Cabbage and its diseases. Fusarium wilt of cabbage

Diseases of cabbage in the photo

If your plants are still affected, both chemicals and folk remedies can be used to combat cabbage diseases and pests. However, do not forget that in everything you need to observe the measure.

Growing plants must be programmed for success. If it is not possible to allocate the desired area for cabbage, regularly water, feed, organize the protection of cabbage from pests and diseases, it is better not to grow plants so as not to be upset due to crop loss. After all, our desires do not always correspond to the possibilities, and we have to reckon with this.

In this material you can find photos and descriptions of cabbage diseases and pests that cause the greatest damage to the crop.

Cabbage aphid in the photo

cabbage aphid damages cabbage and other cruciferous crops everywhere. It sucks the juice from plants, as a result, the leaves turn yellow or acquire a pink tint, their edges twist down. Heads of cabbage are formed small and loose. Damage is caused by adult aphids and larvae. Adult aphids are light green, up to 2-2.5 mm long.

In summer, these pests of cabbage in the open field multiply without fertilization. Females give birth to larvae that are very similar to adults, differing from them only in smaller sizes and the absence of wings. One female, on average, gives birth to 40 larvae over the summer. In autumn, the bisexual generation of aphids appears.

Fertilized females lay black, shiny, about 0.5 mm long eggs on cabbage stumps and on cruciferous weeds, which overwinter. Up to 16 generations of the pest are observed during the year. The full cycle of development lasts 10-14 days.

cruciferous bugs, populating cabbage, suck the juice from the leaves. In damaged areas, light spots form, the leaves turn yellow and wither. Adult bugs are black, with a metallic green or blue sheen, 6-10 mm long.

As you can see in the photo, these cabbage pests have a clearly visible pattern of bright yellow, red and white spots and stripes on their backs:

Cruciferous bug: a pattern of bright yellow stripes
Cruciferous bug: red and white spots and stripes

Bed bugs hibernate under fallen leaves. In the spring they feed on weeds. Later they fly to cabbage, mate and lay barrel-shaped eggs 0.6-0.8 mm long on the underside of the leaves in two rows. The larvae hatched from the eggs harm from June to August.

Cruciferous fleas on cabbage (photo)
Cruciferous fleas in the photo

cruciferous fleas- small, jumping, black beetles with yellow longitudinal stripes 2-4 mm long. Beetles eat small holes on the leaves; larvae that hatch from eggs in the soil eat the roots. The larvae are worm-like yellow, harmful for 16-30 days, after which they pupate in the soil. In August, young beetles appear, which remain for the winter under plant debris, fallen leaves or lumps of soil.

Cabbage pests in the photo
Stem secretive proboscis in the photo

Stem secretive proboscis, whose larvae in the stems of seedlings eat out longitudinal passages, also harms cabbage. Such seedlings lag behind in growth, after transplanting to the garden they wither and dry out.

Cabbage moth on cabbage (photo)
Cabbage moth in the photo

cabbage moth eats plant leaves. First, short straight or slightly curved light mines appear on the affected leaves, and then windows (leaf tissue is eaten only from the underside). The caterpillars of this cabbage pest are bright green, up to 12 mm long.

cabbage caterpillars whites eat the flesh of the leaf from the edges. Caterpillars are yellowish-green, and large butterflies are white, with black spots, with a wingspan of 55-60 mm - these are they. The pest hibernates in the pupal stage. Has two generations a year. Caterpillars hatch from eggs in 6-13 days.

Caterpillars of turnip whitefish irregularly shaped holes are eaten out in cabbage leaves, leaving veins and part of the pulp around them. And this pest gives 2-3 generations a year and also hibernates in the pupal stage.

Caterpillars of cabbage scoops thick, naked, they cause significant damage to white and cauliflower, especially late varieties. They eat deep passages in heads of cabbage, in which they leave excrement. When water gets into such heads, they rot. The caterpillars are greyish-green, with a yellow stripe on their sides, and feed only at night for 30-50 days. They then pupate in the soil, where they overwinter.

Larvae of the rapeseed sawfly They also eat cabbage leaves. At the seedling stage, the roots and the underground part of the stem are eaten by the larvae of the spring cabbage fly. Damaged seedlings wither, their leaves acquire a blue-violet hue, plants are easily pulled out of the soil. The larvae are white, up to 8 mm long, they feed for 20-30 days, then they pupate and adult flies appear after 15-20 days. Pupae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm.

Larvae of the summer cabbage fly they take root inside the roots and stumps, make moves there. Affected plants lag behind in growth and development, sometimes die.

cruciferous gall midge, whose larvae live in the lower part of the petioles, also damages cabbage. The leaves of the inhabited plants are deformed, the petioles thicken and bend, the apical bud dies.

Cabbage is affected by all types of plant diseases caused by fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens.

Look at the photo of cabbage diseases that cause the most damage to plants:

Black leg of cabbage seedlings in the photo

The most common outdoor cabbage disease is blackleg. Seedlings of different types of cabbage are affected. The root collar becomes brown or black, thin, often twisted and rotted. Affected seedlings lie down and dry out.

Kila cabbage pictured

Kila cabbage is also a fungal disease. Growths of various sizes form on the roots, while the number of root hairs decreases. As a result of the defeat of this type of disease, cabbage cannot absorb water with nutrients in sufficient quantities, the ground part develops poorly, heads of cabbage do not form.

Sick cabbage and peronosporosis (downy mildew). The disease of fungal origin develops on the leaves of seedlings and adult plants, on the stems and pods of the testes. On the upper side of cabbage leaves affected by the disease, yellowish irregular spots appear, on the lower side in these places a weak, scattered, grayish-white bloom is visible. Diseased leaves turn yellow and die.

