Cotoneaster silvery. Common cotoneaster: decorative properties and practical use

A variety of shapes and sizes, decorative fruits and autumn foliage make cotoneaster one of the favorite plants of gardeners.

Widely distributed in the form of shrubs and small trees in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas, Southwestern China, Central Asia, North Africa and Europe. In natural habitats, they are content with meager, sometimes even rocky soils.

By crossing different types of cotoneaster, magnificent varieties were obtained, unpretentious and growing well on any cultivated soils rich in lime. If you keep these sun-loving plants dry rather than wet, they will be able to withstand partial shade.

The possibilities of using cotoneaster are very good. elegant bush Evergreen Cotoneaster Franchet, which does not shed its beautiful fruits for a long time, it will effectively perform solo, but it will also be good in a mixed uncut hedge.

In the 60s and 70s in the public and private gardens of Western Europe, too carried away creeping cotoneaster planting it in large areas as a groundcover. As a result, all other cotoneasters and the diverse possibilities of their use were almost forgotten.

Of course, types of cotoneaster are good in gardens with branches almost lying on the ground, like Cotoneaster Dummer or cotoneaster horizontal. Like the dwarf forms cotoneaster pressed, they can act both as soloist bushes, and in small groups in flowerbeds, alpine slides, as potted plants on terraces and balconies, in low hedges and borders.

However, there are forms of cotoneaster in the growth of a person, with protruding or hanging branches, with summer, winter or evergreen leaves of a rounded, ovoid or elongated shape, with a particularly beautiful autumn color and bright fruits. Among them, usually evergreen, picturesquely growing shrubs are planted as soloists, for example, cotoneaster willifolia, but in areas with a harsh climate, he needs shelter for the winter. taller species with strong branches, like cotoneaster pimply, planted mainly in hedges.

From the evergreen and always beautiful creeping cotoneaster, you can’t look away in the fall, especially after frosty nights. Against the background of green leaves covered with a white border, red fruit beads are scattered.

Favorite among gardeners cotoneaster early really has a lot to offer: in spring - numerous flowers with a delicate aroma, bright purple autumn foliage, in August and September - fruits sparkling with red lights. Some of the fruits will last all winter, and even until the next flowering, if they are not eaten by birds.

All types of cotoneaster are good honey plants with an abundance of flowers.. Therefore, they have many fruits. In ground cover forms, tiny fruitlets usually sit in the axils of the leaves. In tall shrubs, they hang on the branches in lush clusters. Birds like fruits very much, but, fortunately, they get to the cotoneaster last, when they have already devastated all other trees and shrubs.

The fruits collected in the brush have an unusual color. creeping cotoneaster Dummer. Here you can see a variety of shades of red. The red fruits of the "Cornubia" variety and the yellow varieties of the "Exburiensis" stay on the branches for a very long time. Rare black fruits are characteristic of two types of shrub cotoneaster: small cotoneaster And cotoneaster holly.

The picturesque form of the bush, evergreen or bright autumn foliage and beautiful fruits may well decorate your balcony or terrace. Looks great in a flowerpot flaky-pubescent variety cotoneaster willifolia. Other types of cotoneaster also feel great in pots: different varieties of K. Dammer, K. Horizontal, K. Early, elegant bushes of different varieties of K. Vatter. They all need a good

To create the perfect design for a garden or a house adjoining territory, many land owners are thinking about which species are best to equip on their own. Among the abundance of presented varieties of park plants, you can easily find a representative of the flora from any geographical area. However, most of them never achieve much popularity, but some create a real stir around themselves.

Such overly popular types of domestic household plots include does not differ in special brightness of colors and individuality. Also, it cannot be called recognizable at first sight. However, this does not cause problems at all on the way to the development of new territories. So why cotoneaster horizontal so popular in landscape design? We have to deal with these, as well as find out what conditions are necessary in order to grow this plant in the garden.

Description and characteristics

Cotoneaster horizontal refers to decorative types, which represent the pink family. In its natural environment, it is distributed mainly in China. This graceful plant in the wild is the best decoration of lifeless rocky slopes. The main distinguishing feature of the shrub is in its name. This is primarily a species that creeps in a horizontal position, which is characterized by evergreen foliage.

