rivers Corcodon and Omolon (Yukaghir Highlands). He worked in Anadyr among the local Chuvans. For work, Georgy Sidorov traveled to the northeast of Chukotka, and he had a dream to visit Russian America. But he failed to implement it.

In all his travels across northern Asia, the young researcher came across traces of the ancient presence of representatives of the white Caucasian race in high latitudes. For two decades, Georgy Sidorov carefully recorded legends and mapped the places where, according to the aborigines, a white mysterious race once lived.

As a result of his research, Georgy Sidorov came to the conclusion that relatively recently, approximately 2-3 thousand years BC. the entire north of Asia was controlled by the ancestors of modern European peoples.

Books by Sidorov G.A.

Author's video

The ancestral home of the White Race

Unknown civilizations. Tomsk 2012

What is official science hiding?

Tomsk-2012. First meeting with readers

At the first meeting with readers in Tomsk in early January 2012, Georgy Alekseevich, based on ancient Sumerian written sources and other not so well-known documents, talks about the origins of the Illuminati order, its development and influence on history up to the present day.

Chronological and esoteric analysis - 1. 2007

Chronological-esoteric analysis - 2. 2007

Georgy Sidorov is the author of the series of books “Chronological and esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization.” In his books, he teaches you to think independently and understand that chronological processes on planet Earth are controllable. And they are controlled not only through religion, ideology and economic leverage, but also by more serious forces using methods from the field of psychology and Secret knowledge.

Chronological-esoteric analysis - 3. 2007

Georgy Sidorov is the author of the series of books “Chronological and esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization.” In his books, he teaches you to think independently and understand that chronological processes on planet Earth are controllable. And they are controlled not only through religion, ideology and economic leverage, but also by more serious forces using methods from the field of psychology and Secret knowledge.

Stalin's will. 2006

Illuminati and neo-Stalinism. Novosibirsk, 2012

Sidorov G.A. Conversation with representatives of the PGR (02/08/2013)

Conversation by Sidorov G.A. with representatives of the PGR (02/08/2013).

Sidorov G.A. Origin of the Cossacks part 1

Sidorov Georgy Alekseevich. Lecture 2007. Origin of the Cossacks. Part one.

Sidorov G.A. Origin of the Cossacks part 2

Sidorov Georgy Alekseevich. Lecture 2007. Origin of the Cossacks. Part two.

Sidorov G.A. Energy exchange between a man and a woman. Part 1.

Sidorov G.A. Energy exchange between a man and a woman. Part 2.

Sidorov G. A. Addition to "The Essence of Time". Part 2 / 6

Sidorov G. A. Addition to "The Essence of Time". Part 3 / 6

2011 In his series of lectures, Georgy Sidorov talks about his communication with the virtual club “Essence of Time”, Kurginyan S.E., and gives his vision of what is happening. Georgy Alekseevich talks about his new book, which is outside the cycle “Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization” and will be released approximately at the end of February. The lectures pay a lot of attention to debunking historical myths, and also cover the issue of religion in detail.

Sidorov G. A. Addition to "The Essence of Time". Part 4 / 6

2011 In his series of lectures, Georgy Sidorov talks about his communication with the virtual club “Essence of Time”, Kurginyan S.E., and gives his vision of what is happening. Georgy Alekseevich talks about his new book, which is outside the cycle “Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization” and will be released approximately at the end of February. The lectures pay a lot of attention to debunking historical myths, and also cover the issue of religion in detail.

Sidorov G. A. Addition to "The Essence of Time". Part 5 / 6

2011 In his series of lectures, Georgy Sidorov talks about his communication with the virtual club “Essence of Time”, Kurginyan S.E., and gives his vision of what is happening. Georgy Alekseevich talks about his new book, which is outside the cycle “Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization” and will be released approximately at the end of February. The lectures pay a lot of attention to debunking historical myths, and also cover the issue of religion in detail.

Sidorov G. A. Addition to "The Essence of Time". Part 6 / 6

2011 In his series of lectures, Georgy Sidorov talks about his communication with the virtual club “Essence of Time”, Kurginyan S.E., and gives his vision of what is happening. Georgy Alekseevich talks about his new book, which is outside the cycle “Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization” and will be released approximately at the end of February. The lectures pay a lot of attention to debunking historical myths, and also cover the issue of religion in detail.

Sidorov G. A. Addition to "The Essence of Time". Part 1 / 6

2011 In his series of lectures, Georgy Sidorov talks about his communication with the virtual club “Essence of Time”, Kurginyan S.E., and gives his vision of what is happening. Georgy Alekseevich talks about his new book, which is outside the cycle “Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization” and will be released approximately at the end of February. The lectures pay a lot of attention to debunking historical myths, and also cover the issue of religion in detail.