With black spot (alternariosis) small black rounded spots first appear on cabbage leaves, later they increase in size, become concentric, covered with a black coating of spores of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease.

Cabbage heads are affected

white rot (sclerotinia),

dry rot (phomosis),

gray mold (botrytis),


All these plant diseases are especially dangerous for cabbage during storage. Heads of cabbage become slimy, soften, rot. The stumps also rot. Infection with rot occurs in rainy weather even in the beds.

Of the bacterial diseases, vascular bacteriosis is more common. that affects the conductive vessels of the plant. They turn black, especially intensively along the edges of the leaves. The leaves turn yellow from the edge to the center, dry out, wrinkle, become transparent.

When affected by wet rot, bacteria pathogens most often settle on mechanically damaged, weakened, affected by other diseases heads of cabbage during storage, especially at high humidity and temperature. Affected heads of cabbage become slimy, rot, smell unpleasant.

Black rot (bacteriosis) especially dangerous for cauliflower from the age of seedlings, and then for adult plants. Many small dark spots appear on the leaves and veins. At first they are watery, rounded, then, when the tissue dies, they become brown-gray, with black edges, irregular in shape, merge.

A characteristic sign for bacterial diseases is a transparent light green border around the spot in the light. With a strong degree of damage, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Brown spots appear on the heads of cauliflower. In humid weather, the fabric in these places rots, softens, and emits an unpleasant odor.

Cabbage and various types of the virus are affected.

So, black ring spotting is characterized by the appearance on the leaves of greenish-brown spots with a black depressed border. The leaves dry out, growth and head formation are delayed.

Aphids carry the ring spot virus from plant to plant.

And the mosaic virus most often infects cauliflower, the signs of which appear 4-5 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. Vessels of young leaves, starting from the base, brighten, gradually becoming keltish-white. Vein growth stops and the leaf becomes wrinkled. Sick plants lag behind in growth, their leaves are deformed, inflorescences are not formed. The intensity of mosaic development is closely related to air temperature. The most severe damage is observed at a temperature of +16...+18°C. At + 24 ° C and above, the signs of the disease are masked. The virus is spread by aphids.

Prevention and control of pests and diseases of cabbage

Such an abundance of harmful organisms should not be frightening. With the following measures for the prevention of cabbage diseases, success awaits you.

Cabbage should not be planted in the same place more than once every three years.

To protect cabbage from diseases, before sowing, the seeds are heated by placing them in water heated to +50 ° C for 20 minutes, maintaining a constant temperature (+50 ° C). After that, they are cooled by immersion in cold water.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in one of the preparations ("Epin", "Immunocytofit", "Humisol", "Fitosporin" or other similar growth stimulants) according to the attached instructions.

Seedlings are watered every two weeks with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to prevent black leg.

When planting seedlings, diseased and weak plants are rejected.

If last year there was a cabbage fly on the site, after planting seedlings, Bazudin (30 g per 30 m2) is applied to the soil surface to control cabbage pests.

With the advent of cruciferous fleas, aphids, white caterpillars and other pests, plants are sprayed with one of the following insecticides (Iskra Double Effect, Iskra-M, Senpai, Fufanon, Inta-Vir, Knockdown). These pest control measures for cabbage are repeated as necessary, alternating preparations.

From the end of May, "Metu" or "Metaldehyde" is used from slugs, as well as early morning spraying of pests with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate. To protect cabbage from pests, the soil around the plants is sprinkled with sawdust or sand, slugs do not walk on them. With the beginning of the formation of a head, cabbage against pests is sprayed with biological preparations ("Fitoverm", "Agravertin", "Aparin", "Iskra-Bio", "Bitobaxibacillin", "Lepidotsid"). Against cruciferous fleas, plants are dusted with tobacco dust or wood ash or a mixture of them (1: 1).

When diseases appear, diseased leaves are cut and burned. Severely affected plants are removed completely. To combat cabbage diseases, plants are sprayed with Oxyhom, Abiga-Peak or colloidal gray.

Damage to plants by pests and diseases is interconnected, so the fight against some reduces the harmfulness of others.

Alternariosis (black spot of cabbage)
Symptoms of cabbage black spot: the disease manifests itself in the form of small brown and necrotic spots with dead tissue on various parts of plants. The disease is especially dangerous for cabbage testes.
With the development of black spotting (alternariosis), concentric brown spots appear on the affected tissues with a dark coating of fungal spores.

The causative fungus overwinters on plant debris and on seeds.
The spread of the disease is facilitated by damage to cabbage by various pests (secret proboscis).

Measures to combat black spot (alternariosis) of cabbages: it is necessary to warm the cabbage seeds before sowing in water at a temperature of +50C for 20 minutes, followed by cooling and drying.
It is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of cabbage (planting density, watering, etc.).

It is necessary to remove all weeds, even between rows, to deal with aphids in a timely manner (spray with insecticides).

You can choose varieties of cabbage that are resistant to black spot.
Black spot (alternariosis) of cabbage is spread by seeds.

white rot

white rot

Symptoms of white rot: on different types of plants, signs of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways. It can be rotting of the head, cobweb raids on the underside of the leaves, white bloom on root crops, rotting of the onion bottom ...

Often the disease is common in storage.
The source of white rot can be infected soil.
White rot affects almost all types of vegetables and many weeds. The disease is especially pronounced on lettuce, parsley, cucumber, carrots, horseradish, cabbage, peppers, beans, onions, sunflowers.

The disease is more severe on acidic, nitrogen-rich soils and in cool weather. Measures to combat white rot: you can spray the affected tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and other plants with copper-containing preparations.

white rot

Plant debris must be removed from the garden. It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation when growing vegetables. It is necessary to ensure that crops that are often and severely affected by white rot are not grown in the same place.