Plants are quite small its height does not exceed 70 cm, and its width is more than 1.5 meters. The shoots of the shrub are quite branched and create a dense crown. Each shoot is covered with small and rounded dark green leaves, which change to a characteristic crimson hue closer to autumn. The flowering period of this species begins at the end of May and lasts for 3 weeks, while the shoots are covered with small, almost invisible paired or single flowers of a delicate pinkish-white hue. After flowering, bright red small fruits appear on the shrub, which in most cases can remain on the plant until the next spring.

Did you know? The Latin name for the cotoneaster sounds like “cotoneaster”, which in ancient Greek means “similar to This name arose due to the fact that the leaves of one of the species of this plant resemble quince foliage.

Among the many representatives, the most popular among gardeners is cotoneaster horizontal variegatus ( Variegatus). An adult plant is small, its height does not exceed 30 cm in height and 1.5 m in width. This shrub variety has gained particular popularity due to its amazing aesthetic coloring in the autumn. With the onset of cold weather, the green foliage changes its color to an exquisite burgundy with a delicate white-cream border. This feature of the bush gives the garden a special warm and cozy atmosphere in the cold season.

Advantages and Applications

Cotoneaster horizontal in the garden has a fairly wide range of applications. The plant is recommended to be planted in rockeries, near retaining walls. Also, this shrub can be used as a lawn species. The creeping structure of the shoots allows it to completely cover the habitat and become the dominant species on it.

The main function of the plant- this is a complete filling of the space of the lower or middle tier. The shrub is planted in mass or single plants. Either the cotoneaster border has gained particular popularity. To do this, young plants are planted along the contour of the hedge at a distance of 30 cm from each other. After 2 years of free growth, you can safely begin the process of forming a hedge with the help of garden shears. Gradually, the shrub grows and after a few years a full-fledged living fence is formed.

When growing a single plant, a complex crown is formed from the shoots of a bush, which in its appearance can take on a different look. Such a composition in landscape design can be combined with any type of plant, which makes it possible to create unique landscape areas. Also, this species is an ideal component of the "Japanese garden", with the help of a shrub they form characteristic compositions with decorative boulders.

Landing Features

In order to equip the cotoneaster bush in your garden, you will have to be patient and diligent. Despite the fact that this plant is unpretentious, planting it in the open requires considerable effort. The best time for this process is early spring.

Important! Cotoneaster must be planted before the buds form on it, otherwise the plant may not take root in a new place.

Location selection

The plant prefers places with diffused light or partial shade, the lack of light does not affect the decorativeness of the bush, so it develops safely at any intensity of solar radiation. However, the most aesthetically advantageous specimens develop exclusively in conditions of good lighting and the right combination of garden tiers.

Soil for cotoneaster

The soil is one of the first difficulties that you will encounter when planting cotoneaster. Not in all conditions the bush will be well received. The ideal solution would be to introduce a specially prepared substrate from sand, peat compost and turf, which is prepared in proportions of 2: 1: 2 into the hole before planting, it is also important to add lime to the soil at the rate of 300 g per 1 sq. m. The addition of this contributes to almost 100% survival rate of the seedling. Well, the main soil should have good water permeability, since under conditions of stagnant moisture, the shrub develops slowly and may even die soon.

View landing rules

There are several ways to cultivate cotoneaster in a summer cottage: either All of them provide a full opportunity to root this plant in your area, but not all of them are highly effective.


Sowing seeds is the least efficient way to grow cotoneaster, since they do not have a high degree of germination. At the most promising estimates, only 60 percent of the seeds obtained will give a full-fledged viable sprout. In early October, after the fruits are fully ripe, they are carefully plucked and the pulp and skin removed.

The resulting seeds are poured into a container with water. Those that settle to the bottom are suitable for sowing, the rest should be discarded. Next, the seeds are sown in the soil. In the period from late May to early June, shoots appear, which, if necessary, are thinned out. Only after 2-3 years, when the seedlings get stronger, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. In this case, it is important not to forget to pinch the top.