Sidorov G. A. Secrets of history and management. Novosibirsk 2012

Sidorov G.A. Ethnogenesis and origin of earthly races. Part 1

Sidorov G.A. Ethnogenesis and origin of earthly races. Part 2

Sidorov G.A. in detail about ethnogenesis and the origin of earthly races.

Sidorov G.A. Ethnogenesis and origin of earthly races. Part 3

Sidorov G.A. in detail about ethnogenesis and the origin of earthly races.

Sidorov G.A. Historical process (03/23/2006)

Sidorov G.A. talks about the historical process.

Sidorov G.A. Modern society (8.06.2006)

Sidorov G.A. talks about modern society.

Sidorov G. A. What official science is hiding. Part 1

Sidorov G. A. What official science is hiding. Part 2

Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov denounces official science for hiding facts. Initial original lecture.

Sidorov G.A. The era of Stalin. Part 1 (04/20/2006)

Sidorov G.A. The era of Stalin. Part 2 (04/20/2006)

The truth about Stalin from G.A. Sidorov

Sidorov G.A. The era of Stalin. Part 3 (04/20/2006)

The truth about Stalin from G.A. Sidorov

Sidorov G.A. The main projects of Rus' (04/13/2006)

Historical coaching from Sidorov G.A.

Sidorov G.A. Borean civilization (04/06/2006)

Review of historical facts from Sidorov G.A.

Sidorov G. A. Origin of Latin and Arabic languages

How did Latin and Arabic originate?

Sidorov G.A. Systems Theory (03/16/2006)

Systems Theory

Sidorov G. A. Woman, man and hidden information

Information about women and men that is not officially told to people from G.A. Sidorov.

Sidorov G.A. Sexual relations 05/11/2006

G.A. talks about sexual relationships. Sidorov

Sidorov G.A. The roots of liberal ideology

Political analysis of the current situation

Georgy Sidorov - Talk about the TRUTH

Alexey Gaponov, director of the publishing house "Rodovich" Iriyslav visiting at the expedition base with Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov, writer, author of 4 books "Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization." G.A. Sidorov talks about his new books “Behind Seven Seals” and “The Secret Project of the Leader”, about sensational finds in the Russian North.

The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

Georgy Sidorov about deceiving people about the so-called Tatar-Mongol yoke

Sidorov Georgy Alekseevich - author of the book series “Chronological Esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization"

Born in the Kemerovo region. According to his father, he is a Don Cossack, and according to his mother, he is from an old noble family. Following family tradition, Georgy Sidorov studied Cossack military art from childhood. Subsequently, this saved his life more than once.

Georgy Sidorov graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of Tomsk University. After graduation, he moved to the north of the Tyumen region in the Khanty-Mansiysk National District. He worked for several years in the state hunting inspectorate, where he was involved in counting ungulates and fighting poachers. Then he was accepted into the scientific department of the Yugansky Nature Reserve. This is where his wanderings around the north began. During his 20 years of work in the Subpolar region, Georgy Sidorov visited the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, the Arkhangelsk region, the Subpolar and Middle Urals, and Yamal. He worked on the coast of the Ob Bay, Pure, at the top of Taz and on the Yenisei. In Eastern Siberia, Georgy Sidorov visited the Putorana plateau, lived and worked for some time in Evenkia (Baykit, Surinda, Tura). After Evenkia, the young researcher moved to Yakutia, where he worked on the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Alazeya, and Khrom rivers. Georgy Sidorov lived for several years in the Verkhne-Kolyma region in the capital of the Yukaghirs, Nelemny. He visited the rivers Corcodon and Omolon (Yukaghir Highlands). He worked in Anadyr among the local Chuvans. For work, Georgy Sidorov traveled to the northeast of Chukotka, and he had a dream to visit Russian America. But he failed to implement it.

In all his travels across northern Asia, the young researcher came across traces of the ancient presence of representatives of the white Caucasian race in high latitudes. For two decades, Georgy Sidorov carefully recorded legends and mapped the places where, according to the aborigines, a white mysterious race once lived.

As a result of his research, Georgy Sidorov came to the conclusion that relatively recently, approximately 2-3 thousand years BC. the entire north of Asia was controlled by the ancestors of modern European peoples.

Books by Sidorov G.A.

Sidorov G.A. — The fate of those who imagine themselves to be gods.