Weeds need to be controlled in the area.
Against white rot, carrots are powdered with chalk before being stored. At the same time, you need to store only healthy root crops without damage.
It is important to observe the storage conditions of root crops: temperature 0-+2 ° C, air humidity - 90-95%.

Greenhouses and greenhouses must be disinfected.
It is advisable to inspect the plants regularly (every 10 days).
Increased ventilation helps to reduce the spread of white rot.
The development of white rot is facilitated by the introduction of an excess amount of nitrogen fertilizers.

Belle cabbage crops.

Belle cabbage crops. Belle is a common disease of cabbage, horseradish, radish and many weeds. Leaves, stems, pedicels and testicles affected by the disease seem to be covered with white oil paint.
With the development of the disease, the tissues turn brown and dry.

Clusters of spores form on the leaves, from which they are bent and covered with swellings.
Linen control measures: with a strong development of the disease, the plants are sprayed with copper-containing preparations.

All plant debris must be removed from the garden in a timely manner.
You need to regularly deal with weeds, diseases.
It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation.

Kila cabbage.

Kila cabbage.

Symptoms of cabbage clubroot: spherical or spindle-shaped growths form on the roots of affected plants, which in the initial stage of the disease have the same color as the roots, and then turn brown and rot.
Plants affected by clubroot are stunted, depressed, and often wither. Cabbage heads or root crops are underdeveloped.

Kila is a common fungal disease of cabbage (all kinds), radishes, radishes and many weeds. Most often, the keel is observed in low areas with stagnant water.
Kila affects the roots of seedlings and adult plants, especially the harmfulness increases with a lack of moisture.

Measures to combat clubroot cabbage: it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, even from row spacing.
Plants in acidic soil are especially susceptible to keel.

It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation when growing cabbage (cabbage cannot be returned to its original garden earlier than after 3 years). You can choose varieties of cabbage that are resistant to keel. The disease is spread by spores of the pathogen fungus through manure or soil, where the spores remain viable for up to several years.

Downy mildew of cabbage

Downy mildew of cabbage (downy mildew). Symptoms of downy mildew of cabbage: yellowish spots appear on the leaves of young plants. A whitish coating is visible on the underside of the leaf.

On older (lower) leaves of white cabbage, the spots are reddish-yellow.
Powdery mildew is especially harmful to young plants in greenhouses and to plants at the end of the growing season.
Downy mildew infects all types of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, Savoy cabbage, leafy cabbage, kohlrabi, as well as swede, mustard and some weeds.
Measures to combat downy mildew of cabbage: it is advisable to disinfect the seeds before planting by soaking them in water at a temperature of +50 ° C for 20 minutes or subjecting them to another treatment.

At the first signs of the disease, seedlings are pollinated 3 times with ground sulfur and its planting is accelerated to a permanent place. Before planting, cabbage seedlings can be fed with ammonium nitrate.

At the first signs of the disease, cabbage seed plants are sprayed with copper-containing preparations.
Sick plants should be removed promptly.
Downy mildew is spread by spores of the pathogen fungus through infected seeds.

cabbage mosaic

Cabbage mosaic.
Symptoms of cabbage mosaic: the first signs appear on young leaves in the form of an inconspicuous interveinal mosaic. The veins can be bent and the leaves are then deformed.

With the development of the disease, a dark green border appears on the cabbage leaves, first near the main veins, then on the rest of the leaf. The tissue between the veins is gradually covered with light necrotic spots.

At air temperatures above +25 C, signs of the disease temporarily do not appear. The mosaic affects all types of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, white cabbages, Savoy cabbages, leafy cabbages, kohlrabi, as well as many other plants from the cabbage family (horseradish, radish, radish, turnip, swede).

Measures to combat cabbage mosaic: viral diseases are practically not subject to treatment. Losses are especially great when cabbage seedlings are affected in the early stages. Diseased plants with mosaic symptoms should be removed immediately.

The remains of cabbage plants need to be plowed deep (to a depth of 50 cm).

Vascular bacteriosis

Vascular bacteriosis of cabbage

Symptoms of vascular bacteriosis of cabbage: the first signs of the disease appear on the edges of the leaves. The leaf tissue turns yellow, becomes "parchment", the veins turn black.
Young plants affected by vascular bacteriosis die prematurely. Older plants develop unevenly.
Bacteriosis affects all types of cabbage, especially white, cauliflower, Savoy and kohlrabi, mustard, turnips, rutabaga and other cabbage plants.

Measures to combat bacteriosis of cabbage: keeping seeds in water at a temperature of +50°C for 20 minutes is effective. After that, the seeds are cooled (3 minutes) and dried to flowability.
Seeds should be taken only from healthy plants. In any case, it is better to pre-process them.
Plant debris must be removed from the garden.

It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation when growing cabbage (cabbage cannot be returned to its original garden earlier than after 3 years).
You can choose varieties of cabbage that are resistant to vascular bacteriosis.
The disease spreads by seeds, plant debris, rain, wind.

Dry rot

Dry rot of cabbage crops (phoma).
Symptoms of phomosis of cabbage: in seedlings, the disease affects the cotyledon leaves, stems, roots. Pale spots with black dots appear on the cotyledon leaves.

Phomosis on the stem resembles the symptoms of a black leg of cabbage, but the affected tissue is yellowish-gray in color with black specks. Light brown spots with a dark border appear on the leaves and stalks of cabbage. The lower leaves turn bluish or purple. The leaves of the head may fall off.