Important!Cotoneaster seeds should be sown in the fall, as they must spend the winter in the soil for favorable seedlings. Without this, their similarity is reduced several times.


Propagation by young cuttings is the most effective way to grow cotoneaster bush in open ground. For this, planting material is harvested in early June. Cuttings are cut from young shoots, after which they are soaked for a day in water or a special solution for rooting. After that, the cuttings are planted in open loosened soil at an angle of 45 °. For rooting, it is best to use a special substrate, which is prepared from equal parts of sand and the material planted in the ground is covered with a cropped top from a plastic bottle with an open neck. The rooted stalk is transplanted to a permanent place next spring.


To get a new plant thanks to layering, in early spring the upper edges of young shoots are dug to a depth of about 10-15 cm. To do this, small holes are created in the soil near the plant, on the bottom of which it is necessary to pour a specially prepared substrate from equal parts of peat and sand. After that, they forget about layering for a year, and only next spring the rooted shoots are cut off and transplanted to a permanent place.


Grafting cotoneaster horizontal- this is the most extraordinary way of cultivating this shrub. To do this, the plant is grown on a special rod, prepared from the trunk of any tree-like plant of the Pink family. The procedure begins in early spring. A cotoneaster sprout is grafted to the top of the trunk, after which all side branches are removed. Before the procedure, the sprout undergoes special preparation: an oblique cut is cut on its upper part, and a wedge on its lower part.

Important! To avoid rotting the top of the grafted cutting, the cut must be treated with garden pitch.

Within a month, the grafted part takes root and begins to grow actively. From this point on, you need to carefully monitor the growth process, cut the plant to form an elegant hat. After 2 years, a full-fledged crown is formed on the stem with its characteristic elegant cap, which any garden can be proud of.

How to care for a plant?

For the most part, caring for this type of shrub is not difficult, since it is not whimsical and does not require special knowledge for this.


Cotoneaster belongs to a species that does not tolerate excess moisture, so this plant does not need constant watering, even in case of drought. The procedure can be carried out no more than 1 time per month. However, in dry and hot summers, the shrub is still recommended to be watered more often; for this, the amount of water for irrigation should not exceed 8 buckets (for an adult plant). In this case, the frequency should be 1 time in 2 weeks. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil at the base to a depth of about 15 cm and, if possible, eliminate


The plant does not need additional nutrients, however in the spring for the cotoneaster is necessary. The first time the procedure is carried out in early spring, with the onset of the first sunny days. To do this, use a special solution. To prepare it in 10 liters of water, dissolve 25 g

Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster) is a non-thorny shrub plant or small tree belonging to the Pink family (Rosaseae). Many types of culture have a decorative appearance and are used in the design of the local area.

Of course, despite a certain similarity in the names of the two plants, there are tangible differences, and the most important difference is that dogwood berries are edible, and cotoneaster fruits that appear in autumn are not always edible. Dogwood is a fruit and berry tree, and many varieties of cotoneaster are represented by ornamental shrubs used in landscape design.

How to plant cotoneaster (video)

Botanical description and habitats of cotoneaster

Deciduous or evergreen, slow-growing shrub with medium-sized, simple, alternate, entire, ovate leaves. The foliage is dark green in summer and turns red in autumn.

The flowers are white or pink, small in size, solitary, collected in corymbs or brushes. Red or chokeberry cotoneaster is an original ornamental culture that grows naturally in Eurasia and North Africa.

Cotoneaster is a non-thorny shrub plant or small tree belonging to the Rosaceae family.

Gallery: cotoneaster (25 photos)

Characteristics of the main types of cotoneaster

Almost all species are undemanding to soils and moisture levels, are characterized by frost resistance and gas resistance, and are also easy to mold. Two species belong to the conservation category.

Cotoneaster chokeberry

C. melanosarpus - popular in the middle zone of our country due to sufficient winter hardiness. The height of the above-ground part does not exceed a couple of meters. The branches are brown with a reddish tint. The leaves are ovate, green on top and whitish below. Inflorescences are racemose, pink coloring . After flowering, edible black fruits are formed.