More recently, we have all witnessed the revelation of a certain secret force, which in normal times is not visible to the average person, hidden behind the veil of everyday events. But the events in Crimea forced this force to manifest itself clearly. America and the European Union, ruled by it, have invaded Russia’s sphere of influence...

Sidorov G.A. — Military traditions of the Aryans.

For decades, Russian people have been studying the martial arts of Asian and European peoples - China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Greece, England. Without suspecting that in the core of the Russian people there is kept the memory of an ancient military tradition that has no equal. Our ancestors managed to capture and...

Sidorov G.A. — The Radiance of the Highest Gods and the Krameshniks.

The book is devoted to the issue of the impact of information technology on human genetics...
The first part of the book shows modern information technologies and how they affect the human subconscious. The author reveals the unseemly role of modern historical science and tells.

Chronological - esoteric analysis
development of modern civilization.

Book 1. Introduction to the topic... The author wanted, first of all, to teach the reader to think independently and understand that chronological processes on planet Earth are controllable. And they are controlled not only through religion, ideology and economic leverage. There is something else, more serious, from the area...

(book 2)
Chronological and esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization. In the first part of the book, the author sought, using some of the most striking examples from the past, to reveal and show the impact on the human psyche of the main and most effective priority of management - the occult; the fact that magicians set the tone for the development of society was no secret even in ancient times...

(book 3)
The purpose of the books is to teach the reader to think independently and understand that chronological processes on planet Earth are controllable. The author managed to convincingly show that the processes on planet Earth
controlled not only through religion, ideology and economic leverage, but also more...

(book 4)
In the fourth book of the epic, “Chronological-esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization,” Georgy Sidorov talks, among other things, about things that directly concern each of us... About how, who and why drove us into the trap of modern civilization and what is the way out of this trap...

Official site:

There are three traditional branches of paganism in Russia. The first is historical paganism, pre-Christian, now sunk into oblivion. The second branch of paganism hides in dual faith and represents the sweetest superstitions, slander, horrors and corruption. The third branch of paganism is when city fools try to revive the first branch of paganism in the summer at their dachas.

For some city dwellers, the dacha atmosphere calls for drunken conversations about the secrets of the universe, barbecue and group sex. And it is for them that there is an absolutely wonderful movement of dolboslavs, which we will talk about today.

I already told you earlier. True, in the old post I focused more on the non-standard sexual practices of the Orian Sidorians. Or Sidorov?
The important thing is that the Sidorians preach polymarriage in the format of polygamy. Well, the fact is that the two wives of Georgy Sidorov, who shared the wisdom of joint marital duty almost live on air, some time after the publication of the post became embarrassed and removed the advice.
Although, of course, they did it in vain. Who, if not them, can bring the light of sin to the masses?

Between us, the Sidorians are gossiping, that one of Sidorov’s collective wives left her part-time husband and got married. Moreover, this is an event in the Sidorov family from the category of “this has never happened before and here it is again.”
How, after all, civilization has ruined these vile women!

grosse_tete I once noticed that the Orian Sidorians did not limit themselves to dacha debauchery.
I can add that among my friends I have an adherent of this sect. So it’s not only about polygamy and “Vedic Rus'”. Adherents are absolutely sure that our beloved and respected GDP periodically undergoes training and initiation from the ancient “magi” in Siberia, where he allegedly flies to rest (well, Stalin was a sorcerer and magician, but fell under the vile blows of the Jewish masses). And that he fights in “field wars” with dark magicians against the Dark forces led by reptilians who rule the world through biorobots-Jew-Masons. That is, Putin is a white magician and solves problems on a universal scale, and he has no time for any nonsense, such as living standards and crises. Well, Russians are generally the only civilized nation.

But, between us, this was a very short digest from the world of this sect. The Sidorians are creative people, and Georgy Sidorov never tires of bringing the truth to the masses:

1. Before human civilization appeared, there were intelligent insects on Earth. But at some point they became too smart, which ruined them.

5. Saint Sergius of Radonezh was Vedic follower of Svarog and, as best he could, he preached polygamy. When he couldn’t, he remained silent and smiled.

6. In temples and mosques, people are infected with information worms and viruses. But in synagogues they don’t infect anyone with anything, it’s not necessary. For the Jews no need to infect. They are born with information viruses, that is, wormy right away. And, as I understand it, there are no ways to remove their Jewish energy worms.
You can only remove the Jews themselves from this reality, then at the same time the energy worms will die.

8. To a woman Sex once a month is enough. The exchange of energies occurs best through sex.
But you can exchange energies with your gaze, you just need to look longer and with love.

9. Sidorov, according to the follower,