Plants affected by phomosis slow down growth, turn pale, the lower leaves acquire a pinkish or bluish tint.
With the development of the disease, the affected tissues are destroyed and dry rot is formed.

Seeds on Phoma-affected plants are already infected.
Phomosis affects all types of cabbage: white, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Peking, fomosavoy cabbage rot, broccoli.

Phomosis (dry rot) of diseased seedlings, seeds and plant debris spreads. The disease is especially widespread in wet years.

Measures to combat cabbage phomosis: it is necessary to remove all plant residues from the garden in a timely manner. It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation. It is advisable to treat cabbage seeds before sowing with a solution of tigam (0.5%).

The development of the disease is facilitated by mechanical damage to the cabbage by aphids and leaf-eating pests, so it is important to fight the cabbage fly and other insects. The same control measures are effective as against downy mildew of cabbage. The infection persists in the soil for up to 7 years.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt (Tracheomycosis)

Symptoms of Fusarium wilt: on affected tomatoes, the disease manifests itself in the yellowing of the lower leaves, then the wilt rises up the stem. On the transverse section of the stem, the brown color of the vascular ring is visible.

Fusarium-affected cabbage leaves become yellow-green, sluggish. Sometimes only one side of the leaf can turn yellow. The leaf blade develops unevenly, which leads to deformation of the cabbage leaf. If you look at the affected leaf in the light, black veinlets of the leaf will be visible. Diseased leaves fall off.

On onions with Fusarium, rot of the tissues of the lower part of the bulb begins, which then spreads to the entire bulb, the roots die off. In this case, the onion feather turns yellow and dies.

The disease causes wilting of cucumber, tomato, cabbage, pepper, onion and other vegetable crops. Measures to combat Fusarium wilt (tracheomycosis): it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology and the cultivation of vegetable plants. Sick plants should be removed in a timely manner (you need to inspect the beds every 10 days). It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation.

Black ring spot of cabbage

Black ring spot of cabbage.

Symptoms of cabbage black ring spot: the first signs appear on individual parts of the plant, then affecting the entire cabbage. First, numerous black spots and stripes appear between the veins of cabbage leaves.

With the development of the disease, light green spots appear on the leaves of white cabbage, turning into necrotic black-brown rings. Necrotic spots seem to be pressed into the leaf tissue and surrounded by necrotic spots.

Brussels sprouts develop light green blisters and leaf curls that develop poorly.
Cauliflower and Savoy cabbage develop yellowish spots or stripes on the leaves, sometimes there are small swellings.

Spotting affects all types of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, white cabbages, Savoy cabbages, leafy cabbages, kohlrabi, as well as many other black spots on the leaves of cabbage asthenia from the cruciferous, nightshade and haze family.

Measures to combat black ring spot of cabbage: viral diseases are practically not subject to treatment. Losses are especially great when cabbage seedlings are affected in the early stages. Sick plants showing symptoms of black spot should be removed immediately.

It is not recommended to arrange beds with cabbage in the neighborhood of collective farm fields where plants of the cruciferous family are grown.
It is necessary to remove all weeds, even between rows, to deal with aphids in a timely manner (spray with insecticides).

The remains of plant-spotted cabbage leaves should be deeply plowed (to a depth of 50 cm).
Cause of disease: Viral disease of cabbage.
Viruses spread with the juice of diseased plants, sucking insects (aphids), herbivorous mites.


Symptoms of the black leg: the tissue of the root collar of the sprout softens, turns black, the stalk becomes thinner and eventually falls down.
Blackleg is a common disease of seed sprouts and seedlings of all types of cabbage, radish, cucumber, tomato, lettuce and many other plants.

Measures to combat the black leg: it is very important to properly care for seedlings. Too dense crops, elevated temperatures, excessive watering, lack of ventilation are not allowed.

Timely picking of seedlings and planting seedlings are important.
3 days before planting seedlings, the soil in the beds or in greenhouses is watered with a solution of colloidal sulfur (40 g per 10 l of water).
Before planting seedlings, the soil in the greenhouse is watered with a hot solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per 5 liters of water to treat 1 m² of beds). They also prepare the soil for seedlings.

When growing seedlings, it is watered with potassium permanganate (3-5 g per 10 liters of water). River sand or a mixture of sand + ash is poured to the stems of plants with a layer of 2 cm.
You can try to save large good seedlings affected by the black leg by cutting the stem above the damage site. The resulting cuttings are placed in water (it is possible with the addition of root formers) until new roots are obtained.

The most harmful diseases of white cabbage are Fusarium wilt, mucous and vascular bacterioses, but they are also characteristic of other types of cabbage.
To prevent diseases, seeds are treated, crop rotation is strictly observed, and a high agrotechnical background is maintained. The diseases described below affect all types of cabbage: white cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing, etc. The following article describes methods for combating cabbage diseases.

Alternariosis (black spot of cabbage)

Symptoms of the disease: small brown and necrotic spots appear on different parts of the plant.

black spot cabbage

With the development of alternariosis on already affected parts of plants, the spots grow and turn into concentric brown spots with a dark coating of fungal spores, the fungus overwinters perfectly in plant debris and on seeds. The disease is also spread by pests.
Control measures: cabbage seeds before sowing are heated in water at a temperature of +50 ° C for 20 minutes with further cooling and drying.
It is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of cabbage, remove weeds and the remains of cabbage plants.

white rot

white rot

Symptoms of the disease: signs of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways: rotting of the head, cobweb raids on the underside of the leaves. The source of infection is often contaminated soil, especially in acidic, nitrogen-rich and cool weather conditions.
Control measures: it is necessary to spray the affected plants with copper-containing preparations, immediately remove plant residues from the garden, follow the rules of crop rotation, it is recommended to lime acidic soils and remove weeds in a timely manner.