Cotoneaster chokeberry

Cotoneaster pressed

C. adpressus is a stunted species no more than half a meter high with a crown diameter of one meter. The branches have a creeping appearance. The foliage is relatively small, rounded, light green in summer and scarlet in autumn. Slow growing variety reaches full height by the tenth year of life.

Cotoneaster pressed

Cotoneaster horizontal

С.horizontalis is an evergreen shrub plant no more than one meter high with a crown up to a couple of meters wide. The foliage is rounded, with a glossy surface, green in summer and bright red in autumn. Flowering early, small whitish-pink flowers, after which bright red fruits are formed. Popular undersized variety Variegatus up to 25-30 cm high with a crown with a diameter of up to one and a half meters. There is a white stripe on the green foliage.

Cotoneaster horizontal

Common cotoneaster

C. integerrimus - grows naturally on mountain slopes, as well as sandy and calcareous soils. The height of the above-ground part is two meters. Young branches have hairy pubescence, and adults are naked. The bush has a compact rounded crown with broad-ovate foliage. The outer side of the leaves is dark green in color, with a gloss. The interior is grey, rough. Racemose inflorescences are represented by white-pink flowers. Varietal feature is drought resistance and frost resistance.

Common cotoneaster

Cotoneaster brilliant

C. lucidus - East Siberian species, represented by an upright deciduous shrub, densely strewn with leaves. The above-ground part is not more than three meters high. Young branches are grayish-brown, with pubescence. Stems turn reddish-brown in late autumn.. The foliage is irregularly elliptical, dark green in summer and slightly reddish in autumn.

Cotoneaster brilliant

Cotoneaster Dummer

C.dammerii is a creeping type, evergreen variety, undemanding to soils, long-lived and drought-resistant. Widely used for decoration of parks and squares, as well as in the landscape design of the local area.

Cotoneaster Dummer

Cotoneaster vesicularis

C. bullatus is a deciduous shrub with a height of the aerial part of no more than three meters. It has a very characteristic dark green, glossy, wrinkled foliage. In autumn, the leaves acquire a highly decorative bright red color. The plant is characterized by insufficient winter hardiness for many regions, therefore, in especially frosty winters, it can freeze to a snow cover.

Cotoneaster vesicularis

Cotoneaster splayed

C. divaricatus is a deciduous shrub plant, no more than a meter high, with a dense crown and obovate or rounded foliage. The leaf plate is dense and shiny. Very decorative variety prefers light and fertile loams for growth and development, as well as the most open, well-warmed areas by the sun.

Cotoneaster splayed

Cotoneaster hybrid

"Coral beauty" is an ornamental and low-growing deciduous shrub that has partially creeping and partially arcuately deflected, highly branched shoots. The height of the aerial part of an adult plant does not exceed half a meter with a crown width of up to one and a half meters. The foliage is numerous, small, oval, dark green and shiny in summer, and red or reddish-purple in autumn. The flowers are small, white, with five petals.

Cotoneaster hybrid

Cotoneaster willifolia

C. salicifolius - variable, evergreen shrub plant up to 4-5m high with curved branches and lanceolate-elliptical, oblong-elliptical, acute or pointed foliage with a wedge-shaped base. Flowers are white in color. After flowering, rounded bright red fruits are formed.

Cotoneaster willifolia

Cotoneaster whole

C. integerrimus - with erect stems up to two meters high with young pubescent shoots. The foliage is broadly ovate or rounded, with a blunt or sharp apex, and a rounded base. The upper side of the leaves is bare, dark green, matte, and the underside is covered with whitish or grayish felt pubescence. Flowers in corymbose racemes, pinkish.

Cotoneaster whole

Other varieties of cotoneaster

Domestic and foreign amateur gardeners are also well aware of others, very decorative types of deciduous shrubs:

  • holly (C.acutifolius);
  • close (C. affinis);
  • Alaunian (C.alaunicus);
  • low-containing (C. bacillaris);
  • boxwood (C.buhifolius);
  • Cooper (C. cooperi);
  • woolen (C. flossosus);
  • cellular (C.foveolatus);
  • Franchetti (C. franshetii);
  • cold (C. frigidus);
  • Granada (C.granatensis);
  • Henry (C.henryanus);
  • Hjelmqvist (C.hjelmqvistii);
  • Gammel (C. hummelii);
  • Karatavian (C. karatavicus);
  • milky white (C.lasteus);
  • Lancaster (S.lancasteri);
  • Meyer (C. meyeri);
  • Mongolian (C. mongolicus);
  • membranous (C. rannosus);
  • Parker (C.parkeri);
  • racemose (C.racemiflorus);
  • multiflorous (C.multiflorus).

Very original is the creeping type of nan-shan (C.nanshan) no more than half a meter high with dark green or reddish foliage and pink flowers.

Cotoneaster Nan Shan

Options for using cotoneaster in garden decor

Thanks to its very beautiful and original foliage, the plant is popular in garden decor. Among other things, the crown is perfectly formed. If desired, you can independently, through pruning, form a rounded bush, as well as a hemispherical or cushion-shaped crown. Culture is perfect for decorating rocky gardens, looks original in mixed groups with conifers and decorative deciduous shrubs or flowering perennials. Can be used to decorate borders.

Choosing a place in the garden and planting technology

Many species are a rather unpretentious culture, undemanding to conditions, including fertility and soil moisture. It takes root well on different types of soil, mountain stony and calcareous soils. It is not recommended to plant in areas represented by heavy and clayey, acidic, waterlogged and saline soils. Loamy soil or a soil mixture based on soddy soil and river sand, with the addition of humus or peat compost, is optimal.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in spring, after the soil thaws, but the buds on the plant have not yet opened. The dimensions of the landing pit should be approximately 50x50x50cm. A prerequisite for proper planting is the use of drainage based on brick battle or gravel. The distance between planted seedlings may vary depending on the species. When forming a hedge, planting is carried out not in planting pits, but in advance prepared trenches.

How to cut cotoneaster (video)

Features of cotoneaster care

The culture is unpretentious, but responsive to care, which includes the main activities represented by irrigation, fertilization, timely pruning and proper preparation for wintering.


Irrigation measures are necessary for an ornamental plant in especially hot periods. in the absence of precipitation. It is desirable to carry out watering along irrigation grooves specially made in the near-stem circles. After watering, shallow loosening of the soil and removal of weeds are performed.

top dressing

In the early spring, the culture is fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which can be considered urea, diluted in an amount of 25 g per bucket of water. Also granular fertilizer "Kemira-universal" has proven itself well. In the mass flowering phase, 15 g of potassium and 60 g of superphosphate are applied per square meter.

In early spring, the cotoneaster is fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.


Sanitary pruning can be performed throughout the entire growing season, and you need to form and rejuvenate the crown in the spring, before the buds open. . In the process of sanitary pruning, thickening, old or damaged branches are always removed. Pruning should be done only with well-sharpened and disinfected garden tools.

Preparing for winter

A highly decorative culture has sufficient frost resistance, so it does not require special preparation for the winter period. However, in severe winters, it is recommended to mulch the soil under the bushes with peat, dry foliage or spruce spruce branches, then bend down the branches and cover with a covering breathable material.

Sanitary pruning can be performed throughout the growing season

Cotoneaster breeding methods

Even novice amateur gardeners can independently propagate a decorative perennial. There are several, quite affordable and simple ways of reproduction.

By dividing the bush

Bush division is one of the most convenient and simple methods of reproduction. The division of the bush can be done both in spring and in autumn. For this purpose, the plant is carefully dug up, after which the root system is carefully cleaned of adhering earth, inspected and divided by a pruner into several parts. Each new bush should have well-developed roots. The resulting delenki are planted on a pre-prepared place, and the root neck, when planted, is located on the same level with the ground.

Bush division is one of the most convenient and simple ways to propagate cotoneaster.


In autumn, you need to choose the shoots of the current year, which are attached to the surface by means of metal brackets. From above, the place of fixation is sprinkled with high-quality humus. In the spring, rooted cuttings are carefully dug up, separated from the parent bush and planted in a permanent place.