Belle cabbage crops

Belle cabbage crops

Kila cabbage

Kila cabbage

Symptoms of the disease: spherical or oval outgrowths grow on the roots of diseased plants, which at first have the same color as the roots, and then turn brown and rot.
Sick plants lag behind in growth, oppressed and withering, while cabbage heads are underdeveloped.
Control measures : weeds should be removed in a timely manner, soil liming will help to remove the fungus (1-1.5 kg per square meter). You can also fight in the following way - by planting plants on the affected areas that are not only not susceptible to keel, but also destroy the pathogen fungus. So nightshade (tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, physalis) cleanse the earth in 3 years, and onions, garlic, beets, spinach, chard - in two years.

Downy mildew of cabbage (downy mildew)

Downy mildew of cabbage (downy mildew)

Symptoms of the disease: the leaves of young plants are covered with yellowish spots, and a white coating is visible from the bottom of the leaf, reddish-yellow spots on the lower leaves of the white cabbage.
Control measures: disinfect the seeds before planting by soaking them in water at a temperature of +50°C for 20 minutes. If seedlings are affected, then it should be pollinated 3 times with ground sulfur, wood ash (50 g per 1 sq.m.) or a mixture of sulfur and lime (1: 1). Repeat pollination after 5-7 days. A good result is obtained by spraying cabbage seedlings with a Topaz solution (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water).

cabbage mosaic

cabbage mosaic

Symptoms of the disease: on young leaves, spots of an inconspicuous interveinal mosaic appear, if the veins are bent, then the leaves are then deformed. In the neglected form, a dark green border forms on the cabbage leaves, and then the leaves become covered with light necrotic spots.
Control measures: viral diseases are practically not subject to treatment: diseased plants should be removed immediately, all weeds should be removed even between rows, and aphids and other pests should be dealt with in a timely manner (sprayed with insecticides).

Vascular bacteriosis of cabbage

Vascular bacteriosis of cabbage

Symptoms of the disease: the disease manifests itself on the edges of the leaves, the tissue turns yellow, becomes "parchment", the veins turn black, the plants die off.
Control measures: heating the seeds in water at a temperature of +50 ° C for 20 minutes, followed by cooling and drying, plant residues in a timely manner, observe the rules of crop rotation when growing cabbage (cabbage cannot be returned to the previous garden bed earlier than after 3 years), planriz biological preparations are effective, trichodermin.

Dry rot of cabbage crops (phoma)

Dry rot of cabbage crops (phoma)

Symptoms of the disease: pale spots with black specks appear on the leaves, on the stem the disease looks like a black cabbage leg, but the affected tissue is gray with black specks. Sick plants slow down growth, turn pale, the lower leaves acquire a pinkish or bluish tint. With the course of the disease, the affected tissues are destroyed and dry rot is formed.
Control measures: it is necessary to remove all plant residues from the garden, follow the rules of crop rotation, process cabbage seeds before sowing with a solution of tigam (0.5%).
The same control measures are effective as against downy mildew of cabbage.

Fusarium wilt (Tracheomycosis)

Fusarium wilt (Tracheomycosis)

Symptoms of the disease: in the affected cabbage, the leaves become yellow-green, sluggish. Sometimes only one side of the leaf can turn yellow. The leaf blade develops unevenly, which leads to deformation of the cabbage leaf, diseased leaves fall off.
Control measures: it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of cabbage, diseased plants must be removed. Spraying with fungicides, in particular drugs from the benzimidazole group, is effective.

Black ring spot of cabbage

Black ring spot of cabbage

Symptoms of the disease: black spots and stripes appear between the veins of cabbage leaves, with the course of the disease, light green spots appear on the leaves of white cabbage, turning into necrotic black-brown rings, necrotic spots seem to be pressed into the leaf tissue and surrounded by necrotic spots.
Control measures: viral diseases are practically not subject to treatment, diseased plants should be removed immediately.


black leg of cabbage

Symptoms of the disease: the tissue of the root neck of the sprout softens, turns black, the stalk becomes thinner and eventually lodges.
Control measures: it is very important to properly care for seedlings, to prevent too dense crops, high temperatures, excessive watering, lack of ventilation.
The affected plants are removed, the seedlings are watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (3-5 g per 10 liters of water), then the seedlings are not watered at all for a week. -300).

  • Growing Brussels sprouts from seedlings, planting ...

Cabbage is a frequent guest in our gardens. It is not only attractive from a gastronomic point of view, but also has many medicinal properties (for example, cabbage is indicated for cholelithiasis). However, this vegetable is prone to many diseases. What diseases of cabbage are and how to deal with them, our article will tell.

One of the most common cabbage diseases is white rot. Its causative agent is the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The symptoms of the disease include:

  • mucus that appears on the outer leaves;
  • the appearance between the leaves and on the head of a white cotton-like mycelium;
  • then the fungus in large numbers forms black sclerotia. Their size varies from 0.1 to 3 cm;
  • heads of cabbage infected with rot are not stored - they quickly rot. This infects neighboring vegetables.

The disease itself is characterized by a focal character. The above symptoms of white cabbage disease appear before harvesting. Such plants cannot be used in folk medicine, in particular, for the treatment of gallstone disease.

To combat white rot, the following agrotechnical methods are used:

  • preservation during harvesting on heads of about 2-3 covering sheets;
  • prevention of cabbage damage during assembly;
  • timely cleaning;
  • proper preparation for storage;
  • proper storage regime. The optimal temperature regime is (0-1°С);
  • compliance with crop rotation with a period of 6-7 years.