The cutting method is used when it is necessary to obtain a large amount of planting material at once. It is best to cut the cuttings in June. Trimmings are placed for about a day in water with a growth stimulator. The cuttings prepared in this way are planted in a permanent place in loose and fairly light soil at an angle of 45o. Be sure to cover the planted cuttings to create a greenhouse effect.

Root growth

Some species form a sufficient amount of shoots, which may well be used to propagate ornamental perennials. Young plants are carefully dug up and then transplanted to a separate place. In the first days after transplantation, it is desirable to shade young plantings from the scorching sun.

Some types of cotoneaster form a sufficient amount of shoots, which may well be used to propagate decorative perennials.


A fruit-forming ornamental shrub can be propagated by seed, but this option is very labor-intensive, due to very low seed germination rates. The collected berries are slightly dried, and then kneaded, after which the seed material is removed, washed and laid down for a yearly stratification. It is possible to plant such seeds only after a year, in nutritious and fertile soil.

Diseases and pests of shrubs

Cotoneaster in garden decor (video)

The destruction of insect pests is carried out by processing herbal decoctions based on shag and tobacco, with the addition of yarrow. In case of mass damage, chemical insecticides are used. Against pathogenic microflora, including Fusarium, strong pruning is used with mandatory subsequent treatment with fungicides.


Multi-flowered refers to shrubs the pink family. Eastern Siberia is considered its homeland, but it is extremely rare in the wild and is even listed in the Red Book.

Did you know? Some people think that cotoneaster and are the names of the same plant. However, only a consonant name unites them, since these plants are from different families. Cotoneaster fruits are absolutely unfit for consumption, and dogwood is edible.

Cotoneaster multiflorum: description of a semi-evergreen shrub

A semi-evergreen shrub with which gardeners love to decorate their plots. In height, it can reach 3 m, it can be used both in single landings and in group ones. The leaves of the shrub are broadly ovate, up to 5 cm long. In autumn they are purple-red, in spring they are silver-gray, and in summer they become dark green.

The branches of this plant are thin and curved, in youth they have a slight felt pubescence. In thyroid inflorescences are quite large white flowers. They can reach 1 cm, and their number in each inflorescence can vary from 6 to 20. In autumn, fruits appear that additionally decorate the multi-flowered shrub with their bright red color. Also, the plant boasts good frost and drought resistance.

Cotoneaster multiflorum - the pros and cons of growing the species

Cotoneaster multiflora quite a few benefits. One of them is that it can wonderfully complement the plant composition without requiring much attention from the gardener. Cotoneaster is a frost-resistant plant, it is not afraid of dampness and drought. It will grow well and feel comfortable on any plant, and the plant blooms mainly in the shade.

Dust, dirty air and gases are not afraid of him. But with all the above advantages of the plant, there is still one drawback. To maintain the shape and attractiveness of the shrub, its branches must be cut frequently, otherwise they grow and the appearance of the plant deteriorates.

How to choose a location for growing cotoneaster

Since cotoneaster - hardy plant, it can be done almost anywhere. The shrub is used as giving the suburban area neatness and attractive appearance. The only thing you need to know when choosing a place to plant is what kind of soil and lighting the shrub prefers.


Cotoneaster multiflorum develops best in open sunny areas. But if you chose a place for a shrub in partial shade, you can safely plant a plant there - this will not affect its quality in any way.

The soil

Almost any soil will do, but it will be more comfortable in calcareous soil. However, in sandy or loamy shrubs it will thrive just as well.

Important! Stagnation of moisture or prolonged moisture does not tolerate cotoneaster.

How to plant a multi-flowered cotoneaster

Planting cotoneaster in the garden does not require special skills and everyone can do it. Knowing how to properly prepare the hole, the exact scheme and what time is best to plant a plant, you will not have any difficulties with planting.

Landing dates

Cotoneaster with an open root system is planted in the fall, from late September to early November, until the leaf fall begins and the first frosts come. And seedlings with a closed root system are best planted from the beginning of spring, until the end of August, so that the shrub bushes get stronger before winter.