Symptoms of gray mold include:

  • the appearance of mucous bacteriosis;
  • covering heads of cabbage with a brown fluffy coating, which contains spores of the pathogen;
  • with a strong infection, rotting of the vegetable occurs;
  • in the last phases of the development of the disease, black sclerotia appear on the head of cabbage.

Control methods involve manipulations that are largely similar, which are carried out to prevent white rot:

  • timely harvest;
  • prevention of damage to heads;
  • preservation during assembly of 2-3 covering leaves;
  • storage of vegetables in optimal temperature and humidity conditions;
  • disinfection and cleaning of storage facilities;
  • rejection for storage of frozen and damaged heads of cabbage.

In addition, it is recommended to use for sowing varieties that are resistant to this disease. The most popular varieties of white cabbage resistant to gray rot are Monarch and F1 Lezhky. Such varieties are not only used to treat gallstone disease, but also have a pleasant taste.


Diseases of cabbage are varied. And another manifestation of them is Keel's disease. This disease is considered the most dangerous and common among white cabbage crops. Kila for cabbage is as serious in terms of danger as cancer for potatoes. The causative agent of Kila is a fungus that infects the roots of the plant.

Kila symptoms do not appear immediately after infection of the vegetable. Therefore, it is not possible to identify the disease at an early stage. Symptoms of this disease can only be detected when digging up the plant.

Keele's disease has the following clinical picture:

  • slight wilting of leaves;
  • leaves may become yellowish;
  • heads of cabbage may be underdeveloped;
  • swellings and outgrowths appear on the roots. In the future, these growths begin to rot.

As you can see, the symptoms of Kila are not pronounced and if you are inattentive, they can be missed. Therefore, be careful, especially when treating gallstone disease with cabbage.

Control measures for Keele disease include the following:

  1. destruction of affected plants;
  2. cultivating land in places where affected vegetables grow with formalin or Bordeaux mixture;
  3. soil cultivation with colloidal sulfur. For 1m 2 there is 5 g or a 0.4% solution;
  4. thermal soil treatment. This implies heating the soil with steam for 3 hours. The method is used to disinfect the land in greenhouses.
  5. cultural turnover, which is 5-7 years;
  6. soil liming.

Video “Diseases of white cabbage and their treatment


Fusarium wilt of cabbage or its yellowness is another fairly common disease of this plant. The causative agent of yellowness is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. It affects mainly early plant varieties. This is especially true for seedlings.

The main signs of yellow cabbage disease include:

  • the appearance of a specific color of the leaves. They take on a yellow-green hue. The leaf may become this color only partially;
  • loss of turgor leaves;
  • uneven development of the leaf plate;
  • the lesion is localized on the head;
  • leaf fall until the head is completely exposed (with the neglect of pathological processes).

If you make a cross section of the head and petioles of the leaves, you will see dark brown or light brown rings of vessels.

The list of control measures developed against Fusarium wilt includes the following agrotechnical measures:

  • destruction of plants;
  • steaming or replacing the soil;
  • autumn soil disinfection. To do this, you must use a solution of copper sulfate. We prepare it based on 10 liters of water 5 g of the drug.

When carrying out the above methods of struggle, your crop will be suitable not only for purely gastronomic purposes, but also for the treatment of gallstone disease.


Mosaic on cabbage leaves is not uncommon. The causative agent of this disease is a virus that affects all varieties of cabbage known today.

The first symptoms of infection appear within a month after planting seedlings in open ground. The main symptom of this disease in white cabbage is the appearance of a specific mosaic pattern on the leaves.

In addition, the following symptoms of the course of the disease are possible:

  • clarification of leaf veins;
  • the appearance of a dark green border on them;
  • the sheet becomes wrinkled and deformed;
  • in rare cases, necrotic spots appear on the leaf plate;
  • then comes the death and fall of the affected leaves.

Fighting this disease is useless. Therefore, when a mosaic is detected, all affected plants are subject to immediate destruction. Affected heads of cabbage should not be eaten, and even more so used to treat gallstone disease, even when infected leaves are removed. Only preventive measures are possible here, which include:

  • weeding beds from weeds;
  • treatment of plants with insecticides, since ticks and aphids are carriers of the virus;
  • planting seedlings away from state farm fields.

downy mildew

In addition to the above diseases of cabbage, another fairly common ailment is downy mildew or downy mildew. The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Peronospora parasitica.

The symptomatic picture with downy mildew has the following manifestations:

  • reddish-yellowish or gray-yellow blurry spots appear on the leaves. From the bottom of such spots, the formation of loose mycelium occurs;
  • mycelium has the form of forked conidiophores. They end in colorless oval conidia, the size of which varies in the range of 22-20 microns;
  • during one growing season, several generations of conidia are formed;
  • at the end of the season, the formation of rounded yellow oospores is characteristic. It is because of them that secondary infection of plants occurs;
  • Affected leaves eventually turn yellow and fall off.

To combat peronosporosis, specialists have developed the following agrotechnical methods:

  • maintenance in greenhouses of optimal indicators for the development of seedlings;
  • harvesting after harvesting all plant residues;
  • use for seedlings only healthy seeds that do not have external defects;
  • before sowing, the soil is treated with planriz or TMTD;
  • carrying out hydrothermal treatment of seeds. Here it is supposed to lower the seeds into hot water for 20 minutes. Water temperature - about 50 ° C, no more. After that, the seeds should be quickly cooled for 2-3 minutes in cold water.

If the first symptoms appear on seedlings, after planting it must be treated with specialized preparations designed to combat this particular disease.

In the treatment of gallstone disease, plants that have even slight signs of this disease are by no means used.


The black leg of cabbage most often affects seedlings. It is considered a very dangerous disease. The group of pathogens includes various types of fungi.

Its characteristic features include the following manifestations:

  • the affected part of the stem becomes watery;
  • darkening (sometimes it can turn brown) with further decay of the lower part of the stem;
  • thinning of the root neck and further darkening with the formation of a constriction;
  • in the future, the death of the whole plant is possible.

In the active stage of the disease, neighboring plants are infected.

If infected seedlings are planted in the ground, then the plants will take root poorly due to a weak root system and often stop developing or die.

The following control measures have been developed for this disease:

  • planting those varieties of cabbage that are highly resistant to this disease. These varieties include, for example, Kazachok, but the varieties Belorusskaya 455, Moscow late 9 and Amager 611 are considered the most affected;
  • disinfection of seeds before planting with biological preparations (Planriz, Baktofit, Fitolavin-300, Fitosporin) or chemical (Cumulus DF, Fundazol, TMTD). Chemical preparations in this situation will be more effective;
  • fresh soil;
  • frequent change of soil and its disinfection with chemicals.

As you can see, there are a lot of cabbage diseases. Therefore, knowing the first symptoms of the disease and methods of dealing with it will help to grow a high-quality and healthy crop that can help in the treatment of even gallstone disease.

Video “Tricks of growing cabbage”

How to protect your crop from diseases and pests, and what to do if misfortune did happen? You will find some tricks for growing, caring for and treating cabbage in the video below.

Cabbage is grown in almost every suburban area. Summer residents with experience know that pests and various diseases regularly attack this plant.

It is very important to recognize them in time, so that treatment can be started in a timely manner. By the way, almost all white cabbage diseases are caused by pests, which are described below ...


Insecticide treatment - a guarantee of protection against pests

At any stage of development, cabbage can be attacked by a wide variety of pests. For prevention purposes, plants should be treated every 10 days with special insecticides:

  • "Zolon",
  • "Sherpa",
  • "Volaton"
  • "Karate",
  • "Sumialfa".

So what are the most common pests that can attack cabbage, and what methods of dealing with them should be used?

Spring cabbage fly

This fly is a small flying insect. It has a body up to 6 mm long, gray color and transparent wings. The greatest harm is caused not by the flies themselves, but by their larvae, which reach a length of 8 mm and have a white color.

spring cabbage fly

They overwinter in the soil where cabbage is grown. First, they damage the roots of the plant, then they begin to eat the roots, and then move on to the stems of the plant. Eating moves in them.

Ways to fight

  • First you need to make a habit of regularly fighting weeds. After harvesting, you also need to remove all the remains of the plant from the ground, and dig up the soil.
  • It is important to follow the rules of crop rotation.
  • In case of damage, it is necessary to spray the cabbage with solutions of Rovikurt, Ambush, Tolkord - a concentration of 0.1%. You can also use for processing preparations "Corsair" or "Anometrin" - a concentration of 0.6%.

cabbage scoop

It is the most dangerous cabbage pest. With its appearance and growth, mass death of plants can occur. During the day, the mole hides under the leaves, and begins to lead an active life with the onset of twilight.

It is a butterfly up to five centimeters in size. It has brown wings with transverse light stripes. The caterpillars of these butterflies cause the greatest harm. They are green with yellow stripes on the sides.

cabbage scoop

Ways to fight

  • It is necessary to remove weeds and plant residues in a timely manner after harvesting.
  • After harvesting, it is necessary to dig up the soil, since it is in it that the caterpillars of this pest live.
  • If the pest was found, you need to spray the plants with the following preparations: Ambush, Sumicidin, Tsimbush, Talkord, Belofos, Sumicidin, Gomelin, Cyanox. these drugs must be diluted in accordance with the instructions that are always attached to them.

Aphid cabbage

Cabbage aphid - a small pest

It is a small sucking pest. The body length reaches 2.5 mm. Aphids settle on the top of the cabbage, stem and inflorescences, as well as on the leaves on both sides. Can cause significant damage. Up to 15 generations of aphids can change on cabbage in one season.

Ways to fight

  • Weeds and plant debris must be removed from the beds in a timely manner.
  • An excellent effect is given by the fight against aphids with the help of entomophagous insects that consume aphids for food. Therefore, ladybugs, hover flies with larvae, mosquitoes can be settled on the beds. You can use parasitic insects that will lay their larvae in the bodies of aphids.
  • To attract beneficial insects to cabbage that can destroy aphids, you need to plant celery, carrots, and dill next to it.
  • In the event of an aphid attack on cabbage, the following drugs will help: Tolkodorm, Ambush, Corsair, Rovikur, Antio (see instructions).
  • Soil moisture must be maintained at 85 percent, then cabbage aphids will not settle on plants.

Cruciferous flea

cruciferous flea

A fairly common pest of cabbage. Appears in early spring. In addition to cabbage, it eats colza and radish. In heat and drought, the number of fleas increases at times. Insects eat cabbage, leaving round holes behind them. Most often, the growth point is damaged.

If measures are not taken in time, fleas can eat the plant in a day, leaving only the stems. In June, they lay their eggs on the ground surface. The larvae begin to feed on the roots of the plant, but do not carry much harm.

However, after 25 days they turn into adult cruciferous fleas that pupate. After 10 days, new individuals appear that damage plants even more. The threshold of harmfulness is two beetles per plant. Fleas overwinter in the ground, where they go in autumn.

Ways to fight

  • It is important to violate the conditions for the existence of cruciferous fleas, that is, to create a humid environment (soil and air).
  • Plants benefit from tobacco dust or ashes.
  • It is important to consider that with the development of the fifth leaf, fleas leave the plant.


This is what a bear looks like

It is the most aggressive pest. Is omnivorous. Can massively damage cabbage. It lives in the soil in long burrows, from which it emerges in May.