Planting hole preparation

Before planting cotoneaster multiflorum, you need to prepare a landing pit. For this plant, the optimal size would be a pit of 50 × 50 × 50 cm. To provide it with the necessary level, gravel or broken glass up to a height of 20 cm should be poured into the bottom of the pit. Next, we prepare the soil mixture: for this we mix sand and 250-300 g of lime.

Landing pattern

The landing pattern is quite simple. When planting, it is worth considering the distance from the bush to any other plant or building: it should be from 0.5 to 2 m. This will depend on the size of the crown of an adult plant. When burying the plant, you need to make sure that the root neck is flush with the surface. After planting, the earth must be tamped, watered. The soil around the trunk is a peat layer.

Important! When planted as a hedge, cotoneaster multiflora seedlings are best planted in a trench rather than in a hole.

Rules for the care of cotoneaster multiflora

Shrub care will not take you much time, and in return you will receive an original decoration for your garden. Proper watering, fertilizing and pruning- that's all you need to know when leaving.


The only thing this plant does not like is excess water in the root system. But the rest of the natural phenomena, the shrub will stand with dignity. Therefore, it is not necessary to water it, since even in a drought it can remain without water for a long time. But if dry weather is observed throughout the summer, then you need to water the plant once every 14 days. After rain or watering from the area where the shrub grows, everything should be removed and the soil loosened.

top dressing

Growing cotoneaster multiflorum cannot do without timely top dressing. This plant prefers in the first warm spring days. Prolonged action granules are used as nitrogen supplements. "Kemira Universal" or which needs to be diluted at the rate of 25 g per bucket of water. Before flowering produce another top dressing. To do this, take 60 g and 15 g per m². At the end of the season around the shrub mulch with peat.


Cotoneaster multiflorum responds very well to pruning as it is a plant from which to form all kinds of designs For example:

  • cones;
  • hemispheres;
  • prisms and other more complex figures.
Therefore, this plant is very fond of being used for decoration in landscape design. Annual shoots are cut to a third of the growth. Curly pruning requires special tools and skills. After the formation of a bush of the desired shape, the shoots will grow back as they were formed.

It is also necessary to prune the plant when sick, old, broken branches thickening the bush appeared. Over time, it is necessary to carry out anti-aging pruning, allowing young branches to grow. Such pruning is done in the spring, before the buds open.

Cotoneaster is a racemose or deciduous non-thorny shrub. It is used mainly for landscaping cities in the European part of Russia. It looks especially attractive as a hedge. Also used for single landings on the lawn and curbs.

There are the following types of cotoneaster:

  • ordinary;
  • brilliant;
  • chokeberry;
  • many-flowered;
  • will go.

This article is about common cotoneaster, which grows in central Russia.

general characteristics

Common cotoneaster is a slow growing shrub. It has small dark green (in spring and summer) or red (in autumn) oval leaves. The flowers are usually quite small, pink or white. The fruits resemble small apples. It has such qualities as frost resistance and drought resistance. Not affected by the environment, excellent all the same both in dusty cities and in clean areas. The humidity and fertility of the soil for cotoneaster does not matter, but it will be better if you add a mixture of sand, soddy soil and peat compost to the soil. Lime is a good addition.

Common cotoneaster is considered an ornamental shrub. It makes a wonderful addition to any garden. His the main advantages are the numerous bright-colored berries and the autumn color of the foliage. It makes spectacular borders and hedges.

Landing and care

Plants can be planted in groups or singly. Shrubs are planted from each other at a distance of 0.5-2 meters, depending on the size of the crown. The depth of the hole should be about 50 centimeters. During boarding without fail, organize drainage from gravel or broken bricks so that there is no standing water. If a seedling is planted with a root ball, it must be done very carefully so as not to damage it. The hole should be twice as large as the lump. If the seedling is without a clod, then the roots in the hole straighten, fall asleep and tamp the soil. After that, the seedling is watered.

Common cotoneaster is picky and requires minimal care. With the onset of the first heat, mineral fertilizers, such as urea, must be applied to the soil. In summer, before flowering, potassium sulfate or granular superphosphate is added to the soil.

Near the cotoneaster, weeds should be regularly destroyed. Water the plant several times a month, and also loosen the soil and mulch with peat.