Ways to fight

  • A fairly effective remedy for bears is Bankol (50 percent). To do this, ground corn kernels need to be steamed until swelling. Per kilogram of ground grain, add 7 g of the drug, and then mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mixture to infuse for up to 7 hours on the lid. Before placing the bait on the beds, add 50 ml of oil there. The mixture can either be simply laid out on the ground, or compacted inside.

cabbage fire

Butterfly with wingspan 3 cm. Brown wings with wavy stripes. The caterpillars of this insect are most dangerous for cabbage. They live on leaves and infect them.

Ways to fight

Long-legged harmful

The insect resembles a mosquito with long legs. The case reaches a length of 2.5 cm. Long-legs hibernate in the ground, and in the spring they begin to damage the roots of plants. Dangerous for young plants.

Ways to fight

  • It is important to remove plant debris after harvest.
  • It is important to observe crop rotation.
  • If the pest has already been detected, then it is advisable to spray the plants with calcium cyanamide, which inhibits the reproduction of the weevil.

cabbage leaf beetle

Cabbage leaf beetle - pest beetle

It has another name - babanukha. It is a black beetle with a greenish shell and brown paws. They hibernate in the soil on the remains of plants and manure. It infects cabbage leaves, attacks in June.

Ways to fight

  • It is important to remove the remains of plants in the fall before wintering.
  • If the pest is found, then the cabbage should be sprayed with Aktellik (0.15%).


In order for the cabbage to be damaged by diseases as rarely as possible, it is necessary to observe a good agrotechnical background, observe the rules of crop rotation, and seed dressing must be carried out before planting. The diseases described below affect all types of cabbage.

black spot

black spot cabbage

Another name for cabbage black spot is Alternariosis. With this disease, brown necrotic spots appear on different parts of the cabbage. As they spread, they become large brown spots with a fungal coating. The carriers of the disease overwinter in seeds and plant debris. The disease is spread by pests.

Ways to fight

  • Before sowing, the seeds must be heated in water to +50 degrees Celsius, then cooled and dried.
  • Weeds and plant debris must be removed in time.


The main symptom of the disease is growths that grow on the roots of cabbage. The growths are in the form of a ball or oval. At first, the growths are similar in color to the roots, and then become brown. Affected plants begin to lag behind in growth. Heads of cabbage are underdeveloped.

Ways to fight

downy mildew

It also has another name - peronosporosis. The first sign of the disease is yellow spots on the leaves. On the lower leaves of white cabbage - red spots. From below, the pouring is covered with a white coating.

Ways to fight

  • Change before planting must be decontaminated. To do this, keep them in water at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.
  • If the disease has affected the seedlings, pollination should be carried out using ground sulfur or wood ash at the rate of 50 kr per 1 square meter. Pollination should be repeated three times after 7 days.
  • An excellent result is obtained by spraying the plants with a Topaz solution (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water).

Dry rot on cabbage

Dry rot

It manifests itself as white spots with dark specks that appear on cabbage leaves. It resembles a black cabbage stalk, but the affected areas are usually gray in color. The cabbage begins to grow more slowly, and its lower branches become lilac or pinkish in color.

Ways to fight

  • The same methods of combating the disease are effective as with downy mildew.
  • Seeds must be treated with tigam (0.5%) before sowing.


black leg of cabbage

The root neck due to this disease softens and turns black. The stem also deteriorates and eventually dies.

Ways to fight

  • It is important to properly sow, avoiding thickening, excessive moisture and high temperatures.
  • If the seedlings have nevertheless undergone this disease, then the damaged plant must be removed, and the seedlings should be watered with a solution of water and potassium permanganate at the rate of: 5 g per 10 liters.
  • For preventive purposes, it is necessary to spray with Fitoflavin, Baktofit, Planriz preparations.

black ring spot

It is a viral disease of cabbage. At first, you can see dark spots on cabbage leaves. With the development of the disease, large dark green spots appear on the leaves, which then become brown necrotic rings. The spots become as if pressed into the leaves.

Ways to fight

Vascular bacteriosis

Signs of the disease appear on cabbage leaves. They begin to resemble parchment. The veins turn black and the leaves begin to die.

Ways to fight

  • Change before planting must be decontaminated. To do this, keep them in water at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. If diseased plants appear, then the subsequent planting of cabbage on this bed can be done only after three years.
  • You can use the drugs "Planriz" and "Trichodermin".

Mosaic Affected Cabbage Head


Spots appear on the leaves between the veins. When the veins are bent, the leaves begin to deform. If the case is neglected, then the dark green border begins to frame the leaves. Then necrotic light spots appear on them.

Ways to fight

  • Unfortunately, these viral diseases cannot be cured. Plants must certainly be urgently removed from the garden, and with it the weeds and nearby growing plantings.

White rot

The disease can manifest itself in different ways: the head begins to rot, a white web appears on the underside of the leaves. Infection occurs through the soil, especially if it is rich in nitrogen. Low temperatures also contribute to the onset of the disease.

Ways to fight

  • To protect cabbage from pests, you can use toothpaste, you can even dry it. You should take the use of open tubes of toothpaste, pour water and let them brew for a day. Pests don't like this pasta treat.
  • Regularly you need to change the preparations for treating plants so that the pests do not get used.
  • A solution of pharmacy valerian should be dissolved in three liters of water. This solution should be sprayed on young plants. The cabbage butterfly does not like valerian. In addition, after the tying of heads of cabbage, not a single pest will appear.

Thus, the cultivation of cabbage requires careful attention from the first day of sowing seeds. Only high-quality prevention will help to avoid the appearance of diseases and pests on all varieties of cabbage.