Common cotoneaster loves to be pruned. This procedure is performed in any form and giving any shape. The shrub has the ability to grow quickly.

With the onset of cold weather, the shrub is mulched with peat. To protect from frost, its branches are bent down. You can cover the entire shrub with dry foliage, but this is not necessary, because he perfectly tolerates Russian winters. Only a very fierce cold can ruin it.


Cotoneaster is propagated in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • bends;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction of cotoneaster seeds causes difficulties. They have a very low percentage of germination. Initially, half of the seeds are defective; when soaked, they immediately pop up. The second half of full-fledged seeds are in a state of such deep dormancy that they do not even sprout in the spring after their autumn sowing. That's why full-fledged seeds are washed and laid for stratification and sown in the ground next fall.

Occurs in July and is carried out using cuttings. Use only large and sufficiently developed shoots. A soft shoot that does not bend well is not suitable for these purposes. To speed up the formation of roots, the cuttings are dipped in a solution of heteroauxin. They are planted in greenhouses in washed sand, which is poured in a small layer on a substrate from a turf mixture or humus. Before planting, the soil must be abundantly moistened. Cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees. By autumn, they should develop a powerful root system. After that, the plant is planted in open ground.

In addition, cotoneasters can be propagated by winter cuttings. Shoots need to be harvested in late autumn. In the spring, they are cut 20 centimeters long so that there are three or five buds, and then rooted, like certain cuttings.

It is best to propagate the cotoneaster using taps. This happens very easily: the branches, in contact with the soil, begin to take root. Such a young plant must be carefully dug up and transplanted to another place.

Pest control

Common cotoneaster is not afraid of various pests. It is only necessary to observe the young shoots. Apple aphids may appear on them and on the underside of the leaf. The leaves begin to wrinkle, and the shoots bend and dry out. Also, pests such as fusarium mites and scale insects can attack the shrub. Pests are fought with decoctions or artificial preparations.

The plant can be affected by flavonoids. In this case, it must be treated with fungicides, and the sore spots cut off and burned.

Preparing for winter

The cotoneaster hedge is not afraid of frost and prolonged hypothermia. Winter with a minimum amount of snow will also not be able to damage it. If a too harsh winter is expected, you need to properly prepare the shrub for this. It is covered with dry leaves or peat. You can bend branches to the ground, this will protect the flower buds from frost.

Cotoneaster in landscape design

Cotoneaster bushes are very beautiful and you can make amazing masterpieces from them at their summer cottage, showing a little imagination. A hedge from such a shrub can divide a personal plot into zones. From the bushes you can create wonderful curly plantings. Single plants also look very good, especially for a classic-type garden.

Sheared cotoneaster cushions look great with similar molded shrubs that make up a single composition.

For lovers of landscape design, this shrub will help to express themselves and, thus, make old dreams come true.

Useful properties of cotoneaster

Cotoneaster fruits are non-poisonous and attract birds very well. They rich in ascorbic acid, anthocyanins and phenol carbons. The leaves contain acids and vitamin C in large quantities. Scientists also found glycosides in them in a small amount.

Young shoots with leaves, as well as fruits, are used in folk medicine. The resin of this shrub cures scabies and eczema well. The fruits are good for diarrhea, flatulence and dysentery. In addition, they are very useful in septic conditions. Cotoneaster also helps people suffering from stomach diseases. Herbalists recommend making water preparations from this shrub for the treatment of serious diseases and diseases of the liver. Fruits restore disturbed metabolism. They are extremely useful in diseases such as epilepsy, and also help well with nervousness, hysteria and nervous overwork. A decoction of the leaves is used as a diuretic, and a decoction of branches with immature fruits and leaves cures jaundice.

Cotoneaster harvesting methods

Although cotoneaster fruits are not entirely tasty, however, they are used for tinctures and wines. The fruits can be dried and made into a powder, which, when flour is added, is used to bake gingerbread, and it is also used to make sweets and marshmallows. Berries are also dried and used for a variety of purposes.

Significant contraindications for the use of cotoneaster parts have not been identified, however, this shrub has not been fully studied. Perhaps the development of adverse effects with individual intolerance.